I consider myself very fortunate... that I can pay $6 a dozen for eggs, without much concern. (Certainly wasn't always that fortunate). But there are many who are not that fortunate.
Yes.... when more layers move on up and come on line.... the prices should ease somewhat. But meanwhile there are many out there who may have some difficulties with the increased prices (not just with eggs).... I try to have some compassion for those.
The economy is not crashing anytime soon. We are the ones that create the dollars and until the world says no thanks. I think we will continue on a bumpy road. The fed can’t continue to raise interest rates because the national debt interest payments will eventually consume most of our spending. The debt will never be paid off without some sort of war or massive printing of money which would devalue the dollar and basically make it worthless. Either that or like Peter Schiff recently suggested (paraphrasing) ,We go to our creditors and tell them they need to take a haircut and maybe pay 40% of what is owed. That would have its own set of consequences. But at this point it’s really pick your poison. Either way eventually the music stops. The problem is the feds need to raise interest rates to stop the Inflation and encourage savings. Most people are maxing out credit cards while they listen to the latest pop song. Americans are in fantasy land right now. It won’t last forever.
All that being said. I’ve been hearing the world is ending far too long to take anyone seriously. Nobody knows when or how this thing will collapse. I’m 40 and I doubt it happens in my lifetime. The price of silver may be manipulated but there is always silver available and there always will be. The government is not coming to your home to take your 1000 oz stash. So no need to worry. The way I see it. Buy a little here and there over time. Don’t go into debt trying to buy it. All this silver and gold is going to the moon is nonsense. If that ever happens you’ll have much bigger problems such as food and energy. Once stackers get to a certain level (percentage of wealth) start buying some gold! Again, gold is always available and it’s not rare. But it’s cool to own and has held up over time as a hedge against inflation.
@cohodk said:
Anybody know how much GDP shrank in the 4th quarter?
Keep in mind that 1/2 the 4Q22 increase was attributed to increase in inventories (likely culprit - poor holiday season sales). Also, savings rate is falling and credit card debt climbing explaining a decent portion of the rest of the GDP gain. Sustainable?
Last night I was making omelettes for my wife and me. I inadventently dropped one of the eggs and it splattered onto the kitchen floor. I didn't think anything of it but my wife was glaring at me. It was then that I realized the significant finanacial loss. That Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme rings true.
I took Blitzdude's advice and invested in some laying hens. Not sure it was a good idea. The farmer's kid has a job at the Fed. The good news is that they finally started a layin'. The bad news...
For those of you who like to splurge in these times.... you can switch your coffee to 'Black Jaguar Geisha' Coffee For $150 A Cup!! supposedly just won some world award for best coffee (and it's not even the 'monkey poo' coffee that was the rage a few years ago!)
@derryb said:
Has the FED fixed the inflation problem Congress created?
The more accurate question.
Very inaccurate. Congress did not create the FED's QE or easy money problems that naturally led to inflation. Congress's only liability is that it did not shut down the FED.
@derryb said:
Has the FED fixed the inflation problem Congress created?
The more accurate question.
Very inaccurate. Congress did not create the FED's QE or easy money problems that naturally led to inflation. Congress's only liability is that it did not shut down the FED.
Lol...you mean that the Fed didn't shut down the reckless actions of the folk yall elected.
@Goldminers said:
Since there is a fascination with eggs on this thread, which comes first the chicken or the egg?
Does the Congress really spend because the Fed creates money, or does the Fed create money because Congress spends?
Chicken or the egg? it's a question that has blown my mind for as long as I can remember.
Congress and the Fed? Who cares spend, spend, spend and create, create, create FRNs at the end of the day all that matters is that we continue to have chickens and eggs. #RealWorldProblems. #THKS!
PS/Edit: I believe @derryb and the Tyler guy from Bulgaria plan to eat gutter metal for cripes sakes. If so, I predict they will become smurfs in no time. Crazy World!!!
@blitzdude said:
2 things in this world are certain:
1. The sun will come up tomorrow.
2. The girls will continue cranking out their eggs.
It pays to leave the bunker every once in a while. For cripes sakes, get outside. Take a breath of fresh air. THKS!
Wander away from your woodshed and take a look at places like Ukraine, Haiti, Venezuela, or walk down any lower-income street in a major US city. Detroit, for example. Whistling past the graveyard won't change anything.
