'75 MINI BOX 1--Baz518
'75 MINI BOX 2--RyanSeven
'82 CELLO--CORY1976
'83 TOPPS MICHIGAN--Abcoltsfan
'93 SP Box 1--ScottJayHawk
'93 SP Box 2--Iseecon
'78 FB--Initial D
'81 FB Cello-Slum22
'81 FB Wax--Mullins5
'00 Contenders--Iseecon
'12 Topps Chome #1--ScottJayHawk
'12 Topps Chrome Box 2--Iseecon
We all assume that if you reserve packs that you will pay for them--pronto.
How to Pay for Your Stuff--
1. by PayPal using---
2. or call 1- 800-598-8656 to use a credit card
3. you can always use snail mail to send a check if you want to wait FOREVER for your packs--lol
When you pay BBCE---Please be sure to: 1) include your CU User Name and what you reserved; 2). Also please post when you have paid and I will mark you off the list :
1-5 packs. USPS for $4
6-12 packs UPS for $8
12+ packs UPS for $12
Boxes $10 for the first and $2 each additional (UPS)
Plus insurance on all above.
USPS Insurance
.01 to $50.00----$1.85
$50.01 to $100.00-----$2.35
$101.01 to $200.00-----$2.90
$200.01 to $300.00----$4.85
$300.01 to $400.00---$5.95
$400.01 to $500.00---$7.05
1. IdFerg--PAID
2. PJB103183--PAID
3. Gemint--PAID
4. ThirtyTwo--PAID
5. RyanSeven--PAID
6. Fergie23--PAID
7. Flatfoot816--PAID
8. JBRules--PAID
9. Baz518--PAID
10. Iseecon--PAID
11. Grote15--PAID
12. Doctor K--PAID
13. Thunderdan--PAID
14. KendallCat--PAID
15. Mefer--PAID
16. DTSA-------
17. Slum22--PAID
18. ClockWorkAngel--PAID
19. Shapko--PAID
20. 08HALA20--PAID
21. DNA24--PAID
22. VintageFun--PAID
23. Davis--PAID
24. Dusto--PAID
25. CardCountry--PAID
26. 1NeatStuff---PAID
27. ScottsJayHawk--PAID
28. Cecroplamoth--PAID
29. Mets--PAID
30. JFKHeat--PAID
31. Kyndbrotha--PAID
32. Toadman--PAID
33. RCMB3220--PAID
34. BostonAmericans--PAID
35. LarkinCollector--PAID
36. TotallyRad--PAID
37. Jmaclu--PAID
38. MDKuom--PAID
39. Dan Bessette--PAID
42. MConley1---PAID
43. RyanAdmirer--PAID
44. Eagles33--PAID
45. SportsCardStop---PAID
46. CanjonD--PAID
47. InitialD---PAID
48. Ergoism--PAID
49. PDub1819--PAID
50. Cory1976--PAID
51. MantleFan23--PAID
52. JJWorm--PAID
53. 59HorseHide--PAID
54. RTimmer--PAID
55. SeaBlaster--PAID
57. BigMK--PAID
58. SSollars--PAID
59. BillsGridironGreats--PAID
60. Csmonti--PAID
61. BrendanB438--PAID
62. JMoran--PAID
63. CardCounter2--PAID
64. GA5150--PAID
65. Addicted2eBay--PAID
66. LargentCllector--PAID
67. IbCoach20--PAID
PACKS--For the first 48 Hours after this thread is posted you are limited to 2 packs/cellos/racks per box--unless stated otherwise in the listing. After 48 hours -- you can buy 1 or 2 more depending on the original listing. After a full 96 hours -- if the packs are not sold out you can take as many as you want. GO FOR IT !!!
BOXES--only applies to the '89 Upper Deck Low case. You can order 1 box for the 1st 48 hours. If the case is not sold out by then--you can order 1 more. After 96 hours--you can order as many as you want
WHEN/HOW DO YOU PAY? We must sell this out before payment can be made and packs can be shipped. Please reply to this thread with your packs. DO NOT PM ME. Do not pay until I update the thread to do so
Steve has given us our usual 10% discount for many of the items. Thanks Steve and The Crew!!
If you want to participate please post in this thread with how many packs you want and I will keep track.
