<< <i>I can't see any compelling reasons to change current First Spouse policies. They get yanked after a year anyway and if I were the Mint, I'd want to give each issue a whole year to sell as many as possible. I could easily see them cutting their production runs down to 5,000 or so coins. I'll bet they're already doing that, in fact. >>
Going forward about the only coins that are going to have a chance at crazy low (less than 7,000 coin) may well be the first hags.
Thats the only PC unloved coin left that they have to strike even if it does not sell the over 10,000 minimum they want to see every year.
We need to know the mintage of the $50 unc "w" buff. If was 6500 4 coin sets plus 2500 singles and then 4-5 days later they are gone. I would love to see 10,000 total but I don't expect it. Sub 15,000 might be real though.
3 out of 4 of my Unc set were rolling around inside the box. Only the 1/2 was secure. None of them were out of the capsule, though. That contrasts greatly with my proof singles. They were so deeply embedded in the hole that I had to use my acetylene torch to get them out!
While the plat proof feeding frenzy was happening late last night, I actually trolled onto ebay and picked up a couple of 1/10 proofs for $219 and $229 including shipping...not too bad me thinks.
I also think I got a couple of the last 1/2 ounces out of Saigon before the last chopper departed!
dang, 2 weeks go i returned a 1/4 plat proof thinking i had time to buy another one in early 2009. d'oh! at elast i kept the 1/10 plat proof. i even got that at the old price. whew! at least i didn't screw everything up.
<< <i>dang, 2 weeks go i returned a 1/4 plat proof thinking i had time to buy another one in early 2009. d'oh! at elast i kept the 1/10 plat proof. i even got that at the old price. whew! at least i didn't screw everything up.
now it's the w-gold eagles turn. >>
Hey, we all been there. Time to appreciate what you DID get, and like you said, double-check to see if you want any more of those gold eagles before they're gone--which IMO is going to happen FAST.
Wow, one day massacre. Last night on another thread I stated I wouldn't be surprised if the half-plat-proof was toast this morning. Sure enough. All are toast.
Someone with deep pockets bought a "ton" yesterday. Hmmm, who could it be.
<< <i>Wow, one day massacre. Last night on another thread I stated I wouldn't be surprised if the half-plat-proof was toast this morning. Sure enough. All are toast.
Someone with deep pockets bought a "ton" yesterday. Hmmm, who could it be.
Ren >>
I don't think anyone bought a ton because there weren't a ton available. Bet the amount minted is very small and speculation from internet message boards like this pushed those on the fence to buy the remaining coins. I bet this board is responsible for 75% of the buying last night, maybe more. I bet the Proofs minted is tiny and will blow away the 2004 Proof issue.
Tough call. Do both, but only if you can get the proof quarter at a good price (within $100 of issue).
If I had to choose, I'd go for the gold unc-w eagles while they're still available at Mint prices. That 1/4-ouncer plat proof, unless you can get it right now at a low price, is going to be all over the map. You will PROBABLY have a chance to pick this up later at a reasonable price since most new keys have a settling down period after an initial spike. Remember, a LARGE number of these proof plats are in the hands of dealers and speculators. They've got to move them sometime, and in a bad economy, I'm guessing we'll see some period of low prices.
Look at eric's numbers and fast forward to 2018 and look back at these numbers. Think of the 1995-W ASE, J.R. Look at the Redbook and see the columns under the Plat, Gold fractionals disappear with only one ouncers being charted.
Not that the 08-W's of all flavors will get J.R. prices in ten years. Jackie-unc is a one time event in a huge modern commemorative series. The 08-W's have several coins with mintages between 3-7k. However, the collectors base for the eagles (and buffs) are huge in comparison, imho.
I went ahead and grabbed a 1/4 ounce W uncirc AGE, I had been considering it for a while anyway. So my bets for the year that I put my money on ( and am holding onto) were the 5 dollar Uncirc bald eagle commem, the 1/4 ounce W uncirc plat (that I just received), the 1/4 ounce W proof buffalo, the one ounce W Burnished ASE, and now this.
Those numbers are dreadful. Seriously, what IS going on here? I know of many 4 coin sets cancelled, with head held sorrowfully in hands. Still we see 2100+ sets. Unbelieveable.
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
looks like the unc w plat $25s are drifting down... 1778-- last week it was 1905. >>
The drift down could be a while longer. I bet many returned their coins on or before the "sale" date just to repurchase the same coin cheaper. By doing this the 30-day clock resets.
Since Eric posted sales figures for 2008 Plat Proofs earlier today let's say this as well. Those numbers will change next week. How much will they change is anybody's guess at this point. For newbie collectors allow me to say, the mint continued taking orders for a while after they sold out yesterday. Some orders will be real and some will never materialize. Please don't panic! It is normal mint practice to do this. I posted my orders on another thread yesterday night:
Order Time (All orders on EST):
3:34PM - 1/4s In stock and reserved 8:33PM - 1/4s Backordered 10:40PM - 1/2s In stock and reserved 10:54PM - 1/2s In stock and reserved 11:28PM- 1/2s Backordered 11:31PM - 1/2s Backordered
I tried again a little while ago:
11:10AM - 1/4s, 1/2s and 1 OZ - Not available
Edited to Add: Although my 1/4 order at 8:33PM shows backordered it wasn't until 9:38PM that they showed backordered in red on the sales page at the mint (therefore, at least anything passed 8:33PM is backordered but it still counts for next week's numbers until this is settled).
As Renman said, I am wondering how quickly the US Mint is processing returns.
When the Mint repriced the coins lower, I returned some coins to get them back at a lower price. I just received the credit for the returned coins. The sales numbers are likely to be in flux for a while as the Mint can through these returns and then resells them.
As Ericj96 said in one of his posts, 2008 looks like a year of winners.
I wonder how many forum readers have herds of buffalos and flocks of eagles.
To me it looks like either this mint made more unc plats than many guessed or their system is reporting wrong.
Also the buffalo numbers are extremely small, even smaller than i thought possible. I can't see anything holding them back now.
On the proof plats while I am optimistic these stay under with new key mintage figures I am not 100% certain like a lot are assuming. There was a day beyond the sales report and we saw what happened to the unc with extra days of sales. The best case is sales were absolutely normal yesterday to sellout of the 4 coins set.
If that is the case then they did understrike that set by nearly 1300. Even on normal amounts for the remaining singles it breaks as new keys.
For proof coins they will be the final low modern keys probably for decades IMO. However next week I expect to see a large increase in the plat proof numbers. If at next week they are still under 2004 then I think it is safe to assume they will be the new keys.
Looking more closely at the new numbers, it impresses me that the unc and proof buff numbers are very close--much closer than usual for a gold issue. This also bodes well for the prospects of the proof buffs. They may even outperform the uncs in the long-term.
dreadful is too strong a word. get some perspective.
So what is outlook?
Are 2006-W APE unc. safe as low keys??
I've thought the 2006w 1/10 and 1/4 safe since late October, don't see any reason to question that now. the 2006w 1/2 and 1 oz will remain safe if 2008 sets are close even to accurate.
To me it looks like either this mint made more unc plats than many guessed or their system is reporting wrong.
The current sales numbers don't show any dramatic changes; these numbers are pretty consistent with what the Mint has reported for a month. I'd be a lot more surprised if the numbers dropped 1,000 or more (as some believe they will). While we might see some additional downward revisions in the weeks to come, unless the Mint reports naked orders as sales, and unless there are a subtantial number of orders that were placed but won't be filled, the numbers we have now should be reasonably accurate.
At hte time I place the order, all were backordered. As of this morning:
2008 AE PLAT PRF 1/4 OZ 2 $359.95 $719.90 2 units backordered. Expected to ship on 12/24/2008. 2008 AE PLAT PRF 1/2 OZ 2 $599.95 $1,199.90 In stock and reserved
NY council if those numbers are consistent then the mint must be taking only 25 backorders per coin. And we know that isn't the case.
I think the 4 coin set backorders were canceled last Monday and the 4 coin set numbers didn't drop. Is that consistent? Hardly.
Anyway it will take time to sort out, I agree on that. And they are the second key coin so not bad there. But as far as being below 2006 it seems unlikely now, and is why I am cautious on the proof plat. If they ran these unc to those levels the same could have happened yesterday.
It has been well over a month on the 1/4 unc plats to level out to the real numbers and they are nothing near what some estimated. So estimating is clearly not easy and until next week comes nobody knows anything other than the proof coins sold out. The mintages are an open question.
<< <i>NY council if those numbers are consistent then the mint must be taking only 25 backorders per coin. And we know that isn't the case.
I think the 4 coin set backorders were canceled last Monday and the 4 coin set numbers didn't drop. Is that consistent? Hardly.
Anyway it will take time to sort out, I agree on that. And they are the second key coin so not bad there. But as far as being below 2006 it seems unlikely now, and is why I am cautious on the proof plat. If they ran these unc to those levels the same could have happened yesterday.
It has been well over a month on the 1/4 unc plats to level out to the real numbers and they are nothing near what some estimated. So estimating is clearly not easy and until next week comes nobody knows anything other than the proof coins sold out. The mintages are an open question. >>
The fact that they have not dropped even a single set is suspicious since other denominations have dropped at least a few coins.
I think the 4 coin set backorders were canceled last Monday and the 4 coin set numbers didn't drop. Is that consistent? Hardly.
Why do you think that backorders are part of the sales numbers? I suppose that could be the case, but I have yet to see evidence it's true.
Anyway it will take time to sort out, I agree on that.
not sure how anyone could disagree.
But as far as being below 2006 it seems unlikely now
I've thought it unlikely since the end of October. There was some chance for the 2008 unc. 1oz and 1/2oz to come in lower than 2006 at that time, but as far as I can see, that all but ended when the 4 coin set numbers broke 2000.
Anyway, as I've said before, the final numbers are less relevant now that the fractional plats are no longer an active series. Even if the last reported sales figures prove the final word --which I doubt-- the $25s are coins that were available for about $320, a current melt value of over $200, and a mintage under 4,000. Just because they haven't taken off yet doesn't mean they are doomed.
How long after sell out did the aftermarked prices peak for the recent, "high value" moderns (i.e, 2006 w plats, 20th anniv. AGE, etc.)?
I think the trend has been within 6 months or so. But those were different times; money was easy to come by, people had home equity and their stocks hadn't taken a 50% hit.
Confirmed with the USM Mint Office of Public Affairs today -
"Sales Numbers realeased in Sales reports this week do not include order cancellations".
I suppose we have to wait another week to see if they are included then........
why they arent included is anyone's guess, there was dramatic amounts of cancellations in all product offerings of the plat unc's last week as confirmed by many on this forum.....
Confirmed with the USM Mint Office of Public Affairs today -
"Sales Numbers realeased in Sales reports this week do not include order cancellations".
I suppose we have to wait another week to see if they are included then........
why they arent included is anyone's guess, there was dramatic amounts of cancellations in all product offerings of the plat unc's last week as confirmed by many on this forum..... >>
Well that is certainly good news...next week Sales reports will be important for both the Plat UNC-W and Proof's.
As for any 06-w being safe my opinion is that we have to wait for final numbers.
The 08-w 1/10 and 1/4 unc plats have a very good, if not excellent chance of dethrowning the 06-w's.....we wont go thru the reasons why, some forum members only use the sales report as their basis of opinion, rather than all the facts known to us at this point.
My opinion of where these will end up -
1oz unc 1250 1/2 oz unc 1100 1/4 oz unc 1100 1/10 oz unc 2000 4 coin sets 1250
All lower than 06w.
If you think 08w proof plats were short struck, dont get caught not owning the unc w plats.
The USM has a complete "mess" on their hands with their sales report.
My opinion is that all of these issues were short struck - Buffs, Plats, and even Eagles.
Is it possible that the sales numberswhich were just released never included the sales which have now been cancelled? Perhaps those cancelled sales were accumulated after the sell-out but never added to the sales numbers. I would guess that it is a possibility since no one really seems to know how the Mint has been keeping their books.
<< <i>I can't see any compelling reasons to change current First Spouse policies. They get yanked after a year anyway and if I were the Mint, I'd want to give each issue a whole year to sell as many as possible. I could easily see them cutting their production runs down to 5,000 or so coins. I'll bet they're already doing that, in fact. >>
Going forward about the only coins that are going to have a chance at crazy low (less than 7,000 coin) may well be the first hags.
Thats the only PC unloved coin left that they have to strike even if it does not sell the over 10,000 minimum they want to see every year.
The shortage of blanks could be starting to affect current production of the First Spouse coins. They need 1/2 ounce .9999 pure blanks to strike them.
This may have also been a factor in discontinuing many of the fractional gold and silver coins made for collectors.
My Adolph A. Weinman signature

Hoard the keys.
<< <i>One little warning to tuck away for use in the future...........
I opened quite a few(well over 50) boxes of buffs this weekend.
These were multiple orders over several weeks.
These were both proof and unc............1/4, 1/2, and 4 coin sets.
Outstanding coins and packaging.
HOWEVER about 1/5-1/4 had loose capsules and there were even a few with coins loose ouside of capsules!!!
I mention this only because IMO I would not want to buy any sealed sets off of ebay.
The second trip through shipping and handling at USPS-UPS or Fed Ex would undoubtly result in even a higher % of loose capsules and coins. >>
Approx 70% of my Buffs, proof and Uncs, were rattlers upon receipt.
https://pcgs.com/setregistry/collectors-showcase/classic-issues-colonials-through-1964/zambezi-collection-trade-dollars/7345Asesabi Lutho
<< <i>Lets see a 4 coin set of Buffalo in silver that will be cool. >>
No doubt! Awesome idea........I nominate you for Dir. of US Mint
All (14) orders I placed on 12/01/08 for 1/4oz proof buffs just got canceled..........Item is no longer available.
While the plat proof feeding frenzy was happening late last night, I actually trolled onto ebay and picked up a couple of 1/10 proofs for $219 and $229 including shipping...not too bad me thinks.
I also think I got a couple of the last 1/2 ounces out of Saigon before the last chopper departed!
now it's the w-gold eagles turn.
<< <i>dang, 2 weeks go i returned a 1/4 plat proof thinking i had time to buy another one in early 2009. d'oh! at elast i kept the 1/10 plat proof. i even got that at the old price. whew! at least i didn't screw everything up.
now it's the w-gold eagles turn. >>
Hey, we all been there. Time to appreciate what you DID get, and like you said, double-check to see if you want any more of those gold eagles before they're gone--which IMO is going to happen FAST.
Someone with deep pockets bought a "ton" yesterday. Hmmm, who could it be.
<< <i>Wow, one day massacre. Last night on another thread I stated I wouldn't be surprised if the half-plat-proof was toast this morning. Sure enough. All are toast.
Someone with deep pockets bought a "ton" yesterday. Hmmm, who could it be.
Ren >>
I don't think anyone bought a ton because there weren't a ton available. Bet the amount minted is very small and speculation from internet message boards like this pushed those on the fence to buy the remaining coins. I bet this board is responsible for 75% of the buying last night, maybe more. I bet the Proofs minted is tiny and will blow away the 2004 Proof issue.
If I had to choose, I'd go for the gold unc-w eagles while they're still available at Mint prices. That 1/4-ouncer plat proof, unless you can get it right now at a low price, is going to be all over the map. You will PROBABLY have a chance to pick this up later at a reasonable price since most new keys have a settling down period after an initial spike. Remember, a LARGE number of these proof plats are in the hands of dealers and speculators. They've got to move them sometime, and in a bad economy, I'm guessing we'll see some period of low prices.
Anyone else?
Not that the 08-W's of all flavors will get J.R. prices in ten years. Jackie-unc is a one time event in a huge modern commemorative series. The 08-W's have several coins with mintages between 3-7k. However, the collectors base for the eagles (and buffs) are huge in comparison, imho.
<< <i>Eric, will the 1/2oz Proof Plat be de-valued due to the 20k sales of tenth ann. sets??
Thanks >>
I think the tenth anniv. sets were dated 2007 not 2008.
looks like the unc w plat $25s are drifting down... 1778-- last week it was 1905.
Thanks again for the great info in this thread!
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
looks like the unc w plat $25s are drifting down... 1778-- last week it was 1905. >>
The drift down could be a while longer. I bet many returned their coins on or before the "sale" date just to repurchase the same coin cheaper. By doing this the 30-day clock resets.
Order Time (All orders on EST):
3:34PM - 1/4s In stock and reserved
8:33PM - 1/4s Backordered
10:40PM - 1/2s In stock and reserved
10:54PM - 1/2s In stock and reserved
11:28PM- 1/2s Backordered
11:31PM - 1/2s Backordered
I tried again a little while ago:
11:10AM - 1/4s, 1/2s and 1 OZ - Not available
Edited to Add: Although my 1/4 order at 8:33PM shows backordered it wasn't until 9:38PM that they showed backordered in red on the sales page at the mint (therefore, at least anything passed 8:33PM is backordered but it still counts for next week's numbers until this is settled).
For most here, it's win-win. Absolute mintages are still low and most here also hold the 06-ws, so what's the problem?
When the Mint repriced the coins lower, I returned some coins to get them back at a lower price. I just received the credit for the returned coins. The sales numbers are likely to be in flux for a while as the Mint can through these returns and then resells them.
As Ericj96 said in one of his posts, 2008 looks like a year of winners.
I wonder how many forum readers have herds of buffalos and flocks of eagles.
looks like the unc w plat $25s are drifting down... 1778-- last week it was 1905. >>
So what is outlook?
Are 2006-W APE unc. safe as low keys??
<< <i>
<< <i>Eric, will the 1/2oz Proof Plat be de-valued due to the 20k sales of tenth ann. sets??
Thanks >>
I think the tenth anniv. sets were dated 2007 not 2008. >>
Thanks jbw.....you are correct!!!!!
I wasn't thinking again!!!
You scared me. Then I double checked and saw the 10th Anniversary sets were 07s!!!
Also the buffalo numbers are extremely small, even smaller than i thought possible. I can't see anything holding them back now.
On the proof plats while I am optimistic these stay under with new key mintage figures I am not 100% certain like a lot are assuming. There was a day beyond the sales report and we saw what happened to the unc with extra days of sales. The best case is sales were absolutely normal yesterday to sellout of the 4 coins set.
If that is the case then they did understrike that set by nearly 1300. Even on normal amounts for the remaining singles it breaks as new keys.
For proof coins they will be the final low modern keys probably for decades IMO. However next week I expect to see a large increase in the plat proof numbers. If at next week they are still under 2004 then I think it is safe to assume they will be the new keys.
dreadful is too strong a word. get some perspective.
So what is outlook?
Are 2006-W APE unc. safe as low keys??
I've thought the 2006w 1/10 and 1/4 safe since late October, don't see any reason to question that now. the 2006w 1/2 and 1 oz will remain safe if 2008 sets are close even to accurate.
To me it looks like either this mint made more unc plats than many guessed or their system is reporting wrong.
The current sales numbers don't show any dramatic changes; these numbers are pretty consistent with what the Mint has reported for a month. I'd be a lot more surprised if the numbers dropped 1,000 or more (as some believe they will). While we might see some additional downward revisions in the weeks to come, unless the Mint reports naked orders as sales, and unless there are a subtantial number of orders that were placed but won't be filled, the numbers we have now should be reasonably accurate.
At hte time I place the order, all were backordered. As of this morning:
2008 AE PLAT PRF 1/4 OZ 2 $359.95 $719.90 2 units backordered. Expected to ship on 12/24/2008.
2008 AE PLAT PRF 1/2 OZ 2 $599.95 $1,199.90 In stock and reserved
Oh, yeah, and my 1/4-oz PROOF BUFF!
Wow, those proofs are cool. I woulda gotten more if I'd known, but I'm glad to have one at least.
Thanks for the heads up. My following orders changed status today:
11:28PM- 1/2s Backordered (changed to "In stock and reserved")
11:31PM - 1/2s Backordered (changed to "In stock and reserved")
<< <i>
<< <i>Eric, will the 1/2oz Proof Plat be de-valued due to the 20k sales of tenth ann. sets??
Thanks >>
I think the tenth anniv. sets were dated 2007 not 2008. >>
No the 2007 set adds to the relative ratirity of the 2008 proof plats. 2008 is going to see $3,000+ when the economy recovers.
I think the 4 coin set backorders were canceled last Monday and the 4 coin set numbers didn't drop. Is that consistent? Hardly.
