and biased or not Tim Brown should be in. when he retired he was second or third in every major receiving category. it's shameful to think he will probably never be in canton
Collect HOF Autos and Anything Raiders.
"In Al We Trust!"
Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
Big thanks to Derrick for helping me get down to 10. I am within sniffing distance of the single digit club now with still needing Curly Culp, which I am just waiting for one of the ones from the Black Friday packs at this point. (At a reasonable price of course.)
Of course once the new inductees are in, I will be back on the outside looking in I'm sure as I only have a few of the semi-finalists covered. I will have to see how many I might be able to find before the announcement of the finalists. I do hope Ray Guy does make it finally this year. (I do have him at least.)
How many of the semis have passed away if any at all? I haven't gotten a chance to look into it as of yet.
Anyhow, here is the piece that I picked up from Derrick:
<< <i>Big thanks to Derrick for helping me get down to 10. I am within sniffing distance of the single digit club now with still needing Curly Culp, which I am just waiting for one of the ones from the Black Friday packs at this point. (At a reasonable price of course.)
Of course once the new inductees are in, I will be back on the outside looking in I'm sure as I only have a few of the semi-finalists covered. I will have to see how many I might be able to find before the announcement of the finalists. I do hope Ray Guy does make it finally this year. (I do have him at least.)
How many of the semis have passed away if any at all? I haven't gotten a chance to look into it as of yet.
Anyhow, here is the piece that I picked up from Derrick:
Hey J.T.
Only TWO of the 27 Semi-Finalists have passed away. George Young and Don Coryell.
I only have ONE Coryell, BUT, I might have a nice extra George Young. I will have to do some digging.
WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
Hi All - Hoping some of you guys can help me. I am looking for signatures of the following for my Ohio State collection. Please let me know if you can help!
All-American's -------------- Boyd Cherry "Chic" Harley Robert Karch Charles Bolen Harold Courtney Kelley Van Dyne Clarence MacDonald Iolas Huffman Cyril Myers Harry Workman Harold Cunningham Edwin Hess Leo Raskowski Regis Monahan Merle Wendt Gomer Jones Charles Hamrick Inwood Smith Carl Kaplanoff Jim McDonald Ralph Wolf Gust Zarnas Vic Marino Don Scott Robert McCullough Jim Reichenbach Bob Ferguson Ray Pryor
Coaches ---------- Alex Lilley Jack Ryder Charles Hickey David Edwards John Eckstorm Henry "Harry" Vaughan
Please email me at
Thanks, Matt
Ohio State football coaches and All-Americans collector.
I don't know if anyone saw this or not but Joshua Friedman Collectibles (Johfr) has a slabbed full signature Gene Hickerson signed GLA listed for $3950. Definitely can't be many of these around. It's eBay item# 400600486076 it has an ending date of December 3rd.
I just listed 31 new 1950-1955 Bowman and Topps vintage autographed cards in my ebay store. I've listed many HOFers including Landry, Tunnell, and Graham as well as many other difficult cards from these sets. Please take a look!
<< <i>I don't know if anyone saw this or not but Joshua Friedman Collectibles (Johfr) has a slabbed full signature Gene Hickerson signed GLA listed for $3950. Definitely can't be many of these around. It's eBay item# 400600486076 it has an ending date of December 3rd. >>
He told me at the last Baltimore National that he had 2 stored away. Apparently he got them with the help of Hickerson's son. All the ones signed "Gene" apparently were done with the cooperation of his nurse. I offered him $2500 for the full one, he wavered, said he'd think about it then never got back to me. $3950 is rich.....
<< <i>I know the Luckman is JSA certified, but I still have doubts about the autograph. Check the PSA site for Luckman exemplars. Luckman K is a separate stroke. He lifts up the pen to finish the kman. This autograph is not the wife's ghost signature. Luckman is so hard to certify. $1300 a bit high? A real Luckman autographed Goal Line so elusive. Anyone on this site willing to post a picture of your Luckman?
Craig >>
Craig, Here is my Sid Luckman from my Goal Line Art Gold Set. It is numbered 12/100. I hope this helps.
Interesting: There was a PSA Sid Luckman GLA listed on ebay that had several bids on it . The item was ended early by the seller because of " an error in the listing " I'm guessing the seller got a good offer and just ended the auction. I see this more and more actually, assuming that is why the auction was ended. I have bid on items that were pulled and don't think its cool for the potential buyer to lose out. I guess its great for the seller as they would not have to pay the auction percentage and still realize an acceptable price. I expect to see more Luckman GLA's in the immediate future so keep a lookout Craig ! Happy Thanksgiving to all !! Family, Football, & Feast - I sincerely hope everyone has a good one !
<< <i>Interesting: There was a PSA Sid Luckman GLA listed on ebay that had several bids on it . The item was ended early by the seller because of " an error in the listing " I'm guessing the seller got a good offer and just ended the auction. I see this more and more actually, assuming that is why the auction was ended. I have bid on items that were pulled and don't think its cool for the potential buyer to lose out. I guess its great for the seller as they would not have to pay the auction percentage and still realize an acceptable price. I expect to see more Luckman GLA's in the immediate future so keep a lookout Craig ! Happy Thanksgiving to all !! Family, Football, & Feast - I sincerely hope everyone has a good one ! >>
You didn't miss anything. This seller was psychotic. He contacted me as soon as I made my opening bid, said he needed to sell fast, needed money, leaves me his phone number. I offered him my high bid. He said OK. When I asked him to send an invoice through Paypal, he got weird. Sends me a message with only a "question mark". I explained again he needed to send an invoice, and I don't have his address. He then tells me to "piss off" and he would never sell me the card. . So I responded again, trying to figure out what his problem is, telling him the only way I can reach him is by phone. He now tells me if I call him, he will tell me off! Then he taunts me saying I will never have a Luckman GLA. So now I'm pissed tell him I don't need his card as I have a Gold one. He responds back saying the Golds are all fake, but if I send him a scan he will go ahead and sell me his, the deal is back on. Knowing full well he is a nut job, I send him a scan of my gold. And he offered to buy it or $500! I said no thanks. Then he comes back and says I can have his for $400. I ignore him. Tonight I get a cancellation notice, the auction is ended. But wait, there is more----he sends me another message TAUNTING ME AGAIN that I will never own a real Luckman, that the "S" in Sid on my GLA looks traced over. All these messages mind you are going through Ebay. I fire back one last message that if I hear from him again I will report him to Ebay for harassment. His seller ID is "shalerreject24" and I strongly suggest you block him. I also think that this Luckman was the one sold by Probstein in July that was never paid or, then was purchased by someone else.
I would be happy to post my Luckman if someone could do it for me. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
I talked to Johnny , who is not all there , he told me he bought it from a guy named Rocke at a show in Canton this Summer. Wanted to see a scan of my Fortmann. Was all over the place and never accepted my offer nor rejected it either I gave up and thought I would play out the bid on Ebay! Pun intended! Happy Thanksgiving!
<< <i>I talked to Johnny , who is not all there , he told me he bought it from a guy named Rocke at a show in Canton this Summer. Wanted to see a scan of my Fortmann. Was all over the place and never accepted my offer nor rejected it either I gave up and thought I would play out the bid on Ebay! Pun intended! Happy Thanksgiving!
Craig >>
Craig, That guy is full of SH!T. I DID talk to him during HOF weekend, and I did have a JSA'd Luckman for sale, but it was ALREADY SOLD, before HOF weekend. I had it with me in case the buyer showed up. He didn't know if he would make it here, as he was also at the National in Chicago, but he said he would try to make it on Sunday. He was begging me to sell to him, and blow off the other guy. He also said he would pay more than the buyer, but, I had committed to a deal, wouldn't break it, and he was upset about it.
I will try to get to the Bank one of these days, and take a picture of my GOLD Luckman and Email it to Ed so he could post it.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
Well its nice to see we have nothing better to do on Thanksgiving! I told this nut job not to contact me again or I would report him to Ebay. So this morning I find another message saying I'm jealous. Then he called me a loser! Personally I'm beginning to think he didn't even own this card, that he lifted the scan from Probstein when he sold a Luckman in July for stupid money, but I can't confirm this as I no longer have that scan. I can confirm he didn't get this card from Rocke. Rocke bought a Luckman that I originally owned and had sold to someone else. I would be curious to know if someone really did buy shalerreject's Luckman, and if so, let us know how the transaction went. Rocke, I tried to leave you a message last night but your box is full. The wife is calling, time to go....
Thank you Joe, Rich and raider guy. Wonder if the psychotic Johnny actually bought the Luckman from Probstein for $1300 and now wants to resell it and found out he paid too much! My offer was way below 1300$. Or maybe he does not really own a Luckman at all? A nut none the less!
Craig, I had a max bid of $500. When he approached me I sensed something wasn't right so I started with a $400 offer, figuring he would counter from there. Surprisingly he accepted, but when I asked him to invoice me, he went bat s**t! Then he said I'd never own a Luckman, and when I told him I had a gold one, he claimed they were "all fakes, ha,ha,ha". Then he makes a weird offer---if I send a scan of my gold Luckman, he'd sell me his for $400. Knowing he would't honor it, I sent him the scan anyway. Then he offers to buy my Luckman,which he claims are fake for $500! At this point I'm walking away, when the auction ended and he starts sending harassing emails. Anyway, if nothing else, we all know to stay clear of him. Glad to be of service with my posting of Luckman. As as I'm concerned, the Golds are real.
Ron Gordon told me that all Gold Luckman's are All Good! That says it all. Luckman never signed Sid the same way twice. What he always did was do a two stroke K and always picked up the pen after his Luc and first part of. The K. The man could be fully formed or a straight line on a small card and or space constraints. Both examples posted are dead on good,! I have a Luckman expert on SCN ie Willie who got Luckman at several Mackey Luncheons in Chicago. Sid only went to Canto for his induction year. He was a regular at the Mackey Award Luncheon and Willie had the foresight to make Sid his first stop, while others went for current players , back in the day.
Stay away from Ebay Johnny. I offered him 700, and he would only say that was way low. Still wonder, if he bought the Probstein at $1300?
Hope everyone here had a nice Thanksgiving weekend. I witnessed my Lion football team win for the first time in 10 years. Usually I'm turning off the tv in disgust sometime in the third quarter. This year I turned it off after the third turnover in the first quarter - only to turn it back on to witness one of the biggest beatdowns in Lion Thanksgiving history!
However, I didn't post here to gloat but to share this story with some of you...
As many of you know, I sold/donated a good portion of my collection. However I kept my Michigan and 19th century signatures to keep at least one foot in the hobby. One signature I was never quite sure about was my William "Ray" Morley piece. I acquired an old cabinet photo when he was a young cadet at Philadelphia Military Academy (c. 1892) with a signature on the reverse. After reviewing letters in the Yale (Walter Camp Papers) and Michigan (Athletic Papers) archives, I was about 50% confident that I had an original autograph. However this ate at me over the years that I wasn't 100% sure. So I tracked down Ray Morley's only surviving relative and asked her opinion on the piece. Last week she sent her reply.
Before I reveal her reply, let me introduce you to Morley. Ray Morley played qb for Michigan in 1895 before becoming a 3 x All-American for Columbia from 1899-1901. Ray was the first alumni to coach Columbia from 1902-05. He spent the remainder of his life operating a sheep and cattle ranch in Datil, NM. His childhood was made famous by a book written by his sister, Agnes Morley Cleaveland, titled " No Life for a Lady". This guy was the classic example of a real American cowboy, as the photo below gives a glimpse off. Ray died in 1932 and was inducted into the College Football HOF in 1971.
So last week I receive an envelope in the mail. It contained a short note which stated " I don't know for certain on the authenticity of your signature, however I am including two items for your collection. One is a handwritten letter signed "Wm R Morley" and another is an envelope 20 years later signed "Ray Morley". I know of no better repository for these items than in the hands of a serious collector". I think that is one sentiment that all of us can relate to. This was a wonderful gift which I am truly grateful for. I've attached the scans below for your review.
Joe, I believe Shalerreject24 (Johnny) was the winner of the Probstein123 Luckman on 6/28/13. Looking at his Ebay rating there is a positive rating from Probstein123. It makes sense that it looks like the scan you had deleted! What was the selling price of the Luckman in that Ebay auction?
<< <i>Joe, I believe Shalerreject24 (Johnny) was the winner of the Probstein123 Luckman on 6/28/13. Looking at his Ebay rating there is a positive rating from Probstein123. It makes sense that it looks like the scan you had deleted! What was the selling price of the Luckman in that Ebay auction?
