Well, you did list this incident in the complaints/vents/peeves/annoyances thread, so the logical conclusion is that you consider it to fall into that category.
Originally posted by: DanBessette "Who said I was upset???"
Well, you did list this incident in the complaints/vents/peeves/annoyances thread, so the logical conclusion is that you consider it to fall into that category.
Fair point!!!
I guess I was just reading this thread for the first time and saw the post by another member about getting all their spam after buying one thing... just added my experience of being blocked and still getting all their spam, even years later.
Failed attempt to inject some humor into a thread about negative things!!!
On the bright side, it did bring about an annoyance...
When people over analyze your punctuation and writing style to assign your feelings for you... yeah, that's pretty annoying, lol
Life is short, collecting cards is fun, don't take everything so seriously
Well, you did list this incident in the complaints/vents/peeves/annoyances thread, so the logical conclusion is that you consider it to fall into that category.
Fair point!!!
I guess I was just reading this thread for the first time and saw the post by another member about getting all their spam after buying one thing... just added my experience of being blocked and still getting all their spam, even years later.
Failed attempt to inject some humor into a thread about negative things!!!
On the bright side, it did bring about an annoyance...
When people over analyze your punctuation and writing style to assign your feelings for you... yeah, that's pretty annoying, lol
Life is short, collecting cards is fun, don't take everything so seriously
ok, good point....so i updated the title with "funny observations" to add some positivity....to which I'll add...
1. When they list a PSA 8 card for sale at a near PSA 9 price and say.."It was an 8.5 before i broke it and had it regraded, came back an 8, its a beaut and really should be a 9, don't know what they were thinking and failed to bump it. Check out the scans. (thats why I'm listing an $800 for $1800) "....umm, seems to me should be in the 8s...
2. subtle brag when selling a PSA 8 and states "its an awesome card worthy of a bump, prob will be a 9 if you resubmit....I do have two 9's at home but they aren't for sale"....ummm, ok....i have a couple puppies at home but not for sale.
Interested in higher grade vintage cards. Aren't we all.
btw...I looked back at the first post when starting this thread....was that the first sign of the "buying group"?....when did they start......oh, if we knew then what we...
.....is this a vent or a positive (half full or empty)?....looking back at VCP.....and seeing a card i bought for $3,000 i then sold years later for $5,000..Great!!!...but then seeing 8 months after that it sold for $15,000......ugh!!
Interested in higher grade vintage cards. Aren't we all.
Originally posted by: seebelow btw...I looked back at the first post when starting this thread....was that the first sign of the "buying group"?....when did they start......oh, if we knew then what we...
.....is this a vent or a positive (half full or empty)?....looking back at VCP.....and seeing a card i bought for $3,000 i then sold years later for $5,000..Great!!!...but then seeing 8 months after that it sold for $15,000......ugh!!
That last one... YEP!!!
Can't tell you how many times this year I wish I still owned my 1987 Fleer Michael Jordan PSA 10.
I bought it for $672... sold it in 2015 in a private transaction for $1800, which I thought was a great profit... only to watch them sell consistently this year in the $4000-6000 range
Eric, that is a tough one to swallow but the way you gotta see it is that at the time, it was a great deal and investment and you came up way ahead of the game. Kinda makes me wonder too as if I could have sold mine for 5,500-6K and then just have bought one of the last two that sold for 4K. That would have been amazing but you never know which way the hobby will go although safe to say Jordan is a safe bet.
This is more of a laugh, throw ur hands in the air and say..what are ya gonna do?? just laugh it off....
Watching #1 Alabama vs #3 Florida State the first weekend of college football season.....missed it last Saturday night at 8pm (when it was on & didn't DVR it).....Somehow avoided all scores, texts, tweets, the notorious buddy who loves to spoil, working with Tide, Seminole fans 50-50, etc---All while living deep in S.E.C. country, & minutes from Arthur Blanks new stadium.... until the 7 a.m. Sunday ESPN rebroadcast!!!!...yea made it, lucky me!!
...right off the bat at 7:01 a.m. ESPN scrolling the top 25 college scores at the bottom of the screen while the game is on!!...the entire game!!!....Brilliant!!!...ugh....(sorry, had to vent cause everyone sleeping)...and my buddies on here before the day gets started, don't text me or post in the next hour...oh, see KC just logged off... ha
...ok, I'm over it, I feel better and am thankful for my family and friends...have a great weekend....thanks for listening
Interested in higher grade vintage cards. Aren't we all.
Im keeping this positive....so funny Public Service Announcement to and for y'all...
(if u own a car dealership, do not read further)
edited...car dealership key fobs for $200-$250 are $10 on the internet and are exactly the same and work just as well ---for 4-5 years so far with one battery change
Interested in higher grade vintage cards. Aren't we all.
Listing a card for $600 obo on eBay and getting offers like $25/$50/$100. I realize that there is a setting where you can auto decline below a certain amount, but to bid that low on an item is like going to an open house on the market priced at $400k and offering them $165k.
Potential buyer asks"can you take that one card out of the 47 card lot and sell it to me for $2 and $2 shipping?" Sure, I will make a special trip to the post office, end my auction, modify my listing and take more pictures for an end result of. .46 cents. All for you!!!!! Sorry, nothing seems to be selling now and I am bitter!!
Since its the holiday season, those in the right lane who race to pass then get in front of you or those sitting at a stop sign, driveway, side-road and pull out in front of you.......then both decelerate to 10 mph below the speed limit in the right lane.....what was the hurry? couldn't wait 3 extra seconds?........ok, done venting and back to shopping
Interested in higher grade vintage cards. Aren't we all.
I would say the blatant disregard for the B/S/T forum rules has me a bit down these days, along with the subsequent lack of monitoring by the moderators.
Deans Cards.This guy owns everything and I feel he has inflated the market .His prices are overblown imo and his product just takes up room on the searches without selling anything.$2600 for a 1976 Topps Set.
Come on lets get real OK!!!!!!!!!!!!
@fiveniner said:
Deans Cards.This guy owns everything and I feel he has inflated the market .His prices are overblown imo and his product just takes up room on the searches without selling anything.$2600 for a 1976 Topps Set.
Come on lets get real OK!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know; I don't get it; but it seems like he sells a lot of stuff.
I have to much S**t; so if you working on sets or are a player/team collector, send me your want list, with conditions desired. Keep in mind I have a another job so please allow me a few days to respond.
@fiveniner said:
Deans Cards.This guy owns everything and I feel he has inflated the market .His prices are overblown imo and his product just takes up room on the searches without selling anything.$2600 for a 1976 Topps Set.
Come on lets get real OK!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still think it is funny that even he had to RAISE his prices during the tremendous uptick in the market in 2016. Him and that other looney-bin that has a bazillion listings priced 2-3 times the market.
The fire symbol next to a card in the description as though I didn't realize Aaron Judge was remotely gifted.... and that this card was hot.....and then not leaving reciprocal feedback to successful transactions.
Not really pertaining to the hobby, but I hate when you walk into a convenience store, or a gas station and you got stuck behind someone screwing with lottery tickets. It doesn’t matter if I leave home early for work or not, it seems like it’s always a wash for me due to getting stuck behind someone that doesn’t know what they are doing, didn’t completely scratch the card off or whatever. I don’t play. Please be courteous of people that just want to get in and out. I always said that there should be a separate line just for that...
Always looking for OPC "tape intact" baseball wax boxes, and 1984 OPC baseball PSA 10's for my set. Please PM or email me if you have any available.
I understand, depending on volume, not deleting the cert from your registry for every single card you sell, but when you sell an item, and if the buyer subsequently fills out the request on PSA's site that automatically sends the email to the former owner asking them to delete the cert, and you as the buyer additionally also write a message to the former owner asking him to do so, and they say they will (but still don't!), then please don't make us as the buyer have to go through the trouble of scanning the front and back of the item and emailing the images to PSA in order to complete the process. Can we all please commit to deleting certs once sold and requested for deletion? I know it doesn't take an immense amount of time to scan and email images, but I don't feel it should be my job as the buyer to ever have to go through that procedure.
ebay does not seem to care about the way these 2 items are listed by a zero-feedback seller. I reported them a couple days ago but they're still up. Interesting to see that "PSA 10" and "BGS 9.5" are just terms you can put in your title even if they have no relevance whatsoever to your items. The "seller" did not reply to my message of inquiry:
That's a real slab, they used them prior to the current model to accomadate thicker patch cards. You can send it in for reholder if you prefer and have it in a normal sized PSA holder.
Well, you did list this incident in the complaints/vents/peeves/annoyances thread, so the logical conclusion is that you consider it to fall into that category.
"Who said I was upset???"
Well, you did list this incident in the complaints/vents/peeves/annoyances thread, so the logical conclusion is that you consider it to fall into that category.
Fair point!!!
I guess I was just reading this thread for the first time and saw the post by another member about getting all their spam after buying one thing... just added my experience of being blocked and still getting all their spam, even years later.
Failed attempt to inject some humor into a thread about negative things!!!
On the bright side, it did bring about an annoyance...
When people over analyze your punctuation and writing style to assign your feelings for you... yeah, that's pretty annoying, lol
Life is short, collecting cards is fun, don't take everything so seriously
So I'm supposed to pay MORE because you offer free shipping??
"Who said I was upset???"
Well, you did list this incident in the complaints/vents/peeves/annoyances thread, so the logical conclusion is that you consider it to fall into that category.
Fair point!!!
I guess I was just reading this thread for the first time and saw the post by another member about getting all their spam after buying one thing... just added my experience of being blocked and still getting all their spam, even years later.
Failed attempt to inject some humor into a thread about negative things!!!
On the bright side, it did bring about an annoyance...
When people over analyze your punctuation and writing style to assign your feelings for you... yeah, that's pretty annoying, lol
Life is short, collecting cards is fun, don't take everything so seriously
Wait, what does bold type mean?
This is good advice
1. When they list a PSA 8 card for sale at a near PSA 9 price and say.."It was an 8.5 before i broke it and had it regraded, came back an 8, its a beaut and really should be a 9, don't know what they were thinking and failed to bump it. Check out the scans. (thats why I'm listing an $800 for $1800) "....umm, seems to me should be in the 8s...
2. subtle brag when selling a PSA 8 and states "its an awesome card worthy of a bump, prob will be a 9 if you resubmit....I do have two 9's at home but they aren't for sale"....ummm, ok....i have a couple puppies at home but not for sale.
.....is this a vent or a positive (half full or empty)?....looking back at VCP.....and seeing a card i bought for $3,000 i then sold years later for $5,000..Great!!!...but then seeing 8 months after that it sold for $15,000......ugh!!
btw...I looked back at the first post when starting this thread....was that the first sign of the "buying group"?....when did they start......oh, if we knew then what we...
.....is this a vent or a positive (half full or empty)?....looking back at VCP.....and seeing a card i bought for $3,000 i then sold years later for $5,000..Great!!!...but then seeing 8 months after that it sold for $15,000......ugh!!
That last one... YEP!!!
Can't tell you how many times this year I wish I still owned my 1987 Fleer Michael Jordan PSA 10.
I bought it for $672... sold it in 2015 in a private transaction for $1800, which I thought was a great profit... only to watch them sell consistently this year in the $4000-6000 range
This is more of a laugh, throw ur hands in the air and say..what are ya gonna do?? just laugh it off....
Watching #1 Alabama vs #3 Florida State the first weekend of college football season.....missed it last Saturday night at 8pm (when it was on & didn't DVR it).....Somehow avoided all scores, texts, tweets, the notorious buddy who loves to spoil, working with Tide, Seminole fans 50-50, etc---All while living deep in S.E.C. country, & minutes from Arthur Blanks new stadium.... until the 7 a.m. Sunday ESPN rebroadcast!!!!...yea made it, lucky me!!
...right off the bat at 7:01 a.m. ESPN scrolling the top 25 college scores at the bottom of the screen while the game is on!!...the entire game!!!....Brilliant!!!...ugh....(sorry, had to vent cause everyone sleeping)...and my buddies on here before the day gets started, don't text me or post in the next hour...oh, see KC just logged off... ha
...ok, I'm over it, I feel better and am thankful for my family and friends...have a great weekend....thanks for listening
Im keeping this positive....so funny Public Service Announcement to and for y'all...
(if u own a car dealership, do not read further)
edited...car dealership key fobs for $200-$250 are $10 on the internet and are exactly the same and work just as well ---for 4-5 years so far with one battery change
when you have a 10 day auction, someone bids 4 times throughout the week and wins then immediately cancels their order
This is funny ! Good chance it was already a PSA reject !
Listing a card for $600 obo on eBay and getting offers like $25/$50/$100. I realize that there is a setting where you can auto decline below a certain amount, but to bid that low on an item is like going to an open house on the market priced at $400k and offering them $165k.
Potential buyer asks"can you take that one card out of the 47 card lot and sell it to me for $2 and $2 shipping?" Sure, I will make a special trip to the post office, end my auction, modify my listing and take more pictures for an end result of. .46 cents. All for you!!!!! Sorry, nothing seems to be selling now and I am bitter!!
Since its the holiday season, those in the right lane who race to pass then get in front of you or those sitting at a stop sign, driveway, side-road and pull out in front of you.......then both decelerate to 10 mph below the speed limit in the right lane.....what was the hurry? couldn't wait 3 extra seconds?........ok, done venting and back to shopping
I would say the blatant disregard for the B/S/T forum rules has me a bit down these days, along with the subsequent lack of monitoring by the moderators.
