I picked up a Cliff Battles autograph on an 8x10, was pretty darn excited you rarely ever see him on a photo, also not an autograph but I purchased a 1938 Newspaper photograph of Elmer Gedeon in Football uniform when he played for Michigan, he would go on to be one of two MLB players killed in WW2, The other was Harry Oneill who I proudly own a signature of (: So a couple of nice photos to make my week, cant wait for Chantilly they have a stacked lineup and got my tickets for the class of 2013 autograph signing in Canton and Roger Staubach so far (:
VERY happy to add Father Lumpkin to my collection ! I have been on the lookout for years for something signed by Roy , but have just never seen anything until this modest stroke of luck fell my way . I believe it was Rocke ( ? ) who had a 1962 HOF Yearbook - the year before the Hall opened - in which Sports Writers of the time recounted former players from the early days who may deserve HOF honors and Lumpkin was on that list. Many footballers from those articles were inducted . Many who were not .So there's that....... Lumpkin was part of those great Portsmouth Spartans teams along with George Christiansen and Glenn Presnell but the signature comes from his final playing days as a member of the abysmal Brooklyn Dodgers. There are also a dozen other guys from that squad - most notably Verdi Boyer & Red Mack, jr. Lets see if I figure out how to load it.... BTW - some very nice items lately after the chirp, lol !
I had an authenticated Luckman GLA that I paid $65 for about 10 years ago. I let it go when I sold my entire completed GLA set 6 years ago and replaced it with a complete Gold GLA set with the help of Rocke. The person I sold my set to re-sold the Luckman for $500....after seeing the sale for $3050, I'm obviously kicking myself and I'm wondering what a Gold Luckman would sell for.
I was wondering if anyone had an example of a Hugh "Shorty" Ray autograph that they'd be willing to post. I'm just interested in seeing what it looks like! Thank you =]
I was wondering if anyone had an example of a Hugh "Shorty" Ray autograph that they'd be willing to post. I'm just interested in seeing what it looks like! Thank you =] >>
This is a copy of the Shorty on the PSA/DNA website.
The funny thing about that Luckman GLA that sold for $3050.....I saw the exact one posted the next day so I emailed Probstein123 about it. He said the winning buyer reneged on his bid....I did a search and it was funny because he bid a couple times and there were others who bid on it as well, I know someone bid $2700 or more. He had it relisted with a starting bid of $2300, and then he changed it to a "buy it now" for $2500. Now the auction is over, supposedly someone purchased it. Just seemed fishy to me. I'd be awfully pissed if I was the next high bidder and didn't get the opportunity to buy it.
In my opinion, there is no way that a Luckman GLA is a $2500 autograph. Is it rarer than Wojciewociz or the Fortmann proof? I don't think so. If you look at the bid history, only the same 2 bidders bid above $400 in a race to $3050. It does seem fishy that the first buyer reneged and the second didn't get a second chance offer.
That whole Luckman thing is weird, right? If someone wants to buy mine for 3.5 K let me know ! Vintage Pigskin - welcome to the board ! I know that if there are any questions you have regarding any aspect of the Hall of Fame or older footballers they can be answered here ! Actually. I have learned many things I didn't even know I wanted to know- If that makes sense. In regards to Ray- I have never seen any come up at auction. To be fair I have not been diligently searching for Shorty, but , no. I have seen virtually every other member of the Hall on more than one occasion, however. The exemplers I have came from Ron Gordon, a frequent contributor to Gridiron Greats magazine and former liaison to Red Grange and Bulldog Turner. Other than the PSA they are the only ones I have seen.
Hey Nate - my mistake on the Ray issue - I remembered incorrectly. I went through and pulled out all the exemplers and price lists Ron had sent me way back when. Good thing I save everything ! I thought Shorty was included, but they were in fact part of an article Ron wrote for the 1st issue of Gridiron Greats magazine about the toughest Hall of Famers autographs. The exemplers he used for that article had at least one that is part of the HOF collection. I wasn't aware of any checks signed by Mrs. Ray........ On the plus side it was pretty fun looking through Rons old catalogs! Ah, the good ol' days when you could pick up a Blood McNally for 250- Suprisingly many of the Swell cards and GLA's can be picked up at around the same price today. On a personal note I have nothing but the highest regard for Ron. He was ( IS ) very informative , helpful, and patient. Oh, and if anyone has any issues of Gridiron Greats they are looking to get rid of PM me. I spent the morning re-reading the ones I do have- so thanks for that Nathan!
Anybody looking for a John "Jack" Wilce autograph? He was Ohio State's first great coach (1913-1928), first to beat Michigan, coached the great Chic Harley, and is in the College HOF. Let me know if you have interest ( mschwade@gmail.com )
Thanks, Matt
Ohio State football coaches and All-Americans collector.
We have begun to write some short articles on rare pieces from our antique football collection. If you're interested in old-time football, you might very like to check out our blog. Posts on Walter Camp, Thomas Trenchard, and a beautiful 1880s football albumen were just written up. We plan to write 2-3 new posts each week.
<< <i>Hey, everyone - We have begun to write some short articles on rare pieces from our antique football collection. If you're interested in old-time football, you might very like to check out our blog. Posts on Walter Camp, Thomas Trenchard, and a beautiful 1880s football albumen were just written up. We plan to write 2-3 new posts each week. Thank you for your time, and best wishes. Jacob and Joe http://footballofyore.blogspot.com/ New Vintage Football Collecting Blog >>
Nice items featured so far - looking forward to reading about your collection. I admire anyone who can keep up with a blog; I started one in 2011 and was pretty good at making entries for a while, but then I lost steam - started it up again last year but still I find it hard to write an entry even once a week - maybe your blog will provide some inspiration -I've added to my Feedly RSS reader - here's a link to my blog FWIT New Football Findings
Edited to Add - I notice you have items from the estate of William Church - I have a couple items that probably came from the same source, and the most interesting to me is the letter below - maybe the oldest known recruiting letter for pro football (at least known to me) - could you shed any light on who Andy might be? Church did play for Homestead Library AC, an early pro club, but that was around 1900.
I have been reading the posts on this board for a few weeks and decided to sign up and start to post. I collect vintage Ohio State autographs, specifically the early coaches. If anyone has anything for sale of note, please send me a pm. Thanks,
<< <i>Anybody looking for a John "Jack" Wilce autograph? He was Ohio State's first great coach (1913-1928), first to beat Michigan, coached the great Chic Harley, and is in the College HOF. Let me know if you have interest ( mschwade@gmail.com ) >>
See you got that from the written word, very nice i picked up the battles 8x10 they had but wish id seen that, its the first time ive seen an edwards with Glenn written on it, thats a nice piece (: btw if anybody needs Turk on a jsa 3x5 let me know i have one for sale
By the way, I asked Joe who Andy could have been (he does extensive football research), and he thinks it was very likely W. H. Andrus. Walter Andrus substituted for the likes of Edwards, Lea and Barnett (playing fullback, right tackle and right halfback, respectively) for Princeton in 1894. He was well known for his football involvement off the field and held positions such as that of Treasurer of the Athletic Association for numerous terms. At Princeton he had the nickname "Andy" and later in life, even as a physician, he continued to use the name Andy (often going by Andy Andrus). Additionally, he played with both Church and Cochran.
Submitted a few items to PSA/DNA a month or so back and got the results today:
Item Primary Subject Result/Grade Cut WILLIAM HENRY DIETZ Inconclusive/Unable to Render Opinion Index Card CHARLEY BROCK Inconclusive/Unable to Render Opinion Cut GENE McEVER Inconclusive/Unable to Render Opinion Cut BILL HEWITT Authentic Cut STEVE OWEN Authentic Cut LEN FORD Authentic Photograph JIM CROWLEY Authentic Check WILBUR "FATS" HENRY Authentic Program JAMES PHELAN Inconclusive/Unable to Render Opinion Letter BENNY FRIEDMAN Authentic Letter BOBBY DODD Questionable Authenticity
I will scan all of the items when I get them back in the next couple of days. The good news is that all of the big ticket items passed. The bad news is that the Dietz, Brock, and McEvers were not passed for the 2nd time. I just don't get the Dietz or McEver items in particular. I have at least 6-8 exemplars of McEver in various forms and 4-5 Dietz and they all look nearly identical to my items. Any suggestions on how to get these authenticated? I am 99.9% sure they are legit. The Bobby Dodd is interesting also as it is a 1947 letter on Georgia Tech letterhead. The only assumption I can make is that they think it is secretarial. Maybe the board can give me thoughts on that one too when I put up the scan. All in all, could have been worse I guess.
I forgot to mention that I am super disappointed about the Brock because it's a 3X5 with an entire paragraph that he wrote about his playing days. I am trying to complete the NFL All-Decade team and need Brock to help finish the collection.
Hey Ken, WOW... Looks like you have made some nice pick-ups in the last few months. I am guessing with those five newbies, that you are now in the "SINGLE DIGITS" Who do you still need ? MAJOR Congratulations.
WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
Hey thanks Rocke! I still need Bidwell, Pollard, Mara, Lambeau, Ray, Kiesling and Carr. I was hoping to take a trip to the National and see if I could find a Lambeau autograph, but looking less and less likely due to work. If anyone knows someone who has a Lambeau for sale for what you think is a reasonable price, please let me know! After that, I think my next best bet to pursue is Pollard and then Kiesling. Thanks!
Thanks for the offer, much appreciated. I am fairly sure mine is good and am going to sit on it for now, I am guessing PSA/DNA has just not authenticated enough examples to feel conclusive (or hasn't done any at all?). I want to say that I have seen at least one 52 Bowman signed in a holder, but not completely sure. Wish I could check a database and see what players they have authenticated in the past.
I wanted to mention that I purchased the Dodd from a dealer named Robert Grabowski over 7 months ago on E-bay, but when I informed him today of the outcome he didn't hesitate to offer me a refund. Solid customer service and he seemed as disappointed as I was that it was not considered legit.
Hey Ken - Very nice pick-ups lately ! I know you must be pleased and you have been after a few of these guys a while - Phelan in particular sprung to mind. You're the first thng I think of in the rare instance Jimmy's name even comes up, lol. Looks great to me-! I also remember seeing a Bowman once ....so.. The All- Decade teams get tricky for sure , sorry your Brock didn't get PSA'd. I'm just guessing they don't have a whole lot of anything as far as a database. They must get 1000 Derek Jeter cards a week and 1 Charley Brock ....EVER. Yours. I have kind of a contadictory take on PSA. On one hand their handling and reviewing is flawed. I had a card signed in person - in front of me , while talking to Roger Craig ! - that was Inconclusive by PSA. So, come on, right? On the other hand once it is encapsulated it is absolute gospel. No dispute to the end of time. And that's cool - just a little..annoying I guess. As long as you're happy with it ! Looks like a sound lot for sure - and couldn't happen to a nicer guy ! ( Still taking good care of your Paul Cristman cut, btw ) Congrats and post some more pics - Good stuff on the board lately. Just in time for training camp !
Hey guys. Well, I finally made it to one of the Canton shows and finally got to meet the legend himself: Rocke. It was a pretty nice show, nothing that I really needed, though was drooling over a few Jim Brown rookies.
Then of course got to make the trip down to the basement. Let's just say it lives up to the hype. Stuff there I could only dream of having and even got to hold that elusive Bidwell in my hands for a minute or two. Was very nice to finally meet you Rocke and hopefully I will get to make another show soon. Would love to make it for the show HOF weekend, but already have plans pretty much the entire weekend.
And afraid no Nationals for me this year as I am going on vacation in September, so need to save the money, plus might as well just save up for next year in Cleveland.
Thanks for the offer, much appreciated. I am fairly sure mine is good and am going to sit on it for now, I am guessing PSA/DNA has just not authenticated enough examples to feel conclusive (or hasn't done any at all?). I want to say that I have seen at least one 52 Bowman signed in a holder, but not completely sure. Wish I could check a database and see what players they have authenticated in the past.
Ken >>
Here is my 52 Phelan if you need it. It's the only one I've seen since I started working on the set.
Hey guys, trying to save up a little money before Canton. I have a jsa 3x5 Turk Edwards for sale, looking for $625 or b/o Let me know, id consider cash+trade as well, nathan.wagner67@gmail.com Thanks guys (:
Ask and you shall receive, thanks for the scan Reese. That is a beauty, I know my scan is pretty small but the signature on my program looks really strong when compared to your certified Bowman. Awesome card!
Here are the scans from the rest of that submission:
Fats Henry Check
Steve Owen letterhead
Jim Crowley Photo
Bill Hewitt and Giants cut (Gene Ronzani and J Manders) Len Ford Cut
I paid $275 for a Charles Moran signed page. He was pictured among other MLB umpires. He is one of the those guys of interest to both football and baseball collectors, but in the baseball world he's probably lower priced. I've never seen his autograph on a football photo either as a player or as a coach. He was my father's coach for a short time on the Frankford Yellow Jackets - no family relationship that I know of.
<< <i>I paid $275 for a Charles Moran signed page. He was pictured among other MLB umpires. He is one of the those guys of interest to both football and baseball collectors, but in the baseball world he's probably lower priced. I've never seen his autograph on a football photo either as a player or as a coach. He was my father's coach for a short time on the Frankford Yellow Jackets - no family relationship that I know of. >>
<< <i>Hey guys. Well, I finally made it to one of the Canton shows and finally got to meet the legend himself: Rocke. It was a pretty nice show, nothing that I really needed, though was drooling over a few Jim Brown rookies.
Then of course got to make the trip down to the basement. Let's just say it lives up to the hype. Stuff there I could only dream of having and even got to hold that elusive Bidwell in my hands for a minute or two. Was very nice to finally meet you Rocke and hopefully I will get to make another show soon. Would love to make it for the show HOF weekend, but already have plans pretty much the entire weekend.
And afraid no Nationals for me this year as I am going on vacation in September, so need to save the money, plus might as well just save up for next year in Cleveland.
John T. (J. T.) >>
J.T. Thanks VERY much for the very kind words. It was great to finally meet you as well. You are welcome anytime. HOF week is now officially here. 50th Anniversary. This should be a VERY fun week. Will see good friend Bill Heinen from Wisconsin. Joe ( JMDVM ) from Maryland. Nathan ( GR ) and his dad from Maryland will be coming over for the first time. I have also been contacted by two other collectors, Jeff W. from Florida will be here and Kevin F. Looking forward to meeting them for the first time. I will be at Belden Village Mall during Mall hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If anyone else reads this, Please come out to the Mall and introduce yourself. Those going to The National.... Have fun and good Luck finding some of those missing pieces.
WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
Ken, Those are ALL VERY nice pick-ups. Especially Love the Friedman letter. I remember when you got that Len Ford. Can I ask when / where you got a few of those other gems. Especially the Henry, Friedman, Owen and Hewitt. I understand if you want to keep it to yourself. Those are all VERY nice. Won't be long until you will be able to use just one hand to count off who you still need.
And speaking of...
In case anyone missed this, Rod has consigned one of his FOUR ( Well, Three, since I bought one already ) Charles Bidwill autographs to Huggins & Scott. The auction went live today. Road has followed the autograph hobby EXTREMELY closely for over FORTY years. He can only come up with SIX Bidwill's that are in the public forum. As you all know, they are EXTREMELY rare, so, if you plan on bidding, GOOD LUCK. I would LOVE to see someone on this thread win it.
WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
Mr. Donovan LOVED football, and he loved the fans......he used to come to Canton every year and he had the best stories and he told the best stories as only Art could tell them. R.I.P. to another great HOFer.
Here it is, just copy and paste it to the top of your computer, mounted memories is having him at Canton (:
I have been on the lookout for years for something signed by Roy , but have just never seen anything until this modest stroke of luck fell my way .
I believe it was Rocke ( ? ) who had a 1962 HOF Yearbook - the year before the Hall opened - in which Sports Writers of the time recounted former players from the early days who may deserve HOF honors and Lumpkin was on that list. Many footballers from those articles were inducted . Many who were not .So there's that.......
Lumpkin was part of those great Portsmouth Spartans teams along with George Christiansen and Glenn Presnell but the signature comes from his final playing days as a member of the abysmal Brooklyn Dodgers. There are also a dozen other guys from that squad - most notably Verdi Boyer & Red Mack, jr.
Lets see if I figure out how to load it....
BTW - some very nice items lately after the chirp, lol !
I was wondering if anyone had an example of a Hugh "Shorty" Ray autograph that they'd be willing to post. I'm just interested in seeing what it looks like! Thank you =]
<< <i>Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anyone had an example of a Hugh "Shorty" Ray autograph that they'd be willing to post. I'm just interested in seeing what it looks like! Thank you =] >>
This is a copy of the Shorty on the PSA/DNA website.
I'm not saying, I'm just saying...
Vintage Pigskin - welcome to the board !
I know that if there are any questions you have regarding any aspect of the Hall of Fame or older footballers they can be answered here ! Actually. I have learned many things I didn't even know I wanted to know- If that makes sense.
In regards to Ray- I have never seen any come up at auction. To be fair I have not been diligently searching for Shorty, but , no. I have seen virtually every other member of the Hall on more than one occasion, however.
The exemplers I have came from Ron Gordon, a frequent contributor to Gridiron Greats magazine and former liaison to Red Grange and Bulldog Turner. Other than the PSA they are the only ones I have seen.
I went through and pulled out all the exemplers and price lists Ron had sent me way back when. Good thing I save everything !
I thought Shorty was included, but they were in fact part of an article Ron wrote for the 1st issue of Gridiron Greats magazine about the toughest Hall of Famers autographs. The exemplers he used for that article had at least one that is part of the HOF collection. I wasn't aware of any checks signed by Mrs. Ray........
On the plus side it was pretty fun looking through Rons old catalogs! Ah, the good ol' days when you could pick up a Blood McNally for 250-
Suprisingly many of the Swell cards and GLA's can be picked up at around the same price today.
On a personal note I have nothing but the highest regard for Ron. He was ( IS ) very informative , helpful, and patient.
Oh, and if anyone has any issues of Gridiron Greats they are looking to get rid of PM me. I spent the morning re-reading the ones I do have- so thanks for that Nathan!
We have begun to write some short articles on rare pieces from our antique football collection. If you're interested in old-time football, you might very like to check out our blog. Posts on Walter Camp, Thomas Trenchard, and a beautiful 1880s football albumen were just written up. We plan to write 2-3 new posts each week.
Thank you for your time, and best wishes.
Jacob and Joe
New Vintage Football Collecting Blog
Great blog. Check out my website when time permits. Feel free to use any photos. Vintageuofm.tripod.com.
Thank you very much for the support. We both truly appreciate it.
Believe it or not, Joe and I have both used your blog before as a reference - you do a tremendous job. Keep up the great work!
<< <i>Hey, everyone - We have begun to write some short articles on rare pieces from our antique football collection. If you're interested in old-time football, you might very like to check out our blog. Posts on Walter Camp, Thomas Trenchard, and a beautiful 1880s football albumen were just written up. We plan to write 2-3 new posts each week. Thank you for your time, and best wishes. Jacob and Joe
New Vintage Football Collecting Blog >>
Nice items featured so far - looking forward to reading about your collection. I admire anyone who can keep up with a blog; I started one in 2011 and was pretty good at making entries for a while, but then I lost steam - started it up again last year but still I find it hard to write an entry even once a week - maybe your blog will provide some inspiration -I've added to my Feedly RSS reader - here's a link to my blog FWIT New Football Findings
Edited to Add - I notice you have items from the estate of William Church - I have a couple items that probably came from the same source, and the most interesting to me is the letter below - maybe the oldest known recruiting letter for pro football (at least known to me) - could you shed any light on who Andy might be? Church did play for Homestead Library AC, an early pro club, but that was around 1900.
<< <i>Anybody looking for a John "Jack" Wilce autograph? He was Ohio State's first great coach (1913-1928), first to beat Michigan, coached the great Chic Harley, and is in the College HOF. Let me know if you have interest ( mschwade@gmail.com ) >>
I put my Wilce book on eBay for anyone with interest: J.W. Wilce - Ohio State Coach (College HOF)
Also, we've written some new posts on our blog about some rare and exciting early sports items. Hope you all can check it out.
Hope this helps!
Submitted a few items to PSA/DNA a month or so back and got the results today:
Item Primary Subject Result/Grade
Cut WILLIAM HENRY DIETZ Inconclusive/Unable to Render Opinion
Index Card CHARLEY BROCK Inconclusive/Unable to Render Opinion
Cut GENE McEVER Inconclusive/Unable to Render Opinion
Cut BILL HEWITT Authentic
Cut STEVE OWEN Authentic
Cut LEN FORD Authentic
Photograph JIM CROWLEY Authentic
Check WILBUR "FATS" HENRY Authentic
Program JAMES PHELAN Inconclusive/Unable to Render Opinion
Letter BENNY FRIEDMAN Authentic
Letter BOBBY DODD Questionable Authenticity
I will scan all of the items when I get them back in the next couple of days. The good news is that all of the big ticket items passed. The bad news is that the Dietz, Brock, and McEvers were not passed for the 2nd time. I just don't get the Dietz or McEver items in particular. I have at least 6-8 exemplars of McEver in various forms and 4-5 Dietz and they all look nearly identical to my items. Any suggestions on how to get these authenticated? I am 99.9% sure they are legit. The Bobby Dodd is interesting also as it is a 1947 letter on Georgia Tech letterhead. The only assumption I can make is that they think it is secretarial. Maybe the board can give me thoughts on that one too when I put up the scan. All in all, could have been worse I guess
MAJOR Congratulations.
Thanks for the offer, much appreciated. I am fairly sure mine is good and am going to sit on it for now, I am guessing PSA/DNA has just not authenticated enough examples to feel conclusive (or hasn't done any at all?). I want to say that I have seen at least one 52 Bowman signed in a holder, but not completely sure. Wish I could check a database and see what players they have authenticated in the past.
Benny Friedman on his own letterhead
Game program for Washington vs Idaho (Oct 5, 1940)
1947 letter on Georgia Tech letterhead - was failed as secretarial
Here is a link to a Jim Phelan cut on E-bay currently for sale as a comparison to mine that they could not render an opinion on:
Jimmy Phelan Autograph
I would say that they are nearly identical signatures, oh well. Will post the rest tomorrow.
Very nice pick-ups lately ! I know you must be pleased and you have been after a few of these guys a while - Phelan in particular sprung to mind. You're the first thng I think of in the rare instance Jimmy's name even comes up, lol. Looks great to me-!
I also remember seeing a Bowman once ....so..
The All- Decade teams get tricky for sure , sorry your Brock didn't get PSA'd. I'm just guessing they don't have a whole lot of anything as far as a database. They must get 1000 Derek Jeter cards a week and 1 Charley Brock ....EVER. Yours.
I have kind of a contadictory take on PSA. On one hand their handling and reviewing is flawed. I had a card signed in person - in front of me , while talking to Roger Craig ! - that was Inconclusive by PSA. So, come on, right? On the other hand once it is encapsulated it is absolute gospel. No dispute to the end of time. And that's cool - just a little..annoying I guess.
As long as you're happy with it ! Looks like a sound lot for sure - and couldn't happen to a nicer guy ! ( Still taking good care of your Paul Cristman cut, btw )
Congrats and post some more pics - Good stuff on the board lately. Just in time for training camp !
I will be there on Thursday or Friday, depending on how my travel plans shape up!
If anyone wants to meet up, drop me a line: bradleysupplies@gmail.com
Then of course got to make the trip down to the basement. Let's just say it lives up to the hype. Stuff there I could only dream of having and even got to hold that elusive Bidwell in my hands for a minute or two. Was very nice to finally meet you Rocke and hopefully I will get to make another show soon. Would love to make it for the show HOF weekend, but already have plans pretty much the entire weekend.
And afraid no Nationals for me this year as I am going on vacation in September, so need to save the money, plus might as well just save up for next year in Cleveland.
John T. (J. T.)
<< <i>Hey Nathan,
Thanks for the offer, much appreciated. I am fairly sure mine is good and am going to sit on it for now, I am guessing PSA/DNA has just not authenticated enough examples to feel conclusive (or hasn't done any at all?). I want to say that I have seen at least one 52 Bowman signed in a holder, but not completely sure. Wish I could check a database and see what players they have authenticated in the past.
Ken >>
Here is my 52 Phelan if you need it. It's the only one I've seen since I started working on the set.
HOF RC Auto Set
1955 Topps Football AA
1950 Bowman Football
1951 Bowman Football
1952 Bowman Football
ebay user- Jolt333
Please be sure to check out my auctions!
Ask and you shall receive, thanks for the scan Reese. That is a beauty, I know my scan is pretty small but the signature on my program looks really strong when compared to your certified Bowman. Awesome card!
Here are the scans from the rest of that submission:
Fats Henry Check
Steve Owen letterhead
Jim Crowley Photo
Bill Hewitt and Giants cut (Gene Ronzani and J Manders)
Len Ford Cut
<< <i>I paid $275 for a Charles Moran signed page. He was pictured among other MLB umpires. He is one of the those guys of interest to both football and baseball collectors, but in the baseball world he's probably lower priced. I've never seen his autograph on a football photo either as a player or as a coach. He was my father's coach for a short time on the Frankford Yellow Jackets - no family relationship that I know of. >>
Very cool connection to your Dad.
<< <i>Hey guys. Well, I finally made it to one of the Canton shows and finally got to meet the legend himself: Rocke. It was a pretty nice show, nothing that I really needed, though was drooling over a few Jim Brown rookies.
Then of course got to make the trip down to the basement. Let's just say it lives up to the hype. Stuff there I could only dream of having and even got to hold that elusive Bidwell in my hands for a minute or two. Was very nice to finally meet you Rocke and hopefully I will get to make another show soon. Would love to make it for the show HOF weekend, but already have plans pretty much the entire weekend.
And afraid no Nationals for me this year as I am going on vacation in September, so need to save the money, plus might as well just save up for next year in Cleveland.
John T. (J. T.) >>
J.T. Thanks VERY much for the very kind words. It was great to finally meet you as well. You are welcome anytime. HOF week is now officially here. 50th Anniversary. This should be a VERY fun week. Will see good friend Bill Heinen from Wisconsin. Joe ( JMDVM ) from Maryland. Nathan ( GR ) and his dad from Maryland will be coming over for the first time. I have also been contacted by two other collectors, Jeff W. from Florida will be here and Kevin F. Looking forward to meeting them for the first time. I will be at Belden Village Mall during Mall hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If anyone else reads this, Please come out to the Mall and introduce yourself. Those going to The National.... Have fun and good Luck finding some of those missing pieces.
<< <i>This is from 1937
Nice item. If anyone is interested, I have mine up for sale at $150.
And speaking of...
In case anyone missed this, Rod has consigned one of his FOUR ( Well, Three, since I bought one already ) Charles Bidwill autographs to Huggins & Scott. The auction went live today. Road has followed the autograph hobby EXTREMELY closely for over FORTY years. He can only come up with SIX Bidwill's that are in the public forum. As you all know, they are EXTREMELY rare, so, if you plan on bidding, GOOD LUCK. I would LOVE to see someone on this thread win it.
"In Al We Trust!"
Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt