Home PSA Set Registry Forum

Official NFL HOF autograph set thread???



  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭

    you will get a better scan if you take it out of the holder.

    nice card though. you little devil.

    Packers Fan for Life
    Brett Favre Master Set
    Favre Ticket Stubs
    Favre TD Reciever Autos
    Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
    Football HOF Rc's
  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭
    Nice pickup Reese!


    Greg M.
    Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

    Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
    E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭
    ok, we cant be on page 2.

    anyone else have thoughts of what to do about auto'd cards that we dont know exist??
    Packers Fan for Life
    Brett Favre Master Set
    Favre Ticket Stubs
    Favre TD Reciever Autos
    Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
    Football HOF Rc's
  • I've had similar discussions with Greg regarding the 97 Legends auto set. Out of the 7 or 8 cards that were not returned and believed did not have existing autos, 4 have turned up! M. Webster (the most prevalent), F. Dean (2-3 examples), S. Luckman (2 examples) and R. Francis (1 example).
    I feel that the HOF auto set should be left as is. At some point either an item will show up, or the card companies will create a cut sig. Even if an auto card doesn't show up, everyone will have that slot blank until it does. I just don't see the advantage to eliminating a player/slot just because there is no known example... currently.
    It has also been mentioned that some collectors wish to promote the set and give it more notoriety when it comes to the Registry awards. I believe leaving the set as is opens more conversations and in the long run, would be a better form of promotion.
    Baseball is my Pastime, Football is my Passion
  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭

    I fully understand your POV. I have similar feelings as well. My proposal wouldnt delete the people from the set, it just wouldnt include them in the percentage equation until a known card has been added to the set. However, I doubt that PSA would go along with that idea. I am sure it is either all or nothing for those. I will admit that I havent even broached the topic with PSA.

    The other thing that gets me is where this set falls in the Registry Awards Category. Why doesnt PSA/DNA registry have their own awards. From what I can gather only PSA/DNA registry sets are included in the Autograph category. Any auto'd card set, unless the only the auto is graded (as PSA wont grade both cards and auto's) wont be considered for the Autograph set of the year. So that means that auto'd card sets are left to either set of the year for a modern set, or the overall speciality set of the year (which includes all key card sets for all the sports). Now add on the fact that they have upped the ante to 95% completion pretty much eliminates this set from any recognition, including best set of the year within our own set listing.

    I dont like getting to hung up in the registry battle as this is just for a piece of paper in most cases anyway. But a lot of us have worked pretty hard on this set, not to mention the amount of submission we have sent into psa. I like many of the things PSA does but others seem to make little sense. Like why for PSA/DNA sets they dont allow authenicated autos to be included. This would allow us to enter our cards into the HOF auto any medium set, but would also not bring in any more revenue for PSA. I am really not sure why they havent started to grade both the card and the auto. To me this would solve one of our problems and also bring in more revenue for PSA. I have a couple of other auto'd sets I would like to start (some are a mix of cards, cuts and photos) but the way the PSA/DNA registry works I wouldnt be able to include my auto'd cards that are already graded and or PSA/DNA authenticated without have to resub them for the auto grading but then I would lose the card grading. So at the time being I think I will just keep my other autos raw.
    Packers Fan for Life
    Brett Favre Master Set
    Favre Ticket Stubs
    Favre TD Reciever Autos
    Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
    Football HOF Rc's
  • Jay- I hear you on many of your points. It's due to this convoluted thinking on PSA's part that is really pushing out it's most ardent supporters.
    I for one don't really card about getting the Registry award. It's nice to receive the piece of paper saying your set is the best, but lately the negatives are outweighting the positives. It just seems every decision that comes down makes the Registry less inclusive.
    My own reaction has been to let my membership lapse (it just doesn't seem as urgent to have), stopped submitting (it seems I get a fair grading 1 out of every 7 submissions), and cut back on my registry participation (less buying of already graded cards).

