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Post some new Barber images - the Mega Barber Thread



  • illini420illini420 Posts: 11,466 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Looks like with just the members of the forum here, we could post a significant portion of the population of high graded 1909-O Quarters image

    Here's my 1909-O Barber Quarter PCGS MS64... Really, really glad I bought it as I had been looking to get an AU58 to an MS63 just looking at Greysheet and PCGS Guide Prices, but strecthed (turns out it might not have been a stretch!!!) to get an MS64.

  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭
    One of the upgrades I have been searching for - an 1894-S - and although raw
    this coin looks AU 58 to me. I don't have it in hand as yet - so I can't say with any
    certainty that it'll holder at all. It was worth a shot IMHO.


    Coin arrived 12-15-08; looks better than I had hoped for; I see no reason it won't holder as an AU 58 !!
    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • illini420illini420 Posts: 11,466 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice one, just love the mintmark placement on that one image
  • DarrellDarrell Posts: 87 ✭✭✭
    I was wondering if any of the board members collect or own any proof Barbers. I was not looking for one but recently I came across this one that fits well in my collection.

    It is a 1897 Dime-PCGS Pr 68-Old Green Holder



  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭


    What a great strike on that dime !
    Nice surfaces to boot !!

    I have only four Barber proofs - all in my 1898 Proof Set.
    {I've posted them before - and you can view them on my Registry Set }
    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • MarkInDavisMarkInDavis Posts: 1,714 ✭✭✭✭
    Here's a barber quarter I received recently.
    image Respectfully, Mark
  • DarrellDarrell Posts: 87 ✭✭✭
    You are right the 1897 dime is fully struck and the surfaces are original. The pictures do not show the amazing color on the reverse. When held under a light or out in the sun, the brown area on the right turns neon green,red and orange.

    It is in an old green holder so it is not marked cameo. PCGS has certified a total of 4 proof 68's (all designations) and the one listed as cameo has been dipped.

    If you have pictures or the time, please post your 1898 proofs. It would be nice to see them.

  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    I'll start with the Half Dollar - then edit this post later with the rest:



    Here's the Quarter Dollar:


    ...the Dime:


    ...sorry no reverse image.

    Lastly, the Nickel:


    ...again, sorry no reverse image.

    Although not Barbers, the IHC is a PR66RB and the Morgan is a PR64CAM.

    This set is listed as Ellen Gorman Hayes - Commemorative Birthyear Collection. After my Grandmother.

    {Re-edited to mention that I posted this set in January, 2007. }

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • DarrellDarrell Posts: 87 ✭✭✭
    Your proof is very nice! Did you buy them as a set or did you put it together over time?


  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭


    It took me a few years to get this 1898 Proof set put together
    and I think all the coins compliment each other - especially for
    a "put together" proof set.


    Here's a NEWP for the certified Dime collection:

    {Thanks to Dave99B for resizing this image.}
    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • I'm not much of a fan of Barber dimes - I prefer the quarters and halves - but I couldn't resist with this 1905-O (micro o). You just don't see the micro o, certified in a grade above VG, very often. I thought the coin had a nice look to it, it's certified by NGC, F-12. She should be arriving from Alpine within the next couple of days. image

  • Mike, very nice proof set...and what a way to honor your grandmother...I'm sure she'd be proud. Dan, I'm not particularly fond of the Barber dimes either but that was quite a find...congratulations on the 05 micro O.
  • KollectorKingKollectorKing Posts: 4,820 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My latest addition from a board member image

    What do you think?

  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    Congratulations, KollectorKing !

    I wish I could have found this coin
    before Barberman55 bought it ...

    Nice looking coin. If it were already
    in a PCGS 58 holder I too might have
    made a play for it.

    Its one of the most difficult dates
    to locate; currently, I satisfied with
    my PCGS 53.

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • InYHWHWeTrustInYHWHWeTrust Posts: 1,451 ✭✭✭

    I like the looks of that Barber dime, and catching up on this thread from all I missed the last few weeks has been fun. Nice coins everyone!
    I appreciate the thoughts, prayers and concern from everyone MFH notified and thanks for the thread Mike. I hope you will be able to swing by Smithfield next Spring on your norther trek back to MA.

    Barber friends are awesome!


    PS, I'm still standing up alot, maybe sitting about 30 min a day total, alot of walking, hopefully, driving again next week, we'll see. But the worst part (besides the $13,000 hospital bill), it looks like my hockey career is gone up in flames now image Oh well, will have to learn a new exercise that won't mess me up like this one did. Coin collecting is also difficult not being able to sit. The doc in Houston said sitting too long looking at coins on computer screens and taking pictures/ cropping, etc. is prob as much the reason than the fall I took in September. All the sitting made the neuritis so hyperacute. Anyways, doing much better, thanks to everyone and of course, God's grace.
    Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,664 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't think I've posted this one before.


    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    The newest upgrade:


    ...something's wrong with my computer's settings...I'm not getting images anymore at home...
    but I am getting them from work...so, please ignore my previous rant...[ which I deleted... ] .

    Re-edited: Its straightened out now - all's right with the world !!

    BTW: Check out the sister companion to the 1904-P imaged above, a beautiful 1904-O ...you'll have to go
    onto my Registry set to see it though...the image is too large to post here; it needs to be resized.
    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • Mike,

    Very nice 04.......maybe pushing MS-65. How's the luster?
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Mike,

    Very nice 04.......maybe pushing MS-65. How's the luster? >>

    Dan, I thought the coin looked very clean for a 64. I won't have it in hand for
    another few days [ I just won it last night on a DLRC Auction. ]

    It looks very lusterous; I've always been disappointed in their imaging -
    but never with the coins I 've bought from DLRC.
    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • Don,
    Glad to see you up on the boards and hope you have a speedy recovery and brighter days...now get back to those coins! image

    Mike, awesome 04 quarter...love the tone and luster!
  • bfjohnsonbfjohnson Posts: 541 ✭✭✭
    I haven't started collecting the quarters yet, but that one may make me begin.
    I'm also glad to hear you are on your way back to health.
  • tombrtombr Posts: 863 ✭✭
    Just want to take a minute and wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakuh and all the other celebrations we may obverse, and a Happy New Year to all my friends here on the Barber Mega Thread. May the upcoming year be better than this one. Best wishes to Don for a speedy recovery. May all our other trials and tribulations of the past year fade away, and may everyone enjoy good health.

    Almost forgot: May we all move closer to completing our sets too image

  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    Hear, Hear, Tom !! image

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.

    May we know Peace and Good Health this New Year.

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • tombrtombr Posts: 863 ✭✭

    << <i>Just want to take a minute and wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakuh and all the other celebrations we may obverse, and a Happy New Year to all my friends here on the Barber Mega Thread. May the upcoming year be better than this one. Best wishes to Don for a speedy recovery. May all our other trials and tribulations of the past year fade away, and may everyone enjoy good health.

    Almost forgot: May we all move closer to completing our sets too image

    Tom >>

    It has been pointed out to me, through a PM from the esteemed Mr Hayes, that we "observe" holidays not "obverse" them. I reverse the right to amend the message , but have left the original intact for all to see. My apologies to the memebers----it's just the dumb*ss in me.


    There I go again------I meant "reserve", not "reverse".image I need to get away from this coin thing.
  • pursuitoflibertypursuitofliberty Posts: 7,115 ✭✭✭✭✭
    that we "observe" holidays not "obverse" them. I reverse the right to amend the message , but have left the original intact for all to see. My apologies to the memebers


    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you too Tom, and to all here image

    “We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”

    Todd - BHNC #242
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    Roxy to Santa Claus : ... " Please bring Tombr Spellcheck for Christmas. "
    Santa to Roxy : ... " And what do you want for Christmas, Roxy ? "
    Roxy: ... " Oh Santa, please bring me all the missing dates Tombr needs for his collection is PCGS XF 45..."
    Santa: ... " Too late Roxy, Tombr already bought them on line ... and he's giving them to you for Christmas. "



    By now most of us have received the 15 #'s of catalogs for the Stack's, Bowers and Merena
    and Heritage FUN sales.

    Aside from the fantastic set of Halves being presented - ie: Dale Friend's collection, another
    very choice 1892-O Micro O - PCGS MS 63 is being offered at Stack's in January. I don't
    have access to my images while I'm at the office, but Peter Shireman's recently sold example
    [ previously offered by Harry Laibstain ] was also in a PCGS MS 63 holder. Could it be the same coin ?
    The POP is extremely low in MS 63... if memory serves me, its a POP 3 coin at PCGS.

    Anyone want a great deal on my AU 55 so I can bid on this MS 63 ? As most of my fellow Barberites
    know, I'm upgrading all my Halves in 53's and 55's to 58's and if unavailable in 58 [ ie: 1897-S ]
    I'll add choice MS 63's and 64's.

    Looking forward to meeting as many fellow collectors as possible while at FUN.

    PM me when you'll be there - and where - FYI : Wednesday afternoon on January 7th,
    I'll be at the viewing room looking at Dale's halves. I'll also be at both auction sessions
    on Thursday January 8th.

    I hope to have my business completed at the PCGS submission booth by 11:00 on Thursday.
    After that I'll be browsing the bourse.

    Ponyexpress8...PM sent.


    Again, Happy Holidays to everyone !!!


    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • tombrtombr Posts: 863 ✭✭
    Gve them to her? Not a chance. She would use them to buy sultry nightware image
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks to our snow-bound friend in Seattle, Dave99B, here are the reduced images of my
    NEWP from PonyExpress8:




    Can hardly wait to get it - PonyExpress8 is hand delivering it to me at FUN.

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • image
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    Another upgrade for the Quarter collection.


    Once again, Thank you to Dave99B for resizing the image.
    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭
    Don't know if anyone was tracking - or bidding, for that matter - an 1893-S Half in PCGS VF 35
    on eBay last night. [ aside from myself {tracking} and Tombr { bidding } ]. Sorry, Tombr, I was
    rooting for you. I thought the coin would close at $1,100 to $1,200.

    A Newbie on eBay with a feedback of "9" won the coin for $1,764. +/-.

    Interestingly enough, another 1893-S - also in a PCGS VF 35 holder and
    also from the same seller "DJF-Coins" - was sold on 11-23-08 on eBay for $1,009.

    Both VF 35 coins were equally as nice; it would be a hard decision as to which I'd have chosen.

    Not too long ago another board member sold his [ EX: MFH ] 1893-S in PCGS 40 for $1230
    if memory serves me correctly [ which has been known to be a bit fuzzy of late... image ]

    Another 93-S in AU 55 [ EX: MFH } sold for in the $1600 range
    and last year an AU 58 [ now in my collection ] sold for $1750.

    I think this Newbie has learned a very expensive lesson.

    Who said the coin market was slowing down, especially with Die-Hard Barber Collectors ?


    As a side note, this past month, Heritage had a dozen or so nice AU 58 quarters from
    another collector friend, Gary B., from which I was lucky enough to win two. One of the
    coins I didn't bid on was a 1908-P in PCGS AU 58 which sold with buyers fees at $172.50.
    This same coin closed last night on eBay for $211.50. With listing fees and PayPal fees
    it didn't seem like it was worth all the hastle.


    Also, recently on eBay, a nice 1873-S {Barber} Trade Dollar in PCGS 58
    sold for $1,490. I was taken aback a bit by that - considering what a PCGS 55
    lists for in their Price Guide - it was sold basically for MS 62 money. Yes, I was bidding
    on it - as I have not gotten anything for this collection in ages - and my bid was blown
    out of the water; and here I thought I was the only one collecting AU Trade Dollars..... image


    Keeping this Thread alive ...

    Happy New Year to all.

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • tombrtombr Posts: 863 ✭✭

    << <i>A Newbie on eBay with a feedback of "9" won the coin for $1,764. +/-.

    I think this Newbie has learned a very expensive lesson. >>


    Looks like a "nuclear bid" via a sniping program gone bad. Can you say---------NON PAYING BIDDER
  • Mike, Tombr,
    I was amazed to see the selling price for the 93-S last night but am not surprised especially if it fills a long-empty hole one is trying to fill...this coin is very hard to find in this grade. I'm still a newbie at collecting coins (just over 2 years now) and have made some newbie mistakes (like paying way too much for a coin)...have learned many lessons...but have also learned that if people want something bad enough, they'll pay almost anything (especially if you're in a bidding contest) to get it...and unless you're willing to pay some real "mad money", you won't outbid them...this might be the case for this coin.

    For those that own a 93-S this is really good news...for those that are still looking for a nice 93-S it's "not so much".

    Happy Holidays to All!!

    P.S. I don't know who the "newbie" is but he has my congratulations anyway...he won a very nice 93-S PCGS XF-40!!!
  • dogwooddogwood Posts: 1,935 ✭✭✭✭
    Somebody sold this PCGS XF40 (pic before being entombed) this summer for $1050, I think. Just for the record and such.image

    We're all born MS70. I'm about a Fine 15 right now.
  • Dogwood,
    $1050 is way above the estimated PCGS price...of course so is the price paid by the ebay winner from last night. However, that's a nice XF-40 there...and probably worth every penny. As almost every Barber collector knows, all price guides are out the window when it comes to highly desirable coins...hence the extravagant and hefty prices...just hope all the "price guides" catch up.
  • tombrtombr Posts: 863 ✭✭
    This appears to the inverted S variety of the 09-S Half. Interesting-------it's in the Cherrypickers Guide. It's currently on Teletrade.

  • DarrellDarrell Posts: 87 ✭✭✭
    I have seen the inverted s on the 1909 three times recently. Joe O'Conner had one on a ms67, there is one in the Friend collection and you have just found one. My 1905 s seems to have an inverted s. Does it look inverted to you and have you seen it on other 1905 s coins? Also what other dates are known to have inverted s mint marks?


  • tombrtombr Posts: 863 ✭✭

    Here's my 05-S for comparison. The one you posted does appear different. I don't have my Cherrypickers Guide handy, so I don't know if it's listed or any others for that matter.

    Calling all the Barberphiles-------take a look at your 05-S's and lets see what we come up with. image

  • illini420illini420 Posts: 11,466 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My 1909-S Half is an inverted S variety as well (NGC MS65). Seems to be fairly common, not sure how common though...

    Heritage pics of my coin:

  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    I had the opportunity of getting to the bank this past Monday to go thru
    the Safe Deposit Boxes to pull out a few things for cross over and regrading.

    While there, I took a few minutes to look at my 05-S [ AU 55 ] which has a normal MM;
    and my 1909-S [ AU 58 ] also has a normal MM. Its been so long since I studied some of my coins,
    I actually forgot what the 05-S actually looked like. Its a darker coin than most of the coins
    but the luster is evident under the **"Steel-City Grey" ** toning and the more I looked at it, I think
    the coin could have just as easily been in a 58 holder. The coin has only the faintest amount of rub but because of the toning - you have to study the coin for a longer time than the usual few seconds than the graders at PCGS are allotted to make a grade determination. I've been told that darker toned Barber
    Halves seem to be downgraded to the next level at PCGS. Anyone else have a situation like this ?
    ** "Steel-City Grey" ** = The color of my old Corvette when I was just out of college.

    My next hobby - which will be extremely rewarding - will be to photograph my coins.


