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The Michael F. Hayes Barber Megathread



  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,307 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 28, 2017 1:40AM

    Mike, The OGH '06-S is simply outstanding! Worth the extra mula IMO (it is a little steep, I agree). Best I have seen in 58 CAC so far for that date and mint. Will have to wait and see better detailed pictures on your new acquisition but I would have my doubts it is an improvement.

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 28, 2017 5:17AM

    Thanks, Tim. I agree, the original 06-S Dime in 58 - which CAC 'd when I first sold it thru
    Heritage - is what I used to call an AU 64. It's all there, just a really nice coin. I bought it
    back on a Great Collections auction ( and who says they don't get much play on their auctions ?)

    The Dime images that I am missing will eventually be posted. The new 06-S still needs to go
    to CAC - and I have a couple there now - and a nice AU 64 Dime is at PCGS "economy" grading.

    I am sending " MessyDesk" fifty two newer V Nickels to image. My YN friend is just to busy to deal with very much... and I hate to beg for my images.... Valente151 has done a wonderful job in the past, but his life as a Pre-Med student is occupying all his time now.

    I'll post what I get as soon as I receive these images - a couple of weeks - my best guesstimate !

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • barberkeysbarberkeys Posts: 4,156 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Been occupied at Central States the past 3 days. Not the best show for material IMO, but lots of fun getting together with coin friends and acquaintances. (Tim, missed seeing you there. Jim, sorry you had other plans, the Wednesday night meal was worth the trip). Didn't see a barber that clicked my trigger, in fact only bought 1 coin (early type).

    Pics for this PM, newp into Jim's No Headlight collection, PC50:

    It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
  • JeffMTampaJeffMTampa Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Last month Mike F. was kind enough to submit 15 of my Barber Halves to CAC; they returned a few weeks ago. Out of the 15 four of them passed and received a Green Bean. Here are the coins that passed:

    I really didn't see a pattern in what passed; I was quite surprised many didn't.

    I love them Barber Halves.....
  • JeffMTampaJeffMTampa Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Here's another Barber Dime that recently returned from the grading room, a 1907 in a PC AU 58 holder:

    I already have a nice '07 AU 58, now I need to decide which to keep......

    I love them Barber Halves.....
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 30, 2017 7:05PM

    Jeff...You're more than welcome - it was my pleasure to help you out.
    Nice 1907 Dime - looks quite attractive IMHO.

    The 1900-S Half I submitted has a wonderful look - and if I were to attack
    yet another set of 58's, that one would be on top of my want list !

    Between Heritage and Great Collections - I picked up a couple of neat additions:

    1901 Nickel - PCGS 58 - Sending to CAC
    photo 1901 Nickel PCGS AU 58 OBV_zpsuybfxmwg.jpg
    photo 1901 Nickel PCGS AU 58 REV_zpsfkwot0fo.jpg

    1903 Nickel - PCGS PR 66 - CAC

    photo 1903 Nickel PCGS PR 66 CAC OBV_zps2izthrem.jpg
    photo 1903 Nickel PCGS PR 66 CAC REV_zpsirzqlw8b.jpg

    1893-O Dime - PCGS AU 58 - CAC

    photo 1893-O Dime PCGS AU 58 CAC OBV_zpsstppcpkr.jpg
    photo 1893-O Dime PCGS 58 CAC REV_zpsffcez6ix.jpg

    1900-P Dime - PCGS AU 58 - Sending to CAC

    photo 1900-P Dime PCGS 58 OBV Toner_zpsjq7ozz7k.jpgphoto 1900-P Dime PCGS 58 REV Toner_zpsbrwticch.jpg

    1900-S Dime - PCGS MS 63 - { Direct Sales from Oregon Dealer } Sending to CAC

    photo 1900-S Dime PCGS 63 OBV_zpscrjecyaq.jpg
    photo 1900-S Dime PCGS 63 OBV Raw_zpsnmz1wbim.jpg
    photo 1900-S Dime PCGS 63 REV_zpsepubwn5y.jpg

