Got my CnT order. I don't think any are worthy of submission, maybe one of them. Nice mix of dmpl and pl but each has a major scratch or noticeable mark.
<< <i>I spoke to quick my JHCB set is a very rare set ALL BUT 1 is (one of a Kind). Those bad 68 and 69 PL and DM`s are where most of coins are grading approximately 95% If not higher. So thanks JHCB for the leftovers, sorry the rarities. PS I`ll trade some one of a kind 62 DM`s for your yellowstone and yosemite 69 DM`s >>
Not too rare, mine are probably the same quality or possibly worse. JHCB did there distribution 100% a$$backwards. Any order/product distribution should be the earliest orders, usually from the best customers, SHOULD BE THE BEST product that you are sending out. The customers who were the last to order absolutley should not be getting the far better product.
I had order #190 and the quality of the coins sucked. I definetly feel like I got the short end of the stick for ordering promptly.
<< <i>I got my JHCB grades from PCGS today. When these came to me I placed them in air tights before I took a close look at them. Here are the JHCB Pcgs grades, Hot springs 64PL, Yellow stone 62DM, Yosemite 62DM, Grand canyon 66PL, Mount Hood 62PL, could these have been cherry picked, sure looks like it. So all the people who got graded coins did win the lottery (NOT ). They just got kissed after the screwing. Out of 35 coins I sent in from the good AP`s I got 1-65, 5-67`s, 12-68`s, 17-69`s. These types of dealings should not be accepted, even if you got graded coins you still got screwed ,But I was left bleeding in the ally. When JHCB said we would get Bullion he was NOT kidding. Some of the other AP`s stated these were Bullion and could be damage but they didn't cherry pick as my other 5 sets show. Please post your RAW grades from JHCB when you get them.I would hate to think I was the only one left in the ally. I got your pocket pieces right here. >>
My first reaction to your grades was " Dude, why did you even send those 62/64's in for grading"...I may not be 100% on separating the 68's from the 69's but I am fairly confident I can weed out the 62-65's. I previously sent 10 cherrypicked pucks in and got 1-67, 5-68's and 4-69's. I just sent in 17 more out of 5 sets and only ONE is from my JH set with the other 4 worthy of bullion only.
Just sayin'...... >>
If I had only sent in the 67`s for grading it could be said that I kept the 68`s and 69`s just so I could claim cherry picking. Grade all 5 as they came from JHCB tells the whole story. The lowest I had graded from other AP`s was 1-- 65, I never would have thought that I had that many 62`s. So (3) 62 (1) 64 and (1) 66 SHOWS some SERIOUS CHERRY PICKING THANKS ( NOT ) JHCB.
<< <i>It will be interesting to what the prices and pop reports for the 2011s ATB Bullion Version PCGS MS DPML 69s as compared to the 2010s.
Just an educated guess that the mint will be using the dies a lot more than longer than the 2010s. The reason I think there are so many 2010 PLs and DPMLs out there is because the mint struck less on each die in order to put them all to use. I know from the 5 APs that I purchased from-most were PL or DMPL.
So less PL/DMPLs for the 2011s maybe because of longer die usage? >>
Really? I got screwed then. Only one puck, out of two sets, is even close to having a mirror. The others look great but almost look like brushed metal versus polished.
So they are nice looking coins.................and then.........and then.
Are you saying if you sent in the best 5 out of 10 you would be happy with those grades? I would have been pissed. >>
I am totally disappointed for sure. They all looked nice to me. I checked each one under a magnifying glass and picked, to my eye, the best one to send in. Grading from 65 to 70 may be obvious all lined up side by side, but seen separately with no comparison sample as a guide would be challenging to most except experienced professional graders. Like picking the proverbial nit. The difference between a 67 and 68 or 68 and 69 has to be the smallest of defects, scuffs, spots and nicks.
It's the luck of the draw. Getting pizzed is only gonna raise my blood pressure. I'm fairly happy I got 4/5 DM's even if one was a 65. How about that 62 reported earlier? I can see his face dropping as he read that in his report. Sorry guy.
To get a solid 69 DM set out of the draw would be like winning the lottery. A very rare occurrence. Hasn't happened yet. I could have been the one. STELLA!!!!!
Got my JHCB sets (2) yesterday. Thanks for all the info provide in this thread.
Surprised, all 10 were PCGS graded.
5 MS68DM (3 diff) 1 MS68PL 2 MS68 2 PCGS GEM
That was a surprise. Both sets were in order #s in the 600 I was wondering how I would ever get a PCGS graded set, didn't want to spend money and get lower grades. Plan is now to sell off the dups and try and buy others to replace. I think I can do it on ebay and end up with a MS68DM set and a gem set and break even.
Yes it looks like The JH raw sets were pure crap These were the first customers to order. Time running out to get rid of 2010 coins These are the latter orders,They get 66 to 68 maybe a 69graded sets ( the experiment) and maybe some raw or BU graded coins, don't count on good grades on the RAW and BU`s. Where did the GOOD 69 DMPLS go Still in the Safe ???
