Just back from the Long Beach show in time to post in this great thread:
Until recently, these two beauties had been in the same family for over 115 years! Talk about provenance! It seems in the early 1900’s families celebrated the birth of a child by purchasing a gold coin from a local bank. This family even bought another on the child’s one year birthday. Nice coincidence, too, catching the design change in the $2 1/2 gold over those two years!
Before I obtained these, one of our members acquired the coins from a coworker & had them graded. Nice extra feature with that - the family that sold them retained the old boxes they acquired & stored them in over all those years:
I just bought a new guitar and amp recently (first new gear in decades - PRS SE and Line 6 Spider) and was just working on Purple Haze last night (I used to play this as a teenager, for all the rage)
... 'scuse me while I kiss the sky ...
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Happy Sat Gents! Beautiful gold above from @Copperindian and @pursuitofliberty weighs in with a super superb CBH. @Inspired70 always with a condition census Seated Dollar, and our friend @Catbert brings the crazy toners!....Starting off the day right!
Two of the best 1892's on the planet...yup I said it.
Two of the best 1892's on the planet...yup I said it.
Say it like you mean it Eldo'! Don't be shy!!
Wow @Copperindian What a nice thing to say. Thank you! I have really appreciated your contributions to this thread since you joined us here. This morning's gold drop is no exception. Those are some wonderful pieces, and a great background story to go with it. Congratulations on picking those up!
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Happy Saturday! Enjoying the pics of this 1953-S currently in a NGC MS66+FS which makes it technically the highest graded at both services. For the amount of step detail this coin has an amazing strike. Most 53-S’s have horrible horrible detail when they have steps. She is currently on her way to our host to attempt a crossover at anything over 65FS which she is nicer than that IMO.
Happy Saturday everyone! March has arrived and Spring is right around the corner. How about some green to get us in the mood with the hot black coffee this morning.
Bringing in March today with the Saturday Red Eye and with:
This past Thursday night’s auction win. Absolutely without a doubt the most lustrous, perfect RD IHC I’ve ever seen, let alone owned. Within a pop of 5/0, this one’s at the top of the heap. A quick backstory with this one. Some 4-5 years ago, the then #1 IHC Basic set was up for sale (Jasper Mantooth). I was fortunate to get 4 nice ones - all in RD. While I saw the set for sale very early, this coin was already sold when I put in for it. In fact, it was #1 on my list.
The winner of the coin was Douglas Wright, who, in my mind, was/is one of the all time great IHC/FE/pattern collectors. Doug decided to sell his award winning IHC set through HA last Thursday night. This was a rare opportunity for dedicated IHC collectors. Even though I mostly collect toners these days, this was a RD one I couldn’t pass up!
Green and Red ... damn, you'd think it was Christmas in March!! them both @Inspired70@Copperindian
The fog has rolled in and stuck around the beach the last few days, but I drove out to Lacey yesterday and was rewarded with gorgeous Spring weather.
Here's one that can kind of keep up with a Green and Red theme, at least on the obverse
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
I have to say something I’ve said before: this thread is absolutely the best! Not only for the great coins posted, but also the participants. Many of us are repeaters, but new collectors/posters are most welcome anytime. Easily my favorite thread!
Some colorful Proof, SMS and MS Jeffersons for this gorgeous No. Cal. Saturday morning (plus a toned MS Liberty Nickel, an MS Shield Nickel and an MS Buffalo Nickel).
All coins are in my collection except the 1956 and 1959 Proof nickels; and the 1965 and 1966 SMS nickels.
@SanctionII said:
Some colorful Proof, SMS and MS Jeffersons for this gorgeous No. Cal. Saturday morning (plus a toned MS Liberty Nickel, an MS Shield Nickel and an MS Buffalo Nickel).
All coins are in my collection except the 1956 and 1959 Proof nickels; and the 1965 and 1966 SMS nickels.
Those are some awesome Washington Nickels! Personally, not my series, but you have some awesome coins there.
Happy end of the day Saturday -
Long time ago, I loved DMPL Morgans. For the past 25 years, i don't like Morgans nor have i purchased one.
But I still love those DMPL Morgans - Still great looking -
