I did not intend to attend the FUN show, but I have a convention a few weeks later in Arizona. By then, the Omnicron surge may be on the downswing. I will assess the situation when the time draws closer.
If I were considering attending FUN, my concerns would be more about logistics (possible flight cancellations, depletion of services on the ground, dealers cancelling) than it would be about health concerns, per se. From all that I have heard and read, including direct communications from ER docs, pulmonologists, and intensivists, the Omnicron strain is crowding out the Delta strain and is highly transmissible. The resulting illness is milder than Delta, especially in folks that are Vax x3. Fewer people are getting admitted with Covid and fewer are making it to the ICU (and beyond). Younger and healthier folks, as rare as hen's teeth at the FUN show , should be fine wearing a mask and taking reasonable precautions.
If I were within driving distance, I would still be inclined to go to FUN, knowing that if the situation changes on the ground, I could leave at any time. I might also shorten my visit. I would skip the crowded restaurant and bar scene, as I currently do at home. I would not fly to FUN, primarily for logistical reasons and the concern of flight cancellations and getting stuck, than the concern of flying itself.
@Zoins said:
The numbers may seem inflated when considering US flights as the following BBC article indicates the majority of cancelled flights are by Chinese airlines. Here's some additional information on yesterday from FlightAware:
The majority of the flights cancelled on Monday are those by Chinese companies, according to FlightAware. They include China Eastern, which cancelled more than 420 flights, and Air China, with more than 190 cancellations.
So for Monday on FlightAware we have the following, which still indicates a strong showing by US companies.
being careful with the rules here... despite local and convention center rules, should a scant few require vax and/or tests, it'd been wise to simply announce "despite local ... some dealers require ... it is advised to come with a vax card or proof of neg test."
@RYK said:
I did not intend to attend the FUN show, but I have a convention a few weeks later in Arizona. By then, the Omnicron surge may be on the downswing. I will assess the situation when the time draws closer.
If I were considering attending FUN, my concerns would be more about logistics (possible flight cancellations, depletion of services on the ground, dealers cancelling) than it would be about health concerns, per se. From all that I have heard and read, including direct communications from ER docs, pulmonologists, and intensivists, the Omnicron strain is crowding out the Delta strain and is highly transmissible. The resulting illness is milder than Delta, especially in folks that are Vax x3. Fewer people are getting admitted with Covid and fewer are making it to the ICU (and beyond). Younger and healthier folks, as rare as hen's teeth at the FUN show , should be fine wearing a mask and taking reasonable precautions.
If I were within driving distance, I would still be inclined to go to FUN, knowing that if the situation changes on the ground, I could leave at any time. I might also shorten my visit. I would skip the crowded restaurant and bar scene, as I currently do at home. I would not fly to FUN, primarily for logistical reasons and the concern of flight cancellations and getting stuck, than the concern of flying itself.
Or having a loony co-passenger sitting next to you
@RYK said:
I would not fly to FUN, primarily for logistical reasons and the concern of flight cancellations and getting stuck, than the concern of flying itself.
Or having a loony co-passenger sitting next to you
"Gold is money, and nothing else" (JP Morgan, 1912)
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
Due to concerns regarding the current state of the global pandemic, PCGS grading and operations staff will no longer be traveling to the event. However, we will still be accepting show grading submissions so that you may take advantage of quicker turnaround times. We will also be offering PCGS Authorized Dealers $10 off Show Express and Show service levels in addition to free return shipping on select service levels.
mikebyers.com Dealer in Major Mint Errors, Die Trials & Patterns - Author of NLG Best World Coin Book World's Greatest Mint Errors - Publisher & Editor of minterrornews.com.
Due to concerns regarding the current state of the global pandemic, PCGS grading and operations staff will no longer be traveling to the event. However, we will still be accepting show grading submissions so that you may take advantage of quicker turnaround times. We will also be offering PCGS Authorized Dealers $10 off Show Express and Show service levels in addition to free return shipping on select service levels.