Has anyone heard from the Prudential "shipping" people about shipping their order???? They cashed my check several weeks ago, got ok phone call and the confirmation letter but not word one about when they are going quit holding my money hostage and ship the dam things.....
So they are nice looking coins.................and then.........and then.
Are you saying if you sent in the best 5 out of 10 you would be happy with those grades? I would have been pissed. >>
I am totally disappointed for sure. They all looked nice to me. I checked each one under a magnifying glass and picked, to my eye, the best one to send in. Grading from 65 to 70 may be obvious all lined up side by side, but seen separately with no comparison sample as a guide would be challenging to most except experienced professional graders. Like picking the proverbial nit. The difference between a 67 and 68 or 68 and 69 has to be the smallest of defects, scuffs, spots and nicks.
It's the luck of the draw. Getting pizzed is only gonna raise my blood pressure. I'm fairly happy I got 4/5 DM's even if one was a 65. How about that 62 reported earlier? I can see his face dropping as he read that in his report. Sorry guy.
To get a solid 69 DM set out of the draw would be like winning the lottery. A very rare occurrence. Hasn't happened yet. I could have been the one. STELLA!!!!! >>
I wasn't trying to raise your blood pressure but I have followed this thread daily since page one and I have seen many grades comes back that poorly besides one member (7of8). I hope Karma is on your side and you get a couple MS69DMPL's on your next submission.
Successful coin BST transactions with Gerard and segoja.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
<< <i>I wasn't trying to raise your blood pressure but I have followed this thread daily since page one and I have seen many grades comes back that poorly besides one member (7of8). I hope Karma is on your side and you get a couple MS69DMPL's on your next submission. >>
<< <i>Has anyone heard from the Prudential "shipping" people about shipping their order???? They cashed my check several weeks ago, got ok phone call and the confirmation letter but not word one about when they are going quit holding my money hostage and ship the dam things..... >>
<< <i>Has anyone heard from the Prudential "shipping" people about shipping their order???? They cashed my check several weeks ago, got ok phone call and the confirmation letter but not word one about when they are going quit holding my money hostage and ship the dam things..... >>
nothing here >>
OK, guys, here's the poop. I talked to Diamond State last Thurs to get info on how the PB shipping process actually works, because it's been a mystery to me so far.
Diamond State receives on Wednesdays ATB puck releases from PB.
Thursdays are the day DS processes the releases and then the "request for funds / shipping authorization" is mailed typically the following Monday to you, the shipee.
Then, the shipee, returns the form with a check for $65. Personal checks are then held for 7 - 10 business days by DS. After check clearance, your order goes out within two business days.
Now - here's the next part......DS has not received any ATB releases from PB since PB started selling pucks again. I repeat-DS has not received any ATB releases from PB since PB started selling pucks again.
DS expects to receive a slew of PB ATB releases next Wednesday and the DS puck shipping ball will start rolling again.
Not a word from the DG round 1 phone call send a check. For round 2 as I call it, via bankwire only, those were processed, shipped and received awhile ago.
I couldn't resist buying three Gettysburg and three Glacier from Provident for $240.90 each. I wanted to get them from Fidelitrade who will offer the option of shipping in capsules, but they are too slow in getting their ---- together.
<< <i>Yes it looks like The JH raw sets were pure crap These were the first customers to order. Time running out to get rid of 2010 coins These are the latter orders,They get 66 to 68 maybe a 69graded sets ( the experiment) and maybe some raw or BU graded coins, don't count on good grades on the RAW and BU`s. Where did the GOOD 69 DMPLS go Still in the Safe ??? >>
We'll see. I have three of my JHCB pucks in the grading pipeline now. I was order #158 and all of mine arrived in bubblewrap enveloped. Of those three, I felt two had great shots at 69 DMPL and the third will be a 68 or 69 PL or DMPL. I've seen a few of these pucks and have my own 69 DMPL set to compare with, so I feel my pre-grades should be pretty close...unless, of course, they have tightened or changed the grading criteria since February...
I just bought one Gettysburg from Provident. At least I won't have to worry about coins hitting each other in shipment. Couldn't bring myself to buy from Gainesville Coin or Apmex, never will.
I also bought a set from A-Mark earlier.
My Hunt coins were crap also. Got rid of them the same week I got them, and made a little profit.
<< <i>Has anyone heard from the Prudential "shipping" people about shipping their order???? They cashed my check several weeks ago, got ok phone call and the confirmation letter but not word one about when they are going quit holding my money hostage and ship the dam things..... >>
nothing here >>
OK, guys, here's the poop. I talked to Diamond State last Thurs to get info on how the PB shipping process actually works, because it's been a mystery to me so far.
Diamond State receives on Wednesdays ATB puck releases from PB.
Thursdays are the day DS processes the releases and then the "request for funds / shipping authorization" is mailed typically the following Monday to you, the shipee.
Then, the shipee, returns the form with a check for $65. Personal checks are then held for 7 - 10 business days by DS. After check clearance, your order goes out within two business days.
Now - here's the next part......DS has not received any ATB releases from PB since PB started selling pucks again. I repeat-DS has not received any ATB releases from PB since PB started selling pucks again.
DS expects to receive a slew of PB ATB releases next Wednesday and the DS puck shipping ball will start rolling again. >>
Thanks for the info! That's freakin B.S. imho. So we are looking at another month to get them, wonderful. Anyone else tired of the AP games and delays?? I am glad this is my last dealing with them!! So if any any are worthy of submitting to PCGS you are looking at July till you get them back graded. The pucks have been fun but has tried my lack of patience Note to self: Patience is a virtue, repeat 10x, take breath, repeat 10x
<< <i>I just bought one Gettysburg from Provident. At least I won't have to worry about coins hitting each other in shipment. Couldn't bring myself to buy from Gainesville Coin or Apmex, never will.
I also bought a set from A-Mark earlier.
My Hunt coins were crap also. Got rid of them the same week I got them, and made a little profit. >>
Ditto for me, but I got 1 of each for $499.12 (CC price) + $8.95 S&H. $140 under my A-Mark cost. Trying a little cost averaging here.
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."
I copied this off the thread I started agasint the ap's for all that really thought they got a great set from jack hunt read this post and you can now track where all your 69dm went too. This was a real nice score for jack hunt and the experiment.......posted by st0cky.................Good Afternoon,
I think I may be able to help. I've been following the ATB puck saga on this forum and Ebay for months now. Being an avid investor and collector, I have bought a set from each AP (except GC), thanks to the information sharing on this forum.
To get to the point, in the past week, while doing my weekly completed auctions searches I've noticed a seller pop up numerous times selling 15 PCGS Yellowstone MS69 DMPLs. Further delving into his feedback shows that he's sold 20+ sets and has made statements like "actual coins have not be unpacked from original mint tube," "after purchase, top coin will be removed, packaged and shipped" and "coins have not been handled since leaving the mint." Another interesting note is that he lives in Williamsville, NY, which is less than 20 minutes away from Jack Hunt in Kenmore, NY!
I might just be obsessing over nothing, but this seller has really caught my attention because of the sheer number of PCGS Yellowstone MS69 DMPLs he has in hand. I can't imagine how many sets you would have to cherry pick through to have this kind of success.
So what to do when puck-bordem hits? Why chat with Apmex of course! I have been wondering about the "or better" part of their description so I chatted with an on-line rep and here is the answer...those that ordered are getting PCGS BU, nothing more. Though I still don't think these will be cherrypicked, just a mirror of what A-Mark did...
You are now chatting with 'Stephanie'
Stephanie: Hello!
Stephanie: How can I help you today?
Kirk: Hi, Curiosity question. For the 2010 5 oz Silver ATB 5-Coin Set PCGS BU or Better (May 13th) orders, can you tell me what the "or better" means? In other words what was the minimum numerical grade that Apmex requested from PCGS?
Stephanie: That is a good question, let me check on that for you.
Stephanie: Ok, I just checked on that for you... give me a minute to explain
Stephanie: It means that we are sending them out to you as BU but if you were to send them out to have them graded (which we are not) then you could get a better grade than BU... which is anything more than MS-63 (I believe
Stephanie: )
Kirk: Okay, but they are coming in PCGS holders as BU?
Stephanie: Correct!
Kirk: Okay thanks for your time. I am excited for my set. Have a good day!
Got my Jack Hunt set ten minutes ago. One Mt. Hood PCGS First Strike Gem BU, one Yellowstone NGC Early Release MS69, the rest raw with various degrees of hairlining.
No complaints. I got what I paid for, at about $38 per ounce when silver was over $40.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
<< <i>Got my Jack Hunt set ten minutes ago. One Mt. Hood PCGS First Strike Gem BU, one Yellowstone NGC Early Release MS69, the rest raw with various degrees of hairlining.
No complaints. I got what I paid for, at about $38 per ounce when silver was over $40.
I know the coins I got from them were junk. I sold them for $1100, did not lose money, but sure as hell did not get what I should have gotten. (non cherry picked coins)
<< <i>Got my Jack Hunt set ten minutes ago. One Mt. Hood PCGS First Strike Gem BU, one Yellowstone NGC Early Release MS69, the rest raw with various degrees of hairlining.
No complaints. I got what I paid for, at about $38 per ounce when silver was over $40.
Neither the world nor Jack Hunt owes me a living. I was offered five uncirculated bullion coins at less than melt. I got that. Why is heavens name would I have a complaint.
I repeat: Neither the world nor Jack Hunt owes me a living.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
<< <i>Got my CnT order. I don't think any are worthy of submission, maybe one of them. Nice mix of dmpl and pl but each has a major scratch or noticeable mark. >>
Same for my second set.
First set looked real good sent all 5 in/ Waiting for grades to pop.
I made up a grid in Excel to help me keep up with the America The Beautiful program. Which parks/states in which year and what parks in those states. I tried uploading it here but Excel is not a permitted format. So I made a PDF. Trying to upload that, it said 50k was the size limit and the file was too big. I deleted the map from the Excel version and made a new PDF way under 50k. This upload attempt produced the same "format not permitted" message.
If any body would like a copy, in Excel or PDF, with or with out map, PM me with your email and format choice and I'll shoot off an email to you.
After having several sets graded, I need to sell off the dupes/extras. I could use some opinions here. Should I sell the following as a set or as individuals? I'm really wondering since the grading isn't consistent. (all PCGS FS) Yellowstone MS68PL Grand Canyon MS69PL Hot Springs MS69PL Yosemite MS68DMPL Mount Hood MS69PL
<< <i>Got my CnT order. I don't think any are worthy of submission, maybe one of them. Nice mix of dmpl and pl but each has a major scratch or noticeable mark. >>
Same for my second set.
First set looked real good sent all 5 in/ Waiting for grades to pop.
<< <i>After having several sets graded, I need to sell off the dupes/extras. I could use some opinions here. Should I sell the following as a set or as individuals? I'm really wondering since the grading isn't consistent. (all PCGS FS) Yellowstone MS68PL Grand Canyon MS69PL Hot Springs MS69PL Yosemite MS68DMPL Mount Hood MS69PL >>
I asked the same type of question, few pages answers to it.
That's a tough question - I'm thinking of sitting tight for a bit to see what happens when the 2010's are no longer "available" from the AP's.
We're seeing a glut market at the moment. Not a good time to sell + low silver spot.
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
And out of the blue comes a phone call from Prudential last night -- my account was "accepted" and the wait process begins with check clearance, blah blah blah.
I had my order returned a few weeks ago (UPS 2-day) with a drivers license addy that did not match my current addy. I responded with a letter of explanation and they accepted.
I hope it's worth the wait and next round of waiting for the shipping payment to clear. What a goat-rope. Let them be virgins!
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
<< <i>Got my Jack Hunt set ten minutes ago. One Mt. Hood PCGS First Strike Gem BU, one Yellowstone NGC Early Release MS69, the rest raw with various degrees of hairlining.
No complaints. I got what I paid for, at about $38 per ounce when silver was over $40.
Neither the world nor Jack Hunt owes me a living. I was offered five uncirculated bullion coins at less than melt. I got that. Why is heavens name would I have a complaint.
I repeat: Neither the world nor Jack Hunt owes me a living.
After seeing all the junk being sold off on Fee-bay and all the MS-69's on TV. I can tell we where getting the big one from all the bullion dealer's. I am happy to see the mint selling them so we don't need to buy from the others. That is one reason the bullion dealers are selling them at the new prices and some of us are getting the mix of graded and not graded coins. I don't think this helps them out on what they did and are still doing to us all, by geting rid of all there mix match sets.
<< <i>After seeing all the junk being sold off on Fee-bay and all the MS-69's on TV. I can tell we where getting the big one from all the bullion dealer's. I am happy to see the mint selling them so we don't need to buy from the others. That is one reason the bullion dealers are selling them at the new prices and some of us are getting the mix of graded and not graded coins. I don't think this helps them out on what they did and are still doing to us all, by geting rid of all there mix match sets. >>
and thus the source of the complaints.
randomly getting junk is one thing, seeing the good ones sold on eBay in quantity is another.
<< <i>Got my Jack Hunt set ten minutes ago. One Mt. Hood PCGS First Strike Gem BU, one Yellowstone NGC Early Release MS69, the rest raw with various degrees of hairlining.
No complaints. I got what I paid for, at about $38 per ounce when silver was over $40.
Neither the world nor Jack Hunt owes me a living. I was offered five uncirculated bullion coins at less than melt. I got that. Why is heavens name would I have a complaint.
I repeat: Neither the world nor Jack Hunt owes me a living.
I am glad that you both feel that way, I have worked over 30 years as a cement mason, so i really don't undertand what your talking about, They signed a agreement with the mint to sell all 3700 to the public they did not do this. Why do you think this has anything to do with money? It has to do with honesty, I don't know what you guys do for a living but if what jack did was ok by you, than your welcome to your opinion, but for the rest of us that really understand what they did you have to be crazy to think this is about them oweing me anything. JACK HUNT kept the 69dm and sold them for 1900 and up and thats just the yellowstones lets watch the rest of there stash go up later. Jack doesn't owe me anything but a good explanation as to why they sold yours and mine coins out the back door and against the MINTS RULES. So if you don't want to fight for the group thats fine, and if you really believe what jack did is ok well again your entitled to your opinion and good luck on collecting this series. ...............Enjoy
IMO, to answer the questions of selling the set or by singles, I would recommend singles - especially if you have mixed grades. I think people are assembling different graded levels of sets, (pl67s, 68s, or dmpl68s, 69 etc). This gives the potential buyer the chance to choose rather than the "all or nothing" set.
