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Thanks to John Nanney's Discovery, 2008 ASE's with 2007 reverse going through the roof



  • I just dont understand why you think you can 'rally the troops' around this coin, having come into the game in the 7th inning (this thread was started April 20th, and your first post was almost 2 months after this thread started). Your other 4 posts were to a thread that discussed the same coin. You are trying to impart knowledge? What freakin' knowledge could you have that those of us who have been around here since John Nanney first discovered this coin, don't? Surely, if you were a lurker, and this coin bit you as hard as it apparently has, you would have had lots more to say when the discovery was first made. With all these calls and emails (most, if not all could be made by an untrained chimp), I, for one, have to wonder what your real motivation is, to do all this work that would have been done anyway. All you are doing is speeding up a process that would have started anyway, regardless of your taking control or not. I am no expert on any series, and having been a lurker for awhile before signing up. I don't know who you think you are, to be imparting wisdom (knowledge, as you put it) on collectors that have forgotten more than you or I will ever learn.

  • BTW, this is something else I ran into while surfing on another website. You could potentially save quite a bit of money on ebay. It’s only for buy it now items (and ones that require “immediate payment”, I believe). You could save anywhere from 10-%35% (it changes randomly. Right now, it’s 20%)


    Basically, go to this link:


    and beneath the search field, click on the “Microsoft Cashback” logo. It’ll direct you to ebay. Enter the item you want to search (make sure it’s “buy it now”). On the listing page, to check if the Cashback is working, click on the buy it now button (but don’t click on the confirm button, until you’re ready to buy). The listings that are eligible, when you click on the buy it now button, it’ll tell you how much cash back you’ll get. The ones that you click the buy it now button, and it doesn’t tell you…I’m not sure about those. I’d be a little wear of them.

    Anyway, all’s been said and done, they’re supposed to send the cashback to your paypal account (within 60 days).

    Anyway, take a look at the link above. It’ll probably answer any questions I haven’t addressed already. I’m going to go home tonight and check it out. I might even be able to use my wife’s 10% coupon as well.
  • nutz4coinz,

    I think I understand now. This is the issue of the young whipper snapper not knowing his place. nutz4coinz, what exactly do expect of me anyway? Would you rather than I stop doing what I'm doing? Do you prefer that I stop posting these updates? I really don't see how that serves any kind of purpose.
  • jessewvujessewvu Posts: 5,065 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Mr. Koo has posted to only one other thread.

    This one asking for a summary of this one. >>

  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>

    Look, I have absolutely nothing to hide. This morning, I got that email from Bill Gibbs saying that he thought that 47,000 was the right estimate for the population size. Previously, I was hoping for a much smaller number (just like everyone else here). For a brief second, I thought about not posting that info here, but I realized that the truth is the truth, and that I had to reveal as much as I could to keep people informed. >>

    Bill Gibbs and his counterparts at the other coin media outlets all got that number from the same place - Michael White, US Mint Spokesman, Press flack.. folks like that don't make stuff up.. they're handed something from on high to give to the press and they do what they're told to do.. (then.. sometimes.. later.. after they leave the job, they write a tell-all book and talk about all the lies they were forced to tell like what's his name testifying before Congress yesterday and making the talk show circuit hyping his book.. ) ..

    so someone somwhere at the Mint, and nobody knows who, came up with that number.. Michael White didn't just pull it out of his.. err.. glovebox.. how do we KNOW they used 15 dies in three shifts?.. "because they said so, you maroon!!" no.. because Michael White, Mint Spokesman said so.. and he was told to say so.. by someone with a higher pay grade..
    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • Tony, besides the fact you are trying to 'teach the teachers', you clash with guys who, I am sure, just shake their heads in dismay, just as I do. Why dont you try to participate in other areas? Why not try to make yourself an all around numismatist? It's got NOTHING to do with the 'new guy' topic...as a matter of fact, 'new guys', regardless of the situation, USUALLY try to learn instead of teach/preach.

