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25th Anniversary ASE set



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    They probably won't change the system, but back in the day, the Mint sent out notices to collectors on the mailing list. Most of these folks could order something desired like these sets and not worry about getting shut out by flippers working like daytraders and enlisting lots of helpers. Just saying it's not a good system, IMO.
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    From the product page today:

    2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set (A25)

    Price: $299.95

    Sold Out
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    RichRRichR Posts: 3,850 ✭✭✭✭✭
    <<They probably won't change the system, but back in the day, the Mint sent out notices to collectors on the mailing list. Most of these folks could order something desired like these sets and not worry about getting shut out by flippers working like daytraders and enlisting lots of helpers. Just saying it's not a good system, IMO. >>

    Warning...I suggested something similar earlier...and was jumped on because mail service apparently takes many days(!!!) longer from the West Coast...OK?!? To which I say, you might want to stop using the Pony Express...
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    ajmanajman Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i><<It's possible because of the problems that e-mails were significantly lagging behind the actual order. >> >>

    Time on your email is irrelevant, they are known to sometimes lag the actual purchase. The time of purchase shown on your "Track Order" transaction is the time of the sale. >>

    I don't see that info anywhere on my receipts. (time of purchase)
    Beer is Proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy -Benjamin Franklin-
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    << <i><<They probably won't change the system, but back in the day, the Mint sent out notices to collectors on the mailing list. Most of these folks could order something desired like these sets and not worry about getting shut out by flippers working like daytraders and enlisting lots of helpers. Just saying it's not a good system, IMO. >>

    Warning...I suggested something similar earlier...and was jumped on because mail service apparently takes many days(!!!) longer from the West Coast...OK?!? To which I say, you might want to stop using the Pony Express... >>

    Sorry, didn't see your post, but yeah, it's just wishful thinking that there's going to be system that works best for all. I think it was suggested several times that it should have been one per person for a week or so. That might have helped some of those shut out because they didn't get through or were working or traveling.
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    BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,322 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>A review of yesterday's ASE sale.

    Text >>

    While I agree with the article, I find it poorly written, from a journalistic point of view. If it were just a "Letter to the Editor" type, then I would understand. However, the author of the letter is billed not only as a collector, but also as a "numismatic writer". He tries to inject his own feelings in his writings, but in an indirect way, instead of trying to keep things in 1 style.

    << <i> I would think each set is sealed in its own box than all five put in a big box? But maybe there just going to throw them all in there boxs in one big box >>

    Ummmm....no. If they follow their pattern over the years, they will put the product in its "natural state" in 1 major box together. So when you open it, you get non-sealed product. To me, that is the right way to do it as a business. To the flipper in me, it does suck that way but I understand and I work with it.

    << <i><< Guess it's perspective, but I hated the way Apmex did it. I had an alert, but they gave priority to $ customers and I only got a set (B box) when the elite had decided. Maybe the Mint should do that. Sell preferentially to long time customers who have actually bought from them in the past, not new flippers pulling in their cousins, employees, neighbors, etc. to help them make a buck. >>

    Sorry M, I disagree. I never bought anything before the ATB set I got from Apmex.

    Anyway, my point was, a random lottery selection by the mint would have been most fair. And to your point, it would have to be truly random selection. >>

    Agree with the disagree. I had only ordered once or twice over 5 years with Apmex and I put my name in their list and got a set. Not too bad of a set but not MS69DMPL either image
    If it was truly random, then some folks that had never ordered with them would still get shut out, right?
    If it wasn't truly random, can you truly blame a company for giving priority to prior customers? Unless the USMint's directives were "EVERYONE gets the same chance" instead of just "need to make these available to the public at 1 per person", then I can understand it (and, I did not get from every seller and likely because they did prioritize to their own customers and I live with that).

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

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    Coins101Coins101 Posts: 2,602 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>There was nothing "hit or miss" about getting through yesterday. Computer savvy buyers used techniques to navigate the chaos. >>

    The only advantage a computer savy buyer had was his ability to send pages more rapidly to try to find an opening on the mint server. I used multiple open browser windows to finally get one through. >>

    Yup, me to and I stayed with it. Three orders in 6 minutes on I got in (which took 6 minutes). I am glad I didn't order 6 sets - 666! image
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    botanistbotanist Posts: 524 ✭✭✭
    Those who believe that success in ordering was merely random are ignoring the great advantage of having the speediest technology available. The shameful performance of the mint was not only that their computer system is obsolete (i suggest comparing it to Ticketmaster) but they misjudged the demand for this set due to abysmal numismatic ignorance, and should have minted a larger quantity with a lower ordering limit.
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    Coins101Coins101 Posts: 2,602 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I think it's more randomness then anything. MJ >>

