It should be free for all, just like every other 21st century country. Instead, customers were given the choice of providers instead of paying more in taxes to the gov't to get it - the specific wish of the corporate types and liberty wing. No liberties eroded.
wrong. Once again, a "law" is passed under false pretenses and with no transparency for the general public, and the only "choice" given is to pay. The healthcare and drug lobbies are the prime beneficiaries, and the politicians who take their money.
The main architect of the "law" was almost beside himself every time he bragged about how stupid the American Public is, despite not having brought the facts out publically beforehand. The stench of this crappy legislation is obvious as "they" continue to delay the parts that cause the most political hazard for them.
And if you think that this law provides "free healthcare for all", you've been duped. Nothing has changed, except for this new tax to support a bigger and more bloated central government and a couple of well-connected corporate networks.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
It should be free for all, just like every other 21st century country. Instead, customers were given the choice of providers instead of paying more in taxes to the gov't to get it - the specific wish of the corporate types and liberty wing. No liberties eroded.
wrong. Once again, a "law" is passed under false pretenses and with no transparency for the general public, and the only "choice" given is to pay. The healthcare and drug lobbies are the prime beneficiaries, and the politicians who take their money.
The main architect of the "law" was almost beside himself every time he bragged about how stupid the American Public is, despite not having brought the facts out publically beforehand. The stench of this crappy legislation is obvious as "they" continue to delay the parts that cause the most political hazard for them.
And if you think that this law provides "free healthcare for all", you've been duped. Nothing has changed, except for this new tax to support a bigger and more bloated central government and a couple of well-connected corporate networks. >>
Hey, I agree with you that the law sucks. That's what one gets for letting the Heritage Foundation draft policy I suppose. And I said that modern society should have free healthcare for all, not that this was it, or anything close to it.
Health care before aca was crap, now after it's still crap, If cooler heads prevail and zealot idiots don't gum it up, future legislation could make healthcare at least a little better than it was, imo. There are great advancements in medicine being revealed as we speak, which most would think is a good thing. Except for some on this forum, who apparently must think Jonas Salk was the devil.
<< <i>Maybe it' me, but I don't want any drivers around me without auto insurance, who the heck would? >>
I was just making a point. You would be surprised at the ones driving who do not have insurance. I hear people from other country's comment that the land of the free is not so free. To many silly laws and restrictions. Now most laws are never enforced, but are on the books.
They passed a law to detain anyone for any amount of time for no reason(ever wonder where all the 99% protesters went) This should terrify everyone but some see it as "safety".
You can paint a snake any color it is still a snake!
They passed a law to detain anyone for any amount of time for no reason(ever wonder where all the 99% protesters went) This should terrify everyone but some see it as "safety".
You can paint a snake any color it is still a snake! >>
lol yeah, all the Occupy protesters got shuttled to a secret detention center and are still there along with all the family members who asked about their disappearance, that's totally what happened. Thanks for exposing the truffth!
They passed a law to detain anyone for any amount of time for no reason(ever wonder where all the 99% protesters went) This should terrify everyone but some see it as "safety".
You can paint a snake any color it is still a snake! >>
lol yeah, all the Occupy protesters got shuttled to a secret detention center and are still there along with all the family members who asked about their disappearance, that's totally what happened. Thanks for exposing the truffth! >>
What is your problem boy? Ain't you got ONE original idea? All you do is quote and criticize others.
<< <i>Maybe it' me, but I don't want any drivers around me without auto insurance, who the heck would? >>
Drive defensively. I have insurance and it still didn't prevent a recent stupid move on my part. We both had the same insurer. It was my fault. When he told me what his premiums were, I said , "Geeze man, your (6 month) premiums would pay for 11 years of my insurance". To think we collided did not surprise me.
But, the truth is, I turned into oncoming traffic , blindly trusting a garbage truck driver "waving" me to turn. When I knew better Thankfully nobody was hurt in the posting of these insurance regulations.
What is your problem boy? Ain't you got ONE original idea? All you do is quote and criticize others. >>
Well, the thought that all of the Occupy protesters are in secret prisons and nobody noticed is certainly an 'original' thought, I'll give you that. You're sticking to that statement, then?
I think you and Stan are most angry that this place isn't quite the echo chamber you thought it would be. You spout nonsense here, you get to be called out on it, that's the deal. There's plenty of other delusional boards around the interwebs for you to shoo to if you're looking for a cheering section.
jmski, it was a wink at the argument that the ACA bill is just a ripoff of the 1993 Republican health care plan drafted by Heritage. Although some of the ideas are 'borrowed' the thrust of the bills are different in many key ways.