    1902-O Dime - PCGS 58 - CAC

    photo 1902-O Dime PCGS AU 58 CAC OBV_zpsk7x3c9ne.jpg
    photo 1902-O Dime PCGS AU 58 CAC REV_zpsx8dmrurn.jpg

    1906-S Dime - PCGS 58 - Sending to CAC

    photo 1906-S Dime PCGS 58 OBV 2017_zpsstq9ozxw.jpg
    photo 1906-S Dime PCGS 58 REV 2017_zpspggah02m.jpg

    I have a number of V Nickels off to Messydesk for imaging... I've procrastinated long enough...
    the above newps will get sent to CAC then to John Baumgart

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • JeffMTampaJeffMTampa Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Mike, you sure are picking up a lot of nice Nickels and Dimes- congrats! <3

    I love them Barber Halves.....
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    @MFH said:

    photo image_zpsvpjhjmtf.jpeg
    photo image_zpsblcr1kyf.jpeg

    @MFH said:

    Spotted another nice Dime ... not as nice as what I already have - but - I thought
    this was a very nice coin for the grade !

    Apparently - so did CAC .... It's coming back with a green football.
    BTW, it's a MS 63.....

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    @JeffMTampa said:
    Mike, you sure are picking up a lot of nice Nickels and Dimes- congrats! <3

    Thanks, Jeff. Picking up nice coins is getting a lot harder than it used to !!

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,307 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2, 2017 3:33PM

    Some coins have finished their grading cycle earlier today. Here is a summary:

    1896-O (Formerly NGC VF35, Now PCGS VF30) Barber Quarter. Will take a moderate financial hit with this one.

    1898-P (Formerly Raw and Approximately XF45, Now PCGS XF40) Barber Quarter. Slightly ahead on this one.

    1903-P (Formerly Raw and Approximately XF40, Now PCGS AU50) Barber Quarter. Surprised! Almost tripled what I paid for it.

    1913-P (Formerly NGC VF35, Now PCGS VF30) Barber Quarter. Slightly behind on this one.

    • T

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • paesanpaesan Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sedulous, my guess is that you're ahead in the PCGS plastic.


    More coins, less government.
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 6, 2017 5:03AM

    Sad news !

    This evening, I was chatting with Glenn Holsonbake and he let me know a friend of mine [ ours ]
    had passed away this past weekend. Irv Reichel - well known Barber collector - at least on the East Coast of Florida.

    He just had his 67th birthday - and I sent him well wishes on Face Book. His wife has her share of medical problems and their daughter has come to Boynton Beach to take care of her.

    My deepest condolences to the entire Reichel Family and their friends.

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • LogPotatoLogPotato Posts: 2,177 ✭✭✭✭

    Mike, I'm sorry to hear of his passing.

  • amwldcoinamwldcoin Posts: 11,269 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 3, 2017 5:03AM

    Geeze Mike, that is terrible news. :( We did quite a bit back and forth between each other and then he went silent around a year ago. Was it expected?

  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,307 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Didn't know Irv, condolences and prayers to the family.

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • barberkeysbarberkeys Posts: 4,156 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Lots of nice coins posted in the past couple of days.

    Jeff - Looks like our hosts are nicer to you than CAC.

    Mike - Sorry to hear about Irv. Had a couple of transactions with him over the years. Always seemed like a nice guy.

    Pics for this PM, newp into Milo's collection, PC55:

    It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
  • barberkeysbarberkeys Posts: 4,156 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Pics for this AM, tougher date newp into Paesan's Stash, PC64:

    It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    @amwldcoin said:
    Geeze Mike, that is terrible news. :( We did quite a bit back and forth between each other and then he went silent around a year ago. Was it expected?

    No idea, Darrell.... He and I weren't all that close - and we no longer collected Halves
    in AU.... He did have some amazing Quarters that I would like to look over. It's really a
    darn shame .... He was a really nice guy.

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    Vern... Lovely 10-D Quarter - cheeks look puffy !!
    Nice pick up, Paesan !!

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,307 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Love everything about that '10-D... nice job!

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • paesanpaesan Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks on the 10-D. I've actually had it for a long time and I asked Vern to take some pix because I wanted to list it, so it's out there!


    More coins, less government.
  • Labelman87Labelman87 Posts: 610 ✭✭✭✭

    RIP Irv. I always enjoyed working with you.


  • All SwedeAll Swede Posts: 85 ✭✭

    Paesan - very sweet 10-D in 64.



    What?!?! No Barber quarters in the mail today!?!? ... "heavy sigh" ...
  • barberkeysbarberkeys Posts: 4,156 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Pics for this AM, in all the years of the Barber Mega-Thread(s), this is probably the first one of these posted, from Milo's grandfather:

    It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
  • JeffMTampaJeffMTampa Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Vern- I presume it's a genuine Liberty Nickel that's been altered?

    Here's a newp of mine fresh back from the grading room. I purchased the coin in an ICG MS 63 slab and submitted for crossover. It returned in a PC MS 62 holder:

    It looks fairly graded to me.

    I love them Barber Halves.....
  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,307 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Jeff, The '3' isn't right in the date to be genuine IMO. Knowing the 5 available and the ice cream specimen, the Milo g-pa specimen should be considered a fake although certainly cool. It would be a nice addition, regardless, to any Liberty nickel set.

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    I have seen and personally examined many more genuine 1913 V Nickels than
    I have handled fakes. Interesting how the numerals on the OBV and doubled and
    It looks as though a genuine 1912 was counter struck with the 1913 date. Interesting.

    I don't remember seeing one of these either, Vern, in all the years the Barber Threads
    have been active.

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    Jeff....Nice MS Half.... Most of the 06-D's I have run across have had considerably more
    toning on them, than this MS 62 example. Personally, I think this is closer to an AU 58.
    But the longer I have dealt with MS 62's, most are AU 58's anyway !

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,307 ✭✭✭✭✭

    To follow-up from Jeff's beautiful '06-D Half, here are some recent grading room results from our hosts (apologies for the lame pics):

    1896-P Barber Quarter. Financials: Broke about even. Purchased raw in December 2012 as a VF35 (although pushed to me to consider it XF), this specimen ended up as PCGS-graded VF35:

    1902-O Barber Quarter. Financials: Broke about even. Purchased raw from a Chicago dealer in November 2015 as XF45 (and pushed to me as XF45). I think it sits well in this holder graded by PCGS as XF40:

    1909-D Barber Quarter. Financials: Broke even to slightly ahead. Purchased raw from JKT two years ago in May 2015 as VF35. Our hosts agreed and graded this one at VF35:

    1911-P Barber Quarter. Financials: Broke even to slightly behind. Purchased raw as XF from a Maryland coin dealer in May 2014, this quarter has been given a grade of VF35 by PCGS:

    1914-P Barber Quarter. Financials: Broke about even. Purchased from Keith Williamson as XF in April 2015. It does have some light scrapes on Liberty's cheek but so so nice. When purchased, I considered it as VF35. I think it will sit well in its new PCGS-graded VF30 holder:

    • T

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • JeffMTampaJeffMTampa Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭✭✭


    A very nice grouping of Barber Halves. The '02 O and '11 P look under graded to me.

    Mike, the '06 D was obviously dipped at some point in time. There's a slight bit of color at the top reverse, but otherwise it looks like it came from the mint. Perhaps it will tone back a bit someday.

    I love them Barber Halves.....
  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,307 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Halves on the brain Jeff?

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • JeffMTampaJeffMTampa Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yep. I guess I see a Barber and assume Half- it's in my DNA.

    I love them Barber Halves.....
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    @sedulous said:
    Halves on the brain Jeff?