For those who have never done a group rip, once the product sells out you will need to contact BBCE to make your payment. They will ship from their location to you directly.
AGAIN--IMPORTANT--Once we are sold out and you pay BBCE please post in this thread or send me a pm so that I can track the progress.
Please if paying by Paypal or calling them with C.C. include your "FORUM NAME". They will need that, as there are a lot of different people involved in this rip.
1975 Mini Box--10% off to $2,700--- $75 per pack--Box 1 (SOLD OUT)--CORRECTED PRICE PER PACK--
1. Idferg
2. Idferg
3. PJB103183
4. Gemint
5. Gemint
6. Fergie
7. Fergie
8. Thirtytwo
9. RyanSeven
10. Ryanseven
11. flatfoot816
12. flatfoot816
13. JBRules
14. JBRules
15. Baz518
16. Baz518
17. Iseecon
18. Iseecon
19. Grote15
20. Grote15
21. Doctor K
22. Doctor K
23. Thunderdan
24. Thunderdan
25. Kendall Cat
26. Kendall Cat
27. Mefer
28. Mefer
29. DTSA
30. DTSA
31. Slum22
32. Slum22
33. Clockworkangel
34. Clockworkangel
35. Shapko
36. Shapko
1975 Mini Box--10% off to $2,700--- $75 per pack--Box 2--(SOLD OUT)
1. PJB103183
2. 08HALA20
3. 08HALA20
4. Grote15
5. KendallCat
6. KendallCat
7. ThunderDan
8. ThunderDan
9. DNA224
10. DNA224
11. VintageFun
12. Davis
13. PJB103183
14. Schapko
15. RyanSeven
16. RyanSeven
17. Gemint
18. Gemint
19. Iseecon
20. Flatfoot816
21. Csmonti
22. Fergie23
23. Fergie23
24. Dusto
25. Schapko
26. CardCountry
27. CardCountry
28. 1NeatStuff
29. 1NeatStuff
30. ScottJayHawk
31. Cecroplamoth
32. Cecroplamoth
33. ClockworkAngel
34. ClockworkAngel
35. DoctorK
36. DoctorK
1982 Topps Cello Box--10% off to $248/box or 10.33 per pack--(SOLD OUT)
1. Davis
2. Mets
3. Mets
4. JFKHeat
5. JFKHEat
6. Kyndbrotha
7. Kyndbrotha
8. Toadman
9. Toadman
10. RCMB3220
11. RCMB3220
12. Boston Americans
13. Boston Americans
14. LarkinCollector
15. TotallyRad
16. TotallyRad
17. ClockWorkAngel
18. ClockWorkAngel
19. 08HALA20
20. 08HALA20
21. Jmaclu
22. Jmaclu
23. Dr. K
24. Dr. K
1982 Topps Wax Box--10% off to $248/Box or $6.90 per pack---SOLD OUT
1. Doctor K
2. Doctor K
3. Mets
4. Mets
5. Davis
6. JFKHEat
7. JFKHeat
8. Vintagefun
9. Vintagefun
11. MDkuom
12. Dan Bessette
13. Dan Bessette
14. Toadman
15. Toadman
16. Boston Americans
17. Boston Americans
18. Larkin Collector
19. Larkin Collector
20. TotallyRad
21. TotallyRad
22. ClockWorkAngel
23. ClockWorkAngel
24. 08HALA20
25. 08HALA20
26. JMaclu
27. Jmaclu
28. Kyndbrotha
29. Kyndbrotha
30. RCMB3220
31. RCMB3220
32. Cecroplamoth
33. Cecroplamoth
34. Toadman
35. Toadman
36. Dan Bessette
1983 Topps "wax" Baseball Michigan Wrap--10% off to $248/Box or $6.90 per pack--(SOLD OUT)
1. Mullins5
