You did a WONDERFUL job from start to finish. You should be proud. ALL of our members who donated should be proud.
As many of you know I had to deal with my three year old daughter AND my wife being diagnosed with CANCER over the past few years. It was emotionally and financially draining. To see a SCUMBAG family do what they did ... it makes my blood boil! I could go on and on ... but let ne stop here.
Again, to all the people that donated, you did a great job! PLEASE do NOT let this a$$hole family deter you from giving. There are a LOT of charities and families that do need our help.
God Bless you all and STAY HEALTHY!
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Wow. Well first and foremost I'm happy that he is alive. Regardless of anything else, that is certainly a good thing.
Sad that we were apparently all taken, however. Craig, I think you did a tremendous thing and your time and efforts are not forgotten. Thank you very much for the timely refund, detailed explanation, and research. I'm sorry this ended this way, but you are certainly not to blame.
Is anything true about Tim and his family? Were they ever sick? How are we sure Tim's wife answered the phone? If this is a $5000 scam it could have been anyone--a cousin, a friend, a sister. It seemed as though some people new him on the previous threads leading up to the donations. What do the people that supposedly know him have to say about this. Didn't someone pull up a thread from like 2 years ago. Are there any answers to these questions. Someone else mentioned that his brother could use his ebay name and sell cards. This is possible. Gumbyfan your effort was great. I'm disgusted that this didn't work out.
This truly sucks. I never got along with Tim because of comments he made to me and sly deals he tired to do. Below is a comment from him to me from last summer.
Date Posted: Aug/02/2007 10:59 PM why don't you get cancer and die
<< <i>Does anyone think the local newspaper or news station would be interested in this as a story? >>
Or the FBI. This was done across state lines and on through the web across multiple routers / switches owned be dozens of companies. He/she could see jail time if someone would "Leak" this out the press / cops etc.
If anyone is questioning who the scammer is, feel free to check his eBay auctions. A few were just listed yesterday.
Another thing, who was it that originally reported to this board that Tim had passed? If I recall correctly it was another forum user. To me he/she is also part of the scam.
<< <i>If anyone is questioning who the scammer is, feel free to check his eBay auctions. A few were just listed yesterday.
Another thing, who was it that originally reported to this board that Tim had passed? If I recall correctly it was another forum user. To me he/she is also part of the scam. >>
Absolutely NOT. I reported it. I am not a part of it!
I don't feel bad about contributing. Jerkoffs like Tim Mastin aren't about to spoil the good in this. I commend you guys for stepping up to the plate when called.
<< <i>If anyone is questioning who the scammer is, feel free to check his eBay auctions. A few were just listed yesterday.
Another thing, who was it that originally reported to this board that Tim had passed? If I recall correctly it was another forum user. To me he/she is also part of the scam. >>
Absolutely NOT. I reported it. I am not a part of it! >>
This is the original thread. I believe FF1971 was lied to by Tim (posing as Erin) via email. Then when the thing took off, Tim was obviously keeping track of the growing donations by logging in to the forum. When LMM called and spoke to Erin, she kept the lie going, no doubt hoping to cash in.
<< <i>If anyone is questioning who the scammer is, feel free to check his eBay auctions. A few were just listed yesterday.
Another thing, who was it that originally reported to this board that Tim had passed? If I recall correctly it was another forum user. To me he/she is also part of the scam. >>
FavreFan1971 was absolutely, positively not part of the scam.
There are so many good decent people in the world who automatically come to the aid of others when it is called for. The donations given here are a testament to that. Sadly however it only takes one unscrupulous scoundrel to ruin their efforts. When called upon again to be of assistance, it may be prudent to be extremely cautious but do not allow this experience to harden our hearts. All who contributed can rightly feel proud of their generosity, and saddened by the turn of events.
While I applaud the efforts of CU Forum members to make the best out of a bad situation for a fellow forumites family I must say I am really taken aback by this whole situation!
