Congrats on 1500 and on your new business! I would love to support you by buying a nice choice VF, problem-free, original and two-toned 1904 s Barber half, as soon as you locate one!
Re: the B/S/T board, I sent the PM to dogwood, but was beat out by many hours as I didn't check on Sunday until after church. So, still no soup there with Barbers. But USCGCraig pointed me to some circ commems several months back and I got a really cool Bay Bridge in VG-F or so that prob is an R5 coin in that condition.
Cary, that 1901 o is absolutely the BOMB!
Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
Cary, very nice 01-o. Here's mine. It's set for my next submission although I'm a tad concerned about the metal ooze on the reverse rim. (Seller's image, as notoriously poor as mine usually are.) At any rate it's still a Charlton Heston coin .."from my cold dead hands"
Wow 1500 posts! Congrats to Barberman55 on this fine addition to cyberspace and to his buisness, which I understand has some mighty cool material.
Edit to show close up. BB?
We're all born MS70. I'm about a Fine 15 right now.
Thanks and congratulations to you guys, and all the other Barber fanatics (especially Mike Hayes), who have kept this thread going strong. Post #1,500 referred to the 1,500th post on the monster Barber thread (which I have since clarified), not my total post count.
I've cracked out of a PCGS holder an XF45 that had smooth rims. I thought it should have BBed for sure as it is not normal wear for an XF grade.
As for your ooze, it doesn't appear to be "normal" and I would hazard that it would garner a BB. Very tough coin and a model XF45 piece for an "O" mint.
Imaged coin, PCGS AU 58, is now EX: Broadstruck Collection.
Well that was posted pretty rapidly... gosh the ink on the check hasn't even dried yet.
Well I decided that I would just continue to work with Barber Error's for now as AU58 is my friend MFH's collecting arena, and collecting at the same grade point would be like running a three legged potato bag race with MFH as sooner or later we would step on one anothers toes. So I guess I'll just keep an eye out for em, then pass em along... Enjoy!
P.S. I love the Pedigree!
To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
That is my old friend, the 15-D. I bought that coin years ago from Heritage and it was in an MS 63 rattler first-generation holder. I tried to upgrade it and it didn't, but still a nice coin. PCGS now asks registry set builders to get rid of the pedigree when you upgrade, but this coin was sold before they made this request. I replaced the coin with an MS 65, then an MS 66. For what it means to you, it was once part of my set.
On another note, the images of Dr. Steve Duckor's set, the 12 beautiful images, are now posted on his number one barber half set. We all hope he will get the rest of the coins imaged.
That is my old friend, the 15-D. I bought that coin years ago from Heritage and it was in an MS 63 rattler first-generation holder. I tried to upgrade it and it didn't, but still a nice coin. PCGS now asks registry set builders to get rid of the pedigree when you upgrade, but this coin was sold before they made this request. I replaced the coin with an MS 65, then an MS 66. For what it means to you, it was once part of my set.
DrPete, Thanks for the very rapid response with some history on your ex friend. This is the second time I have seen this coin on the open market, last time around it was a bit more pricey at an asking of solid 64 monies. Scans leave a lot to be desired, however it did look mighty clean for a 63!
To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
<< <i>OK a few hours have past ... I bought another Barber!
Pedigree Ex: Shireman Collection
That was a safe purchase - considering I just upgraded my 1915-D to an AU 58. You can rest assured that Dr Pete has a very discerning eye and I'm sure if you wanted to waste a few dollars, someone would be happy to give you a "little green sticker" for the front of that holder.
Nice coin - now, are you going to be collecting MS halves ? I thought I lost to the FH - SLQ's.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Hey Dennis, I was looking at the ooze on your 01-O and I also was noticing that the obverse has different toning than the reverse. It got me to thinking... is it possible that this coin was once soldered into a belt buckle and this caused both the different toning on each side as well as the metal ooze?
Nice dime. Gotta it just a type coin or are you getting together a set ?
The 05-S in XF 40 is a tad elusive; I believe there's on on eBay now in PCGS 40. ...and at a reasonable price. I picked up a nice ANACS 45 last month which is a cameoed circulated piece. Its at PCGS now for cross at any grade. That'll leave me with an nice VF 35 for the 3rd tier set.