There's a slight difference between car insurance and health insurance when it comes to negligence.
People should pay for their own negligence, which is indeed the case with car insurance, but that is no longer the case with health insurance. Like so many government programs, the incentives get turned upside down.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
<< <i>.....Seriously and honestly, I think I have more freedom as my intelligence and hard work have enabled me to acquire and do more things. >>
Not per President Obama. The US Govt is primarily responsible for your acquisitions and knowledge since they built the infrastructure that allows you to work and perform.
What is your problem boy? Ain't you got ONE original idea? All you do is quote and criticize others. >>
I think you and Stan are most angry that this place isn't quite the echo chamber you thought it would be. You spout nonsense here, you get to be called out on it, that's the deal. There's plenty of other delusional boards around the interwebs for you to shoo to if you're looking for a cheering section. >>
I don't see anyone being angry. Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world.
As for those delusional boards; Why aren't you over on those then?
<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I'm truly amazed at all the quite "hippies" amazed! That generation is in power of the political machines. Amazed at the things $$ and comfort make you forget
All of my generation; the book 1984 was a scary and popular read. I took it as a warning. Seems the rest took it a as outline of the 21st century.
<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning.
<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either.
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
Which freedoms specifically, Stan? You've lost the freedom to do what?
All sheeple should recognize vast level of enlightenment attained by the non-sheeple who have clearly attained highest levels of self actualization and mastered, nay, transcended, Maslow's Heirarchy [emoticon]
<< <i>All sheeple should recognize vast level of enlightenment attained by the non-sheeple who have clearly attained highest levels of self actualization and mastered, nay, transcended, Maslow's Heirarchy [emoticon] >>
you mean Maslow's Slave Pyramid of Social Engineering. What a sheeple.
All should heed the prophets of doom, for what we believe to be rational thought and objective relativism is merely delusion and illusion, they tell us so in every thread and if it is written and claimed by the writing and writer that it is true, then by definition, it must be true, to doubt or be skeptical is symptomatic of the break from reality that all sheep suffer, unaware, thus we are told daily [emoticon]
<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
You are an extremist and an alarmist. You are a one trick pony. Just because you keep saying the same things over and over again don't make you correct. It just makes you sound paranoid, smug and delusional.
Most of us have our eyes wide open and deal with things in our own manner. You have your eyes wide shut. It makes you blind and closed minded. Anyone who disagrees with you is deemed an apologist or socially conditioned. That's all you got. Keep repeating it, as it make you look foolish and weak.
For the record I'm very prepared for a worst case scenario but I'm not a slave to it.
The founding fathers and you have nothing in common. As a devotee of Jefferson I'm quite certain of that.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>All sheeple should recognize vast level of enlightenment attained by the non-sheeple who have clearly attained highest levels of self actualization and mastered, nay, transcended, Maslow's Heirarchy [emoticon] >>
You got something to say to me self appointed high and mighty say it! Come on say it! I vote I can say any thing I please!!!
Just cause you care of no one but yourself doesn't mean I have to!
<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
You are an extremist and an alarmist. You are a one trick pony. Just because you keep saying the same things over and over again don't make you correct. It just makes you sound paranoid, smug and delusional.
Most of us have our eyes wide open and deal with things in our own manner. You have your eyes wide shut. It makes you blind and closed minded. Anyone who disagrees with you is deemed an apologist or socially conditioned. That's all you got. Keep repeating it, as it make you look foolish and weak.
For the record I'm very prepared for a worst case scenario but I'm not a slave to it.
The founding fathers and you have nothing in common. As a devotee of Jefferson I'm quite certain of that.
Mark >>
Of course! You really told me good, didn't you? Next time, learn what an extremist really is, before you falsely call a person one. You must have got your talking points right from MSNBC!
If you guys would have been alive when Paul Revere was sounding the alarm, I don't doubt he would have been called all of the very things you and your pack of apologists have called me.
<< <i>Of course! You really told me good, didn't you? Next time, learn what an extremist really is, before you falsely call a person one. You must have got your talking points right from MSNBC!
If you guys would have been alive when Paul Revere was sounding the alarm, I don't doubt he would have been called all of the very things you and your pack of apologists have called me. >>
Stan just called himself a patriot equal to Paul Revere. Stan, I knew Paul Revere. Paul Revere was a friend of mine. You, Sir, are no Paul Revere.