A bit of nostalgia on this beautiful Red Eye Saturday here in the SF Bay Area. Mid 60’s & sunny today!
First, a welcome to a really nice toner in my IHC group:
It’s a 66RB which is part of a 11/0 pop (if 11 is really 11). Stunning eye appeal & great detail with no issues.
But it means good bye to the RD 1878 I’ve owned for a long time; I think it’s 2nd oldest after a 1872. It’s tough to part with, though, as it has a feature I’ve never seen on any 1878 - the rev cud @ 9-9:30. While the coin is really nice, it’s this cud that made me buy it. This is one I’ll really miss!
All my favorite guys are up early today! I bagged this 1907 recently and am pretty tickled....always wanted the 1907 no motto. She's in a 64+ CAC holder.
GM everyone - Nothing new for me to report this week. But I love to see how my friends are enjoying their coins - Nice - @Copperindian, @JWP & @pursuitofliberty! Enjoy the weekend.
We had a rare snow last night here in central New Mexico. (I say “snow,” but it was really just a dusting). Working on my second cup of coffee and admiring a couple newly graded varieties I cherrypicked off eBay over the last few years.
No longer morning on the east coast, but after some morning lazing around, I'm posting a coin that I bought in 2022 that I'm deciding what to do with (it's a duplicate that I love!). The gun-metal look turns me on.
AU50 CAC, large O, WB-5
Seated Half Society member #38 "Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Went out to the flea market this morning and brought back this awesome World War I American Expeditionary Forces Identification Card and victory medal. It belonged to a soldier from South Carolina.
I believe the design of the medal was used in a SC$.
Have a good Saturday, all. Stay caffeinated.
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
@Catbert said:
No longer morning on the east coast, but after some morning lazing around, I'm posting a coin that I bought in 2022 that I'm deciding what to do with (it's a duplicate that I love!). The gun-metal look turns me on.
AU50 CAC, large O, WB-5
I need a WB-5. That coin would be perfect for my 40-O DM set.
Red Eye Saturday - this time from a Starbucks in LV. Last night we saw the Eagles in the Sphere. This band, even after all these years, still brings it! The venue? Hard to put into words! One must experience it to know (I hear they charge $100 just to tour it with no band performing).
Todays coin, fresh from a HA auction win:
The 1875 S-2 is another of those tough varieties. This one’s a pop 1/0 in the RB category! Lots of RD, thick colorful patina, exceptional eye appeal & no issues. Definitely one for this incorrigible variety hunter!
Oh man @Eldorado9 You're giving me flashbacks Brother!!
I had hoped to show off a new piece today, but there was a mixup at the Post Office, so it'll have to wait a week. I was gone all day yesterday (and Thursday from about 2pm) ... on the road, with a trailer, helping my Daughter move.
I NEED the coffee this morning!!
Here's a relatively new member from the Band of Gypsies that call this place home.
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Happy Saturday - been working all day with 3 cups of coffee in me so far.
I got to admit I am so impress this week - @earlyAurum - Love that 1804 quarter Eagle! @pursuitofliberty - Love those clash marks on the 1814 CBH @Eldorado9 - Perfect 1915 half and quarter. @Copperindian - fanastic 1875 Indian -
Absolute winners!
Most impressive are the:
Grading history
Eagle concert in the Sphere - I must go to that concert - saw the Eagles over 5 times!
Huge shout out to @DCW - great coin and your service for us.
and everyone else that contributes to this great thread!
Here is one of my modern coin - Anything after 1838 is considered modern to me.
@DCW was a Hard Rock, Rock Hard Ground-pounding Grunt? Damn!!
Thank you for your service Brother ... from a Flying Squid!
This is the best thread of the week, every week.
From @JWP's always humorous opening salvo and assortment of cool and esoteric numismatica, to what always seems to be some really great coins (and coffee!)
@earlyAurum bought his avatar. Very nice looking early gold!
@Pnies20 Mine is here (at the PO), but of course the PO isn't open on Saturdays out here on the edge of the Earth.
@EastonCollection See now, doesn't it feel good to admit you really have a thing for moderns?! Oh my, moderns like that could hold my interest too!!
And @TheGoonies1985 is on board with a nicely circulated Mexican Real
And lest I not forget the token from @jughead1893 "The Constitution, As I Understand It". Pretty cool! And an important statement as well.
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Trade ya for one of your oh so magnificent dollars!

"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
That’s clearly a Jimi Hendrix nickel
Damn, @Catbert—I had to wait after that post. Here, you guys can go back to sleep now:

Just back from the Long Beach show in time to post in this great thread:
Until recently, these two beauties had been in the same family for over 115 years! Talk about provenance! It seems in the early 1900’s families celebrated the birth of a child by purchasing a gold coin from a local bank. This family even bought another on the child’s one year birthday. Nice coincidence, too, catching the design change in the $2 1/2 gold over those two years!
Before I obtained these, one of our members acquired the coins from a coworker & had them graded. Nice extra feature with that - the family that sold them retained the old boxes they acquired & stored them in over all those years:
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
Damn, you guys are on your game this morning!
I just bought a new guitar and amp recently (first new gear in decades - PRS SE and Line 6 Spider) and was just working on Purple Haze last night (I used to play this as a teenager, for all the rage)
... 'scuse me while I kiss the sky ...

“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Happy Sat Gents! Beautiful gold above from @Copperindian and @pursuitofliberty weighs in with a super superb CBH. @Inspired70 always with a condition census Seated Dollar, and our friend @Catbert brings the crazy toners!....Starting off the day right!
Two of the best 1892's on the planet...yup I said it.
@pursuitofliberty: great post today, like always!
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
@Eldorado9: fabulous pair! Just might be the best on the planet!
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles

Say it like you mean it Eldo'! Don't be shy!!
Wow @Copperindian What a nice thing to say. Thank you! I have really appreciated your contributions to this thread since you joined us here. This morning's gold drop is no exception. Those are some wonderful pieces, and a great background story to go with it. Congratulations on picking those up!
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Happy Saturday! Enjoying the pics of this 1953-S currently in a NGC MS66+FS which makes it technically the highest graded at both services. For the amount of step detail this coin has an amazing strike. Most 53-S’s have horrible horrible detail when they have steps. She is currently on her way to our host to attempt a crossover at anything over 65FS which she is nicer than that IMO.

Lovely Italian:
Well, just Love coins, period.
Happy Saturday everyone! March has arrived and Spring is right around the corner. How about some green to get us in the mood with the hot black coffee this morning.
Celestial Dancers, from Cambodia, which look good even as the coffee still brewing:
And the somewhat risk-taking Ebay pictures:
Well, just Love coins, period.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
Bringing in March today with the Saturday Red Eye and with:
This past Thursday night’s auction win. Absolutely without a doubt the most lustrous, perfect RD IHC I’ve ever seen, let alone owned. Within a pop of 5/0, this one’s at the top of the heap. A quick backstory with this one. Some 4-5 years ago, the then #1 IHC Basic set was up for sale (Jasper Mantooth). I was fortunate to get 4 nice ones - all in RD. While I saw the set for sale very early, this coin was already sold when I put in for it. In fact, it was #1 on my list.
The winner of the coin was Douglas Wright, who, in my mind, was/is one of the all time great IHC/FE/pattern collectors. Doug decided to sell his award winning IHC set through HA last Thursday night. This was a rare opportunity for dedicated IHC collectors. Even though I mostly collect toners these days, this was a RD one I couldn’t pass up!
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
Congrats @Copperindian on the beautiful, blazing red 1865 Indian....I saw that one myself in the auction and it made a strong impression on me!
Happy Saturday morning.
Visiting my 1939 to 1970 proof and SMS Registry Sets this morning. Eventually 1936, 1937 and 1938 sets will be added.
Green and Red ... damn, you'd think it was Christmas in March!!

them both @Inspired70 @Copperindian
The fog has rolled in and stuck around the beach the last few days, but I drove out to Lacey yesterday and was rewarded with gorgeous Spring weather.
Here's one that can kind of keep up with a Green and Red theme, at least on the obverse

“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Looks like your visit was quite rewarding!
Here is a bust quarter along the green/red theme for this Saturday. Drinking tea and not coffee but the caffeine is the important part.
I have to say something I’ve said before: this thread is absolutely the best! Not only for the great coins posted, but also the participants. Many of us are repeaters, but new collectors/posters are most welcome anytime. Easily my favorite thread!
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
Some colorful Proof, SMS and MS Jeffersons for this gorgeous No. Cal. Saturday morning (plus a toned MS Liberty Nickel, an MS Shield Nickel and an MS Buffalo Nickel).
All coins are in my collection except the 1956 and 1959 Proof nickels; and the 1965 and 1966 SMS nickels.
Those are some awesome Washington Nickels! Personally, not my series, but you have some awesome coins there.
Happy end of the day Saturday -

Long time ago, I loved DMPL Morgans. For the past 25 years, i don't like Morgans nor have i purchased one.
But I still love those DMPL Morgans - Still great looking -
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
A bit of nostalgia on this beautiful Red Eye Saturday here in the SF Bay Area. Mid 60’s & sunny today!
First, a welcome to a really nice toner in my IHC group:
It’s a 66RB which is part of a 11/0 pop (if 11 is really 11). Stunning eye appeal & great detail with no issues.
But it means good bye to the RD 1878 I’ve owned for a long time; I think it’s 2nd oldest after a 1872. It’s tough to part with, though, as it has a feature I’ve never seen on any 1878 - the rev cud @ 9-9:30. While the coin is really nice, it’s this cud that made me buy it. This is one I’ll really miss!
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
All my favorite guys are up early today! I bagged this 1907 recently and am pretty tickled....always wanted the 1907 no motto. She's in a 64+ CAC holder.
@Eldorado9: BEAUTIFUL!
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
NEWP showed up this week
1822 O-106 in a p55cac dinner jacket. Image is not the greatest. I'll have to take another round later.