2. Mullins5
3. Dr. K
4. Dr. K
5. Mets
6. Mets
7. Abcoltsfan
8. Abcoltsfan
9. Iseecon
11. JFKHeat
12. JFKHeat
13. Thunderdan
14. Thunderdan
15. Vintagefun
16. Vintagefun
17. Mdkuom
18. Mdkuom
19. Kyndbrotha
20. Kyndbrotha
21. Dan Bessette
22. Dan Besette
23. Toadman
24. Toadman
25. TotallyRad
26. TotallyRad
27. ClockWorkAngel
28. ClockWorkAngel
29. 08HALA20
30. 08HALA20
31. MConley1
32. MConley1
33. Schapko
34. Schapko
35. Jmaclu
36. Jmaclu
1993 SP Box--10% off to--$630--24 packs or $25.25 per pack--Jeter !!! (SOLD OUT)
1. Ryanadmirer
2. Ryanadmirer
3. Mullins5
4. Fergie23
5. Fergie23
6. Ryanseven
7. Ryanseven
8. Davis
9. Davis
10. Flatfoot816
11. Flatfoot816
12. Iseecon
13. Thirtytwo
14. Thirtytwo
15. Eagles33
16. Thunderdan
17. Thunderdan
18. Sportscardstop
19. Sportscardstop
20. CanjonD
21. CanjonD
22. Initlal D
23. Vintagefun
24. Ergoism
1993 SP Box--10% off to--$630--24 packs or $25.25 per pack--Jeter !!!---BOX 2 (SOLD OUT)
1. Ergoism
2. Pdub1819
3. Kyndbrotha
4. Kyndbrotha
5. ClockworkAngel
6. ClockworkAngel
7. Dusto
8. Dusto
9. Flatfoot816
11. Fergie23
12. Fergie23
13. Jmaclu
14. Jmaclu
15. Baz518
16. Baz518
17. Schapko
18. Schapko
19. RCMB3220
20. Eagles33
21. ThunderDan
22. ThunderDan
23. CanJonD
24. CardCountry
1989 Upper Deck Low Series Wax Case--10% off--$1,620 or $81 Box--FASC (SOLD OUT)
1. Dr. K
2. Ryanadmirer
3. CORY1976
4. Gemint
5. Ryanseven
6. Davis
7. Flatfoot816
8. 08HALA20
9. MAntlefan23
10. JJ Worm
11. JFKHeat
12. Sportscardstop
13. Initlal D
14. Vintagefun
15. Ergoism
16. PDUB1819
17. Toadman
18. 59Horsehide
19. Rtimmer
20. Saeblaster
1978 Wax Box--10% off to--$800--$23 per pack--(SOLD OUT)
1. 08HALA20
2. 08HALA20
3. Fergie23
4. Fergie23
5. Baz518
6. Baz518
7. DTKK49a
8. DTKK49a
9. Vintagefun
10. Vintagefun
11. BigMK
12. BigMK
13. SSollars
14. SSollars
15. LargentCollector
16. LargentCollector
17. Slum22
18. Slum22
19. Clockworkangel
20. Clockworkangel
21. BillsGridironGreats
22. BillsGridironGreats
23. MConley1
24. MConley1
25. Csmonti
26. Cecroplamoth
27. Cecroplamoth
28. Brendanb38
29. 08HALA20
30. 08HALA20
31. VintageFun
32. VintageFun
33. Fergie23
34. Fergie23
35. JMoran
36. JMoran
1981 Cello--no discount--$1,100- $46 per pack--(SOLD OUT)
1. Mullins5
2. Mullins5
3. Gemint
4. Fergie23
5. Fergie23
6. Brendan438
7. Brendan438
8. Davis
9. Flatfoot816
10. Flatfoot816
11. JMoran
12. JMoran
13. CanjonD
14. SSollars
15. SSollars
16. ClockworkAngel
17. ClockWorkAngel
18. CardCounter2
19. CardCounter2
20. Flatfoot816
21. Flatfoot816
22. JMoran
23. Ssollars
24. Ssollars
1981 Wax--in '79 wrappers--10% discount--$900--$25 per pack--for what it's worth there may be fewer cards than in the regular wrappers
