@TNP777 said:
I understand how you feel about him, Jon. I really do.
I know this is probably rehashing comments you made last year or the year before, but I don't have the patience or desire to wade through all the pages of this dumpster fire. So how would you suggest he express his views, because there are a great many people, including veterans, who don't feel that he disrespected either Flag or country. Again, I understand why you feel that way. So how would you have done it if you were mixed race and had a platform like his, in a way that maximized his (your) message? Put yourself in his shoes if you can, even if just a little.
I have a potential answer to this. He could have made his positions and demands known, and then refused to answer any football related media questions until certain demands are met. And then other players could have joined in across the league. Extrapolate that out.
In the first place social injustice has nothing to do with Football. He picked the wrong place and time to make a stand on something. Disrespecting the Country and Flag is NOT the way to go! And yes, that is what he is doing. Another thing on the Police picking on people of color is just a smoke screen. I'm sure there are some bad cops and they should be singled out and dealt with. But I would say we are probably talking about less than 1% of LE being bad. I wish I knew the link to a great video by a young black man that I found on the net awhile back. If everyone had his insight on things we would not have any problems. Just one of his many statements was "if you don't want to be picked on...….don't ride around in cars making trouble"! LE people react to things from past experiences.
Any famous star athlete already has a huge platform from which to voice their views without having to involve the flag.
@TNP777 said:
I find it odd and more than a little concerning when I see men who obviously love their country openly advocating for an American citizen to move to countries that support terrorism and wish this country great harm. I know y'all don't like Kaepernick, what he did, and what he stands (heh) for, but your disregard/hate/contempt for him exercising his rights as an American citizen seem... extreme.
It's also concerning that many of you actually believe he hates this country, simply because he sees and believes things from a different perspective than you do. I'd bet that some of you feel that way about me, since I've been so vocal about social justice as it concerns sports. But it's because I love this country that I feel and speak the way I do. To me, that's no different than what Kaepernick is doing.
Colin Kaepernick — An athlete with a declining skill set who figured out a way to get paid big bucks without ever having to work a day in his life again.
Colin Kaepernick — An athlete with a declining skill set who figured out a way to get paid big bucks without ever having to work a day in his life again.
Yea, all that from spewing and kneeling for a false narrative.
Someone needs to show Kapp the front of the train. He seems to think enslaved Chinese workers lives don’t matter. How do you cry foul on old glory yet take blood money from shoes imported from red China.
@Kkathyl said:
Someone needs to show Kapp the front of the train. He seems to think enslaved Chinese workers lives don’t matter. How do you cry foul on old glory yet take blood money from shoes imported from red China.
"Dear America: You are waking up, as Germany once did, to the awareness that 1/3 of your people would kill another 1/3, while 1/3 watches."
- Werner Herzog
@santinidollar said:
Mull this over: If a situation developed akin to World War II, do you think Kaepernick and his ilk would pick up arms to defend the US?
Most of them would be collaborators in hope of having a place in the “new order.”
In fact, that’s what they’re already doing,
He wouldn’t defend an innocent white family I can tell you that much
lol - you people are absolutely off your rockers. The assumptions you make about other human beings because you don't like the things they believe in or how they protest the injustice they experience is amazing.
@TNP777 said:
lol - you people are absolutely off your rockers. The assumptions you make about other human beings because you don't like the things they believe in or how they protest the injustice they experience is amazing.
lol as if Kapernick ever experienced an injustice in his pampered life. Oh wait, you probably think that a bunch of teams not wanting to hire a marginal QB because he would be a gigantic distraction was an injustice lol
Dan, you prove that many of you don't know anything about him, because you truly don't want to know anything about him. You mistakenly believe that because he grew up in semi-affluence that he is incapable of understanding or learning that people in our country are suffering and living with inequality every day of their lives. You don't see that inequality because you don't want to see it. To see it would be to make you uncomfortable, and that's not an option.
Count me IN as someone who absolutely doesn’t want to know anything about him. The guy has displayed enough total nonsense and disrespectful actions for me to just classify him as a scumbag.
