<< <i>Just read this description and had to laugh...2008/07 reverse raw....You are bidding on a 2008-W American Silver Eagle, with a 2007 Error Reverse.
When I recieved this coin from the mint, it had a black dot on the front edge of liberty's skirt.
In my attempt to remove the dot I left kind of a big scratch on the coin and a couple of small scratches. (It gets worse).
In my attempt to remove the scratches, I used Brasso, thus leaving a dull finish on parts of the front of the coin.
The US Mint's error is on the reverse. "My error is on the front!" A coin collector should know better. >>
<< <i>Just read this description and had to laugh...2008/07 reverse raw....You are bidding on a 2008-W American Silver Eagle, with a 2007 Error Reverse.
When I recieved this coin from the mint, it had a black dot on the front edge of liberty's skirt.
In my attempt to remove the dot I left kind of a big scratch on the coin and a couple of small scratches. (It gets worse).
In my attempt to remove the scratches, I used Brasso, thus leaving a dull finish on parts of the front of the coin.
The US Mint's error is on the reverse. "My error is on the front!" A coin collector should know better. >>
Casman, you had no idea it was going to turn out that way, otherwise, you wouldn't have done it. It is what it is now. Take what you've got and do the best you can with it. (advice which even I don't always follow)
Seems prices for these coins are beginning to drop lower.I guess now the market will be flooded with these from sellers that will be falling into the seller panic stage.Me,i am holding my 9 (6 PCGS 69 and 3 raw) long term for when all the dust settles and all the flippers are done flopping.I believe then these coins should see a steady rise in price over the next year and beyond.Just my opinion.
<< <i>Just read this description and had to laugh...2008/07 reverse raw....You are bidding on a 2008-W American Silver Eagle, with a 2007 Error Reverse.
When I recieved this coin from the mint, it had a black dot on the front edge of liberty's skirt.
In my attempt to remove the dot I left kind of a big scratch on the coin and a couple of small scratches. (It gets worse).
In my attempt to remove the scratches, I used Brasso, thus leaving a dull finish on parts of the front of the coin.
The US Mint's error is on the reverse. "My error is on the front!" A coin collector should know better. >>
Casman, you had no idea it was going to turn out that way, otherwise, you wouldn't have done it. It is what it is now. Take what you've got and do the best you can with it. (advice which even I don't always follow) >>
I'm actually hoping to upgrade my 2 raws to 2 NGC 70 ER's. That deal I've bee talking about before...if I can get 20% cash back, plus 10% off of an $800 NGC 70 ER...that'd be nice. But I've gotta wait until it goes back up to 20% again.
Well, let me use an example of my own. A couple of years ago, I had this horrible little pocket knife. It had a folding blade, but the blade sometimes wouldn't lock when extended. Anyway, I wanted to poke a hole in this plastic container. I took out the knife and I started poking. In the back of my mind, I knew it was possible that I might cut myself, but I also knew that it may not. So...I decided to try it. I was wrong. The blade wasn't locked and I cut my right hand middle finger pretty deeply. (I had to go get stiches the next day).
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that you never REALLY know what's going to happen. I knew that the blade COULD have cut my finger, but I also knew that it's possible that it may not. So, I took a chance. In that case, I was wrong. But in so many other situations in life, where I took a chance, I was right (like buying these coins)...you can't ever be 100% right all the time.
In your situation, you didn't REALLY know what was going to happen (even though you say that you should have known better). If you REALLY knew how the coin was going to turn out...you wouldn't have done it.
Another example. If we REALLY REALLY knew that the coin was going to drop to $100 by tommorrow, I think that all of us would immediately try to sell today. If we all REALLY REALLY knew that the coin is going to jump to $700 tommorrow, all of us would be buying every single coin we can. But of course, no one REALLY knows for sure. It's only afterward that we tell each ourselves "MAN!!! I should have bought at $### or I should have sold at $###!!! I was so stupid!!!"
<< <i>Just read this description and had to laugh...2008/07 reverse raw....You are bidding on a 2008-W American Silver Eagle, with a 2007 Error Reverse.
When I recieved this coin from the mint, it had a black dot on the front edge of liberty's skirt.
In my attempt to remove the dot I left kind of a big scratch on the coin and a couple of small scratches. (It gets worse).
In my attempt to remove the scratches, I used Brasso, thus leaving a dull finish on parts of the front of the coin.
The US Mint's error is on the reverse. "My error is on the front!" A coin collector should know better. >>
Whoopsie Doodles!
At least he's trying to make the best out of a bad situation.
I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
Well, let me use an example of my own. A couple of years ago, I had this horrible little pocket knife. It had a folding blade, but the blade sometimes wouldn't lock when extended. Anyway, I wanted to poke a hole in this plastic container. I took out the knife and I started poking. In the back of my mind, I knew it was possible that I might cut myself, but I also knew that it may not. So...I decided to try it. I was wrong. The blade wasn't locked and I cut my right hand middle finger pretty deeply. (I had to go get stiches the next day).
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that you never REALLY know what's going to happen. I knew that the blade COULD have cut my finger, but I also knew that it's possible that it may not. So, I took a chance. In that case, I was wrong. But in so many other situations in life, where I took a chance, I was right (like buying these coins)...you can't ever be 100% right all the time.
