Some beatiful coins in this thread. I have been working on my complete set with major varieties for about five years now. Why I picked a set with 500 + coins I will never know. The comments and photo's have been very educational. I will continue to lurk frequently and comment rarely . Oh by the way, I have a dual personality. On these boards I am "Poppee" but I use the nick "Quarterman" for my registry sets.....
I should note that I didn't lose the coin, I was just having trouble locating the file.
Also would add that 45 years ago I determined to complete the entire silver series 32-64. I managed to accomplish that in just a couple of years in circulated grade, as I was able to pull the silver from circulation at the time. Quite challenging at the time in (very) rural Louisiana. We lived in the poorest parish (county to you Yankees) in the state. Didn't have a telephone until I was 10 or so. Far cry from today.
Point is that there were no resources, just going through pocket change and pulling the silver.
I had a neighbor (Mrs. Rena) that owned and operated the Chipola grocery store. She was also pulling silver from her register. She had collected two five gallon buckets of Washingtons. I have no idea of how many pieces that is, but I looked at every one of them. Completed probably 90% of the set that way. I recall riding my bicycle over to her house and spending an entire afternoon looking though those coins. All she wanted in return was to trade silver for silver. I brought a pocket full of silver with me to trade.
Nice lady. She is long gone now.
I have never waivered in my quest. Still today trying to upgrade my collection. With no money to do so. Borrowing (stealing) from the piggy bank.
All I ever wanted was the complete series 32-64. Never heard of varieties. I certainly don't feel I need them, the series is challenging enough. The 50-s/d and d/s is conspicuously absent from my set. I refuse to recognize them. No offense to you variety guys!!
My set is across the street, I am not sure it is kosher to post it here. Reason is that I have several NGC pieces, and these are not allowed in the PCGS registry.
Tell you what, if it is not kosher, I will not be upset if it disappears. My Modest Registry
And here is that 34-D PCGS MS64 I have the light jacked up to show detail, have lost some of the color. My photography is still evolving . . . . .
And I went back and fixed the links to the 37-D on page 5.
Bob. Fair question. This particular 1976-d is the prettiest specimen for this date that I have ever seen. Eye appeal is very important to the grade. Now, I just happened to slab an MS68 of this coin last week and if PCGS captured the photo it will get up on Coinfacts as well and I can show it to you. Brilliant and clean; probably just as you would expect an MS68 to look. But, for my personal (filled with color) set, that MS67+ really speaks to me. I believe PCGS got the coin right and I was too optimistic for an MS68, but it will be hard to let that undergrade go the way it looks in hand!
Please visit my website at and my ebay auctions under my user name
What sort of eyeware do the graders use? I would bet that the marks on Mitch's bicentennial are invisible or nearly so in hand.
But they scream at the camera. These photographs are more like a microscope.
I would suspect that 10X would be required to see those marks. With my old eyes anyway . . . .
But to Bob's point, I have been skunked by the graders so many times that I often just scratch my head. And I much more often see pieces overgraded than undergraded. Unless, of course, they are mine. Yep.
@ wfjonny that is a nice story about Mrs. Rena. Thanks for sharing that.
I had a similar nice couple who ran the drugstore in Dallas when I was a kid (back in the 1950s-60s), they would pull the key coins out of the register -- 50-D nickels, 38-D halves, 32-D quarters -- and give me some of them for face value. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, may they RIP!
<< <i>FWIW Panthers 46D and 57D, as well as your 32's (all in 67) are much nicer IMHO than the higher graded bicentennial you pictured in 67+.
This is what drives me crazy in attempting to understand the grading process at PCGS. >>
Bob, I tried to get the 46-D and the 57-D to up-grade to a 67+. But PCGS doesn't think they are. The 46-D has everything needed for a 67+ (eye appeal, luster, mark free, and a great strike) while the 57-D has eye appeal, it has a couple of small hits that might hold it back.
For some reason I cannot get any of My quarters to upgrade when I send them in. (and I have sent in many) On the other hand, as soon as I sell them they become 67+. When I sold my last set, 19 of My quarters upgraded to ether MS-67 or MS-67+. And then were resold for thousands more than I sold them for within a couple on months. My old set is retired in the (1932-1964 with major varieties) it is the #3 set. There are more but the 40,43,45,47-D,49-D,51-S,53-S are just a few that went MS-67+ three weeks after I sold them. I tried to get many of them upgraded, but failed on all of them. Sour Grapes, a big YES.
