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Cal Ripken Jr. Set Registry



  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Still waiting on several Ripkens that are in CA right now.

    What sucks is, right when I was about to complete the set, and subbed all the cards I needed to complete it, PSA emails me saying "it was brought to their attention" that one of my cards is mislabeled. Then I remember the 1998 Fleer that is actually the 1998 Fleer Vintage '63. We had talked about it in December, but I had completely forgot about it until I got that email. So now, not only do I have to ship my mislabeled card back, but I also have to sub an ACTUAL 1998 Fleer card. Luckily I get a free voucher for my troubles! image
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    They made a mistake on one of my cards as well. The 2002 Donruss I purchased from the PSA Set Guy was entered with some weird subtitle even though it was the base card. Turns out that the card was #8 in the set so they thought it was some special tribute card. Not until recently did they change it to what it should be. So for the last month it was showing in the registry as 1 of 1.

    Pretty satisfied with the way this thread is holding it's ground. There aren't too many player threads that last very long. I think the only one I've seen that is bigger then this one is the Nolan Ryan thread. But considering the inactivity on it we'll soon be surpassing it. I wish that Michael Wynne and Kevin O'Connor would jump in to add their inputs but I don't want to pressure them. Also I'd like to talk to the owner of the Workclothing set. He's put together a huge set over the past few months which I'd put money on cracking the top 5 on the Basic registry very soon. Regardless we hit the 200 milestone which is great in and of itself. Now on to 300!
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, I wish they would weigh in on this forum. We need more participants in here!
  • RogermnjRogermnj Posts: 1,809 ✭✭

    << <i>Yeah, I wish they would weigh in on this forum. We need more participants in here! >>

    Ripken is one of the few players where when i sell a ripken low pop psa 10..it could be one of 6 different high bidders.

    Every other card i sell from every other set i can guess the high bidder with 1-2 guesses 99% of the time.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, I've been buying off of you for a while now. 95% of the time, I'm either buying from you, 4SC, or psa-set-guy. Gotta love the modern high-volume PSA submitters!! My collection thanks you!! image
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Some of the other buyers are abner2bday, big-bob-1336, workclothing, and obviously the big one, holdyoudada.
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    Don't forget me... king_gunner!
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    Get ready. Once my Basic set is around 90% or so I'm planning on expanding to the Master set.

    Trying not too right now because I'll just start buying everything and will never get it finished.

    Gotta Stay Focused!!!
  • Hi! This is Kevin. I'm excited to see a Ripken forum. I followed the Ryan forum for several years. Lots of advanced collectors on there. Anybody got any interesting scans or stories? I just picked up an 85 Jox MSA and will be sending that in. It looks just like the MSA Subway card only it has blue borders and has the Jox brand name on the back. I've been looking for that for years. It seems there are 2 versions of the Subway card. One is blue and the other is yellow. Both are blank backed. I'm sort of wondering if the blue version of the Subway card is actually the Jox card without the brand on the back. Another thing that was kind of annoying me I guess is how people are submitting 83 All-Star cards in panels of 2 and various panels of 4 and getting them graded. Does this kind of thing seem right? They weren't issued that way and now the Master set will have them. They are also doing the same thing with 83 Fleer Stamps. People are submitting rows of them and getting them put into ticket holders. They also submit panels of 2 etc. That doesn't seem right. But that's just me.

    Kevin O'Connor
    I collect PSA cards of the following:
    Billy Ripken
    Cal Ripken, Jr. 1980-2002
    Cal Ripken, Sr.
    Hall of Fame Rookies
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Hey Kevin, it's great to finally see you on here! Your name has been mentioned on here a couple times already. Welcome!!

    I'm almost finished with my Basic Set, then I'll be moving on to the Basic and Collector Issues Set. Of course, when I say "finished", I just mean 100% complete. I still need to upgrade some of the 8s and 9s. I'm already working on the upgrading, by buying raw and subbing them myself.