“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
GM everyone - Nothing new for me to report this week. But I love to see how my friends are enjoying their coins - Nice - @Copperindian, @JWP & @pursuitofliberty! Enjoy the weekend.
We had a rare snow last night here in central New Mexico. (I say “snow,” but it was really just a dusting). Working on my second cup of coffee and admiring a couple newly graded varieties I cherrypicked off eBay over the last few years.
No longer morning on the east coast, but after some morning lazing around, I'm posting a coin that I bought in 2022 that I'm deciding what to do with (it's a duplicate that I love!). The gun-metal look turns me on.
AU50 CAC, large O, WB-5
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Went out to the flea market this morning and brought back this awesome World War I American Expeditionary Forces Identification Card and victory medal. It belonged to a soldier from South Carolina.

I believe the design of the medal was used in a SC$.
Have a good Saturday, all. Stay caffeinated.
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
Happy Saturday. Dragging myself outside to work out ……..
12-106 in 53 CAC. Soooooo tough in AU and CAC. Probably only a couple out there.
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
You suck!
But I love the coin!!

“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Awesome posts today everyone! So many good coins.
I need a WB-5. That coin would be perfect for my 40-O DM set.
Speaking of 40-O DMs, here's my new EDS WB-14 (R5). My apologies for not posting on Saturday but I was on the road and forgot what day it is today.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
Red Eye Saturday - this time from a Starbucks in LV. Last night we saw the Eagles in the Sphere. This band, even after all these years, still brings it! The venue? Hard to put into words! One must experience it to know (I hear they charge $100 just to tour it with no band performing).
Todays coin, fresh from a HA auction win:
The 1875 S-2 is another of those tough varieties. This one’s a pop 1/0 in the RB category! Lots of RD, thick colorful patina, exceptional eye appeal & no issues. Definitely one for this incorrigible variety hunter!
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
Happy Sat Gents, starting to feel a whole lot of Spring in the air! @Copperindian fantastic 1875 cent!
Here are my two 1915's both in PF-67+
@JWP great post as always! Takes us Waaay back to the early days of grading.
Fantastic 1875!! @Copperindian
Oh man @Eldorado9 You're giving me flashbacks Brother!!
I had hoped to show off a new piece today, but there was a mixup at the Post Office, so it'll have to wait a week. I was gone all day yesterday (and Thursday from about 2pm) ... on the road, with a trailer, helping my Daughter move.
I NEED the coffee this morning!!
Here's a relatively new member from the Band of Gypsies that call this place home.
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Not really a coin, but a challenge coins given to me in my Army days:

Stay caffeinated, all.
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
@pursuitofliberty i have 3 coins enroute to me and all have taken over a week and are arriving late
Driving through this storm in southeast to a wedding with no cool coins to look at 🙄
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
My most recent purchase.
Added this Mexico 1770 1 real to my collection:
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Happy Saturday - been working all day with 3 cups of coffee in me so far.

I got to admit I am so impress this week -
@earlyAurum - Love that 1804 quarter Eagle!
@pursuitofliberty - Love those clash marks on the 1814 CBH
@Eldorado9 - Perfect 1915 half and quarter.
@Copperindian - fanastic 1875 Indian -
Absolute winners!
Most impressive are the:
Grading history
Eagle concert in the Sphere - I must go to that concert - saw the Eagles over 5 times!
Huge shout out to @DCW - great coin and your service for us.
and everyone else that contributes to this great thread!
Here is one of my modern coin - Anything after 1838 is considered modern to me.
@DCW was a Hard Rock, Rock Hard Ground-pounding Grunt? Damn!!
Thank you for your service Brother ... from a Flying Squid!
This is the best thread of the week, every week.
From @JWP's always humorous opening salvo and assortment of cool and esoteric numismatica, to what always seems to be some really great coins (and coffee!)
@earlyAurum bought his avatar. Very nice looking early gold!
@Pnies20 Mine is here (at the PO), but of course the PO isn't open on Saturdays out here on the edge of the Earth.
@EastonCollection See now, doesn't it feel good to admit you really have a thing for moderns?!

Oh my, moderns like that could hold my interest too!!
And @TheGoonies1985 is on board with a nicely circulated Mexican Real
And lest I not forget the token from @jughead1893 "The Constitution, As I Understand It". Pretty cool! And an important statement as well.
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242