Thank God that the destruction in LA wasn't nearly as bad as was predicted !
They still got a whalloping but at least they were prepared for it this time and that the state and local governments forced an early evacuation .
Nice 1898 half, Tombr. Is this the result of reading Mark's book ? Very nice image.
Received the 1909-D Quarter today in PCGS 64 - its a great looking coin - golden tan toning - but one disappointment - the coin caused the inside of the holder to crackle on the obverse. I'll need to have it reholdered - and while its at PCGS - I'll have it True Viewed as well.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Nice 1898 half, Tombr. Is this the result of reading Mark's book ? Very nice image.
Mark's book has a been a great help. I've found that raw coins are much easier than slabs to photograph, and there is no "one setup fits all" procedure. It's truly a skill that requires much practice.
Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
If you faint at the sight of crust, do not scroll down I'll make sure this one gets locked away so no one is tempted to improve the original surfaces but putting it in their pocket for a few weeks, though that may just be the ticket to bring out the sleeper CircCameo in it...
Original ? I say yes. Beautiful? Well, in the sight of the beholder maybe. Where is Cratylus these days? Maybe he'll come back to comment on this O mint. Not a bad strike on the reverse, but the headband is weaker than it 'should be,' so if you live/die on the Liberty criterion, I think this one will be undergraded. On the reverse R facing wing, the lines do extend all the way to the tip of the wing, though the image is ever so slightly out of focus.
Opinions on grade are welcome!
Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
Don, that's a gorgeous looking 00-O...and love the crust...based on the pics I would probably go with VF30 to VF-35...nice coin and should fit nicely in your collection...CONGRATS!! Dave
Yes, I am thinking VF35 for the 1900 - O above as well, no account given for the O mint, and yet the lines do extend all the way to the feather tips on the reverse. But no complete headband, as I think this sometimes is where the weakness of the strike is most exhibited. Could be a 40 if it were not for the heavy toning on the obv. PCGS said VF 35 for the 1900 - O specimen below.
Forgive me if you have seen any of these before here, I don't think so and thanks to a fellow board member for imaging these for me...
Prayers for those who lost friends, family and loved ones 7 years ago today.
edited to clarify about the two 1900 - O 's.
Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
Don - sweet halves. Make sure I am in your will that if you die, your wife will be forced to sell me your Barbers. Let's get that contractual agreement in force as soon as possible!
Given that the 00-O is weakly struck, yours could have as easily gone XF40 as VF35.
I have been a barren field lately yielding very little with the Barbers. This is the only VF I have found in months, and it is a very common date. I only paid $65.00, so I feel pretty good.
That 1915 d was quite a deal at 65 USD-- just a beautiful coin!! and though a 'common date' I bet you can count in less than one had the number that come up like that in a years time.
(so I guess the suds didn't come out your nose? not that funny, no problem... one day. In the meantime, ask MFH about what Jameson whiskey does to keyboards )
I believe it's about time to leave the Cape and head back to the grindstone, hey Mike?
Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
Don brought back to mind a very funny memory about my spewing Jameson all over my keyboard a few years back.
When I was virtually done with my AU 55-58 set of halves, I decided to work on a nice circulated set of halves. Most of the coins I had found for this new set were from eBay. It seemed that I was up against a few fellow members here but I didn't know their eBay sign on names.
After being snipped a few too many times - from one bidder in particular - of which I was grumbling at under my breath - I was in touch with Don here at the PCGS Message Boards - and I asked him who this UMAKEM bidder was... and low and behold - it was Don ! ... when I read his PM saying it was he ...that's when the Jameson sprayed out ...
It was then that he realized who Elbesaar was... he referred to me as the "imfamous Elbesaar"...
Of course that was when everyone could see who was bidding on anything - and could realize if the bids were serious or not - because most of us cover each other's backs.
The laugh was continued a few months later when I bid on and won a nice circulated Half from Two_Tone35 on eBay... and the seller also turned out to be Don.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Fairtraders just posted a PCGS AU 55 1904-s Half on the Bay. Looks like it has some issues- little bruise marks from people poking it with Ten Foot Poles. Wonder if this made the rounds at Long Beach and what it was trading for. Cool otherwise.
We're all born MS70. I'm about a Fine 15 right now.
<< <i>Fairtraders just posted a PCGS AU 55 1904-s Half on the Bay. Looks like it has some issues- little bruise marks from people poking it with Ten Foot Poles. Wonder if this made the rounds at Long Beach and what it was trading for. Cool otherwise. >>
The obverse spots ruin this coin IMHO as it looks like it was in someones pocket while doing an oil change on a Ford Model T
To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
<< <i>Fairtraders just posted a PCGS AU 55 1904-s Half on the Bay. Looks like it has some issues- little bruise marks from people poking it with Ten Foot Poles. Wonder if this made the rounds at Long Beach and what it was trading for. Cool otherwise. >>
Opening bid $9,000 - BIN $9,250.
It looks to have oil spots on it, otherwise a nice coin.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Seller's images of a newp for the Dime collection.
I actually have this date in my raw book - and cracked it out of its PCGS holder years ago - so...this coin gets sent in to use up one of my 8 Free-Be's
Edited to Add Larger Images:
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
HLRC has a nice 1904 S VF35 (and a nice catch of some better date, mid-grade coins!) but not in my price range
So, I will post my newest made PCGS Barber half for the Registry, may be the last for a while, whilst I figure out where I'm going with this series...
Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
<< <i>Don brought back to mind a very funny memory about my spewing Jameson all over my keyboard a few years back.
When I was virtually done with my AU 55-58 set of halves, I decided to work on a nice circulated set of halves. Most of the coins I had found for this new set were from eBay. It seemed that I was up against a few fellow members here but I didn't know their eBay sign on names.
After being snipped a few too many times - from one bidder in particular - of which I was grumbling at under my breath - I was in touch with Don here at the PCGS Message Boards - and I asked him who this UMAKEM bidder was... and low and behold - it was Don ! ... when I read his PM saying it was he ...that's when the Jameson sprayed out ...
It was then that he realized who Elbesaar was... he referred to me as the "imfamous Elbesaar"...
Of course that was when everyone could see who was bidding on anything - and could realize if the bids were serious or not - because most of us cover each other's backs.
The laugh was continued a few months later when I bid on and won a nice circulated Half from Two_Tone35 on eBay... and the seller also turned out to be Don. >>
Funny! I had the exact same experience bidding strong and losing on a 1893-O a couple of years ago. The winner was that blasted UMAKEUM. I was so shocked and blown away by this that I contacted another Barber half collector on this forum (Mike Flanagan I believe) to get a sense of the market for nice, original barber halves. Don noted who cost him an extra 50% over retail price, and we eventually met through another interest of mine, circulated commemorative halves. I looked at his registry set and saw his name, Umakeum. That started an IM collaboration that has been really enjoyable here.
There really is a wonderful, competitive, yet genuine friendly interaction between members here in this thread that I have really enjoyed the past few years. That's one of the things that keeps this thread going and going. Of course, the beautiful coins in this thread help as well.
Just added this coin to my Whitman album - from none other than UMAKEM - TwoTone_VF35 - along with a few others [ whose images are too small to post here ] :
Thanks to Dave 99B for resizing these images.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Don Soles mentioned the 1893-O senario to me as I'm buying it off of him for my raw book. As I just bought his 98-S in XF 40 - previously imaged - at what I considered a very attractive price - buying the 93-O at the inflated price [ he's knocking off some money because the price was inflated when he bought it because you snipped his bid and he won the coin at his MAX bid ]. It all works out in the end. I'll rework his ask prices on my inventory sheet showing the net cost to be lower on the 93-O and a tad higher on the other coins he's selling me. [ Images to follow ] .
Here's my Sole ... ... Long Beach purchase. I hope to cross it at PCGS to upgrade my other PCGS AU 55.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Nice coins Mike, esp the 09d 25c and 09o 50c. wow! I sure hope you like the coins I'm sending, because all this publicity is getting me a little faint
Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
Mike, welcome back and congrats on the new purchases...great looking halves.
Don, saw your Barbers on ebay...really tempted to bid on a few just to start a VF collection...great taste in coins my friend.
And to comment on Barberian's reply, it really has been great over the past 1 1/2 years to communicate with all the Barberphiles here on the board...the friendship, advice and courtesy are what makes this board a addition to all the beautiful coins! Thanks for sharing your coin images and's been quite a learning experience and great entertainment. Regards to all, Dave
Glad they found a home which appreciates their scarcity, Mike.
Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
Here's my pics of the NGC MS66 10c that I posted about 10 posts above. Shows some of the luster, but my pics aren't as clear as the auction house's photos.
Also picked up this one on eBay this week. Couldn't beat the price w/ the MSN 30% cashback promo. PCGS MS63
Okay this isn't specifically a Barber topic...but it might be...considering that most people would go to a "Barber" to get a "Mohawk"...Confused? Don't be...the trend here the past few days in Tampa Bay is to get a Mohawk haircut and support the Rays in the ALCS Baseball Championship....did you see the game last night between the Red Sox and the Tampa Bay Rays? WOW!! 11 Inninings and bases loaded in the bottom of the 11th!! A 1:30 a.m. finish time...awesome game...haven't been on the edge of my seat like that in a long time. I'm sure there are some "Sox Nation" supporters out there and I certainly don't want to start a battle here...but GO RAYS!!!!!
Holy crap, I think they're ready to hang me by my testicles. I made the gross error in judgement of bumping more than one thread on the BST Forums. Sorry guys, it won't happen again. I was under the impression that only one TTT per day, was per thread, (meaning you couldn't TTT the same thread twice in one day). Most of my threads were originated on different days, so I thought it wouldn't be a problem to TTT all of them......wrong. Once again, I'm sorry for the error.
Anyhow, I posted a beautiful 1896-O Barber half, certified by PCGS, AU-55, on the BST forums.
Edited to add on 10/14: Problem solved, the moderator deleted all my BST threads, although I did relist the 1896-O Barber half. In the future, I'll avoid posting on this thread unless it's totally "Barber" related......hopefully with a nice image to share.
<< <i>apologize on a different forum, then spam. Nice. >>
I did apologize on the BST Forums, and since I started this thread many moons ago, I wanted to inform my "Barber" buddies about a "Barber" half that they may be interested in.....if it's ok with you.
Glad the 13-D was a great fit for set #2.
Thanks for the comments Broadstruck and Mike. It's fun to venture in a different direction now and then, yet related.
Have a great week everybody.
Website-Americana Rare Coin Inc
They still got a whalloping but at least they were prepared for it this time
and that the state and local governments forced an early evacuation .
Nice 1898 half, Tombr. Is this the result of reading Mark's book ? Very nice image.
Received the 1909-D Quarter today in PCGS 64 - its a great looking coin - golden tan
toning - but one disappointment - the coin caused the inside of the holder to crackle
on the obverse. I'll need to have it reholdered - and while its at PCGS - I'll have it
True Viewed as well.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Mark's book has a been a great help. I've found that raw coins are much easier than slabs to photograph, and there is no "one setup fits all" procedure. It's truly a skill that requires much practice.
Did anyone track the 1904-S Half in a PCGS 25 holder - on eBay this past week ?
It sold to FairTraderz for $1,923.99...
I'll keep an eye on it again once its on their account on eBay.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
PCGS F12 Barber Commemorative Dollar
Original ? I say yes. Beautiful? Well, in the sight of the beholder maybe. Where is Cratylus these days? Maybe he'll come back to comment on this O mint. Not a bad strike on the reverse, but the headband is weaker than it 'should be,' so if you live/die on the Liberty criterion, I think this one will be undergraded. On the reverse R facing wing, the lines do extend all the way to the tip of the wing, though the image is ever so slightly out of focus.
Opinions on grade are welcome!
Connor Numismatics Website
<< <i>Nice coin Don, I'll go with VF-35 too. >>
Like the Lafayette Dollar as well !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Forgive me if you have seen any of these before here, I don't think so and thanks to a fellow board member for imaging these for me...
Prayers for those who lost friends, family and loved ones 7 years ago today.
edited to clarify about the two 1900 - O 's.
<< <i>Did anyone track the 1904-S Half in a PCGS 25 holder - on eBay this past week ?
It sold to FairTraderz for $1,923.99...
I'll keep an eye on it again once its on their account on eBay. >>
It's up on the bay now........flippers
<<Where is Cratylus these days?>>
Been curious about that, too.
Given that the 00-O is weakly struck, yours could have as easily gone XF40 as VF35.
I have been a barren field lately yielding very little with the Barbers. This is the only VF I have found in months, and it is a very common date. I only paid $65.00, so I feel pretty good.
<< <i>
<< <i>Did anyone track the 1904-S Half in a PCGS 25 holder - on eBay this past week ?
It sold to FairTraderz for $1,923.99...
I'll keep an eye on it again once its on their account on eBay. >>
It's up on the bay now........flippers
Edit to add: Its up for a BIN for $2650.
<<Where is Cratylus these days?>>
Edit to add: He checks in every so often, doesn't post alot though.
Been curious about that, too. >>
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
That 1915 d was quite a deal at 65 USD-- just a beautiful coin!! and though a 'common date' I bet you can count in less than one had the number that come up like that in a years time.
(so I guess the suds didn't come out your nose? not that funny, no problem... one day. In the meantime, ask MFH about what Jameson whiskey does to keyboards
I believe it's about time to leave the Cape and head back to the grindstone, hey Mike?
Don brought back to mind a very funny memory about my spewing Jameson all over my keyboard a few years back.
When I was virtually done with my AU 55-58 set of halves, I decided to work on a nice circulated set of halves. Most of
the coins I had found for this new set were from eBay. It seemed that I was up against a few fellow members here but
I didn't know their eBay sign on names.
After being snipped a few too many times - from one bidder in particular - of which I was grumbling at under
my breath - I was in touch with Don here at the PCGS Message Boards - and I asked him who this UMAKEM bidder was...
and low and behold - it was Don ! ... when I read his PM saying it was he ...that's when the Jameson sprayed out ...
It was then that he realized who Elbesaar was... he referred to me as the "imfamous Elbesaar"...
Of course that was when everyone could see who was bidding on anything - and could realize if the bids were serious
or not - because most of us cover each other's backs.
The laugh was continued a few months later when I bid on and won a nice circulated Half from Two_Tone35 on eBay...
and the seller also turned out to be Don.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Take a look
Sad news too---------Roxanne is back in the hospital. She's being hard headed and it doesn't look good.
Thanks to Broadstruck who lead me to Yellow River Coins,
I just added a nice 1908-S Dime in PCGS AU 58 - and at a
fair price too !!
Sellers Images:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Thanks to Broadstruck who lead me to Yellow River Coins,
I just added a nice 1908-S Dime in PCGS AU 58 - and at a
fair price too !!
Sellers Images:
Heritage's pics of the above coin
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
illini420...Nice run of 1909 coins !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Fairtraders just posted a PCGS AU 55 1904-s Half on the Bay. Looks like it has some issues- little bruise marks from people poking it with Ten Foot Poles.
The obverse spots ruin this coin IMHO as it looks like it was in someones pocket while doing an oil change on a Ford Model T
<< <i>Fairtraders just posted a PCGS AU 55 1904-s Half on the Bay. Looks like it has some issues- little bruise marks from people poking it with Ten Foot Poles.
Opening bid $9,000 - BIN $9,250.
It looks to have oil spots on it, otherwise a nice coin.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Opening bid $9,000 - BIN $9,250.
It looks to have oil spots on it, otherwise a nice coin. >>
Just another example of why you shouldn't leave your coins on the kitchen counter if your frying bacon!
I actually have this date in my raw book - and cracked it out of its PCGS holder years ago -
so...this coin gets sent in to use up one of my 8 Free-Be's
Edited to Add Larger Images:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
And for your viewing pleasure here's two more Barbers
and a VF30
So, I will post my newest made PCGS Barber half for the Registry, may be the last for a while, whilst I figure out where I'm going with this series...
<< <i>Don brought back to mind a very funny memory about my spewing Jameson all over my keyboard a few years back.
When I was virtually done with my AU 55-58 set of halves, I decided to work on a nice circulated set of halves. Most of
the coins I had found for this new set were from eBay. It seemed that I was up against a few fellow members here but
I didn't know their eBay sign on names.
After being snipped a few too many times - from one bidder in particular - of which I was grumbling at under
my breath - I was in touch with Don here at the PCGS Message Boards - and I asked him who this UMAKEM bidder was...
and low and behold - it was Don ! ... when I read his PM saying it was he ...that's when the Jameson sprayed out ...
It was then that he realized who Elbesaar was... he referred to me as the "imfamous Elbesaar"...
Of course that was when everyone could see who was bidding on anything - and could realize if the bids were serious
or not - because most of us cover each other's backs.
The laugh was continued a few months later when I bid on and won a nice circulated Half from Two_Tone35 on eBay...
and the seller also turned out to be Don. >>
Funny! I had the exact same experience bidding strong and losing on a 1893-O a couple of years ago. The winner was that blasted UMAKEUM. I was so shocked and blown away by this that I contacted another Barber half collector on this forum (Mike Flanagan I believe) to get a sense of the market for nice, original barber halves. Don noted who cost him an extra 50% over retail price, and we eventually met through another interest of mine, circulated commemorative halves. I looked at his registry set and saw his name, Umakeum. That started an IM collaboration that has been really enjoyable here.
There really is a wonderful, competitive, yet genuine friendly interaction between members here in this thread that I have really enjoyed the past few years. That's one of the things that keeps this thread going and going. Of course, the beautiful coins in this thread help as well.
along with a few others [ whose images are too small to post here ] :
Thanks to Dave 99B for resizing these images.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Nice pickup for the album. Don always has nice coins!
Got this a month ago!!
I won this beautifully toned 1907-P last week on Teletrade...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Don Soles mentioned the 1893-O senario to me as I'm buying it off of him for my raw book.
As I just bought his 98-S in XF 40 - previously imaged - at what I considered a very
attractive price - buying the 93-O at the inflated price [ he's knocking off some money
because the price was inflated when he bought it because you snipped his bid and he
won the coin at his MAX bid ]. It all works out in the end. I'll rework his ask prices on my
inventory sheet showing the net cost to be lower on the 93-O and a tad higher on the
other coins he's selling me. [ Images to follow ] .
Here's my Sole ...
other PCGS AU 55.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
Don, saw your Barbers on ebay...really tempted to bid on a few just to start a VF collection...great taste in coins my friend.
And to comment on Barberian's reply, it really has been great over the past 1 1/2 years to communicate with all the Barberphiles here on the board...the friendship, advice and courtesy are what makes this board a addition to all the beautiful coins! Thanks for sharing your coin images and's been quite a learning experience and great entertainment.
Regards to all,
Here is another recent purchase from Don's collection:
This nice VF coin will soon be cracked for the Two Album Whitman set once I have a
chance on getting to the bank safe deposit boxes.
Other NEWPS to be posted soon.
Thanks again, Don !
Thanks to Dave99B for resizing the images small enough to post !
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Lastly, a very nice 1903-O, which is as nice as I'd like to add to the Whitman album:
Many thanks again, Don !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Also picked up this one on eBay this week. Couldn't beat the price w/ the MSN 30% cashback promo. PCGS MS63
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
Regards to all,
Anyhow, I posted a beautiful 1896-O Barber half, certified by PCGS, AU-55, on the BST forums.
Edited to add on 10/14: Problem solved, the moderator deleted all my BST threads, although I did relist the 1896-O Barber half. In the future, I'll avoid posting on this thread unless it's totally "Barber" related......hopefully with a nice image to share.
Connor Numismatics Website
<< <i>apologize on a different forum, then spam. Nice. >>
I did apologize on the BST Forums, and since I started this thread many moons ago, I wanted to inform my "Barber" buddies about a "Barber" half that they may be interested in.....if it's ok with you.
Connor Numismatics Website