In your situation, you didn't REALLY know what was going to happen (even though you say that you should have known better). If you REALLY knew how the coin was going to turn out...you wouldn't have done it.
Another example. If we REALLY REALLY knew that the coin was going to drop to $100 by tommorrow, I think that all of us would immediately try to sell today. If we all REALLY REALLY knew that the coin is going to jump to $700 tommorrow, all of us would be buying every single coin we can. But of course, no one REALLY knows for sure. It's only afterward that we tell each ourselves "MAN!!! I should have bought at $### or I should have sold at $###!!! I was so stupid!!!"
Not really. >>
I'm fairly certain that Casman was referring to an auction he ran across and not what he had actually done to an SAE.
I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
<< <i>Also, while I do agree that flame wars should not be allowed (and of course, I've been one of several here who have been guilty of this), please see the the "Terms of Membership":
"You agree that, as the holder of your membership account, you are entirely responsible for activities conducted through your account. If you authorize a minor to use your account, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SOME AREAS OF THESE FORUMS MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL THAT IS INAPPROPRIATE FOR MINORS. These Forums are not intended for use by minors."
But of course, it also says:
"You agree that you will not use or allow others to use your membership in these Forums to:
Post or transmit any Materials, or links to any Materials, which are knowingly false and/or defamatory, libelous, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or threatening, which violate the right of privacy or any other right of any person or entity, or which intentionally or unintentionally violate any local, state, federal or international law or regulation."
Oh, and as far as protecting the eyes of minors, c'mon, you can't be serious. This is the internet, for Christs sakes. I'm pretty sure that in today's world, children see much worse than some **** on the internet. And of course, just so that I don't sound too arrogant, this is all just MHO.
Be that as it may, due to a suggestion of another member, I'll replace $**** and Mother$****** to **** and Mother******. Is that good enough? >>
That's it! The end is here. This coin's biggest, loudest, most obnoxious insulting cheerleader is selling. Prices are dropping on it and will accelerate downward as we enter the panic stage.
Thanks. I might try those dealers first. See what they say. If they really are willing to buy them for $500 each, that's what I'll do. If not, then I'll look into the BST board and ebay.
<< <i>That's it! The end is here. This coin's biggest, loudest, most obnoxious insulting cheerleader is selling. Prices are dropping on it and will accelerate downward as we enter the panic stage. >>
<< <i>That's it! The end is here. This coin's biggest, loudest, most obnoxious insulting cheerleader is selling. Prices are dropping on it and will accelerate downward as we enter the panic stage. >>
Um...I just bought two more. (upgrade actually). So...demand isn't as low as you think.
Wow...a person can't take a few dilaudids, percocets, morphine sulfate (MS contin, little bro to oxycontin), flexeril's, and go into a coma for 18 hours, without missing the good stuff!!! It's like when I was younger....every time I went home early, the next day I'd ALWAY'S hear...'you wouldn't believe what happened right after you left....'. Did whatsizface (heck, I'll just refer to him as the Head Cheerleader from now on) get bammed? Once I went to lalaland (which can happen quick on these things), some of the things he said, wow....for a newb, he certainly grew some rather large cajones. He also edited almost every post in a few hour span (17 of his last 30). You guys weren't playing nice with him, were you!!!! After his 'farm' comment (I can't believe he thinks we are that stupid that we'd really think he meant 'farm'), I was surprised he posted today. It'll be a good 4 hours or so (give or take) till I board my 'yellow submarine', as I like to call it), so it'll be fun to see if he posts or not. My guess is bammed, but I have been wrong before.
To keep this on topic:
Who here thinks the 08R07 will make the Red Book??
Oh, one last thing...has anyone used the new 'Search' feature yet?
yeah, i got a shiny new 2009 Red book free from NACT what was it, about two weeks ago, and just as all you geniuses warned me, i'm just getting barraged, steamrolled, pummelled.. my life in constant interruption ever since i filled out their "first 100 people to respond get a free 2009 Red book" form.. i've lost count of how many times they've called me.. let me look at the call log on my Treo.. oh good grief, in two weeks since i filled out that form, they've called me.. hold onto your Cheerios DollErs.. they've called me.. you absolutely won't believe this.. so did you hear the one about the bartender who looks up and sees a horse sitting on a barstool, and he says to the horse "So.. why the long face?".. get it?.. horse.. long face.. nevermind.. yeah NACT has called me.. man this is gonna take me a while to count all of these annoying calls.. {{time passes.. like sand through the hourglasss, so pass the days of our lives}}.. they've called me..
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
Sometimes, when I am really ticked off, I destroy someone in a post and just before I hit send, I delete it and that's as far as it gets... I just let it go.
Sometimes, when I am really ticked off, I destroy someone in a post and just before I hit send, I delete it and that's as far as it gets... I just let it go.
There are false prophets here! >>
Speaking as someone who used to hold grudges for years at a time, it might better to just express and release your anger/frustration. You either do harm on the outside, or you do it on the inside. Even though it might not make you very popular, I've found that "outside" is better (at least in the long run). Just my 2 pennies.