    Regardless of whether or not they're Halves or Quartrs, the 02-O and the 11-P
    are undergraded by a long shot. I grade them a min. of XF 45.

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,307 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Mike, I can live with the '02-O in XF40 but I may re-submit th '11-P if it is financially feasible to do so.

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • All SwedeAll Swede Posts: 85 ✭✭

    Guys, my maternal grandfather had a pretty cool coin collection back in the 1940s and 1950s according to his checklist. He was an Iowa farmer, but he raised St Bernards and collected/bought/sold coins to stay solvent and yes, he had an 01-S Barber quarter in Fine condition according to his checklist. He was a member of the ANA (#9695) from 1942 until his death in 1977. He kept all his "The Numismatist" magazines; I have them all. He was a great guy with a humorous side, i.e. the 1912 Liberty nickel turned into a fake 1913 Liberty nickel. I don't know where he purchased it, but I can see him chuckling about it. He also had an early 1960s(?) buy list of certain coins - his offer price for a genuine 1913 Liberty nickel was $1,500 all the way up to $3,500!! At least I give him credit for throwing an offer out there just in case someone had one!!

    Vern, thanks for posting it. Something a little different every once in a while never hurts.



    What?!?! No Barber quarters in the mail today!?!? ... "heavy sigh" ...
  • oih82w8oih82w8 Posts: 12,404 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I posted this one in another thread, but I am really looking forward to it being in our hosts holder instead (presently on lay-a-way);

    oih82w8 = Oh I Hate To Wait _defectus patientia_aka...Dr. Defecto - Curator of RMO's

    BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
  • barberkeysbarberkeys Posts: 4,156 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Jeff - Nice cross on your 06-D.

    Tim - Looks like our hosts were reasonable on your qtrs.

    Milo - I imagine your grandfather was quite a guy, who enjoyed the hobby.

    oih8 - That's a beauty.

    Pics for this PM, newp into Jim's No Headlights collection, PC53:

    It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
  • amwldcoinamwldcoin Posts: 11,269 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I would appreciate all your eyes watching for these coins which were stolen form the delivering Post Office. Here is a link:


  • No HeadlightsNo Headlights Posts: 2,072 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hope you get made whole by the PO. I will keep an eye out. Good luck!!!

  • amwldcoinamwldcoin Posts: 11,269 ✭✭✭✭✭


  • barberkeysbarberkeys Posts: 4,156 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Darrell - Up in my neck of the woods, I've found the USPS to be very cooperative and helpful. Hopefully your pkg will turn up.

    Pics for this PM, a Paesan selection I just did pics of. Looks like it has a shot at a plus to me, currently PC58:

    It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,307 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Its got to be frustrating. Will keep an eye open. Keep the faith, Darrell.

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,307 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Lenny, Vern... sweet '98. Immaculate surface quality and luster!

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    @sedulous said:
    Lenny, Vern... sweet '98. Immaculate surface quality and luster!

    Make that 1893 - and I agree, it's a wonderful coin !!

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,307 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Bad eyes, better date. Thanks for catching my error Mike!

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • JeffMTampaJeffMTampa Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That '93 is a sweet coin; is the green dot on the cheek on the coin or from the camera?

    I love them Barber Halves.....
  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,307 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Jeff, Vern has had that green dot on previous pictures too. I think he said at one time he has a Nikon Coolpix? He will have to confirm but I think he has had that camera for a while.

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    The green dot is in the camera - I've seen quite a few like that.

    Not to concern yourself, Tim. I have four pair of reading glasses,
    and I use all of them just reading the Forums..... :o

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

    New Barber Purchases
  • paesanpaesan Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Mike, Do you have sunglasses for the headlights?

    More coins, less government.
  • barberkeysbarberkeys Posts: 4,156 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Jeff - The green dot comes from my old camera. Someday I'll have to get a new one.

    Pics for this PM, Mike won't need sunglasses for this one, a non-headlight newp into Milo's collection, PC55:

    It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.

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