    What do I expect of you? Nothing! I dont expect anything from anyone. .
    Though, you think we are all learning things from you. Guess what? You bring up things that were thought about prior to your first post, whether they were posted or not.

    Honestly, it's great to see someone getting as involved as you are. Go about it the right way. You have rocked a few boats already, and I don't think I have to mention who they are....YOU know who they are.. Step back, take a breather, enjoy it. Unless you are reading nothing but threads about this particular coin, you should know that newbies that act like hot-shots aren't exactly welcomed with open arms.

    Contribute, yes...get excited, yes, learn more about what excites you, yes....thats TRULY what this board is all about. Don't think you can impart "knowledge" to these guys, they would hurt your feelings, they know so much more than you do. I offer this example, through the form of a question: Did YOU learn about this variety on your own, or from this forum? I have an idea what your answer is, and THAT is why you should relax a little on this one. Have fun, but don't think you are doing, or thinking about things that werent thought about the very day this was discovered. Normally, we find out whats going in the Red Book for example, early in the calendar year following the mintage of these certain coins. It'a part of the process, plain and simple. You just cant expect the numismatic world to spin on its head and spit nickels because a bullion variey is discovered. This hobby is about WAY more than one coin.

    Another example of you jumping the gun is your latest post about the Microsoft cash back. I cant remember exactly when it was brought up, but it was before you mentioned it. As proof of some of my statements, if you read threads about other topics, other than the '08R'07, you might have know about it before this. And FYI, most are only getting 10% now. If there are BINs that leave you guessing, you don't need to wonder whats going to happen...you wont get diddly. Anyone pulling the trigger on an item simply because they THINK they can get 35% cash back, should not be allowed near ebay or any other web site where you can spend money.
  • nutz4coinz, Look, I understand you point of view. But I'm not trying to show off or be a know-it-all. You don't understand where I'm coming from (I get this type of response from people all the time). I’m not trying to be arrogant or say that I’m better or smarter than anyone else. I’m just doing what I’m doing, and that’s all. All the things you’ve said may be true. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to make a couple of phone calls or send out a few emails. But since I’ve got some responses, I’d rather share it rather than keep it to myself. I think that people would really benefit from it.

    Again, this has nothing to do with me trying to show that I’m smarter or better than anyone else. Please don’t mistake my communications with me being arrogant and proud. I know where I am. I know that I really don’t know that much, and that’s why I ask a lot of questions. But sometimes, it seems like asking questions is also not a good thing for some of you guys.

    But the bottom line is that I’m going to do what I think is right, and I’m going to say what I think is right. If you disagree with it, that’s fine. This is America. We tolerate different opinions here. You say what you feel and I'll say what I feel. It's as simple as that.
  • OK, here's an idea that I've been tossing around in my head. I have two raw's. Here's my idea:

    1) Send both to PCGS
    2) If either or both are 70's (very low odds), then stop
    3) If one or both are 69's (very likely), then crack open one or both slabs and send one/both to NGC
    4) Get one or none that are NGC 70. (But probable that both are NGC 69)

    What do you think?
  • Tony I have ten of these.

    Sent 8 to PCGS. I submitted at the show in Baltimore on the 9th I beleive.

    They were economy lvl so may take a little bit of time to get them back. but when I do what 70's I get if I get any will stay in older. Then crack the 69's to NGC.

    Also to other guys here:

    I got a phone call from a PCGS rep. Asked me for my credit card information again. Gave me all the numbers but the 2 she couldnt read. She got them now.

    How much longer do you think before they hit the graders hands?


  • jessewvujessewvu Posts: 5,065 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>OK, here's an idea that I've been tossing around in my head. I have two raw's. Here's my idea:

    1) Send both to PCGS
    2) If either or both are 70's (very low odds), then stop
    3) If one or both are 69's (very likely), then crack open one or both slabs and send one/both to NGC
    4) Get one or none that are NGC 70. (But probable that both are NGC 69)

    What do you think? >>

    I don't think that will be fruitfull. You could just sell your coins raw and buy some graded if you want graded coins. You could take some super good pictures and make a new post titled "Guess the grade: 2008 Reverse 2007 ASE", you might get some ideas if you even have a chance at a 70. I have some 2008 rev 2007 ASE's and some regular 2008's at PCGS right now for grading. I decided to get all my raw coins graded because 70's are worth more than 69's and 69's can be made into raw coins if needed. Right now, there isn't a price difference between raw and graded for some reason.

    There is now way in heck I would pay a "lesser" grading company to regrade the coins that didn't make a 70.

  • << <i>There is now way in heck I would pay a "lesser" grading company to regrade the coins that didn't make a 70. >>

    Based on what I've observed here, PCGS will only give you about 10% MS70s. However, NGC's standards are much looser, maybe even as high as 40%(?). So, the rankings are (based on price):

    1)PCGS 70
    2)NGC 70
    3)Raw, PCG 69, NGC 69

    All of the graded ones aren't First Strike nor Early Releases. So, why not just go down the line to see if you can maximize the value of your coins?
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭

    << <i>Tony I have ten of these.

    Sent 8 to PCGS. I submitted at the show in Baltimore on the 9th I beleive.

    They were economy lvl so may take a little bit of time to get them back. but when I do what 70's I get if I get any will stay in older. Then crack the 69's to NGC.

    Also to other guys here:

    I got a phone call from a PCGS rep. Asked me for my credit card information again. Gave me all the numbers but the 2 she couldnt read. She got them now.

    How much longer do you think before they hit the graders hands?


    Shannon >>

    Shannon, I sent 8 modern (14 a coin) arrived on the June 6th got graded and shipped back to me on the 12th, I'd say your coins are graded now and any hour now... And best of luck with the grades...
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>OK, here's an idea that I've been tossing around in my head. I have two raw's. Here's my idea:

    1) Send both to PCGS
    2) If either or both are 70's (very low odds), then stop
    3) If one or both are 69's (very likely), then crack open one or both slabs and send one/both to NGC
    4) Get one or none that are NGC 70. (But probable that both are NGC 69)

    What do you think? >>

    My expert advice is to send them all to PCGS under "Express Special". Each one that comes back an MS69, crack it out and resubmit it under "Express Special". Repeat until all you have are your 4 PCGS MS70 coins.

    Next, crack out your NGC MS70 and submit that raw under "Express Special" and continue to resubmit until you get your MS70. The percentages are with ya right?

    << <i>Based on what I've observed here, PCGS will only give you about 10% MS70s. >>

    Every tenth submission should get you an MS70 right?

    I think its a danged good plan and you should get right on it!

    Oh yeah, you'll have to join the collector's club! I'd suggest the Platinum Level since you'll get 8 free gradings. Being a Club members means you don;t have to submit through a dealer and waste all that time.

    Do it!
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>OK, here's an idea that I've been tossing around in my head. I have two raw's. Here's my idea:

    1) Send both to PCGS
    2) If either or both are 70's (very low odds), then stop
    3) If one or both are 69's (very likely), then crack open one or both slabs and send one/both to NGC
    4) Get one or none that are NGC 70. (But probable that both are NGC 69)

    What do you think? >>

    ASEs are huge coins.. the -Ws especially, with their burnished, matte finish.. are fairly easy to grade, even for a novice.. since they never circulate, and don't go down a belt at high speed and fall on top of each other into a huge bin, or even into tubes like regular ASEs.. but go right into individual capsules.. there's no reason any of them should grade anything less than an MS69.. just study them carefully, and swivel them around under a good light.. if you see any bright pinpoints, it's not a 70.. on a Proof coin, this would be called a frost break.. not sure what it's called on a burnished coin.. but any bright tiny pinpoint hit.. even one.. and you'll know it when you see it.. should knock it down to a 69 unless the grader is asleep.. and those guys aren't perfect.. i've owned PCGS PR70DCAM TeleTrade modern Gold commemoratives that each had ONE tiny frost break.. jumped out at me like a beacon.. how the graders missed them.. i dunno.. but i returned them and got a 100% refund..
    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • I think Im done with PCGS.

