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Official NFL HOF autograph set thread???



  • raiderguy10raiderguy10 Posts: 2,150 ✭✭✭
    Jeffrey has the next three ready to go. They are attached below. I was planning on only doing one more update (when he had all of them done), but I’m going to do this update as well just to show you the kind of guy he is.

    So I wake up this morning to an email. He cracked my Earle Greasy Neale yesterday out of its case.


    Jeffrey informs me that when he cracked it out – the envelope had this inside it as well:
    It would have been pretty easy for him to keep this IC for himself – and I’d never have known the difference. Instead, I’ll be making my custom using the IC instead and the Neale envelope will be available if anyone needs it. If it’s on the forum, I’ll make it a cheap price for anyone looking to add him to their collection.

    Here’s the three he’s just finished – and unless he find another hidden treasure I’ll update the rest when he gets them all completed.

    Arnie Herber:


    Link Lyman:


    Emlen Tunnell

    Collect HOF Autos and Anything Raiders.

    "In Al We Trust!"

    Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
  • Hey Derrick, Those look really Great. Jeffrey really does VERY Nice work. I wanted to comment about the Greasy Neale envelope. I knew Paul Friscat for a number of years. We both went to Little Flower Catholic Church. Well, I still do, Paul passed away a number of years ago. We both went to a monthly Men's Club meeting. I didn't know him well, but looking back, I wish I would have. I was still in my infancy ( mid-late 1980's ) as far as collecting, but Paul obviously had been at it for many years. I have seen a number of his items pop up every now and then on Ebay. Oh, how I wish I could go back in time, and have a talk with someone I knew, but wish I would have known MUCH better.

    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • raiderguy10raiderguy10 Posts: 2,150 ✭✭✭
    Ugh. I have no idea who just stole this for $2,250 but I tried my best to no avail. Hoping someone here snagged it from me image.

    Collect HOF Autos and Anything Raiders.

    "In Al We Trust!"

    Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
  • wju2004wju2004 Posts: 127 ✭✭
    Wow...that is insane!! One heck of a nice piece. At first I was trying to figure out the high value, but I soon saw the Mara signature. Someone definitely got one heck of a steal on that!!
  • revmoranrevmoran Posts: 398 ✭✭
    Is that Tim Mara Jack's father or Jack's son - could be either with that date - that might have gotten more exposure if it was in the football rather than the baseball listings.
  • raiderguy10raiderguy10 Posts: 2,150 ✭✭✭
    See I wasn't 100% sure either, but for the price I was going to take a chance. It doesn't loop like the patriarch (like your hat Rev). I was thinking you'd know if anyone does.
    Collect HOF Autos and Anything Raiders.

    "In Al We Trust!"

    Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
  • raiderguy10raiderguy10 Posts: 2,150 ✭✭✭
    But the PSA/DNA COA does say HOF Tim Mara from what I could (try) to make out......
    Collect HOF Autos and Anything Raiders.

    "In Al We Trust!"

    Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
  • raiderguy10raiderguy10 Posts: 2,150 ✭✭✭
    And if I remember right - Mara Jr doesn't have any "loop" to his signature what-so-ever. So I'm pretty sure this is Jack's Dad, not son.
    Collect HOF Autos and Anything Raiders.

    "In Al We Trust!"

    Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
  • The person that won this IS a board member ( NOT ME image and I am VERY Happy for them. I have texted and talked with them. The winner is VERY excited, and looking at it, I am 100 % sure it is Tim Sr.

    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • revmoranrevmoran Posts: 398 ✭✭
    I don't have an example of Tim the grandson, however I went looking for it on eBay and found a facsimile letter signed by HOF Tim Mara and it looks like the one on the Bear Mountain menu. I know someone who has a Tim the grandson signed letter and I will see if I can get a scan and post it for the record.
  • PuppeluvPuppeluv Posts: 115
    Wow ! Some beautiful items on the boards this week !
    The Greasy Neale might be the "find " of the year so far....what a suprise!
    The Giants menu looks familiar to me . I think I have seen thisin the past somwhere...and am also on board that it is, in fact, Tim Sr.
    Congrats to who added this to their collection !
    ( please say you aren't going to cut it....not that I would blame you! )image
  • Hello Everyone,

    You may have noticed that the LINK to the Tim Mara autographed item has disappeared. A day or so ago, someone on this thread had their offer accepted for the multi signed item that included Tim Mara. Then, a couple people put LINKS up to the item. Then I made a comment, and shortly thereafter, went to work. Then, I started doing some thinking. I know the person that won the item with what is a fairly low offer price that was accepted by the seller. I started to become VERY concerned that someone ( possibly someone that posts to this thread, but, much more likely, a collector or even more likely, a DEALER who just watches this thread but doesnt post ) may send an Email to the seller, and make an offer 500 or 1,000 higher than what was accepted and just take a negative feedback. I know when Rod won his first of three Charles Bidwill autographs on Ebay for 122.00, he was VERY worried, that someone my contact the seller ( Jim Stinson ) and tell him what just happened. Seller, refunds money, takes a negative feedback, tries a new listing, where they actually put Charles Bidwill, or in this case Tim Mara in the heading, and sells item for a MUCH higher price than what it originally went for. I consider the winner of the Mara a good friend, and I just don't want to see anything screw this up for him. I am sure he will reveal himself shortly, and after he has Tim IN HAND, LINk AWAY, and say whatever you want. It is just my opinion, that we should be protective, so to speak, of each other. We all want to find a good deal when we can, BUT, on the other hand, when someone else gets that good deal, none of us, should do anything prematurely, that MIGHT screw it up for someone else.

    Comments, or thoughts ?

    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • wju2004wju2004 Posts: 127 ✭✭

    << <i>Hello Everyone,

    You may have noticed that the LINK to the Tim Mara autographed item has disappeared. A day or so ago, someone on this thread had their offer accepted for the multi signed item that included Tim Mara. Then, a couple people put LINKS up to the item. Then I made a comment, and shortly thereafter, went to work. Then, I started doing some thinking. I know the person that won the item with what is a fairly low offer price that was accepted by the seller. I started to become VERY concerned that someone ( possibly someone that posts to this thread, but, much more likely, a collector or even more likely, a DEALER who just watches this thread but doesnt post ) may send an Email to the seller, and make an offer 500 or 1,000 higher than what was accepted and just take a negative feedback. I know when Rod won his first of three Charles Bidwill autographs on Ebay for 122.00, he was VERY worried, that someone my contact the seller ( Jim Stinson ) and tell him what just happened. Seller, refunds money, takes a negative feedback, tries a new listing, where they actually put Charles Bidwill, or in this case Tim Mara in the heading, and sells item for a MUCH higher price than what it originally went for. I consider the winner of the Mara a good friend, and I just don't want to see anything screw this up for him. I am sure he will reveal himself shortly, and after he has Tim IN HAND, LINk AWAY, and say whatever you want. It is just my opinion, that we should be protective, so to speak, of each other. We all want to find a good deal when we can, BUT, on the other hand, when someone else gets that good deal, none of us, should do anything prematurely, that MIGHT screw it up for someone else.

    Comments, or thoughts ?

    Rocke >>

    I had no problem removing it from my post. I completely understand the idea of steals and while I have not gotten a steal quite on this level, I have had a few decent steals in my day. I am very glad a member here was able to get it and that it didn't up in the hands of a dealer that would just jack up the price even beyond normal values or even worse...cut it up. That is a piece that belongs to stay together and is a beautiful autograph no doubt. I congratulate the winner and hopefully someday I might be able to find a steal just like that!
  • raiderguy10raiderguy10 Posts: 2,150 ✭✭✭
    yeah I jumped the gun and feel bad. hoping it doesn't affect anything. I just get a little excited when something the whole forum loves shows up
    Collect HOF Autos and Anything Raiders.

    "In Al We Trust!"

    Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
  • I guess we are all looking for this kind of autographs to appear, at an affordable price, LOL!!!!
    I saw the link and the item on eBay, and certainly thought that I would love to get one like that for myself, but I totally agree with Rocke, we should stay like a civilized community trying to help ourselves to reach our goals and not stealing from each other when we make a good finding.

    By the way I missed last month auction it would have been great to get Fats Henry autograph at such a nice price, even though it was taped, LOL!!!!
    I know it could be against our own interest, but it would be great if we remind ourselves of the upcoming auctions and also to advice what we are looking for to not raise the prizes between us, since we are all collectors here!!!
    That way we will bid on the items we realy want on our collections and stop biding looking for a bargain on other autographs that someone on the forum may also want.

    What do you think???

    Looking for the last five if anyone knows about one, please let me know: Kiesling, Wilbur Henry, Tim Mara, Charles Bidwill, Hugh Ray.

    I guess we are all after the same, LOL!!!!

    Rocke: I did not received your opinion on the Bidwill, LOL!!!
  • tnsprotnspro Posts: 787 ✭✭✭
    I am not sure what is going on or why the picture would be deleted. I didn't get to see it. If the person that won it has it, all is good I guess.

    On another note, today is the 95th birthday of the oldest living Chicago bears player, John Siegal. There is a great video that has been posted today as well. He lives just down the road from me and I have met him a number of times. A great guy. Check it out

    John Siegal

    Currency Wants: Any note with serial number 00000731
  • By the way I have a lot of pictures from my item I would like to share with you, but when I try to upload them it always says that they are too big, that they should be no more than 50 kb, can anyone say me how can I may it "lighter" from my IPAD????


  • << <i>I am not sure what is going on or why the picture would be deleted. I didn't get to see it. If the person that won it has it, all is good I guess.

    On another note, today is the 95th birthday of the oldest living Chicago bears player, John Siegal. There is a great video that has been posted today as well. He lives just down the road from me and I have met him a number of times. A great guy. Check it out

    John Siegal >>

    Hey Jim,

    The thing is, the winner DOES NOT have it yet. I am sure the LINK WILL be re-posted, just not until AFTER the winner has it.

    Happy Birthday to John.

    Hey Jim, Camille and I are going to Robert Morris on Saturday. Bart will also be there Saturday. Rod is going on Friday. Any chance you will be there on Saturday. Would be nice to meet in person.

    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • Rocke:

    That was Rude!!!! LOL!!!!
    Why am I the only one you did not answered???? LOL!!!!

  • revmoranrevmoran Posts: 398 ✭✭
    Great video - he is modest man - thanks for the link

    I had someone contact a seller after I bought the 1933 Bears Giants Championship program - bought and paid for - and they soured the deal and I have never seen another one for sale - so it seems a fair precaution to keep the deal under wraps until the buyer has the item in hand.

  • << <i>Great video - he is modest man - thanks for the link

    I had someone contact a seller after I bought the 1933 Bears Giants Championship program - bought and paid for - and they soured the deal and I have never seen another one for sale - so it seems a fair precaution to keep the deal under wraps until the buyer has the item in hand. >>

    Mike, That is EXACTLY what I am talking about. YOU wouldn't contact a seller after an item has sold, and try to work a "back-door deal" I wouldn't do it. I would like to think that no one on this thread would do it. BUT, I am sure that there are dozens, if not hundreds of collectors and dealers that just "watch" this thread but are not members. It only takes ONE person to be that way. It DID happen to you. It COULD happen to ANY of us. That is EXACTLY what I am saying, and Derrick, I am in no way upset with you. I honestly had never thought of something like this before. Sometimes, when I am down the basement, all alone for hours at a time where I work, all I have time to do is think LOL.

    Cesar, Sorry man. I have to go back and find your Email. I forgot about it. VERY Sorryimage

    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • tnsprotnspro Posts: 787 ✭✭✭
    ah, I re-read it and see that the winner doesn't have it yet. Sounds like a cool item so when the deal is done, someone post the pic. I guess you are talking about the show in Pittsburgh? Too far of a drive for this weekend. Someday I'll get to Ohio though!


    Currency Wants: Any note with serial number 00000731
  • GRGR Posts: 550 ✭✭
    Hey all! I have it in hand now so please feel free to post the link! (:
    Nathan Wagner

  • << <i>Hey all! I have it in hand now so please feel free to post the link! (: >>

    OK... Someone can re-post the Link. Nathan was winner of the Tim Mara, and he got it in the mail today. Was just chatting with him on Facebook, and he is VERY excited to have it. Don't blame him... I would be pretty darn excited if I was holding it.

    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • raiderguy10raiderguy10 Posts: 2,150 ✭✭✭
    Mara Link

    That's the Mara menu. Happy for you Nathan (but sad for me). I only stumbled upon it because I was looking for something unique of Landry for my friend. Sorted by high price and saw this. Almost crapped myself when I saw what was on it - just didn't have enough funds ATM to make a more serious play on it.

    Jeffrey is mailing your Neale envelope directly to you tomorrow as well. You should be adding that piece by the weekend.

    Collect HOF Autos and Anything Raiders.

    "In Al We Trust!"

    Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
  • I sold some things on eBay and was surprised to have some members on here try to offer me more money to cancel the sale and mail item to them instead. I guess you never know
  • PuppeluvPuppeluv Posts: 115
    I had a seller contact me after I won the Willie Galimore GPC earlier this year offering to buy it back for 50% over what I paid for it ( I paid immediately ) because someone contacted him after auction and offered even more. I thhought for sure once I got that email that I would never see it but the seller - to his great credit - honored the original deal and shipped it out right away.
    I must be a little naive because it never even occured to me that this was something anybody did ! Back-dooring a seller with something a little more than the winning bid !
    Now I'm not comparing the two items by any stretch of the imagination , but I have a real understanding of how it would feel to lose out on something because of that.
    Over the years I have personally added to my knowledge and collection thanks to the members on this board. I see familiar names constantly helping each other .... That's a pretty cool thing . Furthermore I think there is a lot of " That's an awesome piece! If it coudn't have been me I'm glad it was Rocke or Mark or Nathan, or Chris "
    Also a VERY cool thing! So nice pick-up Nathan ! Tell us now if you're going to cut it ... rip rhe band-aid off !
    Want to trade straight up for a Willie Galimore? image
    BTW - it was a BIN or BO auction yes? Anyone who wanted to could have just made a bid anytime right? Clearly with the BIN price he had on it he was aware of certain value I think.
    Jim - Happy Birthday to John ! Love that staue you have of him. I'm planning on being the one to land on 100k for the site !
  • GRGR Posts: 550 ✭✭
    Keeping it intact, and adding an additional JSA cert (June 22nd so a few weeks after that Id get it back) as a 20 year old college student ive never been more conflicted on keeping or selling it. All i know is my parents helped me fund it so I got to pay them interest (: lol, hoping to sell off some of my other pieces to keep it for myself but if not Im making sure one of you guys gets it. Having it in hand is just beyond special, its a holy grail of what we all collect and its absolutely amazing.
    Nathan Wagner
  • GRGR Posts: 550 ✭✭
    Puppe I will cordially decline that offer lol, and thanks Raiderguy can't wait to get the Neale envelope in (:
    Nathan Wagner
  • cfhofercfhofer Posts: 258 ✭✭
    Hey guys,

    Since I just sold 95% of my collection to a private collector, you will be seeing less of me on this forum. However I felt compelled to comment on the above topic. I don't fault anyone for contacting a seller (or buyer) privately to work out a deal. Ebay may not authorize it, but that is because they don't get a piece of the action. While I have never contacted a seller after an auction and tried to entice them with more money, I'm sure there are people on this forum that have no problem with it. And you know what...that is the norm for this hobby. At the end of the day the vast majority of collectors are only out for themselves. And it seems the ones with the more advanced collection and smaller wantlists are the worst. Unfortunately that is a narrow-minded approach to collecting, for the rarest pieces in my collection are (were) from trades with other collectors through forums like this.

    In the future it may be wise to not post a link to another completed ebay auction unless you are the winner of that item. There are too many trolls that view these posts and look to take advantage of a good deal. Hate for an innocent post to screw over another collector. Fortunately everything worked out for Nathan. That is an amazing pickup...Congrats!


  • << <i>Hey guys,

    Since I just sold 95% of my collection to a private collector, you will be seeing less of me on this forum. However I felt compelled to comment on the above topic. I don't fault anyone for contacting a seller (or buyer) privately to work out a deal. Ebay may not authorize it, but that is because they don't get a piece of the action. While I have never contacted a seller after an auction and tried to entice them with more money, I'm sure there are people on this forum that have no problem with it. And you know what...that is the norm for this hobby. At the end of the day the vast majority of collectors are only out for themselves. And it seems the ones with the more advanced collection and smaller wantlists are the worst. Unfortunately that is a narrow-minded approach to collecting, for the rarest pieces in my collection are (were) from trades with other collectors through forums like this.

    In the future it may be wise to not post a link to another completed ebay auction unless you are the winner of that item. There are too many trolls that view these posts and look to take advantage of a good deal. Hate for an innocent post to screw over another collector. Fortunately everything worked out for Nathan. That is an amazing pickup...Congrats!

    Mark >>

    I Love this Hobby, and I Love this thread. But, I am definitely sad to read that someone that I think as much of, as Mark, will be contributing much less in the future, than he has in the past. Mark, I for one, hope you keep reading, and following this website. And, I also hope that you will continue to post your thoughts. I have felt for a long time, that you, and Rev. Mike have come up with the best "Finds" in terms of regularity. And although I am not holding my breath, I will, as long as I am alive, still continue to have hope that the other deal will still, by some miracle, actually happen. Mark, PLEASE, take a trip to Canton one of these days, and let me know when you are coming. I really would like to show you my collection. Take Care...

    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • tnsprotnspro Posts: 787 ✭✭✭

    It is sad to see you go. Hopefully you will stick around and keep in contact with the group from time to time. I always looked forward to seeing the rare autographs you would uncover. Hope all is well. A question for everyone else, if you sold 95% of your collection, what 5% of it would you keep? Mark, you don't have to answer but it would be interesting to hear what you kept.

    Take care,


    Currency Wants: Any note with serial number 00000731
  • cfhofercfhofer Posts: 258 ✭✭
    Thanks guys for the kind words. It has been a joy discussing the hobby on this forum and helping others build their collections. I appreciate everyone putting up with my posts on a nfl hof thread too. Hopefully they were useful to some of you. Finding these rare pieces comes with a price...and that price is precious time. I just got to a point where i was spending too much time on the hobby and not enough with my family. So the collection had to go.

    I kept everything on my website Jim - 19th century, inaugural college hof and michigan autographs. I also kept every piece of memorabilia given to me by a player's descendant. I may sell the 19th century pieces next year but the rest will be donated to the new college football hall of fame and/or the bentley historical library in ann arbor, mi.

    Feel free to contact me through my website if you guys need anything. I'll keep it active throughout the year.

    All the best


  • << <i>Mark,

    It is sad to see you go. Hopefully you will stick around and keep in contact with the group from time to time. I always looked forward to seeing the rare autographs you would uncover. Hope all is well. A question for everyone else, if you sold 95% of your collection, what 5% of it would you keep? Mark, you don't have to answer but it would be interesting to hear what you kept.

    Take care,

    Jim >>

    Hey Jim,

    Well, if I sold 95% of my collection, that would mean I could probably keep about 5 items. They would be :
    1) Charles Bidwill check cut.
    2) Walt Kiesling 1940 Pittsburgh Steeler TLS to Tony Gallovich, signed in Blue ink fountain pen, Walter A. Kiesling
    3) Len Ford 1956 Contract with the Cleveland Browns, signed, Leonard Guy Ford Jr.
    4) Jim Thorpe Business card for the "Jim Thorpe Supper Club and Casino" 5) Red Grange signed contract for use of his name on a calendar. Since it was a contract, it is signed Harold "Red" Grange.

    1) Rod can only come up with FIVE Bidwill's that he has ever seen available, so the chances of me ever owning one of the other four are pretty remote.
    2) In all honesty, I would not trade my Kiesling letter, for ANY other Kiesling signed item , I have ever seen.
    3) Rod's Len Ford contract IS slightly better than mine. My D and J do slightly intersect. His doesn't. But a Len Ford signed contract with his FULL name.... I'll take it.
    4) I have only ever talked to one autograph dealer ( Darren Bachaus ) sp? that has ever even seen one of Thorpe's business cards. And the one Darren saw was NOT signed.
    5) This is only the 3rd Harold Grange I have ever seen. Rod has one, and Bart has one. I'm glad I got one.

    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • wju2004wju2004 Posts: 127 ✭✭
    Very sorry to hear that you are calling it quits, Mark, and while I know I haven't been around here for nearly as long as most of you, it has still been a joy to see your pick-ups, even reading back to see some of the things you have found.

    As for what I would keep if I kept 5%? That would be a hard choice...

    Obviously I would want to keep my Dan Reeves and probably my George Preston Marshall (once I have the beauty in hand.)

    After that...I'm not sure. I'm torn because of my Unitas that I had graded myself after buying it.

    Plus, I would hate to get rid of ANY Steelers autographs, especially Art & Dan Rooney. While I know they aren't all that rare, it's just nice to have the two big names in the ownership of the storied franchise.

    I do have some hard to find names, no doubt, and likely will continue to pick them up here and there on my way to the single digit club. (Which will take a while yet.)

    Anyhow, I guess I really didn't answer the question, but then again I am always a bit indecisive.
  • Mark:
    So I was lucky to get a couple of things from you right.
    I am new here but it has been a pleasure to know and be in contact with so many of you.
    Hopefully you will be still around Mark.

    DIFFICULT To get the 5%. I mean 5% value or 5% of ítems, LOL!!!!

    Let's supose we talk about 5 ítems:
    1.- 1951 owens letter I got from Rod with: Morabito, Halas, Rooney, Preston Marshal and Dan Reeves.
    2.- Joe Carr
    3.- Maybe Thorpe or Steve Owen signed book (I would have to decide wich one)
    4.- 1946 Lawrence Buck Shaw 49ers letter
    5.- LOL!!!! I would have to decide wich of my multiple Joe Montana's autographs, call me nostalgic, but it could be the first one I got, since he was the reason I started collecting in the first place!!!

    I forgot my Lambeau letter, but I guess it may be between Thorpe, Owen and Lambeau.

    I guess most of you may call me crazy but as a Niners fan, I would have to keep Montana over so many others wich are REALY THOUGH!!!!

    So what would you keep: Thorpe, Owen or Lambeau.
    My guess most of you would say Curly!!!
  • JMDVMJMDVM Posts: 950 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Keeping it intact, and adding an additional JSA cert (June 22nd so a few weeks after that Id get it back) as a 20 year old college student ive never been more conflicted on keeping or selling it. All i know is my parents helped me fund it so I got to pay them interest (: lol, hoping to sell off some of my other pieces to keep it for myself but if not Im making sure one of you guys gets it. Having it in hand is just beyond special, its a holy grail of what we all collect and its absolutely amazing. >>

    Nice job Nate! And as a Giants fan (and veterinarian), if you EVER cut that piece of history up I will personally strap you to my surgery table and neuter you-----just kidding! What I also find amazing is that someone hung it with the autographs facing the wall. Anyway congrats.

  • The autographs were facing the wall to protect his investment, so nobody stole it, LOL!!!!

    Anyway,if there is someone looking for a John McNally, you can check this and make an offer to the seller:


    I hope some one here gets it, it looks like a nice book, I will try to get it my self, but since I only collect for myself not to resale, it is more expensive, since I have to pay international shipping, so I try not to get doubles!!!

  • I was trying to put the picture, but I still can't upload pictures of more than 50k, can somebody tell me how to do it!!!
  • CatmanCatman Posts: 267 ✭✭
  • CatmanCatman Posts: 267 ✭✭
    Mark....as you can tell you will be sadly missed. I think we have all been excited to see your pickups and here your opinions on here, hopefully you will be back. What is your website, I would like to check it out.
  • cfhofercfhofer Posts: 258 ✭✭
    Catman - vintageuofm.tripod.com.

    Cesar - upload the photos to photobucket, then do a direct link with the"picture frame" icon on the message tool bar.

    All the best guys.

  • PuppeluvPuppeluv Posts: 115
    Mark you will be missed !I'm certain everyone on this board has items that are truly unique and relevent to football history. I know I was always excited to see what you have managed to scrounge up and display to the great benefit of everyone here. You and Rev Mike consistantly compiled some real gems !
    Hope to see you around the board and Thanks for all the input and good will !
    Remember, you can always come back home here where you belong ! image

    also: my 5% ?.........no idea.None. Probably start with the Fats Henry check though......
  • Mark: Thanks!!!!

    Let's try it, so if I did it right, LOL!!!
    This is the Joe Carr I got from Rod:


  • CatmanCatman Posts: 267 ✭✭
    Cesar....good job.....nice pickup from Rod! He, does have some phenominal items.

    As far as my 5%, I don't think I could nail it down to individual items except for probably my 1956 Henry Jordan ROTC Meal Card which is pretty unique and my 1965 Signed envelope by:
    Otto Graham
    Sid Luckman
    Dan Fortmann
    Paddy Driscoll
    Bob Waterfield
    Guy Chamberlin
    Steve Van Buren
    Paul Brown
    Lou Little
    Andy Kerr
    Jimmy Conzelman
    Pat O'Brian (actor)
    Clarke Hinkle
    Marion Motley
    Tommy James

    The other thing I would keep is my HOF Metallic Card set - The HOF started to produce these in 1982 and I have 166 of them signed.
  • GRGR Posts: 550 ✭✭
    Mark thanks so much for all your help especially with my Harry Oneill which is the pride and joy of my collection! Were gonna miss you!
    Nathan Wagner
  • Reese3333Reese3333 Posts: 2,407 ✭✭
    I would like to thank Matt ( mschwade) for helping me locate a nice 1955 Wes Fesler autograph for my Topps All-American set. It is very much appreciated and leaves me at 51/90 possible. If anyone has any signed 55's send me a PM or email me at rcover213@yahoo.com and we'll work something out.

    Collecting the following autographed sets:
    HOF RC Auto Set
    1955 Topps Football AA
    1950 Bowman Football
    1951 Bowman Football
    1952 Bowman Football

    ebay user- Jolt333
    Please be sure to check out my auctions!
  • mschwademschwade Posts: 66 ✭✭

    << <i>I would like to thank Matt ( mschwade) for helping me locate a nice 1955 Wes Fesler autograph for my Topps All-American set. It is very much appreciated and leaves me at 51/90 possible. If anyone has any signed 55's send me a PM or email me at rcover213@yahoo.com and we'll work something out.

    Reese >>

    Glad to help! While I collect Ohio State coaches, I really don't collect signed cards. Thought it would be appreciated more in the Reese house image
    Ohio State football coaches and All-Americans collector.
  • Cesar - ( fernandezsouz ) I wanted to send a PM to you, but it seems I can't. Be a pal and send one to me . I had a question to ask you.... A metter of World Importance !! ( well, maybe not that extreme, but a pretty good question anyway )image
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