    Hopefully PSA will look at some of it's recent decisions and make the Registry more collector friendly. I get the feeling much of what they decide is based on revenue generation rather than what their customers want.
    Baseball is my Pastime, Football is my Passion
  • I'll tell you what, after reading the last half dozen posts, I am REALLY glad that I never got involved in all the political B.S. that goes along with PSA Registry. I'll take Goal Line Art, index cards, and cancelled checks.
    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • Greg
    I've got a lot of good news, and just a bit of bad news. I got 9 / 10 of yours cards signed. I used a brand new sharpie for each Hall of Famer. All 9 cards I got signed, I also got the Hall of Famer to put his HOF and year. The bit of bad news , is that Deacon Jones cancelled his trip to Canton, due to the fact that ( from what we were told ) he was diagnosed with a spot on his lung, and had a small portion of one of his lungs removed. Today ( Thursday ) was my first day off since Sunday, so I had my first chance to get to the Post Office. I got all 10 cards, plus I put 25.00 in cash for the refund for the cancelled Deacon. I also added in a few other goodies, which I am going NOT tell you about. I think you will be more than happy. I am more than happy to have been able to help, and would be happy to help you ( or any other poster ) in the future. Also, THANKS again for buying me the 2 Ozzie autographs.
    Now, concerning NEXT year, I am telling ALL you posters, 2010 will go down as the BEST Hall of Fame year since 1963. The local paper already has run a FRONT page story about how big Hall of Fame week will be next year. Granted, you never know what the voters will do, BUT, consider that Emmitt Smith and Jerry Rice are 100% locks to get in. Add in a HIGHLY probable Notre Dame player ( Tim Brown ) and (I know there are more than a couple of Buckeye haters out there ) but, the fact is, The Hall of Fame is less than 2 hours away from The Ohio State University, and we all know that Cris Carter DOES belong , PLUS 10,441 Yard Rusher with 78 touchdowns Eddie George. To sum it up, you put Emmitt, Rice, a Notre Dame'r , and 1 ( or 2 ? ) Buckeye's in one HoF class, PLUS, whoever else gets elected, 2010 WILL be EPIC and should NOT be missed. If I was you, I would make my hotel reservations NOW !!!
    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭
    As I've said before, at some point the registry should be about what the collectors want. That's the very reason why I stopped collecting the Dan Marino basic and master sets. I was tired of having PSA's will jammed down my throat (e.g. the whole basic set fiasco). As for the NFL HOF auto set, my two gripes are:

    1. The circle jerk regarding the red vs. blue flip argument. In my opinion, pick one or the other and move one. Give the collector the choice to either slab without a grade, grade the card, grade the auto or grade both (similiar to what BGS does).

    2. Lack of recognition from PSA of how difficult the set is to complete

    Let's not forget that the auto sets on the registry are a relatively new phenomena. When I first started collecting the set 3 years ago, Ullr had the highest completion % at 37%. Now, there are 4 of us over 70% plus there are a slew of other autographed sets (Heisman auto, all time auto sets, ect...) that I have requested over the past year.

    In addition, within PSA, there seems to be a bias towards PSA/DNA registered sets and baseball over other sports. I think that PSA chose a very deserving set this past year (the baseball HOF autographed set on any medium) that was over 95% complete; however the prior winner (Perez Steele) was a reach at best. Granted, at the time our sets weren't as far along as now; however I don't believe many of the Perez Steele cards are extremely tough to find.

    I don't think that our sets are ineligible for the top autographed set award...as Cosetta told me that my set was in contention this year for autographed set of the year. When she removed my Greasy Neale card in late May I complained because it could have knocked me out of contention for autographed set of the year. She assured me that my set was being considered and that she would let Joe know that I also had the Greasy Neale auto'd card that was removed. I like Cosetta...so I don't think she was blowing sunshine.

    Anyways, that's my 2 cents for late Thursday night when I should be asleep image


    Greg M.
    Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

    Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
    E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
  • HuggyfaceHuggyface Posts: 304 ✭✭
    I wanted to introduce myself and let everyone know just how I've learned from reading this thread. Although I've been reading this message board for years I finally became a member. I collect both Baseball and Football Hall of Famers but it has been in the past few years that I have concentrated on Football exclusively. Most of my Football HOF autographs are on 8x10s but I've recently begun to pick up the more difficult signatures on whatever I can find. I'm down to just 20 remaining signatures that I need. I recently won the "Fritz" Pollard signed 3x5 from a Hunt Auction that was mentioned in this thread a few weeks ago. The 3x5 is on its way to PSA/DNA to be encapsulated and I'll post a picture when I get it back. Thanks again for all of help for my collection.

  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Gents,
    I wanted to introduce myself and let everyone know just how I've learned from reading this thread. Although I've been reading this message board for years I finally became a member. I collect both Baseball and Football Hall of Famers but it has been in the past few years that I have concentrated on Football exclusively. Most of my Football HOF autographs are on 8x10s but I've recently begun to pick up the more difficult signatures on whatever I can find. I'm down to just 20 remaining signatures that I need. I recently won the "Fritz" Pollard signed 3x5 from a Hunt Auction that was mentioned in this thread a few weeks ago. The 3x5 is on its way to PSA/DNA to be encapsulated and I'll post a picture when I get it back. Thanks again for all of help for my collection.

