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BIN's are taking over on FEEBAY...no more cheap vintage good PSA 8's on FEEBAY!!!



  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I can't wait to see the auction results going into VCP from the entrepreneurs running "true" 99 cent auctions on ecrater and bonanzil. >>


    Both are BIN sites.

    Auctions are not available.



    But, your inference is correct. You would lose your butt, if
    you used an auction format - at 99 cents - on ANY lower
    traffic site.

    Neither Bonanza's nor ecrater's shoppers are anywhere
    NEAR as price sensitive as EBAY's shoppers. Sellers can
    often get more for their items on the alt sites; that is an
    element of the traffic demo.

    Neither site is likely to be "much cheaper" than EBAY for
    active sellers. If you want strong traffic, you MUST use
    paid ads on the search engines; those costs add up.

    The advantages are in the freedom that sellers have to
    run their own biz on the alt sites. ALL payment options
    are available and management leaves honest sellers alone.

    PayPal is optional, but google.checkout makes up 50%
    or more of many sellers' transactions. GC deposits sale
    proceeds directly into your designated checking account,
    AND they defend sellers against fraudulent SNAD/INR
    claims. Google's search algo is "friendly" to sellers who
    accept GC.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • chaz43chaz43 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I can't wait to see the auction results going into VCP from the entrepreneurs running "true" 99 cent auctions on ecrater and bonanzil. >>


    Both are BIN sites.

    Auctions are not available. >>

    Awesome!! chaz

  • << <i>November 26, 2010

    Listing Counts

    eBay 113,133,666

    eCrater 3,765,353

    Bonanzle 3,543,414


    Total PSA Cards: 203,366

    Auctions: 22,697

    BINs: 182,569

    Total PSA Baseball Cards: 140,385

    Auctions: 14,849

    BINs: 126,717

    Total PSA Football Cards: 34,431

    Auctions: 4,268

    BINs: 30,645

    Total PSA Non-Sports Cards: 1,774

    Auctions: 25

    BINs: 1749

    PSA Wrestling Cards: 56

    Auctions: 4

    BINs: 52


    Americans Still Abandoning Online Purchases Due To Security

    Majority of Americans shop online

    November 18, 2010

    By Mike Sachoff

    Nearly two-thirds (64%) of Americans have not made an online purchase because of security concerns, according to a new poll by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA).

    When asked to explain why they did not make that purchase, 60 percent said it was because they were not sure if the site was secure, 51.4 percent were worried about providing information requested, and 48.4 percent felt a website requested more information than was necessary for the transaction.

    The poll found 69.3 percent of Americans research potential purchases on the Internet, 68 percent make purchases online, 62.4 percent make online payments, and 38 percent buy items from online auction sites.

    Those researching potential purchases from their phones also grew to 16 percent, up from 9 percent in 2009. A recent study published by NCSA and Norton by Symantec found that 87 percent of Americans felt safer going online with their PCs than with their phones.

    30 >>

    That would be nice if sellers can accept paper payments again. I still get buyers wanting to pay with a money order.
  • Can't you still accept money orders without advertising that you do?

  • << <i>Can't you still accept money orders without advertising that you do? >>

    Yes, but it would be nice if i were able to advertise i take money orders.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Can't you still accept money orders without advertising that you do? >>



    But, only if the buyer makes the original request. Sellers
    are not allowed to "suggest" paper-payments via ANY
    listing, message or invoice.

    I have no desire to accept paper payments, so that is
    not a problem for me.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.

  • << <i>[

    I have no desire to accept paper payments, so that is
    not a problem for me. >>

    Just wondering why you dont like to accept paper payments? Paper payments = no paypal fees and less worry.
  • MULLINS5MULLINS5 Posts: 4,517 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>[

    I have no desire to accept paper payments, so that is
    not a problem for me. >>

    Just wondering why you dont like to accept paper payments? Paper payments = no paypal fees and less worry. >>

    I don't care for paper payments either and actually really like paypal, just can't stand some of their buyer's protection policies.

    But for me I factor those fees into what I sell. If you own your own business and accept credit cards, you're paying a fee.

  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Just wondering why you dont like to accept paper payments? Paper payments = no paypal fees and less worry. >>


    I am a lazy person.

    It would cause me work and complicate tax filings.

