When four of Santa's elves got sick, the trainee elves did not produce toys as fast as the regular ones, and Santa began to feel the Pre-Christmas pressure. Then Mrs. Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more. When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two others had jumped the fence and were out, Heaven knows where. Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the ground and all the toys were scattered.
Frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered the elves had drunk all the cider and hidden the liquor. In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider jug, and it broke into hundreds of little glass pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found the mice had eaten all the straw off the end of the broom.
Just then the doorbell rang, and an irritated Santa marched to the door, yanked it open, and there stood a little angel with a great big Christmas tree. The angel said very cheerfully, "Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't this a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it?"
And so began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.
Not a lot of people know this.
@alpha33 Please delete your post unless you are trying to get yourself banned and this thread shut down.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
My , aren’t you just a lovely person. Bless your heart. You will find yourself having a chat with pcgs. Thanks for your inspirational thoughts. I’m glad you are perfect and have single handedly enlightened us all🤨
Using the quote feature to repeat the offending post is as bad as the original post.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
@PerryHall said: @Jzyskowski1
Using the quote feature to repeat the offending post is as bad as the original post.
Absolutely, my bad. Removed Thanks 🙏
I did get enlightened I’ll remember not to hit quote unless it’s on me.
Don't feel bad. I once used the quote feature on an offensive post and got a stern warning from one of the moderators. At least I didn't get banned like the person who made the original offensive post.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
A man, tired of busy life in the city, moves to a house at the countryside, middle of nowhere. After living there for few months, his nearest neighbor, a big, hairy guy living few miles away, comes to visit him for the first time.
"There will be a party New Year’s Eve at my place, are you interested?", asks the neighbor.
The guy, already a bit bored of his quiet living, says "Okay, why not."
"There will be some dancing and singing there", informs the neighbor.
"It's okay, I can sing", he answers.
"And know that there will be heavy drinking too."
"That's not a problem either, I haven't had a drink since I moved here."
"There will be fighting too", says the neighbor.
"Uh, okay, I think I can live with that", he replies.
"And after all that's been done, there will be some wild sex."
"Now that's good, I haven't got laid in ages!", he says, getting all excited about it.
"So I can count you in?", asks the neighbor.
"You bet you can", he answers enthusiastically.
"Okay, so it's a deal. Tonight at my place", says the neighbor and turns to go away.
"Wait, one last thing!", he yells after the big, hairy neighbor. "What should I wear?"
"Oh, doesn't matter, just gonna be the two of us."
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
Kennedys are my quest...
Kennedys are my quest...
Kennedys are my quest...
Cheers, RickO
When four of Santa's elves got sick, the trainee elves did not produce toys as fast as the regular ones, and Santa began to feel the Pre-Christmas pressure. Then Mrs. Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more. When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two others had jumped the fence and were out, Heaven knows where. Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the ground and all the toys were scattered.
Frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered the elves had drunk all the cider and hidden the liquor. In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider jug, and it broke into hundreds of little glass pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found the mice had eaten all the straw off the end of the broom.
Just then the doorbell rang, and an irritated Santa marched to the door, yanked it open, and there stood a little angel with a great big Christmas tree. The angel said very cheerfully, "Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't this a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it?"
And so began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.
Not a lot of people know this.
If you're out shopping today, please be nice to the retail workers. It's not their fault you waited until Mary's water broke to do your shopping.
A Covid Christmas
T'was the night before Christmas, but Covid was here,
So we all had to stay extra cautious this year.
Our masks were all hung by the chimney with care
In case Santa forgot his and needed a spare.
With Covid, we couldn't leave cookies or cake
So we left Santa hand sanitizer to take.
The children were sleeping, the brave little tots
The ones over 5 had just had their first shots,
And mom in her kerchief and me in my cap
Had just settled in for a long winter's nap.
But we tossed and we turned all night in our beds
As visions of variants danced in our heads.
Gamma and Delta and now Omicron
These Covid mutations that go on and on
I thought to myself, "If this doesn't get better,
I'll soon be familiar with every Greek letter".
Then just as I started to drift off and doze
A clatter of noise from the front lawn arose.
I leapt from my bed and ran straight down the stair
I opened the door, and an old gent stood there.
His N 95 made him look pretty weird
But I knew who he was by his red suit and beard.
I kept six feet away but blurted out quick
" What are you doing here, jolly Saint Nick?"
Then I said, "Where's your presents, your reindeer and sleigh ?
Don't you know that tomorrow will be Christmas Day? ".
And Santa stood there looking sad in the snow
As he started to tell me a long tale of woe.
He said he'd been stuck at the North Pole alone
All his white collar elves had been working from home,
And most of the others said "Santa, don't hire us!
We can live off the CERB now, thanks to the virus".
Those left in the toyshop had little to do.
With supply chain disruptions, they could make nothing new.
And as for the reindeer, they'd all gone away.
None of them left to pull on his sleigh.
He said Dasher and Dancer were in quarantine,
Prancer and Vixen refused the vaccine,
Comet and Cupid were in ICU,
So were Donner and Blitzen, they may not pull through.
And Rudolph's career can't be resurrected.
With his shiny red nose, they all think he's infected.
Even with his old sleigh, Santa couldn't go far.
Every border to cross needs a new PCR.
Santa sighed as he told me how nice it would be
If children could once again sit on his knee.
He couldn't care less if they're naughty or nice
But they'd have to show proof that they'd had their shot twice.
But then the old twinkle returned to his eyes.
And he said that he'd brought me a Christmas surprise.
When I unwrapped the box and opened it wide,
Starlight and rainbows streamed out from inside.
Some letters whirled round and flew up to the sky
And they spelled out a word that was 40 feet high.
There first was an H, then an O, then a P,
Then I saw it spelled HOPE when it added the E.
"Christmas magic" said Santa as he smiled through his beard.
Then suddenly all of the reindeer appeared.
He jumped into his sleigh and he waved me good-bye,
Then he soared o'er the rooftops and into the sky.
I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight
"Get your vaccines my friends, Merry Christmas, good-night".
Then I went back to bed and a sweet Christmas dream
Of a world when we'd finished with Covid 19.
U.S. Type Set
Naughty Elves ....
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
Cheers, RickO
One day at an arena in Ancient Rome, due to a lion shortage,
Gladiators fought reindeer.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
Kennedys are my quest...
Kennedys are my quest...
An oldie but a goodie
It's a romantic full moon, when Pedro said, "Hey, mamacita, let's do Weeweechu."
Oh no, not now, let's look at the moon!" said Rosita.
Oh, c'mon baby, let's you and I do Weeweechu. I love you and it's the perfect time," Pedro begged.
"But I wanna just hold your hand and watch the moon." replied Rosita.
Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me."
Rosita looked at Pedro and said, "OK, one time, we'll do Weeweechu."
Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang.....
"Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year."
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
You may want to reconsider your last post. Political comments are against the site rules. No sense in getting a demerit or worse from the moderators.
@alpha33 Please delete your post unless you are trying to get yourself banned and this thread shut down.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
My , aren’t you just a lovely person. Bless your heart. You will find yourself having a chat with pcgs. Thanks for your inspirational thoughts. I’m glad you are perfect and have single handedly enlightened us all🤨
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Using the quote feature to repeat the offending post is as bad as the original post.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Absolutely, my bad. Removed Thanks 🙏
I did get enlightened I’ll remember not to hit quote unless it’s on me.
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Don't feel bad. I once used the quote feature on an offensive post and got a stern warning from one of the moderators. At least I didn't get banned like the person who made the original offensive post.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Kennedys are my quest...
Kennedys are my quest...
Kennedys are my quest...
i now interrupt this humorfest with an accumulation of DOG ZOOMIES
A man, tired of busy life in the city, moves to a house at the countryside, middle of nowhere. After living there for few months, his nearest neighbor, a big, hairy guy living few miles away, comes to visit him for the first time.
"There will be a party New Year’s Eve at my place, are you interested?", asks the neighbor.
The guy, already a bit bored of his quiet living, says "Okay, why not."
"There will be some dancing and singing there", informs the neighbor.
"It's okay, I can sing", he answers.
"And know that there will be heavy drinking too."
"That's not a problem either, I haven't had a drink since I moved here."
"There will be fighting too", says the neighbor.
"Uh, okay, I think I can live with that", he replies.
"And after all that's been done, there will be some wild sex."
"Now that's good, I haven't got laid in ages!", he says, getting all excited about it.
"So I can count you in?", asks the neighbor.
"You bet you can", he answers enthusiastically.
"Okay, so it's a deal. Tonight at my place", says the neighbor and turns to go away.
"Wait, one last thing!", he yells after the big, hairy neighbor. "What should I wear?"
"Oh, doesn't matter, just gonna be the two of us."
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.