@TNP777 said:
Dan, you prove that many of you don't know anything about him, because you truly don't want to know anything about him. You mistakenly believe that because he grew up in semi-affluence that he is incapable of understanding or learning that people in our country are suffering and living with inequality every day of their lives. You don't see that inequality because you don't want to see it. To see it would be to make you uncomfortable, and that's not an option.
That's what I believe.
I know that I tossed my favorite golf shirt a couple days ago. it was a Christmas gift. The Nike logo was subdued but upon inspection, their just the same.
Much more reprehensible than low IQ cap is higher IQ Nike which beleive that trashing the nation that has been their home for nearly half a century is a good marketing ploy.
@TNP777 said:
lol - you people are absolutely off your rockers. The assumptions you make about other human beings because you don't like the things they believe in or how they protest the injustice they experience is amazing.
The man has a lengthy public record of he has said and what he has done that makes him very unattractive to many of us. Public records and statements are all we have to judge any public figure.
Reading between the lines, you obviously agree with all or many of the points that he has made. You have that right, but it does not give you license to call other people crazy ("off you rockers") or compare Americans to Nazis with that outrageous quote you found because we find his comments hypocritical, inaccurate or offensive. He's put himself out there; his has kept it up unapologetically; and he's actually making money from it now with his shoe advertising contract. As such, he's fair game for criticism.
Retired dealer and avid collector of U.S. type coins, 19th century presidential campaign medalets and selected medals. In recent years I have been working on a set of British coins - at least one coin from each king or queen who issued pieces that are collectible. I am also collecting at least one coin for each Roman emperor from Julius Caesar to ... ?
All men (people) are created equal. After that, snowflakes, you’re on your own with no guarantees. You and everyone else are “entitled” to absolutely nothing. So take your injustice and your entitlements and go jump in the river with Kaepernick, the US women’s soccer team and all of the other useless crybabies.
@TNP777 said:
Dan, you prove that many of you don't know anything about him, because you truly don't want to know anything about him. You mistakenly believe that because he grew up in semi-affluence that he is incapable of understanding or learning that people in our country are suffering and living with inequality every day of their lives. You don't see that inequality because you don't want to see it. To see it would be to make you uncomfortable, and that's not an option.
That's what I believe.
My wife just read me K-Crap's latest quote. He said "the United States is the worst Country in the World". She said then why don't he just leave!! I just LOVE Mrs. Dimeman.
K-Crap is without a doubt THE biggest Dirt Bag POS in the World!!!!! How anyone can defend this POS is beyond me!!!!!
I know this post is a little late but Thank all the men and women for their courage and their service! @DIMEMAN said nobody has the right to disrespect this flag and if you don't like it move to another country you do like.
I've had close friends both white and black die and get disfigured for this flag and what it means and I for one am nor will not disrespect them nor this flag they lived and died for. NOBODY HAS THAT RIGHT!
@BIGWEBB said:
I know this post is a little late but Thank all the men and women for their courage and their service! @DIMEMAN said nobody has the right to disrespect this flag and if you don't like it move to another country you do like.
I've had close friends both white and black die and get disfigured for this flag and what it means and I for one am nor will not disrespect them nor this flag they lived and died for. NOBODY HAS THAT RIGHT!
@BIGWEBB said:
I know this post is a little late but Thank all the men and women for their courage and their service! @DIMEMAN said nobody has the right to disrespect this flag and if you don't like it move to another country you do like.
I've had close friends both white and black die and get disfigured for this flag and what it means and I for one am nor will not disrespect them nor this flag they lived and died for. NOBODY HAS THAT RIGHT!
SCOTUS does not agree with you or anyone else who worships the Flag, which is a symbol, rather than the actual freedoms and rights that Flag symbolizes.
It’s a trip watching grown men lol and agree when one of your own says someone should show “K-Crap” (sick 10-year-old burn, Jon) “the front of a train”, and suggest Kaepernick and other perceived snowflakes move to another country like North Korea or Iran, and say K-Crap is the biggest Dirt-Bag POS in the World!!!!
Really, Jon? He’s a bigger POS than Kim Jong-un? Even bigger POS than the “right’s” favorite bogeymen, BHO and HRC? Mind. Blown.
@TNP777 said:
lol - you people are absolutely off your rockers. The assumptions you make about other human beings because you don't like the things they believe in or how they protest the injustice they experience is amazing.
