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Stay classy Richard Sherman



  • telephoto1telephoto1 Posts: 4,940 ✭✭✭✭✭
    <<Why would he? What he said was in response to the fact that Manning took the time to check in on him after the game. I mean, come on-- you can't sneer at a guy at a guy for saying something after the game when the comments clearly exist in a post-game context.

    This board cracks me up. Am I the only one here who's said or done something I regret when my blood's up? If I had a camera shoved in my face every time my pulse was at 130 and I'd just finished doing something competitive I'd come across like a freaking barbarian. >>

    We've all said/done things we regret; that's only obvious. The difference between us and him is that he's getting paid handsomely to be a pro athlete and a de facto ambassador of the sport...that entails (whether anyone agrees or not) exemplifying things like sportsmanship and being cast as a role model for younger people who tend to idolize athletes. Sorry but no pass from me on this one.

    RIP Mom- 1932-2012
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Does money somehow remove basic human instinct? If he didn't play with that kind of intensity he wouldn't even be good enough to play in the NFL.
  • telephoto1telephoto1 Posts: 4,940 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I guess I must have missed the memo about how gloating, rubbing things in the face of another and being a d-bag in general is a basic human instinct.

    RIP Mom- 1932-2012
  • 1985fan1985fan Posts: 1,952 ✭✭

    << <i>Does money somehow remove basic human instinct? If he didn't play with that kind of intensity he wouldn't even be good enough to play in the NFL. >>

    There's plenty of players who are good enough to play in the NFL, and to play at the highest of high levels, and never resorted to the classlessness exhibited by Sherman. Win with integrity, with with sportsmanship, something apparently Sherman never learned.
  • MGLICKERMGLICKER Posts: 7,995 ✭✭✭
    Sherman's 15 minutes of fame is now into its 19th day.


  • << <i>. Win with integrity, with with sportsmanship, something apparently Sherman never learned. >>

    Everyone just shakes their head when we hear this hypocrite actually having the nerve to type this crap.

    He on the one hand says it's not ok for Sherman to speak offensively, yet he comes on here and speaks offensively himself.

    He says that Sherman should "Win with integrity, win with sportsmanship", yet this racist clown never comes on here
    and "discusses topics with integrity, discusses topics with good sportsmanship."

    This clown feels he has the right to judge others, and tell them to live at a high standard, yet he himself doesn't
    live up to that standard.

    What an absolute hypocritical, racist, two-faced idiot at the very least.

    That's about the kindest things I could find to say about him.

    Listen up 1985fan. If you're going to say others should have higher standards, then you yourself better demonstrate
    those same standards, or you are going to continuously make yourself look like an a$$.

  • 1985fan1985fan Posts: 1,952 ✭✭

    << <i>
    Everyone just shakes their head when we hear this hypocrite actually having the nerve to type this crap.

    He on the one hand says it's not ok for Sherman to speak offensively, yet he comes on here and speaks offensively himself. >>

    Sorry, what was that? I still have your words saying all Native Americans are savages, a race whose savagery is ingrained in their blood, ringing in my ears. Apologize for your wildly racist comments and maybe you'll have a shred of credibility left. *Maybe.*

    << <i>He says that Sherman should "Win with integrity, win with sportsmanship", yet this racist clown never comes on here
    and "discusses topics with integrity, discusses topics with good sportsmanship." >>

    Come again?

    << <i>This clown feels he has the right to judge others, and tell them to live at a high standard, yet he himself doesn't
    live up to that standard. >>

    Says the guy who has gone out of his way to repeatedly demean Native Americans, one who has proven, time and again, to look down on Native Americans. Sorry, but I can't listen to anything a known racist says and take it seriously.

    << <i>What an absolute hypocritical, racist, two-faced idiot at the very least.

    That's about the kindest things I could find to say about him. >>

    Then how about you keep my name out of your mouth? How about you keep your racist opinions to yourself?

    << <i>Listen up 1985fan. If you're going to say others should have higher standards, then you yourself better demonstrate
    those same standards, or you are going to continuously make yourself look like an a$$. >>

    Go away, troll. Go away. Go back to the bridge or rock you crawled out from under, and just disappear. You've proven yourself to be a racist. Your suggesting that me calling someone a 'thug' (a term I've used for both white and black athletes) is racially motivated is beyond idiotic. You are so desperate to not be known as the board racist you continue to throw the term around, hoping it sticks to me.

    But it's YOU who's the racist. It's YOU who demeaned an entire race of people with your 'barbaric' and 'savage' comments. Me? I called someone a 'thug'. A term I used with WHITE Richie Incognito, which DESTROYS and ANNIHILATES your entire premise of me using the term with racist intent.

    P.S. I find it hilarious that you continue to use my words in your post. I wonder if you realize, by attempting to mock my statement, that you're coming out in favor of the government being able to censor and regulate free speech? Of course you don't, you're simply too foolish to comprehend the ramifications of what you're suggesting should be done.
  • CNoteCNote Posts: 2,070
    The number of posters on here that think they are good enough to judge everyone and maintain this "holier than thou!" attitude is sad.
  • galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,290 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I can safely say this place wouldn't be the same without 85fan. Compared to all of the apoplectic threads I've witnessed from roughly a decade ago, dude is practically insipid nowadays. And yeah, that was intended to be complimentary.

    Whenever he takes a stance, I'm typically on the other side. But he loves sports, so considering where we are and what we're doing, that's all that really matters. I guarantee you we could grab a beer and watch the Buccaneers get their asses kicked together.

    you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>I guess I must have missed the memo about how gloating, rubbing things in the face of another and being a d-bag in general is a basic human instinct. >>

    Really? What do you think happens when these guys jaw at each other after the play? Do you think they're sharing brownie recipes?

    Sherman's only 'crime'-- and I use that term loosely-- is that he mouthed off to a sideline reporter, instead of keeping it between the lines. I don't know why that trivial distinction gets you guys so knotted up, but hey- everyone sees it differently. In any event, I can't complain- at least I found a new favorite cornerback!
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Does money somehow remove basic human instinct? If he didn't play with that kind of intensity he wouldn't even be good enough to play in the NFL. >>

    There's plenty of players who are good enough to play in the NFL, and to play at the highest of high levels, and never resorted to the classlessness exhibited by Sherman. Win with integrity, with with sportsmanship, something apparently Sherman never learned. >>

    This thug also missed the memo about winning with integrity and sportsmanship. Send him the good word!

    Lots of great players are hotheads. Sherman is one example, but he's not the only one. The NBA was a more entertaining place with Gary Payton, for example, and the NFL is more fun with Richard Sherman in it. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the action on the field along with the big personalities that some of these guys possess.

    I'm still not sure why mouthing off to Crabree right after the play would be OK (and surely it would), but mouthing off to Erin Andrews in the minutes after game would not be.
  • 1985fan1985fan Posts: 1,952 ✭✭
    You ever see Manning ever go up to a defender he just beat for a touchdown and start jawing? What about Brady? How about Russel Wilson? Ever see Adrian Peterson make a big show when he breaks off a big run?

    To sit there and suggest that 'big personality' should equate to 'poor sportsmanship' is a bit of a stretch. You talk about the NBA being more fun with Payton in it, but are you going to suggest that the game is worse off without guys like him in it?
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭
    he's gone out of his way to demean and berate an educated and successful african american and that's okay.
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,290 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is what I can't comprehend, and I'm really hoping 85 will acknowledge and elaborate.

    Alex Rodriguez.

    Richard Sherman.

    When you place each of those individuals in a vacuum and thoroughly examine who they are, how you can be so diametrically opposed in the fashion you are is beyond me. If you dislike Sherman, fine. But to be such a staunch supporter of Arod? Come on, man. You cannot be serious with this. There couldn't be more of a disconnect with that line of thinking, and you know it. Sherman might be considered by some to be a royal pr!ck when it comes to his craft, but Alex is utterly detestable in so many facets of his being. Yet time and again I've witnessed you spinning and justifying on his behalf. Zero equity, zero sense.

    I'm not saying this is why you lose some cred on here, but this is a perfect example of why you lose some cred on here.

    you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

  • Skin2Skin2 Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭

    << <i>This is what I can't comprehend, and I'm really hoping 85 will acknowledge and elaborate.

    Alex Rodriguez.

    Richard Sherman.

    When you place each of those individuals in a vacuum and thoroughly examine who they are, how you can be so diametrically opposed in the fashion you are is beyond me. If you dislike Sherman, fine. But to be such a staunch supporter of Arod? Come on, man. You cannot be serious with this. There couldn't be more of a disconnect with that line of thinking, and you know it. Sherman might be considered by some to be a royal pr!ck when it comes to his craft, but Alex is utterly detestable in so many facets of his being. Yet time and again I've witnessed you spinning and justifying on his behalf. Zero equity, zero sense.

    I'm not saying this is why you lose some cred on here, but this is a perfect example of why you lose some cred on here. >>

    Hero worship is the answer why...plain and simple.

    No need to ask him to clarify, he will spin it with dumb and irrational points, and that is what hero worshipers tend to do.
  • 1985fan1985fan Posts: 1,952 ✭✭
    My defense of Arod has never been about Arod the person. It's widely known what kind of person he is.

    My problem has resolved solely around (a) Bud's pathetic attempts to squash the PED problem HE oversaw, and (b) the random penalties that got handed down that escalated depending on the player's fame. My problem has always been with the process, with Bud so desperate to secure his place in the hall of fame that he overstepped his boundaries. Instead of the rightful title of the PED commissioner, his minions in the sport and in the press will push his title as the guy who took down Arod - damn the process, damn the manner in which he did it.

    So no, my defense of Arod has never been about the player himself, but defending the ridiculous manner in which Selig prosecuted him.
  • Skin2Skin2 Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭

    << <i>My defense of Arod has never been about Arod the person. It's widely known what kind of person he is.

    My problem has resolved solely around (a) Bud's pathetic attempts to squash the PED problem HE oversaw, and (b) the random penalties that got handed down that escalated depending on the player's fame. My problem has always been with the process, with Bud so desperate to secure his place in the hall of fame that he overstepped his boundaries. Instead of the rightful title of the PED commissioner, his minions in the sport and in the press will push his title as the guy who took down Arod - damn the process, damn the manner in which he did it.

    So no, my defense of Arod has never been about the player himself, but defending the ridiculous manner in which Selig prosecuted him. >>


    << <i>It's downright cute how you guys think that the negative traits you associate with Arod are unique to him. He's a narcissist! He hit on a fan! As if these are traits that he and he alone possesses and exhibits. He took PEDs! He signed for the money!

    It's either that or your lives are so empty you can't help yourselves but take potshots at guys. Either way, I feel sorry for you guys. >>

    That is your quote in defense of his character.

    Also, you claimed that steroids don't really help hitters in baseball anyway. You equated their effectiveness with other 'non PED's' that aren't nearly as effective.

    You didn't understand the correlation between increased strength and how increased strength transfers to the ball leaving the bat at a higher velocity, which means the ball traveling a farther distance. You fought tooth and nail in saying increased strength does not matter, therefore steroids do not matter, and you still claim that Arods numbers cannot be denied, and should still be taken at face value because steroids didin't help him.

    So, if your only defense of Arod is on the process Bud partook in, then you agree that he cheated, and that his performance was a product of steroids.

    Finally, previous to Arod getting caught, your stance on steroid takers was one of scorn, and you said they were cheaters. Your hero got caught, and you coincidentally changed that view, lol image"
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