1. Fergie23
2. Fergie23
3. Flatfoot816
4. Flatfoot816
5. SSollars
6. SSollars
7. Clockworkangel
8. Clockworkangel
9. BillsGridironGreats
10. BillsGridironGreats
11. LarkinCollector
12. LarkinCollecotr
13. Csmonti
14. Flatfoot816
15. Flatfoot816
16. Ssollars
17. Ssollars
18. ThirtyTwo
19. ThirtyTwo
20. ThirtyTwo
21. ThirtyTwo
22. ThirtyTwo
23. ThirtyTwo
24. Flatfoot816
25. Flatfoot816
26. Flatfoot816
27. Ibcoach20
28. Ibcoach20
29. AddictedtoeBay
30. AddictedtoeBay
31. AddictedtoeBay
32. AddictedtoeBay
33. AddictedtoeBay
34. AddictedtoeBay
35. AddictedtoeBay
36. AddictedtoeBay
2000 Playoff Contenders--$425 Box--12 packs or $36 per pack--Limit will be 1 pack for 1st 48 hours--Brady Rookie--(SOLD OUT)
1. Ryanadmirer
2. Cory1976
3. Mullins5
4. Fergie23
5. Brendan438
6. Davis
7. Flatfoot816
8. PJB103183
9. Thunderdan
10. Largent Collector
11. DTKK49a
12. VintageFun
2012 Topps Chrome Hobby--10% off--$170 Box--$8 per pack--Luck and Wilson Rookies--BOX 1 (SOLD OUT)
1. Ryanadmirer
2. Ryanadmirer
3. Cory1976
4. Cory1976
5. Mullins5
6. Mullins5
7. Fergie23
8. Fergie23
9. Largent Collector
10. Largent Collector
11. Davis
12. Davis
13. Flatfoot816
14. Flatfoot816
15. GA5150
16. GA5150
17. Abcoltsfan
18. Abcoltsfan
19. Eagles33
20. Eagles33
21. JFKHeat
22. JFKHeat
23. Brendan438
24. Brendan438
2012 Topps Chrome Hobby--10% off--$170 Box--$8 per pack--Luck and Wilson Rookies--BOX 2--(SOLD OUT)
1. Flatfoot816
2. Flatfoot816
3. Baz518
4. Baz518
5. JFKHeat
6. JFKHeat
7. Eagles33
8. Eagles33
9. CanJonD
10. BrendanB438
11. BrendanB438
12. Cory1976
13. Cory1976
14. Davis
15. Davis
16. RyanAdmirer
17. Ryanadmirer
18. JBRules
19. JBRules
20. VintageFun
21. VintageFun
22. Kyndbrotha
23. Kyndbrotha
24. Dusto
'75 MINI BOX 1--Baz518
'75 MINI BOX 2--RyanSeven
'82 CELLO--CORY1976
'83 TOPPS MICHIGAN--Abcoltsfan
'93 SP Box 1--ScottJayHawk
'93 SP Box 2--Iseecon
'78 FB--Initial D
'81 FB Cello-Slum22
'81 FB Wax--Mullins5
'00 Contenders--Iseecon
'12 Topps Chome #1--ScottJayHawk
'12 Topps Chrome Box 2--Iseecon
We all assume that if you reserve packs that you will pay for them--pronto.
How to Pay for Your Stuff--
1. by PayPal using---
2. or call 1- 800-598-8656 to use a credit card
3. you can always use snail mail to send a check if you want to wait FOREVER for your packs--lol
When you pay BBCE---Please be sure to: 1) include your CU User Name and what you reserved; 2). Also please post when you have paid and I will mark you off the list :
1-5 packs. USPS for $4
6-12 packs UPS for $8
12+ packs UPS for $12
Boxes $10 for the first and $2 each additional (UPS)
Plus insurance on all above.
USPS Insurance
.01 to $50.00----$1.85
$50.01 to $100.00-----$2.35
$101.01 to $200.00-----$2.90
$200.01 to $300.00----$4.85
$300.01 to $400.00---$5.95
$400.01 to $500.00---$7.05
1. IdFerg--PAID
2. PJB103183--PAID
3. Gemint--PAID
4. ThirtyTwo--PAID
5. RyanSeven--PAID
6. Fergie23--PAID
7. Flatfoot816--PAID
8. JBRules--PAID
9. Baz518--PAID
10. Iseecon--PAID
11. Grote15--PAID
12. Doctor K--PAID
13. Thunderdan--PAID
14. KendallCat--PAID
15. Mefer--PAID
16. DTSA-------
17. Slum22--PAID
18. ClockWorkAngel--PAID
19. Shapko--PAID
20. 08HALA20--PAID
21. DNA24--PAID
22. VintageFun--PAID
23. Davis--PAID
24. Dusto--PAID
25. CardCountry--PAID
26. 1NeatStuff---PAID
27. ScottsJayHawk--PAID
28. Cecroplamoth--PAID
29. Mets--PAID
30. JFKHeat--PAID
31. Kyndbrotha--PAID
32. Toadman--PAID
33. RCMB3220--PAID
34. BostonAmericans--PAID
35. LarkinCollector--PAID
36. TotallyRad--PAID
37. Jmaclu--PAID
38. MDKuom--PAID
39. Dan Bessette--PAID
42. MConley1---PAID
43. RyanAdmirer--PAID
44. Eagles33--PAID
45. SportsCardStop---PAID
46. CanjonD--PAID
47. InitialD---PAID
48. Ergoism--PAID
49. PDub1819--PAID
50. Cory1976--PAID
51. MantleFan23--PAID
52. JJWorm--PAID
53. 59HorseHide--PAID
54. RTimmer--PAID
55. SeaBlaster--PAID
57. BigMK--PAID
58. SSollars--PAID
59. BillsGridironGreats--PAID
60. Csmonti--PAID
61. BrendanB438--PAID
62. JMoran--PAID
63. CardCounter2--PAID
64. GA5150--PAID
65. Addicted2eBay--PAID
66. LargentCllector--PAID
67. IbCoach20--PAID
PACKS--For the first 48 Hours after this thread is posted you are limited to 2 packs/cellos/racks per box--unless stated otherwise in the listing. After 48 hours -- you can buy 1 or 2 more depending on the original listing. After a full 96 hours -- if the packs are not sold out you can take as many as you want. GO FOR IT !!!
BOXES--only applies to the '89 Upper Deck Low case. You can order 1 box for the 1st 48 hours. If the case is not sold out by then--you can order 1 more. After 96 hours--you can order as many as you want
WHEN/HOW DO YOU PAY? We must sell this out before payment can be made and packs can be shipped. Please reply to this thread with your packs. DO NOT PM ME. Do not pay until I update the thread to do so
Steve has given us our usual 10% discount for many of the items. Thanks Steve and The Crew!!
If you want to participate please post in this thread with how many packs you want and I will keep track.
For those who have never done a group rip, once the product sells out you will need to contact BBCE to make your payment. They will ship from their location to you directly.
AGAIN--IMPORTANT--Once we are sold out and you pay BBCE please post in this thread or send me a pm so that I can track the progress.
Please if paying by Paypal or calling them with C.C. include your "FORUM NAME". They will need that, as there are a lot of different people involved in this rip.
1975 Mini Box--10% off to $2,700--- $75 per pack--Box 1 (SOLD OUT)--CORRECTED PRICE PER PACK--
1. Idferg
2. Idferg
3. PJB103183
4. Gemint
5. Gemint
6. Fergie
7. Fergie
8. Thirtytwo
9. RyanSeven
10. Ryanseven
11. flatfoot816
12. flatfoot816
13. JBRules
14. JBRules
15. Baz518
16. Baz518
17. Iseecon
18. Iseecon
19. Grote15
20. Grote15
21. Doctor K
22. Doctor K
23. Thunderdan
24. Thunderdan
25. Kendall Cat
26. Kendall Cat
27. Mefer
28. Mefer
29. DTSA
30. DTSA
31. Slum22
32. Slum22
33. Clockworkangel
34. Clockworkangel
35. Shapko
36. Shapko
1975 Mini Box--10% off to $2,700--- $75 per pack--Box 2--(SOLD OUT)
1. PJB103183
2. 08HALA20
3. 08HALA20
4. Grote15
5. KendallCat
6. KendallCat
7. ThunderDan
8. ThunderDan
9. DNA224
10. DNA224
11. VintageFun
12. Davis
13. PJB103183
14. Schapko
15. RyanSeven
16. RyanSeven
17. Gemint
18. Gemint
19. Iseecon
20. Flatfoot816
21. Csmonti
22. Fergie23
23. Fergie23
24. Dusto
25. Schapko
26. CardCountry
27. CardCountry
28. 1NeatStuff
29. 1NeatStuff
30. ScottJayHawk
31. Cecroplamoth
32. Cecroplamoth
33. ClockworkAngel
34. ClockworkAngel
35. DoctorK
36. DoctorK
1982 Topps Cello Box--10% off to $248/box or 10.33 per pack--(SOLD OUT)
1. Davis
2. Mets
3. Mets
4. JFKHeat
5. JFKHEat
6. Kyndbrotha
7. Kyndbrotha
8. Toadman
9. Toadman
10. RCMB3220
11. RCMB3220
12. Boston Americans
13. Boston Americans
14. LarkinCollector
15. TotallyRad
16. TotallyRad
17. ClockWorkAngel
18. ClockWorkAngel
19. 08HALA20
20. 08HALA20
21. Jmaclu
22. Jmaclu
23. Dr. K
24. Dr. K
1982 Topps Wax Box--10% off to $248/Box or $6.90 per pack---SOLD OUT
1. Doctor K
2. Doctor K
3. Mets
4. Mets
5. Davis
6. JFKHEat
7. JFKHeat
8. Vintagefun
9. Vintagefun
11. MDkuom
12. Dan Bessette
13. Dan Bessette
14. Toadman
15. Toadman
16. Boston Americans
17. Boston Americans
18. Larkin Collector
19. Larkin Collector
20. TotallyRad
21. TotallyRad
22. ClockWorkAngel
23. ClockWorkAngel
24. 08HALA20
25. 08HALA20
26. JMaclu
27. Jmaclu
28. Kyndbrotha
29. Kyndbrotha
30. RCMB3220
31. RCMB3220
32. Cecroplamoth
33. Cecroplamoth
34. Toadman
35. Toadman
36. Dan Bessette
1983 Topps "wax" Baseball Michigan Wrap--10% off to $248/Box or $6.90 per pack--(SOLD OUT)
1. Mullins5
2. Mullins5
3. Dr. K
4. Dr. K
5. Mets
6. Mets
7. Abcoltsfan
8. Abcoltsfan
9. Iseecon
11. JFKHeat
12. JFKHeat
13. Thunderdan
14. Thunderdan
15. Vintagefun
16. Vintagefun
17. Mdkuom
18. Mdkuom
19. Kyndbrotha
20. Kyndbrotha
21. Dan Bessette
22. Dan Besette
23. Toadman
24. Toadman
25. TotallyRad
26. TotallyRad
27. ClockWorkAngel
28. ClockWorkAngel
29. 08HALA20
30. 08HALA20
31. MConley1
32. MConley1
33. Schapko
34. Schapko
35. Jmaclu
36. Jmaclu
1993 SP Box--10% off to--$630--24 packs or $25.25 per pack--Jeter !!! (SOLD OUT)
1. Ryanadmirer
2. Ryanadmirer
3. Mullins5
4. Fergie23
5. Fergie23
6. Ryanseven
7. Ryanseven
8. Davis
9. Davis
10. Flatfoot816
11. Flatfoot816
12. Iseecon
13. Thirtytwo
14. Thirtytwo
15. Eagles33
16. Thunderdan
17. Thunderdan
18. Sportscardstop
19. Sportscardstop
20. CanjonD
21. CanjonD
22. Initlal D
23. Vintagefun
24. Ergoism
1993 SP Box--10% off to--$630--24 packs or $25.25 per pack--Jeter !!!---BOX 2 (SOLD OUT)
1. Ergoism
2. Pdub1819
3. Kyndbrotha
4. Kyndbrotha
5. ClockworkAngel
6. ClockworkAngel
7. Dusto
8. Dusto
9. Flatfoot816
11. Fergie23
12. Fergie23
13. Jmaclu
14. Jmaclu
15. Baz518
16. Baz518
17. Schapko
18. Schapko
19. RCMB3220
20. Eagles33
21. ThunderDan
22. ThunderDan
23. CanJonD
24. CardCountry
1989 Upper Deck Low Series Wax Case--10% off--$1,620 or $81 Box--FASC (SOLD OUT)
1. Dr. K
2. Ryanadmirer
3. CORY1976
4. Gemint
5. Ryanseven
6. Davis
7. Flatfoot816
8. 08HALA20
9. MAntlefan23
10. JJ Worm
11. JFKHeat
12. Sportscardstop
13. Initlal D
14. Vintagefun
15. Ergoism
16. PDUB1819
17. Toadman
18. 59Horsehide
19. Rtimmer
20. Saeblaster
1978 Wax Box--10% off to--$800--$23 per pack--(SOLD OUT)
1. 08HALA20
2. 08HALA20
3. Fergie23
4. Fergie23
5. Baz518
6. Baz518