With the prices of this coin currently dropping some over their highs, we will see more and more folks get scared and walk away. Especially if they bought in at less than $300 or $350.
I've sold five raws (at all different prices really, at all different times on this big wave).
As I've mentioned before, personally, I am holding most of the rest for the long term as I think it's still a good coin. I may sell 1 or two for the quick cash.
I think a lot of us got caught up in the daily increases early on (myself included). If you didn't check eBay for a week, they might have risen $100! It was nuts. Of course you don't need me to tell you as it's all documented in the 4300+ posts to this thread.
I even bought a couple more graded at the $500 level in the last month or so.
As Lee has said many times, be careful getting in at that level unless you can afford it. I am lucky enough that I could and I decided to gamble. I was hoping to sell those two quick for a profit, but oh well. I'll just hold them with the rest for the long term now.
I think we've seen the end of the big fluctuations and that the differences, whether positive or negative, will be much more steady for here on.
*************************** By the way, no word from the gov'Mint on my FOIA request yet. I figure by the time they received it, the date was June 2nd or so. They claim to respond to all requests within 20 business days.
So that puts us at a hopeful response sometime next week in my mailbox.
I would also bet that even if they give me some sort of records, that they won't be in the initial response from the Mint. It's probably back and forth communication a few times until they hope you give up ***************************
Sry for the long post, but I haven't been around much lately to post. I have been keeping up on all the posts though
c'mon FOIA request!.. i don't hold out much hope of us getting a true number shipped.. but.. it's a remote possibility and it sure could change the whole dynamics of this coin's going prices, raw OR slabbed.. if the number shipped is oh.. sort of 1995-W-ish..
yeah, i know the 1995-W was a Proof.. yeah i know the only way to get it was to buy $1000.00 worth of Gold at the same time.. but c'mon.. the 1995-W wasn't an error.. it was more of a "freebie" with a grand worth of Gold at that time.. the 2000-W Bi-Metallic LOC Unc. with its tiny Mintage of 6683 goes for three to four grand these days.. and that puppy was Gold AND Platinum.. with an issue price of $390.00..
realistically, even if they DID ship 47,000, which i absolutely don't believe they did.. 47,000 is NOT that much higher a number than 30,000.. and if a 30,000 Mintage coin which is still just an oz. of Silver.. goes for five to six grand.. then a 47,000 Mintage coin of the same family that's an error so obvious you can see it from a foot away should Shirley be selling for a lot more than $500.00 to $600.00..
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
I understand that there is no searching within a thread. This is obviously a con of FuseTalk. But it is what it is.
My best recommendation would be to set your "posts per page" as high as it will allow. I am not sure how high it goes, I have mine set pretty low.
Anyway, set it to 100 per page or whatever and at least you can do a "find on this page" search via your internet browser. It's one way to get past the limitations of the website. Sure it takes a little more time if you have to search multiple pages, but what else can you do?
c'mon FOIA request!.. i don't hold out much hope of us getting a true number shipped.. but getting the TRUE facts out of the Mint?.. it's a remote possibility but it sure could change the whole dynamics of this coin if the number shipped is oh.. sort of 1995-W-ish.. >>
I don't seriously think the mint will say anything other than possibly 47,000 as the amount made and then ultimately shipped. After all, the only thing they have to go on are the number of reverse dies that were actually used over a specific period of time.
IF these were the very first dies used AND the US Mint (which they've stated before "I think") uses a First In Last Out method of shipping, it is quite possible that, given the price of the coin and the limited number of orders received, those that had received the 07 reverse coins were the first ten or fifteen thound of the last coins in stock (which would have been the first produced). Once the additional orders poured in, then the last of the stock began to get depleted which was also being replenished by currently minted coins and customer returns.
Remember, the US Mint had no idea that these were even being produced, much less shipped or else they would have squashed the entire operation. (Remember the Monroe Dollars minted on Quarter Planchets? Not one has ever been reported as the mint confiscated every one of them from HF String & Sons who actually made the discovery.)
Credibility of the US Mint's Mistake? Highly credible since until now, no real significant die changes have been made to the Silver Eagles therefore there was no procedure in place to verify that the correct die was eing used. Again, remember all the problems encountered with the edge lettering processes of the first three presidential dollars? All procedural problems related to learning a new coining process.
Bottom line: FOIA will give just another estimate of 47,000 and no actual amount shipped. They have already stated that none were confiscated and destroyed therefore, you can only assume that all that were made were in fact shipped or are sitting at the very deepest part of some storage bin.
I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
<< <i>I suppose the only real way to tell if any are left is to place an order for 100,000.
Anybody wanna step up?? >>
Hmm.. at $25.95 a pop that's a bit more than i've got.. Quentin Tarantino told me that name-dropping is so passe', but i'll give him a call and see if i can talk him into it..
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>I suppose the only real way to tell if any are left is to place an order for 100,000.
Anybody wanna step up?? >>
Hmm.. at $25.95 a pop that's a bit more than i've got.. Quentin Tarantino told me that name-dropping is so passe', but i'll give him a call and see if i can talk him into it..
