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The rumors of Tim Mastin's demise may have been wildly exaggerated...ALL REFUNDS SENT!!



  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭

    At least I could tell that you tried to clean it with Clorox. How could you not know with that smell?
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭

    hi <----- insert waving icon here, if we had oneimage
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    splain loose lucy er stubbyimage
  • mickeymantle24mickeymantle24 Posts: 2,768 ✭✭✭
    Can I get a wooooooooooo wooooooooooooo Rubeimage
  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>hi <----- insert waving icon here, if we had oneimage >>


    There you go. image


  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭
    Last on: 6:38 pm!!

  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    crazy train comin thru, hey tim, gimme a woo!!!!!!!!!image
    "god bless us every one"-tiny tim
  • Rube, it looks like its time to send in the guncopters image

  • mickeymantle24mickeymantle24 Posts: 2,768 ✭✭✭
    The Rubechopper
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    <shaking head in disbelief>

    Good for you.
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    image where ya been steve, ya missed all the fun, it s like reading a soap opera probablyimage
  • calaban7calaban7 Posts: 3,018 ✭✭✭
    Craig , Very good legwork, as you have proven the ability on previous threads. I thought it was coming from the heart when you began the thread starting the process of getting the donations together. It took alots of brains and even more heart to unravel the deception. My hat goes off to you guy.

    By the way , where was the world famous detective "Fandango" at , in all of this ? I'm surprized he didn't know all about this , the moment the story broke. If he knew all about this , even before any of us (you) even thought of it, you may be up against a law suit, as all these comments that are commending you for your great and fine efforts , should be recanted and his name should be inserted, instead of yours.

    Craig you need to come clean, if the great "Fandango" did one of his own private investigations and somehow you intercepted his report. I don't know about you Craig.

    Great jobimage
    " In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    hes listening to talking john birch paranoid blues by bob dylanimage
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭

    << <i>By the way , where was the world famous detective "Fandango" at , in all of this ? I'm surprized he didn't know all about this , the moment the story broke. If he knew all about this , even before any of us (you) even thought of it, you may be up against a law suit, as all these comments that are commending you for your great and fine efforts , should be recanted and his name should be inserted, instead of yours. >>

    You can bet if Albert Pujols was involved, he would've sniffed it out. image
  • Hey I'm not big knowing a ton of laws, but wouldn't this be considered like attempted fraud?
  • I wonder who lives here ? Hint he just came back from the dead, this is public knowledge if you know where to find it . Hint , google maps, microsoft earth , OOPS i think I gave the answer and my backspace and delete button wont work . what a day.

    640K ought to be enough for anyone.
    -Bill Gates,1981

    "With hurricanes,tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another,& with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks,"Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?"" Jay Leno 2006

  • TheThrill22TheThrill22 Posts: 976 ✭✭✭
    Does anybody know if this tool sells on eBay? If so, anybody know his seller ID?
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Does anybody know if this tool sells on eBay? If so, anybody know his seller ID? >>

  • TheThrill22TheThrill22 Posts: 976 ✭✭✭
    Well he does have quite a number of items on eBay right now...
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    nice dorsett 1980 10$image
  • TheThrill22TheThrill22 Posts: 976 ✭✭✭
    It seems to me that with all the "Buy It Now" items listed, he could make quite a bit of money in a short period of time if he had bidders. I wonder if he accepts bids from new registered users with zero feedback?
  • image

    He probably needed the money to add on a second bathroom
  • TheThrill22TheThrill22 Posts: 976 ✭✭✭
    That guy is such a big piece of sh*t that he should have more than one bathroom.
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭
    Methinks he needs the money so he can have INDOOR plumbing!

    Stay Healthy!



    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • ldfergldferg Posts: 6,747 ✭✭✭
    interesting. he has some decent cards on ebay now.


    David (LD_Ferg)

    1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭
    I know a great charity that we could donate the money to. The adoption agency, where I adopted my daughter from, owns a safe house in China and there are many children there who are in need of surgery. My wife and I have donated money in the past and the money goes directly to the children's care.

    Just a thought. Great job on sniffing out this scam. I am speechless that anyone could so callously indifferent and passively watch while complete strangers donate their hard earned money to what they thought was a noble cause.

    In situations like this, I wish to god that caning was a legal form of punishment in the US. I can't think of anyone more deserving than Tim (or his wife...assuming she was aware of Tim's actions).


    Greg M.
    Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

    Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
    E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Was the only lie the one that was sent to favrefan? >>

    I still don't get this. He may be a bad person for privatly telling farvefan that he had passed, but how did they "keep the scam going"

    I'm not defending anyone or anything, I just dont see why he is being called a scam artist or scum?

    Dave >>

    Tim and/or Erin had the opportunity to end this more than once. First, I sent a PM to erinstubby on Tuesday, asking them to please contact me immediately. They have logged on at least twice since then and I have not gotten a response. Second, LMM called and spoke with Erin and rather than take that opportunity to end the lies, she said she would call back and still has not.

    While there was no active request for money, there was certainly the opportunity to contact myself or ANYONE to stop the donation process from happening. The onus was on them to do so. By actively avoiding the situation, they have become a scam artist and/or scum in many peoples' eyes.

    The ever-optimistic side of me really hopes that there's a reasonable explanation for all of this...and that erinstubby will come here and share. However, the overly-cynical side of me says that will never happen. Dynamic sides, for sure. >>

    I think the reasonable explanation is that one of them has some kind of horrible illness that prevents him from working, and the other one had (or has) a brain tumor, and they've got three kids. They're probably close to broke, and it's almost Christmas. Under those circumstances I might also keep a low profile if someone (or a group of people) wanted to send me $5500 because they thought I was dead, and I'll bet doughnuts to holes that any number of people here would at least silently agree with me.
  • If he tried this here, how do we know that he hasn't tried it other places too or that he might try it somewhere else? Wouldn't it be a good idea to pass all the info along to the Fed's and see if they might want to do something about it?

    I might add that I found this:

  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭
    If anyone thinks Tim isn't reading this stuff, they're sorely mistaken. He's edited his Facebook page. Doesn't list where he's from anymore. Of course, if you click on his friends, you can see that most are from his area. Nice job hiding on Facebook. I guess it's easier than explaining to your friends that you tried to scam people out of $5,500.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    I just wanted to let you all know that I'm dead. Please PM me for my wife's address. Thanks in advance for your generous donation.

  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭

    Did you ever think that some of their "ILLNESSES" may have been faked as well?

    Stay Healthy!



    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I just wanted to let you all know that I'm dead. Please PM me for my wife's address. Thanks in advance for your generous donation.

    Lee >>

    +1 Lee sighting!

  • << <i>I just wanted to let you all know that I'm dead. Please PM me for my wife's address. Thanks in advance for your generous donation.

    Lee >>

    Is your wife hot? If so, consider that PM sent.
  • tennesseebankertennesseebanker Posts: 5,433 ✭✭✭
    If you can't get in touch with Lee, Just PM me for his wife's address.

  • << <i>I just wanted to let you all know that I'm dead. Please PM me for my wife's address. Thanks in advance for your generous donation.

    Lee >>

    Bring him a body bag!

  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    i kilt Lee, i think that's deserving of 5k by iteslef.

    please paypal me money now.
  • I have to admit that all of this does bother me a little bit. The work that I do is dependent on the economy so the wife and I decided not to do anything for each other this year as we have a number of nieces and nephews that would be better served with a gift than we would. The money I donated wasn't much, but it was heartfelt and actually meant quite a bit to us. But as I said earlier, we as a board can't let this take anything away from what we did, we were faced with a problem and came together to help someone out, we should all feel really good about what we did.
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    best thread of the day
  • You already have the $.

    Pay me $2k and I'll kill him.

    His wife will still get 3k.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "... I think the reasonable explanation is that one of them has some kind of horrible illness that prevents him from working, and the other one had (or has) a brain tumor, and they've got three kids. They're probably close to broke, and it's almost Christmas. Under those circumstances I might also keep a low profile if someone (or a group of people) wanted to send me $5500 because they thought I was dead, and I'll bet doughnuts to holes that any number of people here would at least silently agree with me."


    While I always keep a cynical view, I know that most folks are NOT thieves.

    A bad circumstance is not, in the psyche of most folks, a license to steal. We
    know that because we see that most poor folks are not in prison.

    It is not unreasonable to suspect that Tim's spouse never knew anything about
    what was going on here until AFTER she received the first phone call.