    With electronic payments, the compilation of most of
    the info needed by the tax-prep person is all done by
    either PP/GC or a merchant account. The only other
    papers I need show cost of goods sold and expenses;
    those are just receipts and a printed record of their

    Paper-payments also force the seller to keep track of
    "pending" collections/shipments while those payments
    are in the mail. Then, when those payments get "lost
    in the mail," there is MORE work to do and aggravation
    to endure.


    I do take a few checks and MOs from folks that I know,
    but I would rather not. If I was going to do a Canada
    transaction with a stranger, I would take an Intl MO.

    For most folks, paper payments are a fine way to go
    AND they should have a right to ask for them on EBAY.

    My ONLY objection to PayPal is their "purchase protection"
    scheme, which is administered in violation of their own TOS.
    Their fees and the rest of their system work just fine, for me.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • gemintgemint Posts: 6,130 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Mark it down...another cheap skate bottom feeder....it's guys like this who are the enemy... but we will wait him out smoke him out till he comes begging for all of our vintage PSA 7's and PSA 8's that he can't get anymore !!! All dealers and collectors UNITE against this bargain hunting, cheap skate menace !!!!!!! LOL chaz >>

    Problem with that theory is if your prediction comes true, all we have to do is return to submitting our raw cards again. If a 1973 PSA 8 common sells for $30 or even $15, I'm taking the raw card I acquired for $0.50 and spending the $5 required to slab it so I can flip it on eBay for a nice 4x to 5x profit. I have a nice PSA 9 '73 football common that went unsold when I listed it at $9.99 a while ago. I'll be happy to sell it to you for $15. What a steal deal!
  • chaz43chaz43 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Mark it down...another cheap skate bottom feeder....it's guys like this who are the enemy... but we will wait him out smoke him out till he comes begging for all of our vintage PSA 7's and PSA 8's that he can't get anymore !!! All dealers and collectors UNITE against this bargain hunting, cheap skate menace !!!!!!! LOL chaz >>

    Problem with that theory is if your prediction comes true, all we have to do is return to submitting our raw cards again. If a 1973 PSA 8 common sells for $30 or even $15, I'm taking the raw card I acquired for $0.50 and spending the $5 required to slab it so I can flip it on eBay for a nice 4x to 5x profit. I have a nice PSA 9 '73 football common that went unsold when I listed it at $9.99 a while ago. I'll be happy to sell it to you for $15. What a steal deal! >>

    Not so easy...do you think there are a limitless supply of high grade vintage???? I don't think so. chaz

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Mark it down...another cheap skate bottom feeder....it's guys like this who are the enemy... but we will wait him out smoke him out till he comes begging for all of our vintage PSA 7's and PSA 8's that he can't get anymore !!! All dealers and collectors UNITE against this bargain hunting, cheap skate menace !!!!!!! LOL chaz >>

    Problem with that theory is if your prediction comes true, all we have to do is return to submitting our raw cards again. If a 1973 PSA 8 common sells for $30 or even $15, I'm taking the raw card I acquired for $0.50 and spending the $5 required to slab it so I can flip it on eBay for a nice 4x to 5x profit. I have a nice PSA 9 '73 football common that went unsold when I listed it at $9.99 a while ago. I'll be happy to sell it to you for $15. What a steal deal! >>

    Not so easy...do you think there are a limitless supply of high grade vintage???? I don't think so. chaz >>

    It doesnt matter if it is limitless. The better measure of future prices is demand. And there is a limited demand for high grade commons.
    I have seen this scenario played out in the comics market. Bear with me as I make some parallels.
    1-High grade commons are equivalent to high grade non-key/important/artisit/cover comics.
    2-High grade stars are equivalent to high grade keys/important/artist/cover comics.

    The market for the high grade "common" comics has tanked in the last few years. At one time, any 9.6/8 Uncanny X-Men was going to bring hella coin. Now, not so much. There have been cases of high grade books loosing over half their value in the last few years. Due to several factors, the least of those being increased supply, next being the understanding that supply is not limited but there is more of these books out there than what was originally thought, and last, a decreased demand. Once the initial run of collectors got their copies the bidding wars began to fall off and prices began to wane.

    The market for high grade keys has remained relatively strong but there have been diminishes in those rates as well. Some probably has to do with the current economy but I believe that supply is catching up with demand and in some cases surpassing it.

    There are outliers. These are the tough to find in high grade, legit tough to find, books/cards where there is very little movement on the census. I dont know of any card examples but in comics an excellent example is Thor 168. Cool Galactus cover and for some reason it is very difficult to find in 9.4 or above. At last check there were 4 9.4s and 2 9.6s compared to the other books in the area and it is apparent this book is hard to find. Prices on it have stayed stable. Prices on Thor 167 or 169 have not. They are much easier to find and supply is outstripping demand. Hence prices fall. This is almost across the board in comics at the moment.

    Cards are much the same way from my point of view.

    So, in closing, the high grade commons will eventually settle in at a price point much lower than the high water mark. Those sellers who are holding on to the commons at the high price will continue to do that, hold them.
  • CrimsonTiderCrimsonTider Posts: 1,381 ✭✭✭
    Not so easy...do you think there are a limitless supply of high grade vintage???? I don't think so. chaz

    Depends on how you define vintage?

    Pre 1980?

    Pre 1970?

    Pre 1960?

    The supply of raw cards is the biggest variable. Clearly the answer to anything post 1980 is vast sums of raw cards. Low pops in this area will only dissolve. The best example is the 1986 Topps Nolan Ryan.

    The same may or may not apply to cards from the 1950's
    collecting Dale Murphy and OPC

  • Storm- it's what we have been saying all along ...that Pigpal is just that .......a fat pig monopoly that has to be carved up (who the hell do they think they are stipulating that you can only use Pigpal as the sole source of payment...what happened to consumer protection?...ridiculous). As I see, you have also listed 2 other auction alternatives to Feebay (ecrater and bonanzil), these are worth looking into and I plan on doing just that. Thanks. chaz >>

    Look who's the cheapskate now

    Almost as bad as a plot to form a "Dealer/Seller" Monopoly to force buyers to pay higher prices for cards using that very same Ebay System.
    Yeah! who the hell they think they are forcing us to pay a monopolized price for cards! What did ever happen to consumer protection?

    Hypocrite as well.

    This thread is one of the funniest I have read in a long time. I gotta admit Chaz you really had everybody going with that crazy theory.

    Ha!! Haaa!! Haa!! What A Maroon! What A riot! What? Your Serious? You wasn't just pulling our leg? Im Very Sorry,
    Please forgive me I didn't notice your scar.


    PS: Looking for well centered Sharp PSA 8 or better 73 Topps Football Commons ($6-8 ) Depending on the card I might just use common sense and hold out for $4-5 each. Hey looky here already found some in that range. Do I hear $3-4 ?

    Everyone barters/shops for the lowest price weather it cards, Food, guns, electronics, cars, houses or whatever the interest of the day may be. Thats just common sense human nature. Im all for your capitalistic endeavors as thats what makes this the greatest country on the planet. But nobody owes you a nickle profit or for that matter a nickle period for anything you might have bought as an investment. We are all Bottomfeeders, cheapskates if you will, somewhere down the line. Don't sell yourself short
    Your no Exception.

    Best of luck with the master plan.

  • fattymacsfattymacs Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭
    Bottomfeeders only applies to buyers not sellers, we should all just send them money for the opportunity to buy their wares.
  • chaz43chaz43 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭
    A lot of you guys just don't get it.... cards will always be with us and as time goes by, vintage cards in the pre 1971 era will go up over time..I don't know how many times I have to say it... 10 years from now, 1970 set will be 50 years old!! They will only rise as time goes by. chaz
  • fattymacsfattymacs Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭

    << <i>A lot of you guys just don't get it.... cards will always be with us and as time goes by, vintage cards in the pre 1971 era will go up over time..I don't know how many times I have to say it... 10 years from now, 1970 set will be 50 years old!! They will only rise as time goes by. chaz >>

    Yep, prices may rise (or not). But I'm buying now. You are free to hold and I am free to pay what I want, I don't need any of this stuff (but yes I do want some of it). Sit on the sidelines as you choose, I'll buy from those in play. When the well goes dry I either won't buy or I'll pay more than I used to, it's of no consequence to me. i can exit this hobby as quick as I came in.
  • bobbyw8469bobbyw8469 Posts: 7,139 ✭✭✭
    Sounds good to me! And then what is worth more? Paper money or baseball cards?
  • RobbyRobby Posts: 675 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Mark it down...another cheap skate bottom feeder....it's guys like this who are the enemy... but we will wait him out smoke him out till he comes begging for all of our vintage PSA 7's and PSA 8's that he can't get anymore !!! All dealers and collectors UNITE against this bargain hunting, cheap skate menace !!!!!!! LOL chaz >>