I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
Sigh....I made a really dumb move in ebay....does anyone know how to reverse a transaction once it gets bought and already paid for? Isn't there some kind of mutual withdrawl or something like that?
I was playing around with a fake posting, using my wife's and my account and....well....Is there any way I can reverse the transaction? And refund everything? Do I still need to pay the final value fee?
I hate ebay.
EDIT: Nevermind. I figured it out....I still hate ebay....
Just think, 9 weeks ago these were just a "twinkle in the flipper's eye"!
Regards, John
Need the following OBW rolls to complete my 46-64 Roosevelt roll set: 1947-P & D; 1948-D; 1949-P & S; 1950-D & S; and 1952-S. Any help locating any of these OBW rolls would be gratefully appreciated!
<< <i>Sigh....I made a really dumb move in ebay....does anyone know how to reverse a transaction once it gets bought and already paid for? Isn't there some kind of mutual withdrawl or something like that?
I was playing around with a fake posting, using my wife's and my account and....well....Is there any way I can reverse the transaction? And refund everything? Do I still need to pay the final value fee?
I hate ebay. >>
Why hate e-bay ??
This sounds like self-induced pain.....................
Fishing is not a matter of life and death.......It's much more important than that........
<< <i>Sigh....I made a really dumb move in ebay....does anyone know how to reverse a transaction once it gets bought and already paid for? Isn't there some kind of mutual withdrawl or something like that?
I was playing around with a fake posting, using my wife's and my account and....well....Is there any way I can reverse the transaction? And refund everything? Do I still need to pay the final value fee?
I hate ebay. >>
Why hate e-bay ??
This sounds like self-induced pain.....................
Dan >>
I don't care. I still hate ebay. It's better for my egot that way.
I understand that there is no searching within a thread. This is obviously a con of FuseTalk. But it is what it is.
My best recommendation would be to set your "posts per page" as high as it will allow. I am not sure how high it goes, I have mine set pretty low.
Anyway, set it to 100 per page or whatever and at least you can do a "find on this page" search via your internet browser. It's one way to get past the limitations of the website. Sure it takes a little more time if you have to search multiple pages, but what else can you do? >>
If you click the small printer icon in the upper right of every post (the tooltip says "View thread in raw text format"), it will open a new window and display the entire thread. Of course, with a thread this long it will take some time, but that way you have the entire thread in one window and can use your browser's Control-F command to search for text within that browser window.
New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.
I understand that there is no searching within a thread. This is obviously a con of FuseTalk. But it is what it is.
My best recommendation would be to set your "posts per page" as high as it will allow. I am not sure how high it goes, I have mine set pretty low.
Anyway, set it to 100 per page or whatever and at least you can do a "find on this page" search via your internet browser. It's one way to get past the limitations of the website. Sure it takes a little more time if you have to search multiple pages, but what else can you do? >>
If you click the small printer icon in the upper right of every post (the tooltip says "View thread in raw text format"), it will open a new window and display the entire thread. Of course, with a thread this long it will take some time, but that way you have the entire thread in one window and can use your browser's Control-F command to search for text within that browser window. >>
<< <i>Sigh....I made a really dumb move in ebay....does anyone know how to reverse a transaction once it gets bought and already paid for? Isn't there some kind of mutual withdrawl or something like that?
I was playing around with a fake posting, using my wife's and my account and....well....Is there any way I can reverse the transaction? And refund everything? Do I still need to pay the final value fee?
I hate ebay.
EDIT: Nevermind. I figured it out....I still hate ebay.... >>
Let me guess, you are referring to your listing here link So you set up a fake listing, then accidentially now for the second time, hit the commit to buy button using your wifes Ebay account, then you figured out how to mutually withdraw the transaction, because of course you accidentially hit the commit to buy button....Hmmmm, where has that ever happened before, Oh I remember, its the same mistake you claimed to have made when jacking up my listing, In case you guys forgot, I had a buyitnow listing that sold, followed by a message from the Buyer saying oops I accidentially hit the commit to buy button, a listing for which I had no choice but to file a mutual withdraw, and since i somewhat bought into the whole it was an accident thing, I let things go but I think it's clear somebody is playing games and Guess who the accidental buyer was???? I'll give you a cluelink Care to explain yourself?
<< <i>Sigh....I made a really dumb move in ebay....does anyone know how to reverse a transaction once it gets bought and already paid for? Isn't there some kind of mutual withdrawl or something like that?
I was playing around with a fake posting, using my wife's and my account and....well....Is there any way I can reverse the transaction? And refund everything? Do I still need to pay the final value fee?
I hate ebay.
EDIT: Nevermind. I figured it out....I still hate ebay.... >>
Let me guess, you are referring to your listing here link So you set up a fake listing, then accidentially now for the second time, hit the commit to buy button using your wifes Ebay account, then you figured out how to mutually withdraw the transaction, because of course you accidentially hit the commit to buy button....Hmmmm, where has that ever happened before, Oh I remember, its the same mistake you claimed to have made when jacking up my listing, In case you guys forgot, I had a buyitnow listing that sold, followed by a message from the Buyer saying oops I accidentially hit the commit to buy button, a listing for which I had no choice but to file a mutual withdraw, and since i somewhat bought into the whole it was an accident thing, I let things go but I think it's clear somebody is playing games and Guess who the accidental buyer was???? I'll give you a cluelink Care to explain yourself? >>
<< <i>Just read this description and had to laugh...2008/07 reverse raw....You are bidding on a 2008-W American Silver Eagle, with a 2007 Error Reverse.
