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2,500th post giveaway! Grades and scores posted.

morgandollar1878morgandollar1878 Posts: 4,006 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited April 16, 2017 9:26PM in U.S. Coin Forum

It does not seem like it was that long ago when I joined the forum, but that was almost nine years now. 2,500 posts later, I have learned a lot from many here, and a lot of that information is not really something that you can learn from reading books. I am not the type to start many new threads, although I do read many of the threads started by others and occasionally respond to postings. I really enjoy all of the sharing of coin pics, and there have been some really good threads that have been started since I have been here that have been enlightening concerning our great hobby. I would also like to say that it has been an honor meeting a few members here and I hope to get the chance to meet more of you in the future. Again, thank you for posting your knowledge and experiences here so myself and others can expand their knowledge about our hobby. Now on to the giveaway.

I am going to make this a little bit of a challenge instead of the usual pick a number between x and xx. I tried to put some thought into this just to make it a little more interesting.

I recently submitted a BU roll of twenty 1878-S Morgan Dollars to PCGS. I am not going to post pics of the Morgans just because twenty obverse and reverse photos would just take too long to load and slow many people down.

  • What were the grades given for all twenty Morgans from our host?
    *Designations of PL and DMPL do not matter for your guesses and therefore are not factored in.
    *No grades and plus grades do apply, so if you think there might be any that received a "Genuine" holder or a "plus" please indicate as such. A "plus" must also accompany a numerical grade.

  • There is no order for grades so they can be grouped together for each grade to make postings a little quicker.
    *Absolutely no edits once you have posted your answers, unless it is approved by me first. In other words send me a PM and I may approve the edit. Unapproved edits will get you disqualified.

There will be a scoring system for this event.

*One point for every correct straight non plus grade guessed. (Plus grades are worth two points, please see below.)

*Here is the twist to the score:

Two points for each correct plus grade or Genuine, however there will be a two point deduction for each plus or genuine grade guessed over the actual if there were any. (example: there were 5 genuine coins (10 points), you guessed 7 genuine coins. Four point deduction towards your overall total for over guessing.) Same applies for plus grades.

*Tie scores will be broken by guessing the denomination and grade of my last coin purchased as of tonight.

*Questions about the rules please send me a PM.

1st place will receive a 1947 S/S FS-501 Washington Quarter Choice BU
2nd place receives a 1982 Proof Washington Commem with OGP
3rd place receives a American Museum of Atomic Energy Mercury Dime

The deadline for guesses will be Friday April 14th 11:59 pm CST.

Swing away guys, hopefully I did not make it too confusing. :)

Edit for "plus" clarification.

Here are the grades that I received from PCGS
MS66: 1
Genuine:2 One was dinged for a very small scratch on the reverse, the other was a medium sized lamination on the obverse which I hoped would grade but figured it was not likely. Took the gamble and lost.

The twist in the scoring was the plusses and genuine slabs. If you overguessed on the genuine it was a two point deduction for each over the actual. The plusses was a two point deduction for each over the actual or if the plus was not with the actual grade. All of this made it a gamble for guessing and it was interesting to see what all of you posted.

@RockyMtnProspector 20pts 1st place
@Al21 17pts 2nd
@BruceS 17pts 3rd
@ricko 16pts
@renman95 15pts
@UnclePennyBags 15pts
@boyernumismatics 15pts
@dmwest 15pts
@3keepSECRETif2rDEAD 15pts
@TurboSnail 14pts
@Coinlearner 14pts
@mannie gray 13pts
@zippcity 13pts
@justcollecting 13pts
@coin4sale 13pts
@SurfinxHI 13pts
@OPA 13pts
@Coinstartled 11pts
@jwitten 10pts
@TheDukeK 10pts
@AUandAG 10pts
@CyndieChildress 10pts
@amwldcoin 10pts
@dpoole 10pts
@USMarine6 10pts
@Azurescens 10pts
@giantsfan20 10pts
@bigmarty58 9pts
@davewesen 9pts
@Pandavab 9pts
@joeykoins 8pts
@cmerlo1 8pts
@CuKevin 8pts
@Aspie_Rocco 7pts
@mkman123 7pts
@1630Boston -2pts
@Kkathyl -3pts

Instagram: nomad_numismatics


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