Craig >>
Thanks for the info in your last 2 posts, Craig. The Probstein Luckman sold for $2700 I think, then wasn't paid for if I recall. It did have HOF 68 on it, which is why I think crazy Johnny is the buyer. I was hanging with Rocke at his table in Canton. I just missed Johnny. After Rocke hooked me up in 2007 with my Gold set. I had a collated set that I sold to my friend for what I had into it. I almost pulled the Luckman, thinking it had room to run. I bought it for about $55 then had it certed by Spence. My friend ran into some hard times and sold it to Rocke before I could buy it back....oh well! Yes I knew Ron Gordon says they are real, that's all I need. Johnny said the "S" was retraced, ha! It is a strange one I'll give him that. I guess we are all kind of sorry no one got Luckman to do more public signings.
just out of curiosity, has anyone gotten a gold luckman authenticated by PSA? because they kind of look like the secretarial version I've seen them reject in the past...
Collect HOF Autos and Anything Raiders.
"In Al We Trust!"
Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
I've discussed it with Rocke, but I think we are going the "ignorance is bliss" route. I sent a copy of the scan 2 weeks ago to Rod but haven't heard back from him yet. I'd have to question if PSA knows better than Ron Gordon.
<< <i>I've got a gold signed luckman if you are interested, let me know thanks >>
Received the Gold Luckman todayThank you!
To let all members know John/ ATMA232 is a great guy and as Sane as the rest of the members on the thread! He is no relation to crazy Johnny on Ebay. They just share the same first name!!!
<< <i>I've got a gold signed luckman if you are interested, let me know thanks >>
Received the Gold Luckman todayThank you!
To let all members know John/ ATMA232 is a great guy and as Sane as the rest of the members on the thread! He is no relation to crazy Johnny on Ebay. They just share the same first name!!!
Thanks again!
Craig >>
Congratulations on your pickup. What is the number of the card? How about a scan. Thanks Rich
<< <i>I've got a gold signed luckman if you are interested, let me know thanks >>
Received the Gold Luckman todayThank you!
To let all members know John/ ATMA232 is a great guy and as Sane as the rest of the members on the thread! He is no relation to crazy Johnny on Ebay. They just share the same first name!!!
Thanks again!
Craig >>
Congratulations on your pickup. What is the number of the card? How about a scan. Thanks Rich >>
<< <i>I've got a gold signed luckman if you are interested, let me know thanks >>
Received the Gold Luckman todayThank you!
To let all members know John/ ATMA232 is a great guy and as Sane as the rest of the members on the thread! He is no relation to crazy Johnny on Ebay. They just share the same first name!!!
Thanks again!
Craig >>
Crazy Johnny strikes again! I got an unsolicited Ebay message from him tonight about the Fortmann GLA Blue Proof #50 he just listed. He said "check out my new listing. Too bad you will NEVER own it!". Now I warned this SOB that if he contacted me I'd report him. So that is just what I did tonight. And I took it one step further----I reported the Fortmann as a fake. From conversations Rocke had with the HOF, only the first 33 were signed. Check out Johnny's listing:
You can tell this guy is a jerk....if you look at the description this is what he wrote:
This is the " Holy Grail " signed Goal Line Art cards.
Number 50/50 BLUE PROOF
This was the FIRST ever signed GLA card that Dan Fortmann signed. It was NOT the #1/ 50 card. Some loser claims the first card signed was the #1/50, but its simply NOT TRUE.
I was told by a family member, who helped him sign the cards that the #50/50 card was the first card signed.
Email with any questions or offers. I need to sell quick.
IMO anyone trying to sell something and bad mouths someone else in the description puts up a red flag for me as well as I need to sell quick and NO RETURNS! This all says no, no, no, to me.
TOOO Funny. I guess I am the Loser. When he came by my table HOF weekend, we did talk about Fortmann proofs. I told him that I had been the owner of Proof # 1, but that I had traded it to a friend of mine ( Rod ) a few years ago. This guy is really amazing. Anyway, I am kind of busy right now, but I want to share some thoughts on that Fortmann # 50 / 50. Must keep you in suspense. LOL
WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
<< <i>TOOO Funny. I guess I am the Loser. When he came by my table HOF weekend, we did talk about Fortmann proofs. I told him that I had been the owner of Proof # 1, but that I had traded it to a friend of mine ( Rod ) a few years ago. This guy is really amazing. Anyway, I am kind of busy right now, but I want to share some thoughts on that Fortmann # 50 / 50. Must keep you in suspense. LOL >>
LOSER! But we all loves ya anyway! I reported both him and the Fortmann. He had the same Luckman listed again opening at $300 and it was ended again. I also posted on the communications board to block this guy, and someone posted the Fortmann link-----and in the background was a TV set with porn on it! The link to the Fortmann is still active and my thread was "Another Ebay member to block". One last thing: how much is a sticky Fortmann worth?
<< <i>Big thanks to Matt for finding this autograph for me and working out a deal. While it wasn't cheap, I think this item is a real treasure. It is Chic Harley's 1915-16 OSU Athletic Association student ticket book, signed by him on the reverse. Chic was on the freshman team that year. Just think...this item was in Chic's back pocket for all the sporting events that year. I remember when this item sold on ebay several years ago. I missed out then, but like most pieces in the hobby they usually show up again somewhere else. Here is a scan of the signature and book.
All the best
Mark >>
I sent you a PM, interesting in talking about this items history.
It definitely, looks secretarial to me. I have three different versions of a Luckman signature that have all been authenticated by either JSA or PSA. That one looks like one signature that I had rejected on a card.
100% Wife signed. The key letter is the K in Luckman, always a 2 stroke , pick up his pen autograph. The crazy thing is that Sid had so many autographs. In the Ron Gordon signing he signed 8x 10 pics in different modes each time. His Gold Goal Line signatures are different. Only his wife/ secretarial are did on similar!
"In Al We Trust!"
Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
"In Al We Trust!"
Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
Of course once the new inductees are in, I will be back on the outside looking in I'm sure as I only have a few of the semi-finalists covered. I will have to see how many I might be able to find before the announcement of the finalists. I do hope Ray Guy does make it finally this year. (I do have him at least.)
How many of the semis have passed away if any at all? I haven't gotten a chance to look into it as of yet.
Anyhow, here is the piece that I picked up from Derrick:
<< <i>Big thanks to Derrick for helping me get down to 10. I am within sniffing distance of the single digit club now with still needing Curly Culp, which I am just waiting for one of the ones from the Black Friday packs at this point. (At a reasonable price of course.)
Of course once the new inductees are in, I will be back on the outside looking in I'm sure as I only have a few of the semi-finalists covered. I will have to see how many I might be able to find before the announcement of the finalists. I do hope Ray Guy does make it finally this year. (I do have him at least.)
How many of the semis have passed away if any at all? I haven't gotten a chance to look into it as of yet.
Anyhow, here is the piece that I picked up from Derrick:
Hey J.T.
Only TWO of the 27 Semi-Finalists have passed away. George Young and Don Coryell.
I only have ONE Coryell, BUT, I might have a nice extra George Young. I will have to do some digging.
Boyd Cherry
"Chic" Harley
Robert Karch
Charles Bolen
Harold Courtney
Kelley Van Dyne
Clarence MacDonald
Iolas Huffman
Cyril Myers
Harry Workman
Harold Cunningham
Edwin Hess
Leo Raskowski
Regis Monahan
Merle Wendt
Gomer Jones
Charles Hamrick
Inwood Smith
Carl Kaplanoff
Jim McDonald
Ralph Wolf
Gust Zarnas
Vic Marino
Don Scott
Robert McCullough
Jim Reichenbach
Bob Ferguson
Ray Pryor
Alex Lilley
Jack Ryder
Charles Hickey
David Edwards
John Eckstorm
Henry "Harry" Vaughan
Please email me at
I just listed 31 new 1950-1955 Bowman and Topps vintage autographed cards in my ebay store. I've listed many HOFers including Landry, Tunnell, and Graham as well as many other difficult cards from these sets. Please take a look!
[L=Ebay Store]http://stores
HOF RC Auto Set
1955 Topps Football AA
1950 Bowman Football
1951 Bowman Football
1952 Bowman Football
ebay user- Jolt333
Please be sure to check out my auctions!
<< <i>I don't know if anyone saw this or not but Joshua Friedman Collectibles (Johfr) has a slabbed full signature Gene Hickerson signed GLA listed for $3950. Definitely can't be many of these around. It's eBay item# 400600486076 it has an ending date of December 3rd. >>
He told me at the last Baltimore National that he had 2 stored away. Apparently he got them with the help of Hickerson's son. All the ones signed "Gene" apparently were done with the cooperation of his nurse. I offered him $2500 for the full one, he wavered, said he'd think about it then never got back to me. $3950 is rich.....
<< <i>I know the Luckman is JSA certified, but I still have doubts about the autograph. Check the PSA site for Luckman exemplars. Luckman K is a separate stroke. He lifts up the pen to finish the kman. This autograph is not the wife's ghost signature. Luckman is so hard to certify. $1300 a bit high? A real Luckman autographed Goal Line so elusive. Anyone on this site willing to post a picture of your Luckman?
Craig >>
Craig, Here is my Sid Luckman from my Goal Line Art Gold Set. It is numbered 12/100. I hope this helps.
Thank you so much for the post! It helps to see an exemplar of a real Luckman signed Goal Line!
Happy Thanksgiving all!
There was a PSA Sid Luckman GLA listed on ebay that had several bids on it . The item was ended early by the seller because of " an error in the listing "
I'm guessing the seller got a good offer and just ended the auction.
I see this more and more actually, assuming that is why the auction was ended. I have bid on items that were pulled and don't think its cool for the potential buyer to lose out. I guess its great for the seller as they would not have to pay the auction percentage and still realize an acceptable price.
I expect to see more Luckman GLA's in the immediate future so keep a lookout Craig !
Happy Thanksgiving to all !!
Family, Football, & Feast - I sincerely hope everyone has a good one !
<< <i>Interesting:
There was a PSA Sid Luckman GLA listed on ebay that had several bids on it . The item was ended early by the seller because of " an error in the listing "
I'm guessing the seller got a good offer and just ended the auction.
I see this more and more actually, assuming that is why the auction was ended. I have bid on items that were pulled and don't think its cool for the potential buyer to lose out. I guess its great for the seller as they would not have to pay the auction percentage and still realize an acceptable price.
I expect to see more Luckman GLA's in the immediate future so keep a lookout Craig !
Happy Thanksgiving to all !!
Family, Football, & Feast - I sincerely hope everyone has a good one ! >>
You didn't miss anything. This seller was psychotic. He contacted me as soon as I made my opening bid, said he needed to sell fast, needed money, leaves me his phone number. I offered him my high bid. He said OK. When I asked him to send an invoice through Paypal, he got weird. Sends me a message with only a "question mark". I explained again he needed to send an invoice, and I don't have his address. He then tells me to "piss off" and he would never sell me the card. . So I responded again, trying to figure out what his problem is, telling him the only way I can reach him is by phone. He now tells me if I call him, he will tell me off! Then he taunts me saying I will never have a Luckman GLA. So now I'm pissed tell him I don't need his card as I have a Gold one. He responds back saying the Golds are all fake, but if I send him a scan he will go ahead and sell me his, the deal is back on. Knowing full well he is a nut job, I send him a scan of my gold. And he offered to buy it or $500! I said no thanks. Then he comes back and says I can have his for $400. I ignore him. Tonight I get a cancellation notice, the auction is ended. But wait, there is more----he sends me another message TAUNTING ME AGAIN that I will never own a real Luckman, that the "S" in Sid on my GLA looks traced over. All these messages mind you are going through Ebay. I fire back one last message that if I hear from him again I will report him to Ebay for harassment. His seller ID is "shalerreject24" and I strongly suggest you block him. I also think that this Luckman was the one sold by Probstein in July that was never paid or, then was purchased by someone else.
I would be happy to post my Luckman if someone could do it for me. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
j/k Rocke we love you!!
"In Al We Trust!"
Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
<< <i>I talked to Johnny , who is not all there , he told me he bought it from a guy named Rocke at a show in Canton this Summer. Wanted to see a scan of my Fortmann. Was all over the place and never accepted my offer nor rejected it either I gave up and thought I would play out the bid on Ebay! Pun intended! Happy Thanksgiving!