When I recieved this coin from the mint, it had a black dot on the front edge of liberty's skirt.
In my attempt to remove the dot I left kind of a big scratch on the coin and a couple of small scratches. (It gets worse).
In my attempt to remove the scratches, I used Brasso, thus leaving a dull finish on parts of the front of the coin.
The US Mint's error is on the reverse. "My error is on the front!" A coin collector should know better. >>
<< <i>Just read this description and had to laugh...2008/07 reverse raw....You are bidding on a 2008-W American Silver Eagle, with a 2007 Error Reverse.
When I recieved this coin from the mint, it had a black dot on the front edge of liberty's skirt.
In my attempt to remove the dot I left kind of a big scratch on the coin and a couple of small scratches. (It gets worse).
In my attempt to remove the scratches, I used Brasso, thus leaving a dull finish on parts of the front of the coin.
The US Mint's error is on the reverse. "My error is on the front!" A coin collector should know better. >>
Casman, you had no idea it was going to turn out that way, otherwise, you wouldn't have done it. It is what it is now. Take what you've got and do the best you can with it. (advice which even I don't always follow)
<< <i>
<< <i>Just read this description and had to laugh...2008/07 reverse raw....You are bidding on a 2008-W American Silver Eagle, with a 2007 Error Reverse.
When I recieved this coin from the mint, it had a black dot on the front edge of liberty's skirt.
In my attempt to remove the dot I left kind of a big scratch on the coin and a couple of small scratches. (It gets worse).
In my attempt to remove the scratches, I used Brasso, thus leaving a dull finish on parts of the front of the coin.
The US Mint's error is on the reverse. "My error is on the front!" A coin collector should know better. >>
Casman, you had no idea it was going to turn out that way, otherwise, you wouldn't have done it. It is what it is now. Take what you've got and do the best you can with it. (advice which even I don't always follow)
What are you talking about?
<< <i>What are you talking about?
Well, let me use an example of my own. A couple of years ago, I had this horrible little pocket knife. It had a folding blade, but the blade sometimes wouldn't lock when extended. Anyway, I wanted to poke a hole in this plastic container. I took out the knife and I started poking. In the back of my mind, I knew it was possible that I might cut myself, but I also knew that it may not. So...I decided to try it. I was wrong. The blade wasn't locked and I cut my right hand middle finger pretty deeply. (I had to go get stiches the next day).
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that you never REALLY know what's going to happen. I knew that the blade COULD have cut my finger, but I also knew that it's possible that it may not. So, I took a chance. In that case, I was wrong. But in so many other situations in life, where I took a chance, I was right (like buying these coins)...you can't ever be 100% right all the time.
In your situation, you didn't REALLY know what was going to happen (even though you say that you should have known better). If you REALLY knew how the coin was going to turn out...you wouldn't have done it.
Another example. If we REALLY REALLY knew that the coin was going to drop to $100 by tommorrow, I think that all of us would immediately try to sell today. If we all REALLY REALLY knew that the coin is going to jump to $700 tommorrow, all of us would be buying every single coin we can. But of course, no one REALLY knows for sure. It's only afterward that we tell each ourselves "MAN!!! I should have bought at $### or I should have sold at $###!!! I was so stupid!!!"
Not really.
<< <i>Just read this description and had to laugh...2008/07 reverse raw....You are bidding on a 2008-W American Silver Eagle, with a 2007 Error Reverse.
When I recieved this coin from the mint, it had a black dot on the front edge of liberty's skirt.
In my attempt to remove the dot I left kind of a big scratch on the coin and a couple of small scratches. (It gets worse).
In my attempt to remove the scratches, I used Brasso, thus leaving a dull finish on parts of the front of the coin.
The US Mint's error is on the reverse. "My error is on the front!" A coin collector should know better. >>
Whoopsie Doodles!
At least he's trying to make the best out of a bad situation.
The name is LEE!
<< <i>Casman wrote:
<< <i>What are you talking about?
Well, let me use an example of my own. A couple of years ago, I had this horrible little pocket knife. It had a folding blade, but the blade sometimes wouldn't lock when extended. Anyway, I wanted to poke a hole in this plastic container. I took out the knife and I started poking. In the back of my mind, I knew it was possible that I might cut myself, but I also knew that it may not. So...I decided to try it. I was wrong. The blade wasn't locked and I cut my right hand middle finger pretty deeply. (I had to go get stiches the next day).
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that you never REALLY know what's going to happen. I knew that the blade COULD have cut my finger, but I also knew that it's possible that it may not. So, I took a chance. In that case, I was wrong. But in so many other situations in life, where I took a chance, I was right (like buying these coins)...you can't ever be 100% right all the time.