Anyway it will take time to sort out, I agree on that. And they are the second key coin so not bad there. But as far as being below 2006 it seems unlikely now, and is why I am cautious on the proof plat. If they ran these unc to those levels the same could have happened yesterday.
It has been well over a month on the 1/4 unc plats to level out to the real numbers and they are nothing near what some estimated. So estimating is clearly not easy and until next week comes nobody knows anything other than the proof coins sold out. The mintages are an open question.
How long after sell out did the aftermarked prices peak for the recent, "high value" moderns (i.e, 2006 w plats, 20th anniv. AGE, etc.)?
<< <i>NY council if those numbers are consistent then the mint must be taking only 25 backorders per coin. And we know that isn't the case.
I think the 4 coin set backorders were canceled last Monday and the 4 coin set numbers didn't drop. Is that consistent? Hardly.
Anyway it will take time to sort out, I agree on that. And they are the second key coin so not bad there. But as far as being below 2006 it seems unlikely now, and is why I am cautious on the proof plat. If they ran these unc to those levels the same could have happened yesterday.
It has been well over a month on the 1/4 unc plats to level out to the real numbers and they are nothing near what some estimated. So estimating is clearly not easy and until next week comes nobody knows anything other than the proof coins sold out. The mintages are an open question. >>
The fact that they have not dropped even a single set is suspicious since other denominations have dropped at least a few coins.
Why do you think that backorders are part of the sales numbers? I suppose that could be the case, but I have yet to see evidence it's true.
Anyway it will take time to sort out, I agree on that.
not sure how anyone could disagree.
But as far as being below 2006 it seems unlikely now
I've thought it unlikely since the end of October. There was some chance for the 2008 unc. 1oz and 1/2oz to come in lower than 2006 at that time, but as far as I can see, that all but ended when the 4 coin set numbers broke 2000.
Anyway, as I've said before, the final numbers are less relevant now that the fractional plats are no longer an active series. Even if the last reported sales figures prove the final word --which I doubt-- the $25s are coins that were available for about $320, a current melt value of over $200, and a mintage under 4,000. Just because they haven't taken off yet doesn't mean they are doomed.
How long after sell out did the aftermarked prices peak for the recent, "high value" moderns (i.e, 2006 w plats, 20th anniv. AGE, etc.)?
I think the trend has been within 6 months or so. But those were different times; money was easy to come by, people had home equity and their stocks hadn't taken a 50% hit.
NY council do you consider the 2006W to 2008 W unc gold fractionals an ended series or part of the bullion series like the 1999W gold error coins?
Do you consider the 2008 W buffalo unc part of the buffalo bullion ounce coin series or an ended one year issue that will never be compared?
How will the plat UNC w get listed in redbook, alone or lumped with the bullion coins?
How are the plat unc w listed in the registry set, separate or with other bullion strikes?
Confirmed with the USM Mint Office of Public Affairs today -
"Sales Numbers realeased in Sales reports this week do not include order cancellations".
I suppose we have to wait another week to see if they are included then........
why they arent included is anyone's guess, there was dramatic amounts of cancellations in all product offerings of the plat unc's last week as confirmed by many on this forum.....
<< <i>Guys -
Confirmed with the USM Mint Office of Public Affairs today -
"Sales Numbers realeased in Sales reports this week do not include order cancellations".
I suppose we have to wait another week to see if they are included then........
why they arent included is anyone's guess, there was dramatic amounts of cancellations in all product offerings of the plat unc's last week as confirmed by many on this forum..... >>
Well that is certainly good news...next week Sales reports will be important for both the Plat UNC-W and Proof's.
The 08-w 1/10 and 1/4 unc plats have a very good, if not excellent chance of dethrowning the 06-w's.....we wont go thru the reasons why, some forum members only use the sales report as their basis of opinion, rather than all the facts known to us at this point.
My opinion of where these will end up -
1oz unc 1250
1/2 oz unc 1100
1/4 oz unc 1100
1/10 oz unc 2000
4 coin sets 1250
All lower than 06w.
If you think 08w proof plats were short struck, dont get caught not owning the unc w plats.
The USM has a complete "mess" on their hands with their sales report.
My opinion is that all of these issues were short struck - Buffs, Plats, and even Eagles.