    Tim >>


    Welcome to the boards....we're always glad to have new members join the best thread on the boards. Which 20 HOFers do you still need? Have you check out the HOF auto card sets on the PSA registry? If not, I can post a link for you.


    Greg M.
    Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

    Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
    E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Greg
    I've got a lot of good news, and just a bit of bad news. I got 9 / 10 of yours cards signed. I used a brand new sharpie for each Hall of Famer. All 9 cards I got signed, I also got the Hall of Famer to put his HOF and year. The bit of bad news , is that Deacon Jones cancelled his trip to Canton, due to the fact that ( from what we were told ) he was diagnosed with a spot on his lung, and had a small portion of one of his lungs removed. Today ( Thursday ) was my first day off since Sunday, so I had my first chance to get to the Post Office. I got all 10 cards, plus I put 25.00 in cash for the refund for the cancelled Deacon. I also added in a few other goodies, which I am going NOT tell you about. I think you will be more than happy. I am more than happy to have been able to help, and would be happy to help you ( or any other poster ) in the future. Also, THANKS again for buying me the 2 Ozzie autographs.
    Now, concerning NEXT year, I am telling ALL you posters, 2010 will go down as the BEST Hall of Fame year since 1963. The local paper already has run a FRONT page story about how big Hall of Fame week will be next year. Granted, you never know what the voters will do, BUT, consider that Emmitt Smith and Jerry Rice are 100% locks to get in. Add in a HIGHLY probable Notre Dame player ( Tim Brown ) and (I know there are more than a couple of Buckeye haters out there ) but, the fact is, The Hall of Fame is less than 2 hours away from The Ohio State University, and we all know that Cris Carter DOES belong , PLUS 10,441 Yard Rusher with 78 touchdowns Eddie George. To sum it up, you put Emmitt, Rice, a Notre Dame'r , and 1 ( or 2 ? ) Buckeye's in one HoF class, PLUS, whoever else gets elected, 2010 WILL be EPIC and should NOT be missed. If I was you, I would make my hotel reservations NOW !!!
    Rocke >>


    Thanks again for getting those cards signed for me...I really, really appreciate your help. I can't wait to get the cards.... I just received my order yesterday from Sports Card Heroes which included 15 or so signed cards (from 3 recent shows) including Jim Brown signed 58 and 59 Topps cards, signed Jurgensen rc, signed Lynn Swann GLA, ect... I'm up to 82 signed HOF rc and 160 signed GLA. You're welcome for the 2 Ozzie Newsome autographs...it was the least I could do.

    I need the following GLA's - besides Weinmesiter and Al Davis, which ones will be the toughest to find?

    Morris "Red" Badgro
    Paul E. Brown
    Roosevelt Brown
    Buck Buchanan
    Al Davis
    Dan Dierdorf
    Mike Ditka
    Weeb Ewbank
    Joe Gibbs
    Sid Gillman
    Harold "Red" Grange
    Gene Hickerson
    Lamar Hunt
    Don Hutson
    Tom Landry
    Willie Lanier
    Sid Luckman
    Wellington Mara
    Dan Marino
    Randall McDaniel
    Marion Motley
    Mike Munchak
    Ray Nitschke
    Leo Nomellini
    Merlin Olsen
    Walter Payton
    Pete Rozelle
    Barry Sanders
    Hank Stram
    Clyde "Bulldog" Turner
    Doak Walker
    Bill Walsh
    Mike Webster
    Arnie Weinmeister
    Larry Wilson
    Willie Wood


    Greg M.

    Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

    Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
    E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
  • HuggyfaceHuggyface Posts: 304 ✭✭
    The guys I need are the usual suspects, Allen, Bidwell, Carr, Chamberlin, Driscoll, Edwards, Finks, Ford, Henry, Herber, Hewitt, Jordan, Kiesling, Lambeau, Mara, Marshall, Owen, Ray, Thorpe. I've seen the registry and you guys have some great collections.
  • Reese3333Reese3333 Posts: 2,407 ✭✭

    << <i>The guys I need are the usual suspects, Allen, Bidwell, Carr, Chamberlin, Driscoll, Edwards, Finks, Ford, George, Henry, Herber, Hewitt, Jordan, Kiesling, Lambeau, Mara, Marshall, Owen, Ray, Thorpe. I've seen the registry and you guys have some great collections. >>

    Welcome Tim,

    I have an extra Bill George if you are interested.

    Collecting the following autographed sets:
    HOF RC Auto Set
    1955 Topps Football AA
    1950 Bowman Football
    1951 Bowman Football
    1952 Bowman Football

    ebay user- Jolt333
    Please be sure to check out my auctions!
  • Hello All,
    Reese, could you do me a favor, and post a link , or photo, of the Walt Kiesling letter from the May 6, 2006 auction. Item # 19282. It came in todays mail. I had to pay an extra $50.00 to help cover the listing / Paypal fees. My final price was $1,650.00 , but to me totally worth it. I have only seen 4 or 5 Kiesling autographs, and this is far and away the best of the few that I have seen. I still am finding it hard to believe that It's actually mine. It will be in it's new home ( my bank safe deposit box ) this coming Wednesday. Thanks in advance Reese.
    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • HuggyfaceHuggyface Posts: 304 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>The guys I need are the usual suspects, Allen, Bidwell, Carr, Chamberlin, Driscoll, Edwards, Finks, Ford, George, Henry, Herber, Hewitt, Jordan, Kiesling, Lambeau, Mara, Marshall, Owen, Ray, Thorpe. I've seen the registry and you guys have some great collections. >>

    Welcome Tim,

    I have an extra Bill George if you are interested.

    Reese >>

    What type of signed item is it?

  • Reese3333Reese3333 Posts: 2,407 ✭✭

    << <i>Hello All,
    Reese, could you do me a favor, and post a link , or photo, of the Walt Kiesling letter from the May 6, 2006 auction. Item # 19282. It came in todays mail. I had to pay an extra $50.00 to help cover the listing / Paypal fees. My final price was $1,650.00 , but to me totally worth it. I have only seen 4 or 5 Kiesling autographs, and this is far and away the best of the few that I have seen. I still am finding it hard to believe that It's actually mine. It will be in it's new home ( my bank safe deposit box ) this coming Wednesday. Thanks in advance Reese.
    Rocke >>

    Here you go Rocke. This is a beautiful document and signature. I'm very jealous! Congrats on a great addition image

    Collecting the following autographed sets:
    HOF RC Auto Set
    1955 Topps Football AA
    1950 Bowman Football
    1951 Bowman Football
    1952 Bowman Football

    ebay user- Jolt333
    Please be sure to check out my auctions!
  • Reese3333Reese3333 Posts: 2,407 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>The guys I need are the usual suspects, Allen, Bidwell, Carr, Chamberlin, Driscoll, Edwards, Finks, Ford, George, Henry, Herber, Hewitt, Jordan, Kiesling, Lambeau, Mara, Marshall, Owen, Ray, Thorpe. I've seen the registry and you guys have some great collections. >>

    Welcome Tim,

    I have an extra Bill George if you are interested.

    Reese >>

    What type of signed item is it?

    Tim >>


    It's a PSA 6 1975 Fleer Immortal Roll card. It has a great signature. You can look at it in my set, if your interested let me know.

    Registry Set
    Collecting the following autographed sets:
    HOF RC Auto Set
    1955 Topps Football AA
    1950 Bowman Football
    1951 Bowman Football
    1952 Bowman Football

    ebay user- Jolt333
    Please be sure to check out my auctions!
  • tnsprotnspro Posts: 787 ✭✭✭
    You should get a Tony Gallovich autograph to put with that piece. I have only one, you can see it on my 3x5 autograph page. He died in 1999. If you want, I can ask around to see if my friend has another.

    Currency Wants: Any note with serial number 00000731

  • << <i>You should get a Tony Gallovich autograph to put with that piece. I have only one, you can see it on my 3x5 autograph page. He died in 1999. If you want, I can ask around to see if my friend has another. >>

    Hey Jim,
    That would be great, I would be definitely be interested, as long as it isn't to much $$$. I admit, I had never heard of Tony, I have no idea about how long he was a pro, how good he was , etc......
    But that is a great idea, and I would be interested.
    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.

  • << <i>

    << <i>Greg
    I've got a lot of good news, and just a bit of bad news. I got 9 / 10 of yours cards signed. I used a brand new sharpie for each Hall of Famer. All 9 cards I got signed, I also got the Hall of Famer to put his HOF and year. The bit of bad news , is that Deacon Jones cancelled his trip to Canton, due to the fact that ( from what we were told ) he was diagnosed with a spot on his lung, and had a small portion of one of his lungs removed. Today ( Thursday ) was my first day off since Sunday, so I had my first chance to get to the Post Office. I got all 10 cards, plus I put 25.00 in cash for the refund for the cancelled Deacon. I also added in a few other goodies, which I am going NOT tell you about. I think you will be more than happy. I am more than happy to have been able to help, and would be happy to help you ( or any other poster ) in the future. Also, THANKS again for buying me the 2 Ozzie autographs.
    Now, concerning NEXT year, I am telling ALL you posters, 2010 will go down as the BEST Hall of Fame year since 1963. The local paper already has run a FRONT page story about how big Hall of Fame week will be next year. Granted, you never know what the voters will do, BUT, consider that Emmitt Smith and Jerry Rice are 100% locks to get in. Add in a HIGHLY probable Notre Dame player ( Tim Brown ) and (I know there are more than a couple of Buckeye haters out there ) but, the fact is, The Hall of Fame is less than 2 hours away from The Ohio State University, and we all know that Cris Carter DOES belong , PLUS 10,441 Yard Rusher with 78 touchdowns Eddie George. To sum it up, you put Emmitt, Rice, a Notre Dame'r , and 1 ( or 2 ? ) Buckeye's in one HoF class, PLUS, whoever else gets elected, 2010 WILL be EPIC and should NOT be missed. If I was you, I would make my hotel reservations NOW !!!
    Rocke >>


    Thanks again for getting those cards signed for me...I really, really appreciate your help. I can't wait to get the cards.... I just received my order yesterday from Sports Card Heroes which included 15 or so signed cards (from 3 recent shows) including Jim Brown signed 58 and 59 Topps cards, signed Jurgensen rc, signed Lynn Swann GLA, ect... I'm up to 82 signed HOF rc and 160 signed GLA. You're welcome for the 2 Ozzie Newsome autographs...it was the least I could do.

    I need the following GLA's - besides Weinmesiter and Al Davis, which ones will be the toughest to find?

    Morris "Red" Badgro
    Paul E. Brown
    Roosevelt Brown
    Buck Buchanan
    Al Davis
    Dan Dierdorf
    Mike Ditka
    Weeb Ewbank
    Joe Gibbs
    Sid Gillman
    Harold "Red" Grange
    Gene Hickerson
    Lamar Hunt
    Don Hutson
    Tom Landry
    Willie Lanier
    Sid Luckman
    Wellington Mara
    Dan Marino
    Randall McDaniel
    Marion Motley
    Mike Munchak
    Ray Nitschke
    Leo Nomellini
    Merlin Olsen
    Walter Payton
    Pete Rozelle
    Barry Sanders
    Hank Stram
    Clyde "Bulldog" Turner
    Doak Walker
    Bill Walsh
    Mike Webster
    Arnie Weinmeister
    Larry Wilson
    Willie Wood


    Greg M. >>

    Hey Greg,
    I didn't even realize that you were going after Goal Line Art cards. Since you listed Hickerson, am I to assume that you are trying to get one each of ALL the possible signed cards? If so, In my opinion, I will give you, in order, the "TOP TWELVE" toughest ( and most expensive ) from the names on your list. I am adding 2 others though, that I am guessing that you do NOT already have. But , let me know if you DO already have either of them. Here goes:
    1st Gene Hickerson
    2nd Dan Fortmann
    3rd Alex Wojciechowicz
    4th Pete Rozelle
    5th Al Davis
    6th Sid Luckman
    7th Red Grange
    8th Walter Payton
    9th Paul Brown
    10th Mike Webster
    11th Hank Stram
    12th Buck Buchanan
    I am not saying Weinmeister won't be somewhat tough, but I don't think that he is tougher than any of the 12 that I listed. Are you looking for any authentic GLA card, or are you looking for either "GOLD" or "PROOF" ONLY?
    Did you get your package yet?
    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the info on the GLA's...much appreciated. I'm finally getting down to the last 10 living HOFers....and am frustrated by the lack of appearances by a few of them (e.g. Merlin Olsen and Willie Wood). I fear that Wood's health is deteriorating...so I may be SOL w/ him. Olsen doesn't sign very often....but I'll keep an eye out for any public signings.
    I received my package today...and the cards look GREAT! Not one autograph was bubbled! In my two most recent orders, 4 of the 20 or so cards have bubbling signatures from not allowing the marker to dry (which I absoltely HATE with a passion).

    I appreciate the pictures and extra card you threw in. I love the picture of Jan Stenerud looking up at you...he didn't look very happy...lol.