    Talk about one hell of a submission. I hand picked 8 07 reverses from a total of 20 coins sent in the best 8 and this. I also went through 100 regular coins and still with that I only get one seventy and they even hit me with a 68 lmao. NGC Im comming your way. PCGS is about to kiss my arse goodbye.

    Submission #3836543
  • morgansforevermorgansforever Posts: 8,447 ✭✭✭✭✭
    <<I think Im done with PCGS.>>

    Many have experienced the same thing, don't bother with cherrypicking, just send in the box.

    World coins FSHO Hundreds of successful BST transactions U.S. coins FSHO
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I think Im done with PCGS.

    Talk about one hell of a submission. I hand picked 8 07 reverses from a total of 20 coins sent in the best 8 and this. I also went through 100 regular coins and still with that I only get one seventy and they even hit me with a 68 lmao. NGC Im comming your way. PCGS is about to kiss my arse goodbye.

    Submission #3836543 >>

    On the bright side, none of your reverse of 07's came back as a 68!

    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • CoinspongeCoinsponge Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I think Im done with PCGS.

    Talk about one hell of a submission. I hand picked 8 07 reverses from a total of 20 coins sent in the best 8 and this. I also went through 100 regular coins and still with that I only get one seventy and they even hit me with a 68 lmao. NGC Im comming your way. PCGS is about to kiss my arse goodbye.

    Submission #3836543 >>

    I sympathize with you. I had a similar experience. I would not mind really tough grading standards if I had not purchased already graded MS70 PCGS coins from others that had contact dings. I am left with the nagging question why are they so tough with me but a mega-dealer on tv seems to get an easy 70 (even though the coin was less valuable)?
    Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    I will reiterate my point made many pages ago that this coin has the POTENTIAL to dethrown the 95W Proof.

    As the 1880-CC Rev 78 has become part of the regular series of Morgans and not just recognized as a variety, IMO, so too will this coin. The CDN has already added it to it's BID/ASK within Silver Eagles Series, next will come the recognition of the Redbook and addition to many coin albums, etc.

    The 47,000 is a mere estimate, just like the 1955/1955 DDO was quoted at around 25,000 by the Mint many years ago, where no where near that number has surfaced or has been graded by third party services. This coin's mintage, IMO, is no more than 25,000-30,000 coins, I believe the number will come in south of the 95W at 31,000~ pieces.

    The 95W Proof almost ALWAYS is encountered in PR69DCAM, and priced at 3500-4000 per , IMO is very high and I believe has a high possibility of a price correction if the 08/07 takes off and within the next few months the pops remain low.

    I would be exiting quantities of 95W Proofs now, I know quite a few knowledgable people that have been doing just that, just in case "right" pricing comes in around $2K and this 08/07 coin in 70 FS moves back to the $5-$6K range.
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    Additionally, the is a VERY PROMOTABLE coin.

    It is being promoted by several large dealers currently, showing that this coins pricing is not only being affected by the whims of some on this board.

    This is a good thing for future price potential.
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭

    << <i>I think Im done with PCGS.

    Talk about one hell of a submission. I hand picked 8 07 reverses from a total of 20 coins sent in the best 8 and this. I also went through 100 regular coins and still with that I only get one seventy and they even hit me with a 68 lmao. NGC Im comming your way. PCGS is about to kiss my arse goodbye.

    Submission #3836543 >>

    Well I knew you get them within hours, but I know what'cha mean, I sent in my best 8 and all 69's, but I guess it's just not that easy...my last 2 sub's I'm (1) for 16 and 8 were unsearched platinum sets, I did take one more shot since they're taking away the first strike thing and sent in 5 FS gold spouses today, probably better I didn't screen em....image After that, I'm gonna take a break for awhile and then I'm turning to the classic crusty stuff...
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭

    << <i>I will reiterate my point made many pages ago that this coin has the POTENTIAL to dethrown the 95W Proof.

    As the 1880-CC Rev 78 has become part of the regular series of Morgans and not just recognized as a variety, IMO, so too will this coin. The CDN has already added it to it's BID/ASK within Silver Eagles Series, next will come the recognition of the Redbook and addition to many coin albums, etc.

    The 47,000 is a mere estimate, just like the 1955/1955 DDO was quoted at around 25,000 by the Mint many years ago, where no where near that number has surfaced or has been graded by third party services. This coin's mintage, IMO, is no more than 25,000-30,000 coins, I believe the number will come in south of the 95W at 31,000~ pieces.

    The 95W Proof almost ALWAYS is encountered in PR69DCAM, and priced at 3500-4000 per , IMO is very high and I believe has a high possibility of a price correction if the 08/07 takes off and within the next few months the pops remain low.

    I would be exiting quantities of 95W Proofs now, I know quite a few knowledgable people that have been doing just that, just in case "right" pricing comes in around $2K and this 08/07 coin in 70 FS moves back to the $5-$6K range. >>

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and agree with you, I'm holding onto some for the future, or at least for 6 months....image

  • << <i>ASEs are huge coins.. the -Ws especially, with their burnished, matte finish.. are fairly easy to grade, even for a novice.. since they never circulate, and don't go down a belt at high speed and fall on top of each other into a huge bin, or even into tubes like regular ASEs.. but go right into individual capsules.. there's no reason any of them should grade anything less than an MS69.. just study them carefully, and swivel them around under a good light.. if you see any bright pinpoints, it's not a 70.. on a Proof coin, this would be called a frost break.. not sure what it's called on a burnished coin.. but any bright tiny pinpoint hit.. even one.. and you'll know it when you see it.. should knock it down to a 69 unless the grader is asleep.. and those guys aren't perfect.. i've owned PCGS PR70DCAM TeleTrade modern Gold commemoratives that each had ONE tiny frost break.. jumped out at me like a beacon.. how the graders missed them.. i dunno.. but i returned them and got a 100% refund.. >>

    Thanks hrlaser, that's really helpful advice. I'll examine my 2 raws when I get a chance.

    and as for you 19Lyds, stop being such a jack@$$
  • jessewvujessewvu Posts: 5,065 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just got a great email from PCGS. They have received my coins I sent in last week. It usually takes two solid weeks to get registered mail packages to/from PCGS, this one got there in 4 business days! image

    I'll let you all know how they come out. If you don't hear from me, you can assume I got all 68's. image
  • lope208lope208 Posts: 1,960

    << <i>

    and as for you 19Lyds, stop being a jack@$$ >>

    And you wonder why people that have been around here a long time are
    already sick of you. Let it go dude. Beating a dead horse now.

    I've learned a bunch from Lee since I've been here as I know others have too.

    Take the advice of Nutz4coins and just slow down and get familiar with the 'search'
    function on these boards.
    Successful BST transactions:
    commoncents123, JrGMan2004, Coll3ctor (2), Dabigkahuna, BAJJERFAN, Boom, GRANDAM, newsman, cohodk, kklambo, seateddime, ajia, mirabela, Weather11am, keepdachange, gsa1fan, cone10
  • lope208lope208 Posts: 1,960

    << <i>I just got a great email from PCGS. They have received my coins I sent in last week. It usually takes two solid weeks to get registered mail packages to/from PCGS, this one got there in 4 business days! image

    I'll let you all know how they come out. If you don't hear from me, you can assume I got all 68's. image >>

    Good luck Jesse! Let us know even if they are 68's image
    Successful BST transactions:
    commoncents123, JrGMan2004, Coll3ctor (2), Dabigkahuna, BAJJERFAN, Boom, GRANDAM, newsman, cohodk, kklambo, seateddime, ajia, mirabela, Weather11am, keepdachange, gsa1fan, cone10

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    and as for you 19Lyds, stop being a jack@$$ >>

    And you wonder why people that have been around here a long time are
    already sick of you. Let it go dude. Beating a dead horse now.

    I've learned a bunch from Lee since I've been here as I know others have too.

    Take the advice of Nutz4coins and just slow down and get familiar with the 'search'
    function on these boards. >>

    Um...sorry to point this out to you, but there are no search functions on these boards. At least none that I could see.

    And one more thing. I won't let people treat me with any more disrespect. Folks, I've been trying to be patient up until now and that hasn't been working. So, if you really want to continue, please feel free to do so. I just hope that you're able to take as much as you want to dish out.
  • When i was a Apprentice my Journeyman once told me "It is better to tune in than to broadcast" you will learn more.
    Why do you have to 'put your two cents in'... but it's only a 'penny for your thoughts'? Where's that extra penny going to?
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,127 ✭✭✭✭✭


    What say TWKoo???
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭

    As you know already, EBAY isnt always the best venue for these coins

    There have been many dealers that cannot fill orders that are buying raw @500 for the last few weeks,

    One dealer in CW was reportedly paying 600, but that was not confirmed by anyone I know

    So, if you are trying to say the market is saturated and sales at over 500 for 69's is over, HARDLY the truth, sellers are just not searching out the proper venue......
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,127 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>GoldBully

    As you know already, EBAY isnt always the best venue for these coins

    There have been many dealers that cannot fill orders that are buying raw @500 for the last few weeks,

    One dealer in CW was reportedly paying 600, but that was not confirmed by anyone I know

    So, if you are trying to say the market is saturated and sales at over 500 for 69's is over, HARDLY the truth, sellers are just not searching out the proper venue...... >>

    7over8, I agree with you.

    Looks like First Strike is a key on this issue.

    BTW, I just bought one 2 days ago for moon money.

    My post was more an answer to TWKoo's constant pumpimg of this coin. image

  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>GoldBully

    As you know already, EBAY isnt always the best venue for these coins

    There have been many dealers that cannot fill orders that are buying raw @500 for the last few weeks,

    One dealer in CW was reportedly paying 600, but that was not confirmed by anyone I know


    i'd be glad to confirm it.. i shot this picture one minute ago.. latest issue of NN, cover date 24 June, 2008, arrived in my mailbox today.. Coast to Coast's ad.. inside front two pages.. exact same box has been running in their CW and NN double-page spread ads for the past two or three issues..

    unless you don't want to believe yer lyin' eyes.. here ya go:


    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • Goldbully....pumping or pimping? image
  • smokincoinsmokincoin Posts: 2,631 ✭✭✭
    Tony, With all due respect...there is a search feature here! It is invaluable!image
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,127 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Goldbully....pumping or pimping? image >>

    Both!!! image
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,127 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, if you really want to continue, please feel free to do so. I just hope that you're able to take as much as you want to dish out


    I'll get Coal to protect me!!!!!!!! image
  • jessewvujessewvu Posts: 5,065 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>[Um...sorry to point this out to you, but there are no search functions on these boards. At least none that I could see. >>

    I think that is because you have not been outside of this thread since you got here. Click on the Collectors Universe Logo at the top left of the page. It will take you to the main page of this board, yes there ARE other threads you can post to here.

    Here, in case this helps, go to the top right of this page and you will see this:


    and on the main page

  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Um...sorry to point this out to you, but there are no search functions on these boards. At least none that I could see. >>


    Here you go Mr. Know it all!

