Name one thing that you falsely claim I am "far fringe" about?
IMHO, you are starting to sound a lot like that phony libertarian Glenn Beck, that is nothing but a mainstream media libertarian. >>
I haven't falsely claimed anything. Besides for all your editing its all out there for the world to see.
Someone already started a list. This puts you on the fringe for me:
Globalists One world system Robots Them Control Deception Fear Propganda Social Engineering Victims White Shoe Conspiracy
Glenn Beck is a tool. Always has been.
Mark >>
Those terms are what is happening in the world today if you would just take the time to research them. Do they sound weird to bring in to the conversation? You bet! But we are living in crazy times. Don't blame me or call me names because you are not as informed as you should be, while claiming to be this great patriot.
Name one thing that you falsely claim I am "far fringe" about?
IMHO, you are starting to sound a lot like that phony libertarian Glenn Beck, that is nothing but a mainstream media libertarian. >>
I haven't falsely claimed anything. Besides for all your editing its all out there for the world to see.
Someone already started a list. This puts you on the fringe for me:
Globalists One world system Robots Them Control Deception Fear Propganda Social Engineering Victims White Shoe Conspiracy
Glenn Beck is a tool. Always has been.
Mark >>
Those terms are what is happening in the world today if you would just take the time to research them. Do they sound weird to bring in to the conversation? You bet! But we are living in crazy times. Don't blame me or call me names because you are not as informed as you should be, while claiming to be this great patriot. >>
1) research? like pulling up fringe articles off the internet and using them as a basis for fact?
2) we have always lived in crazy times. humans are crazy
3) you sure can dish it out but have a hard time taking it
4) anyone who doesn't abide by your lunacy ( extravagant folly) is ill informed? Got it
5) I've never claimed to be a great patriot. That was you Paul Revere Jr.
I'm done, the real world need me.
damn, edited for spelling
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i> 1) research? like pulling up fringe articles off the internet and using them as a basis for fact?
damn, edited for spelling >>
Oh, you mean articles that link to information reported in places like the Wall Street Journal? Yep, that sure is fringe! LOL! You, sir, need to do more research before you start criticizing something you don't even fully understand.
The social programmers try to make us wear motorcycle helmets and they try to keep us from taking meth, and we are victimized by our loss of the freedom and liberty to do those things.
Be outraged at this despotism, these draconian "laws", the complete destruction of the right to do these things that we want to do, that they powers that be and social engineers brainwash the sheeple into thinking are bad, open your eyes for once, hear now and understand later but pay attention all the time and don't be the puppet, instead be the hand of rightousness [emoticon]
<< <i> 1) research? like pulling up fringe articles off the internet and using them as a basis for fact?
damn, edited for spelling >>
Oh, you mean articles that link to information reported in places like the Wall Street Journal? Yep, that sure is fringe! LOL! You, sir, need to do more research before you start criticizing something you don't even fully understand. >>
I was specifically referring your link to You can't make this stuff up. Nice try.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i> 1) research? like pulling up fringe articles off the internet and using them as a basis for fact?
damn, edited for spelling >>
Oh, you mean articles that link to information reported in places like the Wall Street Journal? Yep, that sure is fringe! LOL! You, sir, need to do more research before you start criticizing something you don't even fully understand. >>
I was specifically referring your link to You can't make this stuff up. Nice try.
Mark >>
Oh, you mean the site that does link the info from the Wall Street Journal and other credible news sources that have reported on the plans for a cashless society?
Did you bother to read the article where globalists like Bill Gates are calling for it? The article on even linked Gates' own newsletter outlining his plans for such? Yeah, them dumb conspiracy nuts! LOL! You, sir, are living in denial of what these people are openly telling you they want.
<< <i> 1) research? like pulling up fringe articles off the internet and using them as a basis for fact?
damn, edited for spelling >>
Oh, you mean articles that link to information reported in places like the Wall Street Journal? Yep, that sure is fringe! LOL! You, sir, need to do more research before you start criticizing something you don't even fully understand. >>
I was specifically referring your link to You can't make this stuff up. Nice try.
Mark >>
Oh, you mean the site that does link the info from the Wall Street Journal and other credible news sources that have reported on the plans for a cashless society?
Did you bother to read the article where globalists like Bill Gates are calling for it? The article on even linked Gates' own newsletter outlining his plans for such? Yeah, them dumb conspiracy nuts! LOL! You, sir, are living in denial of what these people are openly telling you they want. >>
ConspriracyAnalyst is a douchebaggery site that feeds into your paranoia.
From the ConspiraryAnal landing page.
"Deception,Illusion and Propaganda are extensively being used to control the people. This blog is devoted to aid in the discernment of the tactics being used to deceive and manipulate society. "Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Make You Free" Christ Jesus"
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i> ConspriracyAnalyst is a douchebaggery site that feeds into your paranoia. Typical self serving fear mongering blog. I see this is where you got your anti vaccine diatribe from.
From the ConspiraryAnal landing page. Well balanced reporting. Wink.
"Deception,Illusion and Propaganda are extensively being used to control the people. This blog is devoted to aid in the discernment of the tactics being used to deceive and manipulate society. "Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Make You Free" Christ Jesus" >>
Funny, the only time I ever visit the site was for the link and article I posted here. You shouldn't assume too much. And it's funny you are now the guy who can deem what site is worthy of being taken credible, and which one isn't? The site you attacked does post their articles, and it appears that they often link to the proof to back their reporting. Kind of hard to deny the facts, buddy.
I guess I see your real problem with the site is a mention of Christ, since you tossed that dart out there. I find that most of the people posting here that don't accept him are the ones with the biggest problem with information about a one world system being posted. That is interesting in it's self.
<< <i> You, sir, are living in denial of what these people are openly telling you they want.
I think the vast majority of us want you to go away. Stop living in denial of this fact. >>
The feelings are mutual, and I have had my share of people privately tell me the same about you. They can speak up if they want, but I will not out them to prevent them from being attacked by you and your clique of same-minded thinkers.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i> ConspriracyAnalyst is a douchebaggery site that feeds into your paranoia. Typical self serving fear mongering blog. I see this is where you got your anti vaccine diatribe from.
From the ConspiraryAnal landing page. Well balanced reporting. Wink.
"Deception,Illusion and Propaganda are extensively being used to control the people. This blog is devoted to aid in the discernment of the tactics being used to deceive and manipulate society. "Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Make You Free" Christ Jesus" >>
Funny, the only time I ever visit the site was for the link and article I posted here. You shouldn't assume too much. And it's funny you are now the guy who can deem what site is worthy of being taken credible, and which one isn't? The site you attacked does post their articles, and it appears that they often link to the proof to back their reporting. Kind of hard to deny the facts, buddy.
I guess I see your real problem with the site is a mention of Christ, since you tossed that dart out there. I find that most of the people posting here that don't accept him are the ones with the biggest problem with information about a one world system being posted. That is interesting in it's self. >>
In regards to that site Stan.....I don't believe you. I actually encourage others to read it. Check out the vaccine blog on it.
As for Jesus. He is cool. I just didn't want to edit anything out from your credible sites landing page.
Edited for dang I Phone typing mistakes
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i> You, sir, are living in denial of what these people are openly telling you they want.
I think the vast majority of us want you to go away. Stop living in denial of this fact. >>
The feelings are mutual, and I have had my share of people privately tell me the same about you. They can speak up if they want, but I will not out them to prevent them from being attacked by you and your clique of same-minded thinkers. >>
I was here first. Neener, neener, neener.
Attack....thats another word for the list.
You are such a good patriot for protecting others. Paul Revere would be proud.
I admire your conviction Stan. You make a good soldier.
<< <i> In regards to that site Stan.....I don't believe you. I actually encourage others to read it. Check out the vaccine blog on it.
As for Jesus. He is cool. I just didn't want to edit anything out from your credible sites landing page.
Edited for dang I Phone typing mistakes >>
I don't care whether you believe me or not. Including going back tonight, to verify/see what you were complaining about, I have been to the site a total two times. Ever.... That's not the point anyway.
The point is, there are a lot of things in this world that do sound crazy, but just remember it doesn't mean they aren't true. At the bottom of the rabbit hole, it's much crazier than most normal thinking people can comprehend. Instead of researching the issues when they hear something that sounds foreign or crazy to them, they are far to quick to claim the messenger is off of their rocker. This is typical of human behavior.
<< <i>I don't care whether you believe me or not. Including going back tonight, to verify/see what you were complaining about, I have been to the site a total two times. Ever.... That's not the point anyway.
The point is, there are a lot of things in this world that do sound crazy, but just remember it doesn't mean they aren't true. At the bottom of the rabbit hole, it's much crazier than most normal thinking people can comprehend. Instead of researching the issues when they hear something that sounds foreign or crazy to them, they are far to quick to claim the messenger is off of their rocker. This is typical of human behavior. >>
Lol, now you're a supergenius! It's just like Gandhi said:
"First they mock you.. then they mock you some more.. then they mock you some more.. ???? PROFIT."
The Agenda 21 stuff never fails to crack me up either. As one of the few here who has actually spent some time in those halls, I can tell you that it's even worse than you could possibly imagine. They have a soda machine. And their use of 50-year old tables and chairs is merely their secret way of cornering the New York vintage furniture market. REPENT!!
<< <i> The point is, there are a lot of things in this world that do sound crazy, but just remember it doesn't mean they aren't true. >>
This is a sentence I can subsribe to. Progress.
Have a nice night Stan.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Sure, blame the iPhone. You and your techie Apple cult. You are so socially conditioned!! >>
My father always said better a social condition then a social disease.............Mark
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Not sure this applies here, but take it for what you will. Remember George Gobel? He stated on the Carson show one night"Johnny, do you ever get the feeling that the world is a tuxedo and you are a pair of brown shoes".
Successful transactions:Tookybandit. "Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others".
<< <i>Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean that they're not out to get you.
So miklia, is there an Agenda 21? >>
Lol, I know you well enough jmski to know that there is literally nothing I can possibly say to get you to question your position on this issue for even a second. So let's say no.
None of the participants are going to have major changes of minds (though some could use a tune up)
These fun exercises of wit are mostly for the lurkers. Some of the things I type are related to things I read while lurking online 15 years ago, the internet was in its infancy.
I benefitted a lot from reading posts by "Exploreratlarge" and "Techman" and other guys older and wiser than myself, hoping occasionally to pay it forward amid the chatter and FUD
I suppose my biggest complaint is this. The more I think back to the childhood days born 1961. The life style of "George Jetson" should be today.
I never was a huge space travel fan but since we walked on the moon, I have not gotten excited about any of the other space feats.
I dunno maybe the prejudice and our emotions keep us from advancing with Technology. Then again a few volcanoes and earth quakes could wipe us all off the earth in few years.
Let's go to Baleyville and talk about the nice spring weather
It's Baleyville here in Mass today. Out of nowhere its beautiful , I just yanked the roof off my Bronco I'm going to take a little ride and get some fresh air.
It's been a heck of a winter I can honestly say this is the first year I've taken the top off while the plow frame is still on.
Last week we had one super nice day and I got so excited I loaded up the kayak and went down to a nearby reservoir and couldn't get in because it still had ice on it
Lol, I know you well enough jmski to know that there is literally nothing I can possibly say to get you to question your position on this issue for even a second. So let's say no.
Really, miklia you must not know me well enough to know that I was actually serious. I've only read small bits about it from time to time but honestly, I don't have enough time to get totally immersed in that topic.
If you actually know anything (especially firsthand) about this topic, I'd be all ears.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
coming negative interest rates are the new inflation tax. What the central bank cannot steal from you via inflation they will force you to pay in interest. The enforcement of capital controls to regulate/eliminate the use of cash is necessary to force all money be held in the "electronic" system where it can be charged an interest fee (negative rate). While money in your mattress was subject to inflation it is not subject to a bank's negative interest rate and therefore now needs to be eliminated. Cash will eventually make you an enemy of the state.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>The transition to "electronic money" only makes cents given our technology. You will not be an enemy of anything, except perhaps yourself. >>
Mandatory "transition" by using the police and the courts to restrict the use of cash tends to create enemies of any state that makes it a crime to use dollars.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>The transition to "electronic money" only makes cents given our technology. You will not be an enemy of anything, except perhaps yourself. >>
Mandatory "transition" by using the police and the courts to restrict the use of cash tends to create enemies of any state that makes it a crime to use dollars. >>
Once again trying to understand a realistic modern lifestyle in which this is a serious concern for people. What sort of activities are we engaged in that make this a concern?
If someone is in a cash business, they will be accountable for records of the transactions, the reason for this is that someone will always game the system and cheat on taxes, or use the cash business as a front for laundering money from drugs, stolen goods fencing, illegal gambling and prostitution, and other organized crime. Yes, this makes it more expensive and inconvenient for honest folks to go about their business. Is that what's being protested here, "reporting requirements"? Just who are these "enemies of state?" Not me. You?
If someone is in a cash business, they will be accountable for records of the transactions, the reason for this is that someone will always game the system and cheat on taxes, or use the cash business as a front for laundering money from drugs, stolen goods fencing, illegal gambling and prostitution, and other organized crime. Yes, this makes it more expensive and inconvenient for honest folks to go about their business. Is that what's being protested here, "reporting requirements"? Just who are these "enemies of state?" Not me. You?
Let's pretend that someone isn't in a cash business. Let's assume that this person dutifully pays his taxes, doesn't game the system, doesn't lauder money in any way from drugs, stolen goods fencing, illegal gambling and/or prostitution, or crime organized or not organized.
What's being protested, at least by me, is the fact that neither the government nor anyone else has any business demanding that I prove where I got the money, why I'm depositing or withdrawing it, or deciding to confiscate it for any reason. Once I pay my taxes on my money, there's no reason why I should have to document it.
It's my money and unless there is evidence and probable cause of a crime, my money should be my domain and the government has no right to question me about any of it.
Why is this so hard for you to understand, Baley? Why do you think that the onus should be on individuals to prove innocence instead of the onus being on the government to prove wrongdoing? I question why you think this.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
What I don't understand, jmski, is, DOES the government "question" you? IS ANYONE "demanding that I prove where I got the money, why I'm depositing or withdrawing it, or deciding to confiscate it for any reason?"
No one ever asks me a damned thing, or makes me "prove" anything. I question why anyone is asking YOU anything, WHO is asking, and WHAT they are asking about.
Or are you just mad that they "might" or "could" ask?
Every time I go to my bank to visit the Safety Deposit Box they ask me the same thing : "Would you like a room ? " I always say. "No, I have enough here".
<< <i>Ive been asked several times why I am depositing a sum of $ on numerous occasions by my bank, does that count?
I have also been asked why I am withdrawing $ as well.
You are telling me that you have NEVER been asked that Baley? Never? >>
No, not once. But then, I'm not a big shot with large bundles of cash mysteriously coming and going, just a few simple transactions here and there.
Hold on.. you're telling me that the people at the bank spoke words to you?? OMG!
Be sure to let us know if they stop you from doing what you want to do with your own money, or if they seize it from you for no reason.
I HAVE been asked by TSA and international customs agents where I've been, where I'm going, and what my business there is... And I've never had a problem with that, either.
edited to add: THEY're purpose for asking is not to get the answer to the question, as much as to observe your reaction to being asked the question. Think about that.
What I don't understand, jmski, is, DOES the government "question" you? IS ANYONE "demanding that I prove where I got the money, why I'm depositing or withdrawing it, or deciding to confiscate it for any reason?"
No one ever asks me a damned thing, or makes me "prove" anything. I question why anyone is asking YOU anything, WHO is asking, and WHAT they are asking about.
Or are you just mad that they "might" or "could" ask?
Whoa, there! I was responding to your litany of hypotheticals with a direct question regarding your hypotheticals. What do you think "reporting requirements" are? If they're not mandatory, fine. My understanding is that the cash reporting requirements are mandatory.
So, I repeat my question - why does anyone, including the government have any business requiring my bank to report on anything having to do with my after-tax money? YOUR statement implies that everyone is guilty until they can document their innocence. What's even more concerning is your casual acceptance that this is "ok".
If it's NONE of ANYBODY's business (which it is not) - why do you make like it should be? Why do YOU assume nefarious intentions about my (or anyone else's) cash? Nobody has asked me a thing, but they've darned sure filed reports if they're mandatory.
I don't have to be "mad" to question why it's anybody's business. I don't have the answer to that question. Do you? I still haven't heard it.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
It's not "anybody's" business. I'd tell some dude off the street to hit the road or he's gonna get a bloody nose because he's nosy.
It absolutely IS "they"re business if they're "authorities" or if they are charged with duties by "the authorities"
those same customs people have also asked me what I'm carrying, and have looked through my baggage. I could tell you great stories about going to "secondary" when crossing borders.
Those guys are doing their jobs, and I thank them and solute them. (so few do)
<< <i> So, I repeat my question - why does anyone, including the government have any business requiring my bank to report on anything having to do with my after-tax money? YOUR statement implies that everyone is guilty until they can document their innocence. What's even more concerning is your casual acceptance that this is "ok".
If it's NONE of ANYBODY's business (which it is not) - why do you make like it should be? Why do YOU assume nefarious intentions about my (or anyone else's) cash? Nobody has asked me a thing, but they've darned sure filed reports if they're mandatory.
I don't have to be "mad" to question why it's anybody's business. I don't have the answer to that question. Do you? I still haven't heard it. >>
You're not going to get a real answer. People like Baley have been socially conditioned to accept this stuff. Their famous line is something like "if you have nothing to hide". Ok, if you have nothing to hide, why do you have blinds or curtains in your home, Baley?
The other line that has been programmed in to people is that "they're keeping you safe". Social conditioning is VERY effective..
<< <i> So, I repeat my question - why does anyone, including the government have any business requiring my bank to report on anything having to do with my after-tax money? YOUR statement implies that everyone is guilty until they can document their innocence. What's even more concerning is your casual acceptance that this is "ok".
If it's NONE of ANYBODY's business (which it is not) - why do you make like it should be? Why do YOU assume nefarious intentions about my (or anyone else's) cash? Nobody has asked me a thing, but they've darned sure filed reports if they're mandatory.
I don't have to be "mad" to question why it's anybody's business. I don't have the answer to that question. Do you? I still haven't heard it. >>
You're not going to get a real answer. People like Baley have been socially conditioned to accept this stuff. Their famous line is something like "if you have nothing to hide". Ok, if you have nothing to hide, why do you have blinds or curtains in your home, Baley?
The other line that has been programmed in to people is that "they're keeping you safe". Social conditioning is VERY effective.. >>
Successful trades/buys/sells with gdavis70, adriana, wondercoin, Weiss, nibanny, IrishMike, commoncents05, pf70collector, kyleknap, barefootjuan, coindeuce, WhiteTornado, Nefprollc, ajw, JamesM, PCcoins, slinc, coindudeonebay,beernuts, and many more
It absolutely IS "they"re business if they're "authorities" or if they are charged with duties by "the authorities"
Those guys are doing their jobs, and I thank them and solute them. (so few do)
Hmmm. So when the bank files a suspicious activity report for my cash deposit or cash withdrawal, they are "just following orders." Sounds vaguely familiar as a legal defense.
Where would you draw the line, Baley? $10,000? $5,000? $3,000? $600?
At what point do you think it becomes intrusive? Were you in favor of filing a 1099 Form for every $600 purchase?
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
I've never had an issue with depositing or withdrawing large amounts of cash from the bank. Being that I'm not an arms or drug dealer made it stress less. My banker basically told me that what the really authorities frowned upon was " structuring". Deliberately making deposits or withdrawals right under $10,000 to avoid reporting. I'm not a fan of this regulation but I don't find it to be a deal breaker.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i> >>
Name one thing that you falsely claim I am "far fringe" about?
IMHO, you are starting to sound a lot like that phony libertarian Glenn Beck, that is nothing but a mainstream media libertarian. >>
I haven't falsely claimed anything. Besides for all your editing its all out there for the world to see.
Someone already started a list. This puts you on the fringe for me:
One world system
Social Engineering
White Shoe
Glenn Beck is a tool. Always has been.
Mark >>
Those terms are what is happening in the world today if you would just take the time to research them. Do they sound weird to bring in to the conversation? You bet! But we are living in crazy times. Don't blame me or call me names because you are not as informed as you should be, while claiming to be this great patriot.
<< <i>
<< <i> >>
Name one thing that you falsely claim I am "far fringe" about?
IMHO, you are starting to sound a lot like that phony libertarian Glenn Beck, that is nothing but a mainstream media libertarian. >>
I haven't falsely claimed anything. Besides for all your editing its all out there for the world to see.
Someone already started a list. This puts you on the fringe for me:
One world system
Social Engineering
White Shoe
Glenn Beck is a tool. Always has been.
Mark >>
Those terms are what is happening in the world today if you would just take the time to research them. Do they sound weird to bring in to the conversation? You bet! But we are living in crazy times. Don't blame me or call me names because you are not as informed as you should be, while claiming to be this great patriot. >>
1) research? like pulling up fringe articles off the internet and using them as a basis for fact?
2) we have always lived in crazy times. humans are crazy
3) you sure can dish it out but have a hard time taking it
4) anyone who doesn't abide by your lunacy ( extravagant folly) is ill informed? Got it
5) I've never claimed to be a great patriot. That was you Paul Revere Jr.
I'm done, the real world need me.
damn, edited for spelling
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
"freedom's just another word for nothing left to Loose! Nothing, You got nothing babe if you aint Free!"
<< <i>
1) research? like pulling up fringe articles off the internet and using them as a basis for fact?
damn, edited for spelling >>
Oh, you mean articles that link to information reported in places like the Wall Street Journal? Yep, that sure is fringe! LOL! You, sir, need to do more research before you start criticizing something you don't even fully understand.
Be outraged at this despotism, these draconian "laws", the complete destruction of the right to do these things that we want to do, that they powers that be and social engineers brainwash the sheeple into thinking are bad, open your eyes for once, hear now and understand later but pay attention all the time and don't be the puppet, instead be the hand of rightousness [emoticon]
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist"
Pablo Picasso
stay scrappy!
<< <i>
<< <i>
1) research? like pulling up fringe articles off the internet and using them as a basis for fact?
damn, edited for spelling >>
Oh, you mean articles that link to information reported in places like the Wall Street Journal? Yep, that sure is fringe! LOL! You, sir, need to do more research before you start criticizing something you don't even fully understand. >>
I was specifically referring your link to You can't make this stuff up. Nice try.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
1) research? like pulling up fringe articles off the internet and using them as a basis for fact?
damn, edited for spelling >>
Oh, you mean articles that link to information reported in places like the Wall Street Journal? Yep, that sure is fringe! LOL! You, sir, need to do more research before you start criticizing something you don't even fully understand. >>
I was specifically referring your link to You can't make this stuff up. Nice try.
Mark >>
Oh, you mean the site that does link the info from the Wall Street Journal and other credible news sources that have reported on the plans for a cashless society?
Did you bother to read the article where globalists like Bill Gates are calling for it? The article on even linked Gates' own newsletter outlining his plans for such? Yeah, them dumb conspiracy nuts! LOL! You, sir, are living in denial of what these people are openly telling you they want.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
1) research? like pulling up fringe articles off the internet and using them as a basis for fact?
damn, edited for spelling >>
Oh, you mean articles that link to information reported in places like the Wall Street Journal? Yep, that sure is fringe! LOL! You, sir, need to do more research before you start criticizing something you don't even fully understand. >>
I was specifically referring your link to You can't make this stuff up. Nice try.
Mark >>
Oh, you mean the site that does link the info from the Wall Street Journal and other credible news sources that have reported on the plans for a cashless society?
Did you bother to read the article where globalists like Bill Gates are calling for it? The article on even linked Gates' own newsletter outlining his plans for such? Yeah, them dumb conspiracy nuts! LOL! You, sir, are living in denial of what these people are openly telling you they want. >>
ConspriracyAnalyst is a douchebaggery site that feeds into your paranoia.
From the ConspiraryAnal landing page.
"Deception,Illusion and Propaganda are extensively being used to control the people. This blog is devoted to aid in the discernment of the tactics being used to deceive and manipulate society. "Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Make You Free" Christ Jesus"
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I think the vast majority of us want you to go away. Stop living in denial of this fact.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>
ConspriracyAnalyst is a douchebaggery site that feeds into your paranoia. Typical self serving fear mongering blog. I see this is where you got your anti vaccine diatribe from.
From the ConspiraryAnal landing page. Well balanced reporting. Wink.
"Deception,Illusion and Propaganda are extensively being used to control the people. This blog is devoted to aid in the discernment of the tactics being used to deceive and manipulate society. "Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Make You Free" Christ Jesus" >>
Funny, the only time I ever visit the site was for the link and article I posted here. You shouldn't assume too much. And it's funny you are now the guy who can deem what site is worthy of being taken credible, and which one isn't? The site you attacked does post their articles, and it appears that they often link to the proof to back their reporting. Kind of hard to deny the facts, buddy.
I guess I see your real problem with the site is a mention of Christ, since you tossed that dart out there. I find that most of the people posting here that don't accept him are the ones with the biggest problem with information about a one world system being posted. That is interesting in it's self.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i> You, sir, are living in denial of what these people are openly telling you they want.
I think the vast majority of us want you to go away. Stop living in denial of this fact.
The feelings are mutual, and I have had my share of people privately tell me the same about you. They can speak up if they want, but I will not out them to prevent them from being attacked by you and your clique of same-minded thinkers.
<< <i>Dont you think Christ would condone a one world system where we all lived peacefully? >>
Go read the letter he sent you. Until you do that, it's not even worth a reply.
<< <i>
<< <i>Dont you think Christ would condone a one world system where we all lived peacefully? >>
Go read the letter he sent you. Until you do that, it's not even worth a reply. >>
Again, logic has confused you. We are getting to you Stan. Everyday, closer and closer. BOO!!!
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>
<< <i>
ConspriracyAnalyst is a douchebaggery site that feeds into your paranoia. Typical self serving fear mongering blog. I see this is where you got your anti vaccine diatribe from.
From the ConspiraryAnal landing page. Well balanced reporting. Wink.
"Deception,Illusion and Propaganda are extensively being used to control the people. This blog is devoted to aid in the discernment of the tactics being used to deceive and manipulate society. "Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Make You Free" Christ Jesus" >>
Funny, the only time I ever visit the site was for the link and article I posted here. You shouldn't assume too much. And it's funny you are now the guy who can deem what site is worthy of being taken credible, and which one isn't? The site you attacked does post their articles, and it appears that they often link to the proof to back their reporting. Kind of hard to deny the facts, buddy.
I guess I see your real problem with the site is a mention of Christ, since you tossed that dart out there. I find that most of the people posting here that don't accept him are the ones with the biggest problem with information about a one world system being posted. That is interesting in it's self. >>
In regards to that site Stan.....I don't believe you. I actually encourage others to read it. Check out the vaccine blog on it.
As for Jesus. He is cool. I just didn't want to edit anything out from your credible sites landing page.
Edited for dang I Phone typing mistakes
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>
<< <i> You, sir, are living in denial of what these people are openly telling you they want.
I think the vast majority of us want you to go away. Stop living in denial of this fact.
The feelings are mutual, and I have had my share of people privately tell me the same about you. They can speak up if they want, but I will not out them to prevent them from being attacked by you and your clique of same-minded thinkers. >>
I was here first. Neener, neener, neener.
Attack....thats another word for the list.
You are such a good patriot for protecting others. Paul Revere would be proud.
I admire your conviction Stan. You make a good soldier.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>
In regards to that site Stan.....I don't believe you. I actually encourage others to read it. Check out the vaccine blog on it.
As for Jesus. He is cool. I just didn't want to edit anything out from your credible sites landing page.
Edited for dang I Phone typing mistakes >>
I don't care whether you believe me or not. Including going back tonight, to verify/see what you were complaining about, I have been to the site a total two times. Ever.... That's not the point anyway.
The point is, there are a lot of things in this world that do sound crazy, but just remember it doesn't mean they aren't true. At the bottom of the rabbit hole, it's much crazier than most normal thinking people can comprehend. Instead of researching the issues when they hear something that sounds foreign or crazy to them, they are far to quick to claim the messenger is off of their rocker. This is typical of human behavior.
<< <i>I don't care whether you believe me or not. Including going back tonight, to verify/see what you were complaining about, I have been to the site a total two times. Ever.... That's not the point anyway.
The point is, there are a lot of things in this world that do sound crazy, but just remember it doesn't mean they aren't true. At the bottom of the rabbit hole, it's much crazier than most normal thinking people can comprehend. Instead of researching the issues when they hear something that sounds foreign or crazy to them, they are far to quick to claim the messenger is off of their rocker. This is typical of human behavior. >>
Lol, now you're a supergenius! It's just like Gandhi said:
"First they mock you..
then they mock you some more..
then they mock you some more..
The Agenda 21 stuff never fails to crack me up either. As one of the few here who has actually spent some time in those halls, I can tell you that it's even worse than you could possibly imagine. They have a soda machine. And their use of 50-year old tables and chairs is merely their secret way of cornering the New York vintage furniture market. REPENT!!
<< <i> The point is, there are a lot of things in this world that do sound crazy, but just remember it doesn't mean they aren't true. >>
This is a sentence I can subsribe to. Progress.
Have a nice night Stan.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Sure, blame the iPhone. You and your techie Apple cult. You are so socially conditioned!!
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
So miklia, is there an Agenda 21?
I knew it would happen.
<< <i> dang I Phone typing mistakes
Sure, blame the iPhone. You and your techie Apple cult. You are so socially conditioned!!
My father always said better a social condition then a social disease.............Mark
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean that they're not out to get you.
So miklia, is there an Agenda 21? >>
Lol, I know you well enough jmski to know that there is literally nothing I can possibly say to get you to question your position on this issue for even a second. So let's say no.
These fun exercises of wit are mostly for the lurkers. Some of the things I type are related to things I read while lurking online 15 years ago, the internet was in its infancy.
I benefitted a lot from reading posts by "Exploreratlarge" and "Techman" and other guys older and wiser than myself, hoping occasionally to pay it forward amid the chatter and FUD
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
I never was a huge space travel fan but since we walked on the moon, I have not gotten excited about any of the other space feats.
I dunno maybe the prejudice and our emotions keep us from advancing with Technology. Then again a few volcanoes and earth quakes could wipe us all off the earth in few years.
Let's go to Baleyville and talk about the nice spring weather
It's Baleyville here in Mass today.
It's been a heck of a winter I can honestly say this is the first year I've taken the top off while the plow frame is still on.
Last week we had one super nice day and I got so excited I loaded up the kayak and went down to a nearby reservoir and couldn't get in because it still had ice on it
Really, miklia you must not know me well enough to know that I was actually serious. I've only read small bits about it from time to time but honestly, I don't have enough time to get totally immersed in that topic.
If you actually know anything (especially firsthand) about this topic, I'd be all ears.
I knew it would happen.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
The transition to "electronic money" only makes cents given our technology. You will not be an enemy of anything, except perhaps yourself.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>The transition to "electronic money" only makes cents given our technology. You will not be an enemy of anything, except perhaps yourself. >>
Mandatory "transition" by using the police and the courts to restrict the use of cash tends to create enemies of any state that makes it a crime to use dollars.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>
<< <i>The transition to "electronic money" only makes cents given our technology. You will not be an enemy of anything, except perhaps yourself. >>
Mandatory "transition" by using the police and the courts to restrict the use of cash tends to create enemies of any state that makes it a crime to use dollars.
Once again trying to understand a realistic modern lifestyle in which this is a serious concern for people. What sort of activities are we engaged in that make this a concern?
If someone is in a cash business, they will be accountable for records of the transactions, the reason for this is that someone will always game the system and cheat on taxes, or use the cash business as a front for laundering money from drugs, stolen goods fencing, illegal gambling and prostitution, and other organized crime. Yes, this makes it more expensive and inconvenient for honest folks to go about their business. Is that what's being protested here, "reporting requirements"? Just who are these "enemies of state?" Not me. You?
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>It is not a crime to use dollars. You will not be arrested. Nothing has been mandated. >>
Even worse, dollars kill.
Let's pretend that someone isn't in a cash business. Let's assume that this person dutifully pays his taxes, doesn't game the system, doesn't lauder money in any way from drugs, stolen goods fencing, illegal gambling and/or prostitution, or crime organized or not organized.
What's being protested, at least by me, is the fact that neither the government nor anyone else has any business demanding that I prove where I got the money, why I'm depositing or withdrawing it, or deciding to confiscate it for any reason. Once I pay my taxes on my money, there's no reason why I should have to document it.
It's my money and unless there is evidence and probable cause of a crime, my money should be my domain and the government has no right to question me about any of it.
Why is this so hard for you to understand, Baley? Why do you think that the onus should be on individuals to prove innocence instead of the onus being on the government to prove wrongdoing? I question why you think this.
I knew it would happen.
No one ever asks me a damned thing, or makes me "prove" anything. I question why anyone is asking YOU anything, WHO is asking, and WHAT they are asking about.
Or are you just mad that they "might" or "could" ask?
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
I have also been asked why I am withdrawing $ as well.
You are telling me that you have NEVER been asked that Baley? Never?
BST Transactions (as the seller): Collectall, GRANDAM, epcjimi1, wondercoin, jmski52, wheathoarder, jay1187, jdsueu, grote15, airplanenut, bigole
I always say. "No, I have enough here".
<< <i>Ive been asked several times why I am depositing a sum of $ on numerous occasions by my bank, does that count?
I have also been asked why I am withdrawing $ as well.
You are telling me that you have NEVER been asked that Baley? Never? >>
No, not once. But then, I'm not a big shot with large bundles of cash mysteriously coming and going, just a few simple transactions here and there.
Hold on.. you're telling me that the people at the bank spoke words to you?? OMG!
Be sure to let us know if they stop you from doing what you want to do with your own money, or if they seize it from you for no reason.
I HAVE been asked by TSA and international customs agents where I've been, where I'm going, and what my business there is... And I've never had a problem with that, either.
edited to add: THEY're purpose for asking is not to get the answer to the question, as much as to observe your reaction to being asked the question. Think about that.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
No one ever asks me a damned thing, or makes me "prove" anything. I question why anyone is asking YOU anything, WHO is asking, and WHAT they are asking about.
Or are you just mad that they "might" or "could" ask?
Whoa, there! I was responding to your litany of hypotheticals with a direct question regarding your hypotheticals. What do you think "reporting requirements" are? If they're not mandatory, fine. My understanding is that the cash reporting requirements are mandatory.
So, I repeat my question - why does anyone, including the government have any business requiring my bank to report on anything having to do with my after-tax money? YOUR statement implies that everyone is guilty until they can document their innocence. What's even more concerning is your casual acceptance that this is "ok".
If it's NONE of ANYBODY's business (which it is not) - why do you make like it should be? Why do YOU assume nefarious intentions about my (or anyone else's) cash? Nobody has asked me a thing, but they've darned sure filed reports if they're mandatory.
I don't have to be "mad" to question why it's anybody's business. I don't have the answer to that question. Do you? I still haven't heard it.
I knew it would happen.
It absolutely IS "they"re business if they're "authorities" or if they are charged with duties by "the authorities"
those same customs people have also asked me what I'm carrying, and have looked through my baggage. I could tell you great stories about going to "secondary" when crossing borders.
Those guys are doing their jobs, and I thank them and solute them. (so few do)
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>
So, I repeat my question - why does anyone, including the government have any business requiring my bank to report on anything having to do with my after-tax money? YOUR statement implies that everyone is guilty until they can document their innocence. What's even more concerning is your casual acceptance that this is "ok".
If it's NONE of ANYBODY's business (which it is not) - why do you make like it should be? Why do YOU assume nefarious intentions about my (or anyone else's) cash? Nobody has asked me a thing, but they've darned sure filed reports if they're mandatory.
I don't have to be "mad" to question why it's anybody's business. I don't have the answer to that question. Do you? I still haven't heard it. >>
You're not going to get a real answer. People like Baley have been socially conditioned to accept this stuff. Their famous line is something like "if you have nothing to hide". Ok, if you have nothing to hide, why do you have blinds or curtains in your home, Baley?
The other line that has been programmed in to people is that "they're keeping you safe". Social conditioning is VERY effective..
<< <i>
<< <i>
So, I repeat my question - why does anyone, including the government have any business requiring my bank to report on anything having to do with my after-tax money? YOUR statement implies that everyone is guilty until they can document their innocence. What's even more concerning is your casual acceptance that this is "ok".
If it's NONE of ANYBODY's business (which it is not) - why do you make like it should be? Why do YOU assume nefarious intentions about my (or anyone else's) cash? Nobody has asked me a thing, but they've darned sure filed reports if they're mandatory.
I don't have to be "mad" to question why it's anybody's business. I don't have the answer to that question. Do you? I still haven't heard it. >>
You're not going to get a real answer. People like Baley have been socially conditioned to accept this stuff. Their famous line is something like "if you have nothing to hide". Ok, if you have nothing to hide, why do you have blinds or curtains in your home, Baley?
The other line that has been programmed in to people is that "they're keeping you safe". Social conditioning is VERY effective.. >>
Those guys are doing their jobs, and I thank them and solute them. (so few do)
Hmmm. So when the bank files a suspicious activity report for my cash deposit or cash withdrawal, they are "just following orders." Sounds vaguely familiar as a legal defense.
Where would you draw the line, Baley? $10,000? $5,000? $3,000? $600?
At what point do you think it becomes intrusive? Were you in favor of filing a 1099 Form for every $600 purchase?
I knew it would happen.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......