Craig >>
Craig, That guy is full of SH!T. I DID talk to him during HOF weekend, and I did have a JSA'd Luckman for sale, but it was ALREADY SOLD, before HOF weekend. I had it with me in case the buyer showed up. He didn't know if he would make it here, as he was also at the National in Chicago, but he said he would try to make it on Sunday. He was begging me to sell to him, and blow off the other guy. He also said he would pay more than the buyer, but, I had committed to a deal, wouldn't break it, and he was upset about it.
I will try to get to the Bank one of these days, and take a picture of my GOLD Luckman and Email it to Ed so he could post it.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
"In Al We Trust!"
Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
Glad to be of service with my posting of Luckman. As as I'm concerned, the Golds are real.
Stay away from Ebay Johnny. I offered him 700, and he would only say that was way low. Still wonder, if he bought the Probstein at $1300?
Hope everyone here had a nice Thanksgiving weekend. I witnessed my Lion football team win for the first time in 10 years. Usually I'm turning off the tv in disgust sometime in the third quarter. This year I turned it off after the third turnover in the first quarter - only to turn it back on to witness one of the biggest beatdowns in Lion Thanksgiving history!
However, I didn't post here to gloat but to share this story with some of you...
As many of you know, I sold/donated a good portion of my collection. However I kept my Michigan and 19th century signatures to keep at least one foot in the hobby. One signature I was never quite sure about was my William "Ray" Morley piece. I acquired an old cabinet photo when he was a young cadet at Philadelphia Military Academy (c. 1892) with a signature on the reverse. After reviewing letters in the Yale (Walter Camp Papers) and Michigan (Athletic Papers) archives, I was about 50% confident that I had an original autograph. However this ate at me over the years that I wasn't 100% sure. So I tracked down Ray Morley's only surviving relative and asked her opinion on the piece. Last week she sent her reply.
Before I reveal her reply, let me introduce you to Morley. Ray Morley played qb for Michigan in 1895 before becoming a 3 x All-American for Columbia from 1899-1901. Ray was the first alumni to coach Columbia from 1902-05. He spent the remainder of his life operating a sheep and cattle ranch in Datil, NM. His childhood was made famous by a book written by his sister, Agnes Morley Cleaveland, titled " No Life for a Lady". This guy was the classic example of a real American cowboy, as the photo below gives a glimpse off. Ray died in 1932 and was inducted into the College Football HOF in 1971.
So last week I receive an envelope in the mail. It contained a short note which stated " I don't know for certain on the authenticity of your signature, however I am including two items for your collection. One is a handwritten letter signed "Wm R Morley" and another is an envelope 20 years later signed "Ray Morley". I know of no better repository for these items than in the hands of a serious collector". I think that is one sentiment that all of us can relate to. This was a wonderful gift which I am truly grateful for. I've attached the scans below for your review.
Thanks for letting me share.
All the best and Happy Thanksgiving!
1902 letter
1929 signed envelope
Bill "Ray"Morley (c. 1929)
I've never heard of him before. how many other signatures of his have you seen
"In Al We Trust!"
Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
I believe Shalerreject24 (Johnny) was the winner of the Probstein123 Luckman on 6/28/13. Looking at his Ebay rating there is a positive rating from Probstein123. It makes sense that it looks like the scan you had deleted! What was the selling price of the Luckman in that Ebay auction?
<< <i>Joe,
I believe Shalerreject24 (Johnny) was the winner of the Probstein123 Luckman on 6/28/13. Looking at his Ebay rating there is a positive rating from Probstein123. It makes sense that it looks like the scan you had deleted! What was the selling price of the Luckman in that Ebay auction?
Craig >>
Thanks for the info in your last 2 posts, Craig. The Probstein Luckman sold for $2700 I think, then wasn't paid for if I recall. It did have HOF 68 on it, which is why I think crazy Johnny is the buyer. I was hanging with Rocke at his table in Canton. I just missed Johnny. After Rocke hooked me up in 2007 with my Gold set. I had a collated set that I sold to my friend for what I had into it. I almost pulled the Luckman, thinking it had room to run. I bought it for about $55 then had it certed by Spence. My friend ran into some hard times and sold it to Rocke before I could buy it back....oh well! Yes I knew Ron Gordon says they are real, that's all I need. Johnny said the "S" was retraced, ha! It is a strange one I'll give him that. I guess we are all kind of sorry no one got Luckman to do more public signings.
Interested! I/M me please!
"In Al We Trust!"
Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
<< <i>I've got a gold signed luckman if you are interested, let me know thanks >>
Received the Gold Luckman todayThank you!
To let all members know John/ ATMA232 is a great guy and as Sane as the rest of the members on the thread! He is no relation to crazy Johnny on Ebay. They just share the same first name!!!
Thanks again!
<< <i>
<< <i>I've got a gold signed luckman if you are interested, let me know thanks >>
Received the Gold Luckman todayThank you!
To let all members know John/ ATMA232 is a great guy and as Sane as the rest of the members on the thread! He is no relation to crazy Johnny on Ebay. They just share the same first name!!!
Thanks again!
Craig >>
Congratulations on your pickup. What is the number of the card? How about a scan. Thanks Rich
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>I've got a gold signed luckman if you are interested, let me know thanks >>
Received the Gold Luckman todayThank you!
To let all members know John/ ATMA232 is a great guy and as Sane as the rest of the members on the thread! He is no relation to crazy Johnny on Ebay. They just share the same first name!!!
Thanks again!
Craig >>
Congratulations on your pickup. What is the number of the card? How about a scan. Thanks Rich >>
Computer challenged, 82/100
<< <i>
<< <i>I've got a gold signed luckman if you are interested, let me know thanks >>
Received the Gold Luckman todayThank you!
To let all members know John/ ATMA232 is a great guy and as Sane as the rest of the members on the thread! He is no relation to crazy Johnny on Ebay. They just share the same first name!!!
Thanks again!
Craig >>
Crazy Johnny strikes again! I got an unsolicited Ebay message from him tonight about the Fortmann GLA Blue Proof #50 he just listed. He said "check out my new listing. Too bad you will NEVER own it!". Now I warned this SOB that if he contacted me I'd report him. So that is just what I did tonight. And I took it one step further----I reported the Fortmann as a fake. From conversations Rocke had with the HOF, only the first 33 were signed. Check out Johnny's listing:
<< <i>He must've pulled it down, I did a search for Fortmann and no GLA's pulled up except for a cut with an unsigned card. >>
If it was reported as fake, ebay ends the item as well if it's justified. He may have ended it also, just depends on the circumstances
Fortman GLA
"In Al We Trust!"
Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
This is the " Holy Grail " signed Goal Line Art cards.
Number 50/50 BLUE PROOF
This was the FIRST ever signed GLA card that Dan Fortmann signed. It was NOT the #1/ 50 card. Some loser claims the first card signed was the #1/50, but its simply NOT TRUE.
I was told by a family member, who helped him sign the cards that the #50/50 card was the first card signed.
Email with any questions or offers. I need to sell quick.
IMO anyone trying to sell something and bad mouths someone else in the description puts up a red flag for me as well as I need to sell quick and NO RETURNS!
This all says no, no, no, to me.
<< <i>TOOO Funny. I guess I am the Loser. When he came by my table HOF weekend, we did talk about Fortmann proofs. I told him that I had been the owner of Proof # 1, but that I had traded it to a friend of mine ( Rod ) a few years ago. This guy is really amazing. Anyway, I am kind of busy right now, but I want to share some thoughts on that Fortmann # 50 / 50. Must keep you in suspense. LOL >>
LOSER! But we all loves ya anyway! I reported both him and the Fortmann. He had the same Luckman listed again opening at $300 and it was ended again. I also posted on the communications board to block this guy, and someone posted the Fortmann link-----and in the background was a TV set with porn on it! The link to the Fortmann is still active and my thread was "Another Ebay member to block". One last thing: how much is a sticky Fortmann worth?
<< <i>Big thanks to Matt for finding this autograph for me and working out a deal. While it wasn't cheap, I think this item is a real treasure. It is Chic Harley's 1915-16 OSU Athletic Association student ticket book, signed by him on the reverse. Chic was on the freshman team that year. Just think...this item was in Chic's back pocket for all the sporting events that year. I remember when this item sold on ebay several years ago. I missed out then, but like most pieces in the hobby they usually show up again somewhere else. Here is a scan of the signature and book.
All the best
Mark >>
I sent you a PM, interesting in talking about this items history.
Thanks, take care, Dan