More than one person was duped here and I can only hope that the truth will eventually be shared on how this could have occured and ultimately was allowed to go on for so long. Surely erinstubby will come back and explain?
Any type of explanation would be appreciated by those that contributed as I fear that future requests for support might be hindered when a real situation arises.
Thank you gumbyfan for your prompt refunds! I have no doubt in my mind that this entire situation has proven to be embarrassing and sickening on your part since the effort you put into it was no easy task and required a lot of dedicated responsibility.
Hopefully, your spirit has not been crushed.
I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
I don't think this was a proactive "scam". It was just another classless jerkoff reactively exploiting the kindness and generosity of others when given the opportunity. I don't know that any laws, etc. were even broken. This being said, Tim Mastin is a pathetic loser who has proven that he should not be welcome here any longer.
My first thought when I saw this thread was un- freaking believable! Unfortunately.. it is all too believable. Earlier in the week, I had pmed by good friend Perk Dog with some of these same findings and reservations I had. I too had saw that Erinstubby had logged in after the fact numerous times, and I looked for a death notice and couldn't find one. either. Paul being the "good guy" that he is.. quickly got me to change my thought process...looking at the optimistic side. I knew I should have trusted my gut...what a shame!
<< <i>I don't think this was a proactive "scam". It was just another classless jerkoff reactively exploiting the kindness and generosity of others when given the opportunity. I don't know that any laws, etc. were even broken. This being said, Tim Mastin is a pathetic loser who has proven that he should not be welcome here any longer. >>
I think that sums up what happened pretty well. I doubt they had any idea it would take off like it did, but when the issue was forced (LMM's phone call to Erin), they chose to cash in.
Also though, it's pretty pathetic that they lied to FF1971 to begin with.
Just a quick update before I step out to get some lunch. All refunds have now been made.
Also, I want to publicly thank lawnmowerman & brianwintersfan for keeping me sane through this and helping me with my research. Also, to those who were skeptical and raised questions privately, thank you for making me check my work. Without those questions, 103 different people would have been scammed out of money.
The positive side to all of this are the generous souls on this board. I received a few donations after the deadline. The final number ended up being $5,485 with the money that was sent on Tuesday. There were a total of 124 donations from 103 different people. There were donations from members of the PSA forum, the PCGS forum as well as a former member of the PSA forum who was banned, but still reads the forums. Obviously, I'm devastated that this didn't work out, but in the end, I am encouraged by the good people of these boards.
Thanks again to everyone for your generosity...and most recently for your understanding. I wish we could have had a better outcome.
my refund is pending; with it going to use it on
My cousins and I did this instead of secret santa gifts.
"We Let You Loan to the Working Poor Kiva's mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty"
Basically you pool money and help folks in really crappy places get some sort of footing to start small business and give em a fighting chance. Over the course of a year they repay your loan to them, then if you like you can loan the money to someone else. It took one lady all year to pay me back $25.
When they make payments to you and other donors they notify you with updates and such.
Don't let this experience sour you; the generosity and compassion exhibited by the folks on the boards was nothing short of amazing, you should all be proud of yourselves.
Are you kidding me??? They kept the scam going knowing that board members money was being collected on their behalf. If this was only meant to "get rid of Farve Fan," he could have come clean & posted to the board or at the very least PM'd Gumby Fan to ask him to stop accepting donations.
Successful dealings with Wcsportscards94558, EagleEyeKid, SamsGirl214, Volver, DwayneDrain, Oaksey25, Griffins, Cardfan07, Etc.
Apperantly his "passing" was only "discovered" because he was trying to scam someone else. His death was thought to be the best way to cover his tracks.