    I wasn't even aware of the 1985 Jox MSA card, I only knew about the Subway one. I'd love to see a scan!

  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Hey K, do you have this yet? I remembered you were collecting all versions of that card in 10.

    1992 Topps Micro #40 Ripken PSA 10
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Hey K, do you have this yet? I remembered you were collecting all versions of that card in 10.

    1992 Topps Micro #40 Ripken PSA 10 >>

    Yes I have it already. The only ones I don't "have" are the Gold, Gold Winner, and Pre-Production variations. However I have them all sub'd right now. I also have some Blank Back Errors that I found submitted. Just waiting on the pop. I'll keep you posted.

    BTW I'm glad to see Kevin here. Judgeing from the shear size of his collection I think everyone will be able to benefit from his inputs. (Not to mention that the O'Connor collection is right ahead of mine on the Basic registry and a little friendly competition never hurt anyone.) Definitely interested in how long you've been building your set though Kevin.
  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭

    << <i> Another thing that was kind of annoying me I guess is how people are submitting 83 All-Star cards in panels of 2 and various panels of 4 and getting them graded. Does this kind of thing seem right? They weren't issued that way and now the Master set will have them. They are also doing the same thing with 83 Fleer Stamps. People are submitting rows of them and getting them put into ticket holders. They also submit panels of 2 etc. That doesn't seem right. But that's just me.

    Kevin O'Connor >>

    Kevin -- this issue plagues nearly all modern collectors -- and I think that PSA's stance on this, in terms of inclusion into the Master Registry sets is quite frankly, silly. The same issues can be said for the Drake's cards -- which are included in the master sets as singles and panels, for the Box Bottom cards [again, singles or panels]. PSA should, in my view, include all of these as an either/or proposition. There is no incremental value to having nine-different PSA graded versions of the same thing. I would rather have it is one of the possibilities, with different set weightings depending on relative difficulty. For example, a MINT condition Drake Panel is much tougher to find than a MINT condition Drake single card cutout.

    Just my $0.02
    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • Cal Ripken Jersey Card

    For those who may be interested.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Check this out... back in 1989 I mailed Bill Ripken this card to have him sign it, and he did. (side note: mailed Cal Jr. a Topps RC that he didn't sign. He mailed back a stamped post card instead). Well I just won this Cal Sr. card on the bay!! Probably over-paid, but my high bid was 3 times what I won it for. I wanted it. So my goal now is to have Cal Jr. sign HIS 1988 Topps card, and then I'll send all three to PSA to have them slabbed for my collection! How improbable is this quest? I think very, but it's worth a shot!


  • IronmanfanIronmanfan Posts: 5,504 ✭✭✭✭
    did you notice Billy wearing # 56? That picture was taken in Spring Training 1987....Billy teased that he always felt like Lawrence Taylor wearring that #
    Successful dealings with Wcsportscards94558, EagleEyeKid, SamsGirl214, Volver, DwayneDrain, Oaksey25, Griffins, Cardfan07, Etc.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, he didn't wear that number long (or at least it didn't seem like for very long). I liked it when they were 3, 7, and 8. The number 378 is still one of my lucky numbers!
  • IronmanfanIronmanfan Posts: 5,504 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Yeah, he didn't wear that number long (or at least it didn't seem like for very long). I liked it when they were 3, 7, and 8. The number 378 is still one of my lucky numbers! >>

    yes, only in 1987 ST
    Successful dealings with Wcsportscards94558, EagleEyeKid, SamsGirl214, Volver, DwayneDrain, Oaksey25, Griffins, Cardfan07, Etc.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    DANG IT!! Michael Wynne just added another card to his basic set! He just jumped up .05! I'm gonna have to start getting serious now... better upgrade my RCs!

    (I really do enjoy the chase) image
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    Scanned the rest of my Ripkens last night. I'll get'em added tonight when I get off work.
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    Just saw this thread on another forum.