Your 01-O is very nice as well, although as Cary mentioned, I too found the dual toning a bit unusual; however, I seriously doubt it was ever mistreated to the extent that Cary mentioned. Certain coin albums reacted differently than others with their sulfur content. I believe David Lange might have a thought or two on this subject.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Another nice half from Cratylus, and tougher date than the 05s mintage might let on. Did ARCO teach you how to make these in your basement like he does?
Stepping down a few notches....
I was going through some old files tonight. These were the good ol' days, MUCH lower budget, only a few toughies in the VGs (never really found a 93o in VG to suit me). I must have deleted my old scans of the Barber quarter set in G-VG minus the big 3, Dansco album, too. It sold quickly on BIN ~ 3 years ago on ebaY. The halves seem to dominate over the quarters and dimes on this thread (and the other Barber issues).
Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
Did you ever sell the set you had put together a couple of years ago ? I remember you were toying with selling it off. There was alot of interest in your set from quite a few collectors.
I'm sure you've seen the 1895-S in PCGS Vf on eBay this week - and - if I'm not mistaken - its the same guy who pulled another (?) 1895-S off auction a couple of weeks ago. Could be the same coin - as I wasn't tracking the older posted example.
Here's a couple of NEWPS - one for the 1st Tier Set - the 1895-O in PCGS AU 58
Thank you Dave99B for resizing the image !!
...and another for the 2nd Tier Set - an 1897-P in PCGS AU 50
Thanks to Dave99B for resizing the image !!
Just added this additional 1898-S - currently in an ANACS 58 holder to the collection - with the hopes that it crosses at PCGS as an AU 58 - [ thank you Broadstruck for resizing these images !!! ]
This 1898-S was in an NGC 58 holder and it was sent into PCGS for Cross at Any Grade and it now resides in a PCGS AU 55 holder. Thx again to Dave99B for resizing the image:
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Don, Superbly matched coins you have there. It's absolutely irrelevant that they are a little lower in grade than some of the other stuff posted here. You should be ashamed of NOTHING. I know how much of a challenge it must have been to locate coins that are so similar looking, and I respect any collector who has taken on the challenge of assembling such a nice looking, problem-free set as yours.
Tyler did NOT teach me how to mint these things in my basement. I think it was the other way around! Speaking of which, hey Tyler, are you ever going to return the hubs for the 01-S and 04-S? I need them to finish a "project" for a new client.
Mike, I still have the set to which you are referring. It's my primary set (actually, it's my ONLY set of Barber Halves). Now that I'm back into the hobby I am "upgrading" some of the coins to make the set a little more eye appealing.
Regarding the 95-S on Ebay, same seller different coin. The one offered currently is a VF-25 and is no better than my current piece so I will NOT be bidding on it. I wanted that VF-35 example BADLY!!! I'd love to know what happened to it, but the seller won't return any of my inquiries.
The images from JJ Teaparty never portray the coin 100% accurately. The lighting is way off. The 95-O is very lusterous with bluish & gold toning with blazing white surfaces. The 97-P is considerably more lusterous than the images as well. I would not have bought these coins without them already having been in PCGS holders.
This coin - PCI 53 - was returned by PCGS for Artifical color:
I might send this coin off to NCS to "Conserve" it [ dip the color off of it ] - send it to PCGS raw. Its a very pretty coin in hand - and its the first PCI coin I have owned that was Body Bagged as most I have bought were returned a few points higher than what PCI graded them at. My 1886 Nickel is a prime example. It was in a PCI 53 Green holder and it crossed at PCGS as an AU 58.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
No offense to the owner of this coin, but how in the bleepity bleep did PCGS grade this coin an XF45????? This is a CLEANED VF30 at best! How did they fail to see the washed out silver color, the lack of brow and wing tip detail, AND the hairlines that cover the surface of the coin??? I mean, Jeezus, this one isn't even CLOSE!
I agree, the coin is a VF 25 - maybe a squeeker VF 30 at best. I also agree the obverse does looked hairlined and should have BB'd. My $12.52 bid was to track it. My other bid on his 1893-O in AU 58 is also a cursory bid - to start with - I'll be looking very closely at that coin before the auction is over.
Someone rallied and bid over my high bid on his 1894-O in PCGS 53. This would have been a nice upgrade for my second tier set.
The evening wasn't a total loss, as I did win this "Barber Dollar" in an OGH...
