<< <i>There are also the cards where the players name is printed closer to the black inner border than others. Some cards also have the players name to close to the bottom border of the card. This had created mis-grades in the past. Though in the last several years I've seen that graders have become more aware of this issue. These select cards are now graded without as much consideration to the alignment of the name on cards. It's not hard to determine which cards are plagued with this problem.
To say Topps meant to cut the cards slightly low may not be accurate? 75 Topps Mini's were all over the map regarding centering. Left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top, diamond one way, diamond the other way. It might be more accurate to say Topps meant to center the 75 Mini's, however, in many cases failed miserably.
Some graders will at times allow a higher grade on cards that have a wider gap at the bottom of the card than at the top (between player name and Team name). Not true with PSA 10 examples. Perhaps some graders feel these cards have better eye appeal?
One thing is certain...... premiums are paid for well centered examples. >>
Let me clarify. When I say 'meant to be cut slightly low', I'm referring to how the card was supposed to be cut had the factory followed the sheet alignment specs which they seem to rarely have done. There are several cards (1971 and 1972 for example) where you have to compare the bottom border with the sides since the top is either rounded or has a large gap around a team name for example.
I am in the process of ripping an entire mini box and have pulled a number of really nice cards as this box was much better than average. The Campy is a beast to find centered and this one was by far as nice as any I've pulled. I have a bunch more to scan, including a dead centered carter RC, another tough card. Here are some of the better cards:
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Tim, If you want to unload any packs, let me know.
Thanks, guys! I'm sending a bunch in on the March special...will keep you posted!
David, I would have, but I basically ripped them all, despite my best intentions to save a few, LOL..
I'm down to two full boxes now (not including graded packs) and will keep them sealed...for now..
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Sent out a 600 card order last week so needed to clear some space.
Just finished listing 130+ different 8s, with another 130 or so to come tomorrow. Vast majority at or close to vcp and subbed by me. Hopefully I can help some folks fill in their sets.
Many outstanding cards there Tim! Perhaps a few Gems? ; )
Thanks, MM! I sure hope so! Will post the results when I get the cards back!
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
<< <i>Sent out a 600 card order last week so needed to clear some space.
Just finished listing 130+ different 8s, with another 130 or so to come tomorrow. Vast majority at or close to vcp and subbed by me. Hopefully I can help some folks fill in their sets. >>
I just grabbed three. Thanks! Good prices!
I was going to grab an oldie you have #406. I think there is a mark on the chin but not sure? That card seems to have that often and for me I don't need to get a graded copy.
I'll keep an eye out for more tomorrow but I'm close to getting my set where I want it.
Thanks for the buys :-) The 406 looks pretty solid to me, but here is a better scan so that you can be the judge. It was pulled from a pack by me and subbed by me. The white dots are lint on the scan bed.
Just got these minis back from an earlier, smaller sub. Was real pleased with the grades, getting 10 out 20 cards graded Mint 9, including the Kaline HL and Carlton cards, and a tougher Niekro card. Really thought Haney or Tenace had a shot at Mint 9 as well, but I can't complain.
Line # Item # Cert # Grade Description Type 1 1 19715478 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 304 PIRATES TEAM DANNY MURTAUGH, MGR. Card 2 1 19715479 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 464 WORLD SERIES GAME 4 Card 3 1 19715480 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 386 CHECKLIST 265-396 Card 4 1 19715481 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 93 DAVE LOPES Card 5 1 19715482 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 292 RON SCHUELER Card 6 1 19715483 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1975 TOPPS MINI 293 DICK SHARON Card 7 1 19715484 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 235 JACK BILLINGHAM Card 8 1 19715485 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1975 TOPPS MINI 626 LARRY HANEY Card 9 1 19715486 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1975 TOPPS MINI 410 MIKE CUELLER Card 10 1 19715487 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1975 TOPPS MINI 285 ELLIE RODRIGUEZ Card 11 1 19715488 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 4 '74 HIGHLIGHTS AL KALINE Card 12 1 19715489 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 185 STEVE CARLTON Card 13 1 19715490 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 559 BOB MONTGOMERY Card 14 1 19715491 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1975 TOPPS MINI 128 BILL LEE Card 15 1 19715492 NEAR MINT 7 1975 TOPPS MINI 228 GEORGE BRETT Card 16 1 19715493 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1975 TOPPS MINI 535 GENE TENACE Card 17 1 19715494 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1975 TOPPS MINI 477 TOM HUTTON Card 18 1 19715495 N8: MISCUT 1975 TOPPS MINI 512 LARRY MILBOURNE Card 19 1 19715496 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 595 JOE NIEKRO Card 20 1 19715497 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1975 TOPPS MINI 419 DAVE GOLTZ Card
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Thanks, Jim! The Kaline is my first Mint 9 self submitted Highlights card--those are so tough!
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Crack the rest of the box you got from me if you haven't yet. I hit multiple 9s on both Gibson and Brock from those.
Marshall was my first and man did I do a happy dance when it popped. Underrated card. Big card in the regular set. I hit a 9 on one of those a while back as well.
135 More 8s just went up. Thanks to all who bought a bunch from last nights listing. I will be listing doubles of a dozen or so that sold in the next day or so as well.
Crack the rest of the box you got from me if you haven't yet. I hit multiple 9s on both Gibson and Brock from those.
That box is now history, Jim, sad to say...I do have about 75 more minis on the way from that box, though, so I'm hoping for a couple more happy dances, at least!
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Been sorting through so many of my graded minis, I thought I would share a pair of particularly high end rookies I have sitting around. What do you think: 9 candidates?
The Carter has a tilt, so it is a solid 8 but not a 9. The Yount seems to have similar, but less pronounced, tilt. BTW - just did a buy of 17 your cards on ebay...all common 8's. I will post a want list to learn if you have others. thx -Scott
I saw, thank you. My post above was tongue in cheek. Both examlpes are absolutely brutal and came in a large lot I bought months back. The tilt is probably the least the the Carters sins unfortunately.
You can drive a truck through the gap. When I found it, I was like ooh, a PSA 8 Yount, bonus. Then I looked at it and remembered why I threw it in a random box to begin with...lol
Jim, Got a good laugh when I saw your post of the Yount and Carter. When you can slide a slice of bread through the gap it's kind of a dead give away Grader must have missed the lesson on min. size requirement.
<< <i>Jim, Got a good laugh when I saw your post of the Yount and Carter. When you can slide a slice of bread through the gap it's kind of a dead give away Grader must have missed the lesson on min. size requirement. >>
That's in the older style holder so that was probably graded before they tightened up the size requirements no?
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Oh so close on 3 beasts: Haney, Hutton and Tenace.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Reading threw the thread again made me want another 75 mini pack to rip. Thanks for all the info from this thread over the past year. Long live the mini.
I just recieved a pair of wax packs that I bought on ebay from tklein4131. They were legit and not horror shows on centering either. Got a Rice that was unfortunately long. Nice side to side, but both top and bottom banged up for being long. Six or seven gradable cards overall, so not bad.
I think the .5 grading system makes sense in theory, but the implementation has been flawed. In my experience the awarding of .5 grades has been wildly inconsistant. Some graders seem to forget it exists and dont award any, while others get 8.5 happy in lieu of 9s. IMHO, 8.5s are really undervalued. They are often as nice as a 9, especially an old flip 9, and barely carry a premium over an 8. There are exceptions of course, but in general, this seems to hold.
<< <i>I think the .5 grading system makes sense in theory, but the implementation has been flawed. In my experience the awarding of .5 grades has been wildly inconsistant. Some graders seem to forget it exists and dont award any, while others get 8.5 happy in lieu of 9s. IMHO, 8.5s are really undervalued. They are often as nice as a 9, especially an old flip 9, and barely carry a premium over an 8. There are exceptions of course, but in general, this seems to hold. >>
Exactly. 8.5s shouldn't be scarcer than 9s. If a pile of NM-MT to mint cards are submitted, you would expect a normal distribution of grades, not 100 8s, 5 8.5s and 60 9s.
Yeah, just go to the 75 Topps Mini PSA Registry Sets. After the Bio on the set you'll see the green "click here". Click on that, it will take you right to the article written by Kevin Glew. The article was written about graded 75 Topps Mini's in general. I was lucky enough to be quoted in the article, and have several scans of my cards displayed in the article. I was most pleased that my George Brett card was highlighted on the cover of that SMR issue along with a very nice pic of a young George Brett holding a silver slugger bat. Very Cool
Just got back a very nice sub from PSA (which included a PSA 10 75 cello with Yaz on top) and was very pleased to get these back, all 4 of which graded Mint 9:
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Anyone else running into slow turnaround? My order was confirmed delivered 10 days ago and still isn't logged...
My most recent sub was logged in after 7 days.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
<< <i>There are also the cards where the players name is printed closer to the black inner border than others. Some cards also have the players name to close to the bottom border of the card. This had created mis-grades in the past. Though in the last several years I've seen that graders have become more aware of this issue. These select cards are now graded without as much consideration to the alignment of the name on cards. It's not hard to determine which cards are plagued with this problem.
To say Topps meant to cut the cards slightly low may not be accurate? 75 Topps Mini's were all over the map regarding centering. Left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top, diamond one way, diamond the other way. It might be more accurate to say Topps meant to center the 75 Mini's, however, in many cases failed miserably.
Some graders will at times allow a higher grade on cards that have a wider gap at the bottom of the card than at the top (between player name and Team name). Not true with PSA 10 examples. Perhaps some graders feel these cards have better eye appeal?
One thing is certain...... premiums are paid for well centered examples. >>
Let me clarify. When I say 'meant to be cut slightly low', I'm referring to how the card was supposed to be cut had the factory followed the sheet alignment specs which they seem to rarely have done. There are several cards (1971 and 1972 for example) where you have to compare the bottom border with the sides since the top is either rounded or has a large gap around a team name for example.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
If you want to unload any packs, let me know.
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
If you want to unload any packs, let me know.
Thanks, guys! I'm sending a bunch in on the March special...will keep you posted!
David, I would have, but I basically ripped them all, despite my best intentions to save a few, LOL..
I'm down to two full boxes now (not including graded packs) and will keep them sealed...for now..
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
Just finished listing 130+ different 8s, with another 130 or so to come tomorrow. Vast majority at or close to vcp and subbed by me. Hopefully I can help some folks fill in their sets.
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
Thanks, MM! I sure hope so! Will post the results when I get the cards back!
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
<< <i>Sent out a 600 card order last week so needed to clear some space.
Just finished listing 130+ different 8s, with another 130 or so to come tomorrow. Vast majority at or close to vcp and subbed by me. Hopefully I can help some folks fill in their sets. >>
I just grabbed three. Thanks! Good prices!
I was going to grab an oldie you have #406. I think there is a mark on the chin but not sure? That card seems to have that often and for me I don't need to get a graded copy.
I'll keep an eye out for more tomorrow but I'm close to getting my set where I want it.
Doug - Sorry for the delay, just PM'd you now.
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
Line # Item # Cert # Grade Description Type
2 1 19715479 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 464 WORLD SERIES GAME 4 Card
3 1 19715480 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 386 CHECKLIST 265-396 Card
4 1 19715481 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 93 DAVE LOPES Card
5 1 19715482 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 292 RON SCHUELER Card
6 1 19715483 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1975 TOPPS MINI 293 DICK SHARON Card
7 1 19715484 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 235 JACK BILLINGHAM Card
8 1 19715485 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1975 TOPPS MINI 626 LARRY HANEY Card
9 1 19715486 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1975 TOPPS MINI 410 MIKE CUELLER Card
10 1 19715487 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1975 TOPPS MINI 285 ELLIE RODRIGUEZ Card
11 1 19715488 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 4 '74 HIGHLIGHTS AL KALINE Card
12 1 19715489 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 185 STEVE CARLTON Card
13 1 19715490 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 559 BOB MONTGOMERY Card
14 1 19715491 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1975 TOPPS MINI 128 BILL LEE Card
15 1 19715492 NEAR MINT 7 1975 TOPPS MINI 228 GEORGE BRETT Card
16 1 19715493 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1975 TOPPS MINI 535 GENE TENACE Card
17 1 19715494 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1975 TOPPS MINI 477 TOM HUTTON Card
18 1 19715495 N8: MISCUT 1975 TOPPS MINI 512 LARRY MILBOURNE Card
19 1 19715496 MINT 9 1975 TOPPS MINI 595 JOE NIEKRO Card
20 1 19715497 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1975 TOPPS MINI 419 DAVE GOLTZ Card
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Marshall was my first and man did I do a happy dance when it popped. Underrated card. Big card in the regular set. I hit a 9 on one of those a while back as well.
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
That box is now history, Jim, sad to say...I do have about 75 more minis on the way from that box, though, so I'm hoping for a couple more happy dances, at least!
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
BTW - just did a buy of 17 your cards on ebay...all common 8's. I will post a want list to learn if you have others. thx
1975 mini's
1954 Wilson Franks
I saw, thank you. My post above was tongue in cheek. Both examlpes are absolutely brutal and came in a large lot I bought months back. The tilt is probably the least the the Carters sins unfortunately.
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
WTB: PSA 1 - PSA 3 Centered, High Eye Appeal 1950's Mantle
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
<< <i>Jim, Got a good laugh when I saw your post of the Yount and Carter. When you can slide a slice of bread through the gap it's kind of a dead give away
That's in the older style holder so that was probably graded before they tightened up the size requirements no?
On a serious note, I only posted the shot for giggles, not to beat a dead horse.
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
1992 Collectors Edge Football case?
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
<< <i>Beautiful cards. Tenace and Haney actually both look pretty clean... crack em.. >>
I agree. Why in the world could they not see fit to give them 8.5s?
IMHO, 8.5s are really undervalued. They are often as nice as a 9, especially an old flip 9, and barely carry a premium over an 8. There are exceptions of course, but in general, this seems to hold.
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
<< <i>I think the .5 grading system makes sense in theory, but the implementation has been flawed. In my experience the awarding of .5 grades has been wildly inconsistant. Some graders seem to forget it exists and dont award any, while others get 8.5 happy in lieu of 9s.
IMHO, 8.5s are really undervalued. They are often as nice as a 9, especially an old flip 9, and barely carry a premium over an 8. There are exceptions of course, but in general, this seems to hold. >>
Exactly. 8.5s shouldn't be scarcer than 9s. If a pile of NM-MT to mint cards are submitted, you would expect a normal distribution of grades, not 100 8s, 5 8.5s and 60 9s.
1992 Collectors Edge Football case?
minimaster is article on your set still on line.
WTB: PSA 1 - PSA 3 Centered, High Eye Appeal 1950's Mantle
To be honest, no direction, but...
1966-69 Topps EX+
1975 minis NrMt Kelloggs PSA 9
All Topps Heritage-Master Sets
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.collectorfocus.com/...tion/svtPONY95/pre-war">Pre war
minimaster is article on your set still on line.
Yeah, just go to the 75 Topps Mini PSA Registry Sets. After the Bio on the set you'll see the green "click here". Click on that, it will take you right to the article written by Kevin Glew. The article was written about graded 75 Topps Mini's in general. I was lucky enough to be quoted in the article, and have several scans of my cards displayed in the article. I was most pleased that my George Brett card was highlighted on the cover of that SMR issue along with a very nice pic of a young George Brett holding a silver slugger bat. Very Cool
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
Anyone else running into slow turnaround? My order was confirmed delivered 10 days ago and still isn't logged...
My most recent sub was logged in after 7 days.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.