Let me say I did not join any of these rips, but JLo (in all her beauty) may be right. I know everyone is fired up and could spit nails. This thing would be a logistical nightmare to figure out at least from a legal standpoint.
I think the initial thing to do is file a claim with Paypal and or your credit card company and maybe a call to an attorney.
...but that is just me saying this and my view is probably different since I did not join a rip
its human nature that if you get away with it in the beginning, you get more brazen and eventually you will get caught. for some people, greed is too powerful unfortunately. so i guess we'll see.
If this whole thing is true that sure is a shame. I have always wanted to participate in the group wax openings. Sorry to hear guys and I hope you get this resolved.
I did edit my post. I was blowing steam out of my a$$ about the federal stuff. I am a computer nerd and there are plenty of ways to get information that is readily available on the web. I just know where to go quicker than most. I will not share any information of a personal nature about this guy with anyone on these boards.
Sorry guys but I need to vent for a minute. I just got a not so nice little pm from someone I wont name. Accusing me of putting these pack rips and case rips together to make a nice profit. Im floored. I want you guys to know I am in this as a hobbyist just like the rest of you guys. Luckily i am afforded the luxury of time and patience to put these rips together. They are alot of work and i spend about 20-30 hours total per rip with all the emails and packaging proccesing and shipping. I can guarantee you I have not made a dollar on a single rip and i dont want to. This is fun for all of us and I want you guys to know I like doing this and dont want anyone thinking I'm doing this for profit. Believe me I dont need to make a buck this way. Im thankful god has granted me a healthy and luxurious lifestyle. Plus I consider you all friends and my first rule to a fault is never try to make a buck off of friends. The only one making out here is bbcexchange with the thousands of dollars we are spending with him.
For those who might think other wise here is a exact breakdown for this case rip so you can see I am not making anymoney off of this.
Case $9000 divide by 64 lots of 9 140.62 per lot
1 lot 140.62packs+4.68paypalfees+4.35shipping=149.65
So you add it all up I am not doing this for profit.
Sorry to rant and rave guys I was just very upset by this persons pm and accusations
Now lets all have some fun and pull lots of psa 10's so you can sell them to me to finish my 78 set
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
yeah i agree he does have some silly ones however, he has been accused of selling reseals by guys with hi feedback, and accused of charging 10.00 or more in shipping and using 2 bucks of it.
Not a guy id buy a box from.
The above is my reply to a fellow boardmember regarding 80's junkie. the date is feb 16th, so that is the date I saw the post regarding his feedback, maybe someone can find it from that?
Didn't I read some posts about board members complaining about recent trades with him?
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
Never participated in a group rip but I have to say that I'm disappointed if/when the evidence is confirmed. There's a lot that is wrong with the hobby and a group of people coming together to share stories, information and also build a sense of community is something right with the hobby. It's sad to see that greed would drive someone to the point of taking advantage of good people. Although I haven't been here that long I've been well impressed with this site. This is secondary, but I hope what has happened doesn't have an impact on the board.
did anyone inform steve hart just so he is aware of the situation? i know he had nothing to do with this, but knowing this, he may not want to sell to gary anymore so that a situation such as this doesnt happen again so easily.
<< <i>did anyone inform steve hart just so he is aware of the situation? i know he had nothing to do with this, but knowing this, he may not want to sell to gary anymore so that a situation such as this doesnt happen again so easily. >>
He had an idea about the situation with Gary already.
<< <i>Must be why I got 1 star in the entire 77-up baseball break. >>
I'm in the same boat. I also kept some packs and didn't rip them. At this point I'll be contacting Steve probably to ask if he will take a look. Has anyone contacted Steve Hart directly?
I never busted any of the group rips, but this might be the craziest thing I have ever seen on this board. I really couldn't believe what I was reading through this thread.
lawnmowerman... nice recall. I just googled that charity and it doesn't exist in writing on the web... hence it probably doesn't exist.
I've not jumped into this pack ripping activity, but all the same I feel very sickened for all of you that have allegedly been taken by this individual... I hope that somehow, someway, either by Federal wire fraud charges (defrauding victims of money across state lines), or mail fraud, or interstate larceny charges, that this person is dealt with harshly by Federal authorities.
I just performed a quick public records search that anyone with access to Lexis.com can do. I think I have the current telephone number and address for Mr. Daggett as well as some other information. I'm not sure how current the address and telephone number is, but the other information is pretty interesting. If anyone is interested, send me a message. Thanks.
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
I have spoken with Steve about this and he knows of all our concern.
The 75 rip is as legit as Steve Hart is. I was there for the break and literally saw the staples being taken out of the top of the box, Gary and I left at the same time and then Steve split and packaged the cards. BTW, I ripped my cards while at Steve's place and gave Gary my wrappers.
I agree this doesn't look good. I also don't like that Gary isn't responding and is going back to edit posts.
For the guys who have unopened packs from any of the recent rips that were shipped out by Gary...
I wold call Steve and ask him if he would inspect them to see if they have been tampered with. Gary was supposed to buy the cards from Steve and Steve is one of the most trustworthy in the unopened game. I would bet that Steve would be happy to take a look at those packs.
never knew fmemech and 80'sJunkie were one in the same. I bought a 89 FF Ripken PSA card from him a year ago and got hosed on shipping. Vowed never to buy from him again. Damn glad I didn't parttake in one of the rips...
Next MONTH? So he's saying that if he wins, the best-case scenario is that he'll be paying for it two weeks after the auction ends?
Forget blocking him; find out where he lives and go punch him in the nuts. --WalterSobchak 9/12/12
Looking for Al Hrabosky and any OPC Dave Campbells (the ESPN guy)
I did not participate in any of the rips, so my opinion may not mean much... but, I would hope someone at PSA (Moderator/Joe O.) is looking into this asap! Since PSA can easily confirm all personal info via membership and for the good of their community (members) do what they can to help out.
you know to find contact info on a website, you can go to register.com and type in any specific website and click the (whois) link. his name and a p.o. box and a phone number comes up. just an fyi
Gary did do an 80's baseball rip - my paypal payment to him for that one was on 10/3/06 Paypal only lets you dispute things that are within 45 days. I filed a dispute for the 80's football rip since I paid in Feb and we'll see what happens
My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
WAIT A MINUTE WHERE DID THIS ALL COME FROM CDS Stown just pmed me this and obviously theres a lot for me to read but I shouldnt have to explain anything but I certainly will answer everything once i read all this. Ass for all the rips on here they have been legit Iam appaled at any of those accusations cds. I will reply to all the ebay stuff but that has nothing to do with this forum or are rips.
First off i have never resealed a pack and second I have all the reciepts from steve for the rips. And if someone reallt would think the rips were not legit. You would think nobody would have pulled anything good right. The ebay stuff has nothing to do with this forum
not to mention the basketball rip and the 78 case break i didnt start i was asked to help collect and ship
I have no probblem answering all queastions. and before i read anything above about ebay. I've said plenty of times in other threads Yes i have neg feedback beacuase i dont play peoples games on ebay. I have thousands of positives.
I want you all to know I am not running away from these boards or any questions. I am a outstanding guy and do buisness in a different type of way.
Feel free to email or pm me with any questions
But one things for sure cds was way out of line with this. this is a great community and i would not take advantage of that. but of course with all these allegations some people will have there own opinion. thats fine.
Those who know me and have been involved in the rips know there is nothing going on here other then what has started from accusations and spiraled out of control
Well, I think the best way to deal with this is for those who still have unopened packs, please send them to Steve Hart for inspection, if he is willing to do so.
Right now, I will hold an opinion. Let's see how it pans out.
Here are some specific questions I would like to hear your side of:
1.) You've explained the wrappers (you're making a collage) but what about the empty boxes and large lots of commons? Is it a giant coincidence that the lots all pertained to upcoming or ongoing rips?
2.) Why would you make up a story regarding the '86 Fleer BK box and others when they were clearly purchased empty off ebay?
3.) Why were you so hesitant to allow Steve to do the shipping?
4.) If you saw a seller on ebay selling an unopened box with your feedback would you purchase it yourself?
Above e-bay purchases Below, The 5 hour drive at 7 am to an old mans collection. Old man my arse.
Ok Gary. If you are as upstanding as you say. Start by explaining the similarities of the old mans collection and the boxes you bought of e-bay? Those two boxes are too similar to each other unless Noah brought them over two by two.
W.C.Fields "I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
CU turns its lonely eyes to you
What's the you say, Mrs Robinson
Vargha bucks have left and gone away?
hey hey hey
hey hey hey
<< <i>
<< <i>just went through the 78 rip. It is gone. >>
What did you mean by this Fav? >>
I could not find that repsonse in that thread.
I think the initial thing to do is file a claim with Paypal and or your credit card company and maybe a call to an attorney.
...but that is just me saying this and my view is probably different since I did not join a rip
<< <i>I didn't participate either, but if he is online now editing posts but not responded -- well, that ain't good... >>
thats a horrible sign!
With that being said I hope to be proven wrong.
Certain posts saved just in case someone goes on an editing spree. Post # +/- 85
Link to 78 Topps rip
Wednesday February 21, 2007 6:19 PM
Sorry guys but I need to vent for a minute. I just got a not so nice little pm from someone I wont name. Accusing me of putting these pack rips and case rips together to make a nice profit. Im floored. I want you guys to know I am in this as a hobbyist just like the rest of you guys. Luckily i am afforded the luxury of time and patience to put these rips together. They are alot of work and i spend about 20-30 hours total per rip with all the emails and packaging proccesing and shipping. I can guarantee you I have not made a dollar on a single rip and i dont want to. This is fun for all of us and I want you guys to know I like doing this and dont want anyone thinking I'm doing this for profit. Believe me I dont need to make a buck this way. Im thankful god has granted me a healthy and luxurious lifestyle. Plus I consider you all friends and my first rule to a fault is never try to make a buck off of friends.
The only one making out here is bbcexchange with the thousands of dollars we are spending with him.
For those who might think other wise here is a exact breakdown for this case rip so you can see I am not making anymoney off of this.
Case $9000 divide by 64 lots of 9 140.62 per lot
1 lot 140.62packs+4.68paypalfees+4.35shipping=149.65
2lots 281.24packs+8.91paypalfees+6.65shipping=296.80
3 lots 421.86packs+13.24paypalfees+8.80shipping=443.90
1 box 462.50box+16.65paypalfees+8.80shipping+587.95
So you add it all up I am not doing this for profit.
Sorry to rant and rave guys I was just very upset by this persons pm and accusations
Now lets all have some fun and pull lots of psa 10's so you can sell them to me to finish my 78 set
yeah i agree he does have some silly ones however, he has been accused of selling reseals by guys with hi feedback, and accused of charging 10.00 or more in shipping and using 2 bucks of it.
Not a guy id buy a box from.
The above is my reply to a fellow boardmember regarding 80's junkie. the date is feb 16th, so that is the date I saw the post regarding his feedback, maybe someone can find it from that?
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>the 16 individual feedbacks i was referring to were all for tampered or resealed boxes/packs, not shipping costs. >>
all negs and neutrals
1994 Pro Line Live
Ripken in the Minors * Ripken in the Minors Facebook Page
<< <i>did anyone inform steve hart just so he is aware of the situation? i know he had nothing to do with this, but knowing this, he may not want to sell to gary anymore so that a situation such as this doesnt happen again so easily. >>
He had an idea about the situation with Gary already.
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>Must be why I got 1 star in the entire 77-up baseball break. >>
I'm in the same boat. I also kept some packs and didn't rip them. At this point I'll be contacting Steve probably to ask if he will take a look. Has anyone contacted Steve Hart directly?
Now collecting:
Topps Heritage
1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
All Yaz Items 7+
Various Red Sox
Did I leave anything out?
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
I've not jumped into this pack ripping activity, but all the same I feel very sickened for all of you that have allegedly been taken by this individual... I hope that somehow, someway, either by Federal wire fraud charges (defrauding victims of money across state lines), or mail fraud, or interstate larceny charges, that this person is dealt with harshly by Federal authorities.
/s/ JackWESQ
<< <i> I did a search for Cards 4 Kids and it gets a couple of hits....nothing like a main website or anything >>
Yup... but it's Business cards 4 kids... nothing to do with hospitals, charity, California or sports cards... highly unlikely they are related.
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
<< <i>Wow.... does this guy have no shame? His eBay feedback seems to indicate that he was searching and resealing '89 Fleer. >>
Amazing isn't it?
The 84 Football break was all set up it appears through his recent buying ..... unreal
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
The 75 rip is as legit as Steve Hart is. I was there for the break and literally saw the staples being taken out of the top of the box, Gary and I left at the same time and then Steve split and packaged the cards. BTW, I ripped my cards while at Steve's place and gave Gary my wrappers.
I agree this doesn't look good. I also don't like that Gary isn't responding and is going back to edit posts.
For the guys who have unopened packs from any of the recent rips that were shipped out by Gary...
I wold call Steve and ask him if he would inspect them to see if they have been tampered with. Gary was supposed to buy the cards from Steve and Steve is one of the most trustworthy in the unopened game. I would bet that Steve would be happy to take a look at those packs.
My Auctions
Note that there has been editing of certain posts to do with the shipping of these direct from BBCE and now all that is left is a smilie.
Miscut Museum
My Mess
Forget blocking him; find out where he lives and go punch him in the nuts. --WalterSobchak 9/12/12
Looking for Al Hrabosky and any OPC Dave Campbells (the ESPN guy)
TGF Collection
TGF Sports
I did not participate in any of the rips, so my opinion may not mean much... but, I would hope someone at PSA (Moderator/Joe O.) is looking into this asap! Since PSA can easily confirm all personal info via membership and for the good of their community (members) do what they can to help out.
<< <i>I was part of the first 80s Baseball and 80s Football rip. Talk about taking an awesome idea and SH*TTING on it!
*sigh....* >>
The very first 80's bb rip was handled by AJW, not by Gary...
My Auctions
<< <i>
<< <i>I was part of the first 80s Baseball and 80s Football rip. Talk about taking an awesome idea and SH*TTING on it!
*sigh....* >>
The very first 80's bb rip was handled by AJW, not by Gary... >>
Thanks for clearing that Zef...I couldnt remember who did.
Paypal only lets you dispute things that are within 45 days. I filed a dispute for the 80's football rip since I paid in Feb and we'll see what happens
complete 1980's Rip September 2006
My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
JDRF Donation
good observation...
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
First off i have never resealed a pack and second I have all the reciepts from steve for the rips. And if someone reallt would think the rips were not legit. You would think nobody would have pulled anything good right. The ebay stuff has nothing to do with this forum
not to mention the basketball rip and the 78 case break i didnt start i was asked to help collect and ship
I have no probblem answering all queastions. and before i read anything above about ebay. I've said plenty of times in other threads Yes i have neg feedback beacuase i dont play peoples games on ebay. I have thousands of positives.
I want you all to know I am not running away from these boards or any questions. I am a outstanding guy and do buisness in a different type of way.
Feel free to email or pm me with any questions
But one things for sure cds was way out of line with this. this is a great community and i would not take advantage of that. but of course with all these allegations some people will have there own opinion. thats fine.
Those who know me and have been involved in the rips know there is nothing going on here other then what has started from accusations and spiraled out of control
<< <i>Interesting that MrG would drop in at 2:30 am England time... >>
And he got the payton?
So, I guess it was only the first FB rip I was involved in....still GRRRRRRRRRRR....
My appetite is this thread at the moment, so I will continue to have a listen as long as the Red lasts!
TGF Collection
TGF Sports
Right now, I will hold an opinion. Let's see how it pans out.
Do you understand where the suspicions come from?
Here are some specific questions I would like to hear your side of:
1.) You've explained the wrappers (you're making a collage) but what about the empty boxes and large lots of commons? Is it a giant coincidence that the lots all pertained to upcoming or ongoing rips?
2.) Why would you make up a story regarding the '86 Fleer BK box and others when they were clearly purchased empty off ebay?
3.) Why were you so hesitant to allow Steve to do the shipping?
4.) If you saw a seller on ebay selling an unopened box with your feedback would you purchase it yourself?
Edited to add more questions
Explain the wrappers.
Explain the empty boxes.
Explain the " charity "
-- Yogi Berra
<< <i>
Above e-bay purchases
Below, The 5 hour drive at 7 am to an old mans collection. Old man my arse.
Ok Gary. If you are as upstanding as you say. Start by explaining the similarities of the old mans collection and the boxes you bought of e-bay? Those two boxes are too similar to each other unless Noah brought them over two by two.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.