    It is more than possible that a lie designed to extricate Tim from an unrelated situation
    spiraled out of control, and he simply lacked the good judgement to step-up and unwind
    what turned into a seemingly fortuitous - but fraudulent - "opportunity."

    There is nothing to mitigate the facts surrounding Tim's bad conduct, and that he would
    have stolen the money from the donors must be viewed as a given.

    An apology followed by a long exile is likely just and proper.


    "The only things you ever keep are those you give away."

    Louis Ginsberg

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.

  • << <i>Did you ever think that some of their "ILLNESSES" may have been faked as well? >>

    I was thinking the same thing. If someone is willing to fake his own death, why wouldn't he fake an illness.

  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭
    Just got home from work - quite an interesting read, to say the least. Not gonna pile on anymore on Tim/Erin's apparent lack of ethics. If their medical difficulties are real, then Boo makes an intersting point - what would you/I do? I'd really like to think that no matter how dire my circumstances, be they financial or health-related, I'd never stoop to the level displayed by the Mastins. I still really want to believe there's an explanation for this, or at the very least a forthcoming mea culpa.

    Craig, count me in on saying that I'm very thankful for all the effort you put into this project, both for the good of the collection and for the investigative end of it too. I'm proud to be a part of this community. I'm thinking that although we'll all be way more careful/skeptical if another situation like this comes up, the generous nature of the vast majority of people here will win out.
  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭
    i think it is possible that his wifey had no idea that the scam was going on. Just think, she gets off of the phone with Matt, then-

    so darling, i got a call from one of your buddies on CU.

    (sh!t) oh yeah, what about?

    well they said that they think you are dead and they have donated money for your "benifit", know anything about it?

    thats weird, i have no idea what could be about.

    no, its not weird you POS, im leaving you. This reminds me of the time you tried to get on my sister.

    darn, i suck at life.

    and they all lived happily ever after.
    My baseball and MMA articles-

  • mudflap02mudflap02 Posts: 2,060 ✭✭
    Just unreal stuff. I agree 100% with a lot of the sentiments here. If this turns out to be true, it is a pretty sad day in the history of these boards. It is also pretty amazing what happened when word got out that a board member possibly needed help - I would think the actions of the multitude here represent a pretty good cross section of what these boards are really like. I also agree with the poster a few posts back who said that there might be more here than meets the eye. This was a lot of money, which could have gone a long way to helping a family whose two breadwinners each have illnesses or are incapacitated in some way which prevents them from working. I'm not trying to rationalize what may have happened in any way, but these may be some pretty trying times for Tim and his family, and this thing sort of snowballed. I don't really recall him asking for any kind of posthumous donation, but it may have been an unintended silver lining for someone just trying to get away from it all.

    Either way, I'm glad to be a part of this group of posters. Everything will be ok in the end.

  • << <i>i think it is possible that his wifey had no idea that the scam was going on. Just think, she gets off of the phone with Matt, then-

    so darling, i got a call from one of your buddies on CU.

    (sh!t) oh yeah, what about?

    well they said that they think you are dead and they have donated money for your "benifit", know anything about it?

    thats weird, i have no idea what could be about.

    no, its not weird you POS, im leaving you. This reminds me of the time you tried to get on my sister.

    darn, i suck at life.

    and they all lived happily ever after. >>

    +1 for the "getting on" reference.
    Ted Williams, Willie Mays, Tom Seaver, Mike Schmidt, George Brett, Bob Gibson, Lou Brock player collector
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,611 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nothing sad at all about it in my view because nobody got scammed. The fact is there are many, many scammers out there on the internet. Actually I think it is a good learning experience for a lot of members here who are sometimes "too trusting" of those on the internet. I'm not saying to never trust anyone on the internet, but some here need to be more careful, a lot more careful.

  • << <i> I'm not saying to never trust anyone on the internet, but some here need to be more careful >>

    I trust everyone but fans of the Sillies and Iggles.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't post much anymore.

    I didn't know this individual at all - but I do thank Craig for a speedy refund.

    I don't want this to affect my attitude and will remain positive - I sure hope others do the same.

    Most all of the people who come here every day are decent, generous individuals who I commend for their generosity.

    I want to commend and thank Craig for his efforts.

    Happy New Year everyone!
  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭
    Happy new year Mike
    My baseball and MMA articles-

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