I am glad that you both feel that way, I have worked over 30 years as a cement mason, so i really don't undertand what your talking about, They signed a agreement with the mint to sell all 3700 to the public they did not do this. Why do you think this has anything to do with money? It has to do with honesty, I don't know what you guys do for a living but if what jack did was ok by you, than your welcome to your opinion, but for the rest of us that really understand what they did you have to be crazy to think this is about them oweing me anything. JACK HUNT kept the 69dm and sold them for 1900 and up and thats just the yellowstones lets watch the rest of there stash go up later. Jack doesn't owe me anything but a good explanation as to why they sold yours and mine coins out the back door and against the MINTS RULES. So if you don't want to fight for the group thats fine, and if you really believe what jack did is ok well again your entitled to your opinion and good luck on collecting this series. ...............Enjoy
I don't care if Jack Hunt sent in all 3,000 of their Yellowstones and got MS-69DMPLs on every single one of them.
But, I do care that they didn't make all of those coins available to the public, as their Mint agreement specified. THAT, I care about.
It really IS about honesty. And they are scumbags that think they should be able to do whatever the hell they want to do, as long as it works out good for them.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
<< <i>I spoke to quick my JHCB set is a very rare set ALL BUT 1 is (one of a Kind). Those bad 68 and 69 PL and DM`s are where most of coins are grading approximately 95% If not higher. So thanks JHCB for the leftovers, sorry the rarities. PS I`ll trade some one of a kind 62 DM`s for your yellowstone and yosemite 69 DM`s >>
Not too rare, mine are probably the same quality or possibly worse.
JHCB did there distribution 100% a$$backwards.
Any order/product distribution should be the earliest orders, usually from the best customers, SHOULD BE THE BEST product that you are sending out. The customers who were the last to order absolutley should not be getting the far better product.
I had order #190 and the quality of the coins sucked. I definetly feel like I got the short end of the stick for ordering promptly.
1 of the 25 lost
It will be here Thursday, we will see what they send me, hoping for better than what they promised (MS68's) but I doubt it.
And I should be getting grades back in the next few days from my Ebay MTB order, really excited about those
<< <i>
<< <i>I got my JHCB grades from PCGS today. When these came to me I placed them in air tights before I took a close look at them. Here are the JHCB Pcgs grades, Hot springs 64PL, Yellow stone 62DM, Yosemite 62DM, Grand canyon 66PL, Mount Hood 62PL, could these have been cherry picked, sure looks like it. So all the people who got graded coins did win the lottery (NOT ). They just got kissed after the screwing. Out of 35 coins I sent in from the good AP`s I got 1-65, 5-67`s, 12-68`s, 17-69`s. These types of dealings should not be accepted, even if you got graded coins you still got screwed ,But I was left bleeding in the ally. When JHCB said we would get Bullion he was NOT kidding. Some of the other AP`s stated these were Bullion and could be damage but they didn't cherry pick as my other 5 sets show. Please post your RAW grades from JHCB when you get them.I would hate to think I was the only one left in the ally. I got your pocket pieces right here. >>
My first reaction to your grades was " Dude, why did you even send those 62/64's in for grading"...I may not be 100% on separating the 68's from the 69's but I am fairly confident I can weed out the 62-65's. I previously sent 10 cherrypicked pucks in and got 1-67, 5-68's and 4-69's. I just sent in 17 more out of 5 sets and only ONE is from my JH set with the other 4 worthy of bullion only.
Just sayin'...... >>
If I had only sent in the 67`s for grading it could be said that I kept the 68`s and 69`s just so I could claim cherry picking. Grade all 5 as they came from JHCB tells the whole story. The lowest I had graded from other AP`s was 1-- 65, I never would have thought that I had that many 62`s. So (3) 62 (1) 64 and (1) 66 SHOWS some SERIOUS CHERRY PICKING THANKS ( NOT ) JHCB.
<< <i>It will be interesting to what the prices and pop reports for the 2011s ATB Bullion Version PCGS MS DPML 69s as compared to the 2010s.
Just an educated guess that the mint will be using the dies a lot more than longer than the 2010s. The reason I think there are so many 2010 PLs and DPMLs out there is because the mint struck less on each die in order to put them all to use. I know from the 5 APs that I purchased from-most were PL or DMPL.
So less PL/DMPLs for the 2011s maybe because of longer die usage? >>
Really? I got screwed then. Only one puck, out of two sets, is even close to having a mirror. The others look great but almost look like brushed metal versus polished.
1 Hot springs MS69 DMPL ,1 MS68 DMPL,and 1 ungraded.
1 Yellowstone MS69 PL, 1 MS68 PL,and 1 MS67
1 Yosemite MS69 DMPL, 1 68DMPL, and 1 MS69 PL
2 Grand Canyon MS69 PL, 1 MS68 DMPL, and 1 MS68 PL
1 Mount Hood MS69 PL ,1 MS66 DMPL, and 1 ungraded
The 2 ungraded coins I don't feel will grade very high and probably are destined to be sold for scrap.
I have 2 more sets on the way so maybe I will get lucky.
I just cant seem to come up with a set of anything so far.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>67s are still pretty nice looking coins. >>
Especially seeing they are DMPL's. >>
So they are nice looking coins.................and then.........and then.
Are you saying if you sent in the best 5 out of 10 you would be happy with those grades? I would have been pissed. >>
I am totally disappointed for sure. They all looked nice to me. I checked each one under a magnifying glass and picked, to my eye, the best one to send in. Grading from 65 to 70 may be obvious all lined up side by side, but seen separately with no comparison sample as a guide would be challenging to most except experienced professional graders. Like picking the proverbial nit. The difference between a 67 and 68 or 68 and 69 has to be the smallest of defects, scuffs, spots and nicks.
It's the luck of the draw. Getting pizzed is only gonna raise my blood pressure. I'm fairly happy I got 4/5 DM's even if one was a 65. How about that 62 reported earlier? I can see his face dropping as he read that in his report. Sorry guy.
To get a solid 69 DM set out of the draw would be like winning the lottery. A very rare occurrence. Hasn't happened yet. I could have been the one. STELLA!!!!!
Thanks for all the info provide in this thread.
Surprised, all 10 were PCGS graded.
5 MS68DM (3 diff)
1 MS68PL
2 MS68
That was a surprise. Both sets were in order #s in the 600
I was wondering how I would ever get a PCGS graded set, didn't want to spend money and get lower grades.
Plan is now to sell off the dups and try and buy others to replace.
I think I can do it on ebay and end up with a MS68DM set and a gem set and break even.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>67s are still pretty nice looking coins. >>
Especially seeing they are DMPL's. >>
So they are nice looking coins.................and then.........and then.
Are you saying if you sent in the best 5 out of 10 you would be happy with those grades? I would have been pissed. >>
I am totally disappointed for sure. They all looked nice to me. I checked each one under a magnifying glass and picked, to my eye, the best one to send in. Grading from 65 to 70 may be obvious all lined up side by side, but seen separately with no comparison sample as a guide would be challenging to most except experienced professional graders. Like picking the proverbial nit. The difference between a 67 and 68 or 68 and 69 has to be the smallest of defects, scuffs, spots and nicks.
It's the luck of the draw. Getting pizzed is only gonna raise my blood pressure. I'm fairly happy I got 4/5 DM's even if one was a 65. How about that 62 reported earlier? I can see his face dropping as he read that in his report. Sorry guy.
To get a solid 69 DM set out of the draw would be like winning the lottery. A very rare occurrence. Hasn't happened yet. I could have been the one. STELLA!!!!! >>
I wasn't trying to raise your blood pressure but I have followed this thread daily since page one and I have seen many grades comes back that poorly besides one member (7of8). I hope Karma is on your side and you get a couple MS69DMPL's on your next submission.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
<< <i>I wasn't trying to raise your blood pressure but I have followed this thread daily since page one and I have seen many grades comes back that poorly besides one member (7of8). I hope Karma is on your side and you get a couple MS69DMPL's on your next submission. >>
From your lips to God's ear.
<< <i>Has anyone heard from the Prudential "shipping" people about shipping their order???? They cashed my check several weeks ago, got ok phone call and the confirmation letter but not word one about when they are going quit holding my money hostage and ship the dam things..... >>
nothing here
<< <i>
<< <i>Has anyone heard from the Prudential "shipping" people about shipping their order???? They cashed my check several weeks ago, got ok phone call and the confirmation letter but not word one about when they are going quit holding my money hostage and ship the dam things..... >>
nothing here >>
OK, guys, here's the poop. I talked to Diamond State last Thurs to get info on how the PB shipping process actually works, because it's been a mystery to me so far.
Diamond State receives on Wednesdays ATB puck releases from PB.
Thursdays are the day DS processes the releases and then the "request for funds / shipping authorization" is mailed typically the following Monday to you, the shipee.
Then, the shipee, returns the form with a check for $65. Personal checks are then held for 7 - 10 business days by DS. After check clearance, your order goes out within two business days.
Now - here's the next part......DS has not received any ATB releases from PB since PB started selling pucks again. I repeat-DS has not received any ATB releases from PB since PB started selling pucks again.
DS expects to receive a slew of PB ATB releases next Wednesday and the DS puck shipping ball will start rolling again.
<< <i>Yes it looks like The JH raw sets were pure crap These were the first customers to order. Time running out to get rid of 2010 coins These are the latter orders,They get 66 to 68 maybe a 69graded sets ( the experiment) and maybe some raw or BU graded coins, don't count on good grades on the RAW and BU`s. Where did the GOOD 69 DMPLS go Still in the Safe ??? >>
We'll see. I have three of my JHCB pucks in the grading pipeline now. I was order #158 and all of mine arrived in bubblewrap enveloped. Of those three, I felt two had great shots at 69 DMPL and the third will be a 68 or 69 PL or DMPL. I've seen a few of these pucks and have my own 69 DMPL set to compare with, so I feel my pre-grades should be pretty close...unless, of course, they have tightened or changed the grading criteria since February...
mbogoman Lutho
I also bought a set from A-Mark earlier.
My Hunt coins were crap also. Got rid of them the same week I got them, and made a little profit.
<< <i>unless, of course, they have tightened or changed the grading criteria since February... >>
THAT would be shocking........................................................................................NOT!
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Has anyone heard from the Prudential "shipping" people about shipping their order???? They cashed my check several weeks ago, got ok phone call and the confirmation letter but not word one about when they are going quit holding my money hostage and ship the dam things..... >>
nothing here >>
OK, guys, here's the poop. I talked to Diamond State last Thurs to get info on how the PB shipping process actually works, because it's been a mystery to me so far.
Diamond State receives on Wednesdays ATB puck releases from PB.
Thursdays are the day DS processes the releases and then the "request for funds / shipping authorization" is mailed typically the following Monday to you, the shipee.
Then, the shipee, returns the form with a check for $65. Personal checks are then held for 7 - 10 business days by DS. After check clearance, your order goes out within two business days.
Now - here's the next part......DS has not received any ATB releases from PB since PB started selling pucks again. I repeat-DS has not received any ATB releases from PB since PB started selling pucks again.
DS expects to receive a slew of PB ATB releases next Wednesday and the DS puck shipping ball will start rolling again. >>
Thanks for the info! That's freakin B.S. imho. So we are looking at another month to get them, wonderful. Anyone else tired of the AP games and delays?? I am glad this is my last dealing with them!! So if any any are worthy of submitting to PCGS you are looking at July till you get them back graded. The pucks have been fun but has tried my lack of patience
<< <i>I just bought one Gettysburg from Provident. At least I won't have to worry about coins hitting each other in shipment. Couldn't bring myself to buy from Gainesville Coin or Apmex, never will.
I also bought a set from A-Mark earlier.
My Hunt coins were crap also. Got rid of them the same week I got them, and made a little profit. >>
Ditto for me, but I got 1 of each for $499.12 (CC price) + $8.95 S&H. $140 under my A-Mark cost. Trying a little cost averaging here.
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."
~ Vince Lombardi
I'm waiting this one out a little to see where silver settles.
I think I may be able to help. I've been following the ATB puck saga on this forum and Ebay for months now. Being an avid investor and collector, I have bought a set from each AP (except GC), thanks to the information sharing on this forum.
To get to the point, in the past week, while doing my weekly completed auctions searches I've noticed a seller pop up numerous times selling 15 PCGS Yellowstone MS69 DMPLs. Further delving into his feedback shows that he's sold 20+ sets and has made statements like "actual coins have not be unpacked from original mint tube," "after purchase, top coin will be removed, packaged and shipped" and "coins have not been handled since leaving the mint." Another interesting note is that he lives in Williamsville, NY, which is less than 20 minutes away from Jack Hunt in Kenmore, NY!
I might just be obsessing over nothing, but this seller has really caught my attention because of the sheer number of PCGS Yellowstone MS69 DMPLs he has in hand. I can't imagine how many sets you would have to cherry pick through to have this kind of success.
Anyway, here's a link to one of his completed auctions: jack hunt experiment?
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
You are now chatting with 'Stephanie'
Stephanie: Hello!
Stephanie: How can I help you today?
Kirk: Hi, Curiosity question. For the 2010 5 oz Silver ATB 5-Coin Set PCGS BU or Better (May 13th) orders, can you tell me what the "or better" means? In other words what was the minimum numerical grade that Apmex requested from PCGS?
Stephanie: That is a good question, let me check on that for you.
Stephanie: Ok, I just checked on that for you... give me a minute to explain
Stephanie: It means that we are sending them out to you as BU but if you were to send them out to have them graded (which we are not) then you could get a better grade than BU... which is anything more than MS-63 (I believe
Stephanie: )
Kirk: Okay, but they are coming in PCGS holders as BU?
Stephanie: Correct!
Kirk: Okay thanks for your time. I am excited for my set. Have a good day!
Stephanie: You too!!
No complaints. I got what I paid for, at about $38 per ounce when silver was over $40.
<< <i> ................
Anyway, here's a link to one of his completed auctions: jack hunt experiment? >>
Oh, this is GBG (the Golf Ball Guy). Remember him? He came to our attention many many pages ago in this thread. So that's where his stuff came from!
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."
~ Vince Lombardi
<< <i>Got my Jack Hunt set ten minutes ago. One Mt. Hood PCGS First Strike Gem BU, one Yellowstone NGC Early Release MS69, the rest raw with various degrees of hairlining.
No complaints. I got what I paid for, at about $38 per ounce when silver was over $40.
TD >>
No complaints? Jack sold all of your other ones for 1800 a piece still no complaints? the coins you and i should have gotten Enjoy
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
I know the coins I got from them were junk. I sold them for $1100, did not lose money, but sure as hell did not get what I should have gotten. (non cherry picked coins)
<< <i>Is there a way to buy these coins that have not been picked through? >>
The only 100% sure way I know of is to buy a sealed monster box from one of the APs.
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."
~ Vince Lombardi
<< <i>
<< <i>Got my Jack Hunt set ten minutes ago. One Mt. Hood PCGS First Strike Gem BU, one Yellowstone NGC Early Release MS69, the rest raw with various degrees of hairlining.
No complaints. I got what I paid for, at about $38 per ounce when silver was over $40.
TD >>
No complaints? Jack sold all of your other ones for 1800 a piece still no complaints? the coins you and i should have gotten Enjoy
Neither the world nor Jack Hunt owes me a living. I was offered five uncirculated bullion coins at less than melt. I got that. Why is heavens name would I have a complaint.
I repeat: Neither the world nor Jack Hunt owes me a living.
<< <i>Got my CnT order. I don't think any are worthy of submission, maybe one of them. Nice mix of dmpl and pl but each has a major scratch or noticeable mark. >>
Same for my second set.
First set looked real good sent all 5 in/ Waiting for grades to pop.
If any body would like a copy, in Excel or PDF, with or with out map, PM me with your email and format choice and I'll shoot off an email to you.
(all PCGS FS)
Yellowstone MS68PL
Grand Canyon MS69PL
Hot Springs MS69PL
Yosemite MS68DMPL
Mount Hood MS69PL
<< <i>
<< <i>Got my CnT order. I don't think any are worthy of submission, maybe one of them. Nice mix of dmpl and pl but each has a major scratch or noticeable mark. >>
Same for my second set.
First set looked real good sent all 5 in/ Waiting for grades to pop.
Joe >>
Grades just posted, very happy, thanks CNT.
<< <i>After having several sets graded, I need to sell off the dupes/extras. I could use some opinions here. Should I sell the following as a set or as individuals? I'm really wondering since the grading isn't consistent.
(all PCGS FS)
Yellowstone MS68PL
Grand Canyon MS69PL
Hot Springs MS69PL
Yosemite MS68DMPL
Mount Hood MS69PL >>
I asked the same type of question, few pages answers to it.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
We're seeing a glut market at the moment. Not a good time to sell + low silver spot.
I had my order returned a few weeks ago (UPS 2-day) with a drivers license addy that did not match my current addy. I responded with a letter of explanation and they accepted.
I hope it's worth the wait and next round of waiting for the shipping payment to clear. What a goat-rope. Let them be virgins!
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Got my Jack Hunt set ten minutes ago. One Mt. Hood PCGS First Strike Gem BU, one Yellowstone NGC Early Release MS69, the rest raw with various degrees of hairlining.
No complaints. I got what I paid for, at about $38 per ounce when silver was over $40.
TD >>
No complaints? Jack sold all of your other ones for 1800 a piece still no complaints? the coins you and i should have gotten Enjoy
Neither the world nor Jack Hunt owes me a living. I was offered five uncirculated bullion coins at less than melt. I got that. Why is heavens name would I have a complaint.
I repeat: Neither the world nor Jack Hunt owes me a living.
Hoard the keys.
<< <i>After seeing all the junk being sold off on Fee-bay and all the MS-69's on TV. I can tell we where getting the big one from all the bullion dealer's. I am happy to see the mint selling them so we don't need to buy from the others. That is one reason the bullion dealers are selling them at the new prices and some of us are getting the mix of graded and not graded coins. I don't think this helps them out on what they did and are still doing to us all, by geting rid of all there mix match sets.
and thus the source of the complaints.
randomly getting junk is one thing, seeing the good ones sold on eBay in quantity is another.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Got my Jack Hunt set ten minutes ago. One Mt. Hood PCGS First Strike Gem BU, one Yellowstone NGC Early Release MS69, the rest raw with various degrees of hairlining.
No complaints. I got what I paid for, at about $38 per ounce when silver was over $40.
TD >>
No complaints? Jack sold all of your other ones for 1800 a piece still no complaints? the coins you and i should have gotten Enjoy
Neither the world nor Jack Hunt owes me a living. I was offered five uncirculated bullion coins at less than melt. I got that. Why is heavens name would I have a complaint.
I repeat: Neither the world nor Jack Hunt owes me a living.
I am glad that you both feel that way, I have worked over 30 years as a cement mason, so i really don't undertand what your talking about, They signed a agreement with the mint to sell all 3700 to the public they did not do this. Why do you think this has anything to do with money? It has to do with honesty, I don't know what you guys do for a living but if what jack did was ok by you, than your welcome to your opinion, but for the rest of us that really understand what they did you have to be crazy to think this is about them oweing me anything. JACK HUNT kept the 69dm and sold them for 1900 and up and thats just the yellowstones lets watch the rest of there stash go up later. Jack doesn't owe me anything but a good explanation as to why they sold yours and mine coins out the back door and against the MINTS RULES. So if you don't want to fight for the group thats fine, and if you really believe what jack did is ok well again your entitled to your opinion and good luck on collecting this series. ...............Enjoy
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
this world are the worst of the bad apples. They are super rich and have obviously used devious means
to enhance their wealth. It is not about the few extra dollars that they have stolen from us at all, it is all
about being honest in their lives and treating people the way they would want to be treated. I know I
will never deal with them again but if anyone else wishes to I wish them well as they deserve what they
get. Have a great day collecting coins guys and gals.
But, I do care that they didn't make all of those coins available to the public, as their Mint agreement specified. THAT, I care about.
It really IS about honesty. And they are scumbags that think they should be able to do whatever the hell they want to do, as long as it works out good for them.
I knew it would happen.