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The OFFICIAL 2009 Topps Heritage Thread



  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    tie me kngarooo down sport, tie me kangaroo down,thank youimage
  • Hey guys I have a line on some 09 Heritage retail if you are ok with waiting until the retail release date of 3/2/09.

    An 8 box (24 ct) retail case is 360 plus shipping (45 a box).

    They also have 16 box blaster cases at 240 (15 a box).

    Let me know if you guys are interested.
  • Wondering if anyone wants to go in halfway on a retail case, $180 for 4 boxes seems like a pretty good deal for a guy just interested in putting the base set together.
    Matt's Card Page
    What I'm selling

    Building Sets, Collecting Texas Rangers, and Texas Tech Red Raiders
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Oh man some good prices, but who can wait? I can't.

  • jmoran19jmoran19 Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭

    << <i>tie me kngarooo down sport, tie me kangaroo down,thank youimage >>

    So Rube, you watch the wiggles too image

    Current obsession, all things Topps 1969 - 1972

  • Are any of you guys working on the 08 High Number panels?If so then somebody pm me.
  • What does hobby have that retail does not?

    Also, do we know if anyone who ordered from LR Cards are getting their cards? I sent an email to them the other day to see what I need to do but haven't heard back.


  • Tim, you won't be getting any cards from LR, he told me the distributors have his orders but will not ship because of what he owes, here is what I posted yesterday:

    << <i>I finally spoke with Larry just a few minutes ago, they are out of business. He told me they got upside down on their lines of credit and can't recover, he said that if you recently sent a check for payment those will be returned, he said that he has been on the phone with paypal trying to resolve the chargebacks. I asked if he would be refunding the credit card payments (which is how I paid), and he told me there was also a problem with the bank so that probably would not happen and that I should just file a chargeback with my credit card company. What an awful start to the Heritage season. >>

  • Finally got a temporary credit from my credit card company while they try to resolve the issue.

    Now I need to find a new place to get the cards.

    Thanks everyone for the information.


  • << <i>Are any of you guys working on the 08 High Number panels?If so then somebody pm me.
    Mike >>

  • Mike,

    Sent you a PM yesterday.
    Matt's Card Page
    What I'm selling

    Building Sets, Collecting Texas Rangers, and Texas Tech Red Raiders
  • Resend it.I don't have one from you.
  • sent
    Matt's Card Page
    What I'm selling

    Building Sets, Collecting Texas Rangers, and Texas Tech Red Raiders
  • Hello, I had to chime in here and vent my anger. First off, I to am a heritage addict/junkie. This is the only set that I collect. Every year I raid the Targets and Walmarts and Toys R Us within a 50 mile radius of my house looking for blasters and end up walkin out with 5-10 boxes from each store. I'm glad to see that I am not the only one with this problem. I will hit up card shows on the weekends and snag a couple of hobby boxes. Well then in 2007 I came across LR Cards and started buying cases from him. I had no problems with him for the past couple years and then this crap happens. I ordered a case from him on Dec 14th for 2009 heritage and now it looks like I'm screwed. I had the funds up front price for $615 and paid with credit card. I tried calling several time but no one answers. Now I'm pissed cause I will not have a case to bust this year. I have bought from Blowout Cards before, but switched to LR because his prices were cheaper and Blowout was starting to raise theirs. Second, I have been following these threads for Heritage since 2005. I googled 2005 Topps Heritage White Backs one day looking for info about them because I noticed them in the packs and wanted to know if there was a set, and the thread came up in the search. Ever since then I have been checking the Heritage threads. You guys have helped me with alot of information. As far as this year goes I will probably snag some hobby boxes at the shows and raid the stores for retail image
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,586 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome Big Worm, and as many here will tell you, this is THE PLACE for a heritage junkie to be. Shame on you for waiting as long as you did to sign up. Settle in and stay a while, and try to get in on the trading frenzy once it starts.
  • I haven't been in here in quite a while myself, but I have bought from LR cards before with no problems.....I'm sorry to hear about what has happened to some of you. I buy a case of heritage a year, every sport, except the first year of baseball. After 2005, I decided that hobby wasn't the way to go and have been buying retail cases. It made my choice easier when Topps went to the 12 box hobby cases and priced it out of my range. However, I bought a 8 box case of retail for $385 delivered from the same guy I have used previously (He has a case on ebay right now for $399 BIN, I think). Can't wait to get it, although it'll be a couple of weeks later than some of you.
  • Mike, PM sent.

  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Anyone want to venture a guess at any possible short prints? A Texiera Yankees card perhaps? Might there be back variations?

    I hope everyone gets their money back from LR. This time next month we will be in the middle of mass scans, midnight rips and retail hunt


  • << <i>Wondering if anyone wants to go in halfway on a retail case, $180 for 4 boxes seems like a pretty good deal for a guy just interested in putting the base set together. >>

    You have any takers on the half case of retail? If not, I'd be interested. What's shipping?

  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭
    Whew! Good news in central Cali!

    OK, I shared with a few of the Heritage guys that I would be bowing out of this year's fun due to a soft economy/poor retail conditions. I had previously committed to a case of hobby with Joe, but had to back out. Thankfully that case will be going to a fellow board member, so Joe's order won't get messed up. The decision to let that case got has been eating at me for the past several days, so I called Joe up - he made a few calls and I'm back in the game! I just confirmed with Joe for 12 boxes of retail - I could care less about the ad panels and stamped buybacks, so retail is the way to go for me this year. I hope the retail hits are at the same ratio they were a couple years ago.

