<< <i>Cripes....just when everybody was groovy with XF45, now y'all are raising the damn bar. >>
Nah, it's just two different schools of collecting. VFs and XFs are for rugged men who like dirty, worn surfaces with steely gray patina. AUs are for girly men who like shiny luster and pretty colors. >>
<< <i>Cripes....just when everybody was groovy with XF45, now y'all are raising the damn bar. >>
Nah, it's just two different schools of collecting. VFs and XFs are for rugged men who like dirty, worn surfaces with steely gray patina. AUs are for girly men who like shiny luster and pretty colors. >>
dogwood, sounds like you might need a Booster seat?
To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
<< <i>Cripes....just when everybody was groovy with XF45, now y'all are raising the damn bar. >>
Nah, it's just two different schools of collecting. VFs and XFs are for rugged men who like dirty, worn surfaces with steely gray patina. AUs are for girly men who like shiny luster and pretty colors. >>
dogwood, sounds like you might need a Booster seat? >>
No, with a few notable exceptions 58 Barbers are actually a bit too common for me No need to reach. Viva le crust.
We're all born MS70. I'm about a Fine 15 right now.
picked this up from JJ teaparty sight unseen a couple days ago and am extremely pleased with the coin. The scratch on liberty's neck is amplified by the light source angle and not a big deal under normal conditions. The toning is superb. Coin exceeded my expectations for not having seen it before buying considering the scarcity of the date/grade.
<< <i>Nah, it's just two different schools of collecting. VFs and XFs are for rugged men who like dirty, worn surfaces with steely gray patina. AUs are for girly men who like shiny luster and pretty colors. >>
Great coin, stockwiz. Those Philippines hoard dates (98-S, 99-S, 00-S) are tougher to find in nice midgrade than many think. Teaparty generally has fairly nice Barbers (with only a few exceptions).
<< <i>Stockwiz, great coin. Unmessed with 40 is a find. I gotta say that date would be a 58 I would love to own. >>
Stockwiz - I agree with Dennis - that's a great find. I too would love to upgrade mine with a 58 as well.
When I attended the BCCS meeting at FUN last January, someone in the meeting had bought a group of lower end MS in raw stateBarber quarters - one of which was the 1898-S. John Snow and I just scratched our heads after we picked up our jaws off the floor.
Higher graded circulated 98-S's in original state are alot rarer than alot of people think.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Good looking coins everyone. The wife had surgery this morning. Got her home around around 1:30. All went well. Thanks for all your prayers and kind words-------I know they helped.
<< <i>Good looking coins everyone. The wife had surgery this morning. Got her home around around 1:30. All went well. Thanks for all your prayers and kind words-------I know they helped.
With the results of my latest submission I have joined the PCGS AU58 Club, albeit with the most common issue of the series, but one who's look I am really pleased with.
We're all born MS70. I'm about a Fine 15 right now.
I have a request from all of you Barber Nuts. I was trying to find a way that PCGS could possibly recognize my set for the 2008 Registry Awards. Only two categories really come into play
1) 10 Best New Sets for 2008 2) 10 Best Exhibited Sets
The problem with #1 is that the set needed to be registered with the last year. That is not the case with mine. For #2, I do have my entire set Tru-Viewed but haven't had a chance to actually exhibit at a real show yet. Maybe they would make an excpetion since all the coins are Tru-viewed for everyone to enjoy.
I think with everyone's help PCGS might make an exception for the 10 Best New Sets Award.
If you would like to see my set recognized (I sure would), I respectfully request that you contact/email Ron Guth, David Hall, John Danreuther and BJ Searls by June 28th. I would be humbley obliged.
After I am settled in Seattle in June/July, I'll be able to pick up where I left off on the Barber series.
I have been searching for a decent 1901-S quarter for a number of years. While at an ANA show in the early 1990's - Wynn Callender of DLRC showed me two PCGS AU 50's - which I passed on - as they wern't nice enough to fit into my set - as the majority of the coins averaged AU 55. Sooner or later I thought I'd run into an AU 55 that would look like a good fit into my set. Although a couple AU 55's have come onto the market in recent years , I wasn't thrilled with their appearance.