Edited to say: I checked the PCGS Registration ID number on the holder - and it is a legit transaction.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
<< <i> No offense to the owner of this coin, but how in the bleepity bleep did PCGS grade this coin an XF45????? This is a CLEANED VF30 at best! How did they fail to see the washed out silver color, the lack of brow and wing tip detail, AND the hairlines that cover the surface of the coin??? I mean, Jeezus, this one isn't even CLOSE! >>
WOW! That is the worst PCGS grading error I have ever seen! I agree that it looks like a cleaned VF25-30. Nowhere close to XF40, let alone a 45. Just an ugly coin.
Glad to see that I wasn't the only one that noticed the deficiencies on this 93-S. Appears that it's been dipped or cleaned at one time, missing the detail on the wingtips, and missing the bottom of the headband...clear prerequisites for XF-45. Nonetheless, it is a scarce XF-45 and someone looking to fill a hole might just pick it up...this is where it comes down to buying the holder and grade vs. the coin...just depends on how bad one needs to fill a hole.
<< <i>Glad to see that I wasn't the only one that noticed the deficiencies on this 93-S. Appears that it's been dipped or cleaned at one time, missing the detail on the wingtips, and missing the bottom of the headband...clear prerequisites for XF-45. Nonetheless, it is a scarce XF-45 and someone looking to fill a hole might just pick it up...this is where it comes down to buying the holder and grade vs. the coin...just depends on how bad one needs to fill a hole. >>
Yessirree, in the wonderful world of Registry Sets, this coin is an XF-45. Unfreakinbelieveable! You all know that somebody who wants to climb the rankings is going to pay XF45+ money for this piece. And some people still wonder why I don't like TPGs! Don't get me wrong, I've learned one lesson the hard way: they are GREAT for authentication... but in my book, that's about it!
Here is a coin I wish I never aquired, as my tastes have changed quite a bit in the past 3 years. I prefer the more natural looking coins over blast white now, but I can never sell this coin. Of the hundreds of coins in my collection, this is the single piece with which I have a sentimental value attached. You see, it was a wedding present that my wife and I picked out together for ourselves. Oh well.
<< <i>gecko109, That is a nice 92-P 25c and not a dog just since it's a bit white.
Secondly, does your Wife have a single Sister? >>
Its no dog to be sure. In case you were wondering, its in an NGC 64 coffin. Its just that when I was a new collector, bright and shiny seemed to be the way to go. Now that I have learned the truth, I tend to look for darker, more pleasing coins. Dont get me wrong, im not after rainbows. Just after coins that LOOK like they are over a hundred years old.
And yes, my wife does have a 30 year old single sister. However, unless you are into worshipping every square inch of ground she walks over, you really wouldnt be interested. They have named streets after her in fact. They are called ONE WAY.
I looked at the XF45 93-S half for sale on the "bay" and it is an initriguing coin for its appearance and grade. I'm not sure the imaging used by the seller shows the coin off to its best advantage, but despite some apparent defects as noted above, the coin may actually be nicer in appearance than it looks in the pic. The strike looks odd in that the band at the bottom of LIBERTY looks incomplete in the image, and the top feathers on the wing also look to be not there. It may be more of a strike issue than wear, and the neck feathers of the eagle and the eagle's feet/claws look sharp enough for an XF.
Should be interesting to see what the coin brings and whether or not the buyer is happy with the coin.
Broadstruck...are you really ready to be a Ground Worshiper ?
DrPete... You're being too kind. All of the seller's images seem to be very close to what the coin you'll receive looks like. I've been fortunate to have been able to pick up two upgrades from this collection. My 1903-O and 1910-P in PCGS 58 are from the Eagle Harbor Collection. There's one more upgrade for me in his remaining auction lots. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I've posted these recently as NEWPS...please allow me to Repost them as they pertain to the above statement.
gecko109...There is nothing wrong with the entombed NGC coin - you're 100% correct right about that. But - also in agreement with you - I do prefer a bit more toning too. I've gone after only one very white coin - and although I like it alot - I would have been better off in waiting for a more colorful example. Here's my 1898-P Quarter in PCGS 65 from my Grandmother's Birthyear Collection:
Okay - I was about to say what Broadstruck kiddingly mentioned that " A coin a day keeps the Doctor away" in paraphrasing the Apple A Day Old Saw, so, here's my newest upgrade to my second tier collection - and the coin its upgrading immediately below it:
The above coin's images are not the best - but the coin looks very close to its assigned grade PCGS AU 50 - but I'll be able to tell alot better once the coin is in hand. Thanks, Dennis. I'm really looking forward to its receipt.
