As a Cleveland fan, out of respect, the Yanks played hard tonight. It was a gut clinching good game. If I were a Yankee's fan I would be proud of them for hanging in there like they did. I don't know about anyone else, but my stomach was turning several times. Clemens pitching Sunday is going to be interesting. I think we very well could be looking at a game five. And your right, Arod is due. We'll see what happens. But, good game tonight guys.
<< <i>As a Cleveland fan, out of respect, the Yanks played hard tonight. It was a gut clinching good game. If I were a Yankee's fan I would be proud of them for hanging in there like they did. I don't know about anyone else, but my stomach was turning several times. Clemens pitching Sunday is going to be interesting. I think we very well could be looking at a game five. And your right, Arod is due. We'll see what happens. But, good game tonight guys. >>
We're not used to respectful comments like that around here, but thanks! LOL
Your guys are playing unbelievable. Incredible guts.
<< <i>If you want to look at 2 games and see a streak of some sort, I'd tell you it's apparent you don't have an idea how to interpret stats. >>
What I see is a streak that dates back to the end of 2004. I know that's impossible for you to understand given your limited abilities. >>
And you think that Jeter is 'clutch', yet he has reached base LESS than Arod has in these two games. If you want to base your entire perception of a guy over a span of 33 at bats, well that tells you that you have ZERO ability to understand what makes a great hitter.
Jeter goes 6-30 in the 2004 ALCS, not that different from the 3-35 streak that Arod is currently sitting at in his last 35 at bats....would you call Jeter a 'choker'? Of course not you simpleton.
Please quit trying to extrapolate more than there is to be found in that small a sample size.
By the way:
Damon went 0-5 today, before getting lifted for a pinch FIELDER, he was 1-4 in game 1.
Posada, 0-3 today, 0-4 in game 1.
Cano, 0-4 today, 1-3 in game 1.
NOBODY is batting in NY, it surely isn't JUST Arod you twit.
<< <i>Arod, the quarter billion dollar man is now 4 for 50 in the post season. That's a BA of .080.
You seriously want to debate this >>
If you want to take 50 at bats spread out over 3 years and make some sort of argument over that, I'd tell you that you are a lunatic who has NO idea what the f*** he's talking about.
<< <i>Arod, the quarter billion dollar man is now 4 for 50 in the post season. That's a BA of .080.
You seriously want to debate this >>
If you want to take 50 at bats spread out over 3 years and make some sort of argument over that, I'd tell you that you are a lunatic who has NO idea what the f*** he's talking about. >>
I know Ax, your correct sample size is 1,000 AB's. Something tells me that just isn't going to be seen in the post season.
Ax, you said he carried us all season. Well how about it?
<< <i>Arod, the quarter billion dollar man is now 4 for 50 in the post season. That's a BA of .080.
You seriously want to debate this >>
Barry Bonds was considered a playoff choker until he put up ungodly numbers in 2002.
At some point, I expect A-Rod to do the same. I'm just not sure that the pressure and media hype in NY lends itself to having it happen with the Yankees.
<< <i>Arod, the quarter billion dollar man is now 4 for 50 in the post season. That's a BA of .080.
You seriously want to debate this >>
Barry Bonds was considered a playoff choker until he put up ungodly numbers in 2002.
At some point, I expect A-Rod to do the same. I'm just not sure that the pressure and media hype in NY lends itself to having it happen with the Yankees. >>
Yeah, but I don't want to wait until he's 40 years old sporting a 10 for 100.
He has shown you over the course of 600 at bats that he can carry the team. You are ready to call him a choker. He has a .222 OBP this postseason, twice as good as Jeter's .111 OBP.
If you want to take NINE at bats and call a guy a choker, it's easy to show you have absolutely no idea what the hell you're talking about.
These two games are not about Arod. Except for Abreu the Yankees are a big 0-fer. I'm bringing it up because the troll insists on ragging on Jeter (who at least got a hit tonight) when at the same time he has been ragging that Arod carried the Yankees for the entire season.
<< <i>He has shown you over the course of 600 at bats that he can carry the team. You are ready to call him a choker. He has a .222 OBP this postseason, twice as good as Jeter's .111 OBP.
If you want to take NINE at bats and call a guy a choker, it's easy to show you have absolutely no idea what the hell you're talking about. >>
You're so obsessed about Jeter .
I never called Arod a choker these two games. He's merely post seasonally challenged.
You are obviously mathmatically challenged. You want to take 9 at bats and say they are somehow an indictment of Arod's postseason hitting ability (or lack therof).
God it's so easy swatting you around!
Why do I bring up Jeter? Because you are on his nuts like a cheerleader, showing you how moronic it is to look at a tiny sample size as somehow being indicative of ability.
Like to post here but how do you (stitzen) even get to post here anymore? Arguements for the sake of discussion is fine but u go way over the top. Not even funny anymore.
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. " ~Frank Sinatra
<< <i>Like to post here but how do you (stitzen) even get to post here anymore? Arguements for the sake of discussion is fine but u go way over the top. Not even funny anymore. >>
Obviously an alt, otherwise how would someone who joined april of this year know the backstory?
Yes i know u are axtell etc etc, just wonder why you stay here since you obviously have no useful knowledge for the hobby or for sports information. Must be a lonely life.
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. " ~Frank Sinatra
<< <i>Yes i know u are axtell etc etc, just wonder why you stay here since you obviously have no useful knowledge for the hobby or for sports information. Must be a lonely life. >>
And who are you? Too chicken chit to admit who you are?
Ax I don't know what stats course you have taken but 50 at bats is a pretty good sample size. I have done work for fortune 500 companies that use that sample size for sensory evaluation results to decide what new products to launch. In statistical terms it would be more of a trend but still statistically valid to say that Arod statistically is a different player in the post season than in the regular season. The sample size argument is a straw man attack as you could keep changing what a valid sample size should be to prove your point. Fact is 50 data points is enough to make statistical based judgments and chart trends.
Currently completing the following registry sets: Cardinal HOF's, 1961 Pittsburgh Pirates Team, 1972 Pittsburgh Pirates Team, 1980 Pittsburgh Pirates Team, Bill Mazeroski Master & Basic Sets, Roberto Clemente Master & Basic Sets, Willie Stargell Master & Basic Sets and Terry Bradshaw Basic Set
Apparently Ax you are going to take your ball and go home. After reading the previous posts, yes Arod sucks in the post season. My best friend is a yankees fan but as a team they are not getting it done. Jeter isn't playing well and neither is Arod. If the Yankees lose it will be a team effort.
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. " ~Frank Sinatra
<< <i>Ax I don't know what stats course you have taken but 50 at bats is a pretty good sample size. I have done work for fortune 500 companies that use that sample size for sensory evaluation results to decide what new products to launch. In statistical terms it would be more of a trend but still statistically valid to say that Arod statistically is a different player in the post season than in the regular season. The sample size argument is a straw man attack as you could keep changing what a valid sample size should be to prove your point. Fact is 50 data points is enough to make statistical based judgments and chart trends. >>
50 at bats over the course of three years? Huh? That's a valid sample size? Obviously you have no idea what it means to look at numbers in context. 50 at bats vs 1800 (roughly 3 years worth of at bats) is insignificant.
Go to bed Ax, everyone with a life will still be here tomorrow to reply to your useless comments. I understand the fight but just don't see how anyone can be so misguided. Does it hurt that bad?
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. " ~Frank Sinatra
<< <i>Go to bed Ax, everyone with a life will still be here tomorrow to reply to your useless comments. I understand the fight but just don't see how anyone can be so misguided. Does it hurt that bad? >>
No, actually I find it humorous that people who continue to say 'you have no life' or whatever do nothing but reply to my 'useless comments'.
Just bored. Like to read the boards here. Think you are funny, find it funny that you are still here since you have no useful info for anyone. You like to pick fights, just don't get it. Like i said before must be lonely.
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. " ~Frank Sinatra
<< <i>Just bored. Like to read the boards here. Think you are funny, find it funny that you are still here since you have no useful info for anyone. You like to pick fights, just don't get it. Like i said before must be lonely. >>
And how lonely are you that you're here, under an alias, too chicken chit to post under your real ID?
this is the only id I have here. my set registry is under the same name. have no ulterior motive. just wonder how u can stay on here. look at some pictures on the internet tonite I (like most people here) have a family waiting for them. Trying to decide if i should go be with my wife or trade barbs with you. At this point.......
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. " ~Frank Sinatra
The first game one can chalk up, but the Yankees needed to win tonight. Excellent pitching by Pettitte even though he does not do well against the Indians. I didn't expect Wang to melt down in game 1, but the Yankees are not hitting, bottom line.
The change in scenery of Yankee Stadium will be good for the pinstripes. I can imagine a game 5. Clemens and Mussina can pitch well and are better proven than the Cleveland starters they are going up against. It should be a fun game on Sunday as things are up in the air at this point.
"So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve
<< <i>Ax I don't know what stats course you have taken but 50 at bats is a pretty good sample size. I have done work for fortune 500 companies that use that sample size for sensory evaluation results to decide what new products to launch. In statistical terms it would be more of a trend but still statistically valid to say that Arod statistically is a different player in the post season than in the regular season. The sample size argument is a straw man attack as you could keep changing what a valid sample size should be to prove your point. Fact is 50 data points is enough to make statistical based judgments and chart trends. >>
50 at bats over the course of three years? Huh? That's a valid sample size? Obviously you have no idea what it means to look at numbers in context. 50 at bats vs 1800 (roughly 3 years worth of at bats) is insignificant. >>
It is simply ludicrous to make that sort of comparison because you can't equivocate regular season AB's with post season AB's. In terms of the number of bats you will simply never get a quality comparison. They play 162 games versus 3-19 games during the post season if they're even lucky enough to make the post season. Now multiply that by 3 seasons.
Let me put it a different way. You watch baseball games. How many times have you heard the commentators (most of these guys know a thing or two about the game) say that 10-20 AB's is enough AB's to get an idea how a batter handles a particular pitcher? Well chit if that is good enough for them then 50 AB's is a dam good sample size for a post season.
<< <i> Let me put it a different way. You watch baseball games. How many times have you heard the commentators (most of these guys know a thing or two about the game) say that 10-20 AB's is enough AB's to get an idea how a batter handles a particular pitcher? Well chit if that is good enough for them then 50 AB's is a dam good sample size for a post season. >>
Yes commentators like Joe Morgan and Tim McCarver know *so* much about the game.
These idiots don't know anything about what makes a good batter....the talking heads are worthless.
But go on, believe that Arod is a 'choker' based on 50 at bats, its apparent you want to believe it no matter what happens.
At this rate, you will be half way to 10,000 in less than a year.
Well done.
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
Well, fellow Yankee fans the Yanks have their backs up against the wall. Just goes to show you that how a team did during the regular season series means absolutely didly in the playoffs. The Yankees totally owned the Indians during the regular season going 6-0 and did well against Carmona also. Can't blame it solely on A-Rod as the Indians pitching has been great, but he and the other Yankees have to step up the next 3 games. Until A-Rod comes up big in the playoffs to bring a team to the promised land he will be know as a choker.
"The answer was in the Patriots eyes. Gone were the swagger and c0ck sure smirks, replaced by downcast eyes and heads in hands. For his poise and leadership Eli Manning was named the game's MVP. The 2007 Giants were never perfect nor meant to be. They were fighters, they could be called something else, World Champions."
Ax I am a scientist and use stats every day please feel free tell me what statistical models best fit this type of data as you are still throwing up straw man attacks to get your point across. There is a difference between population (weree you know all the data) and sample statistics (where you know part of the data and make inferences about future trends and what the whole data set would look like). Please let me know what model you would use?
Currently completing the following registry sets: Cardinal HOF's, 1961 Pittsburgh Pirates Team, 1972 Pittsburgh Pirates Team, 1980 Pittsburgh Pirates Team, Bill Mazeroski Master & Basic Sets, Roberto Clemente Master & Basic Sets, Willie Stargell Master & Basic Sets and Terry Bradshaw Basic Set
<< <i>If you want to look at 2 games and see a streak of some sort, I'd tell you it's apparent you don't have an idea how to interpret stats. >>
What I see is a streak that dates back to the end of 2004. I know that's impossible for you to understand given your limited abilities.
Clemens pitching Sunday is going to be interesting. I think we very well could be looking at a game five. And your right, Arod is due. We'll see what happens. But, good game tonight guys.
<< <i>As a Cleveland fan, out of respect, the Yanks played hard tonight. It was a gut clinching good game. If I were a Yankee's fan I would be proud of them for hanging in there like they did. I don't know about anyone else, but my stomach was turning several times.
Clemens pitching Sunday is going to be interesting. I think we very well could be looking at a game five. And your right, Arod is due. We'll see what happens. But, good game tonight guys. >>
We're not used to respectful comments like that around here, but thanks! LOL
Your guys are playing unbelievable. Incredible guts.
<< <i>
<< <i>If you want to look at 2 games and see a streak of some sort, I'd tell you it's apparent you don't have an idea how to interpret stats. >>
What I see is a streak that dates back to the end of 2004. I know that's impossible for you to understand given your limited abilities. >>
And you think that Jeter is 'clutch', yet he has reached base LESS than Arod has in these two games.
If you want to base your entire perception of a guy over a span of 33 at bats, well that tells you that you have ZERO ability to understand what makes a great hitter.
Jeter goes 6-30 in the 2004 ALCS, not that different from the 3-35 streak that Arod is currently sitting at in his last 35 at bats....would you call Jeter a 'choker'? Of course not you simpleton.
Please quit trying to extrapolate more than there is to be found in that small a sample size.
By the way:
Damon went 0-5 today, before getting lifted for a pinch FIELDER, he was 1-4 in game 1.
Posada, 0-3 today, 0-4 in game 1.
Cano, 0-4 today, 1-3 in game 1.
NOBODY is batting in NY, it surely isn't JUST Arod you twit.
You seriously want to debate this
Wow, the Indians had about 12 million chances with RISP and finally cashed one in. Great pitching!
THose bugs really made me itch...
<< <i>And you think that Jeter is 'clutch', yet he has reached base LESS than Arod has in these two games. >>
Way to be fair, troll. Arod was intentionally walked, and at least Jeter got a hit tonight.
<< <i>Arod, the quarter billion dollar man is now 4 for 50 in the post season. That's a BA of .080.
You seriously want to debate this
If you want to take 50 at bats spread out over 3 years and make some sort of argument over that, I'd tell you that you are a lunatic who has NO idea what the f*** he's talking about.
<< <i>
<< <i>Arod, the quarter billion dollar man is now 4 for 50 in the post season. That's a BA of .080.
You seriously want to debate this
If you want to take 50 at bats spread out over 3 years and make some sort of argument over that, I'd tell you that you are a lunatic who has NO idea what the f*** he's talking about. >>
I know Ax, your correct sample size is 1,000 AB's. Something tells me that just isn't going to be seen in the post season.
Ax, you said he carried us all season. Well how about it?
<< <i>Arod, the quarter billion dollar man is now 4 for 50 in the post season. That's a BA of .080.
You seriously want to debate this
Barry Bonds was considered a playoff choker until he put up ungodly numbers in 2002.
At some point, I expect A-Rod to do the same. I'm just not sure that the pressure and media hype in NY lends itself to having it happen with the Yankees.
<< <i>
<< <i>Arod, the quarter billion dollar man is now 4 for 50 in the post season. That's a BA of .080.
You seriously want to debate this
Barry Bonds was considered a playoff choker until he put up ungodly numbers in 2002.
At some point, I expect A-Rod to do the same. I'm just not sure that the pressure and media hype in NY lends itself to having it happen with the Yankees. >>
Yeah, but I don't want to wait until he's 40 years old sporting a 10 for 100.
If you want to take NINE at bats and call a guy a choker, it's easy to show you have absolutely no idea what the hell you're talking about.
<< <i>He has shown you over the course of 600 at bats that he can carry the team. You are ready to call him a choker. He has a .222 OBP this postseason, twice as good as Jeter's .111 OBP.
If you want to take NINE at bats and call a guy a choker, it's easy to show you have absolutely no idea what the hell you're talking about. >>
You're so obsessed about Jeter
I never called Arod a choker these two games. He's merely post seasonally challenged.
You are obviously mathmatically challenged. You want to take 9 at bats and say they are somehow an indictment of Arod's postseason hitting ability (or lack therof).
God it's so easy swatting you around!
Why do I bring up Jeter? Because you are on his nuts like a cheerleader, showing you how moronic it is to look at a tiny sample size as somehow being indicative of ability.
<< <i>Why do I bring up Jeter? Because you are on his nuts like a cheerleader... >>
Ummm...he's not Tim McCarver...
<< <i>You want to take 9 at bats and say they are somehow an indictment of Arod's postseason hitting ability (or lack therof). >>
I referenced 50 AB's you incredible idiot. He is a different batter in the post season.
Ax, seriously, I have destroyed everything you have thrown at me. If you had a brain you would feel humiliated.
<< <i>
I referenced 50 AB's you incredible idiot. He is a different batter in the post season.
50 at bats stretched out over THREE years means absolutely NOTHING.
<< <i>Ax, seriously, I have destroyed everything you have thrown at me. If you had a brain you would feel humiliated. >>
Oh, you slay me.
<< <i>Oh, you slay me. >>
Yep, every single night!
<< <i>Where are all your front runnin buddies? Crying, under their beds, sucking their thumbs?
bwahahahahahahaha >>
That's better. Let'em have it.
wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
going to feel all day. "
~Frank Sinatra
<< <i>Like to post here but how do you (stitzen) even get to post here anymore? Arguements for the sake of discussion is fine but u go way over the top. Not even funny anymore. >>
Obviously an alt, otherwise how would someone who joined april of this year know the backstory?
wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
going to feel all day. "
~Frank Sinatra
<< <i>Yes i know u are axtell etc etc, just wonder why you stay here since you obviously have no useful knowledge for the hobby or for sports information. Must be a lonely life. >>
And who are you? Too chicken chit to admit who you are?
wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
going to feel all day. "
~Frank Sinatra
wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
going to feel all day. "
~Frank Sinatra
<< <i>Ax I don't know what stats course you have taken but 50 at bats is a pretty good sample size. I have done work for fortune 500 companies that use that sample size for sensory evaluation results to decide what new products to launch. In statistical terms it would be more of a trend but still statistically valid to say that Arod statistically is a different player in the post season than in the regular season. The sample size argument is a straw man attack as you could keep changing what a valid sample size should be to prove your point. Fact is 50 data points is enough to make statistical based judgments and chart trends. >>
50 at bats over the course of three years? Huh? That's a valid sample size? Obviously you have no idea what it means to look at numbers in context. 50 at bats vs 1800 (roughly 3 years worth of at bats) is insignificant.
wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
going to feel all day. "
~Frank Sinatra
<< <i>Go to bed Ax, everyone with a life will still be here tomorrow to reply to your useless comments. I understand the fight but just don't see how anyone can be so misguided. Does it hurt that bad? >>
No, actually I find it humorous that people who continue to say 'you have no life' or whatever do nothing but reply to my 'useless comments'.
Who's useless again?
wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
going to feel all day. "
~Frank Sinatra
<< <i>Just bored. Like to read the boards here. Think you are funny, find it funny that you are still here since you have no useful info for anyone. You like to pick fights, just don't get it. Like i said before must be lonely. >>
And how lonely are you that you're here, under an alias, too chicken chit to post under your real ID?
wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
going to feel all day. "
~Frank Sinatra
The first game one can chalk up, but the Yankees needed to win tonight. Excellent pitching by Pettitte even though he does not do well against the Indians. I didn't expect Wang to melt down in game 1, but the Yankees are not hitting, bottom line.
The change in scenery of Yankee Stadium will be good for the pinstripes. I can imagine a game 5. Clemens and Mussina can pitch well and are better proven than the Cleveland starters they are going up against. It should be a fun game on Sunday as things are up in the air at this point.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
<< <i>
<< <i>Ax I don't know what stats course you have taken but 50 at bats is a pretty good sample size. I have done work for fortune 500 companies that use that sample size for sensory evaluation results to decide what new products to launch. In statistical terms it would be more of a trend but still statistically valid to say that Arod statistically is a different player in the post season than in the regular season. The sample size argument is a straw man attack as you could keep changing what a valid sample size should be to prove your point. Fact is 50 data points is enough to make statistical based judgments and chart trends. >>
50 at bats over the course of three years? Huh? That's a valid sample size? Obviously you have no idea what it means to look at numbers in context. 50 at bats vs 1800 (roughly 3 years worth of at bats) is insignificant. >>
It is simply ludicrous to make that sort of comparison because you can't equivocate regular season AB's with post season AB's. In terms of the number of bats you will simply never get a quality comparison. They play 162 games versus 3-19 games during the post season if they're even lucky enough to make the post season. Now multiply that by 3 seasons.
Let me put it a different way. You watch baseball games. How many times have you heard the commentators (most of these guys know a thing or two about the game) say that 10-20 AB's is enough AB's to get an idea how a batter handles a particular pitcher? Well chit if that is good enough for them then 50 AB's is a dam good sample size for a post season.
<< <i>
Let me put it a different way. You watch baseball games. How many times have you heard the commentators (most of these guys know a thing or two about the game) say that 10-20 AB's is enough AB's to get an idea how a batter handles a particular pitcher? Well chit if that is good enough for them then 50 AB's is a dam good sample size for a post season. >>
Yes commentators like Joe Morgan and Tim McCarver know *so* much about the game.
These idiots don't know anything about what makes a good batter....the talking heads are worthless.
But go on, believe that Arod is a 'choker' based on 50 at bats, its apparent you want to believe it no matter what happens.
At this rate, you will be half way to 10,000 in less than a year.
Well done.
There is a HUGE joke in there somewhere
"The answer was in the Patriots eyes. Gone were the swagger and c0ck sure smirks, replaced by downcast eyes and heads in hands. For his poise and leadership Eli Manning was named the game's MVP. The 2007 Giants were never perfect nor meant to be. They were fighters, they could be called something else, World Champions."
<< <i>Yes commentators like Joe Morgan and Tim McCarver know *so* much about the game. >>
I wasn't even thinking about them. I've heard almost every commentator at one time or another mentioning 10-20 AB's as meaningful.
I guess Seattroll doesn't have smart baseball people calling the games
<< <i>These idiots don't know anything about what makes a good batter >>
Yeah and you know more than any of these Ex-Hall of Famers! Hysterical!!