Apples can go rotten fast. That and the products have a short life span. If you've bought before the peaks and sold, kewl. Sweet. But not so kewl if APPL or gold drop drastically.
They say, you can wallpaper the bathroom with failed stock. Gold will still be gold.
Its more how you manage it then what it is. (not that I know how to..)
that's what's nice about these threads, you can time travel and see how different strategies have fared in the time since the opinion was date-stamped
For example,
Wednesday November 14, 2012 1:54 PM
as far as equities go I'd be looking at the miners and particularly the ETF GDXJ. Keep in mind that most all equities will suffer in a mad dash to cash should the AMEX and NY exchanges get hit with a sudden case of the "bug out." Metals took a hit in the 2009 panic, it remains to be seen if this will repeat the next time. This will depend on the view of the dollar as a safehaven. If the dollar is viewed less as a safehaven at that time, metals should attract any resulting loss of dollar confidence.
I am more of a stock guy than a gold guy, but I would take gold over Apple.
Gold hit an air pocket in the last week but has a chance to recover and make new highs in the next couple years.
Apple depends on innovation, and I don't see any. The company is just extending products already available. Iphone 4s becomes Iphone 5. Ipad becomes Ipad Mini. Macs essentially the same as 3 years ago. More RAM, bigger hard drive, just like PCs.
Much of the charts depends upon the time frame used. For the stackers and the buy and hold folks, anything from 2005 is looking VERY good, even with the pull back for both Apple and Gold. I use the Ronco method of investing, set it and forget it. Of course using a well balanced very diversified portfolio.
I missed the gold run up as I sold all of mine when it hit 900. I will get back into type if it ever comes down below 1000, but I am not expecting that any time soon.
Retired United States Mint guy, now working on an Everyman Type Set.
I don't know if I'd necessarily buy either, but if we're talking about investing in general, I'd choose Apple over gold. Here's why: Apple's prices are dictated by much fewer indicators (Apple's performance & product line, tech sector) than gold. With gold, you have mining supply, consumer demand, producers' demand for gold in their products, the strength & weaknesses of many currencies, the statements of central banks, and so forth. It may be easier to play the Apple game simply by examining Apple. It's almost (if not definitely) impossible to say the same for gold. If Apple's not doing well, of course, you can always short sell their stock- point is, it'd be easier to evaluate based on the information provided.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Very entertaining to reread the comments of the past three years, especially from 2013. I was surprised that I refrained from making any predictions...prolly because I knew that this thread would resurface. I remember in the Summer of 2013, we had just moved, settling in, having a coffee and watching CNBC with my then 15-year old daughter who loves her iPhone. I explained to her that the SP had dropped from $700 to under $400. We talked about stocks, what the ticker scroll depicted, etc...long story short, she said that Apple seemed like a good buy because the products are still 'cool', they make a lot of money, have a lot of cash, and low P/E. IIRC the SP was $383 ($54 post split.) Up $143% since the Summer of 2013!
cohodk, that chart is awesmoe. I'd bet AAPL can go up forever.
Nobody walks into the shop selling shares of AAPL. Fewer come in to buy gold. And how could it be problematic buying at a discount ? In light of that, not one share of AAPL had paid my rent all these years. No sir. The rent money comes from the silver and gold.
A little while back one of my coworkers was crying that he wished he had bought some AAPL stock. I asked him, "What is it at?" He said , " 98 dollars?" Hmmmm.... That morning I purchased 100K @ 99$. Yesterday I thanked him @133$ I will ride this one again to 300$ I'm having a difficult time if I should order the Ferrari in Fly Yellow or Red?
<< <i>A little while back one of my coworkers was crying that he wished he had bought some AAPL stock. I asked him, "What is it at?" He said , " 98 dollars?" Hmmmm.... That morning I purchased 100K @ 99$. Yesterday I thanked him @133$ I will ride this one again to 300$ I'm having a difficult time if I should order the Ferrari in Fly Yellow or Red? >>
Red. Go for the red Yellow apples aren't as tasty.
<< <i>Both have had about a 12% pullback from their highs.
Question. If you could only buy one and hold it over the next 12 months which would it be and why? Follow up question. What if you could only buy and hold one for the next five years. Which and why.
Gold is at around 1640 and Apple around 565.
MJ >>
I purchased 2 ounces of Gold for about $1800 each when the thread started.
Sold one last year to a dealer for $2500. The other I sold to a collector who got it graded hoping for a '70. And got $2800. Fast forward. The gold has dropped in value about $400 since the thread's inception. Those 2012 W coins are still over $2K.
Now this is only ONE item from the U.S. Mint and not all gold operates under that same rule. As numismatics are concerned, (and God knows it's difficult to explain to some very smart men), it's hard to actually say "long term" what works out best for collectors. We (at least I hope) know that stocks are always the better buy if it's the RIGHT STOCK.
In as much as that's concerned, I did buy that Gold Ounce back in a PCGS holder recently, from the guy who bought it from me. And I bought it for 2 grand. An ounce of gold is only worth $1200.
In that respect, since time takes it's toll, I'd like a a thousand shares of AAPL today and 1000 ounces of gold, too. Working for a living is working. When money works against me the way women have, I will give up working for it, too. In the meantime, it's all good. Not all that glitters is gold.
Knowledge went further for Socrates than the poison he was forced to drink. But it was the poison which made him famous. Or was it his philosophy ?
And everything Midas ate still turned to _ _ _ _. in the end.
Interesting 2 sides , needle in a haystack, also like POM trying to make $25 while it nets -$25+ .... While the liquidity of 5,6,7,8 billion shares provides something different...
Always the middle man makin all the dough. Love back at ya. >>
Lol, he's a manipulator of the market, that's how's the market makers do it… >>
He only lost on one coin with me. The other coins I never sold him. I just bought them to re sell. >>
Im fine with a dealer doing dealer things. The collector got greedy (hoping for a 70) and paid too much. Happens all the time with all speculators.
But back to the topic....I believe gold is now a better relative value than Apple. In other words, I thing gold will double before Apple does from current prices.
<< <i>one ounce of gold today or ten shares of AAPL ? >>
Spent the equivalent of about 10+ ounces of gold on AAPL yesterday. Pullback today set me back 7 ounces. >>
How did you lose 70%? >>
I added 100 shares of Apple to my stack. The pullback of the shares in the stack caused about a 7 ounce of gold decrease in the value of the stack today..
Always the middle man makin all the dough. Love back at ya. >>
Lol, he's a manipulator of the market, that's how's the market makers do it… >>
He only lost on one coin with me. The other coins I never sold him. I just bought them to re sell. >>
Im fine with a dealer doing dealer things. The collector got greedy (hoping for a 70) and paid too much. Happens all the time with all speculators.
But back to the topic....I believe gold is now a better relative value than Apple. In other words, I thing gold will double before Apple does from current prices. >>
If Apple starts/keeps using lots of gold in its products that would be a big help.
Always the middle man makin all the dough. Love back at ya. >>
Lol, he's a manipulator of the market, that's how's the market makers do it… >>
He only lost on one coin with me. The other coins I never sold him. I just bought them to re sell. >>
Im fine with a dealer doing dealer things. The collector got greedy (hoping for a 70) and paid too much. Happens all the time with all speculators.
But back to the topic....I believe gold is now a better relative value than Apple. In other words, I thing gold will double before Apple does from current prices. >>
If Apple starts/keeps using lots of gold in its products that would be a big help. >>
Always the middle man makin all the dough. Love back at ya. >>
Lol, he's a manipulator of the market, that's how's the market makers do it… >>
He only lost on one coin with me. The other coins I never sold him. I just bought them to re sell. >>
Im fine with a dealer doing dealer things. The collector got greedy (hoping for a 70) and paid too much. Happens all the time with all speculators.
But back to the topic....I believe gold is now a better relative value than Apple. In other words, I thing gold will double before Apple does from current prices. >>
If Apple starts/keeps using lots of gold in its products that would be a big help. >>
One of the Apple watches is in 18k gold Gallery >>
I know, which is why I made the comment. Someone at Apple will have to innovate and come up with the next blockbuster utilitarian product that the world can't live without, if the stock has any possibility for doubling. Maybe it will use gold too.
I'm not at liberty to disclose any more information from my friend, the collector.
It was merely a "slice" of the apple pie in the sky. And I don't know how else to dance with the brilliant men here, but to use examples with my dumb questions. I need a mentor. And you people are it.
Very astute, in fact. Still, gold requires no professional management, constant innovation or marketing teams.
I knew it would happen.
But not so kewl if APPL or gold drop drastically.
They say, you can wallpaper the bathroom with failed stock.
Gold will still be gold.
Its more how you manage it then what it is. (not that I know how to..)
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
For example,
Wednesday November 14, 2012 1:54 PM
as far as equities go I'd be looking at the miners and particularly the ETF GDXJ. Keep in mind that most all equities will suffer in a mad dash to cash should the AMEX and NY exchanges get hit with a sudden case of the "bug out." Metals took a hit in the 2009 panic, it remains to be seen if this will repeat the next time. This will depend on the view of the dollar as a safehaven. If the dollar is viewed less as a safehaven at that time, metals should attract any resulting loss of dollar confidence.
Here's the performance of GDXJ from 11/14/12 to present
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Gold hit an air pocket in the last week but has a chance to recover and make new highs in
the next couple years.
Apple depends on innovation, and I don't see any. The company is just extending products
already available. Iphone 4s becomes Iphone 5. Ipad becomes Ipad Mini. Macs essentially
the same as 3 years ago. More RAM, bigger hard drive, just like PCs.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
The real question this week is: Gold or Snapple?
<< <i>Here's a chart of Gold vs. AAPL (and the Dow for reference) from the date of the OP to present >>
Great chart. Both gold and Apple are losers. Gold is making new lows, Apple is trying to hold above its recent lows.
Neither one looks good. Of course, bottoms are made when it looks like there is no bottom.
<< <i>Here's a chart of Gold vs. AAPL (and the Dow for reference) from the date of the OP to present >>
Taking that chart and changing the period to 2 or 5 years shows very clearly the magnitude of that apple move.
I wonder what percentage of apple share holders rode that up and right back down and never booked an actual gain?
There are those that saw metals double and then reverse and never booked a profit either.
<< <i>I think and act, then lose. I'm going to act, then think next time, before I lose. >>
That seems like twice as much work. Why not lose first and skip the other two steps completely?
I missed the gold run up as I sold all of mine when it hit 900. I will get back into type if it ever comes down below 1000, but I am not expecting that any time soon.
Pre-Jump Grade Project
Toned Commemoratives
<< <i>Both will drop 20%, then I'd buy them-----both. >>
Gold dropped 27% and AAPL dropped 33%. I was way off.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
I heard the new IwristThingie comes with an app that tells you what time it is
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Apple vs Gold. Apple has outperformed gold by 30x since 2004.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>What a sweet, sweet ride Apple has been!
shhhhh. don't get c@cky : )
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I get a chuckle when I review the comments from our in house PM bulls from 2013. They are still batting 100%
<< <i>12months....It's a toss-up between Apple and Gold.
5 brainer for Gold!! >>
Gold needs to go to $2160 to catch up with Apple.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>Both will drop 20%, then I'd buy them-----both. >>
Ok WRM, you win. I was wrong. They both dropped 30%. LMAO
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
cohodk, that chart is awesmoe. I'd bet AAPL can go up forever.
Fewer come in to buy gold. And how could it be problematic buying at a discount ?
In light of that, not one share of AAPL had paid my rent all these years. No sir. The rent money comes from the silver and gold.
Looks like the silver chart in 2011. I think they said the same then.
Relative valuations, my friends (and derryb
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Yesterday I thanked him @133$
I will ride this one again to 300$
I'm having a difficult time if I should order the Ferrari in Fly Yellow or Red?
<< <i>A little while back one of my coworkers was crying that he wished he had bought some AAPL stock. I asked him, "What is it at?" He said , " 98 dollars?" Hmmmm.... That morning I purchased 100K @ 99$.
Yesterday I thanked him @133$
I will ride this one again to 300$
I'm having a difficult time if I should order the Ferrari in Fly Yellow or Red? >>
Red. Go for the red Yellow apples aren't as tasty.
<< <i>Both have had about a 12% pullback from their highs.
Question. If you could only buy one and hold it over the next 12 months which would it be and why? Follow up question. What if you could only buy and hold one for the next five years. Which and why.
Gold is at around 1640 and Apple around 565.
MJ >>
I purchased 2 ounces of Gold for about $1800 each when the thread started.
Sold one last year to a dealer for $2500. The other I sold to a collector who got it graded hoping for a '70. And got $2800.
Fast forward. The gold has dropped in value about $400 since the thread's inception. Those 2012 W coins are still over $2K.
Now this is only ONE item from the U.S. Mint and not all gold operates under that same rule. As numismatics are concerned, (and God knows it's difficult to explain to some very smart men), it's hard to actually say "long term" what works out best for collectors. We (at least I hope) know that stocks are always the better buy if it's the RIGHT STOCK.
In as much as that's concerned, I did buy that Gold Ounce back in a PCGS holder recently, from the guy who bought it from me. And I bought it for 2 grand. An ounce of gold is only worth $1200.
In that respect, since time takes it's toll, I'd like a a thousand shares of AAPL today and 1000 ounces of gold, too. Working for a living is working. When money works against me the way women have, I will give up working for it, too. In the meantime, it's all good. Not all that glitters is gold.
Knowledge went further for Socrates than the poison he was forced to drink. But it was the poison which made him famous. Or was it his philosophy ?
And everything Midas ate still turned to _ _ _ _.
While the liquidity of 5,6,7,8 billion shares provides something different...
Always the middle man makin all the dough. Love back at ya.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>twosides, your collector lost 28%.
Always the middle man makin all the dough. Love back at ya.
Lol, he's a manipulator of the market, that's how's the market makers do it...
Everything that happens in the market has been happening for thousands of years.
I'm not a stock picker. I'm a nit picker.
<< <i>
<< <i>twosides, your collector lost 28%.
Always the middle man makin all the dough. Love back at ya.
Lol, he's a manipulator of the market, that's how's the market makers do it… >>
He only lost on one coin with me. The other coins I never sold him. I just bought them to re sell.
<< <i>one ounce of gold today or ten shares of AAPL ? >>
Spent the equivalent of about 10+ ounces of gold on AAPL yesterday. Pullback today set me back 7 ounces.
<< <i>
<< <i>one ounce of gold today or ten shares of AAPL ? >>
Spent the equivalent of about 10+ ounces of gold on AAPL yesterday. Pullback today set me back 7 ounces. >>
How did you lose 70%?
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>twosides, your collector lost 28%.
Always the middle man makin all the dough. Love back at ya.
Lol, he's a manipulator of the market, that's how's the market makers do it… >>
He only lost on one coin with me. The other coins I never sold him. I just bought them to re sell. >>
Im fine with a dealer doing dealer things. The collector got greedy (hoping for a 70) and paid too much. Happens all the time with all speculators.
But back to the topic....I believe gold is now a better relative value than Apple. In other words, I thing gold will double before Apple does from current prices.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>one ounce of gold today or ten shares of AAPL ? >>
Spent the equivalent of about 10+ ounces of gold on AAPL yesterday. Pullback today set me back 7 ounces. >>
How did you lose 70%? >>
I added 100 shares of Apple to my stack. The pullback of the shares in the stack caused about a 7 ounce of gold decrease in the value of the stack today..
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>twosides, your collector lost 28%.
Always the middle man makin all the dough. Love back at ya.
Lol, he's a manipulator of the market, that's how's the market makers do it… >>
He only lost on one coin with me. The other coins I never sold him. I just bought them to re sell. >>
Im fine with a dealer doing dealer things. The collector got greedy (hoping for a 70) and paid too much. Happens all the time with all speculators.
But back to the topic....I believe gold is now a better relative value than Apple. In other words, I thing gold will double before Apple does from current prices. >>
If Apple starts/keeps using lots of gold in its products that would be a big help.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>twosides, your collector lost 28%.
Always the middle man makin all the dough. Love back at ya.
Lol, he's a manipulator of the market, that's how's the market makers do it… >>
He only lost on one coin with me. The other coins I never sold him. I just bought them to re sell. >>
Im fine with a dealer doing dealer things. The collector got greedy (hoping for a 70) and paid too much. Happens all the time with all speculators.
But back to the topic....I believe gold is now a better relative value than Apple. In other words, I thing gold will double before Apple does from current prices. >>
If Apple starts/keeps using lots of gold in its products that would be a big help. >>
One of the Apple watches is in 18k gold Gallery
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>twosides, your collector lost 28%.
Always the middle man makin all the dough. Love back at ya.
Lol, he's a manipulator of the market, that's how's the market makers do it… >>
He only lost on one coin with me. The other coins I never sold him. I just bought them to re sell. >>
Im fine with a dealer doing dealer things. The collector got greedy (hoping for a 70) and paid too much. Happens all the time with all speculators.
But back to the topic....I believe gold is now a better relative value than Apple. In other words, I thing gold will double before Apple does from current prices. >>
If Apple starts/keeps using lots of gold in its products that would be a big help. >>
One of the Apple watches is in 18k gold Gallery >>
I know, which is why I made the comment. Someone at Apple will have to innovate and come up with the next blockbuster utilitarian product that the world can't live without, if the stock has any possibility for doubling. Maybe it will use gold too.
It was merely a "slice" of the apple pie in the sky. And I don't know how else to dance with the brilliant men here, but to use examples with my dumb questions. I need a mentor. And you people are it.