I hadn't seen it- thanks for pointing it out. I don't know who Steve Feltner is, but it feels like I should. Does anyone know if he's still active in Barber coins?
Not exactly sure but I believe Steve F. is the interviewer. I would like to know who he was interviewing ("60 Something Collector") that was a Barber Collector... anyone on this thread know?
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
I hadn't seen it- thanks for pointing it out. I don't know who Steve Feltner is, but it feels like I should. Does anyone know if he's still active in Barber coins?
Not exactly sure but I believe Steve F. is the interviewer. I would like to know who he was interviewing ("60 Something Collector") that was a Barber Collector... anyone on this thread know?
Thanks for the correction, Tim. I read it wrong! One must surmise that the person:
Here's an addition to my 1900 Hub Variety set, a 1900 O Type I OBV with a Type II REV, PC XF40:
Although this isn't a particularly difficult combination to find, finding one above Good condition that's not been damaged has proven to be a bit of a challenge. I thought this XF40 had a nice pleasing look to it.
1907-S Barber Quarter in an NGC AU50 holder. As @paesan knows, I have have been struggling to find a decent '07-S for quite some time. Once in hand, I noticed the mintmark may have had something going on. Steve Hustad, the BCCS Variety Coordinator held some reservations on whether this coin could be attributed as the '07-S/S/S East. Shipped the coin off to @JeffMTampa who was so gracious to help out with some detailed macro pictures. The attached shows the results - thank you Jeff for the work to photograph the coin. Jeff has a version of this coin as well in his collection - so this must be another version. Jeff's picture of the S/S/S is so very clear and is really neat to see. Plan for this coin is a crossover to our hosts (once I get less busy). All the best everyone! I appreciate the wonderful pictures and dialog over the past several weeks. - Tim
Jeff, Thanks for reminding me that I hadn't put this coin out on the Forum yet.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
@JeffMTampa said:
In effort to bump this thread here are new photos of a coin I've owned for several years, a 1904 25C in a PC AU55 holder:
Nothing special, but I like the look.
Reconsideration... looks AU58!
I'm happy with the coin in a 55 holder; my guess it would take many trips to the factory to possibly get it in a 58 holder. My guess is the coin was dipped at some time but has retoned.
Here's a new pickup I hope will make it into a PC58 holder. It's currently in an old small white ANACS AU58 holder:
Jeff that one looks like it was put away in 1895. I have two grandparents with that birth year so it's kinda special to me anyway. Keep them coming....
@paesan / Lenny, the 1910-P dime's toning is a bit blotchy or spotty... eye appeal is a component factoring into the eventual grade. The strike and lack of surface marks seems more solid, however, screaming like it should be higher than choice uncirculated for those portions of grade considerations.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
I think there's something to be said of the condition of that dime besides the toning @paesan
Underneath it lies a spectacular looking coin!
Did the thought cross your mind at all to give it a dip? Just curious...
I saw this coin for sale on eBay and thought it a bit odd:
I don't recall D. L Hansen assembling an Everyman set, so what set was this coin part of? The coin isn't a very expensive or difficult date to find; why this one? Am I missing the true beauty of this piece?
I sold him an AU58 Barber Half that's now in a Hanson holder with the same Cert number.
@JeffMTampa said:
I saw this coin for sale on eBay and thought it a bit odd:
I don't recall D. L Hansen assembling an Everyman set, so what set was this coin part of? The coin isn't a very expensive or difficult date to find; why this one? Am I missing the true beauty of this piece?
It's still for sale if anyone wants to grab it.
@JeffMTampa said:
I saw this coin for sale on eBay and thought it a bit odd:
I don't recall D. L Hansen assembling an Everyman set, so what set was this coin part of? The coin isn't a very expensive or difficult date to find; why this one? Am I missing the true beauty of this piece?
Here's a new pickup for me, a 1900 S Quarter in a NGC holder. This is a Type II OBV with a Type II REV. It's a challenging coin to fins in a nice grade:
Thanks for all your opinions. I won't dip a coin unless it's 100% necessary. I think it's better than 63 and probably was stored in some kind of paper sleeve which caused a reaction that gives it the blotchy look. If it was a tough date, I might try for an upgrade, but luster is important for a mint state upgrade.
For tonight, a Dave Kahn special that I tried to plus with no luck. She's a little dirty! PC 58 CAC.
@JeffMTampa said:
Here's a new pickup for me, a 1900 S Quarter in a NGC holder. This is a Type II OBV with a Type II REV. It's a challenging coin to fins in a nice grade:
Time to guess the grade!
Looks 64 NGC Jeff. Maybe 63 because of the obverse scratching in front of the neck.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Link doesn't work for me.
Not exactly sure but I believe Steve F. is the interviewer. I would like to know who he was interviewing ("60 Something Collector") that was a Barber Collector... anyone on this thread know?
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Thanks for the correction, Tim. I read it wrong! One must surmise that the person:
What did I miss?
The link is NG
BHNC #203
The ?gid24 add on is the culprit I think. Copy the URL into your browser white bar
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
I posted a link above that seems to work.
Here's an addition to my 1900 Hub Variety set, a 1900 O Type I OBV with a Type II REV, PC XF40:
Although this isn't a particularly difficult combination to find, finding one above Good condition that's not been damaged has proven to be a bit of a challenge. I thought this XF40 had a nice pleasing look to it.
Hmmmm. Seems I may have some competition down under. I just sold an AU58+ Barber Half to an Aussie!
That's a surprise. An MS63 I could understand....
1907-S Barber Quarter in an NGC AU50 holder. As @paesan knows, I have have been struggling to find a decent '07-S for quite some time. Once in hand, I noticed the mintmark may have had something going on. Steve Hustad, the BCCS Variety Coordinator held some reservations on whether this coin could be attributed as the '07-S/S/S East. Shipped the coin off to @JeffMTampa who was so gracious to help out with some detailed macro pictures. The attached shows the results - thank you Jeff for the work to photograph the coin. Jeff has a version of this coin as well in his collection - so this must be another version. Jeff's picture of the S/S/S is so very clear and is really neat to see. Plan for this coin is a crossover to our hosts (once I get less busy). All the best everyone! I appreciate the wonderful pictures and dialog over the past several weeks. - Tim