    That is how my IT guys explained it. I can't remember all they said but it had something to do with assigning traffic to various servers and how the Mint's network does this. He did mention something about a Round Robin method of assigning traffic.
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    commacomma Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    Why doesn't the mint have any email support?
    I have a small issue with my shipping costs (that I probably won't bring up to them in case something gets screwed up over $30 in shipping) but I was just curious why there is no email support...
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    Dollar2007Dollar2007 Posts: 759 ✭✭✭

    << <i><<They probably won't change the system, but back in the day, the Mint sent out notices to collectors on the mailing list. Most of these folks could order something desired like these sets and not worry about getting shut out by flippers working like daytraders and enlisting lots of helpers. Just saying it's not a good system, IMO. >>

    Warning...I suggested something similar earlier...and was jumped on because mail service apparently takes many days(!!!) longer from the West Coast...OK?!? To which I say, you might want to stop using the Pony Express... >>

    How is this even a question, of course mail takes longer from the west coast to the east coast than the east coast to the east coast. I can send a letter within my state and it only takes a day while sending a letter across the country takes 3, and yes it is unreasonable to expect everybody to pay $30 for overnight shipping to maybe secure a set. Just because the mint can't upgrade their servers and limit orders to one per household doesn't mean we have to stop using the internet. If the mints site would operate like Amazon there would be no issue.
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    Coins101Coins101 Posts: 2,602 ✭✭✭

    << <i>They probably won't change the system, but back in the day, the Mint sent out notices to collectors on the mailing list. Most of these folks could order something desired like these sets and not worry about getting shut out by flippers working like daytraders and enlisting lots of helpers. Just saying it's not a good system, IMO. >>

    Back in the day, there were no limits placed on their products. I could see this happening before processing orders by mail which would cost a heck of a lot more $$ than by computer. It would help the Post Office though.
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    BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,322 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Why doesn't the mint have any email support?
    I have a small issue with my shipping costs (that I probably won't bring up to them in case something gets screwed up over $30 in shipping) but I was just curious why there is no email support... >>

    When you set up your account, it defaults to standard, $4.95 shipping. You have to manually change it to expedited. Did you change it then?
    When you order something, it defaults to standard $4.95 shipping. Did you change it when you ordered?

    It doesn't sound like there was a problem with the shipping costs....sounds like it was set, or changed, and now you want it back. If you did 3 separate orders, then you would have seen on the first one that the price was for expedited but, in the frenzy, that didn't matter, right? Only when things settled down and after the fact?

    If you plan to flip and make money, you need to decide if the extra cost, and getting your units quicker possibly, is worth the extra $13/set you are paying for the shipping.
    If you were just collecting these, then I would agree with you that it is more of an issue and that you should get it fixed. Next time now, you know, right?

    (yeah yeah yeah....it all sounds cruel and cold, but it is a business world, you are an adult (right?), and you made the conscious decisions for your actions....no one changed them behind your back....so you should just man up to it................errrrr, I forgot, the younger generation believes things should change to their ways, and only for them, and everyone else should pay for it....OCCUPY THE USMINT!!!!!! image )

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • Options
    commacomma Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Why doesn't the mint have any email support?
    I have a small issue with my shipping costs (that I probably won't bring up to them in case something gets screwed up over $30 in shipping) but I was just curious why there is no email support... >>

    When you set up your account, it defaults to standard, $4.95 shipping. You have to manually change it to expedited. Did you change it then?
    When you order something, it defaults to standard $4.95 shipping. Did you change it when you ordered?

    It doesn't sound like there was a problem with the shipping costs....sounds like it was set, or changed, and now you want it back. If you did 3 separate orders, then you would have seen on the first one that the price was for expedited but, in the frenzy, that didn't matter, right? Only when things settled down and after the fact?

    If you plan to flip and make money, you need to decide if the extra cost, and getting your units quicker possibly, is worth the extra $13/set you are paying for the shipping.
    If you were just collecting these, then I would agree with you that it is more of an issue and that you should get it fixed. Next time now, you know, right?