    Did you get your PM to work?

    Have a good night.

    Greg M.
    Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

    Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
    E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
  • Hi Rocke, I wanted to take some time and publicly thank you for the great time you showed Zack and I while we were in your neck of the woods. I really enjoyed myself. For all others on the thread, Rocke is an excellent host and I highly suggest looking him up any time your in the area. Zack is still talking about your autographs and getting to go to the bank to see them. We really need to get his stuff in a vault somewhere. I apologize for taking so long to respond but my work schedule has been crazy. I saw that you were talking about the GLA'S, Hickerson in particular. Phil Marks had at least one, maybe more at the National. I know I've seen a few now with just Gene on them. Phil was talking to us about them while we were there. It was also great meeting Rod and picking up the Marshall sig. Everyone I spoke with over the weekend was great and I'm looking forward to my next visit to Canton. Thanks again for everything. Can you believe it's football season already?
  • JMDVMJMDVM Posts: 950 ✭✭✭
    Hi Guys.I don't know,maybe I'm a purist, but I'm having a hard time accepting "Gene" on a GLA as a legitimate autograph. How about "Joe" for Joe DiMaggio or "Mickey" for Mickey Mantle. Then there are the rumors his son guided his hand. Any thoughts?
  • Hello All,
    Nice pick-ups Rev. Picking up a Rockne is definitely on my " to do " list. I personally believe that the cards signed "GENE" were signed by Gene ONLY. I have Emailed with a guy that has 3 of the " Gene Hickerson" GLA cards. They came back to him with a letter from Gene's son Bob that he DID help guide his hand on their surname.
    PS Joe, the check was mailed today.
    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭
    i am really bad about this. does anyone remember what that last few thrope auto'd cards sold for??
    Packers Fan for Life
    Brett Favre Master Set
    Favre Ticket Stubs
    Favre TD Reciever Autos
    Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
    Football HOF Rc's
  • Reese3333Reese3333 Posts: 2,407 ✭✭
    This one sold for $5600. It's been listed again for 12K!


    The TriStar one that is listed now for $8K, it sold for $1800.

    Collecting the following autographed sets:
    HOF RC Auto Set
    1955 Topps Football AA
    1950 Bowman Football
    1951 Bowman Football
    1952 Bowman Football

    ebay user- Jolt333
    Please be sure to check out my auctions!
  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭

    thanks those were roughly the prices i had in my mind.

    Packers Fan for Life
    Brett Favre Master Set
    Favre Ticket Stubs
    Favre TD Reciever Autos
    Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
    Football HOF Rc's

  • << <i>Hi Rocke, I wanted to take some time and publicly thank you for the great time you showed Zack and I while we were in your neck of the woods. I really enjoyed myself. For all others on the thread, Rocke is an excellent host and I highly suggest looking him up any time your in the area. Zack is still talking about your autographs and getting to go to the bank to see them. We really need to get his stuff in a vault somewhere. I apologize for taking so long to respond but my work schedule has been crazy. I saw that you were talking about the GLA'S, Hickerson in particular. Phil Marks had at least one, maybe more at the National. I know I've seen a few now with just Gene on them. Phil was talking to us about them while we were there. It was also great meeting Rod and picking up the Marshall sig. Everyone I spoke with over the weekend was great and I'm looking forward to my next visit to Canton. Thanks again for everything. Can you believe it's football season already? >>

    Bill, Thank You VERY much for the kind words. I do appreciate it. I love to take other collectors to the bank and show them my collection. Someone that really appreciates all the time, effort, and $$$ that I have put into my collection since I started in the mid '80's.
    I think that Phil had 2 of those "GENE" signed GLA cards. I saw them as well.
    I did mention this once before, but it does deserve repeating. This year, for HoF weekend, my friend Joe ( JMDVM ) , had to get a hotel in Wooster, about 30 miles West of Canton, and I am sure that many of you know Jeff Whitmore, he had to get a room in New Philadelphia, about 25 miles South of Canton. I can NOT stress enough, with the class next year of Emmitt Smith, Jerry Rice, a Notre Damer ( Tim Brown ) 1 or 2 Ohio State Buckeye's ( Cris Carter & Eddie George ) and now with one of the Senior nominees being Dick LeBeau, who played for Detroit and Cincinnatti, and a long time coach for Pittsburgh ( all 3 cities within a 4 hour drive ) and, mark my words, LeBeau WILL get elected. PLUS, any other nominee that might get elected, Hotel rooms will be VERY difficult to find , unless you want to stay in Cleveland, which is 1 hour away. It will be the BIGGEST year EVER for the Hall of Fame in terms of people coming to Canton. I just don't want anyone that wants to be here, to stay 1 hour away, when right now you can get a room within 5 minutes. Just something to think about.
    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭

    It's funny that you mention Jeff Whitmore because he got 10 or so cards signed for me at a recent signing....and I couldn't have been happier. He seems like a really good guy.