Jeff, Thanks for reminding me that I hadn't put this coin out on the Forum yet.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Sweet. Do you own that 94P Eldorado? I miss her.
My 1866 Philly Mint Set
Nic, I don't own the 94P.......yet. I did pick up the 1907-d from J.O. Were those yours previously? They are stunning.
In effort to bump this thread here are new photos of a coin I've owned for several years, a 1904 25C in a PC AU55 holder:
Nothing special, but I like the look.
Reconsideration... looks AU58!
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
I'm happy with the coin in a 55 holder; my guess it would take many trips to the factory to possibly get it in a 58 holder. My guess is the coin was dipped at some time but has retoned.
Here's a new pickup I hope will make it into a PC58 holder. It's currently in an old small white ANACS AU58 holder:
This one looks original to me.
It looks like I killed this thread again. How about an 1895 5C? PC AU58:
Nothing special- proceed.
Jeff that one looks like it was put away in 1895. I have two grandparents with that birth year so it's kinda special to me anyway. Keep them coming....
Helping to move the thread along. A PC45 1908-D quarter.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Great stuff
BHNC #203
Not sure if I've ever shared this one:

Purchased raw back in '05 from Steve Musil - the only coin I've ever bought raw and had certified.
Feeling a little blue tonight. PC-64 CAC.
Buried in The Stash and just back from CAC. PC-62. Pix courtesy Barberkeys.
Proof? Reverse to me looks like a business strike. Can an image not show reflectivity? Hmm.. I must be wrong.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
A new pickup for me, a 1900 25C PC MS64:

This is the year of the hub change. Can anyone tell me if the OBV is a Type I or II? Maybe III?
You must not see that little D tucked under the tail!
Another Stash Coin back from CAC. PC-63. Awesome pix courtesy Vern!
I guess I was questioning the "PC-62" and read it incorrectly as "PF-62".
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Another mint state quarter in The Stash, now CAC. PCGS 64. Pix by Vern.
Crusty PC-63 dime just CAC'd. Pix courtesy Barberkeys. Undergraded? Chime in!
Nice run of MS coins, Lenny!
@paesan / Lenny, the 1910-P dime's toning is a bit blotchy or spotty... eye appeal is a component factoring into the eventual grade. The strike and lack of surface marks seems more solid, however, screaming like it should be higher than choice uncirculated for those portions of grade considerations.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
I think there's something to be said of the condition of that dime besides the toning @paesan
Underneath it lies a spectacular looking coin!
Did the thought cross your mind at all to give it a dip? Just curious...
Doctor Lenny? I don't think so.....
I saw this coin for sale on eBay and thought it a bit odd:
I don't recall D. L Hansen assembling an Everyman set, so what set was this coin part of? The coin isn't a very expensive or difficult date to find; why this one? Am I missing the true beauty of this piece?
It's still for sale if anyone wants to grab it.
@JeffMTampa Jeff, that '00-S obverse sure looks like the die was on its last legs. Look at those cracks! in and amongst the stars.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
I sold him an AU58 Barber Half that's now in a Hanson holder with the same Cert number.
Maybe he's putting together Everyman sets behind the scenes? It wouldn't surprise me.
Here' the TrueView of it:
Here's a new pickup for me, a 1900 S Quarter in a NGC holder. This is a Type II OBV with a Type II REV. It's a challenging coin to fins in a nice grade:
Time to guess the grade!
58 Star?
Thanks for all your opinions. I won't dip a coin unless it's 100% necessary. I think it's better than 63 and probably was stored in some kind of paper sleeve which caused a reaction that gives it the blotchy look. If it was a tough date, I might try for an upgrade, but luster is important for a mint state upgrade.
For tonight, a Dave Kahn special that I tried to plus with no luck. She's a little dirty! PC 58 CAC.
Looks 64 NGC Jeff. Maybe 63 because of the obverse scratching in front of the neck.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
The coin has now been removed from it's holder in preparation for a trip to Long Beach.
Are you thinking she may get the plus Jeff?
No, I just want it in a PCGS holder so it will fit in a box with the rest of my Quarters.
I've been keeping up lately on a few slight upgrades to my Dansco. Here's one that should join the party Monday:
Very sweet and wholesome Jed!
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
PCGS - 58 & CAC. Thanks for the pix, Vern!