My first ANACS slabbed. Will go perfectly with the 2016 Centennial 3 coin set.
Great piece for sure . I bought some, however I wish I had bought many more as they were a great offering from Dan
The neatest one I've seen was offered by eBay seller Jackpot G&S . He had his friend John Schipp a hobo coin carver do a decoration around the open spaces surrounding the coin center . Great idea and well executed. It may be in someone's collection that is a member here . I'm sorry I don't have a pic to show you. There is a lot of room around the center for a carver to work their magic
My ultimate goal was to eventually produce an entire fantasy-date over-strike type set.
But some types do not have a viable (available) fantasy date and/or the original examples of the coin type are quite expensive. I do not envision striking on blanks as an option.
My criteria for the over-striking has generally been that the date imparted was never issued for that type, and the basic over-strike design type was the same as the under-type. This puts the pieces in the category of novelty alterations to existing coins. There have been a few occasions where the over-strike type was different than the under-type, but I never released any of those. There was one exception to the fantasy-date criteria: the 2009-DC "proofed" Silver Eagles. In that case, I did not change the date since the over-striking was done on 2009 Silver Eagles. The apparent surface finish was changed by the over-striking from satin to proof-like. In general, I view the fantasy date as a type of "signature". But since this 2009-DC "proofed" Silver Eagle was not a fantasy-date over-strike, I added one more identifier: a "DC" mint mark.
Example 1 (Lincoln steel cent):
At some point I would like to do a fantasy date Lincoln Steel cent over-strike. But there are no unused (fantasy) dates available in the Lincoln cent type anywhere near 1943. Every year had Lincoln Cents issued. A "1944" over-strike steel cent is not something I would do because valuable original errors of that kind already exist. The next logical steel cent over-strike date would be 1942. But 1942 Lincoln cents already exist (just not in the steel composition). If the over-strike is not a fantasy date, my criteria would be to have two other changes to differentiate them. In the case of the 2009-DC "proofed" Silver Eagles, the two changes were: surface finish; and "DC" mint mark. So a possible avenue for doing a "1942" over-strike steel cent would be to introduce one other change, such as a large "P" mint mark like the war-time nickels had. So the end result would be a "1942" over-strike Lincoln Cent with two changes that differentiate it from regular 1942 Lincoln Cents: the composition (steel); and the large "P" mint mark.
Example 2 (Capped Bust gold $10):
Due to the cost of these, even severely damaged ones, over-striking them would not be economically viable. From a purely manufacturing point of view, because the Capped Bust gold $10 coins are larger in diameter and thinner than later $10 gold pieces, it would be possible to take common Liberty Head $10 gold pieces and roll them out a little and over-strike them. But the result would be a change of the basic design type, not just a novelty alteration to a coin of that same type. So a "1794" Capped Bust struck over a 1901 $10 Liberty gold (for example) would in my opinion need some additional identifier other than just the "1794" fantasy date. A prominent "DC" mark might suffice. I'd have to think about it.
Example 3 (1853 Arrows & Rays Seated Liberty dollar):
This is one that I definitely want to do. If I were to over-strike common-date Seated Liberty dollars, the end result would not be a fantasy date since "1853" Seated Liberty Dollars were originally issued (just not with arrows and rays). But it would be a sort of fantasy sub-type. The question is, do the arrows and rays constitute a sufficient change ? I think I would be inclined to add one other identified such as a "DC" mint mark in the same size and location as the "O", "S", and "CC" mint marks used on other dates in the Seated Liberty dollar series.
The neatest one I've seen was offered by eBay seller Jackpot G&S . He had his friend John Schipp a hobo coin carver do a decoration around the open spaces surrounding the coin center . Great idea and well executed. It may be in someone's collection that is a member here . I'm sorry I don't have a pic to show you. There is a lot of room around the center for a carver to work their magic
Enjoy your new purchase !!
I had a couple of those carved as well a year or so ago. Only the only the ones that had other issues.
We have a member of our coin club who sent several out to carvers around the country for his collection. Some are pretty darn awesome.
I had a couple of those carved as well a year or so ago. Only the only the ones that had other issues.
We have a member of our coin club who sent several out to carvers around the country for his collection. Some are pretty darn awesome.
It seems in the last 3-4 years a lot of unknown carvers have appeared on the scene . Some stuff is amateurish and some is WORLD CLASS ..
This particular piece offers a large canvas, so I can imagine the potential for some amazing carvings .
I wish I could afford Aleksey Subarov as his stuff is absolutely amazing.
Anyone that has seen his piece called " The Coin Collector" knows what I'm saying .
There are some really talented people out there though that only recently have arrived on that scene .
Good stuff for sure !!!
@dcarr For the 1942 steel cent, would you consider a "D" mark instead of a "P" mark? "D" similar to the 1964-D Peace Dollars has more meaning to me because Moonlight Mint is located near Denver and D can also mean Dan Would "P" have a meaning here?
For the "DC" mark, I think that may generally suffice for overstrikes with different details. In a slightly different scenario, the Smithsonian has issued fantasy Confederate cents with correct dates where the only identifier is a "SI" mark on the reverse for "Smithsonian Institute".
@Zoins said: @dcarr For the 1942 steel cent, would you consider a "D" mark instead of a "P" mark? "D" similar to the 1964-D Peace Dollars has more meaning to me because Moonlight Mint is located near Denver and D can also mean Dan Would "P" have a meaning here?
For the "DC" mark, I think that may generally suffice for overstrikes with different details. In a slightly different scenario, the Smithsonian has issued fantasy Confederate cents with correct dates where the only identifier is a "SI" mark on the reverse for "Smithsonian Institute".
I like the "1942" large "P" idea because it just seems strange and yet somehow fitting due to the war nickels. This is partly because no Lincoln cent ever had a "P" mint mark (until this year).
the problem with a true 1974 aluminum overstrike is there is nothing available in the lincoln cent category to overstrike. as he described above, he wants to overstrike on the same type coin.
He likely wouldn't want to overstrike a copperless zincoln either, but I'd like to see one. I think it'd be a good laugh.
@MsMorrisine said:
the problem with a true 1974 aluminum overstrike is there is nothing available in the lincoln cent category to overstrike. as he described above, he wants to overstrike on the same type coin.
He likely wouldn't want to overstrike a copperless zincoln either, but I'd like to see one. I think it'd be a good laugh.
If I were to ever make any sort of aluminum-looking "1974" cent, it would probably be over-struck on a copper-less zinc Lincoln.
My first ANACS slabbed. Will go perfectly with the 2016 Centennial 3 coin set.
Looks like the Buffalo is on a little site seeing trip. Took an excursion to Guam. Gonna be a couple more days till I have him in hand. Oh those crazy guys in the USPS.
@Bigpoppas said:
Question about ANACS for you guys ?????
I tried calling today, however I got back late today and missed them .
I received the email about the $8 submissions Special for G & S US minted Coins with a min 15 coin limit .
Do any of you know if they will grade my D.C. Issues for this price ??
If so is there a max limit of coins submitted at that special price ??
Thanks in advance if you know the answer for sure
Others have sent the DC coins in during those specials, and they were allowed. I have about 10 $2 1/2 Indians I will probably send along with a few DC coins for the special. I think you can do as many as you want, it was just a minimum of 15 coins.
I called them direct a few years back and they told me that they wanted like $13 a coin based on its category . Since then I've seen people say differently.
I just don't want to spend the time and energy filling out all of those forms only to be hit with something more expensive.
I would love to have a great deal of my D.C. Issues slabbed, but at $13 plus other expenses per coin it starts to get expensive for lesser $ amount issues .
I sent 20 of my DC coins on their last special for something like 15 for $140 shipping included. All it said was US coins only. And an extra $10 per over 15. I called and they said Carr items are included. I sent his original work tokens too. They know DC items and are included in their specials. However since this is a silver or gold special the hiccup would be if you wanted to slab his bronze or platinum etc issues imo. I might just send some more off with this special too
A year or so ago I sent in about 20 gold Indians on one of the specials. It wasn't until I sent it that I realized it was only for a tier that did not include gold. I thought they would charge me extra, but they went ahead and gave me the special price! I was pleased.
@CascadeChris said:
I sent 20 of my DC coins on their last special for something like 15 for $140 shipping included. All it said was US coins only. And an extra $10 per over 15. I called and they said Carr items are included. I sent his original work tokens too. They know DC items and are included in their specials. However since this is a silver or gold special the hiccup would be if you wanted to slab his bronze or platinum etc issues imo. I might just send some more off with this special too
Sounds good to me Brother !!
I have a feeling though that some of the stuff I'm going to send them will have them on the phone with Dan
If they know Dans stuff and will accept the $8 grading charge then why would they care if it was bronze, pewter, brass or platinum ??
If they know the his stuff then it doesn't cost them anymore time
I don't know crapola between MS 69 and MS 70, but it may save them time on the phone authenticating DC items by bringing me in .. lol
I could use the work and I like the Colorado scenery
Regarding using the ANACS special offers to grade Dan's coins: I emailed ANACS last year and I was told I could not use last year's Fall Special offer for Dan's coins, but they'd offer me $12/coin for amounts over 20.
I know folks here have received better deals by combining special offers. Maybe it depends on the special offer.
I am very happy with ANACS service and am not complaining. Just FYI.
Yes, it looks like the 1964-D Morgan issue is now in the history books, except perhaps, for some of those "special" strikes Dan has not released (yet). Glad I was able to get a full set at the issue price.
Will there be new die pairs for the 1917 Broken Sword Peace Dollar in our future? Only Dan knows for sure.........
Dan said this ! As of last year, I was planning to eventually make "1931" high-relief Peace Dollars. But that was before I discovered the "Broken Sword" casting. Now that I have done a "1917" High Relief Peace, I'm not planning a "1931". Future plans for over-strike Morgan/Peace dollars include some things in 2021 related to the 100th anniversary of the last Morgan and the first Peace dollars. Maybe a "1920" Morgan using the 1921 hub style, and perhaps a "1920" Broken Sword Peace. Beyond that, I have no plans for any other Morgan/Peace items (unless some other unforeseen and significant artifact turns up).
@edgar said:
ALL listed “1964-D” Fantasy Over-Struck Morgan Dollars SOLD OUT
Sweet. I saw a new batch of PL and Satin Clashed a couple of nights ago around midnight Moonlight Mint time and was able to get one last order in. When I woke up, they were out again.
@edgar said:
ALL listed “1964-D” Fantasy Over-Struck Morgan Dollars SOLD OUT
Sweet. I saw a new batch of PL and Satin Clashed a couple of nights ago around midnight Moonlight Mint time and was able to get one last order in. When I woke up, they were out again.
Me to I bought a Pl no clashing about 1am ! and then he was out so I bought the very last proof (no clashing)
Well, I guess I am only getting the die 2 clashed on ebay. Have all the others and 3 of some, but didn't get the clashed die 2. That means Die 1 clashed (Die 2 very close though) and matte versions are the winners of this.
Beautiful Morgan coins. I wonder how the cheek and field are so smooth and free of bag marks because the coin is over-struck over existing circulated Morgan dollar ... hmn ?
@Rarity said:
Beautiful Morgan coins. I wonder how the cheek and field are so smooth and free of bag marks because the coin is over-struck over existing circulated Morgan dollar ... hmn ?
The new strike obliterates any minor imperfections of the host coin.
@Rarity said:
Beautiful Morgan coins. I wonder how the cheek and field are so smooth and free of bag marks because the coin is over-struck over existing circulated Morgan dollar ... hmn ?
If marks on the host coin are deep enough, those marks will still show after the over-strike.
So when I buy Morgan and Peace Dollars to over-strike, I choose ones that have smooth wear, cleaned, polished, etc. But no deep gashes.
@abcde12345 said:
How about a 1909 S "VDB" but make the "VDB" VBD"?
That is a rather small change from an existing coin, so I would not do that.
I do have a Lincoln Cent item in mind, however, but it is a fantasy date piece.
My latest score off the Bay

My first ANACS slabbed. Will go perfectly with the 2016 Centennial 3 coin set.
Great piece for sure . I bought some, however I wish I had bought many more as they were a great offering from Dan
The neatest one I've seen was offered by eBay seller Jackpot G&S . He had his friend John Schipp a hobo coin carver do a decoration around the open spaces surrounding the coin center . Great idea and well executed. It may be in someone's collection that is a member here . I'm sorry I don't have a pic to show you. There is a lot of room around the center for a carver to work their magic
Enjoy your new purchase !!
Nice. That would be a double art piece. Art on art.
My ultimate goal was to eventually produce an entire fantasy-date over-strike type set.
But some types do not have a viable (available) fantasy date and/or the original examples of the coin type are quite expensive. I do not envision striking on blanks as an option.
My criteria for the over-striking has generally been that the date imparted was never issued for that type, and the basic over-strike design type was the same as the under-type. This puts the pieces in the category of novelty alterations to existing coins. There have been a few occasions where the over-strike type was different than the under-type, but I never released any of those. There was one exception to the fantasy-date criteria: the 2009-DC "proofed" Silver Eagles. In that case, I did not change the date since the over-striking was done on 2009 Silver Eagles. The apparent surface finish was changed by the over-striking from satin to proof-like. In general, I view the fantasy date as a type of "signature". But since this 2009-DC "proofed" Silver Eagle was not a fantasy-date over-strike, I added one more identifier: a "DC" mint mark.
Example 1 (Lincoln steel cent):
At some point I would like to do a fantasy date Lincoln Steel cent over-strike. But there are no unused (fantasy) dates available in the Lincoln cent type anywhere near 1943. Every year had Lincoln Cents issued. A "1944" over-strike steel cent is not something I would do because valuable original errors of that kind already exist. The next logical steel cent over-strike date would be 1942. But 1942 Lincoln cents already exist (just not in the steel composition). If the over-strike is not a fantasy date, my criteria would be to have two other changes to differentiate them. In the case of the 2009-DC "proofed" Silver Eagles, the two changes were: surface finish; and "DC" mint mark. So a possible avenue for doing a "1942" over-strike steel cent would be to introduce one other change, such as a large "P" mint mark like the war-time nickels had. So the end result would be a "1942" over-strike Lincoln Cent with two changes that differentiate it from regular 1942 Lincoln Cents: the composition (steel); and the large "P" mint mark.
Example 2 (Capped Bust gold $10):
Due to the cost of these, even severely damaged ones, over-striking them would not be economically viable. From a purely manufacturing point of view, because the Capped Bust gold $10 coins are larger in diameter and thinner than later $10 gold pieces, it would be possible to take common Liberty Head $10 gold pieces and roll them out a little and over-strike them. But the result would be a change of the basic design type, not just a novelty alteration to a coin of that same type. So a "1794" Capped Bust struck over a 1901 $10 Liberty gold (for example) would in my opinion need some additional identifier other than just the "1794" fantasy date. A prominent "DC" mark might suffice. I'd have to think about it.
Example 3 (1853 Arrows & Rays Seated Liberty dollar):
This is one that I definitely want to do. If I were to over-strike common-date Seated Liberty dollars, the end result would not be a fantasy date since "1853" Seated Liberty Dollars were originally issued (just not with arrows and rays). But it would be a sort of fantasy sub-type. The question is, do the arrows and rays constitute a sufficient change ? I think I would be inclined to add one other identified such as a "DC" mint mark in the same size and location as the "O", "S", and "CC" mint marks used on other dates in the Seated Liberty dollar series.
Struck on a real coin: COIN
Gee just like I said earlier ! cant use blanks for fantasy dates and uses same type coin to over strike !
I had a couple of those carved as well a year or so ago. Only the only the ones that had other issues.
We have a member of our coin club who sent several out to carvers around the country for his collection. Some are pretty darn awesome.
My Ebay Store
Pictures? Please?
It seems in the last 3-4 years a lot of unknown carvers have appeared on the scene . Some stuff is amateurish and some is WORLD CLASS ..
This particular piece offers a large canvas, so I can imagine the potential for some amazing carvings .
I wish I could afford Aleksey Subarov as his stuff is absolutely amazing.
Anyone that has seen his piece called " The Coin Collector" knows what I'm saying .
There are some really talented people out there though that only recently have arrived on that scene .
Good stuff for sure !!!
I don't have pictures of the ones I had carved, they have long since sold. Neither were from big name carvers.
My Ebay Store
A fantasy strike trade dollar would be popular.
The insight is much appreciated
The thought behind the issues makes them even more interesting
It also helps with bio and issue story telling
@dcarr For the 1942 steel cent, would you consider a "D" mark instead of a "P" mark? "D" similar to the 1964-D Peace Dollars has more meaning to me because Moonlight Mint is located near Denver and D can also mean Dan
Would "P" have a meaning here?
For the "DC" mark, I think that may generally suffice for overstrikes with different details. In a slightly different scenario, the Smithsonian has issued fantasy Confederate cents with correct dates where the only identifier is a "SI" mark on the reverse for "Smithsonian Institute".
How about an 1859 flying eagle cent?
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
I like the "1942" large "P" idea because it just seems strange and yet somehow fitting due to the war nickels. This is partly because no Lincoln cent ever had a "P" mint mark (until this year).
That is one that I have thought of, and is probable at some point.
Daniel, How about a 1974-P mint marked Aluminum Cent ?
Overstruck on a ?
Host coin would have to be foreign, maybe US struck for a foreign country that weighs about .93 grams.
Maybe something made for the Philippines ?
I've always liked the improved details of 1974 Lincoln obverse die. And I've always liked Aluminum Lincoln.
the problem with a true 1974 aluminum overstrike is there is nothing available in the lincoln cent category to overstrike. as he described above, he wants to overstrike on the same type coin.
He likely wouldn't want to overstrike a copperless zincoln either, but I'd like to see one. I think it'd be a good laugh.
If I were to ever make any sort of aluminum-looking "1974" cent, it would probably be over-struck on a copper-less zinc Lincoln.
the insight is much appreciated. it's very valuable.
Looks like the Buffalo is on a little site seeing trip. Took an excursion to Guam. Gonna be a couple more days till I have him in hand. Oh those crazy guys in the USPS.

Question about ANACS for you guys ?????
I tried calling today, however I got back late today and missed them .
I received the email about the $8 submissions Special for G & S US minted Coins with a min 15 coin limit .
Do any of you know if they will grade my D.C. Issues for this price ??
If so is there a max limit of coins submitted at that special price ??
Thanks in advance if you know the answer for sure
Others have sent the DC coins in during those specials, and they were allowed. I have about 10 $2 1/2 Indians I will probably send along with a few DC coins for the special. I think you can do as many as you want, it was just a minimum of 15 coins.
Thanks again JW !!
I'm finding you to be about the most helpful guy on all of these coin forums
I called them direct a few years back and they told me that they wanted like $13 a coin based on its category . Since then I've seen people say differently.
I just don't want to spend the time and energy filling out all of those forms only to be hit with something more expensive.
I would love to have a great deal of my D.C. Issues slabbed, but at $13 plus other expenses per coin it starts to get expensive for lesser $ amount issues .
I sent 20 of my DC coins on their last special for something like 15 for $140 shipping included. All it said was US coins only. And an extra $10 per over 15. I called and they said Carr items are included. I sent his original work tokens too. They know DC items and are included in their specials. However since this is a silver or gold special the hiccup would be if you wanted to slab his bronze or platinum etc issues imo. I might just send some more off with this special too
A year or so ago I sent in about 20 gold Indians on one of the specials. It wasn't until I sent it that I realized it was only for a tier that did not include gold. I thought they would charge me extra, but they went ahead and gave me the special price! I was pleased.
Sounds good to me Brother !!
I have a feeling though that some of the stuff I'm going to send them will have them on the phone with Dan
If they know Dans stuff and will accept the $8 grading charge then why would they care if it was bronze, pewter, brass or platinum ??
If they know the his stuff then it doesn't cost them anymore time
I don't know crapola between MS 69 and MS 70, but it may save them time on the phone authenticating DC items by bringing me in .. lol
I could use the work and I like the Colorado scenery
Some of Dan's products include a descriptive card. But some don't.
And even if you're familiar with his products & website, sometimes it takes a while to find the right info -- especially for older low-mintage stuff.
So when there's no card, I make my own. Like this:
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
Regarding using the ANACS special offers to grade Dan's coins: I emailed ANACS last year and I was told I could not use last year's Fall Special offer for Dan's coins, but they'd offer me $12/coin for amounts over 20.
I know folks here have received better deals by combining special offers. Maybe it depends on the special offer.
I am very happy with ANACS service and am not complaining. Just FYI.
ALL listed “1964-D” Fantasy Over-Struck Morgan Dollars SOLD OUT
I enrolled at My USPS yesterday and this morning it gave me tracking number of my current in transit Dan Carr order.
Yes, it looks like the 1964-D Morgan issue is now in the history books, except perhaps, for some of those "special" strikes Dan has not released (yet). Glad I was able to get a full set at the issue price.
Will there be new die pairs for the 1917 Broken Sword Peace Dollar in our future? Only Dan knows for sure.........
Dont want to sound like a broken record but I hope he does a 1920 peace dollar he said he might do !
Dan, can you put a release date below the title when you release new items?
I'd like to purchase 1921 in roman numerals like in the image from the bottom of the article:
I have a feeling that there's a strong possibility of this one happening. We'll have to wait few years to find out though.
Dan said this ! As of last year, I was planning to eventually make "1931" high-relief Peace Dollars. But that was before I discovered the "Broken Sword" casting. Now that I have done a "1917" High Relief Peace, I'm not planning a "1931". Future plans for over-strike Morgan/Peace dollars include some things in 2021 related to the 100th anniversary of the last Morgan and the first Peace dollars. Maybe a "1920" Morgan using the 1921 hub style, and perhaps a "1920" Broken Sword Peace. Beyond that, I have no plans for any other Morgan/Peace items (unless some other unforeseen and significant artifact turns up).
Sweet. I saw a new batch of PL and Satin Clashed a couple of nights ago around midnight Moonlight Mint time and was able to get one last order in. When I woke up, they were out again.
Dan said he would definitely consider a Roman numeral date in the future in this post. Can't wait!
Me to I bought a Pl no clashing about 1am ! and then he was out so I bought the very last proof (no clashing)
I can see a 2021 100th anniversary date coin in 2021 ! but the 1920 dated coin hopefully comes sooner some of us may not be around in 2021 ?
How about a 1909 S "VDB" but make the "VDB" VBD"?
Well, I guess I am only getting the die 2 clashed on ebay. Have all the others and 3 of some, but didn't get the clashed die 2. That means Die 1 clashed (Die 2 very close though) and matte versions are the winners of this.
Im guessing time is running out on these if you want one better get it now !
Beautiful Morgan coins. I wonder how the cheek and field are so smooth and free of bag marks because the coin is over-struck over existing circulated Morgan dollar ... hmn ?
The new strike obliterates any minor imperfections of the host coin.
If marks on the host coin are deep enough, those marks will still show after the over-strike.
So when I buy Morgan and Peace Dollars to over-strike, I choose ones that have smooth wear, cleaned, polished, etc. But no deep gashes.
That is a rather small change from an existing coin, so I would not do that.
I do have a Lincoln Cent item in mind, however, but it is a fantasy date piece.