In your situation, you didn't REALLY know what was going to happen (even though you say that you should have known better). If you REALLY knew how the coin was going to turn out...you wouldn't have done it.
Another example. If we REALLY REALLY knew that the coin was going to drop to $100 by tommorrow, I think that all of us would immediately try to sell today. If we all REALLY REALLY knew that the coin is going to jump to $700 tommorrow, all of us would be buying every single coin we can. But of course, no one REALLY knows for sure. It's only afterward that we tell each ourselves "MAN!!! I should have bought at $### or I should have sold at $###!!! I was so stupid!!!"
Not really.
I'm fairly certain that Casman was referring to an auction he ran across and not what he had actually done to an SAE.
The name is LEE!
<< <i>Also, while I do agree that flame wars should not be allowed (and of course, I've been one of several here who have been guilty of this), please see the the "Terms of Membership":
"You agree that, as the holder of your membership account, you are entirely responsible for activities conducted through your account. If you authorize a minor to use your account, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SOME AREAS OF THESE FORUMS MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL THAT IS INAPPROPRIATE FOR MINORS. These Forums are not intended for use by minors."
But of course, it also says:
"You agree that you will not use or allow others to use your membership in these Forums to:
Post or transmit any Materials, or links to any Materials, which are knowingly false and/or defamatory, libelous, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or threatening, which violate the right of privacy or any other right of any person or entity, or which intentionally or unintentionally violate any local, state, federal or international law or regulation."
Oh, and as far as protecting the eyes of minors, c'mon, you can't be serious. This is the internet, for Christs sakes. I'm pretty sure that in today's world, children see much worse than some **** on the internet. And of course, just so that I don't sound too arrogant, this is all just MHO.
Be that as it may, due to a suggestion of another member, I'll replace $**** and Mother$****** to **** and Mother******. Is that good enough? >>
Maybe you'll get bammed?
Check out my current listings: https://ebay.com/sch/khunt/m.html?_ipg=200&_sop=12&_rdc=1
Now I'm gonna unload 2 raw's. Any takers?
<< <i>Cool. Just got two more NCG 70's ER. Used the 20% Cash back. But could only use wifey's 10% coupon for one of them.
Now I'm gonna unload 2 raw's. Any takers?
Takers here - BST
<< <i>
<< <i>Cool. Just got two more NCG 70's ER. Used the 20% Cash back. But could only use wifey's 10% coupon for one of them.
Now I'm gonna unload 2 raw's. Any takers?
Takers here - BST >>
Thanks. I might try those dealers first. See what they say. If they really are willing to buy them for $500 each, that's what I'll do. If not, then I'll look into the BST board and ebay.
<< <i>That's it! The end is here. This coin's biggest, loudest, most obnoxious insulting cheerleader is selling. Prices are dropping on it and will accelerate downward as we enter the panic stage. >>
Pray tell...who could that be????
<< <i>That's it! The end is here. This coin's biggest, loudest, most obnoxious insulting cheerleader is selling. Prices are dropping on it and will accelerate downward as we enter the panic stage. >>
Um...I just bought two more. (upgrade actually). So...demand isn't as low as you think.
To keep this on topic:
Who here thinks the 08R07 will make the Red Book??
Oh, one last thing...has anyone used the new 'Search' feature yet?
<< <i>To keep this on topic:
Who here thinks the 08R07 will make the Red Book??
Oh, one last thing...has anyone used the new 'Search' feature yet? >>
I learned about it while lurking. Well before posting.
Isn't the 2009 Redbook already out?
I guess so.............
The name is LEE!
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
ackkk!!! I almost got a heart attack from your build up of suspense!!! HAHAHA!!!
Sometimes, when I am really ticked off, I destroy someone in a post and just before I hit send, I delete it and that's as far as it gets... I just let it go.
There are false prophets here!
<< <i>I have nothing to say.
Sometimes, when I am really ticked off, I destroy someone in a post and just before I hit send, I delete it and that's as far as it gets... I just let it go.
There are false prophets here!
Speaking as someone who used to hold grudges for years at a time, it might better to just express and release your anger/frustration. You either do harm on the outside, or you do it on the inside. Even though it might not make you very popular, I've found that "outside" is better (at least in the long run). Just my 2 pennies.
we will see more and more folks get scared and walk away.
Especially if they bought in at less than $300 or $350.
I've sold five raws (at all different prices really, at all different times
on this big wave).
As I've mentioned before, personally, I am holding most of the rest
for the long term as I think it's still a good coin. I may sell 1 or two for
the quick cash.
I think a lot of us got caught up in the daily increases early on (myself
included). If you didn't check eBay for a week, they might have risen
$100! It was nuts. Of course you don't need me to tell you as it's all
documented in the 4300+ posts to this thread.
I even bought a couple more graded at the $500 level in the last month
or so.
As Lee has said many times, be careful getting in at that level unless you
can afford it. I am lucky enough that I could and I decided to gamble. I
was hoping to sell those two quick for a profit, but oh well. I'll just hold
them with the rest for the long term now.
I think we've seen the end of the big fluctuations and that the differences,
whether positive or negative, will be much more steady for here on.
By the way, no word from the gov'Mint on my FOIA request yet.
I figure by the time they received it, the date was June 2nd or so.
They claim to respond to all requests within 20 business days.
So that puts us at a hopeful response sometime next week in my mailbox.
I would also bet that even if they give me some sort of records, that they
won't be in the initial response from the Mint. It's probably back and forth
communication a few times until they hope you give up
Sry for the long post, but I haven't been around much lately to post.
I have been keeping up on all the posts though
commoncents123, JrGMan2004, Coll3ctor (2), Dabigkahuna, BAJJERFAN, Boom, GRANDAM, newsman, cohodk, kklambo, seateddime, ajia, mirabela, Weather11am, keepdachange, gsa1fan, cone10
yeah, i know the 1995-W was a Proof.. yeah i know the only way to get it was to buy $1000.00 worth of Gold at the same time.. but c'mon.. the 1995-W wasn't an error.. it was more of a "freebie" with a grand worth of Gold at that time.. the 2000-W Bi-Metallic LOC Unc. with its tiny Mintage of 6683 goes for three to four grand these days.. and that puppy was Gold AND Platinum.. with an issue price of $390.00..
realistically, even if they DID ship 47,000, which i absolutely don't believe they did.. 47,000 is NOT that much higher a number than 30,000.. and if a 30,000 Mintage coin which is still just an oz. of Silver.. goes for five to six grand.. then a 47,000 Mintage coin of the same family that's an error so obvious you can see it from a foot away should Shirley be selling for a lot more than $500.00 to $600.00..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
I understand that there is no searching within a thread. This is obviously a con of FuseTalk.
But it is what it is.
My best recommendation would be to set your "posts per page" as high as it will allow.
I am not sure how high it goes, I have mine set pretty low.
Anyway, set it to 100 per page or whatever and at least you can do a "find on this page" search
via your internet browser. It's one way to get past the limitations of the website. Sure it takes
a little more time if you have to search multiple pages, but what else can you do?
commoncents123, JrGMan2004, Coll3ctor (2), Dabigkahuna, BAJJERFAN, Boom, GRANDAM, newsman, cohodk, kklambo, seateddime, ajia, mirabela, Weather11am, keepdachange, gsa1fan, cone10
<< <i>hrlaser,
ackkk!!! I almost got a heart attack from your build up of suspense!!! HAHAHA!!!
You shudda been able to see none or very few calls coming from all that LOL.
<< <i>changed my mind.. posting deleted..
c'mon FOIA request!.. i don't hold out much hope of us getting a true number shipped.. but getting the TRUE facts out of the Mint?.. it's a remote possibility but it sure could change the whole dynamics of this coin if the number shipped is oh.. sort of 1995-W-ish.. >>
I don't seriously think the mint will say anything other than possibly 47,000 as the amount made and then ultimately shipped. After all, the only thing they have to go on are the number of reverse dies that were actually used over a specific period of time.
IF these were the very first dies used AND the US Mint (which they've stated before "I think") uses a First In Last Out method of shipping, it is quite possible that, given the price of the coin and the limited number of orders received, those that had received the 07 reverse coins were the first ten or fifteen thound of the last coins in stock (which would have been the first produced). Once the additional orders poured in, then the last of the stock began to get depleted which was also being replenished by currently minted coins and customer returns.
Remember, the US Mint had no idea that these were even being produced, much less shipped or else they would have squashed the entire operation. (Remember the Monroe Dollars minted on Quarter Planchets? Not one has ever been reported as the mint confiscated every one of them from HF String & Sons who actually made the discovery.)
Credibility of the US Mint's Mistake? Highly credible since until now, no real significant die changes have been made to the Silver Eagles therefore there was no procedure in place to verify that the correct die was eing used. Again, remember all the problems encountered with the edge lettering processes of the first three presidential dollars? All procedural problems related to learning a new coining process.
Bottom line: FOIA will give just another estimate of 47,000 and no actual amount shipped. They have already stated that none were confiscated and destroyed therefore, you can only assume that all that were made were in fact shipped or are sitting at the very deepest part of some storage bin.
The name is LEE!
Anybody wanna step up??
The name is LEE!
<< <i>I suppose the only real way to tell if any are left is to place an order for 100,000.
Anybody wanna step up??
Hmm.. at $25.95 a pop that's a bit more than i've got.. Quentin Tarantino told me that name-dropping is so passe', but i'll give him a call and see if i can talk him into it..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>
<< <i>I suppose the only real way to tell if any are left is to place an order for 100,000.
Anybody wanna step up??
Hmm.. at $25.95 a pop that's a bit more than i've got.. Quentin Tarantino told me that name-dropping is so passe', but i'll give him a call and see if i can talk him into it..
The name is LEE!
Gold or silver
-69 53/155 34.2%
-70 44/155 28.4
Other 58/155 37.4
I was playing around with a fake posting, using my wife's and my account and....well....Is there any way I can reverse the transaction? And refund everything? Do I still need to pay the final value fee?
I hate ebay.
EDIT: Nevermind. I figured it out....I still hate ebay....
Regards, John
1947-P & D; 1948-D; 1949-P & S; 1950-D & S; and 1952-S.