Panther. I feel your pain as I have been in the same boat a number of times. In fact, at least two coins in my current top silver set, I needed to pay up to $5,000/coin additional to buy back after they upgraded after I sold them off. One to a serious collector who was nice enough to resell me the coin for $5,000 addition after the upgrade. Obviously, I try to make these stories the "exception and not the rule". Ditto for Nick C with his silver Roosevelt dimes, but ask him about his similar "buyback after upgrade" story!
At a very recent major auction, I bid about $1,500 to purchase a coin in an MS66 holder that I personally graded shot MS67+. In MS66, the coin was worth about $30 or so. In MS67, the coin is worth about $150. In MS67+, the coin is worth about $2,500. I gave the coin around a 75% chance to upgrade. The coin sold at around $1,700. I had not one, but two, professional upgraders (I assume) outbid me for this lot! So, coins upgrading after auction is only half the story. If this particular coin upgraded a full point to MS67, the winning bidder would lose about $1,000-$1,500. I was prepared to take that chance as I needed an MS67+ for my set.
But, to the collector that truly has a premium coin, this type of auction action can create a very efficient market in my opinion.
Please visit my website at and my ebay auctions under my user name
I did try one of my 32-quarters for MS67+ upgrade a couple times over the past five years and give one or both of the coins a shot to upgrade to MS67+ at some point in the next 2-5 years.
I have held coins 10-20 years waiting for the upgrade I thought they deserved. If you give it enough time and have a truly wonderful coin, anything is possible. My five or six year old son at the time (now almost 23) hand picked a monster toned proof Barber half dollar as his favorite coin at the time and I bought it for him in an NGC-PR64 holder. Years later, he sent into PCGS for cross and it crossed to PR66 Cameo and he was happy. A few years later, he sent it into PCGS again for regrade and it regraded PR67Cameo. A big money upgrade for him but that was really not all that material as the coin is not for sale. I personally give the coin a 10% -20% chance to PR67+Cameo before it is over. LOL.
Please visit my website at and my ebay auctions under my user name
Ive been building my set focusing on older holders with eye appeal and most often NGC holders. Id like to think that when its time to sell, I can get a few upgrades and add $$$ to the coin. Right now its just fun to cherry pick holders.
Erwindoc, I finally got around to looking at your set. I see where you are going with it. The '45-S and '59-D speak to me. Very nice. Glad to see yours is "across the street" as is mine. Makes me feel a bit less out of place. Jon
<< <i>Erwindoc, I finally got around to looking at your set. I see where you are going with it. The '45-S and '59-D speak to me. Very nice. Glad to see yours is "across the street" as is mine. Makes me feel a bit less out of place. Jon >>
Where is your set hiding over there? Id love to look at it. I need better photos.
Thanks for sharing your set wfojonny and I sure wish I would have started with the MS set first. Here is My Newest Top Pop 1962 DDO-101 MS 66. 1 week after I made this coin up pops 850 in the price guide? Now the guide shows 1000 for the 1962 Type B in MS 66 and there are 3 of those and 39 MS 65 with a price of 110.
Now there is only 6 1962 MS 65 DDO-101 and my 1 New MS 66, Guide shows 500 for the MS 65. I have lost all faith in the Guide and have decided to Sell off all MY MS coins at Heritage. It should be Fun to see What The Goiter and This coin Sells for. The 1945 S DDO 102 should also do well compared to the guide price of 85 bucks.
I have just grown tired with having to submit coins 3 or 4 times to get the right grade. I wish all of you building this set good luck and I really did have a blast seeking out the Varieties. Thanks to all of you who have helped in my Learning. Enjoy
1Tommy. Congratulations on making your nice 1962 DDO MS66 coin!