I was fortunate to receive an email from a dealer with whom I have had minimal contact with, but what few dealings I have had with him have been agreeable. I met Rich Uhrich in person this past January while at the FUN convention and we agreed on a few buys/sells and I felt very comfortable dealing with him; I suggest that you do as well, he's a great guy.
Although the images below are not as nice as the coin is in hand, the coin has a wonderful look. The main distracting factor is the tick on Liberty's neck/ throat area - but the coin is solid for the grade - AU 55. The rim toning on the obverse changes based on how you tilt the coin - from bluish-grey to golden-grey. The coin has a circulated cameo effect as well. The hairlines are circulation marks in the field in front of Liberty and do not detract from the overall appearance of the coin. The slight linear mark below the neck is on the holder and is not on the coin. The reverse is simply perfect for the grade and has nothing disturbing to detract from the coin what so ever.
Although I wanted rim toned coin with a more light golden whitish centrals looking coin, there have been none available unless they were traded privately.
After I saw the PCGS AU 50 last week on DLRC and what it sold for EDIT: [ $39,000/ sold: 6/08 ] I realized that if I were ever to get an AU 55, this was the time - the price of which has more than doubled since I started looking - so without further ado...may I present the final addition to my Barber Quarter Collection...
Again, these are the seller's images.
My next project is having the entire Barber collection TruViewed.
Craig's having had his XF 45 set TruViewed by PCGS's photographer, Phil, has made me want to do the same thing for my set; as I can't keep anything at home - at least I can have some beautiful images to look at in a specialized leather bound album.
Again, thanks to all who have helped me realize my goal, and I hope everyone's pleased with the Half Dollars that have been changing hands lately.
While deleting alot of old emails - I came accross this coin I was offered four years ago. It seems I passed on this NGC 55 as I didn't think it'd cross at PCGS. It seems as though I was mistaken. I was offered this coin for $29,000 in 2004. It cost me $13,500 more for the same coin this year.
Here are the NGC 55 images:
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Congratulations on your 1901-S quarter. It has very nice AU detail and I am sure in hand as is usually the case has better eye appeal than most photographers can capture. In contrast to the recent one at the DLRC auction I think you have gotten good value as well.
I hope to be able to see the set true viewed as well. Thanks for sharing and posting to the thread.
Last month I lost a close college friend of over 30 years to Pancreatic Cancer. Rather than repeat things here I started a new thread and will link it from here. Up for bid is a pretty decent PCGS F15 1899-O half. You can see the photos and bid on it via the link from here.
I hope you will take a look and if you feel so inclined to bid and support Jeremy's Auction with the proceeds all going to Pancreatic Cancer research. He does a great job and this year it a lot more special and personal for me. Thank you.
Mike, congratulations on the prize, who would have guessed?????
I remember starting to collect Barbers (dabble, really) in the early 90's and thinking how unobtainable one of these seemed even back then. It's a shame you had to wait until 2008 to finally get one, but that kind of makes it even more special. That's a preatty elite club. Consider me standing in line for it for your 5000th post giveaway.
(Honestly, were you waiting for a hoard to come to light the during last 15 years so the price would break south?)
We're all born MS70. I'm about a Fine 15 right now.
<< <i>Last month I lost a close college friend of over 30 years to Pancreatic Cancer. Rather than repeat things here I started a new thread and will link it from here. Up for bid is a pretty decent PCGS F15 1899-O half. You can see the photos and bid on it via the link from here.
I hope you will take a look and if you feel so inclined to bid and support Jeremy's Auction with the proceeds all going to Pancreatic Cancer research. He does a great job and this year it a lot more special and personal for me. Thank you.
I whole heartingly agree - its a very worthy cause - and I also lost an uncle at the age of 55 and an aunt at the age of 65 to Pancreatic Cancer. Let's all support Jeremy's Auction. Last year I was the fortunate winner of the coin that PonyExpress8 was kind enough to donate, a lovely 1914-S in raw state - graded VF 20, and it looks great in my Dansco !!!
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Casey ... pretty dimes ... as always ... new pickups??
Mike ... congratulations!! Major coin. I, for one, look forward to the trueviews!
Pony ... sorry to hear of your friend. It's sad to have a friend pass ... especially when they're still young. My thoughts are with you and his family.
And for a shameless plug to Jeremy's Auction ... yes, let's all bid up some stuff if we can. I donated a couple lots and hope to win at least one myself.
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Pursuit thanks for the kind words. It was very special to see my donation in my friends name generate such a strong bid for Jeremy's Auction.
I know Mike was bidding on it and I suspect a couple of other fellow Barber buddies were involved as well. All I can say from the bottom of my heart is thank you so much.
One of our fellow Barberites has begun the battle of upping my bids and normally I'd just bid away at it - however its a coin needed for his primary set. So...I'll bid on some other goodies - and use those winnings for future GiveAways.
Glenn - sorry to hear about the loss of your close friend, and that auction donation was a very nice tribute to him, on your behalf.
All - I will be posting a few more NEWPs from this weekend's small show shortly; in the meantime, one of them is a 16-D quarter in very choice and very crusty AU. When I studied it more closely at home, I found the mm was boldly repunched over what appears to be a smaller D. I did not see this variety listed in my old edition of CherryPicker's. I'm just wondering if there is any value for this sort of thing, or is it relegated to the 'neat but no premium' category? Thanks in advance. Greg
Yes she is feeling alot better. She's starting to complain about the staples itching her so I know that's a good sign. I offered to pull them out for her but she steadfastly refuses.
I didn't want to post both coins at once, but okay, since you twisted my arm
I didn't notice at first. Thanks for the heads up Dave.
Now-------didn't Barberman55 promise a giveaway for post number 1892?
The last time I had a giveaway.......the prize was never claimed, I couldn't contact the winner, and I ended up drawing another name. The coin was a nice looking 15-S Barber half too.
Nice additions....does that mean that you don't need the 01-S, in AU-58, anymore?
That sure is an awesome looking 1904-O in XF 45 it looks every bit as nice as the nicest AU 50 I've seen.
Sort of sorry I'm no longer going for that grade anymore I really like that coin a whole lot more than the 04-O in ANACS 50 which is in my [ what is left of ] my 2nd Tier Set.
------------------------------------------------ Edited to add:
Broadstruck that's a great looking 1902-P - and I loved the guessing game on the other Thread. Only Walkerguy21D guessed it correctly - and only because he's fallen for your AU-64 grades before.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
<< <i>
<< <i>Cripes....just when everybody was groovy with XF45, now y'all are raising the damn bar.
Nah, it's just two different schools of collecting. VFs and XFs are for rugged men who like dirty, worn surfaces with steely gray patina. AUs are for girly men who like shiny luster and pretty colors.
This is the kind your talking about right ?
<< <i>
<< <i>Cripes....just when everybody was groovy with XF45, now y'all are raising the damn bar.
Nah, it's just two different schools of collecting. VFs and XFs are for rugged men who like dirty, worn surfaces with steely gray patina. AUs are for girly men who like shiny luster and pretty colors.
dogwood, sounds like you might need a Booster seat?
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Cripes....just when everybody was groovy with XF45, now y'all are raising the damn bar.
Nah, it's just two different schools of collecting. VFs and XFs are for rugged men who like dirty, worn surfaces with steely gray patina. AUs are for girly men who like shiny luster and pretty colors.
dogwood, sounds like you might need a Booster seat?
No, with a few notable exceptions 58 Barbers are actually a bit too common for me
<< <i>Nah, it's just two different schools of collecting. VFs and XFs are for rugged men who like dirty, worn surfaces with steely gray patina. AUs are for girly men who like shiny luster and pretty colors.
<< <i>Stockwiz, great coin. Unmessed with 40 is a find. I gotta say that date would be a 58 I would love to own. >>
Stockwiz - I agree with Dennis - that's a great find. I too would love to upgrade mine with a 58 as well.
When I attended the BCCS meeting at FUN last January, someone in the meeting had bought a group of lower end MS in raw stateBarber quarters - one of which was the 1898-S. John Snow and I just scratched our heads after we picked up our jaws off the floor.
Higher graded circulated 98-S's in original state are alot rarer than alot of people think.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
There are some fantastic Proof Dimes, Quarters and Halves. A few MS coins have sure caught my eye as well.
Just giving everyone a Head's-Up.
Edited to add: Please check out Cratylus' Thread on the 1901-S Half " Guess The Grade "... super looking coin.
Nice pick up Cary. Very nice.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Good looking coins everyone. The wife had surgery this morning. Got her home around around 1:30. All went well. Thanks for all your prayers and kind words-------I know they helped.
Great news Tom, glad to hear all is well!
Connor Numismatics Website
Great news, Tom. My best regards to Roxy.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Nice coin...love the crust.
Here's a few recent purchases. The 1903 is AU58 and the 1909 is a 63.
1) 10 Best New Sets for 2008
2) 10 Best Exhibited Sets
The problem with #1 is that the set needed to be registered with the last year. That is not the case with mine. For #2, I do have my entire set Tru-Viewed but haven't had a chance to actually exhibit at a real show yet. Maybe they would make an excpetion since all the coins are Tru-viewed for everyone to enjoy.
I think with everyone's help PCGS might make an exception for the 10 Best New Sets Award.
If you would like to see my set recognized (I sure would), I respectfully request that you contact/email Ron Guth, David Hall, John Danreuther and BJ Searls by June 28th. I would be humbley obliged.
After I am settled in Seattle in June/July, I'll be able to pick up where I left off on the Barber series.
Thank you one and all.
Craig Petersen
Looking for Denmark 1874 20-Kroner. Please offer.
I was fortunate to receive an email from a dealer with whom I have had minimal contact with, but what few dealings I have had with him have been agreeable. I met Rich Uhrich in person this past January while at the FUN convention and we agreed on a few buys/sells and I felt very comfortable dealing with him; I suggest that you do as well, he's a great guy.
Although the images below are not as nice as the coin is in hand, the coin has a wonderful look. The main distracting factor is the tick on Liberty's neck/ throat area - but the coin is solid for the grade - AU 55.
The rim toning on the obverse changes based on how you tilt the coin - from bluish-grey to golden-grey. The coin has a circulated cameo effect as well. The hairlines are circulation marks in the field in front of Liberty and do not detract from the overall appearance of the coin. The slight linear mark below the neck is on the holder and is not on the coin. The reverse is simply perfect for the grade and has nothing disturbing to detract from the coin what so ever.
Although I wanted rim toned coin with a more light golden whitish
centrals looking coin, there have been none available unless they
were traded privately.
After I saw the PCGS AU 50 last week on DLRC and what it sold for
EDIT: [ $39,000/ sold: 6/08 ] I realized that if I were ever to get an
AU 55, this was the time - the price of which has more than doubled
since I started looking - so without further ado...may I present the
final addition to my Barber Quarter Collection...
Again, these are the seller's images.
My next project is having the entire Barber collection TruViewed.
Craig's having had his XF 45 set TruViewed by PCGS's photographer, Phil, has made me want to do the same thing for my set; as I can't keep anything at home - at least I can have some beautiful images to look at in a specialized leather bound album.
Again, thanks to all who have helped me realize my goal, and I hope everyone's pleased with
the Half Dollars that have been changing hands lately.
While deleting alot of old emails - I came accross this coin I was offered
four years ago. It seems I passed on this NGC 55 as I didn't think it'd
cross at PCGS. It seems as though I was mistaken. I was offered this coin
for $29,000 in 2004. It cost me $13,500 more for the same coin this year.
Here are the NGC 55 images:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Thanks Broadstruck and Cratylus -
now, Cary...where's that fantastic 1901-S Half in ANACS AU 58 you just picked up ?
Please post it here.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Congratulations on your 1901-S quarter. It has very nice AU detail and I am sure in hand as is usually the case has better eye appeal than most photographers can capture. In contrast to the recent one at the DLRC auction I think you have gotten good value as well.
I hope to be able to see the set true viewed as well. Thanks for sharing and posting to the thread.
Website-Americana Rare Coin Inc
Mike----congrats on completing the set. The trueviews will really make it a joy to view.
Great way to finish off an awesome set! Congrats!!
I hope you will take a look and if you feel so inclined to bid and support Jeremy's Auction with the proceeds all going to Pancreatic Cancer research. He does a great job and this year it a lot more special and personal for me. Thank you.
Link to my thread about my college buddy and contribution to the auction
Website-Americana Rare Coin Inc
I remember starting to collect Barbers (dabble, really) in the early 90's and thinking how unobtainable one of these seemed even back then. It's a shame you had to wait until 2008 to finally get one, but that kind of makes it even more special. That's a preatty elite club. Consider me standing in line for it for your 5000th post giveaway.