The man has a lengthy public record of he has said and what he has done that makes him very unattractive to many of us. Public records and statements are all we have to judge any public figure.
Reading between the lines, you obviously agree with all or many of the points that he has made. You have that right, but it does not give you license to call other people crazy ("off you rockers") or compare Americans to Nazis with that outrageous quote you found because we find his comments hypocritical, inaccurate or offensive. He's put himself out there; his has kept it up unapologetically; and he's actually making money from it now with his shoe advertising contract. As such, he's fair game for criticism.
Bill, I’ll make it so you don’t have to read between the lines. I have every license to call the rhetoric and anger most have shown in this thread and characterize it as being crazy. You and these others don’t see it because you’re living it. You won’t agree, of course, which is fine.
As far as comparing Americans as Nazis, again, you choose to see what you want to see. There is an undercurrent of some very ugly ideology in this country, and it seems likely to boil over.
The vitriol shown here for a single man who is perceived to have pissed on everything sacred to America, and towards the very few here that have attempted to have a rational conversation about the substance of Kaepernick’s protest, makes my shared quote entirely appropriate. There is zero doubt in my mind that much of the heavily-armed “right” is itching for the opportunity to spill snowflake blood in their zeal to protect their “heritage” and a symbolic piece of cloth, and there is also zero doubt in my mind that a significant portion of America’s citizens would lock their doors, shut their mouths, and silently watch it happen.
I do agree with much of the rest you said, though.
TNP, your short sighted ignorance is astonishing. You throw up at the mouth about the thoughts and behaviors of people who hold opinions opposite as you as some kind of crusade for “wokeness”
You are a tool. I feel bad for you.
If you don't like what America means BYE. NOBODY is keeping you here but yourself. One of our rights as Americans is freedom of speech but you can't hide behind that and still complain about it in the same breath. You can't have it both ways. Either your with or against there's no happy medium.
It cracks me up that people can be in this SCUMBAGS corner, it’s so shortsighted it’s borderline insane. Geordie, to be quite frank Kim Jong Un has more respect from me than Kap for one simple fact, Kim Jong Un in his sick way is PRO NK. Kap is a citizen who is ANTI USA! Spin it anyway you want but it’s a fact, Kap would love to see this country burn to the ground ie from a racial war or a government collapse either way he is a freaking enemy of the US to im my honest opinion.
@perkdog said:
It cracks me up that people can be in this SCUMBAGS corner, it’s so shortsighted it’s borderline insane. Geordie, to be quite frank Kim Jong Un has more respect from me than Kap for one simple fact, Kim Jong Un in his sick way is PRO NK. Kap is a citizen who is ANTI USA! Spin it anyway you want but it’s a fact, Kap would love to see this country burn to the ground ie from a racial war or a government collapse either way he is a freaking enemy of the US to im my honest opinion.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of your own has more respect for a psychotic dictator who brutalizes and kills his own people and has threatened the United States with nuclear armageddon than he does an American citizen who silently knelt during the Anthem in a legally-protected form of free speech.
That is shockingly gross. You wanna talk about a line being crossed - there it is right there. You wanna talk about saying something un-American - there it is right there.
Shame on you, Paul. Shame on the whole lot of you. Except Dan, who can eff all the way off.
The “ugly ideology” that someone wrote “is about to boil over” exists not from the right but from the left that already has provided us with street violence, tactics of outright lying and defaming those they do not agree with and an eagerness to trash this country because their candidate did not win the 2016 election.
We need not worry about heavily armed rightists. It’s the fools on the left we need to keep an eye on.
. Only the left commits violent acts? Surely, you jest. And no, I won't stop calling you Shirley.
Tactics of outright lying? I could tell you a single lie every day - it would take me over 27 years to have told you 10,000 lies. Yet there's a man we all know who managed to do it in ~800 days. I think he's on the "right".
Eff Antifa. I condemn them without reservation or qualification. Eff their masks, eff their violence, eff their existence. And in the same vein, eff the alt-right, white nationalists, and neo-Nazis... who apparently aren't violent to ol' Santini, 'cause driving a car into a crowd of unarmed protesters is peaceful af.
@perkdog said:
It cracks me up that people can be in this SCUMBAGS corner, it’s so shortsighted it’s borderline insane. Geordie, to be quite frank Kim Jong Un has more respect from me than Kap for one simple fact, Kim Jong Un in his sick way is PRO NK. Kap is a citizen who is ANTI USA! Spin it anyway you want but it’s a fact, Kap would love to see this country burn to the ground ie from a racial war or a government collapse either way he is a freaking enemy of the US to im my honest opinion.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of your own has more respect for a psychotic dictator who brutalizes and kills his own people and has threatened the United States with nuclear armageddon than he does an American citizen who silently knelt during the Anthem in a legally-protected form of free speech.
That is shockingly gross. You wanna talk about a line being crossed - there it is right there. You wanna talk about saying something un-American - there it is right there.
Shame on you, Paul. Shame on the whole lot of you. Except Dan, who can eff all the way off.
Gordie - There is a difference between respect and like. You can respect you enemies but not like them. We don't respect or like K-Crap!!!
Jon, if you have even a hint of respect for a man like KJU, I will have lost a bit of respect for you. I honestly don't have a problem with you guys not liking or respecting Kaepernick - my only problem has been a complete lack of understanding of the reasons he kneeled.
But if anyone says he respects KJU "because he's PRO NK", that's beyond pathetic. KJU is pro himself. He murders his own people. He murders his own family. He puts dissenters in gulags and works them to death. To suggest that's worthy of respect is shameful and yes, un-American.
@perkdog said:
It cracks me up that people can be in this SCUMBAGS corner, it’s so shortsighted it’s borderline insane. Geordie, to be quite frank Kim Jong Un has more respect from me than Kap for one simple fact, Kim Jong Un in his sick way is PRO NK. Kap is a citizen who is ANTI USA! Spin it anyway you want but it’s a fact, Kap would love to see this country burn to the ground ie from a racial war or a government collapse either way he is a freaking enemy of the US to im my honest opinion.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of your own has more respect for a psychotic dictator who brutalizes and kills his own people and has threatened the United States with nuclear armageddon than he does an American citizen who silently knelt during the Anthem in a legally-protected form of free speech.
That is shockingly gross. You wanna talk about a line being crossed - there it is right there. You wanna talk about saying something un-American - there it is right there.
Shame on you, Paul. Shame on the whole lot of you. Except Dan, who can eff all the way off.
And like clockwork Geordie spins my words into something completely different than what I said, re read what I wrote I said for “One simple fact” and that he loves his country more than Kap does. Ofcourse Kim is a psychopath and does horrific things to his own people BUT he will be damned if anyone disrespects his country. Like it or not Geordie Kap hates this country and is a racist money hungry scumbag who is taking advantage of the weak minded media and masses who blindly support him. Geordie, Kap hates you and you still support him.
@TNP777 said:
Jon, if you have even a hint of respect for a man like KJU, I will have lost a bit of respect for you. I honestly don't have a problem with you guys not liking or respecting Kaepernick - my only problem has been a complete lack of understanding of the reasons he kneeled.
But if anyone says he respects KJU "because he's PRO NK", that's beyond pathetic. KJU is pro himself. He murders his own people. He murders his own family. He puts dissenters in gulags and works them to death. To suggest that's worthy of respect is shameful and yes, un-American.
Gordie - again you twist words. We as a nation had better respect NK as we would any other nation that has Nuclear Weapons. Not because we are pro NK, but in the same way you would respect a Rattlesnake.
Paul, if you think KJU is pro NK, you're absurdly naive. A man who's pro-his own country wouldn't starve, torture and murder his own people.
If for any reason you have respect for KJU, I stand by what I said. That was a piss-poor example to use.
And John, my name is Geordie. (and I know your name is Jon)
To speak to your point, the respect you're speaking of is not the same respect Paul was talking about. Yes, we'd be wise to have respect, or wariness, for the madman who controls that country, but Paul somehow has respect simply because he thinks KJU "loves" his country, and uses that twisted respect to speak against Kaepernick who he thinks doesn't love his.
The biggest problem I have with your position, @TNP777, is that you think people should not express their views about Kaepernick's positions and especially his conduct. The fact the people have a opinions about him and express them should never be issue. The real isssues are what he says, the venues he chooses and how he expresses them.
Maybe Kaepernick has done this to keep himself in the public eye as his athletic skills faded. Maybe this is his new profession. There are certainly enough people on both sides of the political spectrum who make a living stirring up controversy.
Retired dealer and avid collector of U.S. type coins, 19th century presidential campaign medalets and selected medals. In recent years I have been working on a set of British coins - at least one coin from each king or queen who issued pieces that are collectible. I am also collecting at least one coin for each Roman emperor from Julius Caesar to ... ?
Kap’s pig socks was the biggest red flag and a slap in the face to all of LE which btw has come further than any other organization to implement affirmative action, giving minority’s extra points for skin color, filling ranking positions for people of color even though they have less experience, qualifications and scored lower than white people on exams ect.. he outright is offended by the flag that drapes coffins of military and LE personnel killed in the line of duty protecting his right to be the scumbag he is and allowed to make big money on his shenanigans, the guy wanted change yet refused to vote! Again it’s absolutely mind boggling how anyone can’t see right through this piece of crap.
@perkdog said:
Kap’s pig socks was the biggest red flag and a slap in the face to all of LE which btw has come further than any other organization to implement affirmative action, giving minority’s extra points for skin color, filling ranking positions for people of color even though they have less experience, qualifications and scored lower than white people on exams ect.. he outright is offended by the flag that drapes coffins of military and LE personnel killed in the line of duty protecting his right to be the scumbag he is and allowed to make big money on his shenanigans, the guy wanted change yet refused to vote! Again it’s absolutely mind boggling how anyone can’t see right through this piece of crap.
@perkdog said:
It cracks me up that people can be in this SCUMBAGS corner, it’s so shortsighted it’s borderline insane. Geordie, to be quite frank Kim Jong Un has more respect from me than Kap for one simple fact, Kim Jong Un in his sick way is PRO NK. Kap is a citizen who is ANTI USA! Spin it anyway you want but it’s a fact, Kap would love to see this country burn to the ground ie from a racial war or a government collapse either way he is a freaking enemy of the US to im my honest opinion.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of your own has more respect for a psychotic dictator who brutalizes and kills his own people and has threatened the United States with nuclear armageddon than he does an American citizen who silently knelt during the Anthem in a legally-protected form of free speech.
That is shockingly gross. You wanna talk about a line being crossed - there it is right there. You wanna talk about saying something un-American - there it is right there.
Shame on you, Paul. Shame on the whole lot of you. Except Dan, who can eff all the way off.
Well pot is legal in NK. They have that going for them.
@DIMEMAN said:
My wife just read me K-Crap's latest quote. He said "the United States is the worst Country in the World". She said then why don't he just leave!! I just LOVE Mrs. Dimeman.
Can you show me where he said that? Google isn't showing anything and, as ridiculous as some of the stuff he's said has been, that has all the hallmarks of being a fake quote.
@DIMEMAN said:
My wife just read me K-Crap's latest quote. He said "the United States is the worst Country in the World". She said then why don't he just leave!! I just LOVE Mrs. Dimeman.
Can you show me where he said that? Google isn't showing anything and, as ridiculous as some of the stuff he's said has been, that has all the hallmarks of being a fake quote.
I couldn’t open the link, not sure if it got taken down or what but it does read like he said that. I cannot confirm though...
@DIMEMAN said:
My wife just read me K-Crap's latest quote. He said "the United States is the worst Country in the World". She said then why don't he just leave!! I just LOVE Mrs. Dimeman.
Can you show me where he said that? Google isn't showing anything and, as ridiculous as some of the stuff he's said has been, that has all the hallmarks of being a fake quote.
It’s possible it from this article, which is an opinion piece. It sounds like the author is expressing his interpretation of what Kaepernick actually said. What he says CK said is not actually a direct quote, and therefore is nothing more than an attempt to inflame the author’s readers.
My detractors will say that I rock solid support everything he has said and done, which is not factual. I wish he hadn’t done what he did, and I wish he hadn’t said many things he’s said, and I wish he hadn’t worn the cop/pig socks. But I also 100% support his right to peacefully protest things he sees an injustices, and will fight to dispel untruths, such as the “quote” spoken of here.
That was the only thing I came across as well - that opinion piece that twists Kaepernick's tweet into something he didn't say. In fact, his tweet isn't even his own words - they come from Frederick Douglass.
@DIMEMAN said:
My wife just read me K-Crap's latest quote. He said "the United States is the worst Country in the World". She said then why don't he just leave!! I just LOVE Mrs. Dimeman.
Can you show me where he said that? Google isn't showing anything and, as ridiculous as some of the stuff he's said has been, that has all the hallmarks of being a fake quote.
Why would you doubt it? K-Crap is as Un-American as they come!
Any famous star athlete already has a huge platform from which to voice their views without having to involve the flag.
lol he hates the country.
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
New definition in Webster’s:
Colin Kaepernick — An athlete with a declining skill set who figured out a way to get paid big bucks without ever having to work a day in his life again.
Yea, all that from spewing and kneeling for a false narrative.
Someone needs to show Kapp the front of the train. He seems to think enslaved Chinese workers lives don’t matter. How do you cry foul on old glory yet take blood money from shoes imported from red China.
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
Easy. You stick out your hand and let Nike put the bills in it.
"Dear America: You are waking up, as Germany once did, to the awareness that 1/3 of your people would kill another 1/3, while 1/3 watches."
- Werner Herzog
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
Mull this over: If a situation developed akin to World War II, do you think Kaepernick and his ilk would pick up arms to defend the US?
Most of them would be collaborators in hope of having a place in the “new order.”
In fact, that’s what they’re already doing,
He wouldn’t defend an innocent white family I can tell you that much
lol - you people are absolutely off your rockers. The assumptions you make about other human beings because you don't like the things they believe in or how they protest the injustice they experience is amazing.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
lol as if Kapernick ever experienced an injustice in his pampered life. Oh wait, you probably think that a bunch of teams not wanting to hire a marginal QB because he would be a gigantic distraction was an injustice lol
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
Dan, you prove that many of you don't know anything about him, because you truly don't want to know anything about him. You mistakenly believe that because he grew up in semi-affluence that he is incapable of understanding or learning that people in our country are suffering and living with inequality every day of their lives. You don't see that inequality because you don't want to see it. To see it would be to make you uncomfortable, and that's not an option.
That's what I believe.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
Count me IN as someone who absolutely doesn’t want to know anything about him. The guy has displayed enough total nonsense and disrespectful actions for me to just classify him as a scumbag.
I know that I tossed my favorite golf shirt a couple days ago. it was a Christmas gift. The Nike logo was subdued but upon inspection, their just the same.
Much more reprehensible than low IQ cap is higher IQ Nike which beleive that trashing the nation that has been their home for nearly half a century is a good marketing ploy.
The man has a lengthy public record of he has said and what he has done that makes him very unattractive to many of us. Public records and statements are all we have to judge any public figure.
Reading between the lines, you obviously agree with all or many of the points that he has made. You have that right, but it does not give you license to call other people crazy ("off you rockers") or compare Americans to Nazis with that outrageous quote you found because we find his comments hypocritical, inaccurate or offensive. He's put himself out there; his has kept it up unapologetically; and he's actually making money from it now with his shoe advertising contract. As such, he's fair game for criticism.
Well Said Billjones
All men (people) are created equal. After that, snowflakes, you’re on your own with no guarantees. You and everyone else are “entitled” to absolutely nothing. So take your injustice and your entitlements and go jump in the river with Kaepernick, the US women’s soccer team and all of the other useless crybabies.
My wife just read me K-Crap's latest quote. He said "the United States is the worst Country in the World". She said then why don't he just leave!! I just LOVE Mrs. Dimeman.
K-Crap is without a doubt THE biggest Dirt Bag POS in the World!!!!! How anyone can defend this POS is beyond me!!!!!
I know this post is a little late but Thank all the men and women for their courage and their service!
@DIMEMAN said nobody has the right to disrespect this flag and if you don't like it move to another country you do like.
I've had close friends both white and black die and get disfigured for this flag and what it means and I for one am nor will not disrespect them nor this flag they lived and died for. NOBODY HAS THAT RIGHT!
Thank You.
SCOTUS does not agree with you or anyone else who worships the Flag, which is a symbol, rather than the actual freedoms and rights that Flag symbolizes.
It’s a trip watching grown men lol and agree when one of your own says someone should show “K-Crap” (sick 10-year-old burn, Jon) “the front of a train”, and suggest Kaepernick and other perceived snowflakes move to another country like North Korea or Iran, and say K-Crap is the biggest Dirt-Bag POS in the World!!!!
Really, Jon? He’s a bigger POS than Kim Jong-un? Even bigger POS than the “right’s” favorite bogeymen, BHO and HRC? Mind. Blown.
Y’all are wild.
Bill, I’ll make it so you don’t have to read between the lines. I have every license to call the rhetoric and anger most have shown in this thread and characterize it as being crazy. You and these others don’t see it because you’re living it. You won’t agree, of course, which is fine.
As far as comparing Americans as Nazis, again, you choose to see what you want to see. There is an undercurrent of some very ugly ideology in this country, and it seems likely to boil over.
The vitriol shown here for a single man who is perceived to have pissed on everything sacred to America, and towards the very few here that have attempted to have a rational conversation about the substance of Kaepernick’s protest, makes my shared quote entirely appropriate. There is zero doubt in my mind that much of the heavily-armed “right” is itching for the opportunity to spill snowflake blood in their zeal to protect their “heritage” and a symbolic piece of cloth, and there is also zero doubt in my mind that a significant portion of America’s citizens would lock their doors, shut their mouths, and silently watch it happen.
I do agree with much of the rest you said, though.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
TNP, your short sighted ignorance is astonishing. You throw up at the mouth about the thoughts and behaviors of people who hold opinions opposite as you as some kind of crusade for “wokeness”
You are a tool. I feel bad for you.
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
If you don't like what America means BYE. NOBODY is keeping you here but yourself. One of our rights as Americans is freedom of speech but you can't hide behind that and still complain about it in the same breath. You can't have it both ways. Either your with or against there's no happy medium.
It cracks me up that people can be in this SCUMBAGS corner, it’s so shortsighted it’s borderline insane. Geordie, to be quite frank Kim Jong Un has more respect from me than Kap for one simple fact, Kim Jong Un in his sick way is PRO NK. Kap is a citizen who is ANTI USA! Spin it anyway you want but it’s a fact, Kap would love to see this country burn to the ground ie from a racial war or a government collapse either way he is a freaking enemy of the US to im my honest opinion.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of your own has more respect for a psychotic dictator who brutalizes and kills his own people and has threatened the United States with nuclear armageddon than he does an American citizen who silently knelt during the Anthem in a legally-protected form of free speech.
That is shockingly gross. You wanna talk about a line being crossed - there it is right there. You wanna talk about saying something un-American - there it is right there.
Shame on you, Paul. Shame on the whole lot of you. Except Dan, who can eff all the way off.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
The “ugly ideology” that someone wrote “is about to boil over” exists not from the right but from the left that already has provided us with street violence, tactics of outright lying and defaming those they do not agree with and an eagerness to trash this country because their candidate did not win the 2016 election.
We need not worry about heavily armed rightists. It’s the fools on the left we need to keep an eye on.
Geordie, right back at ya you petrified stump. Best of luck to you...
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
oh, Santini, you are a pill.
. Only the left commits violent acts? Surely, you jest. And no, I won't stop calling you Shirley.
Tactics of outright lying? I could tell you a single lie every day - it would take me over 27 years to have told you 10,000 lies. Yet there's a man we all know who managed to do it in ~800 days. I think he's on the "right".
Eff Antifa. I condemn them without reservation or qualification. Eff their masks, eff their violence, eff their existence. And in the same vein, eff the alt-right, white nationalists, and neo-Nazis... who apparently aren't violent to ol' Santini, 'cause driving a car into a crowd of unarmed protesters is peaceful af.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
TNP is melting
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
Oh, TNP777, the democracy will survive your ilk. Always has and always will.
Agreed....if we can keep the Dems. out of power.
Gordie - There is a difference between respect and like. You can respect you enemies but not like them. We don't respect or like K-Crap!!!
Jon, if you have even a hint of respect for a man like KJU, I will have lost a bit of respect for you. I honestly don't have a problem with you guys not liking or respecting Kaepernick - my only problem has been a complete lack of understanding of the reasons he kneeled.
But if anyone says he respects KJU "because he's PRO NK", that's beyond pathetic. KJU is pro himself. He murders his own people. He murders his own family. He puts dissenters in gulags and works them to death. To suggest that's worthy of respect is shameful and yes, un-American.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
And like clockwork Geordie spins my words into something completely different than what I said, re read what I wrote I said for “One simple fact” and that he loves his country more than Kap does. Ofcourse Kim is a psychopath and does horrific things to his own people BUT he will be damned if anyone disrespects his country. Like it or not Geordie Kap hates this country and is a racist money hungry scumbag who is taking advantage of the weak minded media and masses who blindly support him. Geordie, Kap hates you and you still support him.
Gordie - again you twist words. We as a nation had better respect NK as we would any other nation that has Nuclear Weapons. Not because we are pro NK, but in the same way you would respect a Rattlesnake.
Paul, if you think KJU is pro NK, you're absurdly naive. A man who's pro-his own country wouldn't starve, torture and murder his own people.
If for any reason you have respect for KJU, I stand by what I said. That was a piss-poor example to use.
And John, my name is Geordie. (and I know your name is Jon)
To speak to your point, the respect you're speaking of is not the same respect Paul was talking about. Yes, we'd be wise to have respect, or wariness, for the madman who controls that country, but Paul somehow has respect simply because he thinks KJU "loves" his country, and uses that twisted respect to speak against Kaepernick who he thinks doesn't love his.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
@TNP777 - There was no intent in spelling your name wrong. I get bashed for misspelling here all the time.
Fair enough, Jon. I apologize for my snark.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
I agree. I feel the same way about the leftist thugs and dictators Colin seems to support. Where is your condemnation of those positions of his?
That’s actually a pretty good question. Tbh, I’m pretty much clueless about anything he’s said or supported for quite some time.
Do you mind if I do some research before I answer your question? If it’s condemnable, I won’t have a problem doing so.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
The biggest problem I have with your position, @TNP777, is that you think people should not express their views about Kaepernick's positions and especially his conduct. The fact the people have a opinions about him and express them should never be issue. The real isssues are what he says, the venues he chooses and how he expresses them.
Maybe Kaepernick has done this to keep himself in the public eye as his athletic skills faded. Maybe this is his new profession. There are certainly enough people on both sides of the political spectrum who make a living stirring up controversy.
Kap’s pig socks was the biggest red flag and a slap in the face to all of LE which btw has come further than any other organization to implement affirmative action, giving minority’s extra points for skin color, filling ranking positions for people of color even though they have less experience, qualifications and scored lower than white people on exams ect.. he outright is offended by the flag that drapes coffins of military and LE personnel killed in the line of duty protecting his right to be the scumbag he is and allowed to make big money on his shenanigans, the guy wanted change yet refused to vote! Again it’s absolutely mind boggling how anyone can’t see right through this piece of crap.
Well pot is legal in NK. They have that going for them.
Can you show me where he said that? Google isn't showing anything and, as ridiculous as some of the stuff he's said has been, that has all the hallmarks of being a fake quote.
I couldn’t open the link, not sure if it got taken down or what but it does read like he said that. I cannot confirm though...
It’s possible it from this article, which is an opinion piece. It sounds like the author is expressing his interpretation of what Kaepernick actually said. What he says CK said is not actually a direct quote, and therefore is nothing more than an attempt to inflame the author’s readers.
My detractors will say that I rock solid support everything he has said and done, which is not factual. I wish he hadn’t done what he did, and I wish he hadn’t said many things he’s said, and I wish he hadn’t worn the cop/pig socks. But I also 100% support his right to peacefully protest things he sees an injustices, and will fight to dispel untruths, such as the “quote” spoken of here.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
That was the only thing I came across as well - that opinion piece that twists Kaepernick's tweet into something he didn't say. In fact, his tweet isn't even his own words - they come from Frederick Douglass.
Why would you doubt it? K-Crap is as Un-American as they come!