DEAD PERSON: I'm not dead! CART MASTER: What? CUSTOMER: Nothing. Here's your ninepence. DEAD PERSON: I'm not dead! CART MASTER: 'Ere. He says he's not dead! CUSTOMER: Yes, he is. DEAD PERSON: I'm not! CART MASTER: He isn't? CUSTOMER: Well, he will be soon. He's very ill. DEAD PERSON: I'm getting better! CUSTOMER: No, you're not. You'll be stone dead in a moment. CART MASTER: Oh, I can't take him like that. It's against regulations. DEAD PERSON: I don't want to go on the cart! CUSTOMER: Oh, don't be such a baby. CART MASTER: I can't take him. DEAD PERSON: I feel fine! CUSTOMER: Well, do us a favour. CART MASTER: I can't. CUSTOMER: Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won't be long. CART MASTER: No, I've got to go to the Robinsons'. They've lost nine today. CUSTOMER: Well, when's your next round? CART MASTER: Thursday. DEAD PERSON: I think I'll go for a walk. CUSTOMER: You're not fooling anyone, you know. Look. Isn't there something you can do? DEAD PERSON: [singing] I feel happy. I feel happy. [whop] CUSTOMER: Ah, thanks very much. CART MASTER: Not at all. See you on Thursday.
<< <i>There were donations from members of the PSA forum, the PCGS forum as well as a former member of the PSA forum who was banned, but still reads the forums. >>
Now that's interesting...who was the banned member kind enough to donate?
<< <i>wow!!! there was alot of work and care in all of this. to everyone involved great job!!!! i hope this does not tarnish peoples will to give. don >>
looks like this will tarnish everyone response to a tough situation.
GUMBY, GREAT JOB WORKING THIS ALL OUT!!! you are a 1st class citizen on these boards
we all tried to do the right thing for someones family, we have all had to deal with family issues at one time or another and it was nice to see a group of people that don't really know each other come up so strong...
well i have 3 cards on the bay now i will be donating to a REAL charity now
currently collecting baseball of 2004 spx 1989 topps psa 10 1959 phillies Phillies of the 70's
<< <i>Was the only lie the one that was sent to favrefan? >>
I still don't get this. He may be a bad person for privatly telling farvefan that he had passed, but how did they "keep the scam going"
I'm not defending anyone or anything, I just dont see why he is being called a scam artist or scum?
Dave >>
Tim and/or Erin had the opportunity to end this more than once. First, I sent a PM to erinstubby on Tuesday, asking them to please contact me immediately. They have logged on at least twice since then and I have not gotten a response. Second, LMM called and spoke with Erin and rather than take that opportunity to end the lies, she said she would call back and still has not.
While there was no active request for money, there was certainly the opportunity to contact myself or ANYONE to stop the donation process from happening. The onus was on them to do so. By actively avoiding the situation, they have become a scam artist and/or scum in many peoples' eyes.
The ever-optimistic side of me really hopes that there's a reasonable explanation for all of this...and that erinstubby will come here and share. However, the overly-cynical side of me says that will never happen. Dynamic sides, for sure.
Wow, this is really sickening. I had Tim in the Secret Santa, sending him 10 years worth of early Bengals team sets AND donated via PayPal. Thanks a lot Mastin family (because its obvious he didn't act alone) for taking what everybody thought were good deeds done and really wrecking the spirit of the season for us. I lost my job 4 months ago and money is tight, but the collecting community is a close-knit group and that can be backed up by the money that was raised. I figured it would be fun. I no longer could exchange with co-workers because I have none and thought this would be just as nice. One thing my Dad told me that stuck with me and still applies, "What goes around comes around."
Erinstubby sucks but I have been real proud of being a member of this site lately! Good job everyone and we all got our money back. He should know better then to scam anyone on this board
Collect Ozzie Guillen Cards Unique Chicago Cards Wrestling Cards
<< <i>People, you need to read the entire thread. LMM actually called Erin and spoke to her. She lied. >> >>
Can you point me to the post that he states that erin lied?
<< <i>Me: "Hello, is this Erin?"
Erin: "Yes it is."
Erin: "Can I call you back?" (after we talked for a minute)
Me: "Sure, here's my number"
Still waiting for that phone call >>
This is the only post with the conversation and I see nothing that says she lied????? >>
Are you surely going to keep posting on this thread playing devil's advocate? If you want to argue that bad, pick another thread. No room here for anymore "technicalities". Give me a break, no room for defending here. Are you Johnny Cochran?
The best pitch to start a hitter off with is always strike one.
<< <i>Let the spoofing begin!
1994 Pro Line Live
You did a WONDERFUL job from start to finish. You should be proud. ALL of our members who donated should be proud.
As many of you know I had to deal with my three year old daughter AND my wife being diagnosed with CANCER over the past few years. It was emotionally and financially draining. To see a SCUMBAG family do what they did ... it makes my blood boil! I could go on and on ... but let ne stop here.
Again, to all the people that donated, you did a great job! PLEASE do NOT let this a$$hole family deter you from giving. There are a LOT of charities and families that do need our help.
God Bless you all and STAY HEALTHY!
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Sad that we were apparently all taken, however. Craig, I think you did a tremendous thing and your time and efforts are not forgotten. Thank you very much for the timely refund, detailed explanation, and research. I'm sorry this ended this way, but you are certainly not to blame.
erinstubby topics pre-dominated the boards for a while....
Date Posted: Aug/02/2007 10:59 PM
why don't you get cancer and die
What an A$$HOLE.
I truly feel sorry for his children.
<< <i>Is anything true about Tim and his family? Were they ever sick? How are we sure Tim's wife answered the phone? >>
Me: "Hello, is this Erin?"
Erin: "Yes it is."
Erin: "Can I call you back?" (after we talked for a minute)
Me: "Sure, here's my number"
Still waiting for that phone call
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>Does anyone think the local newspaper or news station would be interested in this as a story? >>
Or the FBI. This was done across state lines and on through the web across multiple routers / switches owned be dozens of companies. He/she could see jail time if someone would "Leak" this out the press / cops etc.
Guess Tim needed some extra bucks to buy some NM-MT 1975 mini's and some '75 mini-wrappers!
Frank Zappa - He's so gay
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Smokestack Lightning (Live) 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service - The Hat (Live) 1971
Was the only lie the one that was sent to favrefan?
No one ever asked for money. Do you the think the "scam" included "knowing" that everyone on CU would pitch in money without asking?
It appears he and Favrefan had issues going back to last year and maybe that was his way of saying "don't talk to me ever again"
Just a thought.
FINISHED 12/8/2008!!!
Another thing, who was it that originally reported to this board that Tim had passed? If I recall correctly it was another forum user. To me he/she is also part of the scam.
<< <i>If anyone is questioning who the scammer is, feel free to check his eBay auctions. A few were just listed yesterday.
Another thing, who was it that originally reported to this board that Tim had passed? If I recall correctly it was another forum user. To me he/she is also part of the scam. >>
Absolutely NOT. I reported it. I am not a part of it!
<< <i>
<< <i>If anyone is questioning who the scammer is, feel free to check his eBay auctions. A few were just listed yesterday.
Another thing, who was it that originally reported to this board that Tim had passed? If I recall correctly it was another forum user. To me he/she is also part of the scam. >>
Absolutely NOT. I reported it. I am not a part of it!
I concur
Troy is NOT part of the scam.
1994 Pro Line Live
Original Thread
<< <i>Absolutely NOT. I reported it. I am not a part of it! >>
Edit: Question answered in previous post.
<< <i>If anyone is questioning who the scammer is, feel free to check his eBay auctions. A few were just listed yesterday.
Another thing, who was it that originally reported to this board that Tim had passed? If I recall correctly it was another forum user. To me he/she is also part of the scam. >>
FavreFan1971 was absolutely, positively not part of the scam.
More than one person was duped here and I can only hope that the truth will eventually be shared on how this could have occured and ultimately was allowed to go on for so long. Surely erinstubby will come back and explain?
Any type of explanation would be appreciated by those that contributed as I fear that future requests for support might be hindered when a real situation arises.
Thank you gumbyfan for your prompt refunds! I have no doubt in my mind that this entire situation has proven to be embarrassing and sickening on your part since the effort you put into it was no easy task and required a lot of dedicated responsibility.
Hopefully, your spirit has not been crushed.
The name is LEE!
View Vintage Football Cards For Sale
<< <i>I don't think this was a proactive "scam". It was just another classless jerkoff reactively exploiting the kindness and generosity of others when given the opportunity. I don't know that any laws, etc. were even broken. This being said, Tim Mastin is a pathetic loser who has proven that he should not be welcome here any longer. >>
I think that sums up what happened pretty well. I doubt they had any idea it would take off like it did, but when the issue was forced (LMM's phone call to Erin), they chose to cash in.
Also though, it's pretty pathetic that they lied to FF1971 to begin with.
<< <i>If anyone is questioning who the scammer is, feel free to check his eBay auctions. A few were just listed yesterday. >>
Wow, the guy has about 5k in auctions listed.
Also, I want to publicly thank lawnmowerman & brianwintersfan for keeping me sane through this and helping me with my research. Also, to those who were skeptical and raised questions privately, thank you for making me check my work. Without those questions, 103 different people would have been scammed out of money.
The positive side to all of this are the generous souls on this board. I received a few donations after the deadline. The final number ended up being $5,485 with the money that was sent on Tuesday. There were a total of 124 donations from 103 different people. There were donations from members of the PSA forum, the PCGS forum as well as a former member of the PSA forum who was banned, but still reads the forums. Obviously, I'm devastated that this didn't work out, but in the end, I am encouraged by the good people of these boards.
Thanks again to everyone for your generosity...and most recently for your understanding. I wish we could have had a better outcome.
Thanks Craig.
My cousins and I did this instead of secret santa gifts.
"We Let You Loan to the Working Poor
Kiva's mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty"
Basically you pool money and help folks in really crappy places get some sort of footing to start small business and give em a fighting chance. Over the course of a year they repay your loan to them, then if you like you can loan the money to someone else. It took one lady all year to pay me back $25.
When they make payments to you and other donors they notify you with updates and such.
Don't let this experience sour you; the generosity and compassion exhibited by the folks on the boards was nothing short of amazing, you should all be proud of yourselves.
<< <i>Was the only lie the one that was sent to favrefan? >>
I still don't get this. He may be a bad person for privatly telling farvefan that he had passed, but how did they "keep the scam going"
I'm not defending anyone or anything, I just dont see why he is being called a scam artist or scum?
FINISHED 12/8/2008!!!
<< <i>
<< <i>Was the only lie the one that was sent to favrefan? >>
I still don't get this. He may be a bad person for privatly telling farvefan that he had passed, but how did they "keep the scam going"
I'm not defending anyone or anything, I just dont see why he is being called a scam artist or scum?
Dave >>
People, you need to read the entire thread. LMM actually called Erin and spoke to her. She lied.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Was the only lie the one that was sent to favrefan? >>
I still don't get this. He may be a bad person for privatly telling farvefan that he had passed, but how did they "keep the scam going"
I'm not defending anyone or anything, I just dont see why he is being called a scam artist or scum?
Dave >>
People, you need to read the entire thread. LMM actually called Erin and spoke to her. She lied. >>
1994 Pro Line Live
i got about 15-20 refunds pending
CUSTOMER: Nothing. Here's your ninepence.
DEAD PERSON: I'm not dead!
CART MASTER: 'Ere. He says he's not dead!
CUSTOMER: Yes, he is.
CART MASTER: He isn't?
CUSTOMER: Well, he will be soon. He's very ill.
DEAD PERSON: I'm getting better!
CUSTOMER: No, you're not. You'll be stone dead in a moment.
CART MASTER: Oh, I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.
DEAD PERSON: I don't want to go on the cart!
CUSTOMER: Oh, don't be such a baby.
CART MASTER: I can't take him.
DEAD PERSON: I feel fine!
CUSTOMER: Well, do us a favour.
CUSTOMER: Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won't be long.
CART MASTER: No, I've got to go to the Robinsons'. They've lost nine today.
CUSTOMER: Well, when's your next round?
CART MASTER: Thursday.
DEAD PERSON: I think I'll go for a walk.
CUSTOMER: You're not fooling anyone, you know. Look. Isn't there something you can do?
DEAD PERSON: [singing] I feel happy. I feel happy.
CUSTOMER: Ah, thanks very much.
CART MASTER: Not at all. See you on Thursday.
re: rube
Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!Randy's Refund Pending!
FRANK ZAPPA "Dirty Love"
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Smokestack Lightning (Live) 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service - The Hat (Live) 1971
<< <i>There were donations from members of the PSA forum, the PCGS forum as well as a former member of the PSA forum who was banned, but still reads the forums. >>
Now that's interesting...who was the banned member kind enough to donate?
Allen & Ginter Cards
My Blog -- Ballcard Mania
<< <i>wow!!! there was alot of work and care in all of this. to everyone involved great job!!!! i hope this does not tarnish peoples will to give. don >>
looks like this will tarnish everyone response to a tough situation.
GUMBY, GREAT JOB WORKING THIS ALL OUT!!! you are a 1st class citizen on these boards
we all tried to do the right thing for someones family, we have all had to deal with family issues at one time or another and it was nice to see a group of people that don't really know each other come up so strong...
well i have 3 cards on the bay now i will be donating to a REAL charity now
2004 spx
1989 topps psa 10
1959 phillies
Phillies of the 70's
I'm not defending anyone or anything, I just dont see why he is being called a scam artist or scum?>
i can, i didnt see him on here trying to stop it when he was loggin on,+ the phone calls and messages from his ebay account that were answered
<< <i>
<< <i>Was the only lie the one that was sent to favrefan? >>
I still don't get this. He may be a bad person for privatly telling farvefan that he had passed, but how did they "keep the scam going"
I'm not defending anyone or anything, I just dont see why he is being called a scam artist or scum?
Dave >>
Tim and/or Erin had the opportunity to end this more than once. First, I sent a PM to erinstubby on Tuesday, asking them to please contact me immediately. They have logged on at least twice since then and I have not gotten a response. Second, LMM called and spoke with Erin and rather than take that opportunity to end the lies, she said she would call back and still has not.
While there was no active request for money, there was certainly the opportunity to contact myself or ANYONE to stop the donation process from happening. The onus was on them to do so. By actively avoiding the situation, they have become a scam artist and/or scum in many peoples' eyes.
The ever-optimistic side of me really hopes that there's a reasonable explanation for all of this...and that erinstubby will come here and share. However, the overly-cynical side of me says that will never happen. Dynamic sides, for sure.
what a shame. i can't believe a knowing person let this continue.
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
Unique Chicago Cards
Wrestling Cards
<< <i>People, you need to read the entire thread. LMM actually called Erin and spoke to her. She lied. >> >>
Can you point me to the post that he states that erin lied?
<< <i>Me: "Hello, is this Erin?"
Erin: "Yes it is."
Erin: "Can I call you back?" (after we talked for a minute)
Me: "Sure, here's my number"
Still waiting for that phone call
This is the only post with the conversation and I see nothing that says she lied?????
FINISHED 12/8/2008!!!
<< <i>
<< <i>People, you need to read the entire thread. LMM actually called Erin and spoke to her. She lied. >> >>
Can you point me to the post that he states that erin lied?
<< <i>Me: "Hello, is this Erin?"
Erin: "Yes it is."
Erin: "Can I call you back?" (after we talked for a minute)
Me: "Sure, here's my number"
Still waiting for that phone call
This is the only post with the conversation and I see nothing that says she lied????? >>
Are you surely going to keep posting on this thread playing devil's advocate? If you want to argue that bad, pick another thread. No room here for anymore "technicalities". Give me a break, no room for defending here. Are you Johnny Cochran?