Here's the coin that the PCGS 50 is replacing - "A Tyler Child" original - freshly "made" in Salt Lake City, PCGS VF 30. I always wondered what Pay Day Resources meant. He makes these beautiful coins in his basement...
Sorry - the above coin is not available at the moment.
A few of my fellow Barberites know that another submission is currently at PCGS.
I had to use up an old Voucher for "8 Free Submissions" and decided to send in a few raw Barber Dimes - did you think I had other dimes aside from Barbers ?
Anyway, here are the dates I submitted...they're all AU-ish to MS-ish - and I gave my opinion of the dates on another thread on The Registry Forum - so I won't get into it here again.
But - the dates are: 1894-O, 1895-P, 1896-S, 1897-O, 1899-O, 1901-S, 1903-S, 1907-D. These coins were purchased from Dave Lawrence and Liz Coggan and have been in a Dansco Album since 1996 to 1998. I never had them imaged - but one of these days, I'll figure out how to use my new digital camera for close-ups and have a CD burnt with their images.
I've also sent in a group for cross over at any grade, which include:
1916-P Dime - ANACS - AU 58 - part of a quintette of Barber Dimes I won at Stacks a few months ago. 1903-O Quarter - ANACS - AU 58 - purchased from Bushmaster - before my AU 53 upgraded to AU 58 ! 1897-S Half Dollar - ANACS - VF 35 - another Stacks auction purchase. 1905-S Half Dollar - ANACS - XF 45 - an auction win from Heritage - a very stunning Circulated Cameo !! 1908-P Half Dollar - ANACS - MS 62 - Heritage auction win last month - I'm hoping for an AU 58 !!
Well, that's all the good news that is fit to print.
I'm feeling a bit melancholy today; I read in the Boston Globe's On-Line issue this morning that an old friend from High School passed away yesterday. He and I drove all over Massachusetts looking for coin stores on a weekly basis. He was one of my best friends then, but we went to different colleges - and I moved away as he did after college and we lost touch. He never went to any of the High School reunions [ I only went to one , the 20th reunion ] and he lost complete touch with all our fellow classmates. Still, I feel a loss.
Okay then - carry on and lets see some of you fantastic coins Peter - you too, Dale !!
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Very nice 97-O you have there, Tom. It's a VF30 with a typical "O" mint weak strike, although I wouldn't put it past PCGS to give it a VF35 grade. Here's the nice and crusty 97-O from my set:
By the way, anyone who's looking for another cleaned and overgraded key date Barber Half in a PCGS holder needs to check out the cleaned 1904-S F15 in a PCGS VF25 slab on Teletrade:
Congrats on 1500 and on your new business! I would love to support you by buying a nice choice VF, problem-free, original and two-toned 1904 s Barber half, as soon as you locate one!
Re: the B/S/T board, I sent the PM to dogwood, but was beat out by many hours as I didn't check on Sunday until after church. So, still no soup there with Barbers. But USCGCraig pointed me to some circ commems several months back and I got a really cool Bay Bridge in VG-F or so that prob is an R5 coin in that condition.
Cary, that 1901 o is absolutely the BOMB!
Here's mine. It's set for my next submission although I'm a tad concerned about the metal ooze on the reverse rim. (Seller's image, as notoriously poor as mine usually are.) At any rate it's still a Charlton Heston coin .."from my cold dead hands"
Wow 1500 posts! Congrats to Barberman55 on this fine addition to cyberspace and to his buisness, which I understand has some mighty cool material.
Edit to show close up. BB?
Thanks and congratulations to you guys, and all the other Barber fanatics (especially Mike Hayes), who have kept this thread going strong. Post #1,500 referred to the 1,500th post on the monster Barber thread (which I have since clarified), not my total post count.
Connor Numismatics Website
<< <i>
Imaged coin, PCGS AU 58, is now EX: Broadstruck Collection.
Soon to be included in my 1st tier set.
Thx again, Broadstruck for offering it to me.
Now, my AU 55 slides into the 2nd tier set - and a
PCGS AU 50 goes into the 3rd set.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
As for your ooze, it doesn't appear to be "normal" and I would hazard that it would garner a BB. Very tough coin and a model XF45 piece for an "O" mint.
Looking for Denmark 1874 20-Kroner. Please offer.
Well that was posted pretty rapidly... gosh the ink on the check hasn't even dried yet.