    I'll be late to the party, but I'll be there. Wish I could have the honor of the first all-night rip, but I'll be glad to pass the torch to anyone who is willing to actually pull the all-nighter (complete with running commentary). Anyone want it?
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,586 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>.........Anyone want it? >>

    I did it last year, or was that for A&G? I forget, but this year thanks to LRCards im retail only as well, so I cant do the all nighter.
  • Three cheers for Geordie being back in on the party!
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Watch Geordie go nuts and buy more than any of us!

    Just kidding bro, you have been a cornerstone here, glad you are on board. Actually by looking at the big hits, or lack there of, and never
    seeing even a semi star come out of the buy back packs, I think retail might be the way to go this year. My biggest pull last year was out of a blister pack!

    Oh man, I can't wait.

  • Where's a good place to just pick up a few retail boxes?

  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭

    << <i>Where's a good place to just pick up a few retail boxes?

    Tim >>

    The pillow isle come early March!

  • *Cards have been claimed - thanks*

    Not exactly a 2009 Heritage post, but it's Heritage related so I figured that this was the best place. Cleaning out some space (maybe for some 09 but I'm currently undecided as I was also relying on LR) and I have a few thousand '07 and '08 Heritage that need a new home. I haven't gone through them in awhile, but there should be SPs, BBs, yellows, etc., maybe a few chromes. No cost - I'm just trying to get them to a Heritage collector. There's also some assorted Bowman Heritage, assorted BBCE rips, random blaster rips, etc that I'll try to squeeze in if space permits. Shoot me a PM if you're interested. Thanks, Eric

  • Geordie, glad to see you on board! I was a little worried about you there for awhile.
  • I've always bought blasters from Target but have never seen boxes before. Local guy here charged $90 a box or more in the past.

    Where do you guys get your retail boxes?

  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭
    Tim, send a PM to Joe (Josephcb09). I'm pretty sure he still has some retail boxes available. He doesn't come here all that often, so I'll call him later and tell him to check his PMs.

  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Anyone want to guess what the first Mantle heritage jersey card will sell for on ebay?
  • It will probably depend on how much shipping is from Taiwan. image
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    I will throw a huge tantrum Clay's way at topps if Taiwan is opening these packs first. These boards should get the first couple of cases before anyone....and free
  • I agree, this board has probably generated more money for Topps, when it comes to Heritage, than any other group of collectors.
  • kmnortonkmnorton Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
    Yup, I got my Snider dual out of Retail, so the hits are there to be had.

    I'm signing up for this year's version as well.

    How long til I become Pumpsie?
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Oh man, I tired to update my old heritage site but beckett locked it. Anyone know a place where I can start up a free website? I don't want to compete
    with the other great sites here, just show my pulls and have a tradepage.

  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,586 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>........How long til I become Pumpsie? >>

    The day hobby releases.
  • parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    kevin, usually your internet service provider will provide you with a free place to have your own web pages stored. you'll probably have 5-10mb of free storage, which is more than enough to show off your great pulls! who is your provider?
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    I was able to start a blog at blogger.com

    This is cool stuff.

  • Philliessuck.com is a great hosting site.
  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,226 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Philliessuck.com is a great hosting site. >>

    I like YUCSSUC.com much better.
  • Mick65Mick65 Posts: 722 ✭✭✭
    Blow Out Cards is selling a case for $865........is that the best out there right now?
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Blow Out Cards is selling a case for $865........is that the best out there right now? >>

    That's full MSRP
  • parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    well, I picked one up for $670 on a preorder off of ebay earlier this week...but he sold out his 5 cases quick. of course this time i made sure to use a credit card....
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    In this bad economy look for card dealers to try to blow up prices because everyone thinks these products are limited. I have read a few places
    that topps heritage will be limited this year. I will believe that when I see it! No way I would pay 800+ for a case, at that point you are MUCH
    better off buying retail. For all we know, besides the box toppers, they would both be the same!

  • Blowout is selling cases on EBay for $924.

    Everyone knows the reason why. Because so many of us and other people relied upon lrcards to come through with our cases, we have all had to find alternative ways of getting our product. This caused the supply to dry up quickly which in turn caused the remaining dealers to jack up their prices.


    Craig in Texas
  • kmnortonkmnorton Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
    I am so not speaking with you, Nick, until my submission pops!
  • Mick65Mick65 Posts: 722 ✭✭✭
    The difference I noticed (especially in the 2008 Hi Number packs) between retail and hobby was;

    the hobby packs were pretty consistent, middle of the pack was either the SP or insert and one black back at the end.

    The retail just seemed thrown together, many packs had no SP's or inserts but three black backs, etc.

    I never bought retail boxes other than picking them up at walmart (from the display rack).

    The hobby box was consistent as well. Last year, each box had 8 SP's, 6-8 inserts, 24 BB's, 4 chrome.

    Retail just felt like a crap shoot, almost like they packaged them as all the leftovers. It also felt like if you tried to put the set together through just retail, you would end up spending alot more money. (And that's not to say that the relics and auto's aren't in there)

    I like grabbing the retail packs, but if I'm buying boxes, I'd rather grab a hobby box

    Hopefully, some more hobby cases will surface after the initial release date.
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Heritage update was a little different. I can't remember is the odds were different for 08 heritage, but usually they have been the same except retail was
    lacking some of the bigger hits like the cuts.

  • The current Blowout price is simply price gouging at its finest. With the weak auto checklist in this product the price will quickly drop after release, unless there happens to be 6 autos per case. As for a shortage, that isn't happening either, I'm sure LR cards had a ton of pre-orders for this stuff and since he is no longer around all of those cases will be hitting the market from some other source. Blowout does this every year, increases the price the closer it gets to release day, they are just doing it in bigger increments this year.
  • purduepetepurduepete Posts: 791 ✭✭✭
    200 image

    Collecting: Topps 1952-79, Bowman 1952-55, OPC 1965-71, and Pre-War White Sox cards
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