Any help locating any of these OBW rolls would be gratefully appreciated!
<< <i>Sigh....I made a really dumb move in ebay....does anyone know how to reverse a transaction once it gets bought and already paid for? Isn't there some kind of mutual withdrawl or something like that?
I was playing around with a fake posting, using my wife's and my account and....well....Is there any way I can reverse the transaction? And refund everything? Do I still need to pay the final value fee?
I hate ebay. >>
Why hate e-bay ??
This sounds like self-induced pain.....................
<< <i>
<< <i>Sigh....I made a really dumb move in ebay....does anyone know how to reverse a transaction once it gets bought and already paid for? Isn't there some kind of mutual withdrawl or something like that?
I was playing around with a fake posting, using my wife's and my account and....well....Is there any way I can reverse the transaction? And refund everything? Do I still need to pay the final value fee?
I hate ebay. >>
Why hate e-bay ??
This sounds like self-induced pain.....................
Dan >>
I don't care. I still hate ebay. It's better for my egot that way.
Now, gotta figure out how to deal with paypal....
<< <i>Tony,
I understand that there is no searching within a thread. This is obviously a con of FuseTalk.
But it is what it is.
My best recommendation would be to set your "posts per page" as high as it will allow.
I am not sure how high it goes, I have mine set pretty low.
Anyway, set it to 100 per page or whatever and at least you can do a "find on this page" search
via your internet browser. It's one way to get past the limitations of the website. Sure it takes
a little more time if you have to search multiple pages, but what else can you do? >>
If you click the small printer icon in the upper right of every post (the tooltip says "View thread in raw text format"), it will open a new window and display the entire thread. Of course, with a thread this long it will take some time, but that way you have the entire thread in one window and can use your browser's Control-F command to search for text within that browser window.
New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.
<< <i>
<< <i>Tony,
I understand that there is no searching within a thread. This is obviously a con of FuseTalk.
But it is what it is.
My best recommendation would be to set your "posts per page" as high as it will allow.
I am not sure how high it goes, I have mine set pretty low.
Anyway, set it to 100 per page or whatever and at least you can do a "find on this page" search
via your internet browser. It's one way to get past the limitations of the website. Sure it takes
a little more time if you have to search multiple pages, but what else can you do? >>
If you click the small printer icon in the upper right of every post (the tooltip says "View thread in raw text format"), it will open a new window and display the entire thread. Of course, with a thread this long it will take some time, but that way you have the entire thread in one window and can use your browser's Control-F command to search for text within that browser window. >>
There ya go. Good tip Kranky.
commoncents123, JrGMan2004, Coll3ctor (2), Dabigkahuna, BAJJERFAN, Boom, GRANDAM, newsman, cohodk, kklambo, seateddime, ajia, mirabela, Weather11am, keepdachange, gsa1fan, cone10
<< <i>Tony needs to be blocked on EBay. >>
<< <i>Sigh....I made a really dumb move in ebay....does anyone know how to reverse a transaction once it gets bought and already paid for? Isn't there some kind of mutual withdrawl or something like that?
I was playing around with a fake posting, using my wife's and my account and....well....Is there any way I can reverse the transaction? And refund everything? Do I still need to pay the final value fee?
I hate ebay.
EDIT: Nevermind. I figured it out....I still hate ebay.... >>
Let me guess, you are referring to your listing here link So you set up a fake listing, then accidentially now for the second time, hit the commit to buy button using your wifes Ebay account, then you figured out how to mutually withdraw the transaction, because of course you accidentially hit the commit to buy button....Hmmmm, where has that ever happened before, Oh I remember, its the same mistake you claimed to have made when jacking up my listing, In case you guys forgot, I had a buyitnow listing that sold, followed by a message from the Buyer saying oops I accidentially hit the commit to buy button, a listing for which I had no choice but to file a mutual withdraw, and since i somewhat bought into the whole it was an accident thing, I let things go but I think it's clear somebody is playing games and Guess who the accidental buyer was???? I'll give you a cluelink Care to explain yourself?
<< <i>
<< <i>Sigh....I made a really dumb move in ebay....does anyone know how to reverse a transaction once it gets bought and already paid for? Isn't there some kind of mutual withdrawl or something like that?
I was playing around with a fake posting, using my wife's and my account and....well....Is there any way I can reverse the transaction? And refund everything? Do I still need to pay the final value fee?
I hate ebay.
EDIT: Nevermind. I figured it out....I still hate ebay.... >>
Let me guess, you are referring to your listing here link So you set up a fake listing, then accidentially now for the second time, hit the commit to buy button using your wifes Ebay account, then you figured out how to mutually withdraw the transaction, because of course you accidentially hit the commit to buy button....Hmmmm, where has that ever happened before, Oh I remember, its the same mistake you claimed to have made when jacking up my listing, In case you guys forgot, I had a buyitnow listing that sold, followed by a message from the Buyer saying oops I accidentially hit the commit to buy button, a listing for which I had no choice but to file a mutual withdraw, and since i somewhat bought into the whole it was an accident thing, I let things go but I think it's clear somebody is playing games and Guess who the accidental buyer was???? I'll give you a cluelink Care to explain yourself? >>