    Problem with that theory is if your prediction comes true, all we have to do is return to submitting our raw cards again. If a 1973 PSA 8 common sells for $30 or even $15, I'm taking the raw card I acquired for $0.50 and spending the $5 required to slab it so I can flip it on eBay for a nice 4x to 5x profit. I have a nice PSA 9 '73 football common that went unsold when I listed it at $9.99 a while ago. I'll be happy to sell it to you for $15. What a steal deal! >>

    I was thinking the same thing ..................with all the BIN's now listed on E-Bay and very few true auctions ( sports related items ) , that submitting cards to Psa may be the way to go again for completing our set/player/auto/etc. goals ................. and................. heaven help us , going to a real card show again and interacting with a card dealer trying to sell me a excellent card for a Psa 8 or 9 price without the slab !!!!!!!!!!!
    Just recently recieved a e-mail from a seller that ran his own auctions privately , that he was going to the BIN format because that was the new trend on E-Bay to sell cards for what their true value was , rather then taking a chance losing money by the auction format ! The key word there of course , is ' True Value ' ! We all assumed that the true value of anything is what the buyer is willing to pay ! I hate to see E-Bay turn into a card show format , but it is what it is ! We all want to believe that the cards we have purchased and collected over the years are going to be worth more then what we paid for them , and on top of that maybe make a profit off of them someday !
    Many have stated that the economy is the reason for the poor sales on E-Bay ! Once the economy is fully running on all cylinders .................... will true auctions return to e-bay in force again , or has the handwriting on the wall been etched on stone for BIN's to be the new way of doing business !

    Collect 1964 Topps Baseball
    1963 Fleer
    Lou Brock Master Set
  • bobbyw8469bobbyw8469 Posts: 7,139 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Many have stated that the economy is the reason for the poor sales on E-Bay ! Once the economy is fully running on all cylinders .................... will true auctions return to e-bay in force again , or has the handwriting on the wall been etched on stone for BIN's to be the new way of doing business >>

    I think too much change has transpired and I doubt it will ever turn back to the way it was. BIN's are now the norm on Ebay.
  • bkingbking Posts: 3,095 ✭✭

    << <i>A lot of you guys just don't get it.... cards will always be with us and as time goes by, vintage cards in the pre 1971 era will go up over time..I don't know how many times I have to say it... 10 years from now, 1970 set will be 50 years old!! They will only rise as time goes by. chaz >>

    And beanie babies will be 20 years old in 2013. They can only rise as time goes by!!!
    Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989

    Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
  • jimradjimrad Posts: 2,777 ✭✭✭

    << <i>A lot of you guys just don't get it.... cards will always be with us and as time goes by, vintage cards in the pre 1971 era will go up over time..I don't know how many times I have to say it... 10 years from now, 1970 set will be 50 years old!! They will only rise as time goes by. chaz >>

    The future generations will have more interest in watching the holograms of their favorite players that they produce themselves from their ipads than collecting
    old useless cardboard.

    Somethings will go up in value with age - heck I am 59 now and I am worth a lot more than I was 50 years agoimageimage
    Positive transactions with: Bkritz,Bosox1976,Brick,captainthreeputt,cpettimd,craigger,cwazzy,DES1984,Dboneesq,daddymc,Downtown1974,EAsports,EagleEyeKid,fattymacs,gameusedhoop,godblessUSA,goose3,KatsCards,mike22y2k,
  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭
    before eBay ate the world, they had these places called Card Shops where you could go and hang out, browse through a carefully chosen selection of goods which included pricing (Buy It Now) designed to entice people by encouraging them to assume that what they were coveting was actually valuable or, better yet, appreciable....in some cases, the enticed would then begin a bargaining adventure by countering with a price slightly reduced to accomodate their needs (Best Offer) and the game was on.

    the dealer then responded quite simply by either saying "Yes, that sounds fair/How about this much?" or "No thanks and get out of my store".

    i don't ever recall walking into a shop and hearing the beckoning of a dealer seeking the highest bidder, although, it likely did happen at some point when folks began to discover that there was a lot of money to be thrown around in favor of ownership.

    now, not so much.

    we might be grateful that we had our period of control over the marketplace, because logically it is always about being a store.....if you don't meet the bottom line, shut the doors.

    that's why BIN is taking over.
  • i wish the sellers with the BO option would be a little more reasonable.

    what really cracks me up are the sellers that feel the need to ask buyers to "factor in how much grading costs"

    that always makes me "lol"
    Big Fan of: HOF Post War RC, Graded RCs
    WTB: PSA 1 - PSA 3 Centered, High Eye Appeal 1950's Mantle
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