Well I decided that I would just continue to work with Barber Error's for now as AU58 is my friend MFH's collecting arena, and collecting at the same grade point would be like running a three legged potato bag race with MFH as sooner or later we would step on one anothers toes. So I guess I'll just keep an eye out for em, then pass em along... Enjoy!
P.S. I love the Pedigree!
Pedigree Ex: Shireman Collection
DrPete, Thanks for the very rapid response with some history on your ex friend. This is the second time I have seen this coin on the open market, last time around it was a bit more pricey at an asking of solid 64 monies. Scans leave a lot to be desired, however it did look mighty clean for a 63!
<< <i>OK a few hours have past
Pedigree Ex: Shireman Collection
That was a safe purchase - considering I just upgraded my 1915-D to an AU 58.
You can rest assured that Dr Pete has a very discerning eye and I'm sure if you
wanted to waste a few dollars, someone would be happy to give you a "little green sticker"
for the front of that holder.
Nice coin - now, are you going to be collecting MS halves ? I thought I lost to the FH - SLQ's.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
... and a nice pickup for you too Mike!
Here's a new dime I picked up ...
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
I was looking at the ooze on your 01-O and I also was noticing that the obverse has different toning than the reverse. It got me to thinking... is it possible that this coin was once soldered into a belt buckle and this caused both the different toning on each side as well as the metal ooze?
Nice dime. Gotta it just a type coin or are you getting together a set ?
The 05-S in XF 40 is a tad elusive; I believe there's on on eBay now in PCGS 40.
...and at a reasonable price. I picked up a nice ANACS 45 last month which is a cameoed
circulated piece. Its at PCGS now for cross at any grade. That'll leave me with an nice
VF 35 for the 3rd tier set.
Your 01-O is very nice as well, although as Cary mentioned, I too found the dual toning a bit
unusual; however, I seriously doubt it was ever mistreated to the extent that Cary mentioned.
Certain coin albums reacted differently than others with their sulfur content. I believe David Lange
might have a thought or two on this subject.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
This one just arrived today.
"America suffers today from too much pluribus and not enough unum.".....Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
I've got about 30 of the little buggers in ChAU+
Between the Quarters Dimes and Nickels, I wonder how I get to buy anything else ... LOL
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Cratylus and MFH brought up some great points...nice looking 01-O though.
A problem free 05-S in mid-grade is hard to find...that's a the crust!
Stepping down a few notches....
I was going through some old files tonight. These were the good ol' days, MUCH lower budget, only a few toughies in the VGs (never really found a 93o in VG to suit me). I must have deleted my old scans of the Barber quarter set in G-VG minus the big 3, Dansco album, too. It sold quickly on BIN ~ 3 years ago on ebaY. The halves seem to dominate over the quarters and dimes on this thread (and the other Barber issues).
Sunnywood's Rainbow-Toned Morgans (Retired)
Sunnywood's Barber Quarters (Retired)
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Sunnywood----WOW. Love the toning on that quarter.
Did you ever sell the set you had put together a couple of years ago ?
I remember you were toying with selling it off. There was alot of interest
in your set from quite a few collectors.
I'm sure you've seen the 1895-S in PCGS Vf on eBay this week - and - if I'm
not mistaken - its the same guy who pulled another (?) 1895-S off auction
a couple of weeks ago. Could be the same coin - as I wasn't tracking the
older posted example.
Here's a couple of NEWPS - one for the 1st Tier Set - the 1895-O in PCGS AU 58
Thank you Dave99B for resizing the image !!
...and another for the 2nd Tier Set - an 1897-P in PCGS AU 50
Thanks to Dave99B for resizing the image !!
Just added this additional 1898-S - currently in an ANACS 58 holder to the collection - with the hopes that it crosses at PCGS as an AU 58 - [ thank you Broadstruck for resizing these images !!! ]
This 1898-S was in an NGC 58 holder and it was sent into PCGS for Cross at Any Grade and it
now resides in a PCGS AU 55 holder. Thx again to Dave99B for resizing the image:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Superbly matched coins you have there. It's absolutely irrelevant that they are a little lower in grade than some of the other stuff posted here. You should be ashamed of NOTHING. I know how much of a challenge it must have been to locate coins that are so similar looking, and I respect any collector who has taken on the challenge of assembling such a nice looking, problem-free set as yours.
Tyler did NOT teach me how to mint these things in my basement. I think it was the other way around! Speaking of which, hey Tyler, are you ever going to return the hubs for the 01-S and 04-S? I need them to finish a "project" for a new client.
I still have the set to which you are referring. It's my primary set (actually, it's my ONLY set of Barber Halves). Now that I'm back into the hobby I am "upgrading" some of the coins to make the set a little more eye appealing.
Regarding the 95-S on Ebay, same seller different coin. The one offered currently is a VF-25 and is no better than my current piece so I will NOT be bidding on it. I wanted that VF-35 example BADLY!!! I'd love to know what happened to it, but the seller won't return any of my inquiries.
The images from JJ Teaparty never portray the coin 100% accurately. The lighting is way off.
The 95-O is very lusterous with bluish & gold toning with blazing white surfaces. The 97-P
is considerably more lusterous than the images as well. I would not have bought these coins
without them already having been in PCGS holders.
This coin - PCI 53 - was returned by PCGS for Artifical color:
I might send this coin off to NCS to "Conserve" it [ dip the color off of it ] - send it to PCGS raw.
Its a very pretty coin in hand - and its the first PCI coin I have owned that was Body Bagged
as most I have bought were returned a few points higher than what PCI graded them at. My 1886
Nickel is a prime example. It was in a PCI 53 Green holder and it crossed at PCGS as an AU 58.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I agree, the coin is a VF 25 - maybe a squeeker VF 30 at best. I also agree the obverse does looked hairlined and should have BB'd. My $12.52 bid was to track it. My other bid on his 1893-O in AU 58 is also a cursory bid - to start with - I'll be looking very closely at that coin before the auction is over.
Someone rallied and bid over my high bid on his 1894-O in PCGS 53.
This would have been a nice upgrade for my second tier set.
The evening wasn't a total loss, as I did win this "Barber Dollar" in an OGH...
Edited to say: I checked the PCGS Registration ID number on the holder - and it is a legit transaction.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
MFH, that's some funky way of taking pics... the sellers?
Secondly I thought the ole saying was "An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away"...
nice to see "Apple" can be substituded with "Coin"!
<< <i>
The 05-S in XF 40 is a tad elusive; I believe there's on on eBay now in PCGS 40.
...and at a reasonable price. >>
There is an ANACS XF40 on Ebay, but that coin looks a tad too bright and certainly is not XF40 by PCGS standards.
1905-S ANACS XF40
<< <i> No offense to the owner of this coin, but how in the bleepity bleep did PCGS grade this coin an XF45????? This is a CLEANED VF30 at best! How did they fail to see the washed out silver color, the lack of brow and wing tip detail, AND the hairlines that cover the surface of the coin??? I mean, Jeezus, this one isn't even CLOSE! >>
WOW! That is the worst PCGS grading error I have ever seen! I agree that it looks like a cleaned VF25-30. Nowhere close to XF40, let alone a 45. Just an ugly coin.
Oh, the 1905-S is beautiful, Cratylus.
<< <i>Glad to see that I wasn't the only one that noticed the deficiencies on this 93-S. Appears that it's been dipped or cleaned at one time, missing the detail on the wingtips, and missing the bottom of the headband...clear prerequisites for XF-45. Nonetheless, it is a scarce XF-45 and someone looking to fill a hole might just pick it up...this is where it comes down to buying the holder and grade vs. the coin...just depends on how bad one needs to fill a hole. >>
Yessirree, in the wonderful world of Registry Sets, this coin is an XF-45. Unfreakinbelieveable! You all know that somebody who wants to climb the rankings is going to pay XF45+ money for this piece. And some people still wonder why I don't like TPGs! Don't get me wrong, I've learned one lesson the hard way: they are GREAT for authentication... but in my book, that's about it!
not quite the same caliber as Sunnywoods quarters, but a break from the steady stream of halves
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Very nice lustrous quarter.
After so many replies to this Thread, I don't remember
which quarters I've posted.
Here's one of my favorites...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Secondly, does your Wife have a single Sister?
<< <i>gecko109, That is a nice 92-P 25c and not a dog just since it's a bit white.
Secondly, does your Wife have a single Sister?
Its no dog to be sure. In case you were wondering, its in an NGC 64 coffin. Its just that when I was a new collector, bright and shiny seemed to be the way to go. Now that I have learned the truth, I tend to look for darker, more pleasing coins. Dont get me wrong, im not after rainbows. Just after coins that LOOK like they are over a hundred years old.
And yes, my wife does have a 30 year old single sister. However, unless you are into worshipping every square inch of ground she walks over, you really wouldnt be interested. They have named streets after her in fact. They are called ONE WAY.
Should be interesting to see what the coin brings and whether or not the buyer is happy with the coin.
DrPete... You're being too kind. All of the seller's images seem to
be very close to what the coin you'll receive looks like. I've been
fortunate to have been able to pick up two upgrades from this
collection. My 1903-O and 1910-P in PCGS 58 are from the Eagle
Harbor Collection. There's one more upgrade for me in his remaining
auction lots. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I've posted these recently as NEWPS...please allow me to Repost them
as they pertain to the above statement.
gecko109...There is nothing wrong with the entombed NGC coin - you're 100% correct
right about that. But - also in agreement with you - I do prefer a bit more toning too.
I've gone after only one very white coin - and although I like it alot - I would have been
better off in waiting for a more colorful example. Here's my 1898-P Quarter in PCGS 65
from my Grandmother's Birthyear Collection:
Okay - I was about to say what Broadstruck kiddingly mentioned that " A coin a day keeps the Doctor away" in paraphrasing the Apple A Day Old Saw, so, here's my newest upgrade to my second tier
collection - and the coin its upgrading immediately below it:
The above coin's images are not the best - but the coin looks very close to its assigned grade
PCGS AU 50 - but I'll be able to tell alot better once the coin is in hand. Thanks, Dennis. I'm
really looking forward to its receipt.
Here's the coin that the PCGS 50 is replacing - "A Tyler Child" original - freshly "made"
in Salt Lake City, PCGS VF 30. I always wondered what Pay Day Resources meant. He makes these
beautiful coins in his basement...
Sorry - the above coin is not available at the moment.
A few of my fellow Barberites know that another submission is currently at PCGS.
I had to use up an old Voucher for "8 Free Submissions" and decided to send in a
few raw Barber Dimes - did you think I had other dimes aside from Barbers ?
Anyway, here are the dates I submitted...they're all AU-ish to MS-ish - and I gave my opinion
of the dates on another thread on The Registry Forum - so I won't get into it here again.
But - the dates are: 1894-O, 1895-P, 1896-S, 1897-O, 1899-O, 1901-S, 1903-S, 1907-D.
These coins were purchased from Dave Lawrence and Liz Coggan and have been in a Dansco
Album since 1996 to 1998. I never had them imaged - but one of these days, I'll figure out
how to use my new digital camera for close-ups and have a CD burnt with their images.
I've also sent in a group for cross over at any grade, which include:
1916-P Dime - ANACS - AU 58 - part of a quintette of Barber Dimes I won at Stacks a few months ago.
1903-O Quarter - ANACS - AU 58 - purchased from Bushmaster - before my AU 53 upgraded to AU 58 !
1897-S Half Dollar - ANACS - VF 35 - another Stacks auction purchase.
1905-S Half Dollar - ANACS - XF 45 - an auction win from Heritage - a very stunning Circulated Cameo !!
1908-P Half Dollar - ANACS - MS 62 - Heritage auction win last month - I'm hoping for an AU 58 !!
Well, that's all the good news that is fit to print.
I'm feeling a bit melancholy today; I read in the Boston Globe's On-Line issue this morning that an old friend from High School passed away yesterday. He and I drove all over Massachusetts looking for coin stores on a weekly basis. He was one of my best friends then, but we went to different colleges - and I moved away as he did after college and we lost touch. He never went to any of the High School reunions [ I only went to one , the 20th reunion ] and he lost complete touch with all our fellow classmates. Still, I feel a loss.
Okay then - carry on and lets see some of you fantastic coins Peter - you too, Dale !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Nope I'll pass, and no women with loose contact lenses either!
I have a few a PCGS too. All halves.
92-S ANACS 20
94-S ANACS 30
95-O NGC 45
I know that's only 3 but PCGS gives me special treatment.
I have a few raw halves one on deck waiting to go in. Grades are my opinion:
92-S F15
00-O XF40
03-S VF25
12-P VF25
15-P VF25
I have a few halves that would probably BB for cleaning. Grades are my opinion.
94-S XF40
98-S XF45
14-S XF40
Might send these to ANACS or put them in a Dansco. They really aren't that nasty.
1904-S PCGS VF25 Hahahaha!!!!