Bizarre market behavior. Inflation not quitting, but big reversal in stock markets by mid day. Similar to last couple rate hikes where markets were up for the day. Trend has been reality (in this case .75% hike coming plus another of at least .5%) sets in and stocks fall the following day or two wiping out any gains. This market is causing max pain for 99% of participants. Likely by design. Goal is probably to get most 65-75 year olds back into the labor force.
King cash is "Transitory." When investors get over the fear of falling financial investment prices and realize the FED can't and will not fix the inflation problem there will be a massive rush from hoarding dollars to buying affordable real/hard assets (i.e commodities). PMs will benefit greatly once the curtain is pulled back on the FED's desire/ability to attack the inflation problem.
I have seen first hand three times what appears more and more likely to occur in the West after decades of mismanagement and corruption in the former Soviet Union, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Incredible how fast everything wint down the toilet once the lever was pulled.
@batumi said:
.....decades of mismanagement and corruption in the former Soviet Union, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Incredible how fast everything wint down the toilet once the lever was pulled.
Well, thank the good Lord that the USA is nothing close to either of those.
@batumi said:
.....decades of mismanagement and corruption in the former Soviet Union, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Incredible how fast everything wint down the toilet once the lever was pulled.
Well, thank the good Lord that the USA is nothing close to either of those.
@batumi said:
.....decades of mismanagement and corruption in the former Soviet Union, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Incredible how fast everything wint down the toilet once the lever was pulled.
Well, thank the good Lord that the USA is nothing close to either of those.
moving closer? lol
Maybe when we have a dictatorship and economy destroyed by civil war. Oh wait, that's what we're rooting for, right?
@batumi said:
.....decades of mismanagement and corruption in the former Soviet Union, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Incredible how fast everything wint down the toilet once the lever was pulled.
Well, thank the good Lord that the USA is nothing close to either of those.
moving closer? lol
Maybe when we have a dictatorship and economy destroyed by civil war. Oh wait, that's what we're rooting for, right?
Maybe you are but I'm rooting for gold and silver to protect my livelihood while fools threaten it with bad monetary decisions.
@batumi said:
.....decades of mismanagement and corruption in the former Soviet Union, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Incredible how fast everything wint down the toilet once the lever was pulled.
Well, thank the good Lord that the USA is nothing close to either of those.
moving closer? lol
Maybe when we have a dictatorship and economy destroyed by civil war. Oh wait, that's what we're rooting for, right?
Maybe you are but I'm rooting for gold and silver to protect my livelihood while fools threaten it with bad monetary decisions.
I prefer knowledge, understanding and logic to protect from others "decisions".
Inanimate objects are best to protect against actions.
Productive objects, especially with utilitarian value, protect best.
Keep in mind that the Federal Government alone had a spending deficit of more than $600B in the same quarter. Government spending is included in the GDP calculation. Take your pick... We either had a recession, or haven't. Doesn't matter, because there is almost 100% chance of one next year.
You believed the same source 3 months ago. Now you don't?
I guess you're trying to change definitions.
Show me where I said that I believe what or the Fed says. I give 100% more credibility to John Williams' data than anything puts out.
Show me where I've said anything like that. What a load of #!*@%
When's own data shows two consecutive declines in GDP, they changed the definition of a recession. That's all I've pointed out, and that's one of many reasons why they can't be believed.
You can't be so dumb as to believe your own commentary.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
@jmski52 said: You believed the same source 3 months ago. Now you don't?
I guess you're trying to change definitions.
Show me where I said that I believe what or the Fed says. I give 100% more credibility to John Williams' data than anything puts out.
Show me where I've said anything like that. What a load of #!*@%
When's own data shows two consecutive declines in GDP, they changed the definition of a recession. That's all I've pointed out, and that's one of many reasons why they can't be believed.
You can't be so dumb as to believe your own commentary.
The Gov posted negative GDP, and it was reposted by "your" sources so you believe it. So now the GOV posted positive GDP so now you don't believe it?
Two consecutive quarters is not, and never has been, an academically supported definition. It is however a data point used by them to control you. They have tapped into your cognitive bias and winning.
Perhaps in 2023 we will see a recession, but we didn't 3 months ago.
@jmski52 said: You believed the same source 3 months ago. Now you don't?
I guess you're trying to change definitions.
Show me where I said that I believe what or the Fed says. I give 100% more credibility to John Williams' data than anything puts out.
