Calling @BIGWEBB
Having trouble getting in contact with you to complete our trade.
Its been a few weeks now, so for the rest of the forum members here's how things have transpired thus far...
I listed 1oz Palladium on the Precious Metal Buy/Sell/Trade thread here...
9-17 Contacted by Bigg Webb showing interest
9-18 We go back and forth on CU hammering out possible trades, we exchange phone numbers to communicate easier.
9-19 Bigg Webb and I come to an agreement on a trade
9-20 I send coins , Bigg Webb says he'll also send
9-23 Coins arrive to Big Webb's possession. When I inquire I get a text about his Mom in the hospital, him working OT and he'll send shortly and an apology.
9-27 I text and get no response
9-29 I text and get no response
10-1 I send a PM on CU, no response
10-2 I text and get no response
10-3 I call from a different number, and Bigg Webb answers, We chat and he apologizes , he's been sick , I let him know communication Is key and the radio silence has got me worried.. he assures me that he just sent his side of the trade two days ago, and mentions he's read my PMs, that he's received the Palladium coins, and that as soon as we are off the phone he'll send the tracking info.
10-4 after not hearing back I text and get no response, I also PM on CU with no response
10-5 still nothing in the mail, no response to text and PM
Big Webb, I see you log into the forum daily since this has began... You post comments and have For sale threads up,, you host forum giveaways and compliment people for honesty and integrity. I hope this is a mistake or misunderstanding and I want you to make this right and honor your end of our agreement.** At the least I feel it poor taste to ignore my texts and PMs
Everyone makes mistakes and people deserve chances to do the right thing.
@BIGWEBB please contact me to complete your side of our agreement
I am asking for feedback with the open forum at this juncture also.
It's all about what the people want...
OPs got a name, address, and phone number.
Many options, first that comes to mind is information gathering.
Example: Finding the phone and address of the local PD and the process to file a report.
holy cow...........uh oh, I see RED FLAGS coming from Big Webb. How come he can't even send you the tracking #s?
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
Buyer's been on the forum for four months. Not exactly enough time to deserve coins before payment.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
People make mistakes and admittedly that was mine. Perhaps for a brief moment I let my guard down seeing this members "random acts of kindness"
You live and you learn I suppose...
It's all about what the people want...
safe to say he won't make sales on the BST til he makes you whole.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Sounds like Big Webb gone awol. Unfortunatley for you, your probably out. but thanks for posting, anybody in the future doing business with him will be far and few between I suspect going forward.
Last post was on Oct 5, 2019.
You may want to also post this on the US Coin Forum and the BST Forum. If he continues to visit this site there's no excuse to not at least send you a PM letting you know what's going on.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
This does not sound good....You should prepare to contact the authorities in his area of residence.... and let him know he will be receiving a visit from the police. If it is a situation where he is honestly having an issue, it will get resolved with the authorities directing the resolution. Do not wait too long....Cheers, RickO
Also I might add: I don't buy this sick routine, or something happened, yet still posts and still shows active: Things do happen I understand, but
Just like when I had my kidney removal surgery a couple years back, it came up quick and fast, little time, but I did manage to get all my internet activities squared up with the help of a buddy while I was out, just in case.
Oh what a tangled Webb......
Big Webb prolly golfing and eating with chiniu67 laughing at all of us...
Some day this guy will pull this stunt on somebody willing to extract payment buy means equal to his own ethics. Until then, one more leach roams among us.
It's a treasure to find a community where people trust one another. It's particularly vile to intrude on such a thing and undermine it.
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Sounds like I may have avoided a mess a couple of months ago.....
Anyway, and I am sure this may rankle some folks, but, look at the date joined...look how new. I'm sorry (not that sorry though) but if I deal with a new member, for any reason, and I have been here quite a bit of time, I would NOT ship until I am satisfied ON MY END that I received what I was supposed to have received. Be it cash (check/paypal/etc) or a trade.
If a new member doesn't want to do that, I just won't do the deal. I am not that desperate to put myself, my funds, at that much, controllable, risk. Doesn't guarantee that I won't get ripped off....we know some "established" members that have ripped off fellow board members...collectors AND dealers doing the ripping off....but, it diminishes the changes, imo.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
I'm like you Bochiman, any new members must ship first!!! Lukemarshall should have made BiggWebb ship first no buts about it, Luke is a long time member, BigWebb is a 4 monther who needs to prove that he isn't a scammer.
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
Sorry to hear about this situation. I hope you are made whole one way or another. I almost made deals with him on three separate occasions but his items were either sold or we couldn’t meet on a number. It would be helpful if the people who have had successful deals with him would chime in as well, as well as anyone else who may have “in process” deals or problems as LukeMarshall describes. It seemed that he had several good deals with members on here as well as giveaways he did. It would be interesting to figure out the $$ amount at stake in those deals.
Four years ago on here I got ripped off by someone who established himself a bit by doing several deals honestly, and then ripped me for a larger amount. After the situation happened, I realized that his three successful deals were all under $100 and I had sent him $900.
This is a great forum with a lot of great people. I have purchased a ton on here in the last year with no problems.
I've seen him working/posting a deal on US currency board . We were supposed to meet at the battlefield show but he had Mil issue. I hope it's all easily explained but this last post has my antennae twitching so to speak.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Hard to say what might have happened.
Ive had several transactions with Big Webb, 500-2000$ range. Never had any issues, always paid instantly with Zelle.
This is a trade and might be different.
I back @LukeMarshall because I just received my side of the trade I had with him. Very nice guy to work with. It was my first transaction on the BST and worked out well.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
Thanks for all the posts here and in Private, we do have an amazing community and I appreciate all the comments and feedback.
I wouldn't normally come right out and post this level of detail publically were it not for the breakdown of communication between Mr. Webb and I whilst he continues to visit here a post as normal.
@BIGWEBB maybe this is a misunderstanding, and I invite you to tell your side of the story and to tell me I'm wrong in posting here. In that event when our communication resumes and I am made whole I do not mind asking PCGS to purge this from the record books.
In the event that I continue to get the cold shoulder a police report will be a good first step. Please do not forget that I have evidence not limited to
Your Name.
Phone number
Phone conversation
Post or PM me @BIGWEBB to make arrangements.
It's all about what the people want...
Sorry to see you going through this @LukeMarshall.
Hopefully a positive outcome will prevail.
Bumping to keep on top.
Hoping for the best.
Hasn’t logged-in since my snapshot post above.
Hoping for the best for the OP and anyone else who may have an on-going transaction.
I had a successful transaction with Mr. Webb. He was the buyer. Since you shipped to him you have his info. There is a point here where you have to make a decision on whether to escalate this situation.
1st). Take it to the main board and BST. More publicity the better for you.
2nd). Cops?
3rd). Live near Enough to drive to him directly?
I hope this is just an oversight.
good chance he doesn't have the funds but was looking to flip it quickly to pay you. Also his selling any further on the BST is on hold and that will limit his incoming funds.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Our trade was my palladium for a specific coin of equal value, swap for swap. Still holding out hope that it's in the mail like big Webb told me in our phone conversation on 10-3. He isn't answering text or PMs from anyone I know of at this moment so a number of things could have happened, I will update this thread if anything comes through in the next day or two.
It's all about what the people want...
You might try posting on his board
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
If he's on the forum, he got the message
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
This sure doesn't sound good at all for the OP. I hope I'm wrong and it works out. Good luck.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
You might want to post his? real name and location so others can be warned and that google search will pick it up.
sent on 10/3? you have until this coming monday to prepare what you will send to the local pd.
save that photo in case it is real and send them the link(s)
Yes, that is a good idea... Treat it like we treat evictions...
You have until 10-10 to complete the trade or return my palladium. If I do not have either by 10-10 then I will be contacting the Dundalk police department and filing a Criminal complaint.
Lol, the PD don’t care, and filing a criminal complaint is also meaningless, but Jimmy’s Famous, now that’s legit, you get me an address in that neighborhood and we gold...
Yep I once received an empty box in the mail that was supposed to contain 3 - 1oz gold maple leafs. Luckily signature was required so I had to retrieve from the post office. Immediately could tell by the weight the box it was empty so opened right there at the counter. Postmaster said it was a civil matter and he wasn't getting involved. Took to police and they basically laughed and said the same thing. Paypal saved my ass, the law certainly didn't.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
True, but if it were to be posted on his wall, then it could warn others who may not see the thread here but would see it on his wall.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
That’s a bit where I’m coming from
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
It’s still theft and the Police are required to take a report. Once you have the report it can be used in various ways. It all depends on how much time, effort, and $ one is willing to spend.
Where I live the Police are NOT required to take a report, they do NOT even have to respond to the call. They claim things like this are civil matters and they will not take a report.
Google their name and address to try to get as much information as you can about this person. You may find other social media outlets they are on. There is plenty of free info available out there.
Good luck, I really hope it works out. This kind of thing does seem to happen here multiple times a year.
True. Local police are a function of a city government and whatever policies they develop.
After reading this thread in its entirety, I just have to say, I can't stand when someone takes advantage of good, honest people. BIG WEBB , more like SMALL SCUM.
postal inspectors
this is theft
Someone on the BST just posted gold coins for sale that BigWebb claimed to send a money order for but never did. Luckily, he didn't ship items first.
I'm confident now in calling BigWebb a scam artist and loser. I'd glad I blocked the moron when he posted about his currency for sale, said he didn't know anything about it, and then countered back my offer telling me he paid twice what I
Glad I avoided him and so sorry that others got ripped.
What I’m thinking is that BIGWEBB came to the form as a nice genuine guy waiting for The right moment to strike. That was victim is unfortunately @LukeMarshall, scammed him for 1oz. Of palladium. Probably sold and long gone now.

75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
I am not out anything but he told me he wanted to purchase 2 1/10 oz of gold from me. He said he didn't have paypal. I sent my address for a MO. He never sent it. He said he did but it probably got lost, blah blah blah. AVOID.
Currency Wants: Any note with serial number 00000731
@Kliao agree explains his buying of bullion at spot (easy to move to build reputation), his low cost giveaways, and his posts expressing his wonderful transactions (highly unusual to see someone post that much praising transactions unless an ulterior motive).
I have his address if needed. Well, one that he sent to me. I guess I can't be sure it is real.
Currency Wants: Any note with serial number 00000731
I’m sorry this happened to you LukeMarshall. I can’t stand a thief!!! Please let us know how it turns out. Sucks there are people like him in this world. I have to say I’ve been uneasy about This guy ever since I first saw his picture. I know that you should not judge a book by its cover... I hope they lock him up!!!