7. DTKK49a
8. DTKK49a
9. Vintagefun
10. Vintagefun
11. BigMK
12. BigMK
13. SSollars
14. SSollars
15. LargentCollector
16. LargentCollector
17. Slum22
18. Slum22
19. Clockworkangel
20. Clockworkangel
21. BillsGridironGreats
22. BillsGridironGreats
23. MConley1
24. MConley1
25. Csmonti
26. Cecroplamoth
27. Cecroplamoth
28. Brendanb38
29. 08HALA20
30. 08HALA20
31. VintageFun
32. VintageFun
33. Fergie23
34. Fergie23
35. JMoran
36. JMoran
1981 Cello--no discount--$1,100- $46 per pack--(SOLD OUT)
1. Mullins5
2. Mullins5
3. Gemint
4. Fergie23
5. Fergie23
6. Brendan438
7. Brendan438
8. Davis
9. Flatfoot816
10. Flatfoot816
11. JMoran
12. JMoran
13. CanjonD
14. SSollars
15. SSollars
16. ClockworkAngel
17. ClockWorkAngel
18. CardCounter2
19. CardCounter2
20. Flatfoot816
21. Flatfoot816
22. JMoran
23. Ssollars
24. Ssollars
1981 Wax--in '79 wrappers--10% discount--$900--$25 per pack--for what it's worth there may be fewer cards than in the regular wrappers
1. Fergie23
2. Fergie23
3. Flatfoot816
4. Flatfoot816
5. SSollars
6. SSollars
7. Clockworkangel
8. Clockworkangel
9. BillsGridironGreats
10. BillsGridironGreats
11. LarkinCollector
12. LarkinCollecotr
13. Csmonti
14. Flatfoot816
15. Flatfoot816
16. Ssollars
17. Ssollars
18. ThirtyTwo
19. ThirtyTwo
20. ThirtyTwo
21. ThirtyTwo
22. ThirtyTwo
23. ThirtyTwo
24. Flatfoot816
25. Flatfoot816
26. Flatfoot816
27. Ibcoach20
28. Ibcoach20
29. AddictedtoeBay
30. AddictedtoeBay
31. AddictedtoeBay
32. AddictedtoeBay
33. AddictedtoeBay
34. AddictedtoeBay
35. AddictedtoeBay
36. AddictedtoeBay
2000 Playoff Contenders--$425 Box--12 packs or $36 per pack--Limit will be 1 pack for 1st 48 hours--Brady Rookie--(SOLD OUT)
1. Ryanadmirer
2. Cory1976
3. Mullins5
4. Fergie23
5. Brendan438
6. Davis
7. Flatfoot816
8. PJB103183
9. Thunderdan
10. Largent Collector
11. DTKK49a
12. VintageFun
2012 Topps Chrome Hobby--10% off--$170 Box--$8 per pack--Luck and Wilson Rookies--BOX 1 (SOLD OUT)
1. Ryanadmirer
2. Ryanadmirer
3. Cory1976
4. Cory1976
5. Mullins5
6. Mullins5
7. Fergie23
8. Fergie23
9. Largent Collector
10. Largent Collector
11. Davis
12. Davis
13. Flatfoot816
14. Flatfoot816
15. GA5150
16. GA5150
17. Abcoltsfan
18. Abcoltsfan
19. Eagles33
20. Eagles33
21. JFKHeat
22. JFKHeat
23. Brendan438
24. Brendan438
2012 Topps Chrome Hobby--10% off--$170 Box--$8 per pack--Luck and Wilson Rookies--BOX 2--(SOLD OUT)
1. Flatfoot816
2. Flatfoot816
3. Baz518
4. Baz518
5. JFKHeat
6. JFKHeat
7. Eagles33
8. Eagles33
9. CanJonD
10. BrendanB438
11. BrendanB438
12. Cory1976
13. Cory1976
14. Davis
15. Davis
16. RyanAdmirer
17. Ryanadmirer
18. JBRules
19. JBRules
20. VintageFun
21. VintageFun
22. Kyndbrotha
23. Kyndbrotha
24. Dusto
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
1 box 1989 Upper Deck
2 packs 1993 SP baseball
1 pack 2000 Playoff Contenders FB
2 packs 2012 Topps Chrome FB
1-2000 Playoff Contenders Pack
2-2012 Topps FB Chrome Packs
Thanks, Cory
2000 Playoff Contenders FB - 1
EDIT TO ADD: 2-2012 Topps FB Chrome Packs
1993 SP BASEBALL - 1
1983 Michigan Test - 2
All baseball
1 1972 pack
2 1975 mini packs
1 UD low box
1 1979 rack pack
1 '81 football cello pack
(2) 1993 SP wax packs
(2) 1978 Wax packs
(2) 1981 Cello packs
(2) 1981 Wax--in '79 wrappers-- packs
(1) 2000 Playoff Contenders pack
(2) 2012 Topps Chrome Hobby packs
Thanks to you and Steve for putting this together for us.
If available please put me down for:
2 - 1976 Cellos Packs $250 each - $500
2 packs of 1975 mini BB wax packs
2 93 SP BB packs
1 89 UD low series baseball box
Edits to items
Ryan Hoge - PSA President, IG: @maysmantle
2 1981 Cello
1 2000 Contenders
My new website
1993 SP Baseball Pack - 2
1989 Upper Deck Baseball Low Series Box - 1
1981 Football Cello - 1
2000 Playoff Contenders Football pack - 1
2012 Topps Chrome Football pack - 2
1986 OPC Hockey Pack - 2
(2) 1983 Topps Baseball Michigan
2--1972 Topps BB wax
2--1975 Topps Mini
2--1976 cello
2--1977 cello
2--1978 cello
2--1979 cello
1--1979 rack
1--1989 Upper Deck Box
2--1993 SP
2--1981 FB wax
2--1981 FB cello
1--2000 contenders FB
2--2012 Topps Chrome
2 - 1983 Topps Packs
2 - 1982 Topps Packs
(2) 1978 Football packs
(1) 1989 UD box
2 2012 Topps Chrome
(2) 1978 football Wax packs
1982 topps baseball cello - 1
1982 topps baseball pack - 1
2 - 75 mini
2 - 78 opc
2 - 78 football
2 - 1982 topps cello packs
Working on the following sets
1980's and 1990's Topps Baseball BBCE FASC - Cello or Wax Boxes
1952 Bowman US Presidents PSA 7 & up
Pro Football Hall of Fame Indianapolis Colts PSA Registry Set
June 9th Cubs full ticket or stubs - 1981 to 2020
Andre Dawson Topps Basic registry PSA 10's
Mark Grace Topps Basic registry PSA 10's
2 1975 topps mini packs
2 1983 topps baseball packs
1 1978 topps baseball cello
- Post War baseball HOF RC's
- 1980's unopened baseball
- All Mutoscope and American Beauties
Working on the following sets
1980's and 1990's Topps Baseball BBCE FASC - Cello or Wax Boxes
1952 Bowman US Presidents PSA 7 & up
Pro Football Hall of Fame Indianapolis Colts PSA Registry Set
June 9th Cubs full ticket or stubs - 1981 to 2020
Andre Dawson Topps Basic registry PSA 10's
Mark Grace Topps Basic registry PSA 10's
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
1 1993 sp
2 2012 topps chrome
1 1986 OPC
Edit to change 4 to 2 Topps chrome.
Thank you, James
2 1982 Topps baseball cello packs $10.33 per pack
2 1982 Topps baseball wax packs $6.90 per pack
2 1983 Topps baseball Michigan packs $6.90 per pack
1 1989 Upper Deck Low Series box $81 per box
2 2012 Topps Chrome football packs $8 per pack
2 packs of 93 sp baseball
2 packs of 83 topps baseball
1pack 2000 football playoff contender
2x78 Topps bb wax
2x79 Topps bb wax
They call me "Pack the Ripper"
For what it's worth ? Are not the cards the important part of all this ?
2X 2012 Topps Chrome if still available.
1- 1989 UD Box
2- 1993 SP Packs
1 '81 Football Cello
2 '86 OPC hockey
1 pack of 93 SP
2 86/86 OPC HK
2 2012 Chrome
2 83 Michigan
1 93 SP
2 93 sp packs
- 1 '89 UD Box
- 1 '93 SP Pack
Thank you for doing this.