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Ok, he's gone, where do we go from here?



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    TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725

    << <i>

    << <i>1-5 ?

    I've run out of comments, it's just futile to keep harping on the negative...it's not my style to do so.

    Therefore...I will enact a self-imposed, NO POST till the Red Sox win at least 3 in a row. I suspect this will not happen soon, so, till then...be well my friends. I'll lurk, but that's it. >>

    Al, why not make it just 2 in a row? image >>

    Hey Al, I agree with Perk. If you wait for 3 in a row we might not hear from you again until 2013.
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    pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    I'm not that negative,

    I feel they will start winning when they get home.

    This starting the season on the road is tough on any team.
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    bxbbxb Posts: 805 ✭✭
    Maybe we can petition the commisioner to have 4 wild card teams in each league instead of two.
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    DarinDarin Posts: 6,571 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>1-5 ?

    I've run out of comments, it's just futile to keep harping on the negative...it's not my style to do so.

    Therefore...I will enact a self-imposed, NO POST till the Red Sox win at least 3 in a row. I suspect this will not happen soon, so, till then...be well my friends. I'll lurk, but that's it. >>

    Oh c'mon, it could be worse, you could be a Royals fan! I'll make you feel better with a story. The Royals and A's went to extra innings yesterday. It was still 3-3 in the top of the 12th, when Eric Hosmer singled and Billy Butler drove him in with a double. Yes, 4-3 Royals! Then the Royals bring in Jonathon Broxtron to close out the game. He gets the first batter out, and I have visions of a Royals 4-2 start on their first road trip running through my head.
    Then Escobar boots a routine grounder to short, Broxton walks the next two to load the bases, then decides walking them is taking to long, so he plunks the next two.
    Game over, we lose.

    Stupid list…. Mistlin

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    perkdogperkdog Posts: 29,786 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Glad they were up for the Home Opener, Beckett looked great as was a great all around performance, lets hope Ellsbury is OK

    2 More wins in a row now and our friend Al will chime in

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    TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    I have to admit, I was surprised by Beckett's performance. Hopefully it is a sign that he and Shoppach have already gotten on the same page and maybe Shop can be his regular catcher.

    It was nice to see the Red Sox hitters working the pitch count up on the Rays, especially David Price. I think in one at bat, Pedroia went 7 pitches deep against him before he flew out. I'll take that kind of at bat every time against a pitcher like Price.
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    pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭

    Only 2 more wins and Al will be back with us.
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    perkdogperkdog Posts: 29,786 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Crossing my Fingers for Ellsbury but I dont think this injury is going to be anything nice image
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    RoarIn84RoarIn84 Posts: 859 ✭✭

    << <i>Crossing my Fingers for Ellsbury but I dont think this injury is going to be anything nice image >>

    Too bad Damon is off the market now, eh??
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    pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    He will be out 6 to 8 weeks. Ouch!
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    BarndogBarndog Posts: 20,467 ✭✭✭✭✭
    six to eight weeks would be great. Remember the Sox medical staff didn't call it right last time he got injured and Ellsbury played just 18 games that year. If he gets back to full speed by August that would be great.
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    RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭

    << <i>six to eight weeks would be great. Remember the Sox medical staff didn't call it right last time he got injured and Ellsbury played just 18 games that year. If he gets back to full speed by August that would be great. >>

    Now that Theo is gone, I'm sure he can get the rest he needs without worried about being traded, or deemed "too handsome" for the team
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    BarndogBarndog Posts: 20,467 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Down 4-0 already (in the first) to the Rays. Glad I am only listening, not watching. Bruins on the tv now
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    RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    sox battling back, bruins still down 1-0
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    BarndogBarndog Posts: 20,467 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sweet, Ortiz just tied it up...time for the Bruins to net a winner
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    RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    tyin it up
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    MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,684 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    Welcome back Al! That's a good sign.
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    bxbbxb Posts: 805 ✭✭
    A good comeback win.

    And Buckholz got his ERA down to 9.82 for the season.
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    pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    Ok Al, you are free to comment!
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    RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    another win>> and more homers by ross and Aviles? Steppin up to the plate!
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    MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,684 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm baaaaaaaaaack !! Three smiley faces is all it took.

    WOW, maybe there is something to that home field thing. Is this the same team?? I'm even gonna get off Ortiz's pay...the guy is on fire. Still a little shaky around the edges, but overall, the past three games have been very impressive. Losing Jacoby is hopefully not gonna be too costly...nonetheless, a hard guy to replace. Not only home runs, but over the wall homers!

    Gotta say, might be a bit premature, but I think I'm starting to come around a little...looks like we've got some gas in the tank. Would love to roll the Rays with a sweep and that bozo Luke Scott who disses Red Sox fans who go to Tampa to watch games. Doofus beard to boot.

    You might as well call in sick tomorrow Chad, 8AM start for you guys out West.

    Can Bard hold the line???

    Glad to be back!!

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    RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    I couldnt believe Luke Scott, what an A$$, plunk him in the KNEE
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    TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    As a matter of fact, I think I may be coming down with something . . . cough, cough . . .
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    morgansforevermorgansforever Posts: 8,441 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good grind it out win today for the Sox and not against a slouch team.
    Ortiz 9 for 13, batting .444 and Ross hottin bombs outa Fenway.
    Hopefully it continues.
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    MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,684 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Could be a one day flu Chad...mean stuff, totally dibilitating for 24 hours, then a full and miraculous recovery. The only cure is total rest on a recliner with remote in hand. House should be kinda quiet so as to absorb complete rest as one reclines. Having an ample supply of medication nearby is essential, you know, like snacks, and a beverage to wash down the snacks, oddly, beer seems to be the ideal beverage for this illness. I'm told watching a sports program actually is quite effective in relieving all symptons and aids in a speedy recovery. Wife might not buy this "cure", but I hear it's guaranteed. image
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    My Sox sweep Rays- 3 games. great weekend!!!!
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    perkdogperkdog Posts: 29,786 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>My Sox sweep Rays- 3 games. great weekend!!!! >>

    And Great to see Al back so quickly!

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    BarndogBarndog Posts: 20,467 ✭✭✭✭✭
    if the Sox get any consistency out of Aviles and Cody Ross, they are way ahead for the money.
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    RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>My Sox sweep Rays- 3 games. great weekend!!!! >>

    And Great to see Al back so quickly!

    image >>

    my thoughts exactly...and the 3 game streak aint too shabby either

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    pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    Great game today. I will not be able to see tomorrow's game as my wife is going in for some surgery tomorrow morning but I am hoping they can break out the brooms.
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    TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    I hope your wife's surgery is successful!
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    MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,684 ✭✭✭✭✭

    GL with the wife's surgery this AM...pls let us know things went well.

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    perkdogperkdog Posts: 29,786 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Pitboss...

    GL with the wife's surgery this AM...pls let us know things went well.

    Al >>

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    perkdogperkdog Posts: 29,786 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just got this of cbssports... WTF??

    Seemingly, it should be a fine day in Boston. It's Patriot's Day, the weather is nice, and the Sox are going for a four-game sweep of the division-rival Rays. But manager Bobby Valentine, as is his wont, can't leave well enough alone.

    Here's what Valentine, during an appearance on Boston's WHDH, had to sayabout third baseman Kevin Youkilisand his .498 OPS: "

    I don't think he's as physically or emotionally into the game as he has been in the past for some reason," Valentine said. "But [on Saturday] it seemed, you know, he's seeing the ball well, got those two walks, his on-base percentage up higher than his batting average, which is always a good thing, and he'll move on from there."

    Read more at: http://www.nesn.com/2012/04/bobby-valentine-questions-kevin-youkilis-commitment-both-physically-and-emotionally.html

    "I don't think he's as physically or emotionally into the game as he has been in the past for some reason," Valentine said. "But [on Saturday] it seemed, you know, he's seeing the ball well, got those two walks, his on-base percentage up higher than his batting average, which is always a good thing, and he'll move on from there."

    Read more at: http://www.nesn.com/2012/04/bobby-valentine-questions-kevin-youkilis-commitment-both-physically-and-emotionally.html
    I don't think he's as physically or emotionally into the game as he has been in the past for some reason. But [on Saturday] it seemed, you know, he's seeing the ball well, got those two walks, his on-base percentage up higher than his batting average, which is always a good thing, and he'll move on from there."

    As you can see, Valentine softened that initial broadside in the second portion of the quote, but it's the first part -- the part in which he assails Youkilis's physical and emotional commitment to the game -- that's going to be with us for a while.

    Maybe this is a calculated motivational technique on the part of Valentine, but it certainly looks, feels and smells like an all-too-candid moment brought out by the extemporaneous nature of talk radio.

    Whatever Valentine's thought process (or lack thereof), Youkilis, who won't be in the lineup for the series finale against Tampa Bay, begs to differ with his conclusions. "Everyone here knows I go out and play with emotion," he told reporters Monday morning. "The only time there has ever been a question is because I've been too emotional."

    The most revealing response, however, may have been Dustin Pedroia's: "I really don't know what Bobby is trying to do," Pedroia said. "That's not the way we go about our stuff around here. He'll figure that out. The whole team is behind Youk. We have each other's backs here."

    After being asked whether Valentine's comments could serve to motivate, Pedroia said, "Maybe in Japan or something."

    One thing is certain: you haven't heard the last of this.
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    MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,684 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I suspect the GM or above will reel in Valentine. If he starts acting like a Dictator and making stupid comments, things could go downhill quickly. I don't know who the team Captain is now that Tek is gone, but, were I he, I'd be having a serious closed door toe-to-toe with #25!! Not having Youkilis as an everyday starter is just stupid...like not taking out the pitcher last week when you needed the game so badly. I suspect the wrath of the Red Sox Nation will chime in should this thing get any crazier. To openly diss a player like that is total BS...or, in the vernacular of New England...wicked stupid !!

    This constant shuffling of the lineup has me a bit bugged...I wonder if he does it because he can, or is actually trying to tighten things up. Perhaps he doesn't get "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

    I was not in favor of the Valentine selection, but like everybody else, gotta live with it for now. Torre was my choice, but didn't happen.

    Stupid is as stupid does Forrest Gump

    Maybe Paul could arrange for an overnight visit at his workplace.
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    MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,684 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just watched the Youkilis/Valentine saga talked about during the game. Seems to me that Valentine's "style" is one to intimidate players via the press. Valentine knows damn well he stepped he a HUGE pile of dogblow and was squirming to extract himself, but clearly remains about neck deep in the goo. Several players cames to Youk's defense. Valentine had a closed door with Youk to apologize, but I suspect it fell on deaf ears. Valentine tried to insinuate that Youk's lack of slamming helmets in the dugout was an indicator that Youk wasn't emotionally into the games. Clearly Valentine was cluless trying to explain himself during a media interview.

    I believe Valentine will "get the memo" and be told to wise up and stop his cheap shot comments or his ass will be on the T heading to Logan.
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    BarndogBarndog Posts: 20,467 ✭✭✭✭✭
    crybaby millionaires, the whole lot of them: professional athletes, owners, coaches, managers. "Waah, waah, waah, he said something bad about me"

    When someone appears to be mailing it in, Valentine is expected to demonstrate by his employers that he is not Terry Francoma
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    TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    Other than struggling at the plate though, what gave the appearance that Youkilis was mailing it in? I wasn't getting that impression.
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    perkdogperkdog Posts: 29,786 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>crybaby millionaires, the whole lot of them: professional athletes, owners, coaches, managers. "Waah, waah, waah, he said something bad about me"

    When someone appears to be mailing it in, Valentine is expected to demonstrate by his employers that he is not Terry Francoma >>

    I dont think Youk is mailing it in by any stretch, I completely understand what you mean though Barndog. Personally I think Valentine was getting impatient on showing how he is unafraid to challenge his guys unlike Francona however I think he jumped the gun and jumped on the wrong situation to demonstrate himself.

    Either way Youk should just leave whatever was mentioned in his "Closed door" meeting and move on, sometimes you get yelled at for no reason and if Youk has any manhood about him he will carry on and try to prove Valentine wrong by his actions on the field rather than allow it to ignite the clubhouse.
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    TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    Can we go ahead and get a "C" sewed onto Pedroia's jersey yet?
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    perkdogperkdog Posts: 29,786 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Can we go ahead and get a "C" sewed onto Pedroia's jersey yet? >>

    Good Call! image
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    perkdogperkdog Posts: 29,786 ✭✭✭✭✭
    C'Mon! Dont tell me we used up all our runs over the weekend!!

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    RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    guess the Ump wanted to go home
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    pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    I got home in time to see that group of bad calls by an umpire. What a joke.

    My wife did fine and is home. Thank you guys for your concern.
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    perkdogperkdog Posts: 29,786 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I got home in time to see that group of bad calls by an umpire. What a joke.

    My wife did fine and is home. Thank you guys for your concern. >>

    Good to hear your Wife made out well.
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    JustinsShoeboxJustinsShoebox Posts: 1,301 ✭✭✭
    I wish you guys the best of luck tomorrow against the Rangers. Please beat them.


    A concerned Angel fan.

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    MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,684 ✭✭✭✭✭
    crybaby millionaires, the whole lot of them: professional athletes, owners, coaches, managers. "Waah, waah, waah, he said something bad about me"

    When someone appears to be mailing it in, Valentine is expected to demonstrate by his employers that he is not Terry Francoma

    Hey Barn...I don't see it this way. As I understand it, Valentine made his comments to a media meeting. The follow-up comments were made primarily by Pedroia and others who totally supported Youkilis. Youkilis (as anybody would), went to the boss to ask "what's this?" in a closed door meeting. Valentine then apologized and made the comment he wasn't sure if Youkilis accepted it. I certainly don't think that when Valentine has an observation that he "thinks" someone is mailing it in, that upper management expects him to be a hard ass. Or, in your words, "not Terry Francona"...I seriously doubt that Youkilis is mailing anything in, maybe in a bit of a slump, but surely not mailing it in. As for his tossing his helmet in the dugout in the past, that I think got old last year with players...thus, Youkilis was trying to tone down his emotions and not pulling a nutty, which obviously gets old quickly.

    I don't think Youkilis was doing the waah, waah, merely commenting on Valentine's claims and/or statements as to his performance. I would think it would be anti-team to bust people left and right when Valentine has the urge to do so when he thinks he sees something.


    As for the C on Pedroia's uniform, I' vote for that, he is the glue of the team.
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    RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    Youl seemed into the game today, telling Pedroia to take a bigger lead, very animated

    Let hope for another W SOON
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    MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,684 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Fenway celebration this Friday...

    As luck would have it, the hated Yankees will be in Fenway this Friday as Red Sox Nation celebrates 100 years of the ball yard. Sadly (see Dan Shaugnessy article at RedSox.com) Francona, while invited more than once, has chosen to opt out of being there. Still chapped over his being jettisoned 2 days after the end of last season and hammered in the press, Francona, while a major part of Red Sox success, is gonna pout and stay away. Weirdly enough, he will be at Fenway on Sunday night as an ESPN analyst...no doubt he will be asked about his lack of attendance at the previous Friday's hooplah.

    While he made some nice comments about Pedroia and Lester and wished them well, he is mega-bitter at Luccino etal over his exit. He was also personally invited by John Henry, but still no go.

    I suspect he'd get an ovation from the crowd...much luck Buckner did. What's done is done, gotta move on, life is a short ride, bitterness sucks.

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