    Anyone here going to the BCCS meeting at FUN ?

    The meeting is at 3:00 PM in Room 322.

    Hope to meet a few more Barberites as I did last year.


    Happy New Year everyone.... and Happy Hunting !!

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • Hello guys, I want to wish everyone a very happy, and healthy New Year! image

    IMO, it doesn't look like any of the above "S" mintmarks are the inverted type. The inverted "S" is very visible, as can be seen on the coin below. The upper loop of the "S" is much larger than the bottom loop.

    1909-S Barber Half, NGC, AU-58 (sold awhile back at no additional premium for the inverted mintmark).

  • PonyExpress8PonyExpress8 Posts: 1,670 ✭✭✭
    Dan, Mike and all other Barber friends,

    I hope you all have a safe and successful 2009 as well. Since we are on the topic of inverted mintmarks here is my 1909-S MS64 (Ex: Shireman) which seems to be the inverted S mintmark as well. I plan on attending the BCCS meeting if it doesn't conflict with something else. Hope to see some of you there in sunny Florida.


    The End of the Line in the West.

    Website-Americana Rare Coin Inc
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    One of the side benefits of this Mega Thread is the fact that
    non Barber collectors are too intimidated to wade thru the
    entire Thread to read the last post [ usually ] .

    I have no connection with the collector who has the # 13
    set of Halves, " RedStick", but he is offering his set [ sans
    the 1905-O ] on eBay for $25,000 or best offer.
    Most of the coins are in the VF-XF range. However,
    no images are attached to either the eBay listing or to
    the PCGS Registry set.

    I've sent him an eBay PM mentioning that he'd be better
    served if he attached his images to the Registry set so any
    interested buyers could see them [ and us non bidders too ! ]

    Maybe if he received a few more prods from us, he'll do just that.

    Happy New Year everyone - good health and I look forward
    to seeing alot of my fellow Barberites at FUN.

    I'll be there on Wednesday early afternoon at the Heritage
    Lot Viewing Room. Ponyexpress8 and I will be the ones with
    the " Theodorick of York " drool cups attached to our lips.

    If no one remembers "Theodorick of York" then I know I'm getting old ... image

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • tombrtombr Posts: 863 ✭✭
    Midevil Barber-----------I'm getting old tooimage
  • NicNic Posts: 3,391 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Reverse 09-S half. Same thing. K
  • dogwooddogwood Posts: 1,935 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I have no connection with the collector who has the # 13
    set of Halves, " RedStick", but he is offering his set [ sans
    the 1905-O ] on eBay for $25,000 or best offer.
    Most of the coins are in the VF-XF range. However,
    no images are attached to either the eBay listing or to
    the PCGS Registry set. >>

    Did it sell already? Didn't see it listed.
    That's about 345 per coin!
    Bet it would look great cracked out and put in a Dansco.image
    We're all born MS70. I'm about a Fine 15 right now.
  • PonyExpress8PonyExpress8 Posts: 1,670 ✭✭✭
    Here's the link I hope for those that are interested.

    Barber Set on the Bay
    The End of the Line in the West.

    Website-Americana Rare Coin Inc
  • tombrtombr Posts: 863 ✭✭
    You can view pics of the Redstick Collection here:

    Redstick Collection
  • InYHWHWeTrustInYHWHWeTrust Posts: 1,451 ✭✭✭
    Happy New Year to everyone!

    Re: the 1909 S inverted MM, Tyler (ARCO) was the first one who clued me in to these back around 2004-5. So, December 2005 on ebaY I counted the first 100 1909 S Barber halves that came up for auction that I could easily discernand the MM. The ration was ~ 50:50 Normal S: Inverted S. I'm sure someone who has studied the dies for that year in SF mint could do a nice little research project and distinguish when it all happened/ changed.

    Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
  • I just wanted to wish Mike Hayes a Happy Birthday (I won't say how many), and post # 2400 on the monster Barber thread. image

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