    (yeah yeah yeah....it all sounds cruel and cold, but it is a business world, you are an adult (right?), and you made the conscious decisions for your actions....no one changed them behind your back....so you should just man up to it................errrrr, I forgot, the younger generation believes things should change to their ways, and only for them, and everyone else should pay for it....OCCUPY THE USMINT!!!!!! image ) >>

    In no way did that even reference my question about email support. I'll wait for a real answer and not a blatant and unnecessary prod to start a fight. Thanks.
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    Coins101Coins101 Posts: 2,602 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i><<They probably won't change the system, but back in the day, the Mint sent out notices to collectors on the mailing list. Most of these folks could order something desired like these sets and not worry about getting shut out by flippers working like daytraders and enlisting lots of helpers. Just saying it's not a good system, IMO. >>

    Warning...I suggested something similar earlier...and was jumped on because mail service apparently takes many days(!!!) longer from the West Coast...OK?!? To which I say, you might want to stop using the Pony Express... >>

    Sorry, didn't see your post, but yeah, it's just wishful thinking that there's going to be system that works best for all. I think it was suggested several times that it should have been one per person for a week or so. That might have helped some of those shut out because they didn't get through or were working or traveling. >>

    Better yet. How about Minting to demand. No limits period. Flood the market with as many sets as the market will take. Start at the Jan. 1 and take orders all year long. If you want to buy a 1,000,000 sets, they will mint them for you. That will make everyone happy because they were able to get the coins they want.
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    << <i>

    << <i>A review of yesterday's ASE sale.

    Text >>

    While I agree with the article, I find it poorly written, from a journalistic point of view. If it were just a "Letter to the Editor" type, then I would understand. However, the author of the letter is billed not only as a collector, but also as a "numismatic writer". He tries to inject his own feelings in his writings, but in an indirect way, instead of trying to keep things in 1 style.

    Quote from the article

    << <i>There were two main problems. First, the five per household limit was too high and enabled dealers and others looking to make a profit to scoop up the majority of the sets without giving a chance to the average collector. >>

    Without debating the article's literary merits or lack thereof, I'd have to say I'm an "average collector".
    I'd say I'm probably the epitome of the average collector.
    I ordered 5 sets.
    Because I could!
    I saw a chance to add a nice set to my collection and make a few bucks to boot.
    It's the American way!
    If the market tanks on these sets, then I'll be stuck with some expensive bullion.
    That's the risk I took.
    All this hand wringing and whining is just so much sour grapes.
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    MetalsmanMetalsman Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Why doesn't the mint have any email support?
    I have a small issue with my shipping costs (that I probably won't bring up to them in case something gets screwed up over $30 in shipping) but I was just curious why there is no email support... >>

    When you set up your account, it defaults to standard, $4.95 shipping. You have to manually change it to expedited. Did you change it then?
    When you order something, it defaults to standard $4.95 shipping. Did you change it when you ordered?

    It doesn't sound like there was a problem with the shipping costs....sounds like it was set, or changed, and now you want it back. If you did 3 separate orders, then you would have seen on the first one that the price was for expedited but, in the frenzy, that didn't matter, right? Only when things settled down and after the fact?

    If you plan to flip and make money, you need to decide if the extra cost, and getting your units quicker possibly, is worth the extra $13/set you are paying for the shipping.
    If you were just collecting these, then I would agree with you that it is more of an issue and that you should get it fixed. Next time now, you know, right?

    (yeah yeah yeah....it all sounds cruel and cold, but it is a business world, you are an adult (right?), and you made the conscious decisions for your actions....no one changed them behind your back....so you should just man up to it................errrrr, I forgot, the younger generation believes things should change to their ways, and only for them, and everyone else should pay for it....OCCUPY THE USMINT!!!!!! image ) >>

    In no way did that even reference my question about email support. I'll wait for a real answer and not a blatant and unnecessary prod to start a fight. Thanks. >>

    To answer your question.. well because that would take thinking and brains to make sense... You mean like customer service? No real answer but I wont say it your fault!image
  • Options

    << <i>

    << <i>They probably won't change the system, but back in the day, the Mint sent out notices to collectors on the mailing list. Most of these folks could order something desired like these sets and not worry about getting shut out by flippers working like daytraders and enlisting lots of helpers. Just saying it's not a good system, IMO. >>

    Back in the day, there were no limits placed on their products. I could see this happening before processing orders by mail which would cost a heck of a lot more $$ than by computer. It would help the Post Office though. >>

    Maybe we should help the post office. I still pay by check, how about you?
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    BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,322 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Why doesn't the mint have any email support?
    I have a small issue with my shipping costs (that I probably won't bring up to them in case something gets screwed up over $30 in shipping) but I was just curious why there is no email support... >>

    When you set up your account, it defaults to standard, $4.95 shipping. You have to manually change it to expedited. Did you change it then?
    When you order something, it defaults to standard $4.95 shipping. Did you change it when you ordered?

    It doesn't sound like there was a problem with the shipping costs....sounds like it was set, or changed, and now you want it back. If you did 3 separate orders, then you would have seen on the first one that the price was for expedited but, in the frenzy, that didn't matter, right? Only when things settled down and after the fact?