Deans Cards.This guy owns everything and I feel he has inflated the market .His prices are overblown imo and his product just takes up room on the searches without selling anything.$2600 for a 1976 Topps Set.
Come on lets get real OK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finding a 1980 Topps pack in a 1983 box I'm ripping.....seriously! Still found a Boggs RC but still.
Actually, kind of laughed.
Ebay retires all there mobile apps prior to version 5... that really sucks!
I know; I don't get it; but it seems like he sells a lot of stuff.
I have to much S**t; so if you working on sets or are a player/team collector, send me your want list, with conditions desired. Keep in mind I have a another job so please allow me a few days to respond.
I still think it is funny that even he had to RAISE his prices during the tremendous uptick in the market in 2016. Him and that other looney-bin that has a bazillion listings priced 2-3 times the market.
Bought a $200+ card and this is how it was delivered. I’m afraid to even open it.
Edit to add: Really?!!!
eBay Store
Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
Forgive me if I mentioned this before but I reeeeally can't stand the "I am not a professional grader" types :P
D's: 50P,49S,45D+S,43D,41S,40D,39D+S,38D+S,37D+S,36S,35D+S,all 16-34's
Q's: 52S,47S,46S,40S,39S,38S,37D+S,36D+S,35D,34D,32D+S
74T: 241,435,610,654 97 Finest silver: 115,135,139,145,310
95 Ultra GM Sets: Golden Prospects,HR Kings,On-Base Leaders,Power Plus,RBI Kings,Rising Stars
The fire symbol next to a card in the description as though I didn't realize Aaron Judge was remotely gifted.... and that this card was hot.....and then not leaving reciprocal feedback to successful transactions.
Maddux69 what did the card look like?
The card was hanging out the toploader, hard to tell if it was damaged since it was a die-cut.
eBay Store
Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
Only on ebay.........

Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
Not really pertaining to the hobby, but I hate when you walk into a convenience store, or a gas station and you got stuck behind someone screwing with lottery tickets. It doesn’t matter if I leave home early for work or not, it seems like it’s always a wash for me due to getting stuck behind someone that doesn’t know what they are doing, didn’t completely scratch the card off or whatever. I don’t play. Please be courteous of people that just want to get in and out. I always said that there should be a separate line just for that...
I understand, depending on volume, not deleting the cert from your registry for every single card you sell, but when you sell an item, and if the buyer subsequently fills out the request on PSA's site that automatically sends the email to the former owner asking them to delete the cert, and you as the buyer additionally also write a message to the former owner asking him to do so, and they say they will (but still don't!), then please don't make us as the buyer have to go through the trouble of scanning the front and back of the item and emailing the images to PSA in order to complete the process. Can we all please commit to deleting certs once sold and requested for deletion? I know it doesn't take an immense amount of time to scan and email images, but I don't feel it should be my job as the buyer to ever have to go through that procedure.
Looks like Europe has its own grading company

Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
Currently Collecting:
Flickr: https://flickr.com/gp/184724292@N07/686763
Well, I am super surprised to see them specifying a weight and thickness on their label. That is a new one on me for these fly-by-night slabs.
ebay does not seem to care about the way these 2 items are listed by a zero-feedback seller. I reported them a couple days ago but they're still up. Interesting to see that "PSA 10" and "BGS 9.5" are just terms you can put in your title even if they have no relevance whatsoever to your items. The "seller" did not reply to my message of inquiry:
Came across this slab that i've never seen before,is this a real PSA slab?
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
That's a real slab, they used them prior to the current model to accomadate thicker patch cards. You can send it in for reholder if you prefer and have it in a normal sized PSA holder.
eBay Store
Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
Thanks,i was just curious for not coming across one before.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
Here's another 86 Super Canasta Jordan in a European Grading slab,the only two slabs from this company to hit ebay outside of a couple mtg cards. I know this seller uses multiple accounts,i wouldn't be surprised after that first sale that there was some shadiness going on.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
Just stumbled across this one. $2K seems like a lofty goal to me.
Here's some more shadiness,someone is using 2 different ebay accounts to auction off the same exact Jordan 92 SI for Kids BGS 8.5.
This one started at $14.99
This one started at $9.99 and is charging $12.70 for shipping
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
do what ..lol
To sum it up we are all tired of dealing with people who think that "It is hip to be cheap."
Or as they say in an Italian translation.. "Tighter than a crabs "rear'.