@savitale said:
I have a feeling this thread is going to poof so commenting may be pointless. But I just attended a fairly big conference in California, and I am going to another about the same time as FUN. There was no talk of the state or the venue forcing cancellation. I feel like there's no political will to go down that road again. Masks, probably. Vaccine requirement, maybe. Cancel, at this time I doubt it.
Airline flights are a wholly different matter. Hard to predict if a given flight crew will have a positive test or just decide to opt out that day.
Well, I might need to eat some crow. My conference in California scheduled for the first week of January was just canceled. Now this was a professional society meeting (a few thousand attendees) not a hobbyist trade show, so the situation is a bit different. My understanding is that less than 1/3 of the usual attendance was registered for the in-person event, and at that point the meeting becomes not viable for various reasons. That being said, FUN is a different beast and even if 1/3 of the dealers and 1/3 of the customers show up a trade show might still be not a disaster.
In general, that sounds like a disaster to me.
Of course, if a collector finds that one piece they've been looking years for or a dealer connects with a whale buyer, it may all work out, but how many people go to the a show expecting 1/3 the dealers and customers?
@savitale said:
I have a feeling this thread is going to poof so commenting may be pointless. But I just attended a fairly big conference in California, and I am going to another about the same time as FUN. There was no talk of the state or the venue forcing cancellation. I feel like there's no political will to go down that road again. Masks, probably. Vaccine requirement, maybe. Cancel, at this time I doubt it.
Airline flights are a wholly different matter. Hard to predict if a given flight crew will have a positive test or just decide to opt out that day.
Well, I might need to eat some crow. My conference in California scheduled for the first week of January was just canceled. Now this was a professional society meeting (a few thousand attendees) not a hobbyist trade show, so the situation is a bit different. My understanding is that less than 1/3 of the usual attendance was registered for the in-person event, and at that point the meeting becomes not viable for various reasons. That being said, FUN is a different beast and even if 1/3 of the dealers and 1/3 of the customers show up a trade show might still be not a disaster.
In general, that sounds like a disaster to me.
Of course, if a collector finds that one piece they've been looking years for or a dealer connects with a whale buyer, it may all work out, but how many people go to the a show expecting 1/3 the dealers and customers?
The FUN show turning into FUN-lite would take some of the luster off the show (pun intended), but, in the short/long run, would likely have little effect on the coin market, dealers, investors and collectors, so long as everyone has liquidity. Deals not done in January get pushed forward, perhaps to the Baltimore show, when the current spike will likely be in the rear view mirror.
@savitale said:
I have a feeling this thread is going to poof so commenting may be pointless. But I just attended a fairly big conference in California, and I am going to another about the same time as FUN. There was no talk of the state or the venue forcing cancellation. I feel like there's no political will to go down that road again. Masks, probably. Vaccine requirement, maybe. Cancel, at this time I doubt it.
Airline flights are a wholly different matter. Hard to predict if a given flight crew will have a positive test or just decide to opt out that day.
Well, I might need to eat some crow. My conference in California scheduled for the first week of January was just canceled. Now this was a professional society meeting (a few thousand attendees) not a hobbyist trade show, so the situation is a bit different. My understanding is that less than 1/3 of the usual attendance was registered for the in-person event, and at that point the meeting becomes not viable for various reasons. That being said, FUN is a different beast and even if 1/3 of the dealers and 1/3 of the customers show up a trade show might still be not a disaster.
In general, that sounds like a disaster to me.
Of course, if a collector finds that one piece they've been looking years for or a dealer connects with a whale buyer, it may all work out, but how many people go to the a show expecting 1/3 the dealers and customers?
The FUN show turning into FUN-lite would take some of the luster off the show (pun intended), but, in the short/long run, would likely have little effect on the coin market, dealers, investors and collectors, so long as everyone has liquidity. Deals not done in January get pushed forward, perhaps to the Baltimore show, when the current spike will likely be in the rear view mirror.
The hobby will survive and coins are doing great in general.
The specific issue the going the the show. For dealers considering going to the show, it seems to be a pretty easy financial calculation, whether it be financially worthwhile with 1/3 the business.
I am sure the illness will not be too bad for the vaccinated and healthy. But what do you do about your return flight if you acquire the virus and have nasty and obvious symptoms? Fly anyway? Could you do that to those around you? Would you even be allowed to board?
Instead, hang out at a hotel for several days, living on room service while minding your coins' safety. At significant expense and inconvenience.
This is all going the wrong direction. I am going with my gut. I bailed today.
Even with a third showing up, it will have zero effect on the coin market.
The coin business is extremely strong due to many factors. New record prices are happening consistently.
mikebyers.com Dealer in Major Mint Errors, Die Trials & Patterns - Author of NLG Best World Coin Book World's Greatest Mint Errors - Publisher & Editor of minterrornews.com.
So sorry to hear, Oreville. It is very hopeful that she has the support of you and your family. I do wish you the very best.
As far as going to the show and then getting sick and stuck in your hotel room, the other issue would be getting urgent or ER care under the current conditions in Florida. That could pose an amazing nightmare situation.
For those that have decided to wait for the next opportunity, good call.
@Pnies20 said:
Why do I feel like politics are whispering from the back seat in all of this?
So far huge thank you to PCGS for allowing this thread to continue.
Also thank you to the thoughtful members keeping politics out of this informative discussion.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
I see no politics in this thread. It’s simply everyone’s personal decision to attend FUN or not, based on their risk/reward ratio. Part of the discussion was on the delays and cancellations of flights, the risk of getting infected, and the possibility of being stranded with coins or quarantined.
It’s a healthy and realistic dialogue. Thank you PCGS.
mikebyers.com Dealer in Major Mint Errors, Die Trials & Patterns - Author of NLG Best World Coin Book World's Greatest Mint Errors - Publisher & Editor of minterrornews.com.
Dudes and dudetts, chill and think about what is going on with the new variant. Not much different than the flew. If you are not felling well, stat home and be safe. 99.9% odds you will be fine. Even the vaxed and boosted can still get it, but you will be fine. Let's go have some FUN with precautions. My cup is half full, not half empty. Also, need to get out there and look for Jeffersons!
The OCCC is following current CDC recommendations for wearing of face masks based on vaccination status. Show Management may require attendees to wear face masks during their event. All full-time, part-time and temporary OCCC employees are required to be fully vaccinated, unless otherwise exempt due to medical, religious or covered reason by Sept. 30, 2021.
The OCCC is finally updating their protocol to address the situation.
Yes, a list should be started for those not attending anymore.
mikebyers.com Dealer in Major Mint Errors, Die Trials & Patterns - Author of NLG Best World Coin Book World's Greatest Mint Errors - Publisher & Editor of minterrornews.com.
Central States 1980 was a disaster. So was.... and ... and ANA 2009 and Pogue IV, but I think this is a speed bump of minor industry significance. There's plenty of demand. Omicron is spreading quickly enough that it'll be done with degrading towards a clinical mean by Easter. Many more will catch it, Hospitalizations and mortality will decrease. I think @RYK is offering some primo guidance in this area.
Think about what happens if PCGS, NGC and Heritage have in-house rolling epidemics. That's a supply-chain bottleneck of much greater impact over the next two months.
This show would have been wonderful. Attendees will kick @ss. Long Beach is already also toast for major hubs east of Dallas to LAX. At 60% of potential, parking will still be awful, and everyone will drive away with a grin. But I wouldn't count on Heritage. This is a "been there, done that" for them. and PCGS may be taking coins down to the mother ship every four hours to set up a firewall for the grading staff and the equally crucial support team.
You could cancel shows for the entire next year and it would do little but irritate and impede hands-on collectors andthus increasingly whet their appetites.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Geo. Orwell
@ColonelJessup said:
Central States 1980 was a disaster. So was.... and ... and ANA 2009 and Pogue IV, but I think this is a speed bump of minor industry significance. There's plenty of demand. Omicron is spreading quickly enough that it'll be done with degrading towards a clinical mean by Easter. Many more will catch it, Hospitalizations and mortality will decrease. I think @RYK is offering some primo guidance in this area.
Think about what happens if PCGS, NGC and Heritage have in-house rolling epidemics. That's a supply-chain bottleneck of much greater impact over the next two months. This show would have been wonderful. You could cancel shows for the entire next year and it would do little but irritate and impede hands-on collectors and increase their appetites.
I made one of my best buys ever at the 1980 CSNS show from a dealer that needed money. The 2009 ANA was a disaster.
More than likely most people will eventually catch covid. If you are vaccinated you more than likely will be just fine. If you are not vaccinated, that is your personal choice. I don’t see why we are shutting the world down again when almost everyone has had the chance to be protected.
@hedgefundtradingdesk said:
So will everyone bail on NY International, which has 4x the case rate of Orlando? Or are PCGS and Heritage being nakedly political here?
Welcome to the forum.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
@hedgefundtradingdesk said:
So will everyone bail on NY International, which has 4x the case rate of Orlando? Or are PCGS and Heritage being nakedly political here?
As of this moment, it isn't cancelled but I'm personally almost certainly not going to attend (which is very disappointing but according to my wife, coins are not worth the risk).
Learn about our world's shared history told through the first millennium of coinage: Colosseo Collection
@hedgefundtradingdesk said:
So will everyone bail on NY International, which has 4x the case rate of Orlando? Or are PCGS and Heritage being nakedly political here?
Thread killer... but an interesting question. There is an extra week before NY, so that may be next week's decision.
@jwitten said:
More than likely most people will eventually catch covid. If you are vaccinated you more than likely will be just fine. If you are not vaccinated, that is your personal choice. I don’t see why we are shutting the world down again when almost everyone has had the chance to be protected.
Except from you breathing on them
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Geo. Orwell
@hedgefundtradingdesk said:
So will everyone bail on NY International, which has 4x the case rate of Orlando? Or are PCGS and Heritage being nakedly political here?
Welcome to the Forum and to trolling its bourse of ideas. You seem to be a trader in the mold of perennial bear Ellsworth Toohey. He remarked that he "only dealt in the stock market of the soul, and he always sold short".
That Ayn Rand always cracked me up. World's all-time greatest libertarian cartoonist.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Geo. Orwell
Brad Rodgers of Numismatic Emporium Inc. has also canceled the FUN show
Retired Collector & Dealer in Major Mint Error Coins & Currency since the 1960's.Co-Author of Whitman's "100 Greatest U.S. Mint Error Coins", and the Error Coin Encyclopedia, Vols., III & IV. Retired Authenticator for Major Mint Errors for PCGS. A 50+ Year PNG Member.A full-time numismatist since 1972, retired in 2022.
@jwitten said:
More than likely most people will eventually catch covid. If you are vaccinated you more than likely will be just fine. If you are not vaccinated, that is your personal choice. I don’t see why we are shutting the world down again when almost everyone has had the chance to be protected.
Except from you breathing on them
They can avoid my breathing on them by staying home. No one is dragging them to the show to breath on them.
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
“ The U.S. Mint has announced they will not be able to attend our January convention”
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
There nonchalant attitude toward precautions did not help them. However the virus is endemic just like flu and now we have post exposure mitigation so hopefully this will be the last Fun show messed up.
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
I'm wondering if FUN will allow a dealer to cancel and maintain their current table assignment and not loose their bourse fee. I know I could call, but at this point I am attending. If they do allow cancellations with credit I would wager the list of no-shows would grow exponentially.
@Mgarmy said:
There nonchalant attitude toward precautions did not help them. However the virus is endemic just like flu and now we have post exposure mitigation so hopefully this will be the last Fun show messed up.
The attitude is interesting given the AKC policy in the same venue just 10 days ago.
I can see and understand PCGS not wanting to send their grading and operations staff. If any of them were affected, it could affect their business much longer than the dates of the conference.
It is promising that Omicron is crowding out Delta. Perhaps we'll see an even more transmissible and even less impacting variant in the future.
@Mgarmy said:
There nonchalant attitude toward precautions did not help them. However the virus is endemic just like flu and now we have post exposure mitigation so hopefully this will be the last Fun show messed up.
Perhaps I’m misinterpreting the attitude behind the language on the FUN show web page. But to me, it comes across as beyond merely “nonchalant”. Rather, it strikes me as in-your-face, “we’re not going to do anything about this situation.”
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
Perhaps we'll see an even more transmissible and even less impacting variant in the future.
this is an almost certainty as Mother Nature hitchhikes to all points of the Nation/World and figures it out rather easily. Mankind, on the other hand, seems to have difficulty understanding its world and adapting to circumstances. if I read this thread correctly, one-out-of-four attendees should be contracting the F.U.N. variant in the next 7-10 days. interesting. put another way to suit my thinking: blindfolded at the curb with a 25% chance of being struck by a passing car, I would not cross the street. kudos to those much braver than me.
Zoins- by next year this time my hope is that you get a Covid shot that is quadravallant that covers multiple strains for a year vice this every couple months variety.
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
@Mgarmy said:
Zoins- by next year this time my hope is that you get a Covid shot that is quadravallant that covers multiple strains for a year vice this every couple months variety.
The pill is coming! I wonder if it will be OTC.
My guess is we may need better global vaccine coverage before variants stop coming and vaccines last longer. From the map below, we'll get there in early 2023.
That or we see less harmful and more transmissible variants come out to the point the more severe ones are crowded out.
I'm pretty sure the FUN Crew is just trying to stop the onslaught of phone calls they have been getting. They are telling us that YOU control your own decisions pertaining to attending the show. Dealers have the right to set their own protocol when it comes to their table space. One size does not fit all. Let's go and have some FUN!
In general, that sounds like a disaster to me.
Of course, if a collector finds that one piece they've been looking years for or a dealer connects with a whale buyer, it may all work out, but how many people go to the a show expecting 1/3 the dealers and customers?
The FUN show turning into FUN-lite would take some of the luster off the show (pun intended), but, in the short/long run, would likely have little effect on the coin market, dealers, investors and collectors, so long as everyone has liquidity. Deals not done in January get pushed forward, perhaps to the Baltimore show, when the current spike will likely be in the rear view mirror.
Worst case seems to be a c-section oreville
Is she in a hospital bed right now?
The hobby will survive and coins are doing great in general.
The specific issue the going the the show. For dealers considering going to the show, it seems to be a pretty easy financial calculation, whether it be financially worthwhile with 1/3 the business.
I am sure the illness will not be too bad for the vaccinated and healthy. But what do you do about your return flight if you acquire the virus and have nasty and obvious symptoms? Fly anyway? Could you do that to those around you? Would you even be allowed to board?
Instead, hang out at a hotel for several days, living on room service while minding your coins' safety. At significant expense and inconvenience.
This is all going the wrong direction. I am going with my gut. I bailed today.
Even with a third showing up, it will have zero effect on the coin market.
The coin business is extremely strong due to many factors. New record prices are happening consistently.
Called heritage today. They are bringing my won lots for me to pick up at the show. Pretty sure they’re going to be there…
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
So sorry to hear, Oreville. It is very hopeful that she has the support of you and your family. I do wish you the very best.
As far as going to the show and then getting sick and stuck in your hotel room, the other issue would be getting urgent or ER care under the current conditions in Florida. That could pose an amazing nightmare situation.
For those that have decided to wait for the next opportunity, good call.
The email and online do say lot viewing then
Why do I feel like politics are whispering from the back seat in all of this?
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
So far huge thank you to PCGS for allowing this thread to continue.
Also thank you to the thoughtful members keeping politics out of this informative discussion.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
Well said, Swamp.
Suck ups
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
I see no politics in this thread. It’s simply everyone’s personal decision to attend FUN or not, based on their risk/reward ratio. Part of the discussion was on the delays and cancellations of flights, the risk of getting infected, and the possibility of being stranded with coins or quarantined.
It’s a healthy and realistic dialogue. Thank you PCGS.
Is there a list of dealers that have canceled, besides Sheridan Downey.
FUN website listed two cancellations and about 4 pages of additions.
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
Yes correct Byers, its just projection of angst.
I haven't seen a list, but I recall the following dealers cancelling:
This is in addition to PCGS and Heritage pulling back.
Dudes and dudetts, chill and think about what is going on with the new variant. Not much different than the flew. If you are not felling well, stat home and be safe. 99.9% odds you will be fine. Even the vaxed and boosted can still get it, but you will be fine. Let's go have some FUN with precautions. My cup is half full, not half empty. Also, need to get out there and look for Jeffersons!
Peace out
As of today, the Orange County Convention Center will require masks on all employees.
Where is this coming from? Who isn’t showing up? If someone knows, please share.
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
Interesting, their website still says vaccination, now it's vaccination and masks. Things are moving pretty quickly.
The OCCC is finally updating their protocol to address the situation.
Yes, a list should be started for those not attending anymore.
The Orange County Convention Center hosted the AKC National Championship on Dec 18-19. AKC had the following policy:
I wonder if FUN will adopt a similar policy.
Central States 1980 was a disaster. So was.... and ... and ANA 2009 and Pogue IV, but I think this is a speed bump of minor industry significance. There's plenty of demand. Omicron is spreading quickly enough that it'll be done with degrading towards a clinical mean by Easter. Many more will catch it, Hospitalizations and mortality will decrease. I think @RYK is offering some primo guidance in this area.
Think about what happens if PCGS, NGC and Heritage have in-house rolling epidemics. That's a supply-chain bottleneck of much greater impact over the next two months.
This show would have been wonderful. Attendees will kick @ss. Long Beach is already also toast for major hubs east of Dallas to LAX. At 60% of potential, parking will still be awful, and everyone will drive away with a grin. But I wouldn't count on Heritage. This is a "been there, done that" for them. and PCGS may be taking coins down to the mother ship every four hours to set up a firewall for the grading staff and the equally crucial support team.
You could cancel shows for the entire next year and it would do little but irritate and impede hands-on collectors andthus increasingly whet their appetites.
I made one of my best buys ever at the 1980 CSNS show from a dealer that needed money. The 2009 ANA was a disaster.
I'm sure there are many more. Among the above:
Received an email from Doug Winter this evening that he was not going to the show. He was bringing me a coin to pickup in person.
More than likely most people will eventually catch covid. If you are vaccinated you more than likely will be just fine. If you are not vaccinated, that is your personal choice. I don’t see why we are shutting the world down again when almost everyone has had the chance to be protected.
So will everyone bail on NY International, which has 4x the case rate of Orlando? Or are PCGS and Heritage being nakedly political here?
Welcome to the forum.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
As of this moment, it isn't cancelled but I'm personally almost certainly not going to attend (which is very disappointing but according to my wife, coins are not worth the risk).
Thread killer... but an interesting question. There is an extra week before NY, so that may be next week's decision.
Except from you breathing on them
Welcome to the Forum and to trolling its bourse of ideas. You seem to be a trader in the mold of perennial bear Ellsworth Toohey. He remarked that he "only dealt in the stock market of the soul, and he always sold short".
That Ayn Rand always cracked me up. World's all-time greatest libertarian cartoonist.
Brad Rodgers of Numismatic Emporium Inc. has also canceled the FUN show
They can avoid my breathing on them by staying home. No one is dragging them to the show to breath on them.
Which is what they are doing via not attending.
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
Working list of cancellations:
Partial Cancellations
Full Cancellations
“ The U.S. Mint has announced they will not be able to attend our January convention”
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
I wonder what we'll see in the next 7 days.
There nonchalant attitude toward precautions did not help them. However the virus is endemic just like flu and now we have post exposure mitigation so hopefully this will be the last Fun show messed up.
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
I'm wondering if FUN will allow a dealer to cancel and maintain their current table assignment and not loose their bourse fee. I know I could call, but at this point I am attending. If they do allow cancellations with credit I would wager the list of no-shows would grow exponentially.
The attitude is interesting given the AKC policy in the same venue just 10 days ago.
I can see and understand PCGS not wanting to send their grading and operations staff. If any of them were affected, it could affect their business much longer than the dates of the conference.
It is promising that Omicron is crowding out Delta. Perhaps we'll see an even more transmissible and even less impacting variant in the future.
Perhaps I’m misinterpreting the attitude behind the language on the FUN show web page. But to me, it comes across as beyond merely “nonchalant”. Rather, it strikes me as in-your-face, “we’re not going to do anything about this situation.”
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
I agree Mark but was avoiding
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
Perhaps we'll see an even more transmissible and even less impacting variant in the future.
this is an almost certainty as Mother Nature hitchhikes to all points of the Nation/World and figures it out rather easily. Mankind, on the other hand, seems to have difficulty understanding its world and adapting to circumstances. if I read this thread correctly, one-out-of-four attendees should be contracting the F.U.N. variant in the next 7-10 days. interesting. put another way to suit my thinking: blindfolded at the curb with a 25% chance of being struck by a passing car, I would not cross the street. kudos to those much braver than me.
Zoins- by next year this time my hope is that you get a Covid shot that is quadravallant that covers multiple strains for a year vice this every couple months variety.
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
The pill is coming! I wonder if it will be OTC.
My guess is we may need better global vaccine coverage before variants stop coming and vaccines last longer. From the map below, we'll get there in early 2023.
That or we see less harmful and more transmissible variants come out to the point the more severe ones are crowded out.
I'm pretty sure the FUN Crew is just trying to stop the onslaught of phone calls they have been getting. They are telling us that YOU control your own decisions pertaining to attending the show. Dealers have the right to set their own protocol when it comes to their table space. One size does not fit all. Let's go and have some FUN!