    By the way, I was reading a recent Beckett magazine this morning - and I was surprised to see the letter that you had written regarding the Steve Owen cut auto'd card that you recently bought... Too funny.

    I am SO thrilled that Dick LeBeau was nominated...it's about time that make the HOF. What's nice is that both senior candidates are good TTM signers. I'm getting packages ready to mail to each of them.

    Anything new w/ anyone else here? The thread has been quiet lately...


    Greg M.
    Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

    Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
    E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
  • tnsprotnspro Posts: 787 ✭✭✭
    Since you asked! Here are a couple of interesting items I people might like to see.

    Here is a Jack Ernst letter. Ernst played for the Pottsville Maroons from 1925-1928. The letter is dated February 4, 1963. He died March 9, 1968. A rare item indeed.


    Ed Ganny (Ganaposki) played for the 1937 Rochester Tigers. He was born May 29, 1911 and died May 1, 1981. This letter is dated 1948. He changed his name, like many from that era did. In the letter, he wonders how people found out about it.


    Currency Wants: Any note with serial number 00000731
  • Reese3333Reese3333 Posts: 2,407 ✭✭

    << <i>Rocke,

    It's funny that you mention Jeff Whitmore because he got 10 or so cards signed for me at a recent signing....and I couldn't have been happier. He seems like a really good guy.

    By the way, I was reading a recent Beckett magazine this morning - and I was surprised to see the letter that you had written regarding the Steve Owen cut auto'd card that you recently bought... Too funny.

    I am SO thrilled that Dick LeBeau was nominated...it's about time that make the HOF. What's nice is that both senior candidates are good TTM signers. I'm getting packages ready to mail to each of them.

    Anything new w/ anyone else here? The thread has been quiet lately...


    Greg M. >>


    What month is that Beckett? I would love to get my hands on it!

    Collecting the following autographed sets:
    HOF RC Auto Set
    1955 Topps Football AA
    1950 Bowman Football
    1951 Bowman Football
    1952 Bowman Football

    ebay user- Jolt333
    Please be sure to check out my auctions!

  • << <i>

    << <i>Rocke,

    It's funny that you mention Jeff Whitmore because he got 10 or so cards signed for me at a recent signing....and I couldn't have been happier. He seems like a really good guy.

    By the way, I was reading a recent Beckett magazine this morning - and I was surprised to see the letter that you had written regarding the Steve Owen cut auto'd card that you recently bought... Too funny.

    I am SO thrilled that Dick LeBeau was nominated...it's about time that make the HOF. What's nice is that both senior candidates are good TTM signers. I'm getting packages ready to mail to each of them.

    Anything new w/ anyone else here? The thread has been quiet lately...


    Greg M. >>


    What month is that Beckett? I would love to get my hands on it!

    Reese >>

    Hello Reese,
    I wanted to see if anyone would notice !!! The Beckett that Greg is talking about is the regular issue of Beckett, September 2009 Issue # 294.
    Also, Jeff Whitmore is one of the nicest, kindest, most gentle people that I have ever met. He is really, the kind of guy, that would give " the shirt off his back " to help someone. I honestly could not say enough good things about him.
    WANTED:Football Hall of Fame Autograph's;Hugh Ray,Tim Mara,Charles Bidwell,Walt Kiesling,Bill Hewitt,Len Ford,Fritz Pollard,Curly Lambeau,Steve Owen & Joe Carr. FOR SALE : 100's of auto'd HoF 8x10's & dozen's of auto'd HoF cards.
  • Reese3333Reese3333 Posts: 2,407 ✭✭
    Thanks Rocke! I'll pick it up today!
    Collecting the following autographed sets:
    HOF RC Auto Set
    1955 Topps Football AA
    1950 Bowman Football
    1951 Bowman Football
    1952 Bowman Football

    ebay user- Jolt333
    Please be sure to check out my auctions!
  • tnsprotnspro Posts: 787 ✭✭✭
    Does anyone have an idea how I can get the Jack Ernst photo 'wrinkles' go smooth out?