Will you still eat the eggs if they become radioactive ?
@dcarr said:
Wander away from your woodshed and take a look at places like Ukraine, Haiti, Venezuela, or walk down any lower-income street in a major US city. Detroit, for example. Whistling past the graveyard won't change anything.
Yeah...sucks to be born there. Maybe you should go to the graveyard and bring a few families here to live with you?
If one doesn't whistle past the graveyard, then what should he do? Stop and look in despair? Allow disappointment and defeat to infect their soul? Get out the weed whacker and start mowing "things" down?
Hard to believe folk compare the USA to Haiti or Venezuela or Ukraine. Or even that inner cities reflect all of America.
Until the USA becomes a dictatorship with little natural resources then the sun will shine and the zombies remain in the graveyard.
or walk down any lower-income street in a major US city. Detroit, for example.
Not too long ago the wife and I ran the Marathon in Detroit. We were all over them city streets and even got the run across the Ambassador Bridge and put a few of the miles in on the Canadian side. Beautiful city and a great race. We had a wonderful time in the Motor City. I look forward to visiting again someday. RGDS!
@Goldminers said:
Since there is a fascination with eggs on this thread, which comes first the chicken or the egg?
Does the Congress really spend because the Fed creates money, or does the Fed create money because Congress spends?
The FED is a cabal of private bankers who must pay the big guys their 10% if they want to keep the shell game going. While they are enabled by elected officials they run their own scams to reap profits. Keeping the machine "lubricate" is a cost of doing business.
@dcarr said:
Wander away from your woodshed and take a look at places like Ukraine, Haiti, Venezuela, or walk down any lower-income street in a major US city. Detroit, for example. Whistling past the graveyard won't change anything.
Yeah...sucks to be born there. Maybe you should go to the graveyard and bring a few families here to live with you?
If one doesn't whistle past the graveyard, then what should he do? Stop and look in despair? Allow disappointment and defeat to infect their soul? Get out the weed whacker and start mowing "things" down?
Hard to believe folk compare the USA to Haiti or Venezuela or Ukraine. Or even that inner cities reflect all of America.
Until the USA becomes a dictatorship with little natural resources then the sun will shine and the zombies remain in the graveyard.
Even if you want to live in isolation, outside forces will eventually reach home in one way or another.
If things are really not so bad, then why do you need a gun like the one in your avatar ?
All a person can really do is acknowledge that the problems in the world exist, and carry on. Downplaying them all the time could lead to disaster, however.
Before you get your panties all in a wad, note that I am a strong proponent of 2nd Amendment rights.
I'd take a 34-S over a counterfeit "64" any day.......On second thought I'd take any common gutter Peace cull over a modern knock off. And twice on Sundaze. Lulz......THKS!
@blitzdude said:
I'd take a 34-S over a counterfeit "64" any day.......On second thought I'd take any common gutter Peace cull over a modern knock off. And twice on Sundaze. Lulz......THKS!
That has nothing to do with the original intended topic of this discussion.
But you are, of course, free to choose the lowest-premium (cull) Peace Dollars available.
And then complain about how they dropped in value.
Even if you want to live in isolation, outside forces will eventually reach home in one way or another.
I don't live in a bunker.
If you think what happens in other countries doesn't affect this country, then you have not been paying attention to what is happening along the southern border.
@blitzdude said:
I'd take a 34-S over a counterfeit "64" any day.......On second thought I'd take any common gutter Peace cull over a modern knock off. And twice on Sundaze. Lulz......THKS!
That has nothing to do with the original intended topic of this discussion.
But you are, of course, free to choose the lowest-premium (cull) Peace Dollars available.
And then complain about how they dropped in value.
Sure it does, they were talking about 1964 counterfeit peace dollars. And now we have Chinese weather balloons over Montana instead of Roswell. Back to the bunker, CRZY WRLD!
Even if you want to live in isolation, outside forces will eventually reach home in one way or another.
I don't live in a bunker.
If you think what happens in other countries doesn't affect this country, then you have not been paying attention to what is happening along the southern border.
You mean the same thing thats been happening for generations?
gold tells us faith in the dollar and its puppeteers along with loss of dollar purchasing power is at its worse since the starting date of the chart. How can anyone with their eyes open believe our economy is ship shape. Just because you don't feel it yet does not mean it is not happening. If you are one of the lucky ones who will be last to feel it then it will be too late to prepare. Those in good financial standing should take heed of the growing number that are not. Think of it as a spreading rust. It's already doomsday for those loosing their homes, their jobs and their bit of savings. How long before it happens to you?
....> @ErrorsOnCoins said:
There are many in this country who could not afford eggs at $3 per dozen. You think somehow their plight is over at $6 per dozen ?
2 things in this world are certain:
1. The sun will come up tomorrow.
2. The girls will continue cranking out their eggs.
It pays to leave the bunker every once in a while. For cripes sakes, get outside. Take a breath of fresh air. THKS!
Your Highness, the people have no eggs to eat!
Then let them eat Frosty Flakes!
Ummm.... no one said the sky was falling.
I consider myself very fortunate... that I can pay $6 a dozen for eggs, without much concern. (Certainly wasn't always that fortunate). But there are many who are not that fortunate.
Yes.... when more layers move on up and come on line.... the prices should ease somewhat. But meanwhile there are many out there who may have some difficulties with the increased prices (not just with eggs).... I try to have some compassion for those.
there are many out there who may have some difficulties with the increased prices (not just with eggs).... I try to have some compassion for those
+1 Well said.
I knew it would happen.
more for egg means less for utilities. what's a little dollar here and a dollar there?
The economy is not crashing anytime soon. We are the ones that create the dollars and until the world says no thanks. I think we will continue on a bumpy road. The fed can’t continue to raise interest rates because the national debt interest payments will eventually consume most of our spending. The debt will never be paid off without some sort of war or massive printing of money which would devalue the dollar and basically make it worthless. Either that or like Peter Schiff recently suggested (paraphrasing) ,We go to our creditors and tell them they need to take a haircut and maybe pay 40% of what is owed. That would have its own set of consequences. But at this point it’s really pick your poison. Either way eventually the music stops. The problem is the feds need to raise interest rates to stop the Inflation and encourage savings. Most people are maxing out credit cards while they listen to the latest pop song. Americans are in fantasy land right now. It won’t last forever.
All that being said. I’ve been hearing the world is ending far too long to take anyone seriously. Nobody knows when or how this thing will collapse. I’m 40 and I doubt it happens in my lifetime. The price of silver may be manipulated but there is always silver available and there always will be. The government is not coming to your home to take your 1000 oz stash. So no need to worry. The way I see it. Buy a little here and there over time. Don’t go into debt trying to buy it. All this silver and gold is going to the moon is nonsense. If that ever happens you’ll have much bigger problems such as food and energy. Once stackers get to a certain level (percentage of wealth) start buying some gold! Again, gold is always available and it’s not rare. But it’s cool to own and has held up over time as a hedge against inflation.
Wanna see egg prices collapse...stop buying them for a month. Surely we can all go a month without an omlette or cake.
Anybody know how much GDP shrank in the 4th quarter?
Keep in mind that 1/2 the 4Q22 increase was attributed to increase in inventories (likely culprit - poor holiday season sales). Also, savings rate is falling and credit card debt climbing explaining a decent portion of the rest of the GDP gain. Sustainable?
So much for the recession. lol Onward and upwards. RGDS!
Last night I was making omelettes for my wife and me. I inadventently dropped one of the eggs and it splattered onto the kitchen floor. I didn't think anything of it but my wife was glaring at me. It was then that I realized the significant finanacial loss. That Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme rings true.
I took Blitzdude's advice and invested in some laying hens. Not sure it was a good idea. The farmer's kid has a job at the Fed. The good news is that they finally started a layin'. The bad news...
Now if you can find egg cartons those eggs will fit in.... you are in business!!
Looks like Jelly beans not eggs. THKS!
We are still on eggs, that was so last week.
" We are still on eggs, that was so last week. "
All is good! Fortunately I can still afford them!
My Jan. natural gas bill is up 300% compared to last year. The war on fossil fuels goes on.
100% Positive BST transactions
Look at a potential switch to propane, out rates have barely moved. Then again, we mostly burn wood for heat. RGDS!
For those of you who like to splurge in these times.... you can switch your coffee to 'Black Jaguar Geisha' Coffee For $150 A Cup!! supposedly just won some world award for best coffee (and it's not even the 'monkey poo' coffee that was the rage a few years ago!)
I'll stick to my standard brew....
Has the FED fixed the inflation problem they created? LOL
The more accurate question.
Very inaccurate. Congress did not create the FED's QE or easy money problems that naturally led to inflation. Congress's only liability is that it did not shut down the FED.
Lol...you mean that the Fed didn't shut down the reckless actions of the folk yall elected.
No way to stop inflation with this fiscal monetary debt expansion caused by blatant overspending by politicians for votes.

My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Since there is a fascination with eggs on this thread, which comes first the chicken or the egg?
Does the Congress really spend because the Fed creates money, or does the Fed create money because Congress spends?
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Chicken or the egg? it's a question that has blown my mind for as long as I can remember.
Congress and the Fed? Who cares spend, spend, spend and create, create, create FRNs at the end of the day all that matters is that we continue to have chickens and eggs. #RealWorldProblems. #THKS!
PS/Edit: I believe @derryb and the Tyler guy from Bulgaria plan to eat gutter metal for cripes sakes. If so, I predict they will become smurfs in no time. Crazy World!!!
Wander away from your woodshed and take a look at places like Ukraine, Haiti, Venezuela, or walk down any lower-income street in a major US city. Detroit, for example. Whistling past the graveyard won't change anything.
Will you still eat the eggs if they become radioactive ?
Yeah...sucks to be born there. Maybe you should go to the graveyard and bring a few families here to live with you?
If one doesn't whistle past the graveyard, then what should he do? Stop and look in despair? Allow disappointment and defeat to infect their soul? Get out the weed whacker and start mowing "things" down?
Hard to believe folk compare the USA to Haiti or Venezuela or Ukraine. Or even that inner cities reflect all of America.
Until the USA becomes a dictatorship with little natural resources then the sun will shine and the zombies remain in the graveyard.
or walk down any lower-income street in a major US city. Detroit, for example.
Not too long ago the wife and I ran the Marathon in Detroit. We were all over them city streets and even got the run across the Ambassador Bridge and put a few of the miles in on the Canadian side. Beautiful city and a great race. We had a wonderful time in the Motor City. I look forward to visiting again someday. RGDS!
The FED is a cabal of private bankers who must pay the big guys their 10% if they want to keep the shell game going. While they are enabled by elected officials they run their own scams to reap profits. Keeping the machine "lubricate" is a cost of doing business.
Even if you want to live in isolation, outside forces will eventually reach home in one way or another.
If things are really not so bad, then why do you need a gun like the one in your avatar ?
All a person can really do is acknowledge that the problems in the world exist, and carry on. Downplaying them all the time could lead to disaster, however.
Before you get your panties all in a wad, note that I am a strong proponent of 2nd Amendment rights.
I don't live in a bunker.
Why does anyone need a 1964-D Peace Dollar or a 1910 Indian Cent?
EXACTLY!!!! Winner Winner!!!
Only boxer briefs for me.
I'd take a 34-S over a counterfeit "64" any day.......On second thought I'd take any common gutter Peace cull over a modern knock off. And twice on Sundaze. Lulz......THKS!
The unemployment rate fell to 3.4% vs. the estimate for 3.6%. That is the lowest jobless level since May 1969
Recession? Lol
More inflation.
That has nothing to do with the original intended topic of this discussion.
But you are, of course, free to choose the lowest-premium (cull) Peace Dollars available.
And then complain about how they dropped in value.
If you think what happens in other countries doesn't affect this country, then you have not been paying attention to what is happening along the southern border.
Sure it does, they were talking about 1964 counterfeit peace dollars. And now we have Chinese weather balloons over Montana instead of Roswell. Back to the bunker, CRZY WRLD!
You mean the same thing thats been happening for generations?
There's an easy fix, but y'all are weak.
Not like this, it hasn't.
Keep an eye on the Euro and Italian 10-year sovereigns.
"Where do you rate current US economic conditions?"
Best way to describe it: RESILIENT
gold tells us faith in the dollar and its puppeteers along with loss of dollar purchasing power is at its worse since the starting date of the chart. How can anyone with their eyes open believe our economy is ship shape. Just because you don't feel it yet does not mean it is not happening. If you are one of the lucky ones who will be last to feel it then it will be too late to prepare. Those in good financial standing should take heed of the growing number that are not. Think of it as a spreading rust. It's already doomsday for those loosing their homes, their jobs and their bit of savings. How long before it happens to you?