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Explain your handle



  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,358 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Nothing special. I just could not decide on a name so it is the first two letters of my first, middle and last name (BE CO KA). Now lets see who can figure out the whole name based on that. image >>

    Ben(jamin) Con(rad) Karr

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • Whitby: Coal town in Southern WV.
  • I"ve Read 2/3 of these post but alas have to go to work. Neat thread will finish later.

    mine is pretty simple and I had it since university (I wrote some stuff and wanted to be anon)

    first name Robert
    middle name Lee

    Hence rlee, changed to arlea and dob
    There is nothing more powerful than the power of goodbye
  • StrikeOutXXXStrikeOutXXX Posts: 3,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bowling is a pretty big hobby for me. In bowling, the term "StrikeOut" is getting 3 strikes in the 10th frame, scored as XXX , hence StrikeOutXXX.


    "You Suck Award" - February, 2015

    Discoverer of 1919 Mercury Dime DDO - FS-101
  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,960 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Nothing special. I just could not decide on a name so it is the first two letters of my first, middle and last name (BE CO KA). Now lets see who can figure out the whole name based on that. image >>

    Ben(jamin) Con(rad) Karr >>

    Got the first and last now just need the middle. image
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,358 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Nothing special. I just could not decide on a name so it is the first two letters of my first, middle and last name (BE CO KA). Now lets see who can figure out the whole name based on that. image >>

    Ben(jamin) Con(rad) Karr >>

    Got the first and last now just need the middle. image >>


    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,960 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Nothing special. I just could not decide on a name so it is the first two letters of my first, middle and last name (BE CO KA). Now lets see who can figure out the whole name based on that. image >>

    Ben(jamin) Con(rad) Karr >>

    Got the first and last now just need the middle. image >>

    COoper >>

    OK, maybe this one should be taken offline since it really distracts from the quality of this thread. image

    I would be happy to answer guesses on PM's.
  • saintgurusaintguru Posts: 7,724 ✭✭✭
    Saints are my game...guru ain't my fame. I have read and embrace eastern Philosophy.

    I liked the way it sounded.
  • My house is home to 2 kids, 3 dogs, 5 cats, and about 50 tropical fish - need I say more?
    Morgan, modern sets, circulated Kennedys, and Wisconsin error leaf quarter Collector
    First (and only - so far) Official "You Suck" Award from Russ 2/9/07
  • johnsim03johnsim03 Posts: 992 ✭✭
    johnsim03 simply means that I became a correspondence chess senior international master
    in 2003.

    Probably less than 20 total Grandmasters and Senior International Masters in the USA.

    Eight years of dog-gone hard work. Still working at it!

    John C. Knudsen, LM ANA 2342, LM CSNS 337
    SFC, US Army (Ret.) 1974-1994
  • What's "cheet posting" as it appears in your sig?

    I have been a collector for over mumbly-five years. I learn something new every day.
  • Didn't want to use my ebay name "too5150" and had just helped my son research a family history paper and found we had some kin folk burried on boothill add I was 40 when joined =boothill40
    Support your local gunslinger, you never know when you'll need him
  • JulioJulio Posts: 2,501
    Real name is Julius and I spent my early summers in Del Rio TX with my Grandfather who lived about a quarter mile from the Mexican border. He owned a small ranch and the hands called me Julio. jws

    The true meaning of a term is to found by observing what a man does with it, not by what he says about it. P. W. Bridgman
  • bidaskbidask Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I manage stock and bond portfolios where the difference between "bidask" is razor thin compared to the coin market.
    I manage money. I earn money. I save money .
    I give away money. I collect money.
    I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.

  • My usual nick, at a dozen other forums, is taken here. The admins won't let me have it, even though there are apparently no posts associated with the account.

    So, I came up with the most descriptive nick I could to explain my presence here, without having to post in threads like this.

    Wait a minute....
    Proudly upholding derelict standards for five decades.
  • WillieBoyd2WillieBoyd2 Posts: 5,109 ✭✭✭✭✭
    William Boyd is an actor I have always admired.
    He played Hopalong Cassidy in the movies and on early television.
    The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
    Coins in Movies
    Coins on Television

  • taxbuster1040taxbuster1040 Posts: 343 ✭✭✭
    I do taxes for a living.....
  • ElKevvoElKevvo Posts: 4,095 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ElKevvo is my usual...friends would call me Kevvo (Kevin is my name) so I stuck an 'El' on the front...

    ANA LM
  • I am the principal of Gwynn Park High School...home of the mighty Yellowjackets. Go figure.
  • USAROKUSAROK Posts: 887 ✭✭✭
    Mine's easy, I'm from the USA and I'm an U.S. Army civilian assigned to the US Forces Korea stationed in Seoul, Republic of Korea (ROK).
  • I thought it would be a fun name and people can pick on me all they want. You can laugh at me or with me, and I don't care which.

    I am not here to sell things. Just enjoying the ride, so it doesn't really matter what my name is or what I do, or to whom I do it. image
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,523 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tempus fugit.
  • Derek is the name I use when meeting strippers at strip clubs. Some of them I date OTC (outside the club).
  • I was a sales rep in the flyfishing industry years ago, then started selling some FF'ing equipment on eBay in 1998.
  • StuartStuart Posts: 9,761 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My parents gave me my forum handle. image


    Collect 18th & 19th Century US Type Coins, Silver Dollars, $20 Gold Double Eagles and World Crowns & Talers with High Eye Appeal

    "Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity"
  • Handle? Oh...right, 10/4 good buddy redneckimage
  • 500Bay500Bay Posts: 1,106 ✭✭✭
    500Bay is the address of my vacation home.

    I miss summer already image
    Finem Respice
  • holeinone1972holeinone1972 Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭
    I have 2 career holes in one, golfing and was born in 1972.


  • <drawkcab sgniht teg syawla I>

    This was well thought out. I like it bonkrood. I call myself Safe Cracker, because I'm a locksmith, and sometimes have to open a safe.


    My Indian Name is: Runs With Beer
  • It was a Birthday present. image


  • A 58 year-old named Frank who runs 8 miles a day, every day.....................the wonder of it all! image
    Enjoy each day as though it was your last.
  • Moose is one of my hunting dogs name, and a lot of my spare time is spent field trialing, hunt testing and hunting with him.
  • I had a few spork names on AOL; just how that got started, I don't remember, but "sporkadelic" is the one that stuck. (A spork is, of course, a tined spoon, i.e. a spoon-fork.) I grew up in the Sixties, so the suffix "-adelic" has a certain resonance.

    (Excuse possible double post. Some kinda system glitch first time around.)

  • CoinosaurusCoinosaurus Posts: 9,623 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Back in the rec.collecting.coins (Usenet) days, someone posted under the name "coinsrus", which you were supposed to read "coins are us", but somehow the name always confused me.

    Rec.collecting.coins, of course, has the distinction of being one of the few (only?) Usenet newsgroups that has ever been sued. How one is supposed to collect a judgment from the Usenet isn't quite clear to me. It's sort like suieng the Marianas Trench or something.
  • We'll I'm a huge Star Wars fan, (original trilogy) and Boba Fett was the coolest character...I've become attached to it...its my Ebay handle and thus my name here. I was born in 1972.

    p.s. I still have all my original Star Wars Figures including quite a few Boba Fetts
  • As a rule for the hometheaterforum, you could not use nicknames. Subsequently, I've used Chuck C for all forums to which I belong.
  • Second evolution of name. First was jwilli01 from a company e-mail. I modified it slightly for Hotmail and have used it since.

    John Williams
  • CoxeCoxe Posts: 11,139
    Just 4 randomly selected Scrabble tiles. Funny how things work out.
    Select Rarities -- DMPLs and VAMs
    NSDR - Life Member
    SSDC - Life Member
    ANA - Pay As I Go Member
  • cupronikcupronik Posts: 773 ✭✭✭
    I think mine is relatively easy to figure out. Among my "normal" numismatic pursuits, I have been
    seeking out high grade copper-nickel clad (or in official parlance, "cupro-nickel") circulation strike
    U.S. coinage. I began this area in late-1998 and have become a follower of these series in the same
    manner as one becomes a beatnik, a bolshevik, or any other kind of "-ik", thus the term, "cupronik."
  • librtyheadlibrtyhead Posts: 1,116 ✭✭✭
    librtyhead=When yahoo first came out I reserved libertyhead as an e-mail addresswhen I came here I left out the E ............thus becoming a V.A.M. ...........................................
  • ArtistArtist Posts: 2,012 ✭✭✭
    I am drawn to coins namely for their artistry - in addition, I work as an artist in various capacities. When I applied to become CU Forum member, I thought that when I was choosing a Login name, that that was all it was, i.e. something I would login with, but that later I would be given the chance to select a screen name...

    ...when I realized henceforth that around here I would forever be known as artist, I sort of felt pretentious; however, since a majority of my threads have focused on artistic aspects of coins, I have decided I like the name for the way it lets people know instantly where I am coing from.
  • Aegis3Aegis3 Posts: 2,898 ✭✭✭
    It's an alliteration of my initials.

    Ed. S.

  • A combination of the first 4 letters of my last name and the first 3 letters of my first name.
  • I had the Doors playing when I tried to find a "handle" they are my favorite band , nothing to do with coins lol so.......
    Ebay Seller I.D
  • notwilightnotwilight Posts: 12,864 ✭✭✭
    Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. --Teddy Roosevelt

    I chose this handle after a particularly difficult day in court where I went against my attorney's advice, did not accept my wife's offer, and asked the judge to decide timeshare with the kids. I won the kids but lost some other points (checkerd by failure). Overall I considered it a glorious victory. --Jerry
  • It came from a road runner cartoon. The psudo latin names they would use under the stop action shot of the road runner. "Hot Rodius Maximus" Rodius just stuck with me.

  • My favorite group also!!!!!image THE DOORS
    Enjoy each day as though it was your last.
  • I am from Missouri and my first name is Joe.
    I'm trying to become the person my dog thinks I am
  • renman95renman95 Posts: 7,037 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was in a bar in the highest city in Colorado. I was talking with a young lady who was asking a lot of questions about what I do and what my hobbies are....then out of the blue she blurts out "you're like a renaissance man!" A barkeep yelled out "he's a renman." My wife was sitting next to me and just about spewed her drink. That happened in 1995. For many years, when I would walk into that establishment I would be met with a welcome of "REN!"
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,523 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tempus fugit.

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