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The 1952 Topps PSA Boards Set Build..Now 89% complete.......................


Ok everybody...

It was put to a vote and the winner is:


Now I would like to say..I told you guys that when I build this set I wanted to get a good start by making a rather large first purchase.

Thanks to a fellow board member I was able to acquire many cards for the set today.

We spent hours going back and forth putting the deal together for the first lot of cards in our quest. He gave me a very nice discount on the lot, and it is important we thank him:

Pat ( board name cohocorp)

He was nice enough to allow me to put the cards in the set, as they are bought and will be here hopefully by the end of next week.

Once the cards arrive I will scan every card and add them to the set.

I did buy a couple additional cards to put us at 25% complete already.

So we need another 306 to finish the set.

I did buy the pafko in a 4, and will upgrade when I find one I like that is well centered. The Parfko 4 that pat had was real nice centered for the grade and to tell you the truth was a little better eye appeal than the 5's I saw.
Not saying the 5's weren't nice, I just liked the 4 better.
Otherwise, I did get a bunch of 5's, 6's and 7's, The other cards I bought that cant be seen yet ( I cant add them to the registry) were psa 7's. Once they arrive we will add them to the set on the registry.
As promised I named the set "IJustLoveCards with the PSA Boards Help"
I wrote a nice discription about our journey together, and how we will add to the set.

Now for the prize:

We need to buy 406 cards. Excluding the Mantle. And getting Mathews in a 5 ( if I do get the mathews in a 6 I will add 3000.00 to everyones total). Please put your guess as to the final total it will cost to build the set.

Here is the Prize: ( One thing, you had to be a member of the psa boards as of yesterday August 18, 2009, I am sure some new members will join just to win the card and guess)

The closest to the correct final price gets a :

*******************PSA 8 1960 Topps Mickey Mantle Card***********************

Now I will rename this thread the 1952 Topps PSA Boards Set...
Please help me/us out..If you see deals on cards, listings, bargins, or have some to sell to help with the set... let me know via email or pm..my email address is :


This is going to be fun and exciting as we go and build the greatest post war set in the hobby.

Here is what we have so far as we kick this off...August 19, 2009
Please take the time to see the link and discription I wrote...while yes I do own the set..I want to include you guys as much as I can..If we make it real nice maybe we can convince joe to put an article about the set in the smr and how we did this together..

Let the Journey Begin..we enter the registry with the 55th current finest set..

The Link below will take you to the PSA Boards 1952 Set Build, I also have made 5 slideshows each slideshow is 100 cards long, card numbers 1-99,100-199,200-299,300-399, and 400-407
Link To Scanned 1952 Topps Cards Set is now 90% Complete Plus Slideshows of the 52 Set


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