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The official 1914/1915 Cracker Jack Thread



  • So hows everyone doing here? Im still missing the Cobb and Wagner to call er dun. I have an extra psa 3 1914 E Walsh if anyone needs one. Anyone else excited for the book to debut at the National?
    Always looking for Cracker Jacks!
  • stormsurgestormsurge Posts: 858 ✭✭
    Nice that you're so close! I'm still missing a 15 Johnson and Jackson...
  • stormsurgestormsurge Posts: 858 ✭✭
    The Cracker Jack book mentioned earlier in this thread is now available for pre-order. I haven't seen the book but the site sure does make it look like a tempting purchase:

  • Yes, Rich, that does look like a tempting purchase, doesn't it? The player biographies will probably make for a very good read.
    Always looking for 1915 Cracker Jacks in a uniform PSA 3 (NQ)

  • paleocardspaleocards Posts: 941 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm very pleased with my first Cracker Jack - it's his rookie (look at that baby-face!) I spent nearly double-SMR, but I still think that was a fair price based on VCP. The card itself is gorgeous with 3 sharp corners. It looks like a 7 or 8 to me, can't find the wrinkle that must've knocked it down to a 5.

  • Nice Rousch image I wouldn't pay that much attention to SMR as regards to CJs....

    Did you all see the National Promotion card of a 1915 Cracker Jack Babe Ruth? There were 500 produced in a PSA slab and they're selling like hotcakes on eBay for around $100 a card!

  • paleocardspaleocards Posts: 941 ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Stormsurge! Did you leave-off "pay" in between "wouldn't" & "that" in your response to my post? What would you estimate the average price to be for more common '15 CJ HOFers in PSA 5?

    And here's my "Card that Never Was" that I rec'd for re-upping my PSA membership at the National:

  • Oops, I did lol. From what I've seen over the years CJs market prices are higher than SMR and the gap between SMR and market pricing is even wider for the HOF cards.

    That's a tough question to answer for several reasons. Cards even with the same grade all present a bit differently. I have most of my set finished (just 2 left to go) so I haven't been buying many lately but I would think VCP would give you the best idea of current pricing for HOF cards in that grade.

    That's the one, nice looking card imo!
  • scoutsout47scoutsout47 Posts: 520 ✭✭
    I saw that Rich's CJ thread has been dormant for a time and wanted to see what the old crew was up to.

    As for me, I finished grad school over at SDSU and the wife an I had kid #2, leaving little time these days to dabble in cards. The hunt will no doubt resume someday, but I'll have to live through each of your collections for now. I do miss searching for cards, though. It's unlikely that I'll resume CJ collecting, as my beloved PSA 3 set is now in the hands of dozens of other collectors within the hobby. Whoever they are, I trust they'll serve as good stewards of these once-prized cardboard gems.

    I hope each of you are doing well.
    Always looking for 1915 Cracker Jacks in a uniform PSA 3 (NQ)

  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭
    What a great thread!
  • stormsurgestormsurge Posts: 858 ✭✭
    Thanks Dan! It is such a great set image
  • Last thread was 2007, any of you all still collecting cj's???? If so, how many of the 176 cards to you have and What is your favorite card you own of the CJ's. How about what the favorite card in your collection too?

  • will I was incorrect last thread 2015! didnt see the pages :-)

  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭

    This thread was so much fun when I was collecting the set. Rich (StormSurge) was pretty sick a few years ago and I have a bad feeling he's no longer with us. Like me, many of the posters here that collected this set have moved on to other pursuits.
    I sold my set thru a middleman in '09, and just recently found out that many of those cards were improved upon and ended up on other holders. I tried to start up a lower grade set but after climbing the mountain once I just didn't have the interest in doing it again, and sold them off. I still think it's a beautiful design and I love the cards. My favorite card will always be Peckinpaugh, the color and horizontal layout setting it apart. Of the '15 set Alexander was the toughest to find, and #28 Jack Barry was the toughest to find centered. Anyway, best of luck to anyone working on this set, it's a lot of fun.

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

  • Hey Griffins - When you were collecting how many of the 176 did you have? I am at 42 right now in either PSA or SGC holders and some raw. I was trying to get only in PSA holders but I found I was missing out on getting some cards at what i thought was a good price.

  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭

    I had 175 of 176, missing just Jackson as I was holding out for a well centered 6. And I had all of the 23 (I think) '14 variations, except for Matty. And several of the albums. Never had the poster (I have a very high res scan) nor the only known CJ box from this period.
    I tried to start the set again a few years ago but it's tough to climb a mountain a 2nd time, so I bailed on it after about 80 cards.

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

  • @Griffins said:
    I had 175 of 176, missing just Jackson as I was holding out for a well centered 6. And I had all of the 23 (I think) '14 variations, except for Matty. And several of the albums. Never had the poster (I have a very high res scan) nor the only known CJ box from this period.
    I tried to start the set again a few years ago but it's tough to climb a mountain a 2nd time, so I bailed on it after about 80 cards.

    Completed once and then started again up to 80!!! WOW!!! I am at 48 so far, the prices when you were collecting were so much better than now. Even the commons @ low grades are going for almost $100 each. Other than ebay and net54 how were you able to piece your set together? How long did it take you?

  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭

    It took about 5-6 years. I had over half of the '14 set too, and then got rid of them and picked up most of the 23 variations.
    Some came from ebay, some came from auction houses, but most came from private deals.
    Generally '15 common 6's went for about $125, 7's $200 or so, and 8's $350-$500.
    When Topps came out with the CJ set in '04 Kit Young was buying up commons for Topps to insert in packs and they went up a bit, then settled back in.

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

  • @Griffins said:
    It took about 5-6 years. I had over half of the '14 set too, and then got rid of them and picked up most of the 23 variations.
    Some came from ebay, some came from auction houses, but most came from private deals.
    Generally '15 common 6's went for about $125, 7's $200 or so, and 8's $350-$500.
    When Topps came out with the CJ set in '04 Kit Young was buying up commons for Topps to insert in packs and they went up a bit, then settled back in.

    My have the prices increased, I just picked up my 150th a SGC 8.5 Wheat for $1900 including BP, shipping and tax from the Memory Lane auction. Only 26 more to go!!!!!

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