It's a huge drag, but I've refocused my sights on the next Summer FUN. I heard the last Summer FUN was bombastic.
I'm not rethinking next week because I'm so worried about Omicron, but because I'm afraid the show is going to end up being a flop. I'm still not 100% yet, but does anyone else share my concerns? Travel is expensive.
Due to concerns regarding the current state of the global pandemic, PCGS grading and operations staff will no longer be traveling to the event. However, we will still be accepting show grading submissions so that you may take advantage of quicker turnaround times. We will also be offering PCGS Authorized Dealers $10 off Show Express and Show service levels in addition to free return shipping on select service levels.
Wow! That's a big blow.
Looks like some heavy hitters are pulling out.
Hmm, it's beginning to look like FUN is toast.
Also, just heard from an ID doc friend at my old hospital. They have two previously healthy young people on ECMO for COVID, 28 and 30 years old (unvaxed, of course).
Just cancelled my flight and hotel. I was going to pop in for 2 days, but no way now.
mikebyers.com Dealer in Major Mint Errors, Die Trials & Patterns - Author of NLG Best World Coin Book World's Greatest Mint Errors - Publisher & Editor of minterrornews.com.
I came down early to attend Palm Beach Coin Show and meet up with various clients. I must say I feel a heck of a lot safer in Florida the. I did in Ny. It’s warm you can be outside and while I believe Covid is real I also believe it’s going to be common like getting a cold. At some point I think everyone will get it and that sucks but it’s reality. I’m sure the show will go on with quite a few missing and think everyone just has to make their own decision. If you do come down please stop bye my table 403 and say hello. Fist bumps maybe but don’t ask to shake hands. Stay safe let’s all wish for a great 2022
@RYK said:
Also, just heard from an ID doc friend at my old hospital. They have two previously healthy young people on ECMO for COVID, 28 and 30 years old (unvaxed, of course).
My middle son had a home test kit show him to be positive for the virus and he is vaccinated. Went to get tested at the local emergency center and they don't do anymore testing apparently. Need to find another center and go tomorrow.
This “fUN” is heading in one obvious direction. The tide is moving out and the trend is clear.
I am thankful for this (so far) levelheaded thread and the input. PCGS has made the right decision.
Interesting developments, I have flights and hotel booked for the show but will pay attention to what is going on and decide something within the next few days.
“ The below convention Covid information is valid as of 9:15 P.M. December 28, 2021
NO is still the word of the day. There will be NO spacing of tables. NO mandatory masks. No capacity limits on the floor. NO examination of vaccination records. The dealers at their table can make the rules they want to enforce for doing business at their table. To our attendees you are free to decide if you want to mask.
The final NO is from the Orange County Convention Center. They have stated there are NO restrictions on entering the Convention Center.”
They seem nonchalant. Guess they should add NO PCGS reps and likely NO US Mint reps
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
@Mgarmy said:
“ The below convention Covid information is valid as of 9:15 P.M. December 28, 2021
NO is still the word of the day. There will be NO spacing of tables. NO mandatory masks. No capacity limits on the floor. NO examination of vaccination records. The dealers at their table can make the rules they want to enforce for doing business at their table. To our attendees you are free to decide if you want to mask.
The final NO is from the Orange County Convention Center. They have stated there are NO restrictions on entering the Convention Center.”
They seem nonchalant. Guess they should add NO PCGS reps and likely NO US Mint reps
My understanding was that there would be PCGS representation for collecting submissions, but no onsite grading. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. That notwithstanding, I wouldn't be interested in attending the show given the prevailing conditions. Best wishes to all who do participate.
I believe you are correct. No on-site grading bit will have someone there to take your submissions
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
@Mgarmy said:
“ The below convention Covid information is valid as of 9:15 P.M. December 28, 2021
NO is still the word of the day. There will be NO spacing of tables. NO mandatory masks. No capacity limits on the floor. NO examination of vaccination records. The dealers at their table can make the rules they want to enforce for doing business at their table. To our attendees you are free to decide if you want to mask.
The final NO is from the Orange County Convention Center. They have stated there are NO restrictions on entering the Convention Center.”
They seem nonchalant. Guess they should add NO PCGS reps and likely NO US Mint reps
With all of this peace of mind, FUN is a NO for me.
@RYK said:
Also, just heard from an ID doc friend at my old hospital. They have two previously healthy young people on ECMO for COVID, 28 and 30 years old (unvaxed, of course).
My middle son had a home test kit show him to be positive for the virus and he is vaccinated. Went to get tested at the local emergency center and they don't do anymore testing apparently. Need to find another center and go tomorrow.
If he has mild symptoms and tests positive on the Abbot Binax test (or similar), there is no reason to have a second test to verify it. No need to clog up emergency rooms and urgent cares or use a limited test that someone else needs to use. Docs are actively discouraging people from seeking confirmatory testing.
@Mgarmy said:
“ The below convention Covid information is valid as of 9:15 P.M. December 28, 2021
NO is still the word of the day. There will be NO spacing of tables. NO mandatory masks. No capacity limits on the floor. NO examination of vaccination records. The dealers at their table can make the rules they want to enforce for doing business at their table. To our attendees you are free to decide if you want to mask.
The final NO is from the Orange County Convention Center. They have stated there are NO restrictions on entering the Convention Center.”
They seem nonchalant. Guess they should add NO PCGS reps and likely NO US Mint reps
This is a policy of non-policy: "The dealers at their tables can make the rules..." Better, and more honest, to just say that we do not have a policy.
It is laughable to think that Covid will not be spread in this setting. If you are vaccinated/boosted and are wearing a high-quality mask, your chances of getting significantly ill are low. If you are unvaccinated and not wearing a mask, your risks are higher. How high? No one knows for certain. Your age and health status have some role in determining these outcomes. So does the quality or air exchange in the room. We all have to assess for ourselves and make decisions for ourselves.
If it were me, and I were in driving distance, I would probably still attend. I would wear a high quality mask and not take it off while in the convention center. I would probably go for the day. Maybe meet friends for drinks and dinner outside. If my livelihood depended on it, I might fly but would drive if I could. I would plan to have a high quality mask on all day (might be 10-12 hours) - it's not the end of the world.
@RYK said:
Also, just heard from an ID doc friend at my old hospital. They have two previously healthy young people on ECMO for COVID, 28 and 30 years old (unvaxed, of course).
My middle son had a home test kit show him to be positive for the virus and he is vaccinated. Went to get tested at the local emergency center and they don't do anymore testing apparently. Need to find another center and go tomorrow.
If he has mild symptoms and tests positive on the Abbot Binax test (or similar), there is no reason to have a second test to verify it. No need to clog up emergency rooms and urgent cares or use a limited test that someone else needs to use. Docs are actively discouraging people from seeking confirmatory testing.
Thought it was prudent to get tested at a center because he is sceduled to fly back in ten days since the next semester will begin at the university.
There is always the back up option of riding with me and have a father-son fourteen hour roadtrip instead of taking the flight (which he really wants to avoid and spend extra time with his mom instead).
@RYK said:
Also, just heard from an ID doc friend at my old hospital. They have two previously healthy young people on ECMO for COVID, 28 and 30 years old (unvaxed, of course).
My middle son had a home test kit show him to be positive for the virus and he is vaccinated. Went to get tested at the local emergency center and they don't do anymore testing apparently. Need to find another center and go tomorrow.
If he has mild symptoms and tests positive on the Abbot Binax test (or similar), there is no reason to have a second test to verify it. No need to clog up emergency rooms and urgent cares or use a limited test that someone else needs to use. Docs are actively discouraging people from seeking confirmatory testing.
Thought it was prudent to get tested at a center because he is sceduled to fly back in ten days since the next semester will begin at the university.
There is always the back up option of riding with me and have a father-son fourteen hour roadtrip instead of taking the flight (which he really wants to avoid and spend extra time with his mom instead).
You'd be better off waiting the week or more and go to get a negative test.
My college is requiring a negative for returning students.
@vulcanize said:
There is always the back up option of riding with me and have a father-son fourteen hour roadtrip instead of taking the flight (which he really wants to avoid and spend extra time with his mom instead).
"This is a policy of non-policy: "The dealers at their tables can make the rules..." Better, and more honest, to just say that we do not have a policy."
Exactly. What's on the FUN page is the equivalent of having a no farting zone within a huge convention of farters. Totally useless.
@ElmerFusterpuck said:
"This is a policy of non-policy: "The dealers at their tables can make the rules..." Better, and more honest, to just say that we do not have a policy."
Exactly. What's on the FUN page is the equivalent of having a no farting zone within a huge convention of farters. Totally useless.
What if they said dealers at their tables are not allowed to make rules?
@RYK said:
It is laughable to think that Covid will not be spread in this setting.
My guess is that people generally know it will be spreading, but that some are okay with it, like Jon mentioned above:
@ScarsdaleCoin said:
I believe Covid is real I also believe it’s going to be common like getting a cold. At some point I think everyone will get it and that sucks but it’s reality.
mikebyers.com Dealer in Major Mint Errors, Die Trials & Patterns - Author of NLG Best World Coin Book World's Greatest Mint Errors - Publisher & Editor of minterrornews.com.
Same here CoinHoarder, all 3 Moderna shots. Was very concerned with the flight cancellations, but I'm seeing far fewer the last three days. Looking forward to the FUN Show.
I have coins from almost all the major plagues in history. Mostly focused on yersinia pestis outbreaks. I will add a Covid coin to it though
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
Due to concerns regarding the current state of the global pandemic, PCGS grading and operations staff will no longer be traveling to the event. However, we will still be accepting show grading submissions so that you may take advantage of quicker turnaround times. We will also be offering PCGS Authorized Dealers $10 off Show Express and Show service levels in addition to free return shipping on select service levels.
That is too bad, but maybe they will be able to catch up some on current submission backlog
mikebyers.com Dealer in Major Mint Errors, Die Trials & Patterns - Author of NLG Best World Coin Book World's Greatest Mint Errors - Publisher & Editor of minterrornews.com.
mikebyers.com Dealer in Major Mint Errors, Die Trials & Patterns - Author of NLG Best World Coin Book World's Greatest Mint Errors - Publisher & Editor of minterrornews.com.
I ain't scared.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I did not intend to attend the FUN show, but I have a convention a few weeks later in Arizona. By then, the Omnicron surge may be on the downswing. I will assess the situation when the time draws closer.
If I were considering attending FUN, my concerns would be more about logistics (possible flight cancellations, depletion of services on the ground, dealers cancelling) than it would be about health concerns, per se. From all that I have heard and read, including direct communications from ER docs, pulmonologists, and intensivists, the Omnicron strain is crowding out the Delta strain and is highly transmissible. The resulting illness is milder than Delta, especially in folks that are Vax x3. Fewer people are getting admitted with Covid and fewer are making it to the ICU (and beyond). Younger and healthier folks, as rare as hen's teeth at the FUN show
, should be fine wearing a mask and taking reasonable precautions.
If I were within driving distance, I would still be inclined to go to FUN, knowing that if the situation changes on the ground, I could leave at any time. I might also shorten my visit. I would skip the crowded restaurant and bar scene, as I currently do at home. I would not fly to FUN, primarily for logistical reasons and the concern of flight cancellations and getting stuck, than the concern of flying itself.
They are at the Saddlebrook Tennis Academy in Tampa!
Witter coin posted on Instagram today that they pulled out of attending FUN, wonder if more dealers are to follow?
Successful transactions with: Lakesammman, jimineez1, Flackthat, PerryHall, bidask, bccox, TwistedArrow1962, free_spirit, alexerca, scooter25, FHC, tnspro, mcarney1173, moursund, and SurfinxHI (6 times)
Three days ago it was nearly 5000 flights cancelled
Almost two weeks ago Indian Postal mail department suspends delivery to US over Omicron flight disruption
There's more to it than meets the eye that makes one go hmmm!!!!!!.
Unfortunate, but it makes sense.
We should create a list of dealers attending and not attending so people can be up to date on who they will find.
well, I'd say just a list of cancellations
and it'd be nice if FUN would make the list
being careful with the rules here... despite local and convention center rules, should a scant few require vax and/or tests, it'd been wise to simply announce "despite local ... some dealers require ... it is advised to come with a vax card or proof of neg test."
Or having a loony co-passenger sitting next to you
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
Dear PCGS Authorized Dealer,
Due to concerns regarding the current state of the global pandemic, PCGS grading and operations staff will no longer be traveling to the event. However, we will still be accepting show grading submissions so that you may take advantage of quicker turnaround times. We will also be offering PCGS Authorized Dealers $10 off Show Express and Show service levels in addition to free return shipping on select service levels.
Wow! That's a big blow.
Looks like some heavy hitters are pulling out.
It's a huge drag, but I've refocused my sights on the next Summer FUN. I heard the last Summer FUN was bombastic.
I'm not rethinking next week because I'm so worried about Omicron, but because I'm afraid the show is going to end up being a flop. I'm still not 100% yet, but does anyone else share my concerns? Travel is expensive.
Early American Copper, Bust and Seated.
Hmm, it's beginning to look like FUN is toast.
Also, just heard from an ID doc friend at my old hospital. They have two previously healthy young people on ECMO for COVID, 28 and 30 years old (unvaxed, of course).
I won’t let any of this disrupt my plans. I was never going.
Just cancelled my flight and hotel. I was going to pop in for 2 days, but no way now.
I came down early to attend Palm Beach Coin Show and meet up with various clients. I must say I feel a heck of a lot safer in Florida the. I did in Ny. It’s warm you can be outside and while I believe Covid is real I also believe it’s going to be common like getting a cold. At some point I think everyone will get it and that sucks but it’s reality. I’m sure the show will go on with quite a few missing and think everyone just has to make their own decision. If you do come down please stop bye my table 403 and say hello. Fist bumps maybe but don’t ask to shake hands. Stay safe let’s all wish for a great 2022
My middle son had a home test kit show him to be positive for the virus and he is vaccinated. Went to get tested at the local emergency center and they don't do anymore testing apparently. Need to find another center and go tomorrow.
This “fUN” is heading in one obvious direction. The tide is moving out and the trend is clear.
I am thankful for this (so far) levelheaded thread and the input. PCGS has made the right decision.
Interesting developments, I have flights and hotel booked for the show but will pay attention to what is going on and decide something within the next few days.
My Instagram picturesErik
My registry sets
Right now, with the current situation, you couldn't pay me to get on an airplane, to go to FUN, or anywhere else.
“ The below convention Covid information is valid as of 9:15 P.M. December 28, 2021
NO is still the word of the day. There will be NO spacing of tables. NO mandatory masks. No capacity limits on the floor. NO examination of vaccination records. The dealers at their table can make the rules they want to enforce for doing business at their table. To our attendees you are free to decide if you want to mask.
The final NO is from the Orange County Convention Center. They have stated there are NO restrictions on entering the Convention Center.”
They seem nonchalant. Guess they should add NO PCGS reps and likely NO US Mint reps
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
My understanding was that there would be PCGS representation for collecting submissions, but no onsite grading. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. That notwithstanding, I wouldn't be interested in attending the show given the prevailing conditions. Best wishes to all who do participate.
I believe you are correct. No on-site grading bit will have someone there to take your submissions
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
They also said free return shipping to make up for not having on site grading... Which is smart.
Early American Copper, Bust and Seated.
You should reconsider.
One place offers discount flight tickets to many destinations
pM me. I'll book it for ya .
For $99
With all of this peace of mind, FUN is a NO for me.
If he has mild symptoms and tests positive on the Abbot Binax test (or similar), there is no reason to have a second test to verify it. No need to clog up emergency rooms and urgent cares or use a limited test that someone else needs to use. Docs are actively discouraging people from seeking confirmatory testing.
This is a policy of non-policy: "The dealers at their tables can make the rules..." Better, and more honest, to just say that we do not have a policy.
It is laughable to think that Covid will not be spread in this setting. If you are vaccinated/boosted and are wearing a high-quality mask, your chances of getting significantly ill are low. If you are unvaccinated and not wearing a mask, your risks are higher. How high? No one knows for certain. Your age and health status have some role in determining these outcomes. So does the quality or air exchange in the room. We all have to assess for ourselves and make decisions for ourselves.
If it were me, and I were in driving distance, I would probably still attend. I would wear a high quality mask and not take it off while in the convention center. I would probably go for the day. Maybe meet friends for drinks and dinner outside. If my livelihood depended on it, I might fly but would drive if I could. I would plan to have a high quality mask on all day (might be 10-12 hours) - it's not the end of the world.
Thought it was prudent to get tested at a center because he is sceduled to fly back in ten days since the next semester will begin at the university.

There is always the back up option of riding with me and have a father-son fourteen hour roadtrip instead of taking the flight (which he really wants to avoid and spend extra time with his mom instead).
You'd be better off waiting the week or more and go to get a negative test.
My college is requiring a negative for returning students.
Sounds like a college Spring Break road trip!
"This is a policy of non-policy: "The dealers at their tables can make the rules..." Better, and more honest, to just say that we do not have a policy."
Exactly. What's on the FUN page is the equivalent of having a no farting zone within a huge convention of farters. Totally useless.
My Instagram picturesErik
My registry sets
What if they said dealers at their tables are not allowed to make rules?
My guess is that people generally know it will be spreading, but that some are okay with it, like Jon mentioned above:
Here’s a spreading map with data from 2 days ago:
Ref: https://www.cnn.com/world/live-news/omicron-variant-coronavirus-news-12-29-21/index.html
My plans to cancel were more logistics than fear of the pandemic.
I am always masked, vaxed to the max, and avoid crowds.
That said, I have driven 600 Uber/Lyft rides over the past four months and frequently tested.
Attended a show in Dalton a couple years ago.
Flew instead of driving.
Worst mistake of my life.
Weather delays meant 13 hours going and 13 hours returning vs what would have been six hour drive.
Not gonna do it again!
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
Excellent read from a NYC ER Doctor :
Oh no!
I have to ask a most important question.
How is @Lakesammman going to get these for 2022???
Glad to be fully vaccinated and boosted! I still avoid crowds, and mask in public, to protect others.
By the way, I was happy to pick up two of these silver medals this year for the show that never was due to Covid!
These are part of my "Covid Collection". Anyone else have a Covid Collection?
Yes, but it is still super secret.
Same here CoinHoarder, all 3 Moderna shots. Was very concerned with the flight cancellations, but I'm seeing far fewer the last three days. Looking forward to the FUN Show.
I have coins from almost all the major plagues in history. Mostly focused on yersinia pestis outbreaks. I will add a Covid coin to it though
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
I posted a link showing flights into and out of MCO.
Very, very few cancellations right now
Hmm, maybe PCGS will reconsider?
That is too bad, but maybe they will be able to catch up some on current submission backlog
@Zoins said:
“Hmm, maybe PCGS will reconsider?”
No cocktail party!
No FUN for you!
reading this thread and the post above I come to one conclusion: Mother Nature is smarter than the Human Race and always seems to win in the end.