    If you plan to flip and make money, you need to decide if the extra cost, and getting your units quicker possibly, is worth the extra $13/set you are paying for the shipping.
    If you were just collecting these, then I would agree with you that it is more of an issue and that you should get it fixed. Next time now, you know, right?

    (yeah yeah yeah....it all sounds cruel and cold, but it is a business world, you are an adult (right?), and you made the conscious decisions for your actions....no one changed them behind your back....so you should just man up to it................errrrr, I forgot, the younger generation believes things should change to their ways, and only for them, and everyone else should pay for it....OCCUPY THE USMINT!!!!!! image ) >>

    In no way did that even reference my question about email support. I'll wait for a real answer and not a blatant and unnecessary prod to start a fight. Thanks. >>

    Ah, yes. Someone answer my question because I don't want to do the work myself.

    Your question was "WHY doesn't the mint have any email support?" Well, unless someone works for the mint, then all you will get is speculation as to why they don't. They are a business, and it is their decision NOT to have email support.

    It could be because their support system does not support that. It could be because they monitor calls real time (a support center...of which I have done support center work before and it was NOT email support...it was all call-in, which was a business decision). It could be because it is easier to track and there are no "written records" that could be taken the wrong way. It could be because they are still about 20 years behind the times.

    If you call the USMint support, you may be able to ask them WHY they don't have email support image

    btw...it isn't "looking for a fight"...it is "shaking my head at those that expect others to do everything for them instead of thinking for themselves or trying to find an answer first". Foreign concept to some, I know image

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • Options
    BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,322 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i><<They probably won't change the system, but back in the day, the Mint sent out notices to collectors on the mailing list. Most of these folks could order something desired like these sets and not worry about getting shut out by flippers working like daytraders and enlisting lots of helpers. Just saying it's not a good system, IMO. >>

    Warning...I suggested something similar earlier...and was jumped on because mail service apparently takes many days(!!!) longer from the West Coast...OK?!? To which I say, you might want to stop using the Pony Express... >>

    Sorry, didn't see your post, but yeah, it's just wishful thinking that there's going to be system that works best for all. I think it was suggested several times that it should have been one per person for a week or so. That might have helped some of those shut out because they didn't get through or were working or traveling. >>

    Better yet. How about Minting to demand. No limits period. Flood the market with as many sets as the market will take. Start at the Jan. 1 and take orders all year long. If you want to buy a 1,000,000 sets, they will mint them for you. That will make everyone happy because they were able to get the coins they want. >>

    I wish they would do the "mint to demand". I believe they did that, before my time, in the old days with the mint sets and even proof sets. Now, though, the mint doesn't get the money first, hold it, then mint to demand, then ship many months later. Also, they now have dozens of different products instead of just a few. I don't think they could handle the "order early, get paid, mint to demand", because they would have to get the money first (and, can you imagine the outroar at that? "THE MINT HAS HAD MY MONEY FOR 8 MONTHS!!!!" image

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • Options
    Dollar2007Dollar2007 Posts: 759 ✭✭✭
    Better yet. How about Minting to demand. No limits period. Flood the market with as many sets as the market will take. Start at the Jan. 1 and take orders all year long. If you want to buy a 1,000,000 sets, they will mint them for you. That will make everyone happy because they were able to get the coins they want. >>

    Then coin collecting becomes like the US stamp program. Sorry, even I'm annoyed I probably won't get one of these but I think we need issues like this to keep modern coin collecting alive. This is what keeps it exciting. Anyone agree?
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    commacomma Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Why doesn't the mint have any email support?
    I have a small issue with my shipping costs (that I probably won't bring up to them in case something gets screwed up over $30 in shipping) but I was just curious why there is no email support... >>

    When you set up your account, it defaults to standard, $4.95 shipping. You have to manually change it to expedited. Did you change it then?
    When you order something, it defaults to standard $4.95 shipping. Did you change it when you ordered?

    It doesn't sound like there was a problem with the shipping costs....sounds like it was set, or changed, and now you want it back. If you did 3 separate orders, then you would have seen on the first one that the price was for expedited but, in the frenzy, that didn't matter, right? Only when things settled down and after the fact?

    If you plan to flip and make money, you need to decide if the extra cost, and getting your units quicker possibly, is worth the extra $13/set you are paying for the shipping.
    If you were just collecting these, then I would agree with you that it is more of an issue and that you should get it fixed. Next time now, you know, right?

    (yeah yeah yeah....it all sounds cruel and cold, but it is a business world, you are an adult (right?), and you made the conscious decisions for your actions....no one changed them behind your back....so you should just man up to it................errrrr, I forgot, the younger generation believes things should change to their ways, and only for them, and everyone else should pay for it....OCCUPY THE USMINT!!!!!! image ) >>

    In no way did that even reference my question about email support. I'll wait for a real answer and not a blatant and unnecessary prod to start a fight. Thanks. >>

    Ah, yes. Someone answer my question because I don't want to do the work myself.

    Your question was "WHY doesn't the mint have any email support?" Well, unless someone works for the mint, then all you will get is speculation as to why they don't. They are a business, and it is their decision NOT to have email support.

    It could be because their support system does not support that. It could be because they monitor calls real time (a support center...of which I have done support center work before and it was NOT email support...it was all call-in, which was a business decision). It could be because it is easier to track and there are no "written records" that could be taken the wrong way. It could be because they are still about 20 years behind the times.

    If you call the USMint support, you may be able to ask them WHY they don't have email support image

    btw...it isn't "looking for a fight"...it is "shaking my head at those that expect others to do everything for them instead of thinking for themselves or trying to find an answer first". Foreign concept to some, I know image >>

    Instead of writing all that is above, you could have said "no".
    It's not even worth my time to respond to any of that (or read it in the first place).
  • Options
    Coins101Coins101 Posts: 2,602 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>They probably won't change the system, but back in the day, the Mint sent out notices to collectors on the mailing list. Most of these folks could order something desired like these sets and not worry about getting shut out by flippers working like daytraders and enlisting lots of helpers. Just saying it's not a good system, IMO. >>

    Back in the day, there were no limits placed on their products. I could see this happening before processing orders by mail which would cost a heck of a lot more $$ than by computer. It would help the Post Office though. >>

    Maybe we should help the post office. I still pay by check, how about you? >>

    Depends. Do you write letters rather than emails and thread posts?
  • Options

    << <i>btw...it isn't "looking for a fight"...it is "shaking my head at those that expect others to do everything for them instead of thinking for themselves or trying to find an answer first". Foreign concept to some, I know image >>

    What harm is there to come here and ask?
    Why does it put you into such a snit?
    If you don't want to answer someone's question, I could do without your hectoring and lecturing of the questioner.
    Just relax and go with the flow.image
  • Options
    MetalsmanMetalsman Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Why doesn't the mint have any email support?
    I have a small issue with my shipping costs (that I probably won't bring up to them in case something gets screwed up over $30 in shipping) but I was just curious why there is no email support... >>

    When you set up your account, it defaults to standard, $4.95 shipping. You have to manually change it to expedited. Did you change it then?
    When you order something, it defaults to standard $4.95 shipping. Did you change it when you ordered?

    It doesn't sound like there was a problem with the shipping costs....sounds like it was set, or changed, and now you want it back. If you did 3 separate orders, then you would have seen on the first one that the price was for expedited but, in the frenzy, that didn't matter, right? Only when things settled down and after the fact?

    If you plan to flip and make money, you need to decide if the extra cost, and getting your units quicker possibly, is worth the extra $13/set you are paying for the shipping.
    If you were just collecting these, then I would agree with you that it is more of an issue and that you should get it fixed. Next time now, you know, right?

    (yeah yeah yeah....it all sounds cruel and cold, but it is a business world, you are an adult (right?), and you made the conscious decisions for your actions....no one changed them behind your back....so you should just man up to it................errrrr, I forgot, the younger generation believes things should change to their ways, and only for them, and everyone else should pay for it....OCCUPY THE USMINT!!!!!! image ) >>

    In no way did that even reference my question about email supp

    But thennnort. I'll wait for a real answer and not a blatant and unnecessary prod to start a fight. Thanks. >>

    Ah, yes. Someone answer my question because I don't want to do the work myself.

    Your question was "WHY doesn't the mint have any email support?" Well, unless someone works for the mint, then all you will get is speculation as to why they don't. They are a business, and it is their decision NOT to have email support.

    It could be because their support system does not support that. It could be because they monitor calls real time (a support center...of which I have done support center work before and it was NOT email support...it was all call-in, which was a business decision). It could be because it is easier to track and there are no "written records" that could be taken the wrong way. It could be because they are still about 20 years behind the times.

    If you call the USMint support, you may be able to ask them WHY they don't have email support image

    btw...it isn't "looking for a fight"...it is "shaking my head at those that expect others to do everything for them instead of thinking for themselves or trying to find an answer first". Foreign concept to some, I know image >>

    Instead of writing all that is above, you could have said "no".
    It's not even worth my time to respond to any of that. >>

    But thennn.. thennn.. he would'nt be superior to you. Just remamber there are all kinds of people behind keyboards and some are different. image
  • Options
    BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,322 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Why doesn't the mint have any email support?
    I have a small issue with my shipping costs (that I probably won't bring up to them in case something gets screwed up over $30 in shipping) but I was just curious why there is no email support... >>

    When you set up your account, it defaults to standard, $4.95 shipping. You have to manually change it to expedited. Did you change it then?
    When you order something, it defaults to standard $4.95 shipping. Did you change it when you ordered?

    It doesn't sound like there was a problem with the shipping costs....sounds like it was set, or changed, and now you want it back. If you did 3 separate orders, then you would have seen on the first one that the price was for expedited but, in the frenzy, that didn't matter, right? Only when things settled down and after the fact?

    If you plan to flip and make money, you need to decide if the extra cost, and getting your units quicker possibly, is worth the extra $13/set you are paying for the shipping.
    If you were just collecting these, then I would agree with you that it is more of an issue and that you should get it fixed. Next time now, you know, right?

    (yeah yeah yeah....it all sounds cruel and cold, but it is a business world, you are an adult (right?), and you made the conscious decisions for your actions....no one changed them behind your back....so you should just man up to it................errrrr, I forgot, the younger generation believes things should change to their ways, and only for them, and everyone else should pay for it....OCCUPY THE USMINT!!!!!! image ) >>

    In no way did that even reference my question about email support. I'll wait for a real answer and not a blatant and unnecessary prod to start a fight. Thanks. >>

    Ah, yes. Someone answer my question because I don't want to do the work myself.

    Your question was "WHY doesn't the mint have any email support?" Well, unless someone works for the mint, then all you will get is speculation as to why they don't. They are a business, and it is their decision NOT to have email support.

    It could be because their support system does not support that. It could be because they monitor calls real time (a support center...of which I have done support center work before and it was NOT email support...it was all call-in, which was a business decision). It could be because it is easier to track and there are no "written records" that could be taken the wrong way. It could be because they are still about 20 years behind the times.

    If you call the USMint support, you may be able to ask them WHY they don't have email support image

    btw...it isn't "looking for a fight"...it is "shaking my head at those that expect others to do everything for them instead of thinking for themselves or trying to find an answer first". Foreign concept to some, I know image >>

    Instead of writing all that is above, you could have said "no".
    It's not even worth my time to respond to any of that (or read it in the first place). >>

    Good. If answers aren't worth your time, or learning isn't worth your time, then keep having others do the work for you image

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

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    commacomma Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>btw...it isn't "looking for a fight"...it is "shaking my head at those that expect others to do everything for them instead of thinking for themselves or trying to find an answer first". Foreign concept to some, I know image >>

    What harm is there to come here and ask?
    Why does it put you into such a snit?
    If you don't want to answer someone's question, I could do without your hectoring and lecturing of the questioner.
    Just relax and go with the flow.image >>

    Thanks, and I think that is the general consensus and unwritten law of most forums...it's about healthy community and helping...but I don't need to defend myself, words speak for themselves...
    Let's get back to something actually fun, and talk about these ASE sets image

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    Comma, since you haven't been able to find an email support on the website, why not just call them and ask your question about the shipping issue? I have called them and always gotten really nice people. Sometimes, the issue can be cleared up quicker because you can get immediate feedback or the help you need. The person probably has more power to change things right then and there (if he/she can do anything for you). If you end up eating your high shipping costs, then you'll know next time how to order cheap.
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    commacomma Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Comma, since you haven't been able to find an email support on the website, why not just call them and ask your question about the shipping issue? I have called them and always gotten really nice people. Sometimes, the issue can be cleared up quicker because you can get immediate feedback or the help you need. The person probably has more power to change things right then and there (if he/she can do anything for you). If you end up eating your high shipping costs, then you'll know next time how to order cheap. >>

    Thanks image Ya, I will probably end up calling and just picking their brain...I was trying to call earlier and couldn't get through, then went to see if I could email, hence the question! Also, another member had the same issue and the mint was saying one of the only ways to fix it was cancel the order and put in a new one (obviously that wouldn't work now! haha) so I will probably just take it as a (cheap) lesson to check the shipping options. It was set to regular ($4.95) shipping in my settings, that's why I didn't think to look. Thanks again
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    << <i>

    << <i>Comma, since you haven't been able to find an email support on the website, why not just call them and ask your question about the shipping issue? I have called them and always gotten really nice people. Sometimes, the issue can be cleared up quicker because you can get immediate feedback or the help you need. The person probably has more power to change things right then and there (if he/she can do anything for you). If you end up eating your high shipping costs, then you'll know next time how to order cheap. >>

    Thanks image Ya, I will probably end up calling and just picking their brain...I was trying to call earlier and couldn't get through, then went to see if I could email, hence the question! Thanks again >>

    You're welcome and for what it's worth, I had to read a lot of ATB threads to find out there were different shipping costs from the Mint.
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    Dollar2007Dollar2007 Posts: 759 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    Good. If answers aren't worth your time, or learning isn't worth your time, then keep having others do the work for you image >>

    I'm not getting the point of this answer. Isn't that what these forums are about. Asking somebody else to answer my question that if I really tried hard enough I could answer myself with a book or a little Internet research. This place would be no fun if we couldn't ask for help or ask hypothetical questions so we can bash the mint a little more on their archaic computer system. Every post asking what this error is or how many we're minted of this coin is the same thing, we are asking questions in hopes somebody more knowledgeable will help us.
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    RichRRichR Posts: 3,850 ✭✭✭✭✭
    To play Devil's Advocate here...just for a second...if we all get into the Tardis (now there's a geek reference), and went back in time 2 days and said...the Mint Director promises that tomorrow their servers (and phone operators) have now been tuned up to handle 20,000+ orders, on average, per hour, we'd have all thought that was both pretty good (if true) and more likly a lie, because there's no way they could handle a flood of 100,000 in only 4.5 hours (and I know these are very ballpark figures since someone said yesterday that the majority of orders were probably for one or two sets).

    Just thought I'd stir the pot in the other direction a little.


    And PS...as to minting everything to demand, I have four words: postage stamps & baseball cards!
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    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>They probably won't change the system, but back in the day, the Mint sent out notices to collectors on the mailing list. Most of these folks could order something desired like these sets and not worry about getting shut out by flippers working like daytraders and enlisting lots of helpers. Just saying it's not a good system, IMO. >>

    Back in the day, there were no limits placed on their products. I could see this happening before processing orders by mail which would cost a heck of a lot more $$ than by computer. It would help the Post Office though. >>

    Maybe we should help the post office. I still pay by check, how about you? >>

    Depends. Do you write letters rather than emails and thread posts? >>

    Depends. I use quite a bit of Priorty Mail for shipping and receiving. Mailman greets me at the door with "here's another one to sign for this week!"
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    Dollar2007Dollar2007 Posts: 759 ✭✭✭
    In actuality they probably did 4,000 to 10,000 since the order max was 5.
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    << <i>

    << <i>

    Good. If answers aren't worth your time, or learning isn't worth your time, then keep having others do the work for you image >>

    I'm not getting the point of this answer. Isn't that what these forums are about. Asking somebody else to answer my question that if I really tried hard enough I could answer myself with a book or a little Internet research. This place would be no fun if we couldn't ask for help or ask hypothetical questions so we can bash the mint a little more on their archaic computer system. Every post asking what this error is or how many we're minted of this coin is the same thing, we are asking questions in hopes somebody more knowledgeable will help us. >>

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    << <i>In actuality they probably did 4,000 to 10,000 since the order max was 5. >>

    100,000 sets minted. 10,000 x 5 = 50,000....?
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    MetalsmanMetalsman Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    Good. If answers aren't worth your time, or learning isn't worth your time, then keep having others do the work for you image >>

    I'm not getting the point of this answer. Isn't that what these forums are about. Asking somebody else to answer my question that if I really tried hard enough I could answer myself with a book or a little Internet research. This place would be no fun if we couldn't ask for help or ask hypothetical questions so we can bash the mint a little more on their archaic computer system. Every post asking what this error is or how many we're minted of this coin is the same thing, we are asking questions in hopes somebody more knowledgeable will help us. >>

    image >>

    But thennn.. .then... Bochiman could'nt keeep his post count going higher..... and thats.... thats cool and whats important.. along with being superior! JMHO.. The OP's question was fine and he has gotten some great advise from other posters whom are great people. Thats what I like about these boards. image
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    Good News everyone, the Mint Server is working much quicker today!!!

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    Dollar2007Dollar2007 Posts: 759 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>In actuality they probably did 4,000 to 10,000 since the order max was 5. >>

    100,000 sets minted. 10,000 x 5 = 50,000....? >>

    I meant an hour, should have clarified.
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    RichRRichR Posts: 3,850 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey, but..."I don't think these will sell out for 4 or 5 days...or more...because, you know...with 9% unemployment, who has $1,500 bucks to spend? And not to mention all those spotting issues in past years...because that really damaged the collecting base too."

    Oh wait...never mind...


    PS...yesterday's action reminded me of the scene in Animal House with Kevin Bacon telling everyone to remain calm...right before getting flattened by the stampede!
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    Coins101Coins101 Posts: 2,602 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Depends. I use quite a bit of Priorty Mail for shipping and receiving. Mailman greets me at the door with "here's another one to sign for this week!" >>

    Same here except I usually end up with a slip in the mailbox because I am working. Then I get to drive over town the next day during lunch to pick it up.
  • Options
    MetalsmanMetalsman Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Hey, but..."I don't think these will sell out for 4 or 5 days...or more...because, you know...with 9% unemployment, who has $1,500 bucks to spend? And not to mention all those spotting issues in past years...because that really damaged the collecting base too."

    Oh wait...never mind...


    PS...yesterday's action reminded me of the scene in Animal House with Kevin Bacon telling everyone to remain calm...right before getting flattened by the stampede! >>


    And flipping is BAD!.. all those whom think flipping is bad.. just send me your 5 sets and I'll be glad to send you $1505. and relieve you of that guilt. image
  • Options
    commacomma Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Hey, but..."I don't think these will sell out for 4 or 5 days...or more...because, you know...with 9% unemployment, who has $1,500 bucks to spend? And not to mention all those spotting issues in past years...because that really damaged the collecting base too."

    Oh wait...never mind...


    PS...yesterday's action reminded me of the scene in Animal House with Kevin Bacon telling everyone to remain calm...right before getting flattened by the stampede! >>


    And flipping is BAD!.. all those whom think flipping is bad.. just send me your 5 sets and I'll be glad to send you $1505. and relieve you of that guilt. image >>

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    DrPeteDrPete Posts: 1,497 ✭✭✭
    I wasn't even aware of this issue being released for sale yesterday, until I got an unsolicited email from a large gold dealer who indicated he would pay an immediate $300 profit on 5 sets. That intrigued me so I went to the mint web site and tried to order 5 sets. I tried off and on over several hours and then it went through at 4:08 pm (I am assuming that the back order mention in the email sent from the mint does not mean that they were sold out when my order went in). Now I see that the issue is sold out. Given the high demand for the sets and frustration shown in this thread by many people, I am wondering what the market price is going to be for these. I suspect that the secondary market will be strong initially, drop a bit, then remain grow slowly and strong like for the UHR's.

    I also realize that any or all orders placed could be changed to fewer sets or "lost" by the mint along the way, and that includes mine. I won't hold my breath that I really will be getting the sets until I have them in my hands.

    Best of luck to everyone else hoping to get their set(s).
    Dr. Pete
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    What's worse than spending five hours yesterday trying to order a set and not getting one?

    Spending five hours yesterday trying to order a set and not getting one, AND being a Texas Rangers fan. image

    Sorry, I couldn't resist.
    Successful BST transactions: clackamas, goldman86, alohagary, rodzm, bigmarty58, Hyperion, segoja, levinll, dmarks
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    relicsncoinsrelicsncoins Posts: 7,880 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You should all go and verify your account, and make sure the CC information is correct. It asked me for mine when I ordered and had me put in the expiration date. Today I went and checked my account, and the expiration date was wrong, so I corrected it. They didn't cancel my order, but could've. My account still says backorded expected to ship on 11/11.
    Need a Barber Half with ANACS photo certificate. If you have one for sale please PM me. Current Ebay auctions
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    Coins101Coins101 Posts: 2,602 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I wasn't even aware of this issue being released for sale yesterday, until I got an unsolicited email from a large gold dealer who indicated he would pay an immediate $300 profit on 5 sets. That intrigued me so I went to the mint web site and tried to order 5 sets. I tried off and on over several hours and then it went through at 4:08 pm (I am assuming that the back order mention in the email sent from the mint does not mean that they were sold out when my order went in). Now I see that the issue is sold out. Given the high demand for the sets and frustration shown in this thread by many people, I am wondering what the market price is going to be for these. I suspect that the secondary market will be strong initially, drop a bit, then remain grow slowly and strong like for the UHR's.

    I also realize that any or all orders placed could be changed to fewer sets or "lost" by the mint along the way, and that includes mine. I won't hold my breath that I really will be getting the sets until I have them in my hands.

    Best of luck to everyone else hoping to get their set(s). >>

    Hum, I got an email and an anouncement in the mail about a week before the sale date from the Mint. The first post on this thread was 8/19/2011.

    where have you been?
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    commacomma Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    OK, so what is the actual likelihood the mint would cut all orders down to 3 or 1 (from 5)?
    They already got their money...what would they gain from that? They would certainly piss more people off doing that than those pissed off now...right?
    Just curious.
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    RarityRarity Posts: 1,420 ✭✭✭✭
    Order#: 383942xx - 1 Order date: 10/27/11
    Placed at 3:28pm PST (6:28pm Eastern time) is still in good standing.
    My friend's order placed around 8pm Eastern time was cancelled by the Mint today.
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    << <i>My friend's order placed around 8pm Eastern time was cancelled by the Mint today. >>

    Thanks for the update. If an 8pm order was cancelled already, it would appear the mint is staying with the 5/household quantity limit (i.e. not lowering the qty).

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