Show me where I've said anything like that. What a load of #!*@%
When's own data shows two consecutive declines in GDP, they changed the definition of a recession. That's all I've pointed out, and that's one of many reasons why they can't be believed.
You can't be so dumb as to believe your own commentary.
The Gov posted negative GDP, and it was reposted by "your" sources so you believe it. So now the GOV posted positive GDP so now you don't believe it?
Two consecutive quarters is not, and never has been, an academically supported definition. It is however a data point used by them to control you. They have tapped into your cognitive bias and winning.
Ha, another white house economist with a degree in political science is on the loose. You have reached maximum wokeness.
@jmski52 said: You believed the same source 3 months ago. Now you don't?
I guess you're trying to change definitions.
Show me where I said that I believe what or the Fed says. I give 100% more credibility to John Williams' data than anything puts out.
Show me where I've said anything like that. What a load of #!*@%
When's own data shows two consecutive declines in GDP, they changed the definition of a recession. That's all I've pointed out, and that's one of many reasons why they can't be believed.
You can't be so dumb as to believe your own commentary.
The Gov posted negative GDP, and it was reposted by "your" sources so you believe it. So now the GOV posted positive GDP so now you don't believe it?
Two consecutive quarters is not, and never has been, an academically supported definition. It is however a data point used by them to control you. They have tapped into your cognitive bias and winning.
Ha, another white house economist with a degree in political science is on the loose. You have reached maximum wokeness.
If that's the "defination" or descriotion, YOU wish to use then you must be saying recession is over since the economy expanded.
@jmski52 said: You believed the same source 3 months ago. Now you don't?
I guess you're trying to change definitions.
Show me where I said that I believe what or the Fed says. I give 100% more credibility to John Williams' data than anything puts out.
Show me where I've said anything like that. What a load of #!*@%
When's own data shows two consecutive declines in GDP, they changed the definition of a recession. That's all I've pointed out, and that's one of many reasons why they can't be believed.
You can't be so dumb as to believe your own commentary.
The Gov posted negative GDP, and it was reposted by "your" sources so you believe it. So now the GOV posted positive GDP so now you don't believe it?
Two consecutive quarters is not, and never has been, an academically supported definition. It is however a data point used by them to control you. They have tapped into your cognitive bias and winning.
Ha, another white house economist with a degree in political science is on the loose. You have reached maximum wokeness.
If that's the "defination" or descriotion, YOU wish to use then you must be saying recession is over since the economy expanded.
No, its the description that those not in denial use. Before we start with "recession over," lets get you strait on "recession started." This is what I mean when I refer to you as "woke." LOL
No matter how hard you try to change the narrative, it remains.
The Gov posted negative GDP, and it was reposted by "your" sources so you believe it. So now the GOV posted positive GDP so now you don't believe it?
I don't believe a 2.6% increase in GDP. I would tend to believe John Williams' 0.6% number much more than the propaganda numbers, and then taking into account that counts it's profligate spending/giveaway programs as GDP. It's laughable but sad at the same time.
Government spending newly-created of imaginary money isn't "production" by the economy by any stretch of the imagination. And you believe that it is? Boy, have you been suckered.
Two consecutive quarters is not, and never has been, an academically supported definition. It is however a data point used by them to control you. They have tapped into your cognitive bias and winning.
Two consecutive quarters of negative GNP has been the textbook definition of a recession ever since I got my MBA in the early 1980's. Where did you get YOUR information? Jerome Powell? or our illustrious Sec of Treasury, what's its name?
Wait until it's YOUR job that's on the line.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
Amazing how some continuously to root for the economic demise of this great nation. I mean I get our enemies wanting us to fail but extremely sad when the cheers come from within it's own people. Don't worry, perhaps one day your bunker gutter metal will double in dollar value. lol, Crazy SICK world! SMH!!
Which is why you should try to understand who your enemies are. The privately-owned banking cartel is definitely one of our biggest enemies, along with their pawns in Congress - who are many. Figure it out. The big bankers and their ilk are never unemployed, and neither are their pawns.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
@blitzdude said:
Amazing how some continuously to root for the economic demise of this great nation.
If you're refering to forum members, please back up such a lie with some proof. Just because those who are awake warn of economic demise does not mean they root for it. Again, you are so far out of line you are almost bending yourself strait.
@blitzdude said:
Amazing how some continuously to root for the economic demise of this great nation. I mean I get our enemies wanting us to fail but extremely sad when the cheers come from within it's own people. Don't worry, perhaps one day your bunker gutter metal will double in dollar value. lol, Crazy SICK world! SMH!!
Crawling in the gutter all the time would give anyone a distorted view. But that is a ridiculous.
What members do on this forum is warn about potential outcomes so that a person can take action to avoid a "demise".
Did you know that the President of the United States has a bunker ? It's true. Why is that ?
@jmski52 said: The Gov posted negative GDP, and it was reposted by "your" sources so you believe it. So now the GOV posted positive GDP so now you don't believe it?
I don't believe a 2.6% increase in GDP. I would tend to believe John Williams' 0.6% number
So that shows growth, so recession over, right?
Two consecutive quarters of negative GNP has been the textbook definition of a recession ever since I got my MBA in the early 1980's.
Lol. No it hasn't been.
Use your noodle. If the GDP was -0.1 and then -0.1 again you would cry "we're in a recession". Yet if the GDP was positive 0.1 and then again positive 0.1, then we wouldn't be in a recession. Right? Isn't that going by your mainstream definition.
In reality, you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between -0.1 and 0.1.
Another example....suppose trend growth is 3%, but for the previous year growth was 6%, and has now returned back to 3%, thus showing negative year over year growth. You would again cry "we're in a recession", when in reality we just reverted back to trend.
"This survey from Allianz found that 54% of Americans say they've stopped or reduced their retirement savings due to inflation. 43% say they've dipped into their retirement savings due to inflation."
If the GDP was -0.1 and then -0.1 again you would cry "we're in a recession". Yet if the GDP was positive 0.1 and then again positive 0.1, then we wouldn't be in a recession. Right? Isn't that going by your mainstream definition.
Yup, that's the definition. There will always be footnotes & commentary, but like it or not - that is the definition.
Another example....suppose trend growth is 3%, but for the previous year growth was 6%, and has now returned back to 3%, thus showing negative year over year growth. You would again cry "we're in a recession", when in reality we just reverted back to trend.
You don't give the breakdown for each quarter in your example, therefore you have not provided clear enough data to make an evaluation in either direction. However, if there were 2 consecutive quarters with a declining GDP from each preceding quarter within that one year interval - that's the textbook definition of a recession, regardless of where the baseline is initiated. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
As RobM points out, $600B was spending. All while is running a deficit. So, do you think that $600B should be counted as production of some sort? I don't.
If they didn't count that $600B, it would make 3 consecutive quarters of a negative GDP. So, the numbers can be adjusted in different ways, if you want to talk about changing definitions to fit a narrative.
If every factory in the US shut down and created $10 trillion out of thin air to hand out to their cronies or to buy supplies on the world market, would you consider that to be an economic expansion? I wouldn't. Would you?
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
If every factory in the US shut down and created $10 trillion out of thin air to hand out to their cronies or to buy supplies on the world market, would you consider that to be an economic expansion? I wouldn't. Would you?
So this really isn't a conversation or a debate, is it?
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
Neither of you answer a direct question if it doesn't jive with your standard bs. This isn't a discussion or conversation and there's little value in continuing it, so I won't.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
@jmski52 said:
Neither of you answer a direct question if it doesn't jive with your standard bs. This isn't a discussion or conversation and there's little value in continuing it, so I won't.
@jmski52 said:
You didn't bother to answer a simple question:
If every factory in the US shut down and created $10 trillion out of thin air to hand out to their cronies or to buy supplies on the world market, would you consider that to be an economic expansion? I wouldn't. Would you?
So this really isn't a conversation or a debate, is it?
The shutdown of the economy was a recession.
The free money was stimulus that folk spent to buy stiff from other folk who then spent money on other suff. That is not a recession.
Don't like the answer? Too bad, cuz that's the way it is.
@jmski52 said:
Neither of you answer a direct question if it doesn't jive with your standard bs. This isn't a discussion or conversation and there's little value in continuing it, so I won't.
We've learned a lot from derryb.
Yes, he has taught us that there is always a contrarian point of view. Of course this really upsets those that are set in their beliefs and are not open to opposing discussion.
@jmski52 said:
You didn't bother to answer a simple question:
If every factory in the US shut down and created $10 trillion out of thin air to hand out to their cronies or to buy supplies on the world market, would you consider that to be an economic expansion? I wouldn't. Would you?
So this really isn't a conversation or a debate, is it?
The shutdown of the economy was a recession.
The free money was stimulus that folk spent to buy stiff from other folk who then spent money on other suff. That is not a recession.
Don't like the answer? Too bad, cuz that's the way it is.
The shutdown (covid) of the economy was an economic slowdown. The free money was to avoid a textbook defined recession/depression, and it worked. Unfortunately it added to the inflation blowback that post 2008 QE is now dumping on us. Economic chickens ALWAYS come home to roost. Need eggs?
Neither of you answer a direct question if it doesn't jive with your standard bs. This isn't a discussion or conversation and there's little value in continuing it, so I won't.
We've learned a lot from derryb.
Learned a lot would be a stretch. However, I'm pretty certain I learned from him what not to do. RGDS!
Neither of you answer a direct question if it doesn't jive with your standard bs. This isn't a discussion or conversation and there's little value in continuing it, so I won't.
We've learned a lot from derryb.
Learned a lot would be a stretch. However, I'm pretty certain I learned from him what not to do. RGDS!
remind me which one of us cries over their silver decisions?
If inflation is 8% and interest rates have more than doubled over the last year it means folks have less buying power, less disposable income unless incomes increased accordingly which I don't think is the case. GDP numbers aside this equates to a recession for the middle class and poor. Are there any signs that food and fuel prices are going to be coming down? The housing market may slow but I don't see a crash (significant decrease in pricing). I had a coworker tell me they are putting off retirement in part because of what's happened to her 401K over the last year.
There is a lot of uncertainty in the world given the war in Ukraine, energy shortages in Europe, Opec cutting production, the push by Russia and China to weaken the dollar as the reserve currency, etc. None of these things are positive signs for the U.S. economic. Whether it's Defcon 1 or 5, I think that can change overnight.
The longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice is it possible for an empire to rise without His aid? Benjamin Franklin
Neither of you answer a direct question if it doesn't jive with your standard bs. This isn't a discussion or conversation and there's little value in continuing it, so I won't.
We've learned a lot from derryb.
Learned a lot would be a stretch. However, I'm pretty certain I learned from him what not to do. RGDS!
remind me which one of us cries over their silver decisions?
You certainly are the self proclaimed gutter king. RGDS!
P.S. Break even may finally be on the horizon.........not!
Neither of you answer a direct question if it doesn't jive with your standard bs. This isn't a discussion or conversation and there's little value in continuing it, so I won't.
We've learned a lot from derryb.
Learned a lot would be a stretch. However, I'm pretty certain I learned from him what not to do. RGDS!
remind me which one of us cries over their silver decisions?
You certainly are the self proclaimed gutter king. RGDS!
P.S. Break even may finally be on the horizon.........not!
Break even? lol
Just sold a monster box to JM Bullion for 2.1 times what I paid for it in 2008.
If you'd simply close the gutter mouth and open the gutter ears you wouldn't be deep in the hole with silver.
@derryb said:
Appears the FED has a new, additional mandate: reduce jobs.
In an effort to reduce demand (and ultimately prices) "Intended" consequences of raising interest rates:
Wow the companies that rule the world. Layoffs at producers of nothing and hiring freeze on producers of shiny gadgets. Go figure. LOL
a lost job is a lost job, even if it one talking trash.
Rumor has it 2-3 job openings for every unemployed worker. Spin it however you want it. Merica's just fine. Happy Veterans Day to all my patriotic brothers and sisters. Semper!!!
Bizarre market behavior. Inflation not quitting, but big reversal in stock markets by mid day. Similar to last couple rate hikes where markets were up for the day. Trend has been reality (in this case .75% hike coming plus another of at least .5%) sets in and stocks fall the following day or two wiping out any gains. This market is causing max pain for 99% of participants. Likely by design. Goal is probably to get most 65-75 year olds back into the labor force.
I have seen first hand three times what appears more and more likely to occur in the West after decades of mismanagement and corruption in the former Soviet Union, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Incredible how fast everything wint down the toilet once the lever was pulled.
Well, thank the good Lord that the USA is nothing close to either of those.
moving closer? lol
Maybe when we have a dictatorship and economy destroyed by civil war. Oh wait, that's what we're rooting for, right?
Maybe you are but I'm rooting for gold and silver to protect my livelihood while fools threaten it with bad monetary decisions.
I prefer knowledge, understanding and logic to protect from others "decisions".
Inanimate objects are best to protect against actions.
Productive objects, especially with utilitarian value, protect best.
uh oh
Why would they need to plan for something like this if the economy is so great?
Ummm... yeah. Wonder what the rule is... "We win... you lose".....
So recession is over?
GDP up 2.6%.
Keep in mind that the Federal Government alone had a spending deficit of more than $600B in the same quarter. Government spending is included in the GDP calculation. Take your pick... We either had a recession, or haven't. Doesn't matter, because there is almost 100% chance of one next year.
The future is super bright
All in plus margin in stocks of growth companies
So recession is over?
GDP up 2.6%.
I'll tell you what I would tell anyone - consider the source.
I knew it would happen.
You believed the same source 3 months ago. Now you don't?
I guess you're trying to change definitions.
You believed the same source 3 months ago. Now you don't?
I guess you're trying to change definitions.
Show me where I said that I believe what or the Fed says. I give 100% more credibility to John Williams' data than anything puts out.
Show me where I've said anything like that. What a load of #!*@%
When's own data shows two consecutive declines in GDP, they changed the definition of a recession. That's all I've pointed out, and that's one of many reasons why they can't be believed.
You can't be so dumb as to believe your own commentary.
I knew it would happen.
His MO is distraction from what is actually said or what is being discussed. Don't fall for it. Some contribute, some don't.
The Gov posted negative GDP, and it was reposted by "your" sources so you believe it. So now the GOV posted positive GDP so now you don't believe it?
Two consecutive quarters is not, and never has been, an academically supported definition. It is however a data point used by them to control you. They have tapped into your cognitive bias and winning.
Perhaps in 2023 we will see a recession, but we didn't 3 months ago.
Ha, another white house economist with a degree in political science is on the loose. You have reached maximum wokeness.
If that's the "defination" or descriotion, YOU wish to use then you must be saying recession is over since the economy expanded.
No, its the description that those not in denial use. Before we start with "recession over," lets get you strait on "recession started." This is what I mean when I refer to you as "woke." LOL
No matter how hard you try to change the narrative, it remains.
The Gov posted negative GDP, and it was reposted by "your" sources so you believe it. So now the GOV posted positive GDP so now you don't believe it?
I don't believe a 2.6% increase in GDP. I would tend to believe John Williams' 0.6% number much more than the propaganda numbers, and then taking into account that counts it's profligate spending/giveaway programs as GDP. It's laughable but sad at the same time.
Government spending newly-created of imaginary money isn't "production" by the economy by any stretch of the imagination. And you believe that it is? Boy, have you been suckered.
Two consecutive quarters is not, and never has been, an academically supported definition. It is however a data point used by them to control you. They have tapped into your cognitive bias and winning.
Two consecutive quarters of negative GNP has been the textbook definition of a recession ever since I got my MBA in the early 1980's. Where did you get YOUR information? Jerome Powell? or our illustrious Sec of Treasury, what's its name?
Wait until it's YOUR job that's on the line.
I knew it would happen.
Amazing how some continuously to root for the economic demise of this great nation. I mean I get our enemies wanting us to fail but extremely sad when the cheers come from within it's own people. Don't worry, perhaps one day your bunker gutter metal will double in dollar value. lol, Crazy SICK world! SMH!!
I mean I get our enemies wanting us to fail
Which is why you should try to understand who your enemies are. The privately-owned banking cartel is definitely one of our biggest enemies, along with their pawns in Congress - who are many. Figure it out. The big bankers and their ilk are never unemployed, and neither are their pawns.
I knew it would happen.
If you're refering to forum members, please back up such a lie with some proof. Just because those who are awake warn of economic demise does not mean they root for it. Again, you are so far out of line you are almost bending yourself strait.
Crawling in the gutter all the time would give anyone a distorted view. But that is a ridiculous.
What members do on this forum is warn about potential outcomes so that a person can take action to avoid a "demise".
Did you know that the President of the United States has a bunker ? It's true. Why is that ?
Risk management. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
So that shows growth, so recession over, right?
Lol. No it hasn't been.
Use your noodle. If the GDP was -0.1 and then -0.1 again you would cry "we're in a recession". Yet if the GDP was positive 0.1 and then again positive 0.1, then we wouldn't be in a recession. Right? Isn't that going by your mainstream definition.
In reality, you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between -0.1 and 0.1.
Another example....suppose trend growth is 3%, but for the previous year growth was 6%, and has now returned back to 3%, thus showing negative year over year growth. You would again cry "we're in a recession", when in reality we just reverted back to trend.
the definition is what it is and what it always has been. Only a presidential directive can change it.
I am reminded of the quote that goes something like...
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, d***ed lies, and statistics."
"This survey from Allianz found that 54% of Americans say they've stopped or reduced their retirement savings due to inflation. 43% say they've dipped into their retirement savings due to inflation."
If the GDP was -0.1 and then -0.1 again you would cry "we're in a recession". Yet if the GDP was positive 0.1 and then again positive 0.1, then we wouldn't be in a recession. Right? Isn't that going by your mainstream definition.
Yup, that's the definition. There will always be footnotes & commentary, but like it or not - that is the definition.
Another example....suppose trend growth is 3%, but for the previous year growth was 6%, and has now returned back to 3%, thus showing negative year over year growth. You would again cry "we're in a recession", when in reality we just reverted back to trend.
You don't give the breakdown for each quarter in your example, therefore you have not provided clear enough data to make an evaluation in either direction. However, if there were 2 consecutive quarters with a declining GDP from each preceding quarter within that one year interval - that's the textbook definition of a recession, regardless of where the baseline is initiated. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
As RobM points out, $600B was spending. All while is running a deficit. So, do you think that $600B should be counted as production of some sort? I don't.
If they didn't count that $600B, it would make 3 consecutive quarters of a negative GDP. So, the numbers can be adjusted in different ways, if you want to talk about changing definitions to fit a narrative.
If every factory in the US shut down and created $10 trillion out of thin air to hand out to their cronies or to buy supplies on the world market, would you consider that to be an economic expansion? I wouldn't. Would you?
I knew it would happen.
They did that 2 years ago. Are you a cronie? Are we all cronies?
Wouldn't it be awesome if stopped all spending immediately?
You didn't bother to answer a simple question:
If every factory in the US shut down and created $10 trillion out of thin air to hand out to their cronies or to buy supplies on the world market, would you consider that to be an economic expansion? I wouldn't. Would you?
So this really isn't a conversation or a debate, is it?
I knew it would happen.
Some people in these parts seem to get amnesia really quick. Years of delusion and misinformation I suspect. Or perhaps just old age. RGDS!
Neither of you answer a direct question if it doesn't jive with your standard bs. This isn't a discussion or conversation and there's little value in continuing it, so I won't.
I knew it would happen.
Nor did you.
Recession? Lol
We've learned a lot from derryb.
The shutdown of the economy was a recession.
The free money was stimulus that folk spent to buy stiff from other folk who then spent money on other suff. That is not a recession.
Don't like the answer? Too bad, cuz that's the way it is.
employment data does not reflect recession status. In fact more people may be willing to now take a job because of higher prices.
Yes, he has taught us that there is always a contrarian point of view. Of course this really upsets those that are set in their beliefs and are not open to opposing discussion.
The shutdown (covid) of the economy was an economic slowdown. The free money was to avoid a textbook defined recession/depression, and it worked. Unfortunately it added to the inflation blowback that post 2008 QE is now dumping on us. Economic chickens ALWAYS come home to roost. Need eggs?
Would you prefer I > @cohodk said > > @jmski52 said:
Learned a lot would be a stretch. However, I'm pretty certain I learned from him what not to do. RGDS!
remind me which one of us cries over their silver decisions?
If inflation is 8% and interest rates have more than doubled over the last year it means folks have less buying power, less disposable income unless incomes increased accordingly which I don't think is the case. GDP numbers aside this equates to a recession for the middle class and poor. Are there any signs that food and fuel prices are going to be coming down? The housing market may slow but I don't see a crash (significant decrease in pricing). I had a coworker tell me they are putting off retirement in part because of what's happened to her 401K over the last year.
There is a lot of uncertainty in the world given the war in Ukraine, energy shortages in Europe, Opec cutting production, the push by Russia and China to weaken the dollar as the reserve currency, etc. None of these things are positive signs for the U.S. economic. Whether it's Defcon 1 or 5, I think that can change overnight.
You certainly are the self proclaimed gutter king. RGDS!
P.S. Break even may finally be on the horizon.........not!
Break even? lol
Just sold a monster box to JM Bullion for 2.1 times what I paid for it in 2008.
If you'd simply close the gutter mouth and open the gutter ears you wouldn't be deep in the hole with silver.
Appears the FED has a new, additional mandate: reduce jobs.
In an effort to reduce demand (and ultimately prices) "Intended" consequences of raising interest rates:
Wow the companies that rule the world. Layoffs at producers of nothing and hiring freeze on producers of shiny gadgets. Go figure. LOL
a lost job is a lost job, even if it one talking trash.
Rumor has it 2-3 job openings for every unemployed worker. Spin it however you want it. Merica's just fine. Happy Veterans Day to all my patriotic brothers and sisters. Semper!!!