<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
You are an extremist and an alarmist. You are a one trick pony. Just because you keep saying the same things over and over again don't make you correct. It just makes you sound paranoid, smug and delusional.
Most of us have our eyes wide open and deal with things in our own manner. You have your eyes wide shut. It makes you blind and closed minded. Anyone who disagrees with you is deemed an apologist or socially conditioned. That's all you got. Keep repeating it, as it make you look foolish and weak.
For the record I'm very prepared for a worst case scenario but I'm not a slave to it.
The founding fathers and you have nothing in common. As a devotee of Jefferson I'm quite certain of that.
Mark >>
Of course! You really told me good, didn't you? Next time, learn what an extremist really is, before you falsely call a person one. You must have got your talking points right from MSNBC!
If you guys would have been alive when Paul Revere was sounding the alarm, I don't doubt he would have been called all of the very things you and your pack of apologists have called me. >>
I didn't tell you anything. You can't hear anything. Your mind is made up.
I know what an extremist is. I know what a zealot is. I know what a delusionalist is. You think the burden is on the evidence to reconcile with your delusions.
I've never watch MSNBC. Maybe ever. I don't watch FOX either. What's your conclusion?
I'm a card carrying Libertarian.
I own gold and silver as financial insurance and I'm also afraid of zealots and extremists and zombies. You terrify me.
Paul Revere, now that was a great American.
Carry on're on quite a roll
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
"...Suppose an individual believes something with his whole heart; suppose futher that he has a commitment to this belief and he has taken irrevocable actions because of it; finally, suppose that he is presented with evidence, unequivocal and undeniable evidence, that his belief is wrong: what will happen? The individual will frequently emerge, not only unshaken, but even more convinced of the truth of his beliefs than ever before. Indeed, he may even show a new fervor for convincing and converting other people to his view."
<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
You are an extremist and an alarmist. You are a one trick pony. Just because you keep saying the same things over and over again don't make you correct. It just makes you sound paranoid, smug and delusional.
Most of us have our eyes wide open and deal with things in our own manner. You have your eyes wide shut. It makes you blind and closed minded. Anyone who disagrees with you is deemed an apologist or socially conditioned. That's all you got. Keep repeating it, as it make you look foolish and weak.
For the record I'm very prepared for a worst case scenario but I'm not a slave to it.
The founding fathers and you have nothing in common. As a devotee of Jefferson I'm quite certain of that.
Mark >>
Of course! You really told me good, didn't you? Next time, learn what an extremist really is, before you falsely call a person one. You must have got your talking points right from MSNBC!
If you guys would have been alive when Paul Revere was sounding the alarm, I don't doubt he would have been called all of the very things you and your pack of apologists have called me. >>
I didn't tell you anything. You can't hear anything. Your mind is made up.
I know what an extremist is. I know what a zealot is. I know what a delusionalist is. You think the burden is on the evidence to reconcile with your delusions.
I've never watch MSNBC. Maybe ever. I don't watch FOX either. What's your conclusion?
I'm a card carrying Libertarian.
I own gold and silver as financial insurance and I'm also afraid of zealots and extremists and zombies. You terrify me.
Paul Revere, now that was a great American.
Carry on're on quite a roll
Mark >>
You can't be half of what you claim to be or you would not be on here calling people who are for freedom and liberty, extremists, or whatever other stupid term you want to come up with in an attempt to smear a person's character.
<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
You are an extremist and an alarmist. You are a one trick pony. Just because you keep saying the same things over and over again don't make you correct. It just makes you sound paranoid, smug and delusional.
Most of us have our eyes wide open and deal with things in our own manner. You have your eyes wide shut. It makes you blind and closed minded. Anyone who disagrees with you is deemed an apologist or socially conditioned. That's all you got. Keep repeating it, as it make you look foolish and weak.
For the record I'm very prepared for a worst case scenario but I'm not a slave to it.
The founding fathers and you have nothing in common. As a devotee of Jefferson I'm quite certain of that.
Mark >>
Of course! You really told me good, didn't you? Next time, learn what an extremist really is, before you falsely call a person one. You must have got your talking points right from MSNBC!
If you guys would have been alive when Paul Revere was sounding the alarm, I don't doubt he would have been called all of the very things you and your pack of apologists have called me. >>
I didn't tell you anything. You can't hear anything. Your mind is made up.
I know what an extremist is. I know what a zealot is. I know what a delusionalist is. You think the burden is on the evidence to reconcile with your delusions.
I've never watch MSNBC. Maybe ever. I don't watch FOX either. What's your conclusion?