(Honestly, were you waiting for a hoard to come to light the during last 15 years so the price would break south?)
<< <i>Last month I lost a close college friend of over 30 years to Pancreatic Cancer. Rather than repeat things here I started a new thread and will link it from here. Up for bid is a pretty decent PCGS F15 1899-O half. You can see the photos and bid on it via the link from here.
I hope you will take a look and if you feel so inclined to bid and support Jeremy's Auction with the proceeds all going to Pancreatic Cancer research. He does a great job and this year it a lot more special and personal for me. Thank you.
Link to my thread about my college buddy and contribution to the auction >>
I whole heartingly agree - its a very worthy cause - and I also lost an uncle at the age of 55 and an aunt
at the age of 65 to Pancreatic Cancer. Let's all support Jeremy's Auction. Last year I was the fortunate winner of the coin that PonyExpress8 was kind enough to donate, a lovely 1914-S in raw state - graded VF 20, and it looks great in my Dansco !!!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Casey ... pretty dimes ... as always ... new pickups??
Mike ... congratulations!! Major coin.
Pony ... sorry to hear of your friend. It's sad to have a friend pass ... especially when they're still young. My thoughts are with you and his family.
And for a shameless plug to Jeremy's Auction ... yes, let's all bid up some stuff if we can. I donated a couple lots and hope to win at least one myself.
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Way to go......looking forward to seeing you're entire set tru-viewed. Congratulations!!!!!
Connor Numismatics Website
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I know Mike was bidding on it and I suspect a couple of other fellow Barber buddies were involved as well. All I can say from the bottom of my heart is thank you so much.
Mike, nice additions!
Thanks again everyone.
Website-Americana Rare Coin Inc
One of our fellow Barberites has begun the battle of upping my bids
and normally I'd just bid away at it - however its a coin needed for
his primary set. So...I'll bid on some other goodies - and use those
winnings for future GiveAways.
Thanks for the compliments on the NEWP.
Tombr...arn't you forgetting another new coin ???
Nice pic's Roxy !! Hope you're feeling better now.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
All - I will be posting a few more NEWPs from this weekend's small show shortly; in the meantime, one of them is a 16-D quarter in very choice and very crusty AU. When I studied it more closely at home, I found the mm was boldly repunched over what appears to be a smaller D. I did not see this variety listed in my old edition of CherryPicker's. I'm just wondering if there is any value for this sort of thing, or is it relegated to the 'neat but no premium' category? Thanks in advance.
The repunched MM is collected - although not a major variety.
I have one - but its not designated on the holder.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Tombr...arn't you forgetting another new coin ???
Nice pic's Roxy !! Hope you're feeling better now. >>
Yes she is feeling alot better. She's starting to complain about the staples itching her so I know that's a good sign. I offered to pull them out for her but she steadfastly refuses.
I didn't want to post both coins at once, but okay, since you twisted my arm
<< <i>Tom, you got post #1892!
Dave >>
I didn't notice at first. Thanks for the heads up Dave.
Now-------didn't Barberman55 promise a giveaway for post number 1892?
<< <i>
<< <i>Tom, you got post #1892!
Dave >>
I didn't notice at first. Thanks for the heads up Dave.
Now-------didn't Barberman55 promise a giveaway for post number 1892?
The last time I had a giveaway.......the prize was never claimed, I couldn't contact the winner, and I ended up drawing another name. The coin was a nice looking 15-S Barber half too.
Nice additions....does that mean that you don't need the 01-S, in AU-58, anymore?
Connor Numismatics Website
Get that puppy into a PCGS 58 holder and we'll talk.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Here is my 1904-O Half that just came back last week from "The House" in an XF45 holder.
That sure is an awesome looking 1904-O in XF 45
it looks every bit as nice as the nicest AU 50 I've seen.
Sort of sorry I'm no longer going for that grade anymore
I really like that coin a whole lot more than the 04-O in
ANACS 50 which is in my [ what is left of ] my 2nd Tier Set.
Edited to add:
Broadstruck that's a great looking 1902-P - and I loved
the guessing game on the other Thread. Only Walkerguy21D
guessed it correctly - and only because he's fallen for your
AU-64 grades before.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases