It took a little time, but the Micro O 1892-O half from Silbermunzen Collection, recent Heritage Auction in Long Beach, previously from Moiera and Jascha Heifitz collections circa 1980, is now in PCGS MS 65! That makes two PCGS MS 65's in the pop report, tying my new coin with Dr. Duckor's. I am not savvy enough to post the picture from the Heritage images, but they included it on the cover illustration of the catalog. I am very pleased to have this coin and it means that my gem set for all regular issues, now gets a gem micro O rather than the choice MS 63 I have had for many years.
Here's the top 1892-O micro O halves that I am aware of:
1. MS 68 PCGS Eliasberg, was orignially slabbed by NCG 68, crossed over, tag never turned in, still on NGC census. 2. MS 67 PCGS Queller, formerly James Stack. 3-5. MS 65 PCGS, two coins, one in Steve Duckor's set, one in mine. MS 65 NGC, Price coin, then Hugon. 6-9. MS 63 PCGS three coins. NGC 63 one coin.
HLRC has access to your MS 63 and was POR last week and I'm too POOR to afford it, even trading in my AU 55 towards the MS 63.
I hope you had the new Micro O imaged by PCGS - TrueView service. The Heritage images didn't impress me all that much. I'm sure Phil at PCGS could take a superlative image for you.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
<< <i>I just picked this quarter up on eBay. I can hardly wait to get it in hand. >>
nice coin. I'd like to get at least one nice MS specimen like that in my set which is otherwise all circulated. Have my eyes opened... digging in all the usual spots. AU58s are nice because they are often a great bang for the buck in eye appeal.
<< <i>I just picked up this coin from Rare Coins of New Hampshire. I'm pretty happy with it because it fits into my XF set, it has some nice color to it and the Population report from PCGS lists only 2 in XF grade. >>
Very nice score. So you're the one who bought that. Can't beat that coin for the price paid.
Sweet Dr. Pete. Now if there was only an XF45 out there..........
I'm on hold until after we transfer back home to Seattle. I'm considering the dimes in XF or the Halves in VG10/F12. COuld be fun. However, Lyn KNight has a $10 1882 Brown Back from the First National bank of Everett, WA (highest grade of only two known). How can you say no to such rarity from your home town?
All, some very nice Barber coinage on the boards. Keep posting them.
This post alone will give anyone new to Barber material a real lesson.
Off to getting ready for the movers tomorrow and the cross-country drive.
1899-P - on eBay - for a Best Offer of $30 - Nice original coin with out any problems and it slipped into the old Whitman Bookshelf Album and blends right in with the others around it:
1911-S - EX: Tom Bush - aka - TomB - for a total of $77 - which I thought was a very fair price
Its a very pleasing coin - the image is a touch dark but its a no problem coin that just makes VF 20 - thanks again, Tom -but I still call it Fine-18 :
1915- P - EX: John Marburger - aka - Coinleiutenant - for $267 delivered - which I thought was a steal - sorry, John - I paid your asking price - and gladly after seeing the garbage being listed as F-15 for almost double that price ! John's image was done "on the fly" as it were - and once I saw the coin, I knew it would be a perfect fit for the Whitman. Thanks again, John !
Got grades today on five I sent. The service was economy and had quick turnaround---15 business days! No body bags this time either. I thought the 92-S would come back VF20 but it graded F15. The other four were where I thought they should be. I'll post pics when I have them in hand.
<< <i>I have been searching for a decent 1901-S quarter for a number of years. While at an ANA show in the early 1990's - Wynn Callender of DLRC showed me two PCGS AU 50's - which I passed on - as they wern't nice enough to fit into my set - as the majority of the coins averaged AU 55. Sooner or later I thought I'd run into an AU 55 that would look like a good fit into my set. Although a couple AU 55's have come onto the market in recent years , I wasn't thrilled with their appearance.
I was fortunate to receive an email from a dealer with whom I have had minimal contact with, but what few dealings I have had with him have been agreeable. I met Rich Uhrich in person this past January while at the FUN convention and we agreed on a few buys/sells and I felt very comfortable dealing with him; I suggest that you do as well, he's a great guy.
Although the images below are not as nice as the coin is in hand, the coin has a wonderful look. The main distracting factor is the tick on Liberty's neck/ throat area - but the coin is solid for the grade - AU 55. The rim toning on the obverse changes based on how you tilt the coin - from bluish-grey to golden-grey. The coin has a circulated cameo effect as well. The hairlines are circulation marks in the field in front of Liberty and do not detract from the overall appearance of the coin. The slight linear mark below the neck is on the holder and is not on the coin. The reverse is simply perfect for the grade and has nothing disturbing to detract from the coin what so ever.
Although I wanted a rim toned coin with a more light golden whitish centrals looking coin, there have been none available unless they were traded privately.
After I saw the PCGS AU 50 last week on DLRC and what it sold for EDIT: [ $39,000/ sold: 6/08 ] I realized that if I were ever to get an AU 55, this was the time - the price of which has more than doubled since I started looking - so without further ado...may I present the final addition to my Barber Quarter Collection...
Again, these are the seller's images.
My next project is having the entire Barber collection TruViewed.
Craig's having had his XF 45 set TruViewed by PCGS's photographer, Phil, has made me want to do the same thing for my set; as I can't keep anything at home - at least I can have some beautiful images to look at in a specialized leather bound album.
Again, thanks to all who have helped me realize my goal, and I hope everyone's pleased with the Half Dollars that have been changing hands lately.
While deleting alot of old emails - I came accross this coin I was offered four years ago. It seems I passed on this NGC 55 as I didn't think it'd cross at PCGS. It seems as though I was mistaken. I was offered this coin for $29,000 in 2004. It cost me $13,500 more for the same coin this year.
Here are the NGC 55 images:
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Nice Type 2 - 1892-O. Its amazing what happens to coins once entombed in the Whitman.
My dimes are all toned similarily from 15 years in a Dansco.
Yes, I know I found the proverbial needle in a haystack when I landed the AU 1901-S Quarter - I guess the timing was right - and I was fortunate enough to have my duplicate half dollars to sell off - to be able to afford this coin.
BTW, I'll be posting a few other duplicates later this weekend on the BST of a few AU Halves which I have upgraded. I'll post later once I've placed them on the BST.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Mike, yeah, that whitman hotel is something ... I didn't look more than two or three times over about a 3 1/2 year period ... next time I looked I was like Wow! what happened. Thankfully except for one nasty spot on the back of a 30-S quarter, most of the toning was pleasant.
Here's another that garnered some color ... these last two pictures were an experiment with a paper cone shade to bring out the color ... much closer to the actual color than a regular lighting setup, but still a little off
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Congrats on the grades, and no BB's. Looking forward to your pictures.
Unbelievable on the microO MS65!
You amaze me at your passion for the Barbers and ability to keep so many sets going. Great inspiration!
Thank you again for your contribution to Jeremy's auction and for spurring the rest of us on to good works.
Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
<< <i>Sorry for the blurry images, they are the sellers:
ICG VF 25 - soon to be cracked out.
This coin arrived this afternoon, 6/16/08, and its a great VF 25 and once cracked out it'll look great in my Whitman album.
I'm TTT'ing this post because I would like to tell you that the seller, Mike Orr..."TheMoneyMerchant" on eBay was a pleasure to work with. Aside from quick shipping - even though he lives on an island off the coast of Georgia - he refunded my shipping because eBay ignored my "Best Offer" of a Delivered Price; its rare that someone is as responsive as this eBay seller - and I would recommend him highly !
I seriously doubt he reads this Forum, but I'll work with him again.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
My last coin to complete my primary set is on the way as I type. When she arrives, The Barbers of the Ville will be complete (phase I). Hooray. Now, the quest begins to bring every coin up to VF35 (phase II). Thank you to all of you guys who have contributed to this set. That includes a good number of you Barber nuts. I really appreciate the help and guidance.
Strong work Greg (MrBreeze)! Getting them all to 35 ought to keep you busy for a little while longer I'll have to go over to the Registry and see what you still need and keep my eyes open for you. I think I have a notion what Phase III will be...
Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
Mr. Breeze congratulations on your completing the set. Best of luck in phase two as well. It will be a good challenge, just as Craig's XF45 set was. I wonder what date (s) will be the most challenging along the way in that grade. It will be fun to follow and find out.
I haven't posted an image in awhile so I thought I would rekindle one of my most colorful Halves. Just a simple 63 but I sure like the colors and it replaced another in the same grade just for the look.
<< <i>Strong work Greg (MrBreeze)! Getting them all to 35 ought to keep you busy for a little while longer I'll have to go over to the Registry and see what you still need and keep my eyes open for you. I think I have a notion what Phase III will be...
Don >>
I'm glad I was able to help you with a few of your NEWPS - and as Don mentioned it won't be easy to get them all in VF 35 but its an attainable goal.
Can't believe the 1894-P was the last coin - yes, I can - we have discussed that date a few times over the last few years and its a mid range R factor coin.
Congratulations on a job well done.
...Brandon's set is about to make a turn for the better soon - there's a package waiting for him when he gets back from vacation. I'll let him tell about it and post his images.
Great coins everyone - keep em coming.
I have to lay low for awhile or I'm not going to be able to get away on vacation this year.
When I get back in late September, I'm sending in the Half Dollar set for TrueView imaging and Pedigree designation...before my esteemed colleague adds any more coins to his beautiful set and bumps me from my current ranking.
Only kidding GoKings - add all you'd like - as I mentioned I'll be okay under the "With Varieties" designation collection.
Glad to see more collectors posting... I've started a Thread accross the street but its like pulling teeth getting anyone to actively post their images. I've posted over two hundred times to my Thread and there have been over 4300 views - but only a handful of others who have added their images.
It'd be great if the four top sets of halves would start posting their contents' images. Also, Set # 6, Redshoulder, should get his images attached - as well as set # 4. Come on George, we're all dying to look at your coins, I bet they're super.
Sunnywood's collection although considerably finer than the other sets I have had the pleasure of viewing is about to be overtaken by Steve & Mrs. Duckor [ currently blocked while he's adding to the collection ]; his GPA is a touch higher - and I never thought that would ever happen; heck, I never thought another collection would ever surpass Dale's.
Steve, please bring pressure to bear on HRH to have the balance of your Half Dollar collection TrueViewed; I for one would love to view it in its entirety.
Well keep up the good work everyone and keep posting !!
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would share one of Mike's old coins. I'm thinking about changing the name of my set to Mike Haye's old coins. My other 1894-O is a VF 25 so it's a nice upgrade. I bought a 62 off of teletrade but the strike left a lot to be desired and it was returned.
Mike, I really do appreciate all of your help with my set.
Glenn, I'm not usually a big on toned coins but I love that 1893-O!
Here is the pics of the 94-O Sorry for the stinky pics.
I posted this new purchase as an OP and totally forgot about showing you guys. Sorry. It's nothing spectacular, but I'm happy with it. I always enjoy seeing new Barbers posted here.
Its nice to see my coin's in good hands - and although I was advised not to sell it due to its scarcity - I just can't keep everything and have to move on to other upgrades; my 1894-O imaged above was replaced with another in a PCGS 58 holder [ previously posted ].
The next coin that Brandon images has got to be one of the prettiest ones from my collection - but again, it was upgraded with a 58, too. Personally, I liked my 55 over my 58.
Moving on - and quite an impulse purchase, seeing as though I sold off my second tier collection - is another NEWP - from Dogwood - on the BST - and knowing how I felt about it the first time I viewed it here on The Barber Mega Thread, I knew if it were ever offered for sale I'd make a play for it.
No, folks, I'm not cracking it out for the Dansco; it'll stay intact in the PCGS holder. Although this coin is only graded as an XF 45 - its the nicest XF 45 I have ever seen [sorry, Craig ] and it should have made it into an AU 50 holder. I'll reserve further comment until I have the coin in hand.
Thanks to Dave99B for resizing these images:
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
The 1895-O has more toning than this image - there's an amber glow about the obverse which too much direct incandescent lighting washed out.
Start practicing taking images, Brandon, or you'll never get a job at PCGS as their photographer when you retire.
Glad you liked these two coins - and, once my 1902-P NGC 58 crosses - the PCGS 55 has your name on it too. I have yet to crack out the ANACS example you sold me. Its scheduled for the Dansco and I just can't see why it didn't holder at PCGS - its a very pretty coin. [ This 1902-P in ANACS was previously imaged and posted a few pages back.]
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
had my eye on this ebay item for a while.. finally jumped on it a couple days ago when I stumbled upon the whole microsoft live 10-35% cash back deal that is/was going on. Got 20% off.. good enough for me... a little more searching could have gotten me 25% but it was 11:30 PM and I was tired. PCGS MS-64... the only MS specimen likely to be in my registry set. (we'll see)
Here's the top 1892-O micro O halves that I am aware of:
1. MS 68 PCGS Eliasberg, was orignially slabbed by NCG 68, crossed over, tag never turned in, still on NGC census.
2. MS 67 PCGS Queller, formerly James Stack.
3-5. MS 65 PCGS, two coins, one in Steve Duckor's set, one in mine.
MS 65 NGC, Price coin, then Hugon.
6-9. MS 63 PCGS three coins. NGC 63 one coin.
Congratulations Peter, I'm thrilled for you.
HLRC has access to your MS 63 and was POR last week
and I'm too POOR to afford it, even trading in my AU 55
towards the MS 63.
I hope you had the new Micro O imaged by PCGS - TrueView service.
The Heritage images didn't impress me all that much. I'm sure Phil
at PCGS could take a superlative image for you.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
In hand, it has tremendous luster and the obverse is a 66 all the way. The reverse is a tad darker.
When purchased at auction it was not attributed as a micro O but Heritage made sure all knew it.
My 1866 Philly Mint Set
<< <i>I just picked this quarter up on eBay. I can hardly wait to get it in hand.
nice coin. I'd like to get at least one nice MS specimen like that in my set which is otherwise all circulated. Have my eyes opened... digging in all the usual spots.
<< <i>I just picked up this coin from Rare Coins of New Hampshire. I'm pretty happy with it because it fits into my XF set, it has some nice color to it and the Population report from PCGS lists only 2 in XF grade.
Very nice score. So you're the one who bought that.
I'm on hold until after we transfer back home to Seattle. I'm considering the dimes in XF or the Halves in VG10/F12. COuld be fun. However, Lyn KNight has a $10 1882 Brown Back from the First National bank of Everett, WA (highest grade of only two known). How can you say no to such rarity from your home town?
All, some very nice Barber coinage on the boards. Keep posting them.
This post alone will give anyone new to Barber material a real lesson.
Off to getting ready for the movers tomorrow and the cross-country drive.
Looking for Denmark 1874 20-Kroner. Please offer.
Congratulations on that Pick Up - Finest Known with only a POP of 2/ Total !!
We're keeping our eyes peeled for you on an XF 45 Micro O. POP = 0 at the moment.
The closest I've seen is the one Harry had last year in VF 25 :
I've also saved Peter's Micro O in PCGS 63 - but the image is too large to post, sorry.
No need to show my AU 55 again...
Next Post:
Another NEWP for the Whitman - a 1910-P - ICG 25 - which will be a nice match to the 10-S imaged above.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
ICG VF 25 - soon to be cracked out.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>I just realized, my display icon above my name is the reverse of my MS 63 micro O half. I may have to replace it with another image! >>
Peter - The MS 63 is still your coin - your Avitar is still good.
I've been thinking of changing mine as well to this, a reduced size portrait
of my 1893-S Half in PCGS 58 :
Largest Image Above.
Smallest Image Below:
---- or something somewhere inbetween...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Craig,
Congratulations on that Pick Up - Finest Known with only a POP of 2/ Total !!
We're keeping our eyes peeled for you on an XF 45 Micro O. POP = 0 at the moment.
The closest I've seen is the one Harry had last year in VF 25. >>
Harry has two new ones I just sold him at Baltimore: a raw Fine-12 and a PCGS VG-10. I don't have pix of them, though.
An authorized PCGS dealer, and a contributor to the Red Book.
I have to get busy buying so I can post something nice and new.
1899-P - on eBay - for a Best Offer of $30 -
Nice original coin with out any problems and
it slipped into the old Whitman Bookshelf Album
and blends right in with the others around it:
1911-S - EX: Tom Bush - aka - TomB - for a total of $77 - which I thought was a very fair price
Its a very pleasing coin - the image is a touch dark but its a no problem coin
that just makes VF 20 - thanks again, Tom -but I still call it Fine-18 :
1915- P - EX: John Marburger - aka - Coinleiutenant - for $267 delivered -
which I thought was a steal - sorry, John - I paid your asking price -
and gladly after seeing the garbage being listed as F-15 for almost double
that price ! John's image was done "on the fly" as it were - and once I saw
the coin, I knew it would be a perfect fit for the Whitman. Thanks again, John !
Reduced size images brought to you by: Dave99B - without whose help
noone would be viewing 80% of my NEWPS !! Thanks again, Dave.
Happy Hunting, everyone.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Congratulations on getting the 65. I was pretty confident it would and now you have an awesome and one of the rarities in Gem.
Website-Americana Rare Coin Inc
No body bags this time either. I thought the 92-S would come back VF20 but it graded F15. The other four were where I thought they should be. I'll post pics when I have them in hand.
Grades------check 'em out
<< <i>I have been searching for a decent 1901-S quarter for a number of years. While at an ANA show in the early 1990's - Wynn Callender of DLRC showed me two PCGS AU 50's - which I passed on - as they wern't nice enough to fit into my set - as the majority of the coins averaged AU 55. Sooner or later I thought I'd run into an AU 55 that would look like a good fit into my set. Although a couple AU 55's have come onto the market in recent years , I wasn't thrilled with their appearance.
I was fortunate to receive an email from a dealer with whom I have had minimal contact with, but what few dealings I have had with him have been agreeable. I met Rich Uhrich in person this past January while at the FUN convention and we agreed on a few buys/sells and I felt very comfortable dealing with him; I suggest that you do as well, he's a great guy.
Although the images below are not as nice as the coin is in hand, the coin has a wonderful look. The main distracting factor is the tick on Liberty's neck/ throat area - but the coin is solid for the grade - AU 55.
The rim toning on the obverse changes based on how you tilt the coin - from bluish-grey to golden-grey. The coin has a circulated cameo effect as well. The hairlines are circulation marks in the field in front of Liberty and do not detract from the overall appearance of the coin. The slight linear mark below the neck is on the holder and is not on the coin. The reverse is simply perfect for the grade and has nothing disturbing to detract from the coin what so ever.
Although I wanted a rim toned coin with a more light golden whitish
centrals looking coin, there have been none available unless they
were traded privately.
After I saw the PCGS AU 50 last week on DLRC and what it sold for
EDIT: [ $39,000/ sold: 6/08 ] I realized that if I were ever to get an
AU 55, this was the time - the price of which has more than doubled
since I started looking - so without further ado...may I present the
final addition to my Barber Quarter Collection...
Again, these are the seller's images.
My next project is having the entire Barber collection TruViewed.
Craig's having had his XF 45 set TruViewed by PCGS's photographer, Phil, has made me want to do the same thing for my set; as I can't keep anything at home - at least I can have some beautiful images to look at in a specialized leather bound album.
Again, thanks to all who have helped me realize my goal, and I hope everyone's pleased with
the Half Dollars that have been changing hands lately.
While deleting alot of old emails - I came accross this coin I was offered
four years ago. It seems I passed on this NGC 55 as I didn't think it'd
cross at PCGS. It seems as though I was mistaken. I was offered this coin
for $29,000 in 2004. It cost me $13,500 more for the same coin this year.
Here are the NGC 55 images:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Looks very nice in the NGC image.
someday I'll probably get mine graded at PCGS ... then I could get them TruView'd ...
until then, here's the latest ToddView
to think it was off-white before I put it in the whitman hotel for the better part of a decade
I have some others to show if anyone wants to push this thread forward this weekend
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Nice Type 2 - 1892-O. Its amazing what happens to
coins once entombed in the Whitman.
My dimes are all toned similarily from 15 years in
a Dansco.
Yes, I know I found the proverbial needle in a haystack
when I landed the AU 1901-S Quarter - I guess the timing
was right - and I was fortunate enough to have my duplicate
half dollars to sell off - to be able to afford this coin.
BTW, I'll be posting a few other duplicates later this weekend
on the BST of a few AU Halves which I have upgraded. I'll post
later once I've placed them on the BST.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>MFH, Seriously what's $13,500 today, a few gallons of gas, milk, or dozen eggs... chump change right
We'll see how you feel after you pay for the "lost" coin...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Here's another that garnered some color ... these last two pictures were an experiment with a paper cone shade to bring out the color ... much closer to the actual color than a regular lighting setup, but still a little off
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Congrats on the grades, and no BB's. Looking forward to your pictures.
Unbelievable on the microO MS65!
You amaze me at your passion for the Barbers and ability to keep so many sets going. Great inspiration!
Thank you again for your contribution to Jeremy's auction and for spurring the rest of us on to good works.
Picked this coin up this evening on eBay with a Best Offer...
Its going into the Whitman as soon as it arrives:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Sorry for the blurry images, they are the sellers:
ICG VF 25 - soon to be cracked out.
This coin arrived this afternoon, 6/16/08, and its a great VF 25
and once cracked out it'll look great in my Whitman album.
I'm TTT'ing this post because I would like to tell you that the seller, Mike Orr..."TheMoneyMerchant"
on eBay was a pleasure to work with. Aside from quick shipping - even though he lives on an island off the
coast of Georgia - he refunded my shipping because eBay ignored my "Best Offer" of a Delivered
Price; its rare that someone is as responsive as this eBay seller - and I would recommend him highly !
I seriously doubt he reads this Forum, but I'll work with him again.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Spotted this the other day and pulled the trigger...another addition for the Whitman album:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I'll have to go over to the Registry and see what you still need and keep my eyes open for you. I think I have a notion what Phase III will be...
Website-Americana Rare Coin Inc
Website-Americana Rare Coin Inc
<< <i>Strong work Greg (MrBreeze)! Getting them all to 35 ought to keep you busy for a little while longer
I'll have to go over to the Registry and see what you still need and keep my eyes open for you. I think I have a notion what Phase III will be...
Don >>
I'm glad I was able to help you with a few of your NEWPS -
and as Don mentioned it won't be easy to get them all in VF 35
but its an attainable goal.
Can't believe the 1894-P was the last coin - yes, I can - we
have discussed that date a few times over the last few years
and its a mid range R factor coin.
Congratulations on a job well done.
...Brandon's set is about to make a turn for the better
soon - there's a package waiting for him when he gets
back from vacation. I'll let him tell about it and post his
Great coins everyone - keep em coming.
I have to lay low for awhile or I'm not going to be
able to get away on vacation this year.
When I get back in late September, I'm sending
in the Half Dollar set for TrueView imaging and
Pedigree designation...before my esteemed
colleague adds any more coins to his beautiful
set and bumps me from my current ranking.
Only kidding GoKings - add all you'd like
- as I mentioned I'll be okay under the
"With Varieties" designation collection.
Glad to see more collectors posting...
I've started a Thread accross the street
but its like pulling teeth getting anyone to
actively post their images. I've posted over
two hundred times to my Thread and there have
been over 4300 views - but only a handful of others
who have added their images.
It'd be great if the four top sets of halves would
start posting their contents' images. Also, Set # 6,
Redshoulder, should get his images attached - as
well as set # 4. Come on George, we're all dying to
look at your coins, I bet they're super.
Sunnywood's collection although considerably finer
than the other sets I have had the pleasure of viewing
is about to be overtaken by Steve & Mrs. Duckor
[ currently blocked while he's adding to the collection ];
his GPA is a touch higher - and I never thought that
would ever happen; heck, I never thought another collection
would ever surpass Dale's.
Steve, please bring pressure to bear on HRH to have the balance
of your Half Dollar collection TrueViewed; I for one would love to
view it in its entirety.
Well keep up the good work everyone and keep posting !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Mike, I really do appreciate all of your help with my set.
Glenn, I'm not usually a big on toned coins but I love that 1893-O!
Here is the pics of the 94-O
Sorry for the stinky pics.
WTB: Barber Quarters XF
Its nice to see my coin's in good hands - and although I was
advised not to sell it due to its scarcity - I just can't keep everything
and have to move on to other upgrades; my 1894-O imaged above
was replaced with another in a PCGS 58 holder [ previously posted ].
The next coin that Brandon images has got to be one of the prettiest
ones from my collection - but again, it was upgraded with a 58, too.
Personally, I liked my 55 over my 58.
Moving on - and quite an impulse purchase, seeing as though I sold off
my second tier collection - is another NEWP - from Dogwood - on the
BST - and knowing how I felt about it the first time I viewed it here on
The Barber Mega Thread, I knew if it were ever offered for sale
I'd make a play for it.
No, folks, I'm not cracking it out for the Dansco; it'll stay intact in the PCGS holder.
Although this coin is only graded as an XF 45 - its the nicest XF 45 I have ever seen
[sorry, Craig ] and it should have made it into an AU 50 holder. I'll reserve further
comment until I have the coin in hand.
Thanks to Dave99B for resizing these images:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
That's a great looking 1907-O for an XF 45.
Very nice pick up !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
That's a super coin!
I love the coin and the pictures don't do it justice. Brandon
WTB: Barber Quarters XF
The 1895-O has more toning than this image - there's an amber glow about the obverse
which too much direct incandescent lighting washed out.
Start practicing taking images, Brandon, or you'll never get a job at
PCGS as their photographer when you retire.
Glad you liked these two coins - and, once my 1902-P NGC 58 crosses -
the PCGS 55 has your name on it too. I have yet to crack out the ANACS
example you sold me. Its scheduled for the Dansco and I just can't see
why it didn't holder at PCGS - its a very pretty coin. [ This 1902-P in ANACS
was previously imaged and posted a few pages back.]
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases