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The OFFICIAL 2009 Topps Heritage Thread



  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,586 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I think the window to pick up 09 heritage for cheap is closed, it is the next major release. If you can wait until after it hits and people will then realize that
    this stuff isn't worth it and prices will fall like they have done every year.

    Kevin >>

    But you'll be late for the trading frenzy here.
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    I always buy some boxes local, sure Ill pay a bit more for them, but it gets my addiction taken care of and puts me in the trading game...and then of course
    comes the retail boxes. I really can' t see this product not take a nose dive a week or so after release.

  • Mick65Mick65 Posts: 722 ✭✭✭
    I saw LR Cards was still receiving positive feedback on ebay as of yesterday
  • ArchStantonArchStanton Posts: 1,182 ✭✭✭
    If anyone is in Central PA, I can probably line you up with a dealer. I think he is still selling cases at $650. I got mine when they were still $625.

    It looks like this is the end for LR cards. I sure hope not.
    Collector of 1976 Topps baseball for some stupid reason.
    Collector of Pittsburgh Pirates cards for a slightly less stupid reason.
    My Pirates Collection
  • I was just on the www.LRcards.com website and everything seemed to be working fine. It stated that my order was still processing. Is it a possibility that the website was just down due to technical difficulties?
  • It is more than just technical difficulties......

    "Due to changes in business conditions we are unable to accept new orders at this time. At this time we are working on filling existing orders or refunding money"

    Craig in Texas
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,586 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My email to him 24 hours ago was read within the first few minutes it was sent, but is still unanswered. Draw from that what you will.
  • On a positive note, I did a little searching on google and found that the shopping center/land where his shop is located has been purchased by walmart and that the current tenants are supposed to be relocated the first of March, so maybe he's just not taking any new orders until they get moved. That still doesn't explain the two unanswered emails (the first one was read), or not answering his phone. Hopefully it all works out.
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    I think topps needs to hook us each up with a case, then we can all do reviews and build our sets that way. We should also get the cards before anyone
    else, even Taiwan!

    Who is with me?
  • That would be awesome!! We already do such a great job in promoting their product without any type of compensation -- they could at least give us a case each! image


    Craig in Texas

  • Who do I need to contact at Topps to get my free case??

    << <i>I think topps needs to hook us each up with a case, then we can all do reviews and build our sets that way. We should also get the cards before anyone
    else, even Taiwan!

    Who is with me? >>

  • Kevin, you have the connection at Topps so just make it happen for us. image
  • Mick65Mick65 Posts: 722 ✭✭✭
    Other than the short prints, has anyone heard if Topps was throwing in other variations?

    It seems like they loaded up with them last year (black back, Target, Wal-Mart, etc.).

    The Ad Panels were ok last year, is Topps going back to that again?

    It would be better if they came up with a different box topper each year.
  • Unfortunately, the ad panels are back and so are the STAMPED originals. Why they stamp these I have not a clue....don't these people realize I am working on a 1960 Topps set??? image


    Craig in Texas
  • Mick65Mick65 Posts: 722 ✭✭✭
    I like the buy back concept, although because you don't have a chance for many, getting a low grade common card does take some of the joy out of it.

    Still l am looking forward to the curves that Topps throw (as long as they don't go over board).

    I see they introduced the "variation" concept in the regular issue 2009 series one-
  • Hey guys,

    I bought 2 cases this year at the $650 mark, one to bust and one for a friend, and it turns out my buddy isn't going to take it. My distributor is kind of a stickler and won't let me change on a preorder.

    Anyway I have a case for $650 plus shipping if anyone is interested. I am on the West coast (CA) and I should be able to ship out either a day before on on release date. Please let me know if anytone is interested.

  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    I think we all anticipate the unknown in heritage. I remember last year guys opening cases and not hitting that much, and then finding out they
    had the Smoltz variation which was worth more than most of the autographs!

    There will be much to do here, someone will be tackling the chrome sets and perhaps even the rarer chrome sets. Someone will put together the
    ad panel checklist and then someone will be working on the short print list.

    Then there is the retail countdown, oh man, that is a busy week, wasting gas driving to walmart and target every night.

    This is the place to be for anything heritage. Payday is Friday and then after that heritage will hit.

    My name is Kevin and I can't say no
  • Jim PM sent, I have a bunch of those for you.


    << <i>Just in case anyone has some of these i'm posting in hopes of wrapping a few of these wants up before 2009 hits.

    2008 black: 150 557x2 655
    2008 hi base: 708x4
    2008 Rookie Performers: 1,2,3,4,7,10,11,12,14,15
    2007 chromes or refractors: 1 2 27 38 39 40 65 71 76 80 84 90 100 104 105 109
    2007 base: 1 3 18 33 42x5 61 99 120x2 160 166x5 170 172 174 187 189 211x4
    251x2 270 301 310 313x8 315 326 331 343 371 382x2 387 395x2 422
    423 448 454 458 463x4 467 468 470 471x3 475 477x2 485 495
    2006 nap: prior, sheffield
    2006 sp: 282 314 331
    2005 sp: 5, 20, 460
    2005 base: 61 (need 3 each gray and white)
    2005 chromes: 46, 90
    2004 double header: 13/14, 19/20, 27/28
    2004 base: 13 66 75 80 (need 3 each)
    2003 nap 8
    2002 base: 337x3 300x6 298x3 91x3 90x3 88x3 85x3 72x3 69x3 52x3 48x3 36x3 33x3 26x3
    2001 base: 101 122 >>

  • Guys, now may be the time to worry about LR Cards, I just noticed he is no longer a registered user on Ebay. I sent him another email today, which he read but still refused to answer. I'll be starting the credit card chargeback process tomorrow.
  • That is a shame! I can not believe this is happening a second year in a row to those like me who went with svu18 last year and lrcards this year. You would think lrcards would be a reputable dealer. I guess these days you just can not trust anyone...

    Craig in Texas
  • ArchStantonArchStanton Posts: 1,182 ✭✭✭
    Did anyone order from svu18 last year and lrcards this year? If so, tell me where you order next year.
    Collector of 1976 Topps baseball for some stupid reason.
    Collector of Pittsburgh Pirates cards for a slightly less stupid reason.
    My Pirates Collection
  • Yes, that was me. I will be sure to let everyone know who I order from next year so you can stay clear!

    Craig in Texas
  • parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    well, I also was nailed last year and this year....last year i did get a refund from svu and then was able to get a case reasonable from my local dealer. looks like i'll be depending on that luck again this year. Larry is really a standup guy and i've bought from him 3 or 4 other times. Times are tough out there all over. I'm sure we'll get our money back , and maybe some of us will get our cards. *hoping*

  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,586 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Last year I was one of the lucky ones (maybe the only one) that actually got his order from svu18. This year I am in the LRCards boat too, but I am not anticipating having that same luck.
  • Mick65Mick65 Posts: 722 ✭✭✭
    I'm still giving Larry the benefit of the doubt.

    I would think that he already has the order in to Topps, and he will want to close out these orders??............I hoping anyway....
  • With him dodging phone calls and emails it is hard to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  • ugh. what a mess!
    your boy Larry has flown the coop and has taken up residence in the Caymans.
  • Start your chargebacks now with LR.Others have been having the same problem with 2009 Topps from him.If you used Paypal they will auto-escalate it to claim.Why don't you guys use someone like Chris at Blowout.He is probrobly the best preorder dealer around.Plus his prices are pretty good IMO.
  • I've ordered from both before with no problems, although traditionally blowout is substantially higher than other places. This time though taking the cheaper route bit me.
  • The last 2 years I have heard you guys complain about Larry and the amount of time it takes to get your product.I pay a little extra for piece of mind.
  • $145?Are you guys buying retail?I never have seen Heritage for more than $20-$30 less than Chris has it.
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,586 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Chris" or Blowout Cards as us small timers call him, had 2009 heritage cases for $770 last time I checked (now removed from the website), as opposed to $625 that I paid to LRCards. Granted that $625 price looks like it wont be honored this year so it's hard to count it, but last year I paid $615 for a case from LR that did show up at my house, and on the release date I might add.

    Blowout Cards 2009 heritage 12 box hobby case for $808.49 currently on eBay
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    The heritage hype is in full swing. Bad time to buy cases right now in my opinion..not for 800+ per

  • I just put my claim through PayPal just in case I never receive my cards from LR Cards.
  • parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    Let me add some additional inside knowledge.

    I have a good connection with a guy who buys direct from one of the big distributors. (Note that topps sells all their product through a handful of big distributors). The heritage allotment to thel disty's was cut this year...Topps seems to have cut production significantly this year from the previous 3 years. To the point that both retail AND hobby were completely sold out from the disty early. Larry, like all dealers, also buys product from one of these disty's.

    I am guessing that Topps also cut the allotment of 2009 cases and maybe Larry got burned by not being able to fulfill all the pre-sales orders. So maybe Larry will be able to fulfill at least some of his orders. This is a guy that has a storefront and has been doing this over 10 years....unlike svu who was just a guy who must have got into something he had no business attempting. Who knows.

    We now know that Topps upped their production in 2006 by 35% over 2005, in anticipation of the large collector interest in the 1957 design. At least that is what topps was thinking. I think 2007 was produced even MORE, with 2008 cut back a little. But i have no firm info on 2007 or 2008, i am only going by the empirical evidence that you can still buy 2007 and 2008 product at basically the same price you could when they were released....maybe even cheaper.

  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Production has never been an issue for heritage. I don't think they will cut 09 either, the card companies are using this "sold out" as a ploy. One of the worst
    products of last year, Upper Deck Stectrum, is already "sold out".

    I would love to see topps cut production without cutting value. I thought 08 update was one of the nicer heritage products based upon value delivered. I
    have felt that topps has given us far less because they know we collect it for the base cards, which cost them almost nothing to produce.

    There is a post ove on the freedom card board about LRC...doesn't look good. I hope you guys get your money back!

  • When I called direct he quoted me $640 shipped for a hobby case.As far as the small timer comment Nick,I am by far a big shot.I just didn't like the fact the you guys are getting screwed.I have ordered from Blowout many times and Chris has always treated me very well.I just thought I would pass on a reliable source to you guys.It is what it is though.
  • For you "small timers" you might want to check out Atlanta Sportscards also.He has wholesale prices for preorders and also runs many sales.But if I am insulting anyone by trying to help direct you guys to alternate reliable sources then let me know and I will stop.
  • I finally spoke with Larry just a few minutes ago, they are out of business. He told me they got upside down on their lines of credit and can't recover, he said that if you recently sent a check for payment those will be returned, he said that he has been on the phone with paypal trying to resolve the chargebacks. I asked if he would be refunding the credit card payments (which is how I paid), and he told me there was also a problem with the bank so that probably would not happen and that I should just file a chargeback with my credit card company. What an awful start to the Heritage season.
  • DavidPuddyDavidPuddy Posts: 3,487 ✭✭✭
    Yikes, that really sucks. I was really close to buying from him about a month ago. Thank goodness I didn't.
    I hope everyone who bought from him gets their money back.
    "The Sipe market is ridiculous right now"
    CDsNuts, 1/9/15
  • I applaud his honesty.You don't often get that with anyone in business.I am sorry you guys are getting the shaft to start you Heritage season.Doran are you working on the panels from High Numbers?If so shoot me a PM.
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭

    << <i>For you "small timers" you might want to check out Atlanta Sportscards also.He has wholesale prices for preorders and also runs many sales.But if I am insulting anyone by trying to help direct you guys to alternate reliable sources then let me know and I will stop.
    Mike >>

    Perhaps he HAD wholesale prices for pre orders...not any more. 749.00 /case

  • If you purchase early you get the same prices LR offers.Whoever stated about the production being cut is right.Dealer orders weren't strong because of the economy so production was slashed.At one point 2009 Topps was wholesaling for almost $70.I am not sure what it is at now but that price is unheard of for regular Topps.
  • parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    Guys, I was able to pickup a case delivered from a 100% fdbk power seller on ebay for $690 delivered. With tax and shipping, my lrcards case was $675, so this is pretty good ... hopefully i'll pick another winner! this time i have paypal guarantee, although i didn't use a cc...i couldn't figure out how to make paypal use a credit card vs. my balance.

    buyers beware!

    - jim
  • parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    Well, for some reason my case purchase was reversed (I assume by the seller), although i see he sold out his other cases listed (he had 5 listed)....so i'm still stuck out in the cold!
  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭
    Count me in as one of the 2008 SVU18, 2009 LRCards guys! Wow, unbelievable. I have no doubt that I'll get the money back eventually, but now I have to figure out what to do about Heritage cards. I've used Blowout many times in the past, but $770 per case is a little too much. Parkerj, the only way to use the credit card with paypal is to withdraw your paypal balance to your bank account before you pay. I've heard there is a way to go back after you have paid for the item and cancel your withdrawal which then puts your paypal funds back into your paypal account, but I've never figured out where that option is. I just play it safe and withdraw my balance before making any decent sized paypal purchases.
  • parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    thanks for the tip,that occurred to me that little trick could work. i'll use that in the future!
  • SidePocketSidePocket Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭
    I never leave a dime in my Paypal balance. But I don't sell, only buy.

    "Molon Labe"

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