With all due respect, I am not sure your upset should be with the PCGS Price Guide editor who priced your new coin at $850 as a starting price for a pop 1/0 minor variety. Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the Cherrypickers' Guide price your coin at $150 in this very same grade? Unless I am wrong (and it happens a lot) the Price Guide priced your coin at more than 450% over the Cherrypicker's Guide price. But, once your coin does sell in a "true" Heritage auction, we will all know what this coin should be priced at. And, at that point, it probably would not be a bad idea to send the CPG an email with that price as well!
Please visit my website at and my ebay auctions under my user name
Just my thoughts about these varieties and auction houses. These coins have been around for quite some time and there have been many collectors searching for these coins. I know the CPG came out a few years back and that very much helped these coin to be recognized and get more collectors familiar with them. That said, I don't believe they have really been accepted - or a better word would be acknowledged [for example] as some of the Bust variety coins have grown to be. I think they will have their day hopefully someday soon. I say this based on how the auction houses categorize them......... They have a picture, a somewhat vague write up to what is attributed on the 3rd party holder and then they are lumped into the same pops of the normal non variety strikes. Yes, they are included in the total population and should be, but the attributed pop is much smaller and yet it is not mentioned or that data from the 3rd party grading company is not displayed. Only those [in the know or searching for them] armed with specific knowledge IMO appreciate them in a unique way. As Mitch commented above, WE have to start some where so we can get closer to our destination Ken
I edited this post Because the more I thought about all this I realize this thread is about sharing our coins and not whinning about what the prices should be. Now Mitch what Makes a Coin a Minor and who and when is it decided it is a Major? Does a Minor ever become a Major? I was Truly lucky to find these coins and that is what its all about. Enjoy
Good question. The line in the sand is often times not crystal clear. I have not personally discussed the issue of a minor vs. major variety with PCGS in many years so I have no idea who makes those calls over there. Wondercoin.
Please visit my website at and my ebay auctions under my user name
I have to agree with Tommy on the fact that the price guide is a little off when it comes to Washington Varieties. I can understand why it is off at this time. There is only a few collectors of these and it is not worth the time and effort for PCGS to work on the research of finding out what these really sell for. The collectors of these are very passionate about there collections, but there few of them. Here are only a couple of examples that are in the price guide. 1943-S Goiter MS-65 $2500.00 1943-S Goiter MS-64 $180.00 1935 DDO MS-63 $200.00 (none in any grade have been found!!) How can there be a price on something that has not been found yet?
If you are going by the Cherry Pickers Guide on there prices then you have to look at the: 1943 DDO FS-103 CPG price for an MS-65 is $5,750 yet the PCGS price for an MS-64 is $30,000.00 (and I think the PCGS price is the right price for this quarter) This is only one example.
My point is that you cannot list prices out of the CPG. I have a great interest in these varieties, as am pretty sure I have found and sent in more of these to PCGS than anyone in the past years. I think over half of the plate coins that are in Coin Facts are quarters I sent in for grading. I know what these sell for, I have sold many, but I will not list the prices on a message board.
Like all coins, and collectables, there only worth what someone will pay for them. And not what someone thinks they are worth.
There should not be any prices when a coin has not come up for sale or been found yet. There Guessing and I was told they do not do that. This whole Deal with Mitch talking about Major and Minor Varieties really has me wondering. Now out of all the coins I have sent in the 1945 s DDO is the ONLY coin that says Minor on the label.
When I found my First 1962 DDO 101 there were NO slots in Any sets. I called and asked why? I was told that I had to go to each set that I THOUGHT the coin should be added to and than fill out the add a certificate entering the Coin number.
It took a few days and 3 weeks later they added that coin to about 4 sets. I look at the sets that say Major Varieties and wonder when is the last time they added a New Coin? Is this because there are a few folks who have completed these sets 100 percent and pcgs just does not want to add NEW Coins?
And if Mitch doesn't know who or what decides this Major and Minor that sure makes me Wonder who does? Like you Dale any coin I have sold has been directly to the members collecting that coin.
As soon as I can send my Goiter back for Regrade I will contact Heritage as I have heard you can do your own write ups on the coins you are selling. The only thing that bothers me about all this is even with a Heritage Sale pcgs still makes up a different Price Number. And thats not the way the rules were explained to me. On a brighter Note here is my New 1943 s Medium S MS 62. Population of 7 Enjoy
1Tommy: I only do not know exactly who handles it all because I have personally not cared to determine that. But, I suspect, a simple email to BJ who runs the set registry for PCGS might get some answers though for anyone who does want to know how PCGS determines major and minor varieties for all the coin series, including Washington quarters.
As for the $200 price on the 1935 DDO quarter - a coin with no pop at all last time I looked - I can understand the position that no price should be shown at all if a coin has no pop at all (certainly reasonable). But, I can also understand the position that a price can be shown and then adjusted later after an arms length sale (certainly reasonable). While PCGS may be showing $200 on the coin, the CPG is showing even less in gem 65 grade last time I looked. Not to mention, I understand that there is even some debate whether the coin really exists at all. I suspect it is only in the PCGS Registry sets because the CPG identified the coin. Hypothetically, if the CPG later deletes the coin from their book, there is a good chance PCGS might do the same in the registry sets. And, while all of this is unfolding, I am certainly not offended that the PCGS Price Guide lists a price for coin.
Just my two cents.
Please visit my website at and my ebay auctions under my user name
I broke open the cookie jar and got that PCGS MS63 1932-S that I have been scraping for. Rolled all my loose change and took it to the bank. Cashed in all of my rewards on my credit cards. Sold the two 32-Ss that I had, an AU55 and an XF45 and still had to rob the kid's trust fund. I promise I will pay it back . . . . .
Sellers photos. Once I get it in hand I will shoot some of my own.
Sparky, if you had offered up your '49 for trade I would have been sorely tempted. Even though the money doesn't work out. That 49 is super nice for the grade, might be a point low. I'm hoping that 32-S looks a bit better in hand, and I hope to capture some more flattering pics if the quality is there. That long jagged gash running down from the ear has me worried . . . Jon
Nice acquisition wfojonny. Just enough crust to show originality, but not enough to deter from it's overall eye appeal. I remember when I got my MS 32-S, it was a major accomplishment for me as I see it was for you. Enjoy, then on to the next upgrade
Just completed the 50s decade on my set. I thought completing the 50s decade would be no problem, boy was I wrong! The 55D was tougher than I realized! I would have loved to have it in MS67, but Im pretty excited to have this coin on the way! NGC thought it was MS66. This is an old photo of it from Teletrade. Im sure will have more "wow" in hand.
These two coins were graded last December and I was disappointed in the results so cracked them out and tried again and Both coins jumped up Two points last week. Submitted 9 and was Happy with 8 of Them.
The 41 s was a MS 64 Wounded Eagle and the 57 d misplaced d was a MS 63. I am glad to see them in the New Holders Enjoy
Second up is one that came back Questionable Color and the Strike on this coin is Incredible. Third one I think is the 52 Large D and grade is XF 45. Looking forward to the Fun Show. Happy New Year..........Enjoy Tom
Not as nice as Sparky's, that is indeed a nice crescent. I scooped this up off of eBay in PCGS 66 (scratched up) plastic. It was nicer than I realized from the eBay pic. THAT doesn't happen very often!
Maybe someone on this board could help in getting a quarter registry set corrected (like Wondercoin )
The registry set in question is the Washington Quarters Basic Set, Circulation Strikes (1932-Present)
This is the "Basic" set and it even says "Circulation Strikes" .... but if you look at any of the existing sets, you will see that from 2004-2010 it is allowing the use of Satin Finish (SP) "varieties" in lieu of the business strike quarters.
The real "Circulation Strikes" will have little or no chance of being listed in this set because SP68/SP69 Satin Finish quarters are so common.
The Satin Finish quarters have their own registry sets - I don't think we can really consider them "Circulation Strikes".
(for that matter, I'm not sure that Satin Finish coins should be included in even the circulation strike "Major Variety" sets ???)
Thanks though, I do like the orange if is is not too gaudy.
I did and it worked out great.
I should note that I didn't lose the coin, I was just having trouble locating the file.
Also would add that 45 years ago I determined to complete the entire silver series 32-64. I managed to accomplish that in just a couple of years in circulated grade, as I was able to pull the silver from circulation at the time. Quite challenging at the time in (very) rural Louisiana. We lived in the poorest parish (county to you Yankees) in the state. Didn't have a telephone until I was 10 or so. Far cry from today.
Point is that there were no resources, just going through pocket change and pulling the silver.
I had a neighbor (Mrs. Rena) that owned and operated the Chipola grocery store. She was also pulling silver from her register. She had collected two five gallon buckets of Washingtons. I have no idea of how many pieces that is, but I looked at every one of them. Completed probably 90% of the set that way. I recall riding my bicycle over to her house and spending an entire afternoon looking though those coins. All she wanted in return was to trade silver for silver. I brought a pocket full of silver with me to trade.
Nice lady. She is long gone now.
I have never waivered in my quest. Still today trying to upgrade my collection. With no money to do so. Borrowing (stealing) from the piggy bank.
All I ever wanted was the complete series 32-64. Never heard of varieties. I certainly don't feel I need them, the series is challenging enough. The 50-s/d and d/s is conspicuously absent from my set. I refuse to recognize them.
My set is across the street, I am not sure it is kosher to post it here. Reason is that I have several NGC pieces, and these are not allowed in the PCGS registry.
Tell you what, if it is not kosher, I will not be upset if it disappears. My Modest Registry
And here is that 34-D PCGS MS64 I have the light jacked up to show detail, have lost some of the color. My photography is still evolving . . . . .
And I went back and fixed the links to the 37-D on page 5.
By the way, I am looking to upgrade my 32-S. Looking for an MS63. Anybody have on in the way? Taking up room? Hit me with a PM.
1947-D in PCGS MS66
<< <i>Here is one I was hoping would grade MS68 (as the color looks real nice in hand), but it went MS67+
Wondercoin >>
Mitch, I just don't understand how this coin with the chatter on the temple and the cut on the brow made that grade?
Successful BST xactions w/PCcoins, Drunner, Manofcoins, Rampage, docg, Poppee, RobKool, and MichealDixon.
This is what drives me crazy in attempting to understand the grading process at PCGS.
Successful BST xactions w/PCcoins, Drunner, Manofcoins, Rampage, docg, Poppee, RobKool, and MichealDixon.
But they scream at the camera. These photographs are more like a microscope.
I would suspect that 10X would be required to see those marks. With my old eyes anyway . . . .
But to Bob's point, I have been skunked by the graders so many times that I often just scratch my head. And I much more often see pieces overgraded than undergraded. Unless, of course, they are mine. Yep.
I had a similar nice couple who ran the drugstore in Dallas when I was a kid (back in the 1950s-60s), they would pull the key coins out of the register -- 50-D nickels, 38-D halves, 32-D quarters -- and give me some of them for face value. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, may they RIP!
Best Regards,
<< <i>FWIW Panthers 46D and 57D, as well as your 32's (all in 67) are much nicer IMHO than the higher graded bicentennial you pictured in 67+.
This is what drives me crazy in attempting to understand the grading process at PCGS. >>
Bob, I tried to get the 46-D and the 57-D to up-grade to a 67+. But PCGS doesn't think they are. The 46-D has everything needed for a 67+ (eye appeal, luster, mark free, and a great strike) while the 57-D has eye appeal, it has a couple of small hits that might hold it back.
For some reason I cannot get any of My quarters to upgrade when I send them in. (and I have sent in many) On the other hand, as soon as I sell them they become 67+. When I sold my last set, 19 of My quarters upgraded to ether MS-67 or MS-67+. And then were resold for thousands more than I sold them for within a couple on months. My old set is retired in the (1932-1964 with major varieties) it is the #3 set. There are more but the 40,43,45,47-D,49-D,51-S,53-S are just a few that went MS-67+ three weeks after I sold them. I tried to get many of them upgraded, but failed on all of them. Sour Grapes, a big YES.
My old retired set
So rather than sell them on an open market, I sell my best quarters to true collectors only and not to the upgrade specialist.
At a very recent major auction, I bid about $1,500 to purchase a coin in an MS66 holder that I personally graded shot MS67+. In MS66, the coin was worth about $30 or so. In MS67, the coin is worth about $150. In MS67+, the coin is worth about $2,500. I gave the coin around a 75% chance to upgrade. The coin sold at around $1,700. I had not one, but two, professional upgraders (I assume) outbid me for this lot! So, coins upgrading after auction is only half the story. If this particular coin upgraded a full point to MS67, the winning bidder would lose about $1,000-$1,500. I was prepared to take that chance as I needed an MS67+ for my set.
But, to the collector that truly has a premium coin, this type of auction action can create a very efficient market in my opinion.
I did try one of my 32-quarters for MS67+ upgrade a couple times over the past five years and give one or both of the coins a shot to upgrade to MS67+ at some point in the next 2-5 years.
I have held coins 10-20 years waiting for the upgrade I thought they deserved. If you give it enough time and have a truly wonderful coin, anything is possible. My five or six year old son at the time (now almost 23) hand picked a monster toned proof Barber half dollar as his favorite coin at the time and I bought it for him in an NGC-PR64 holder. Years later, he sent into PCGS for cross and it crossed to PR66 Cameo and he was happy. A few years later, he sent it into PCGS again for regrade and it regraded PR67Cameo. A big money upgrade for him but that was really not all that material as the coin is not for sale. I personally give the coin a 10% -20% chance to PR67+Cameo before it is over. LOL.
The '45-S and '59-D speak to me. Very nice.
Glad to see yours is "across the street" as is mine. Makes me feel a bit less out of place.
I am sure they would approve.
<< <i>Erwindoc, I finally got around to looking at your set. I see where you are going with it.
The '45-S and '59-D speak to me. Very nice.
Glad to see yours is "across the street" as is mine. Makes me feel a bit less out of place.
Jon >>
Where is your set hiding over there? Id love to look at it. I need better photos.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry progress
<< <i>Where is your set hiding over there? Id love to look at it. I need better photos. >>
Here you go. I had it in my signature but it disappeared when I changed it to mention that I am looking for a 32-S.
Not only that, but my icon disappeared!! Now I am stuck with the dreaded "Blurry Penny" until apparently the 15th when the gates are unlocked!!
Ah, but I digress . . . . My Modest Washington Registry
Thanks for sharing your set wfojonny and I sure wish I would have started with the MS set first. Here is My Newest Top Pop 1962 DDO-101 MS 66. 1 week after I made this coin up pops 850 in the price guide? Now the guide shows 1000 for the 1962 Type B in MS 66 and there are 3 of those and 39 MS 65 with a price of 110.
Now there is only 6 1962 MS 65 DDO-101 and my 1 New MS 66, Guide shows 500 for the MS 65. I have lost all faith in the Guide and have decided to Sell off all MY MS coins at Heritage. It should be Fun to see What The Goiter and This coin Sells for. The 1945 S DDO 102 should also do well compared to the guide price of 85 bucks.
I have just grown tired with having to submit coins 3 or 4 times to get the right grade. I wish all of you building this set good luck and I really did have a blast seeking out the Varieties. Thanks to all of you who have helped in my Learning. Enjoy
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
With all due respect, I am not sure your upset should be with the PCGS Price Guide editor who priced your new coin at $850 as a starting price for a pop 1/0 minor variety. Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the Cherrypickers' Guide price your coin at $150 in this very same grade? Unless I am wrong (and it happens a lot) the Price Guide priced your coin at more than 450% over the Cherrypicker's Guide price. But, once your coin does sell in a "true" Heritage auction, we will all know what this coin should be priced at. And, at that point, it probably would not be a bad idea to send the CPG an email with that price as well!
My Washington Type B/C Set
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
Here are only a couple of examples that are in the price guide.
1943-S Goiter MS-65 $2500.00
1943-S Goiter MS-64 $180.00
1935 DDO MS-63 $200.00 (none in any grade have been found!!) How can there be a price on something that has not been found yet?
If you are going by the Cherry Pickers Guide on there prices then you have to look at the:
1943 DDO FS-103 CPG price for an MS-65 is $5,750 yet the PCGS price for an MS-64 is $30,000.00
(and I think the PCGS price is the right price for this quarter)
This is only one example.
My point is that you cannot list prices out of the CPG.
I have a great interest in these varieties, as am pretty sure I have found and sent in more of these to PCGS than anyone in the past years. I think over half of the plate coins that are in Coin Facts are quarters I sent in for grading. I know what these sell for, I have sold many, but I will not list the prices on a message board.
Like all coins, and collectables, there only worth what someone will pay for them. And not what someone thinks they are worth.
When I found my First 1962 DDO 101 there were NO slots in Any sets. I called and asked why? I was told that I had to go to each set that I THOUGHT the coin should be added to and than fill out the add a certificate entering the Coin number.
It took a few days and 3 weeks later they added that coin to about 4 sets. I look at the sets that say Major Varieties and wonder when is the last time they added a New Coin? Is this because there are a few folks who have completed these sets 100 percent and pcgs just does not want to add NEW Coins?
And if Mitch doesn't know who or what decides this Major and Minor that sure makes me Wonder who does? Like you Dale any coin I have sold has been directly to the members collecting that coin.
As soon as I can send my Goiter back for Regrade I will contact Heritage as I have heard you can do your own write ups on the coins you are selling. The only thing that bothers me about all this is even with a Heritage Sale pcgs still makes up a different Price Number. And thats not the way the rules were explained to me. On a brighter Note here is my New 1943 s Medium S MS 62. Population of 7 Enjoy
<< <i>
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
As for the $200 price on the 1935 DDO quarter - a coin with no pop at all last time I looked - I can understand the position that no price should be shown at all if a coin has no pop at all (certainly reasonable). But, I can also understand the position that a price can be shown and then adjusted later after an arms length sale (certainly reasonable). While PCGS may be showing $200 on the coin, the CPG is showing even less in gem 65 grade last time I looked. Not to mention, I understand that there is even some debate whether the coin really exists at all. I suspect it is only in the PCGS Registry sets because the CPG identified the coin. Hypothetically, if the CPG later deletes the coin from their book, there is a good chance PCGS might do the same in the registry sets. And, while all of this is unfolding, I am certainly not offended that the PCGS Price Guide lists a price for coin.
Just my two cents.
I broke open the cookie jar and got that PCGS MS63 1932-S that I have been scraping for. Rolled all my loose change and took it to the bank. Cashed in all of my rewards on my credit cards. Sold the two 32-Ss that I had, an AU55 and an XF45 and still had to rob the kid's trust fund. I promise I will pay it back . . . . .
Sellers photos. Once I get it in hand I will shoot some of my own.
Kinda kicking myself because I didn't pull the trigger on the XF45 you had.
I also like your varieties tommy. That 1962 is a blazer.
Interesting discussion about varieties.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry progress
Even though the money doesn't work out.
That 49 is super nice for the grade, might be a point low.
I'm hoping that 32-S looks a bit better in hand, and I hope to capture some more flattering pics if the quality is there.
That long jagged gash running down from the ear has me worried . . .
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry progress
1947-S 25C PCGS MS65 RPM FS-502
1967 25C SMS PCGS SP67 CAM
1976-S 25C Silver PCGS PR69 DCAM
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
The 41 s was a MS 64 Wounded Eagle and the 57 d misplaced d was a MS 63. I am glad to see them in the New Holders Enjoy
Old Numbers in the photo for the 41
New Certificate 41 s.........
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
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I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
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I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry progress
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Second up is one that came back Questionable Color and the Strike on this coin is Incredible. Third one I think is the 52 Large D and grade is XF 45. Looking forward to the Fun Show. Happy New Year..........Enjoy Tom
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I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
Last addition for 2014. From the BST.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry progress
I scooped this up off of eBay in PCGS 66 (scratched up) plastic. It was nicer than I realized from the eBay pic. THAT doesn't happen very often!
The registry set in question is the Washington Quarters Basic Set, Circulation Strikes (1932-Present)
This is the "Basic" set and it even says "Circulation Strikes" .... but if you look at any of the existing sets, you will see that from 2004-2010 it is allowing the use of Satin Finish (SP) "varieties" in lieu of the business strike quarters.
The real "Circulation Strikes" will have little or no chance of being listed in this set because SP68/SP69 Satin Finish quarters are so common.
The Satin Finish quarters have their own registry sets - I don't think we can really consider them "Circulation Strikes".
(for that matter, I'm not sure that Satin Finish coins should be included in even the circulation strike "Major Variety" sets ???)