- A bunch of people are picking on a guy for collecting wrestling cards. Obviously not cool considering we're all a rung underneath the social ladder based on the simple fact that we're posting on this board.
- Obviously dpeck has some self esteem issues and feels the need to emphasize his own importance (and those around him). Needling this issue seems like overkill.
- Whether it's this thread or some other factor, the prices of this random wrestling set have skyrocketed and no one can deny this. We can all make excuses as to why this has happened, but it doesn't make it any less true.
- The theory that a person that can't grasp the financial advantages of sniping is single-handedly running a scheme that has increased the international market value of a set 1000% is fairly laughable.
- We're talking about sports cards. Who gives a crap. The one person in the world who has the most invested in this set will probably make around $2,000. That's not putting anybody's kids through college. >>
Agreed. I will add that Dpeck has been amazingly tolerant of the personal attacks made in this thread - looking up someone's facebook page and making derogatory comments about his wife is reprehensible. I am actually interested in these cards and why they have been going up, but it's hard to have an intelligent discussion with 40+ pages of non-funny, mostly insulting comments.
<< <i>A bunch of people are picking on a guy for collecting wrestling cards. >>
I don't think anyone made fun of dpeck for collecting wrestling cards. Could be mistaken but thought it all started with being in the wrong forum (ie non-sports).
I would look but I'm too lazy...
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
Look, either way I came to talk about Wrestling Cards. I have nearly 1000 of these cards and could care less what a few internet key board jockies think. I have the largest collection of these by far and that is what I am focused on.
This circus has gone on for a while and it has been fun. But the bottom line is I own 7 Hogan's, 10 Flair's, 12 Andre The Giant's, 15 Jesse Ventura, 14 Greg Valentine's, 14 Iron Sheik's, 13 Dusty Rhodes, 12 Kerry Von Erichs and a ton of the rest of the cards.
I mailed off this morning 142 cards to PSA and in time I will have 70% of the graded cards by PSA. Make fun all you want. You can not hurt my feelings I promise.
<< <i>I own 7 Hogan's, 10 Flair's, 12 Andre The Giant's, 15 Jesse Ventura, 14 Greg Valentine's, 14 Iron Sheik's, 13 Dusty Rhodes, 12 Kerry Von Erichs and a ton of the rest of the cards. >>
That's cool and I certainly can't slam anyone for what they collect considering the garbage I collect.
Only a few of these that I actually care to add to my collection.
Don Muraco Paul Orndorff Sgt Slaughter Jimmy Snuka Jay Strongbow (to replace the creased one I ended up with) Ivan Putski Bob Backlund Iron Sheik
Possible a few others like Iron Mike Sharpe Fred Blassie Lou Albano
Just the guys that I got a kick out back in the day. No hurry though as I never stay focused on one thing that long anyway.
So out of the blue, completely randomly, everyone started to pile on you and you're just an innocent victim?
Wow, must have missed that.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
Back to wrestling cards!! No HERE'S a wrestling card of the greatest wrestler ever!! Dan Gable....never lost a single match from the time he started wrestling in grade school up until his final match his seinor year in college. Went on to win gold in the '72 Olympics. He was injured but won anyway....and if memory serves me correctly, never allowed a SINGLE point to be scored against him in the process!!!
Ivan Putski and the High Flyers (Greg Gagne and Jim Brunzell sp?)....they were my favorites growing up!! Went to a couple matches in Omaha in the late 70's. Most the guys were really personable. Hung out outisde the arena and got to shake their hands..that was cool!! *side note: There were three boys in our family and all wrestled. My dad HATED this stuff...called it wrastlin'!! lol
Yeah, the Pro wrestling growing up was pretty cool. Too bad the guys like Gable who were real wrestlers, who loved the sport just for the sport, couldn't make a living at it. The UFC now is the closest thing to that...wrestlers do well there and CAN make a living.
You mean, let us understand this cause, ya know maybe it's us, we're a little messed up maybe, but we're funny how, I mean funny like we're clowns, we amuse you? We make you laugh, we're here to amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How are we funny?
No, no, I don't know, you said it. How do we know? You said we're funny. How are we funny, what is so funny about us? Tell me, tell me what's funny!
That's all that I could picture when I saw the line you guys are funny.
Dan Gable is probably similar to Matt Lindland or a Randy Couture. He had no flash and size so pro wrestling at the time would not work. In today's world the UFC is the ultimate destination for real wrestlers.
I agree, UFC rocks. I catch it whenever I can. Randy Couture is by far my favorite. Probably cuz he IS a true wrestler and paid his dues to get where he is. Oh yeah, and it's kinda cool watching the old guy kicking the crap of the youger guys. He is in phoenominal shape for 47 years old!
I have more fun collecting Dan Gable than any other athlete.... I have given him cards that he did not know existed..... Great guy
BUYING Frank Gotch T229 Kopec Looking to BUY n332 1889 SF Hess cards and high grade cards from 19th century especially. "Once you have wrestled everything else in life is easy" Dan Gable
Our local 80s wrestling league had Marty Jannetty...and another future bigger league wrestler but I can't remember who off hand.
The champion for the longest was Art Crews. Somewhere I have his autograph in a Garfield Autograph Book. He only signed for 3-4 people...on his way to the ring that day...and I was one of them. Pretty cool at the time.
One of the cooler things back then, is you could hang out by where the wrestlers came out, and there would always be a couple of them watching the ring chatting with you. Wrestling has changed a lot since then.
As I noted before, it is not the subject of the cards, that has made forum members label you a DB...10x the times it has ever been used before.
PS: Something I found weird back then....all the midget wrestlers, had the hottest wives.
Collecting PSA graded Steve Young, Marcus Allen, Bret Saberhagen and 1980s Topps Cards. Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
Just to clarify since the original trainwreck thread is now poofed:
DPeck spent days arguing how sniping didn't work and he spent that time arguing with people that have been eBay members since it was originally a PEZ dispenser website.
Then he decided to get offensive and try to show how cool he was for colllecting cards of actors and how nerdy we were for collecting cards of real athletes.
Then he said it didn't matter if he posted the cards he was bidding on because he could outbid us all. He was right but was still too dumb to figure out we could shill up the auctions.
Then he went on a rant about the prestigious financial institution he went to even though he thought 67-56=8.
Then he went through his I'm rich, good looking and have a hot wife rant.
When none of that proved he wasn't a douchebag, he decided he would try to convince us how cool his brother is.
You guys can call me any name you want. I am not certain what city you live in but only key board jockies call me Dbag. In real life and up close none of you would go there. You can laugh all you want, it makes this more fun for me.
Have fun in your little internet dream world. I came here as a 26 year card collecting vet. Think what you want.
<< <i>You guys can call me any name you want. I am not certain what city you live in but only key board jockies call me Dbag. In real life and up close none of you would go there. You can laugh all you want, it makes this more fun for me.
Have fun in your little internet dream world. I came here as a 26 year card collecting vet. Think what you want. >>
I live at 284 Arthur Shreveport, LA 71105. Feel free to stop by. I love internet tough guys that call everyone else internet tough guys.
EDIT TO ADD: You're (not your like you posted earlier) a douchebag
<< <i>You guys can call me any name you want. I am not certain what city you live in but only key board jockies call me Dbag. In real life and up close none of you would go there. You can laugh all you want, it makes this more fun for me.
Have fun in your little internet dream world. I came here as a 26 year card collecting vet. Think what you want. >>
Just for the record, I don't believe I have called you DBag...although I am sure I likely agreed with others.
I did call you cheerleader a couple times...which is a name you suggested.
Collecting PSA graded Steve Young, Marcus Allen, Bret Saberhagen and 1980s Topps Cards. Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
Dream all you want. I know it kills you and you just have to swallow your pride. Move on. You two are like pack of wolves.
The best part is I am not the Internet loser like you thought you were dealing with. Have fun behind the keyboard. In real life it is very clear what is up. Sorry fellas.
How much coke/juice was that guy on?
<< <i>A few observations here:
- A bunch of people are picking on a guy for collecting wrestling cards. Obviously not cool considering we're all a rung underneath the social ladder based on the simple fact that we're posting on this board.
- Obviously dpeck has some self esteem issues and feels the need to emphasize his own importance (and those around him). Needling this issue seems like overkill.
- Whether it's this thread or some other factor, the prices of this random wrestling set have skyrocketed and no one can deny this. We can all make excuses as to why this has happened, but it doesn't make it any less true.
- The theory that a person that can't grasp the financial advantages of sniping is single-handedly running a scheme that has increased the international market value of a set 1000% is fairly laughable.
- We're talking about sports cards. Who gives a crap. The one person in the world who has the most invested in this set will probably make around $2,000. That's not putting anybody's kids through college. >>
Agreed. I will add that Dpeck has been amazingly tolerant of the personal attacks made in this thread - looking up someone's facebook page and making derogatory comments about his wife is reprehensible. I am actually interested in these cards and why they have been going up, but it's hard to have an intelligent discussion with 40+ pages of non-funny, mostly insulting comments.
<< <i>Didn't you say these Hogan cards were rare? If so why is one on ebay every week? >>
Since they are fetching come cash, they started printing them again.
Looking for Bob Uecker cards
My Ebay Auctions
<< <i>it's hard to have an intelligent discussion with 40+ pages of non-funny, mostly insulting comments. >>
I'm not sure what thread you're referring to, but it certainly cannot be this one.
<< <i>
<< <i>Didn't you say these Hogan cards were rare? If so why is one on ebay every week? >>
Since they are fetching come cash, they started printing them again.
Bob >>
What??? That could never happen!!
89 UD Griffey
<< <i>A bunch of people are picking on a guy for collecting wrestling cards. >>
I don't think anyone made fun of dpeck for collecting wrestling cards. Could be mistaken but thought it all started with being in the wrong forum (ie non-sports).
I would look but I'm too lazy...
<< <i>A bunch of people are picking on a guy for collecting wrestling cards. >>
Untrue. What he got picked on for was defending the position of not sniping being better than sniping. He could collect pink teacups for all i care.
Look, either way I came to talk about Wrestling Cards. I have nearly 1000 of these cards and could care less what a few internet key board jockies think. I have the largest collection of these by far and that is what I am focused on.
This circus has gone on for a while and it has been fun. But the bottom line is I own 7 Hogan's, 10 Flair's, 12 Andre The Giant's, 15 Jesse Ventura, 14 Greg Valentine's, 14 Iron Sheik's, 13 Dusty Rhodes, 12 Kerry Von Erichs and a ton of the rest of the cards.
I mailed off this morning 142 cards to PSA and in time I will have 70% of the graded cards by PSA. Make fun all you want. You can not hurt my feelings I promise.
I propose we move back to the cards.
<< <i>I own 7 Hogan's, 10 Flair's, 12 Andre The Giant's, 15 Jesse Ventura, 14 Greg Valentine's, 14 Iron Sheik's, 13 Dusty Rhodes, 12 Kerry Von Erichs and a ton of the rest of the cards. >>
That's cool and I certainly can't slam anyone for what they collect considering the garbage I collect.
Only a few of these that I actually care to add to my collection.
Don Muraco
Paul Orndorff
Sgt Slaughter
Jimmy Snuka
Jay Strongbow (to replace the creased one I ended up with)
Ivan Putski
Bob Backlund
Iron Sheik
Possible a few others like
Iron Mike Sharpe
Fred Blassie
Lou Albano
Just the guys that I got a kick out back in the day. No hurry though as I never stay focused on one thing that long anyway.
Miscut Museum
My Mess
<< <i>No, it was a barage right away. >>
So out of the blue, completely randomly, everyone started to pile on you and you're just an innocent victim?
Wow, must have missed that.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
Go read a few threads and you will understand. I suggest you go read any thread with wrestling in the title.
I could care less and there is not an ounce of sympothy requested.
*side note: There were three boys in our family and all wrestled. My dad HATED this stuff...called it wrastlin'!! lol
Outside of the BS of this thread, it should represent people who had moments of their lives shaped by Pro Wrestling!!!
<< <i>You guys are funny. >>
What do you mean we're funny?
What do you mean, you mean the way we talk? What?
You mean, let us understand this cause, ya know maybe it's us, we're a little messed up maybe, but we're funny how, I mean funny like we're clowns, we amuse you? We make you laugh, we're here to amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How are we funny?
No, no, I don't know, you said it. How do we know? You said we're funny. How are we funny, what is so funny about us? Tell me, tell me what's funny!
That's all that I could picture when I saw the line you guys are funny.
Miscut Museum
My Mess
Looking to BUY n332 1889 SF Hess cards and high grade cards from 19th century especially. "Once you have wrestled everything else in life is easy" Dan Gable
The champion for the longest was Art Crews. Somewhere I have his autograph in a Garfield Autograph Book. He only signed for 3-4 people...on his way to the ring that day...and I was one of them. Pretty cool at the time.
One of the cooler things back then, is you could hang out by where the wrestlers came out, and there would always be a couple of them watching the ring chatting with you. Wrestling has changed a lot since then.
As I noted before, it is not the subject of the cards, that has made forum members label you a DB...10x the times it has ever been used before.
PS: Something I found weird back then....all the midget wrestlers, had the hottest wives.
Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
DPeck spent days arguing how sniping didn't work and he spent that time arguing with people that have been eBay members since it was originally a PEZ dispenser website.
Then he decided to get offensive and try to show how cool he was for colllecting cards of actors and how nerdy we were for collecting cards of real athletes.
Then he said it didn't matter if he posted the cards he was bidding on because he could outbid us all. He was right but was still too dumb to figure out we could shill up the auctions.
Then he went on a rant about the prestigious financial institution he went to even though he thought 67-56=8.
Then he went through his I'm rich, good looking and have a hot wife rant.
When none of that proved he wasn't a douchebag, he decided he would try to convince us how cool his brother is.
Then the cycle started all over again.
Have fun in your little internet dream world. I came here as a 26 year card collecting vet. Think what you want.
<< <i>You guys can call me any name you want. I am not certain what city you live in but only key board jockies call me Dbag. In real life and up close none of you would go there. You can laugh all you want, it makes this more fun for me.
Have fun in your little internet dream world. I came here as a 26 year card collecting vet. Think what you want. >>
I live at 284 Arthur Shreveport, LA 71105. Feel free to stop by. I love internet tough guys that call everyone else internet tough guys.
EDIT TO ADD: You're (not your like you posted earlier) a douchebag
There is not chance that you would even begin to step in real life.
Move on you are the definition of a hater!!!!!
Go buy a few more cards for a buck!
<< <i>You guys can call me any name you want. I am not certain what city you live in but only key board jockies call me Dbag. In real life and up close none of you would go there. You can laugh all you want, it makes this more fun for me.
Have fun in your little internet dream world. I came here as a 26 year card collecting vet. Think what you want. >>
Just for the record, I don't believe I have called you DBag...although I am sure I likely agreed with others.
I did call you cheerleader a couple times...which is a name you suggested.
Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
<< <i>In real life and up close none of you would go there. >>
The National is in Chicago next year, I hope you can make it!
<< <i>Rabbit Hunter get real.
There is not chance that you would even begin to step in real life.
Move on you are the definition of a hater!!!!!
Go buy a few more cards for a buck! >>
That prestigious financial college in Florida must not have had any English classes.
<< <i>
<< <i>In real life and up close none of you would go there. >>
The National is in Chicago next year, I hope you can make it!
I hope he and Gecko can make an appearance.
<< <i>You should be able to pick me out in the crowd!
On second thought... maybe not, it IS a Sports Collectors Convention after all. lol >>
Jeff, that guy looks nothing like you. He's too short.
Dream all you want. I know it kills you and you just have to swallow your pride. Move on. You two are like pack of wolves.
The best part is I am not the Internet loser like you thought you were dealing with. Have fun behind the keyboard. In real life it is very clear what is up. Sorry fellas.
Be careful what you wish for because sometimes the mouth writes checks the body isn't able to cover...
<< <i>Rabbit Hunter get real.
There is not chance that you would even begin to step in real life.
Move on you are the definition of a hater!!!!!
Go buy a few more cards for a buck! >>
Hater hatter!
<< <i>I am always amazed by those that post message board/Internet threats or state that someone would never say things they write in person.
Be careful what you wish for because sometimes the mouth writes checks the body isn't able to cover... >>
Not to scare off DouchePeck, but I tried to kick Scott's azz in Baltimore but he ran away like a sissy girl. I am a ninja. Just saying.
<< <i>
<< <i>Rabbit Hunter get real.
There is not chance that you would even begin to step in real life.
Move on you are the definition of a hater!!!!!
Go buy a few more cards for a buck! >>
Hater hatter! >>
Mad Hater hatter!!
Looking for Bob Uecker cards
My Ebay Auctions
<< <i>
<< <i>I am always amazed by those that post message board/Internet threats or state that someone would never say things they write in person.
Be careful what you wish for because sometimes the mouth writes checks the body isn't able to cover... >>
Not to scare off DouchePeck, but I tried to kick Scott's azz in Baltimore but he ran away like a sissy girl. I am a ninja. Just saying. >>
I didn't run away . . . You kept kicking my walker!
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>I am always amazed by those that post message board/Internet threats or state that someone would never say things they write in person.
Be careful what you wish for because sometimes the mouth writes checks the body isn't able to cover... >>
Not to scare off DouchePeck, but I tried to kick Scott's azz in Baltimore but he ran away like a sissy girl. I am a ninja. Just saying. >>
I didn't run away . . . You kept kicking my walker! >>
Your handicapped azz was parked in a normal folks spot. You got what you deserved.
This is my new pooch: