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Silver, Gold, Platinum Eagles, Buffalo Issues, Mints Intentions, Historical and current sales data f



  • RichRRichR Posts: 3,858 ✭✭✭✭✭

    A PM conspiracy theory for a Friday afternoon.

    If true...this would be a doozy...missing and/or fake gold bars stuffed with tungsten!

  • apollo14apollo14 Posts: 146 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Purely from an investment standpoint, do you think you get more for your investment dollar
    by spending $650.00 for a 1999-W $5.00 error coin, or $1,000.00 for the $10.00 error coin? >>

    They are both good but go for the quarter at $1,000 in MS-69. >>

    ...many thanks, Eric!
  • If you wonder what is driving spot platinum prices consider this............

  • GritsManGritsMan Posts: 2,599 ✭✭✭
    Yikes! And not just for the platinum. It's crazy of the Chinese to go down the same transportation road (pun intended) that we have. It will make their country a truly unbearable place to live.

    BTW, Eric, saw you quoted in NN. Glad they're going to the source! image
    Winner of the Coveted Devil Award June 8th, 2010
  • I submitted 17 2009-w prf bufss. FS eligible.

    7 came back PRF70 FS

    that ratio seems absurdly low

    ....is it common?
    Singapore & Hong Kong March/April
    Hong kong/Long Beach JUNE Table #838
    Cell: 512.808.3197
    PCGS, NGC, CCE & NCS, CGC, PSA, Auth. Dealer
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    Again I must bring up the 2008-w Buffalo's seem to have run their course, at least for the "initial" period post numbers being "known"

    It certainly is a fantastic run, but many of the coins are showing definite signs of hitting the plateau......some I feel are overpriced at the moment and probably should backup 10-20% from current levels. Examples:

    The 1/2 oz unc is severly overpriced. It is the dog of the set (if we could ever call any of these coins dog's!!) - it is not rare at all.

    The 1/10 oz unc is also overpriced north of $500.

    The 1 oz proof is rediculously priced - raw to FS. All grades. Absolutely nuts. IMO, SELL SELL SELL.

    However, I do think the clear winners of the series are the 1 oz Unc coin, RARE RARE RARE. It is underpriced in all grades EVEN MS69.....guys....dont avoid this coin in MS69.....when it is this rare buy it in any form (save for the one that has been hit with a hammer).

    The 1/4 oz unc is pricey at $1200-$1400, but IMO a buy at $900-$1000. The ARE AVAILABLE WHEN OFFERED on the street (NOT EBAY) at $900 or so (and please, no smart remarks about how you'll buy every one I can find at that price).

    Outside of the Buffalo's - the Eagles. I love the 2008-W $10 1/4 oz Unc. But not at $1200. Not even at $1000. My opinion is that I like them at $850-$900. I know there are some big buyers out there rounding these up, but once they "place" their funds, and move away from the table, these issues tend to drop in price (thin market).

    All of you already know that I have to say something about the 08-W PLATS.

    2008-W plats, especially the 1/4 and the 1/2, both the lowest mintage for their respective denominations, IMO are the buys at the current time.

    The 2008-W $10 (dime) PLAT is a low priced entry to a really fantastic set.

    When bargains cannot be found in the Buffalo "Bubble" you have to look at other series that have truly rare coins with super low mintages.

    IMO, the time is now for the 2008-W Plats.

  • I submitted 3 09 Buffs FS and graded 2 69 1 70. 1 in 3 is close to what you have. It made me wonder a bit after the delay etc. how the coins were handled.
  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 22,677 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Again I must bring up the 2008-w Buffalo's seem to have run their course, at least for the "initial" period post numbers being "known"

    It certainly is a fantastic run, but many of the coins are showing definite signs of hitting the plateau......some I feel are overpriced at the moment and probably should backup 10-20% from current levels.

    I agree with your logic and your analysis, but the Buffs that I logged in this morning are still making new highs or thereabouts.

    You just never know when it'll back off, but the price rise isn't over yet, I think. Close, maybe - but not over yet.
    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • GritsManGritsMan Posts: 2,599 ✭✭✭
    I noticed you didn't mention the fractional proof buffs. Even though these have higher mintages than the uncs, they are just stunning coins. IMO, the beauty of the proofs will outweigh the marginally lower mintages of the uncs, and continue to command higher premiums. At what prices do you like these fractional proofs?
    Winner of the Coveted Devil Award June 8th, 2010
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    jmski52 -

    you are looking at the few new ebay sales making highs.......these buyers tend to be the market chasers, late to the party, and the guys that get inevitably stuck holding the bag as buyers.....

    anyone chasing the buffalo market is probably not going to do well in the short term.

    when you see available coins a shows, b&m stores, vestpocket dealers trying to unload at greysheet.......and those prices are nowhere near ebay, you know you have plateau'd.

    tenths seems to be the most available, quarters are toughest, halves are around as well (there just are soooo many), one ouncers are not seen, unless they are proofs.
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    Grits -

    I still think that 1/4oz proof is stunning.

    If you think about fractional buffs, the tenth is just too small to appreciate the design (but it is a great entry point)

    The quarter is perfect sized, closest to the classic buffalo nickel, to appeal to both modern AND classic collectors......

    The half is almost treated like the middle sister.

    The one ouncer is amazing in proof, but is waaaaaaaayyyy overpriced. IMO, it's no more than a $3500 coin right now and that's for a 70.
  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 22,677 ✭✭✭✭✭
    7/8, I don't dispute what you say. I'm just thinking along the lines of what has happened to the Proof Plats and the Proof AGEs.

    These particular coins seem to have been singled out by the retirement money that is running scared away from the stock market, and I think we're going to be seeing more of this.

    As the baby boomers start to retire, I think that they will be selling stocks, and this will not be a good development for the stock market in general. I'm still thinking that a panic will ensue, and that the most visible Modern Bullion coins will benefit.

    Just musing, here.
    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • HalfStrikeHalfStrike Posts: 2,202 ✭✭✭
    7/8 are you trying to buy back into the gold buffalo coins now, I am not sure what the top is for these coins but i don't think this is it.

    BTW the buy prices i like were the mint issue prices at the end of 2008, I am not chasing these coins but I am not selling either.

    Also i am not sure I follow how the one ounce UNC could be the huge buy and the one ounce proof buffalo could be the big sell.

    The difference is one coin can be skipped for someone doing a yearly set and one can't, that is why I think the proof ounce has done so well.

    Yes I think the ounce UNC buffalo is a great coin and am not selling that either, but if that coin is so great then the 1/4 ounce unc should equally be as great.

    The 1/2 ounce unc is split up into the 8 8 8 sets, and I am not sure many of those sets will be broken up. If anything is overpriced i would say it is the 8 8 8 set but then I see Chinese coins that go for high multiples with much higher mintage than 8800 so maybe the ones buying those don't care about prices.

    The 2008 w plat coins are not guaranteed percentage winners if platinum prices keep rising, we saw the premiums go off the 2006 w unc plats when plat spiked the last time, if plat keeps going up then that would mean the 2008 could join the boat and not do as well perhaps.

    I think the best option was to own then all [as I do] and not worry about what may happen. So we sell the buffalo and buy the plats, I think the buffalo coins appearance wise is nicer than all other coins. I was looking at the 1 ounce gold series and see there are really only three designs to buy, the old Liberty Head design, the Saint Gaudens, old and modern, and then the new buffalo.

    Then think about this, what if the mint back in 1923 had only done one year of the St. Gaudens design in fractionals with mintages under 20,000, what would those be worth today? That is what the mint gave us with those fractional buffalo coins, and i would not go by what the B&M does with these in terms of pricing, I see times on the internet where people post coins purchased from them that could be sold on Ebay for far higher prices. Either they don't want to bother with these coins or don't care to study the market.

  • << <i>guys

    dont avoid the little 1/4 oz 08-W plat unc

    2,481 mintage..........

    while everyone is buffalo insane......this little one is still at very affordable prices...... >>

    What is the current market price for 2008-W Burnished 1/4 Oz. Plats TPG in a 69 holder?
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    Half -

    To your third point - the UNC $50 is the rarest 1oz modern gold minted thus far, at sub 10k coins. The proof is minted to the tune of 2x + as many, is readily available, and carries almost a 2k premium to the unc in "70".

    This makes absolutely no sense at all. The proof is notoriously overpriced. This is a $3500 coin. Not a $5500 coin.

    As for the 1/2 oz'ers - there are far too many. It does not matter if they are in 8 8 8 sets or otherwise, what matters is that they DO EXIST in far too great numbers. This is not a $1500 coin. IMO, it is an $1100 coin.

    The 1/4 unc is a great coin with low numbers, arguably the best coin in the set, however it's priced too high currently. IMO, this is a $900-$950 coin. I did BUY this coin at sub $900 last week from a dealer.

    ANYONE can see the obvious signs of these coins on their plateau - "no bid" auctions closing (high priced auctions that are pushing the envelope), inventory at online sites priced lower than retail ebay pricing sitting unsold, and my observation and purchases at wholesale trading "at greysheet" of many of these coins.

    IMO, if you are loaded up on Buff's, you may want to take some money off the table. The weekend party may be over soon, that's not to say there will be a revival in the longer term, but I believe these coins have run their course in the short term.

    My opinions about the 08-w plats are only positive because these coins HAVEN'T had the run up that all the other 08-W issues have had.

    Where do you look to place money when purchasing coins for some short term appreciation? Certainly not the issues that have run up in value - you look to the VALUE play.

    IMO, that is the 08-W Unc Plats.

  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 22,677 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What is the current market price for 2008-W Burnished 1/4 Oz. Plats TPG in a 69 holder?

    Planchet, the recent ebay numbers have been coming in between $450 and $600 - pretty modest considering the mintage.

    7/8 or HalfStrike might have some other data. PCGS Price Guide says $540.

    I have no doubts that the 1/4 ozer burnished 2008-W will be a keeper.
    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • coolestcoolest Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Again I must bring up the 2008-w Buffalo's seem to have run their course, at least for the "initial" period post numbers being "known"

    It certainly is a fantastic run, but many of the coins are showing definite signs of hitting the plateau......some I feel are overpriced at the moment and probably should backup 10-20% from current levels. Examples:

    The 1/2 oz unc is severly overpriced. It is the dog of the set (if we could ever call any of these coins dog's!!) - it is not rare at all.

    The 1/10 oz unc is also overpriced north of $500.

    The 1 oz proof is rediculously priced - raw to FS. All grades. Absolutely nuts. IMO, SELL SELL SELL.

    However, I do think the clear winners of the series are the 1 oz Unc coin, RARE RARE RARE. It is underpriced in all grades EVEN MS69.....guys....dont avoid this coin in MS69.....when it is this rare buy it in any form (save for the one that has been hit with a hammer).

    The 1/4 oz unc is pricey at $1200-$1400, but IMO a buy at $900-$1000. The ARE AVAILABLE WHEN OFFERED on the street (NOT EBAY) at $900 or so (and please, no smart remarks about how you'll buy every one I can find at that price).

    Outside of the Buffalo's - the Eagles. I love the 2008-W $10 1/4 oz Unc. But not at $1200. Not even at $1000. My opinion is that I like them at $850-$900. I know there are some big buyers out there rounding these up, but once they "place" their funds, and move away from the table, these issues tend to drop in price (thin market).

    All of you already know that I have to say something about the 08-W PLATS.

    2008-W plats, especially the 1/4 and the 1/2, both the lowest mintage for their respective denominations, IMO are the buys at the current time.

    The 2008-W $10 (dime) PLAT is a low priced entry to a really fantastic set.

    When bargains cannot be found in the Buffalo "Bubble" you have to look at other series that have truly rare coins with super low mintages.

    IMO, the time is now for the 2008-W Plats. >>

    I'm going to agree with all you have said with one small change. I am thinking that with the 1oz Proof Buffalo is not in a bubble but in fact

    the collector base for this coin will just vastly out number all other 08-W issues. Just look at the coin! I think that coin will be closer to

    $5000 before leveling off. I know I am out on a limb, but it is just a feeling.
  • HalfStrikeHalfStrike Posts: 2,202 ✭✭✭
    7/8 I am seeing $3500 or so on Ebay for the proof ounce, nothing near $5500. As far as the best buy let us not forget the lowest mintage 1/2 proof buffalo that is selling for around $1300 or so which is half of what the 8 8 8 sets sell for.

    PS You must be seeing First Strike prices, I wouldn't go by those for now.

  • << <i>I'm going to agree with all you have said with one small change. I am thinking that with the 1oz Proof Buffalo is not in a bubble but in fact

    the collector base for this coin will just vastly out number all other 08-W issues. Just look at the coin! I think that coin will be closer to

    $5000 before leveling off. I know I am out on a limb, but it is just a feeling. >>

    I agree with coolest. The market has priced in that the 08-W 1 oz proof is, and likely will remain, the king of the series. Its high premium will remain as long as that sentiment prevails.
    Successful BST transactions: clackamas, goldman86, alohagary, rodzm, bigmarty58, Hyperion, segoja, levinll, dmarks
  • Sorry all, this was a duplicate post which I have eleted. Pleas see my post directly below. -planchet

  • << <i>What is the current market price for 2008-W Burnished 1/4 Oz. Plats TPG in a 69 holder?

    Planchet, the recent ebay numbers have been coming in between $450 and $600 - pretty modest considering the mintage.

    7/8 or HalfStrike might have some other data. PCGS Price Guide says $540.

    I have no doubts that the 1/4 ozer burnished 2008-W will be a keeper. >>

    Thanks jmski52. I question for all. I checked Ebay and was able to find only a single recent sale for a MS-69 2008-W $25 Burnished Unc-W Platinum Eagle. It went for $625 in a PCGS holder. I also found two raw in OMP sales which were both at $750. Lastly, I located (8) PCGS/NGC MS-70 sales ranging $870 to $1199 with the average (mean) price being $992 and the median price I calcumated at $963.

    My question is directed to all. It relates to value. With a MS-69 2008-W Burnished Platinum Eagle selling for about 2/3rds the cost of an MS-70, and raw selling at about 3/4 the cost of an MS-70, which (MS-69, MS-70 or Raw in OMP) do you think would be a better value to acquire right now for long term appreciation? Or, do you think that the 2008-W APE in MS is currently overpriced?

  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    Half -

    We are talking about graded ms70 coins, FS coins had hit highs in the 5500 range, non FS coins werent too far behind.

    Coolest -

    No doubt the 1 oz size has a huge collector base, but at 5000, it is vastly overpriced. It is in a bubble, just dont be holding onto those coins with a cost basis above 4K when it pops.

    Coaster -

    I dont agree that the proof 1 oz'er will be the King in the near future. In fact, I believe the 1 oz unc and 1 oz proof are overdue for an inversion in price. RARITY will win out in the long run. You will be better off taking your profits on those PR70 1 oz'ers and quitely amass those UNC 1 oz'ers.

    You all must be aware of that "fateful" $5K price tag when it comes to many coins.......it is the break off point where many many buyers fall away, and the market gets very very thin.

  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    As far as the 08-W $25 1/4 UNC goes - lowest of the series, lowest of any 1/4 plat,

    IMO, Any of these RAW in the $700-$750 range are a buy

    Guys, these are $1000 coins. They are not priced right relative to their rarity. As opposed to the other 08-w issues where prices have met or exceeded their near term price potential.

  • GritsManGritsMan Posts: 2,599 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>What is the current market price for 2008-W Burnished 1/4 Oz. Plats TPG in a 69 holder?

    Planchet, the recent ebay numbers have been coming in between $450 and $600 - pretty modest considering the mintage.

    7/8 or HalfStrike might have some other data. PCGS Price Guide says $540.

    I have no doubts that the 1/4 ozer burnished 2008-W will be a keeper. >>

    Thanks jmski52. I question for all. I checked Ebay and was able to find only a single recent sale for a MS-69 2008-W $25 Platinum APE. It went for $625 in a PCGS holder. I also found two raw in OMP sales which were both at $750. Lastly, I located (8) PCGS/NGC MS-70 sales ranging $870 to $1199 with the average (mean) price being $992 and the median price I calcumated at $963.

    My question is directed to all. It relates to value. With a MS-69 selling for about 2/3rds the cost of an MS-70, and raw selling at about 3/4 the cost of an MS-70, which (MS-69, MS-70 or Raw in OMP) do you think would be a better value to acquire right now for long term appreciation? Or, do you think that the 2008-W APE in MS is currently overpriced? >>

    Well, you've got to get your terms straight, first of all. APE stands for American Proof Eagle. Therefore, it cannot receive any grade of "MS". The two series we are talking about are 1) the APEs and 2) the Burnished Unc-W Platinum Eagles. The latter is the one you are seeing graded as "MS", while the former will have a "PF" grade.

    Personally, I'd rather have a coin in OGP/OMP than with a grade of 69. I like the coins in their original packaging and, with rare exceptions, you won't find a coin with a lower grade than a 69. I would never shell out extra money for a 70, but that's just me. I know others here can come up with good reasons for buying 70s, but I think that the difference between a 69 and 70 is more about marketing than about the coins.

    Also, in case you're not sure of this already, be aware that there is also the regular bullion series of platinum eagles--a third platinum series. You shouldn't pay any premium for any of these IMO.

    Apologies if you already know all this, but your post indicates some confusion.
    Winner of the Coveted Devil Award June 8th, 2010
  • Gritsman, thans for your comments. I have edited my post to clearify it to reference the 2008 Burnished Unc-W Platinum Eagle. I am interested in whether anyone else has thoughts about the questions raised in my above post. -planchet
  • HalfStrikeHalfStrike Posts: 2,202 ✭✭✭
    I thought APE stood for American Platinum Eagle?

    7/8 I looked back at your post as see no reference to any mention of only the PR70 being overpriced,. Anyway looking at Ebay I see the 1/4 proof buffalo PR70 went for almost $1800 so prices march on. I am not sure people are going to sell these once they own them. There is only one year buffalo fractionals and a gazillion years of the gold eagles, especially the St. Gaudens design.

    The 3 coins set of w gold eagle I like but we will see how this all ends up.

    With platinum a large part of the demand is the auto industry as we know, and technology advances. I am not predicting but only mentioning that it is possible they find an alternative to the use of platinum, palladium in the future and platinum.palladium prices drop substantially.

    This is why I said to spread out the risk in all these coins, it is difficult to call the right coin. How would people feel if platinum crashes someday and they put it all on those coins?

    I am not saying for anyone to sell platinum as I don't see this happening, but i do know some bought gold at the last spike in 1980 and it only took 25 years for those coins to break even again.

    Yes that was for high mintage and we are not talking that here, the best time to buy any of these was at the mint firesale back in 2008 though and to then hold and not sell. To buy today at retail is a more difficult call, and why I say to spread out the chances.
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    Half -

    I dont quite understand your logic?

    Sellers see the price march higher and higher, but they hold?

    Not a chance. Sellers will appear at higher prices, they always do.

    What you are witnessing on EBAY is a relatively thin RETAIL market in this issue. Sometimes I almost think of it as akin to those SKYMALL magazine offerings. I am amazed at who would pay those bubble prices. As a by product of my amazement, my gut says SELL SELL SELL.

    This doesnt mean EBAY is a thin market overall, quite the contrary. But the action in those Buffalo's right now, at the prices you see right now, it appears to be very thin.

    I have focused on the proof 1 oz being priced way too rich, but look at my post for others being pricey as well.

    As for PLATS, I'm not even going to entertain a response to the prices of true rarities being linked to spot price of platinum and its use in automotive industry.........unless you will entertain the buffs being sold at spot gold if the bottom were to fall out.......because thats equally as rediculous.

    The 08-W UNC PLATS is the one issue for 08 that has not reached it's full potential yet - for the short run.

    It is arguably the ONLY one that has not.

    There is tremendous potential in those coins right now.
  • HalfStrikeHalfStrike Posts: 2,202 ✭✭✭
    7/8 if Ebay and the buffalo coins are in such a bubble then it seems the 2008 plats and gold eagles would be along for the ride but so far they aren't.

    Maybe it is the buffalo coin design and the 24K color of the coins, the low mintage and the high demand. As prices rise you would think more would be selling but it doesn't look like more are selling to me. I think many are buying as collectors and not flipping anymore.

    BTW I do think gold prices will rise but will also possibly crash in the future, everyone assumes that the US will spend at huge budget defects forever but I think that may change after the next elections. We will see what happens, but I would not base my trading on MS70 and PR70 coin prices but raw or 69 coin prices, that is what most people will purchase.

  • coolestcoolest Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    One last comment on the 1oz Proof Buffalo.

    Any one who sells theirs now will always be saying..."I used to own one of those"
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    Not when they could buy it back cheaper next year.
  • GritsManGritsMan Posts: 2,599 ✭✭✭
    Ha! You're right, Half-Strike! APE IS American Platinum Eagle. My bad. So forget everything I said--except the part about buying 70s!

    The real question, though, is which 2008 coin do you buy to celebrate the absolute slaughter of the Cowboys by the Vikings today?
    Winner of the Coveted Devil Award June 8th, 2010

  • << <i>Coaster -

    I dont agree that the proof 1 oz'er will be the King in the near future. In fact, I believe the 1 oz unc and 1 oz proof are overdue for an inversion in price. RARITY will win out in the long run. You will be better off taking your profits on those PR70 1 oz'ers and quitely amass those UNC 1 oz'ers. >>

    7/8, it IS the King of the 1 oz proof buffalo series. Look at these numbers.

    2006 246,267
    2007 58,998
    2008 18,863
    2009 43,719* (current sales number, not mintage)

    I think it's fair to say the 2008 is a strong King so far. Unless the sales for the 2010 buffalo shows a downward trend, which won't be known until late 2010/early 2011, I don't see any softening on prices for the 2008.
    Successful BST transactions: clackamas, goldman86, alohagary, rodzm, bigmarty58, Hyperion, segoja, levinll, dmarks
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    I am so GLAD the COWBOYS were slaughtered today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They had it coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    Coaster -

    Read my Post again......

    I was referring to ALL 1 oz size coins...............not just proofs.................

    So unless a proof somes in at sub 10,000 coins in the near future, the 1 oz UNC is the KING and will be priced as such once prices invert from the current lopsided situation....
  • The 1 oz unc is not part of the proof series. If someone is collecting the proof series, they're not going to feel compelled to include the unc in their set. That's why it hasn't taken off like the proof.

    I agree the unc is still a nice coin. But it, and the fractionals, do not have set collectors to drive them.
    Successful BST transactions: clackamas, goldman86, alohagary, rodzm, bigmarty58, Hyperion, segoja, levinll, dmarks
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    Coaster -

    I respectfully disagree with you.

    Yes the proofs are nice and have a big collector base.

    But RARITY.....RARITY.....RARITY sells. The 1 oz UNC is RARER.....hands down.

    There's no place for second best in Numismatics. Semi-Key's never excite anyone.

    You can like the PROOF all you want, but it'll never be KING.
  • GritsManGritsMan Posts: 2,599 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Coaster -

    I respectfully disagree with you.

    Yes the proofs are nice and have a big collector base.

    But RARITY.....RARITY.....RARITY sells. The 1 oz UNC is RARER.....hands down.

    There's no place for second best in Numismatics. Semi-Key's never excite anyone.

    You can like the PROOF all you want, but it'll never be KING. >>

    I used to think this—and believe it is true for most series. With the 2008 buffs and plats, though, I just think that the larger collector base for the proofs just might keep the premiums higher on the proofs. I know that if I had a 1/10-ounce unc buff, I would swap it for a proof in a heartbeat (if I'm remembering correctly that the uncs were much lower mintage)
    Winner of the Coveted Devil Award June 8th, 2010
  • coolestcoolest Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    Any news on the Bald Eagle $5 coins?

    Are they being treated as bullion?
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,784 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Again I must bring up the 2008-w Buffalo's seem to have run their course, at least for the "initial" period post numbers being "known"

    It certainly is a fantastic run, but many of the coins are showing definite signs of hitting the plateau......some I feel are overpriced at the moment and probably should backup 10-20% from current levels. Examples:

    The 1/2 oz unc is severly overpriced. It is the dog of the set (if we could ever call any of these coins dog's!!) - it is not rare at all.

    The 1/10 oz unc is also overpriced north of $500.

    The 1 oz proof is rediculously priced - raw to FS. All grades. Absolutely nuts. IMO, SELL SELL SELL.

    However, I do think the clear winners of the series are the 1 oz Unc coin, RARE RARE RARE. It is underpriced in all grades EVEN MS69.....guys....dont avoid this coin in MS69.....when it is this rare buy it in any form (save for the one that has been hit with a hammer).

    The 1/4 oz unc is pricey at $1200-$1400, but IMO a buy at $900-$1000. The ARE AVAILABLE WHEN OFFERED on the street (NOT EBAY) at $900 or so (and please, no smart remarks about how you'll buy every one I can find at that price).

    Outside of the Buffalo's - the Eagles. I love the 2008-W $10 1/4 oz Unc. But not at $1200. Not even at $1000. My opinion is that I like them at $850-$900. I know there are some big buyers out there rounding these up, but once they "place" their funds, and move away from the table, these issues tend to drop in price (thin market).

    All of you already know that I have to say something about the 08-W PLATS.

    2008-W plats, especially the 1/4 and the 1/2, both the lowest mintage for their respective denominations, IMO are the buys at the current time.

    The 2008-W $10 (dime) PLAT is a low priced entry to a really fantastic set.

    When bargains cannot be found in the Buffalo "Bubble" you have to look at other series that have truly rare coins with super low mintages.

    IMO, the time is now for the 2008-W Plats. >>

    Thanks for the GREAT post 7/8!!
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • HalfStrikeHalfStrike Posts: 2,202 ✭✭✭
    The king of the modern silver commemoratives is not exactly setting the world on fire, there is more to being a king than just being the lowest mintage. Anyway it is always fun to discuss these coins, at least we bought them all when we could at the giveaway mint prices.

    I would not sell gold buffalo coins though, to think they will drop a lot from here is like wishing for a miracle. One more thing the 2008 w gold buffalo coins have is no other gold buffalo coin close to the same mintage like that 2006/2008 w plat UNCs have. However I would not sell those or any of these coins. I think prices will go higher to the end of this year....
  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 22,677 ✭✭✭✭✭
    But the action in those Buffalo's right now, at the prices you see right now, it appears to be very thin.

    I think that the flippers are about done, which means that wysiwyg - what you see is what you get, you will see fewer of the Gold Buffs for sale now, and fewer yet as time goes by. That's not going to hurt the price appreciation potential.

    I checked Ebay and was able to find only a single recent sale for a MS-69 2008-W $25 Burnished Unc-W Platinum Eagle. It went for $625 in a PCGS holder. I also found two raw in OMP sales which were both at $750. Lastly, I located (8) PCGS/NGC MS-70 sales ranging $870 to $1199 with the average (mean) price being $992 and the median price I calcumated at $963.

    Good info, Planchet. I only track live auctions and sometimes I miss a few, but the trend still seems strong to me.

    With a MS-69 2008-W Burnished Platinum Eagle selling for about 2/3rds the cost of an MS-70, and raw selling at about 3/4 the cost of an MS-70, which (MS-69, MS-70 or Raw in OMP) do you think would be a better value to acquire right now for long term appreciation?

    Good question! I'd go with the MS-69 if I were buying an investment. You won't be unhappy with any of them.

    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.

  • << <i>Coaster -

    I respectfully disagree with you.

    Yes the proofs are nice and have a big collector base.

    But RARITY.....RARITY.....RARITY sells. The 1 oz UNC is RARER.....hands down.

    There's no place for second best in Numismatics. Semi-Key's never excite anyone.

    You can like the PROOF all you want, but it'll never be KING. >>

    As someone who holds 2008-W buffs along with proof and unc plats I have no axe to grind but...............

    You are simply wrong.

    Not because I say you are wrong but because 4 years of numismatic history and thousands of sales say you are wrong.

    If rarity alone determined kings then price of 2006 unc plats would have trumped the 2004 proofs and they never came close.

    Some of the 2008-w unc plats are kings of their respective short series but not by much.

    The markets have spoken for 4 years.

    They have consistantly said the unc. W plats are interesting but they have never outpriced the various platinum proof kings.

    Price is a product of supply and demand.

    You can rage on but for now the market has spoken......

    2008-W unc plats.............interesting? Yes

    Low mintages of a generally low mintage 3 year series? Yes

    Highest priced/valued coins from 2008? No
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    2many -

    Time will give you your answer. 4 years is not enough time. Some examples have taken 5-10 years.

    True rarity prevails EVERY time. Tulip bulb crazes come and go. FADS come and go. Rarity stands the test of time.

    Just look at some of the modern commems over the last 15 years. You will see where rarity has stood out.

    It's not the proofs. It's the lower mintage rarer UNC's. Are they as pretty as the proofs - no. Do they have a larger collector base than the proofs - probably not.

    But after a while, collectors realize where the true potential lies.

    I dont want anyone to think im just bashing the proof Buff's or Plats or any proof issue, I think they have a great following, and they look great, but when they take a run up like they have done lately and peak, there is nowhere to go but down. I wouldnt say they will half their pricing, but I would say that 70% of current pricing is not out of the question.

    Nothing goes straight up........

  • 7Jaguars7Jaguars Posts: 7,406 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Uhhhh, that should be an "IMO" statement as there are quite a few examples of rare numismatic items that have tumbled and stayed low. One that comes to mind are the Washingtoniana bits from the 19th C. - who is collecting it. Even so-called classic commems are on average way down (excepting possibly the condition rarities), and have been down with no signs of return. Ditto some of the 19th C. gold bits discussed on these forums with low mintages....Franklin Mint NCLTs (don't laugh) have been gaining steam in some of the HOME countries now with some issues up to 400% and occ. more over issue - tossed that last one in there as it always creates controversy.

    Anyway, I have always tried to get the varieties with the lowest mintages and especially when it comes to gold and plat eagles but that is only because I like to think I have the scarcest and not necessarily because I think they will outperform the proofs; so not hating on the collecting of them since I do myself.
    Love that Milled British (1830-1960)
    Well, just Love coins, period.
  • 7Jaguars7Jaguars Posts: 7,406 ✭✭✭✭✭
    PS - Does anybody know or really care without looking it up the "King" of the Boone commemoratives? IMO,this King stuff is a bit overblown anyway although I would like to have the '04W Proof 1 oz Plat in OGP if I could find the money.
    Love that Milled British (1830-1960)
    Well, just Love coins, period.
  • HalfStrikeHalfStrike Posts: 2,202 ✭✭✭
    Looks like a $5 gold buffalo proof FS PCGS PF70 just sold for $3177 on Ebay.

    That's for the little $5 coin, LOL.

    A Proof Buffalo PCGS PR70 FS 4 coin set went for $13,100.

    Ebay linky

    That is an amazing price, I am speechless for the first time.

    Congrats to everyone that bought and held on to these buffalo coins.image
  • 7over87over8 Posts: 4,733 ✭✭✭
    We are witnessing the peak of the tulip bulb craze,

    when you see sky high rediculous prices for some sets (13k in the latest example) while other EXACT same sets sit idle offered at 10k, something is wrong with this picture.

    same deal a week or so ago when some unc sets in fs peaked at around 11k and exact same type fs 70 unc sets were available for a few thou less did not sell.

    IMO - be careful buying into this craze at anywhere near this level, you may be buried in it for a long long time.
  • I agree the FS open market pricing is nuts.
  • I have one of those little $5.00 gems that I bought for about $200 after Cashback. The only reason I bought it at the time was to spend Cashback money. Should I sell or hold on to it?????????
  • After reading all the Platinum posts I have a somewhat related question. I hope to to buy a 2008-W $25 1/4 Oz. TPG platinum eagle that I saw at a reasonable price. However, I also like the original mint packaging. Any idea where I might be able to purchase the Original Mint Packaging (Mint Box, COA, Capsule etc) for a 2008-W $25 1/4 oz. Platinum Eagle? Please PM. Thanks, Planchet

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