    Currency Wants: Any note with serial number 00000731
  • revmoranrevmoran Posts: 398 ✭✭
    To smooth out some of the wrinkles in the paper I'd probably start by putting the letter in a book and putting some weight on it. I have a press that would also warm it up, but I'd be careful to avoid fading the ink - I might try a warm iron on some of the page with no ink. To remove the visual effect of the wrinkles from the scan I often copy a small section of good paper and keep pasting that over the bad sections, do a little blending with the transforming tools, and then use an air brush effect and then repeat the process, very small increments at a time. I used picture publisher as my editing program for years, but they don't make it for vista - my canon scanner came with photo shop elements and I'm just learning how to use it.

    I don't often buy these kinds of cards but I liked this UC Dutch Clark cut - and I don't know if anyone else bought any books in that Hunt auction, but I picked up a couple of signed books including The Story of Pro Football signed by Sid Luckman and This Game of Football signed by Lynn Waldorf - then I saw the Waldorf Wheaties panel up for sale and it seemed like a nice combination.


  • otwcardsotwcards Posts: 5,291 ✭✭✭
    Put two of my tougher HOF on card auto's up on eBay. If anyone's interested, let me know... As far as I know, the George Allen is one of only 3 on card signatures floating around. Benny is also his rookie.

  • IM sentimage
    Baseball is my Pastime, Football is my Passion
  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭
    i hope we arent up against each other to hard frank. i sent scott an email last night from my ebay account.
    Packers Fan for Life
    Brett Favre Master Set
    Favre Ticket Stubs
    Favre TD Reciever Autos
    Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
    Football HOF Rc's
  • Scott and I have IM'ed each other already. I won't be in your way. Good luck.
    Baseball is my Pastime, Football is my Passion
  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭
    thanks frank and scott!!!

    another off the list. plus a fritsch for my Packer set!!!
    Packers Fan for Life
    Brett Favre Master Set
    Favre Ticket Stubs
    Favre TD Reciever Autos
    Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
    Football HOF Rc's
  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭

    << <i>thanks frank and scott!!!

    another off the list. plus a fritsch for my Packer set!!! >>


    What are you buying?


    Greg M.
    Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

    Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
    E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
  • otwcardsotwcards Posts: 5,291 ✭✭✭
    Congrats Jay. Thanks for the biz! Cards will ship tonight when I return to the house.

    Anyone interested in the Friedman, let me know.
  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>thanks frank and scott!!!

    another off the list. plus a fritsch for my Packer set!!! >>


    What are you buying?


    Greg M. >>

    i think scott answered that one. plus there is only one of his cards that i need for our set.
    Packers Fan for Life
    Brett Favre Master Set
    Favre Ticket Stubs
    Favre TD Reciever Autos
    Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
    Football HOF Rc's
  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>thanks frank and scott!!!

    another off the list. plus a fritsch for my Packer set!!! >>


    What are you buying?


    Greg M. >>

    i think scott answered that one. plus there is only one of his cards that i need for our set. >>


    It was a simple question.... I wasn't sure what Fritsch that you meant because I've been looking for a signed 50 Bowman Ted Fritsch Sr. for some time.

    Greg M.
    Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

    Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
    E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭
    sorry greg.

    it was a 48 leaf unsigned.

    i didnt know he had a signed one....i could use one of those!!!
    Packers Fan for Life
    Brett Favre Master Set
    Favre Ticket Stubs
    Favre TD Reciever Autos
    Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
    Football HOF Rc's
  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭

    << <i>sorry greg.

    it was a 48 leaf unsigned.

    i didnt know he had a signed one....i could use one of those!!! >>


    Fritsch Sr. died in 1979...so he's pretty tough to find. I need his auto for both my 48 Leaf and 50 Bowman signed sets.

    Nice pickup on the George Allen auto! Are we tied now or do you still need 1 more?


    Greg M.
    Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

    Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
    E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭

    on my last check this morning i think you came out one card ahead of me.

    you have (that I dont): Ford, Lyman, Reeves

    i have (that you dont): Driscoll, Lambeau

    i am ignoring your Neale for the time being as I know you have one. so you are still one up on %. How we will shake out on rating well be determined when I send my bad boys in.

    Packers Fan for Life
    Brett Favre Master Set
    Favre Ticket Stubs
    Favre TD Reciever Autos
    Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
    Football HOF Rc's
  • cfhofercfhofer Posts: 258 ✭✭

    For those looking for an autograph of George Halas, two signed books are on Abebooks for $45 and $65. I picked up a nice one for $50. Not too bad of a price compared to ebay.

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