    << <i>And one more thing. I won't let people treat me with any more disrespect. Folks, I've been trying to be patient up until now and that hasn't been working. So, if you really want to continue, please feel free to do so. I just hope that you're able to take as much as you want to dish out. >>

    H-m-m-m-m-m! Why would you think for one second that anybody gives a squat doodley about your patience. If anything at all, lot's of folks are being patient with you and your "see-it-my-way" attitude. Granted, you do have good enthusiasm but you are w-a-a-y over the top with this one!

    Also, it seems like your the only one dishing anything out fella!

    "You know, it's interesting that you've suddenly taken this position 19lyds. Did you just sell your stash on ebay?"
    "19Lyds, I think I understand what's going on now. You don't want to get your hopes up since you've seen this type of trend so many times before."

    I'd make some suggestions except you've already proven you don't want to listen to me or anybody else that's been there and done that. So I guess your and all your buddies can continue to live your pipe dream as you can't say I didn't try to give you some good insights.

    By the way, made any progress on that Class Action Law Suit against the US Mint?

    Saturday June 14, 2008 3:52 PM

    "19Lyds, there are such things as class action law suits. Hundreds, thousands of people have been affected by these coins, and I'm sure that some of them either are lawyers or have family and/or friends who are lawyers."

    Has PCGS bowed to your demands to put this in their Registry yet?

    How about Greysheet? Are they gonna print prices on this every week?

    Maybe you oughta write an article for Coin World on how "rare" this coin . I'm sure Beth Deisher would be happy to continue with articles on the coin.

    Just some suggestions.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • ElynnElynn Posts: 137 ✭✭

    << <i>Additionally, the is a VERY PROMOTABLE coin.

    It is being promoted by several large dealers currently, showing that this coins pricing is not only being affected by the whims of some on this board.

    This is a good thing for future price potential. >>

    I sent in 10, and got 7 69 and 3 68's. I think I have you trumped.
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>NO SALE


    What say TWKoo??? >>

    Maybe he'll say: "Geez...it's so annoying when people sell these coins "in bulk" (5...10...20 at a time). They're totally ruining it not just for themselves, but for everyone else too. When people see this as just another "commodity", that's when the value drops. Sellers should only be limited to sell one/week.

    Seems this guy was selling one too many! image
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    Nutz4coins: "I just dont understand why you think you can 'rally the troops' around this coin"

    Because he truly thinks he can and simply doesn't know any better.

    After all, we're just a bunch of moron's who haven't a clue about how things work in the coin world or even the real world!
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,127 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>[Um...sorry to point this out to you, but there are no search functions on these boards. At least none that I could see. >>

    I think that is because you have not been outside of this thread since you got here. Click on the Collectors Universe Logo at the top left of the page. It will take you to the main page of this board, yes there ARE other threads you can post to here.

    Here, in case this helps, go to the top right of this page and you will see this:


    and on the main page

    image >>

  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>GoldBully

    As you know already, EBAY isnt always the best venue for these coins

    There have been many dealers that cannot fill orders that are buying raw @500 for the last few weeks,

    One dealer in CW was reportedly paying 600, but that was not confirmed by anyone I know


    i'd be glad to confirm it.. i shot this picture one minute ago.. latest issue of NN, cover date 24 June, 2008, arrived in my mailbox today.. Coast to Coast's ad.. inside front two pages.. exact same box has been running in their CW and NN double-page spread ads for the past two or three issues..

    unless you don't want to believe yer lyin' eyes.. here ya go:


    image >>

    I scanned this June 30th Coin World Add 1 minute ago but I scanned the disclaimer:


    Note: All Prices Subject to Change

    This particular add was more than likely approved two-three weeks ago at the earliest since printing and distribution take forever!

    I'll call them in the morning to find out what their current buy/sell prices are just to get up to date information.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • OK, so it's really come down to this.

    19Lyds, you an idiot, pure and simple. If you don't like this coin, I really suggest you go to ebay, or which ever dealer that you do business with, and just sell it, and don't ever come back here again. You bring absolutely nothing to this forum, other than your negativity. Yes, people speak of your expertise and your experience. However, I have to add that the only time that you display your knowledge is when you want to take a complete dump on this coin. We all know that you think this coin isn't worth what it's going for. We all know that you've backed up your "wonderful insight" with all the decades of experience you've accumulated. We all know how hard you try to "enlighten" everyone by warning us of our impending doom. "Oh my God! I'd better sell now!!! SELL SELL SELL!!! 19Lyds says the coins going to plummet and it'll reach where it was!!! Put my money in a savings account instead!!!"

    OK man, it's time to put your money where your mouth is. If you think, if you KNOW, that this coin is going down, why don't you do the smart thing? Sell now, and if you still like it after the coin crashes, you can buy at a lower price.

    But how's this. I'm so ******* sick of your whining, how about I just buy all of your coins at current market value so that you can be off of this frickin' board!

    Seriously, you really don't belong here. All you bring is negativity and pessimism. Please go elsewhere to spreadh your "warmth".

    Oh, and as for that Search function, I've already used it. It only gives you entire threads. It doesn't give you individual postings/messages. If I were to try to do a search in this thread of over 4000 messages, it would get me absolutely nowhere.
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,127 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>OK, so it's really come down to this.

    19Lyds, you an idiot, pure and simple. If you don't like this coin, I really suggest you go to ebay, or which ever dealer that you do business with, and just sell it, and don't ever come back to this thread again. You bring absolutely nothing to this forum, other than your negativity. Yes, people say that you bring your expertise and your experience. However, I have to add that the only time you bring all your knowledge is when you want to take a complete s*** on this coin. We all know how you think this coin isn't worth what it's going for. We all know that you've backed up your idea about this coin really going under, based on all your years of observing other fads. We all know how hard you try to "enlighten" everyone by warning us of our impending doom.

    OK man, it's time to put your money where your mouth is. If you think, if you KNOW, that this coin is going down, why don't you do the smart thing? Sell now, and if you still like it after the coin crashes, you can buy at a lower price.

    But how's this. I'm so f***ing sick of your whining, how about I just buy all of your coins at current market value so that you can be off of this frickin' board!

    Seriously, you really don't belong here. All you bring is negativity and pessimism. Please go elsewhere to spreadh your "warmth".

    Oh, and as for that Search function, I've already used it. It only gives you entire threads. It doesn't give you individual postings/messages. If I were to try to do a search in this thread of over 4000 messages, it would get me absolutely nowhere. >>

    Started another one TWKoo??? You really are a stupid idiot!!!! Am I being too nice here??? image

    Stop posting for a while, Jerkwad!!!!

  • << <i>Edited another one TKWoo??? You really are a stupid idiot!!!! Am I being too nice here??? image >>

    **** Off Mother****** image
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,127 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Edited another one TKWoo??? You really are a stupid idiot!!!! Am I being too nice here??? image >>

    F*** Off Mother****** image >>

    My mother won't appreciate that!!!! image

  • << <i>

    << <i>Edited another one TKWoo??? You really are a stupid idiot!!!! Am I being too nice here??? image >>

    F*** Off Mother****** image >>

    Now that is not very nice Mr. koo
    Why do you have to 'put your two cents in'... but it's only a 'penny for your thoughts'? Where's that extra penny going to?

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Edited another one TKWoo??? You really are a stupid idiot!!!! Am I being too nice here??? image >>

    F*** Off Mother****** image >>

    My mother won't appreciate that!!!! image >>

    Well she sure appreciated it last night!!! (.....just kidding. it was so well set up....just too hard to resist. image )
  • smokincoinsmokincoin Posts: 2,631 ✭✭✭
    I've got two of them in Pcgs MS69.image

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