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The OFFICIAL 2009 Topps Heritage Thread



  • Just got an official email from LR Cards saying they are out of business and to anyone with outstanding orders to contact their credit card provider.

    At least I got a couple retail boxes coming now.

    Thanks everyone for the help. Now I just have to wait.

  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭
    I just talked to the dealer that sold me my retail Heritage cases and he said he got an email from Topps about LRCards saying that customers with outstanding orders should contact Detective Nance (or Nace?) at the Ulster County Sherriff's department. His phone # is 845-340-3958 and his email is tnac@co.ulster.ny.us
  • Mick65Mick65 Posts: 722 ✭✭✭
    Did he say what you were suppose to tell him? Just that you had an outstanding order?
  • ssdawg77ssdawg77 Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have two hobby cases available at $745 per case shipped if anyone is interested.

  • Anyone actually call him or are you just letting your credit card company take care of it?

    << <i>I just talked to the dealer that sold me my retail Heritage cases and he said he got an email from Topps about LRCards saying that customers with outstanding orders should contact Detective Nance (or Nace?) at the Ulster County Sherriff's department. His phone # is 845-340-3958 and his email is tnac@co.ulster.ny.us >>

  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭
    I contacted my credit card company a few days ago, but I'll shoot an email off to the sherriff just to let them know. I'm thinking Topps contacted law enforcement and now they just want to know the exact extent of the problem. I don't expect to get any money back through them.
  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭

    Just sent you a pm.

    LRCards "customers",

    I just sent an email to that sherriff. I'll let you know what the response is.
  • I noticed this on lrcards website today "At this time LRCARDS is now closed and out of business. Any outstanding orders please contact your credit card provider ."
  • Big Worm, are you from Michigan or just a Wings fan in general?
  • I'm in Michigan. 10 miles outside the wonderful city of Detroit
  • I'm about 40 miles north. Good to see another Michigander on here.
  • as far as the hobby vs. retail, here are a couple of my pulls over time. The Banks card I got out of a blaster box from Toy R Us and the Berra card I got from a loose pack (out of 10) from a 7-11. I got $175 for the Banks and $110 for the Berra on feebay. But in 2007 & 2008 I didn't see anything but a bunch of who the hells.
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    This was posted over on FCB. Good luck!

    Anyone who is owed any money, or knows anyone who is owed any money from Larry Rosselli, LR Cards, please contact Detective Nace with the Ulster County Sherrif's Department in New York. Detective Nace's phone number is (845) 340-3958 or (845) 332-0077 , and you can email him at tnac@co.ulster.ny.us . Larry Rosselli apparently owes between $100,000 - $200,000 to individuals and possibly more than that to various card companies and/or distributors. The detective has already received numerous complaints about Larry and is in the process of gathering information. Detective has spoken to Mr. Rosselli, who claimed he is having financial trouble and will probably file for bankruptcy. Mr. Rosselli has already retained counsel and any further questions through anyone are supposed to go through his lawyer. The detective has advissed no one to accept "partial refunds" or the criminal case turns civil.

  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    Ordered my 2nd case today and told my boss I'm taking next Wed, Thurs and Friday off LOL

    1st case I'll pick up locally either Tuesday night(hopefully) or Wednesday (if he opens that day - usually closed)
    2nd case will come UPS hopefully during one of my off days

    1 week to go guys - can't wait

    so sorry to hear about you guys that are losing money from LR Cards - I hope it works at some way
  • I put in a dispute with my credit card co for LR cards on Feb 9 and just got my full refund today. So their is hope for all of us.
  • I put in my dispute on the 9th as well, hopefully my refund shows up soon. Only one more week to go! Mike, since you will have yours in hand the day of release or before you must fill the spot of the all night rip that Geordie usually does.
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    If I get mine on release day, and have the next day off, it'll be an all night rip & scan for sure
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,586 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>If I get mine on release day, and have the next day off, it'll be an all night rip & scan for sure >>

    You cant be "putting the last few off for tomorrow" or waiting for some team to score.
  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I put in my dispute on the 9th as well, hopefully my refund shows up soon. Only one more week to go! Mike, since you will have yours in hand the day of release or before you must fill the spot of the all night rip that Geordie usually does. >>

    While I won't be doing an opening day all-nighter, Joe invited me to help bust/sort his case on opening day. I'm very much looking forward to that. When my retail case arrives, I'll most likely do an all-nighter then. Can't wait! image
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>If I get mine on release day, and have the next day off, it'll be an all night rip & scan for sure >>

    You cant be "putting the last few off for tomorrow" or waiting for some team to score. >>

    Yes Nick
  • do you want to sell less than a case? thanks,foot
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    if you're asking me, sorry man, I'm opening all mine
  • ssdawg77ssdawg77 Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have posted this on the BST board but I know all the Heritage guys are reading this so if you can help let me know.

    I would like to complete my Heritage Baseball sets before the 2009 issue comes out, any help would be appreciated. I can buy or trade. Here is my list:

    128 Adam LaRoche SP
    132 Craig Brazell SP RC
    371 Juan Uribe SP
    399 Dustin Moseley SP RC
    415 Fred McGriff SP
    NA1 Mike Piazza
    NA3 Derek Jeter
    NA4 Alex Rodriguez
    NA5 Sammy Sosa
    NA6 Jason Giambi
    NA7 Vladimir Guerrero
    NA8 Albert Pujols
    NA9 Todd Helton
    NA10 Nomar Garciaparra
    NA11 Randy Johnson
    NA14 Miguel Tejada

    THC4 Albert Pujols
    THC5 Derek Jeter
    THC89 Barry Bonds

    164 Zach Duke SP RC
    198 Jorge Posada SP
    NA1 Jason Giambi
    NA7 Mark Prior
    NA8 Derek Jeter
    NA10 Carlos Delgado
    NA11 Jim Thome
    NA13 Gary Sheffield
    NA14 Vladimir Guerrero
    THC20 Alex Rodriguez
    THC26 Ken Griffey Jr.
    THC73 Zach Duke

    5 Todd Helton SP
    20 Jim Edmonds SP
    30 Hideo Nomo SP
    31A Albert Pujols Red Hat SP
    407 Felix Rodriguez SP
    420 Billy Butler SP RC
    423 Mariano Rivera SP
    436 Corey Koskie SP
    441 Roy Halladay SP
    445 Brandon Moss SP RC
    460 Melky Cabrera SP RC

    349 Chien-Ming Wang SP
    475A H.Street Yellow/White Ltr

    150 Alex Rodriguez SP
    483 Derek Jeter AS SP

    Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    Is there going to be an All-Star subset? I love the 1960 All-Stars. If there is, I'd love to see some preview images, if they're available!

  • Nascar360Nascar360 Posts: 1,853 ✭✭✭
    What are some good companies / sites to pre-order cases from?
  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Is there going to be an All-Star subset? I love the 1960 All-Stars. If there is, I'd love to see some preview images, if they're available!

    Drew >>

    Both 2007 and 2008 Heritage had All-Star subsets, so I bet 2009 does as well. The checklist doesn't specify them, but card #83 and #487 are both Jeter cards, so maybe the #487 card is an all-star.
  • paleocardspaleocards Posts: 941 ✭✭✭✭
    Looking at the Topps checklist, I'm pretty sure cards 481-500 will be the All-Star subset (and I think all will be SPs like last year). Here they are (as you can see 2 1st-basemen AL & NL, two 2nd-basemen AL & NL, etc.):

    Kevin Youkilis Minor AS 481
    Lance Berkman Minor AS 482
    Dustin Pedroia Star AS 483
    Chase Utley Semi AS 484
    Alex Rodriguez Star AS 485
    Chipper Jones Star AS 486
    Derek Jeter Star AS 487
    Hanley Ramirez Semi AS 488
    Josh Hamilton Semi AS 489
    Ryan Braun Semi AS 490
    Manny Ramirez Semi AS 491
    Kosuke F*kudome Star AS 492
    Ichiro Star AS 493
    Matt Holliday Minor AS 494
    Joe Mauer Minor AS 495
    Geovany Soto Minor AS 496
    Roy Halladay Minor AS 497
    Ben Sheets Minor AS 498
    Cliff Lee Minor AS 499
    Billy Wagner Minor AS 500
  • paleocardspaleocards Posts: 941 ✭✭✭✭
    What I love about Heritage is how faithful Topps' homage is to the featured set. Here's some examples from 1960 Topps & 2009 Heritage:

    World Series subset (first time appearing in 1960 Topps set)
    Then and Now: Cards #385-391
    Then: Dodgers & White Sox, Now: Phillies & Rays

    Combo cards:
    #7 Then: "Master & Mentor" (Mays & Rigney), Now: Lincecum & Bochy
    #160 Then: "Rival All Stars" (Mantle & Boyer), Now: ARod & Wright
    #352 Then: "Cincy Clouters" (F. Robby, Bell & Lynch), Now: Encarnacion, Bruce & Votto

    Star players:
    #83 Then: Tony Kubek, Now: Jeter
    #200 Then: Mays, Now: Griffey
    #250 Then: Musial, Now: Pujols
    #300 Then: Aaron, Now: Ryan Howard
    #326 Then: Clemente, Now: Ichiro
    #343 Then: Koufax, Now: Clayton Kershaw
    #350 Then: Mantle, Now: Mantle!
    #377 Then: Maris, Now: ARod

    Can't wait for next week!
  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Looking at the Topps checklist, I'm pretty sure cards 481-500 will be the All-Star subset (and I think all will be SPs like last year). Here they are (as you can see 2 1st-basemen AL & NL, two 2nd-basemen AL & NL, etc.):

    Kevin Youkilis Minor AS 481
    Lance Berkman Minor AS 482
    Dustin Pedroia Star AS 483
    Chase Utley Semi AS 484
    Alex Rodriguez Star AS 485
    Chipper Jones Star AS 486
    Derek Jeter Star AS 487
    Hanley Ramirez Semi AS 488
    Josh Hamilton Semi AS 489
    Ryan Braun Semi AS 490
    Manny Ramirez Semi AS 491
    Kosuke F*kudome Star AS 492
    Ichiro Star AS 493
    Matt Holliday Minor AS 494
    Joe Mauer Minor AS 495
    Geovany Soto Minor AS 496
    Roy Halladay Minor AS 497
    Ben Sheets Minor AS 498
    Cliff Lee Minor AS 499
    Billy Wagner Minor AS 500 >>

    What does the "Minor", "Star" and "Semi" mean? They all say AS so looks like they are all All-Star cards. Where did you find that checklist?

  • << <i>Looking at the Topps checklist, I'm pretty sure cards 481-500 will be the All-Star subset (and I think all will be SPs like last year). Here they are (as you can see 2 1st-basemen AL & NL, two 2nd-basemen AL & NL, etc.):

    Kevin Youkilis Minor AS 481
    Lance Berkman Minor AS 482
    Dustin Pedroia Star AS 483
    Chase Utley Semi AS 484
    Alex Rodriguez Star AS 485
    Chipper Jones Star AS 486
    Derek Jeter Star AS 487
    Hanley Ramirez Semi AS 488
    Josh Hamilton Semi AS 489
    Ryan Braun Semi AS 490
    Manny Ramirez Semi AS 491
    Kosuke F*kudome Star AS 492
    Ichiro Star AS 493
    Matt Holliday Minor AS 494
    Joe Mauer Minor AS 495
    Geovany Soto Minor AS 496
    Roy Halladay Minor AS 497
    Ben Sheets Minor AS 498
    Cliff Lee Minor AS 499
    Billy Wagner Minor AS 500 >>

    I don't know if the checklist I was looking was wrong, but the only Josh Hamilton card was the #489 AS card. Surely he'll be elsewhere in the set??? You also think Topps would get him on a chrome card, unless they plan on doing what they did last year continuing the chrome set in 09 Topps Chrome. Although Topps missed the boat on him in the update set, he doesn't have a Rangers card (or any base card for that matter) in the extended set.
    Matt's Card Page
    What I'm selling

    Building Sets, Collecting Texas Rangers, and Texas Tech Red Raiders

  • << <i>What I love about Heritage is how faithful Topps' homage is to the featured set.

    Can't wait for next week! >>

    There also appears to be coaches cards for the original 16 teams in the set as well.
    Matt's Card Page
    What I'm selling

    Building Sets, Collecting Texas Rangers, and Texas Tech Red Raiders
  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭

    << <i>
    I don't know if the checklist I was looking was wrong, but the only Josh Hamilton card was the #489 AS card. Surely he'll be elsewhere in the set??? You also think Topps would get him on a chrome card, unless they plan on doing what they did last year continuing the chrome set in 09 Topps Chrome. Although Topps missed the boat on him in the update set, he doesn't have a Rangers card (or any base card for that matter) in the extended set. >>

    There are always a few mistakes/changes in the checklist that are not found until the product is actually releases, so there is still a chance Hamilton will have a regular card. He deserves another card just for carrying my fantasy team to a third place finish (in the money)!
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    they might be saving him for the high #s

  • I thought the High Numbers were reserved for traded/rookies/guys who they didn't think were good enough from the year before to include in the regular set (ie., Cliff Lee).

    Hamilton needs to be in the set....I'm not a Ranger fan or anything.
    Matt's Card Page
    What I'm selling

    Building Sets, Collecting Texas Rangers, and Texas Tech Red Raiders
  • It works that way with the Topps Updates & Highlights set (formally known as traded sets). It will be interesting to see what the variations will be and if there will be any super short prints. I think the guy from Topps is a big Johan Santana fan. There have been two scarce variations of Santana. One being the Mets version in last year's Heritage and the other was in regular Topps last year -- card #661.

    Craig in Texas
  • Who all got an email from Detective Nace regarding LR Cards? I saw knopflers email on there.

    Anyone continuing to pursue charges to try to get money back?

  • I called him and left a voice mail on monday and he has not called back. I got a refund on my credit card the other day, so I think I'm done with it all now.
  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Who all got an email from Detective Nace regarding LR Cards? I saw knopflers email on there.

    Anyone continuing to pursue charges to try to get money back?

    Tim >>

    Just got this email today from Det. Nace. Not sure if there's a reason to do all the paperwork if paypal or the credit card company gets my money back. I assume they will handle anything that needs to be done:

    Folks, I have received your e-mails. What I require from each of you is that you complete a deposition attached, and foreward to me any and all documentation showing your purchases. This need to include any receipts, emails, confirmations of sale, check, credit card, paypal, or other payment records.

    In the depostion please read the notice on the top of the page, start by providing your name, address, and date of birth and an affirmation akcnowledging thay you understand the notice, then state what occured. This should include the dates and what you were purchasing from where, how you paid for it. If it was through a service such as PayPal thaen be sure to include how you pay/maintain that account as well.

    Please send original or certified copies where applicable. All items can be sent to my attention at: The Ulster County Sheriff's Office

    Attention Detective Thomas M. Nace
    380 Boulevard
    Kingston, NY 12440

    If you have any questions you can contact me at (845) 340-3958 Tuesday-Saturday between 3:00PM and 11:00PM EST.

    Please complete these as soon as possible. At this time I am investigating these incidents as criminal acts. I have spoken to the District Attorneys Office here as well as an Investigator at the New York State Police, who has also received a complaint. To answer the question may of you have asked, I do not know this will help any of you recover your monies, that may or may not be something the criminal court can handle. You may wish to start with a civil suit as well. Just be aware that I hear he may be starting bancruptcy proceedings, but this is not confirmed at this time.

    If for some reason you do not wish to pursue a criminal charge I have also attached a declination letter. If you choose not to pursue this matter please send me this form to the address above.

    Thank you
  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    Thanks very much for the info on the All-Stars, guys.

    Last year a couple of board members were able to help me put together the All-Star set. I know you guys save your SP's for trading, but I'd love to buy a couple of small lots of All-Stars for my own collection. I'll check out this thread when the ripping starts.

    When does the product go live?

  • parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    I got the letter. i also got word from paypal that no refund available - because i didn't buy it through ebay, i bought it directly from his website with my paypal balance. So, yes, i will probably also submit the paperwork just for the heck of it...not expecting much to come of it.

    I am also bummed because my second source for a hobby case was also getting his from lrcards (go figure!) at least i got my money back on that one.

    - jim
  • The Topps website no longer shows a release date for 2009 Heritage. I hope this is just typical Topps, not a bad sign of a delay. Does anyone know if any distributors have received their cases, which should have been shipped February 16?
  • ArchStantonArchStanton Posts: 1,182 ✭✭✭
    The dealer getting the case for me said that they charged his card on 2/13. He thinks it will be in Wednesday.
    Collector of 1976 Topps baseball for some stupid reason.
    Collector of Pittsburgh Pirates cards for a slightly less stupid reason.
    My Pirates Collection
  • I am in the same boat. I will file the paperwork with the sheriff's office.

    << <i>I got the letter. i also got word from paypal that no refund available - because i didn't buy it through ebay, i bought it directly from his website with my paypal balance. So, yes, i will probably also submit the paperwork just for the heck of it...not expecting much to come of it.

    I am also bummed because my second source for a hobby case was also getting his from lrcards (go figure!) at least i got my money back on that one.

    - jim >>

  • TNTonPMSTNTonPMS Posts: 2,279 ✭✭
    Well, I think Bed Bug Eddie and Doctor Dave's Meat Injection are both taken .
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    I was jonesing for some heritage and bought 20 packs of 08 update and pulled a Tommy Davis Auto. Anyone here think 09 will be this good?

  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭

    << <i>i also got word from paypal that no refund available - because i didn't buy it through ebay, i bought it directly from his website with my paypal balance. >>

    What kind of paypal BS is that? I don't ever remember seeing that they only covered ebay stuff. Have you called them? A few months ago, I bought a gift card for about $400. It was on ebay, but after I had to dispute the item for non-delivery, they refunded me about $200 of because that is the amount I had put on my credit card. The other $200 was from ebay bucks and it showed as a coupon on the paypal payment. I called paypal and they said I need to contact ebay. I called ebay and they said that they could not reinstate the ebay bucks, but paypal should be able to offer me a credit towards a future purchase, so I called paypal back and they said that since I had been a long time paypal user, they would go ahead and give me the $200 credit. They gave me a code that was good for 3 or 6 months and I used it and it worked fine. This was for an ebay purchase, but maybe they could do something similar for you.
  • parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the advice, i have called and its clearly in the agreement that if you buy something on your balance from a website, you are potentially screwed.

    On a happier note, I talked with one of my retail contacts and this year heritage will be available in a new retail format. Of course theres the 8box - 24 pack cases, and the 16 blaster cases, but also this year they are doing jumbo packs with 14 cards. These hang on the retail pins. They come 20 packs per box, 6 boxes per case...so a jumbo retail case has 1680 cards.

    Maybe I'm biased because i got nixed on the hobby case, but I really think retail will be a much better deal...if you're not collecting the buybacks and ad panels, you are almost paying double for a hobby case vs. retail case even when you factor in the 12 box vs. 8 box difference. I don't think there are many autos (the checklist is weak at best which is consistent with topps offerings as of late) that are going to make up for that cost difference....unless there are super sp's ala smoltz/santana....which is likely, but those might fall 1-2 per case.

    I hope you guys beat the odds.
  • Mick65Mick65 Posts: 722 ✭✭✭
    Is there a place to buy retail cases?
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,586 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Back on Jan. 30th I had LRCards invoice me through paypal to pay for my case, and when he did I paid with my ebay mastercard thats hooked up to paypal account for added protection. I escalated to a paypal claim on Feb 10th, and on Feb 20th they found in my favor and returned the funds.

    Jim (parkerj) is correct about the new type of retail packs this year, and I have ordered 1 hanger case and 1 blaster case from my retail source. I was also told by that retail seller that the 2009 heritage production was cut by 40% this year, but I don't know if I believe that......yet.

    So, for $540 ($340 + $200) I am getting about 275 more cards than a hobby case, but obviously no guaranteed hits (although hopefully there may be a few).
  • Mick65Mick65 Posts: 722 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Jim (parkerj) is correct about the new type of retail packs this year, and I have ordered 1 hanger case and 1 blaster case from my retail source. I was also told by that retail seller that the 2009 heritage production was cut by 40% this year, but I don't know if I believe that......yet.

    So, for $540 ($340 + $200) I am getting about 275 more cards than a hobby case, but obviously no guaranteed hits (although hopefully there may be a few). >>

    How do you get a retail source? Is it local? or a card shop, website.......a guy who works at Walmart, Target? A Secret?

    Also, are you getting deals on the retail price? I assume the per pack price is a lot less than the $2.99 off the rack price?

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