I'm a card carrying Libertarian.
I own gold and silver as financial insurance and I'm also afraid of zealots and extremists and zombies. You terrify me.
Paul Revere, now that was a great American.
Carry on're on quite a roll
Mark >>
You can't be half of what you claim to be or you would not be on here calling people who are for freedom and liberty, extremists, or whatever other stupid term you want to come up with in an attempt to smear a person's character. >>
You are still on a roll and wrong. I'm exactly what I claim to be. My liberal kids can sign the affidavit. Typical as their mother and I are libertarians.
Liberty and freedom I would die for. You however are on the far fringe so I do distance myself from you. A far as your character goes, you set that stage yourself.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
You are an extremist and an alarmist. You are a one trick pony. Just because you keep saying the same things over and over again don't make you correct. It just makes you sound paranoid, smug and delusional.
Most of us have our eyes wide open and deal with things in our own manner. You have your eyes wide shut. It makes you blind and closed minded. Anyone who disagrees with you is deemed an apologist or socially conditioned. That's all you got. Keep repeating it, as it make you look foolish and weak.
For the record I'm very prepared for a worst case scenario but I'm not a slave to it.
The founding fathers and you have nothing in common. As a devotee of Jefferson I'm quite certain of that.
Mark >>
Of course! You really told me good, didn't you? Next time, learn what an extremist really is, before you falsely call a person one. You must have got your talking points right from MSNBC!
If you guys would have been alive when Paul Revere was sounding the alarm, I don't doubt he would have been called all of the very things you and your pack of apologists have called me. >>
I didn't tell you anything. You can't hear anything. Your mind is made up.
I know what an extremist is. I know what a zealot is. I know what a delusionalist is. You think the burden is on the evidence to reconcile with your delusions.
I've never watch MSNBC. Maybe ever. I don't watch FOX either. What's your conclusion?
I'm a card carrying Libertarian.
I own gold and silver as financial insurance and I'm also afraid of zealots and extremists and zombies. You terrify me.
Paul Revere, now that was a great American.
Carry on're on quite a roll
Mark >>
You can't be half of what you claim to be or you would not be on here calling people who are for freedom and liberty, extremists, or whatever other stupid term you want to come up with in an attempt to smear a person's character. >>
You are still on a roll and wrong. I'm exactly what I claim to be. My liberal kids can sign the affidavit. Typical as their mother and I are libertarians.
Liberty and freedom I would die for. You however are on the far fringe so I do distance myself from you. A far as your character goes, you set that stage yourself.
Mark >>
Name one thing that you falsely claim I am "far fringe" about?
IMHO, you are starting to sound a lot like that phony libertarian Glenn Beck, that is nothing but a mainstream media libertarian.
Name one thing that you falsely claim I am "far fringe" about?
IMHO, you are starting to sound a lot like that phony libertarian Glenn Beck, that is nothing but a mainstream media libertarian. >>
I haven't falsely claimed anything. Besides for all your editing its all out there for the world to see.
Someone already started a list. This puts you on the fringe for me:
Globalists One world system Robots Them Control Deception Fear Propganda Social Engineering Victims White Shoe Conspiracy
Glenn Beck is a tool. Always has been.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Wasn't this a thread about safe deposit boxes? People have trouble staying on message here it seems like . It's some sort of internet ADHD or net-slexia .
Another thing , I realize its elderly forum software but can we pay attention to what we quote in someone else's posts?
There are posts here with 4 or 5 levels of nested quotes from earlier messages. It's difficult to understand your point especially if you quote someone that quoted you earlier.
Stop being lazy and edit your $hit so it makes sense
<< <i>Come on a individualist is on the "fringe"??? WTF, I need a explanation >>
BTW the very definition and nature of "individualist" pretty much puts them on the fringe.
Tim, you know me. I'm just saying that I will always distance myself from the likes of Stan.
edited to add---Individualist is your term for Stan. Not mine. I'm not aboard that train.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
It should be free for all, just like every other 21st century country. Instead, customers were given the choice of providers instead of paying more in taxes to the gov't to get it - the specific wish of the corporate types and liberty wing. No liberties eroded.
wrong. Once again, a "law" is passed under false pretenses and with no transparency for the general public, and the only "choice" given is to pay. The healthcare and drug lobbies are the prime beneficiaries, and the politicians who take their money.
The main architect of the "law" was almost beside himself every time he bragged about how stupid the American Public is, despite not having brought the facts out publically beforehand. The stench of this crappy legislation is obvious as "they" continue to delay the parts that cause the most political hazard for them.
And if you think that this law provides "free healthcare for all", you've been duped. Nothing has changed, except for this new tax to support a bigger and more bloated central government and a couple of well-connected corporate networks.
I knew it would happen.
<< <i><< and now health. >>
It should be free for all, just like every other 21st century country. Instead, customers were given the choice of providers instead of paying more in taxes to the gov't to get it - the specific wish of the corporate types and liberty wing. No liberties eroded.
wrong. Once again, a "law" is passed under false pretenses and with no transparency for the general public, and the only "choice" given is to pay. The healthcare and drug lobbies are the prime beneficiaries, and the politicians who take their money.
The main architect of the "law" was almost beside himself every time he bragged about how stupid the American Public is, despite not having brought the facts out publically beforehand. The stench of this crappy legislation is obvious as "they" continue to delay the parts that cause the most political hazard for them.
And if you think that this law provides "free healthcare for all", you've been duped. Nothing has changed, except for this new tax to support a bigger and more bloated central government and a couple of well-connected corporate networks. >>
Hey, I agree with you that the law sucks. That's what one gets for letting the Heritage Foundation draft policy I suppose.
Health care before aca was crap, now after it's still crap, If cooler heads prevail and zealot idiots don't gum it up, future legislation could make healthcare at least a little better than it was, imo.
There are great advancements in medicine being revealed as we speak, which most would think is a good thing. Except for some on this forum, who apparently must think Jonas Salk was the devil.
<< <i>Maybe it' me, but I don't want any drivers around me without auto insurance, who the heck would? >>
I was just making a point. You would be surprised at the ones driving who do not have insurance. I hear people from other country's comment that the land of the free is not so free. To many silly laws and restrictions. Now most laws are never enforced, but are on the books.
They passed a law to detain anyone for any amount of time for no reason(ever wonder where all the 99% protesters went) This should terrify everyone but some see it as "safety".
You can paint a snake any color it is still a snake!
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They passed a law to detain anyone for any amount of time for no reason(ever wonder where all the 99% protesters went) This should terrify everyone but some see it as "safety".
You can paint a snake any color it is still a snake! >>
lol yeah, all the Occupy protesters got shuttled to a secret detention center and are still there along with all the family members who asked about their disappearance, that's totally what happened. Thanks for exposing the truffth!
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They passed a law to detain anyone for any amount of time for no reason(ever wonder where all the 99% protesters went) This should terrify everyone but some see it as "safety".
You can paint a snake any color it is still a snake! >>
lol yeah, all the Occupy protesters got shuttled to a secret detention center and are still there along with all the family members who asked about their disappearance, that's totally what happened. Thanks for exposing the truffth! >>
What is your problem boy? Ain't you got ONE original idea? All you do is quote and criticize others.
I thought Gruber was an academic at MIT. I didn't know he was with the Heritage Foundation.
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>Maybe it' me, but I don't want any drivers around me without auto insurance, who the heck would? >>
Drive defensively.
We both had the same insurer. It was my fault. When he told me what his premiums were, I said , "Geeze man, your (6 month) premiums would pay for 11 years of my insurance". To think we collided did not surprise me.
But, the truth is, I turned into oncoming traffic , blindly trusting a garbage truck driver "waving" me to turn. When I knew better
Thankfully nobody was hurt in the posting of these insurance regulations.
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What is your problem boy? Ain't you got ONE original idea? All you do is quote and criticize others. >>
Well, the thought that all of the Occupy protesters are in secret prisons and nobody noticed is certainly an 'original' thought, I'll give you that. You're sticking to that statement, then?
I think you and Stan are most angry that this place isn't quite the echo chamber you thought it would be. You spout nonsense here, you get to be called out on it, that's the deal. There's plenty of other delusional boards around the interwebs for you to shoo to if you're looking for a cheering section.
jmski, it was a wink at the argument that the ACA bill is just a ripoff of the 1993 Republican health care plan drafted by Heritage. Although some of the ideas are 'borrowed' the thrust of the bills are different in many key ways.
People should pay for their own negligence, which is indeed the case with car insurance, but that is no longer the case with health insurance. Like so many government programs, the incentives get turned upside down.
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>.....Seriously and honestly, I think I have more freedom as my intelligence and hard work have enabled me to acquire and do more things. >>
Not per President Obama. The US Govt is primarily responsible for your acquisitions and knowledge since they built the infrastructure that allows you to work and perform.
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What is your problem boy? Ain't you got ONE original idea? All you do is quote and criticize others. >>
I think you and Stan are most angry that this place isn't quite the echo chamber you thought it would be. You spout nonsense here, you get to be called out on it, that's the deal. There's plenty of other delusional boards around the interwebs for you to shoo to if you're looking for a cheering section. >>
I don't see anyone being angry. Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world.
As for those delusional boards; Why aren't you over on those then?
<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
All of my generation; the book 1984 was a scary and popular read. I took it as a warning. Seems the rest took it a as outline of the 21st century.
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<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon]
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
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<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning.
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<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I often wonder how many folks on this board would be speaking from the other side of the fence had Wall Street been allowed to fail.
Funny world we live in these days. When the checks and balance system is no longer ~ only those in power benefit.
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<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
All the "hippies" have evolved into "Tories" or "sheepie" for those that did not study American history.
<< <i>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
Which freedoms specifically, Stan? You've lost the freedom to do what?
Baley, you mis-spelled punny.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>All sheeple should recognize vast level of enlightenment attained by the non-sheeple who have clearly attained highest levels of self actualization and mastered, nay, transcended, Maslow's Heirarchy [emoticon] >>
you mean Maslow's Slave Pyramid of Social Engineering. What a sheeple.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
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<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
You are an extremist and an alarmist. You are a one trick pony. Just because you keep saying the same things over and over again don't make you correct. It just makes you sound paranoid, smug and delusional.
Most of us have our eyes wide open and deal with things in our own manner. You have your eyes wide shut. It makes you blind and closed minded. Anyone who disagrees with you is deemed an apologist or socially conditioned. That's all you got. Keep repeating it, as it make you look foolish and weak.
For the record I'm very prepared for a worst case scenario but I'm not a slave to it.
The founding fathers and you have nothing in common. As a devotee of Jefferson I'm quite certain of that.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>All sheeple should recognize vast level of enlightenment attained by the non-sheeple who have clearly attained highest levels of self actualization and mastered, nay, transcended, Maslow's Heirarchy [emoticon] >>
You got something to say to me self appointed high and mighty say it! Come on say it! I vote I can say any thing I please!!!
Just cause you care of no one but yourself doesn't mean I have to!
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<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
You are an extremist and an alarmist. You are a one trick pony. Just because you keep saying the same things over and over again don't make you correct. It just makes you sound paranoid, smug and delusional.
Most of us have our eyes wide open and deal with things in our own manner. You have your eyes wide shut. It makes you blind and closed minded. Anyone who disagrees with you is deemed an apologist or socially conditioned. That's all you got. Keep repeating it, as it make you look foolish and weak.
For the record I'm very prepared for a worst case scenario but I'm not a slave to it.
The founding fathers and you have nothing in common. As a devotee of Jefferson I'm quite certain of that.
Mark >>
Of course! You really told me good, didn't you? Next time, learn what an extremist really is, before you falsely call a person one. You must have got your talking points right from MSNBC!
If you guys would have been alive when Paul Revere was sounding the alarm, I don't doubt he would have been called all of the very things you and your pack of apologists have called me.
I really be ready to argue after 5pm, got few more chores to attend b4 then.
I really aint mad at no one just like voicing my thoughts! Peace, Tim
An open mind creates good things a closed mind creates controversy.
<< <i>Of course! You really told me good, didn't you? Next time, learn what an extremist really is, before you falsely call a person one. You must have got your talking points right from MSNBC!
If you guys would have been alive when Paul Revere was sounding the alarm, I don't doubt he would have been called all of the very things you and your pack of apologists have called me. >>
Stan just called himself a patriot equal to Paul Revere. Stan, I knew Paul Revere. Paul Revere was a friend of mine. You, Sir, are no Paul Revere.
<< <i>Alright J6P me just got back with case Miller High Life not Lite~Bailey!
I really be ready to argue after 5pm, got few more chores to attend b4 then.
I really aint mad at no one just like voicing my thoughts! Peace, Tim
An open mind creates good things a closed mind creates controversy. >>
Not drinking Founders? You Commie!
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<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
Ah yes, the burden of proving a negative. 65 million years ago aliens blasted the Earths atmosphere with iridium to wipe out the dinosaurs for their terra-forming projects. Long live conspiracy theory!!!
Prove it aint true.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
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<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
You are an extremist and an alarmist. You are a one trick pony. Just because you keep saying the same things over and over again don't make you correct. It just makes you sound paranoid, smug and delusional.
Most of us have our eyes wide open and deal with things in our own manner. You have your eyes wide shut. It makes you blind and closed minded. Anyone who disagrees with you is deemed an apologist or socially conditioned. That's all you got. Keep repeating it, as it make you look foolish and weak.
For the record I'm very prepared for a worst case scenario but I'm not a slave to it.
The founding fathers and you have nothing in common. As a devotee of Jefferson I'm quite certain of that.
Mark >>
Of course! You really told me good, didn't you? Next time, learn what an extremist really is, before you falsely call a person one. You must have got your talking points right from MSNBC!
If you guys would have been alive when Paul Revere was sounding the alarm, I don't doubt he would have been called all of the very things you and your pack of apologists have called me. >>
I didn't tell you anything. You can't hear anything. Your mind is made up.
I know what an extremist is. I know what a zealot is. I know what a delusionalist is. You think the burden is on the evidence to reconcile with your delusions.
I've never watch MSNBC. Maybe ever. I don't watch FOX either. What's your conclusion?
I'm a card carrying Libertarian.
I own gold and silver as financial insurance and I'm also afraid of zealots and extremists and zombies. You terrify me.
Paul Revere, now that was a great American.
Carry on're on quite a roll
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Actually, my great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandpappy used to play chess with Ben Franklin. Prove it aint true.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
-- Leon Festinger, When Prophecy Fails (1956)
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction.
Don't swat the hornet nest if you dont want stung.
Daddy always said; 2 things you cant argue with women & ignorance~by the way we have a pretty intelligent forum here for the most part
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<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
You are an extremist and an alarmist. You are a one trick pony. Just because you keep saying the same things over and over again don't make you correct. It just makes you sound paranoid, smug and delusional.
Most of us have our eyes wide open and deal with things in our own manner. You have your eyes wide shut. It makes you blind and closed minded. Anyone who disagrees with you is deemed an apologist or socially conditioned. That's all you got. Keep repeating it, as it make you look foolish and weak.
For the record I'm very prepared for a worst case scenario but I'm not a slave to it.
The founding fathers and you have nothing in common. As a devotee of Jefferson I'm quite certain of that.
Mark >>
Of course! You really told me good, didn't you? Next time, learn what an extremist really is, before you falsely call a person one. You must have got your talking points right from MSNBC!
If you guys would have been alive when Paul Revere was sounding the alarm, I don't doubt he would have been called all of the very things you and your pack of apologists have called me. >>
I didn't tell you anything. You can't hear anything. Your mind is made up.
I know what an extremist is. I know what a zealot is. I know what a delusionalist is. You think the burden is on the evidence to reconcile with your delusions.
I've never watch MSNBC. Maybe ever. I don't watch FOX either. What's your conclusion?
I'm a card carrying Libertarian.
I own gold and silver as financial insurance and I'm also afraid of zealots and extremists and zombies. You terrify me.
Paul Revere, now that was a great American.
Carry on're on quite a roll
Mark >>
You can't be half of what you claim to be or you would not be on here calling people who are for freedom and liberty, extremists, or whatever other stupid term you want to come up with in an attempt to smear a person's character.
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<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
You are an extremist and an alarmist. You are a one trick pony. Just because you keep saying the same things over and over again don't make you correct. It just makes you sound paranoid, smug and delusional.
Most of us have our eyes wide open and deal with things in our own manner. You have your eyes wide shut. It makes you blind and closed minded. Anyone who disagrees with you is deemed an apologist or socially conditioned. That's all you got. Keep repeating it, as it make you look foolish and weak.
For the record I'm very prepared for a worst case scenario but I'm not a slave to it.
The founding fathers and you have nothing in common. As a devotee of Jefferson I'm quite certain of that.
Mark >>
Of course! You really told me good, didn't you? Next time, learn what an extremist really is, before you falsely call a person one. You must have got your talking points right from MSNBC!
If you guys would have been alive when Paul Revere was sounding the alarm, I don't doubt he would have been called all of the very things you and your pack of apologists have called me. >>
I didn't tell you anything. You can't hear anything. Your mind is made up.
I know what an extremist is. I know what a zealot is. I know what a delusionalist is. You think the burden is on the evidence to reconcile with your delusions.
I've never watch MSNBC. Maybe ever. I don't watch FOX either. What's your conclusion?
I'm a card carrying Libertarian.
I own gold and silver as financial insurance and I'm also afraid of zealots and extremists and zombies. You terrify me.
Paul Revere, now that was a great American.
Carry on're on quite a roll
Mark >>
You can't be half of what you claim to be or you would not be on here calling people who are for freedom and liberty, extremists, or whatever other stupid term you want to come up with in an attempt to smear a person's character. >>
You are still on a roll and wrong. I'm exactly what I claim to be. My liberal kids can sign the affidavit. Typical as their mother and I are libertarians.
Liberty and freedom I would die for. You however are on the far fringe so I do distance myself from you. A far as your character goes, you set that stage yourself.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
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<< <i> Rather, just amazed that people can be so willfully ignorant to the reality of what is happening in the world. >>
Ok, this made me laugh...................Mark >>
Stan have last laugh someday; he and his ilk smarter than us. [Emoticon] >>
Isn't it interesting that you can never provide proof that the links I post are wrong? Nah, it's just the point, snicker, and mock, while being apologists/excuse makers due to the social conditioning. >>
None of the links you provide have proof of anything. I for one will not chase my tail. You keep trying to connect dots that aren't connectable. If anyone is conditioned, it's you. Or just maybe you have a condition. In that case I feel bad.
Mark >>
Oh, yes they do prove something. They prove you are losing more and more of your freedom. Only a blind man or a person in denial of reality can't see it.
I have a funny feeling a good amount of you apologists on here wouldn't have liked the founders much, either. >>
You are an extremist and an alarmist. You are a one trick pony. Just because you keep saying the same things over and over again don't make you correct. It just makes you sound paranoid, smug and delusional.
Most of us have our eyes wide open and deal with things in our own manner. You have your eyes wide shut. It makes you blind and closed minded. Anyone who disagrees with you is deemed an apologist or socially conditioned. That's all you got. Keep repeating it, as it make you look foolish and weak.
For the record I'm very prepared for a worst case scenario but I'm not a slave to it.
The founding fathers and you have nothing in common. As a devotee of Jefferson I'm quite certain of that.
Mark >>
Of course! You really told me good, didn't you? Next time, learn what an extremist really is, before you falsely call a person one. You must have got your talking points right from MSNBC!
If you guys would have been alive when Paul Revere was sounding the alarm, I don't doubt he would have been called all of the very things you and your pack of apologists have called me. >>
I didn't tell you anything. You can't hear anything. Your mind is made up.
I know what an extremist is. I know what a zealot is. I know what a delusionalist is. You think the burden is on the evidence to reconcile with your delusions.
I've never watch MSNBC. Maybe ever. I don't watch FOX either. What's your conclusion?
I'm a card carrying Libertarian.
I own gold and silver as financial insurance and I'm also afraid of zealots and extremists and zombies. You terrify me.
Paul Revere, now that was a great American.
Carry on're on quite a roll
Mark >>
You can't be half of what you claim to be or you would not be on here calling people who are for freedom and liberty, extremists, or whatever other stupid term you want to come up with in an attempt to smear a person's character. >>
You are still on a roll and wrong. I'm exactly what I claim to be. My liberal kids can sign the affidavit. Typical as their mother and I are libertarians.
Liberty and freedom I would die for. You however are on the far fringe so I do distance myself from you. A far as your character goes, you set that stage yourself.
Mark >>
Name one thing that you falsely claim I am "far fringe" about?
IMHO, you are starting to sound a lot like that phony libertarian Glenn Beck, that is nothing but a mainstream media libertarian.
Name one thing that you falsely claim I am "far fringe" about?
IMHO, you are starting to sound a lot like that phony libertarian Glenn Beck, that is nothing but a mainstream media libertarian. >>
I haven't falsely claimed anything. Besides for all your editing its all out there for the world to see.
Someone already started a list. This puts you on the fringe for me:
One world system
Social Engineering
White Shoe
Glenn Beck is a tool. Always has been.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>
Daddy always said; 2 things you cant argue with women & ignorance~by the way we have a pretty intelligent forum here for the most part
Daddy knows best :~
Yet you call people, deniers, apologists, fools and idiots?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Wasn't this a thread about safe deposit boxes?
Another thing , I realize its elderly forum software but can we pay attention to what we quote in someone else's posts?
There are posts here with 4 or 5 levels of nested quotes from earlier messages. It's difficult to understand your point especially if you quote someone that quoted you earlier.
Stop being lazy and edit your $hit so it makes sense
<< <i>Come on a individualist is on the "fringe"??? WTF, I need a explanation
BTW the very definition and nature of "individualist" pretty much puts them on the fringe.
Tim, you know me. I'm just saying that I will always distance myself from the likes of Stan.
edited to add---Individualist is your term for Stan. Not mine. I'm not aboard that train.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......