    Gets me pretty pissed when people start going on witch hunts like these. Cal was a great player who did everything right and is completely deserving of his place in Cooperstown. To try and pull him into this whole steroids scandal is an abomination! These people should be ashamed of themselves.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    I think people just post this garbage because they're hurt that their own favorite player was caught juicing. It's just like someone saying, "Hey, I think Lou Gehrig used to boil kittens!"... they're just talking out of their a$$.
  • GDM67GDM67 Posts: 2,526 ✭✭✭✭
    I've been thinking about Cal the last couple of days. He was once tight with Alex. I have to wonder how he feels about all of this.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Dude, I did it! Ranked #1 in the Basic Set

    Finally got my cards back to finish the set! Even though my 1995 Studio and 1997 Select aren't showing up for some reason, I'll get that fixed very soon. Still, for a short time, I'm in first! image

    Stoked isn't the word for it, I've been chasing this golden carrot for a long time now. Michael Wynne will take it back very soon (he deserves it with all those 10s), I know it, but I don't care, I did it, and I'm cool with that! image
  • Oh lord!!!! All he has to do is throw in a few 9's (which we all know he has laying around) and you are knocked right back down!!
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    I know man, I think I mentioned that a couple times already. I'm just saying, I'm happy. I achieved my goal. The guy obviously has the deepest pockets in the Ripken Registry, just let me have my 5 minutes! lol
  • OriolesOrioles Posts: 312 ✭✭✭
    Jeff - congratulations on finishing the set! You've worked hard for a long time..

  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Jim!
  • Jeff,

    I was not aware how vital the cards, that I will soon have in my possession, were to you and your standing in the Ripken collecting community. I have the feeling that a small ransom may be soon to follow.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Jeff,

    I was not aware how vital the cards, that I will soon have in my possession, were to you and your standing in the Ripken collecting community. I have the feeling that a small ransom may be soon to follow. >>

    You Dirty Rat!! (lol)

  • << <i>You Dirty Rat!! (lol) >>

    Ransom price just increased.

    In all cerealness, who really needs two 1988 Score PSA 10 Ripkens?
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Who knows, I already have one, and they seem pretty easy to get (Pop 53).
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭

    I just sat down at my computer and saw the good news! Congrats man! If my subs ever come back with grades on them I'll hook you up with any upgrades. Regardless I know how much this meant to you so enjoy the rank while you can.

  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Adam! I just can't wait until PSA fixes my other two cards so they appear in my set, so it can actually say 100%! I know I won't be in first for long, but it's great to finally have my set completed. I sent in my 1998 Fleer mislabeled slab, along with two standard 1998 Fleer Ripkens, so that formality will be cleared up soon.

    I also FINALLY started my Showcase in the Registry. Check out my sig line!

  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Fixed! They fixed the set so it allowed my last two cards to be entered! The reason why there was a problem was because those two cards have never been graded before. That happened a couple other times when I added a card that was the first one graded of it's kind. 100%!!! image
  • MrVintageMrVintage Posts: 1,027 ✭✭✭
    I am about to have a 1999 Bowman's Best Atomic Refractor BGS 9.5 pop 1 crossed over to PSA. There are currently no PSA 10s on this card. I thought you Ripken guys might go crazy over it!!!!!
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I am about to have a 1999 Bowman's Best Atomic Refractor BGS 9.5 pop 1 crossed over to PSA. There are currently no PSA 10s on this card. I thought you Ripken guys might go crazy over it!!!!! >>

    Actually yeah. Pretty interested in it. Can't wait to see it pop!
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    Jeff PM sent
  • jeffcbay,
    How did you get them to fix your set? I submitted cards for the Master Set through the form they have. They are for cards that are currently in the set but don't have spec numbers for whatever reason. It is supposed to take just one day. How long did it take for you?

    I collect PSA cards of the following:
    Billy Ripken
    Cal Ripken, Jr. 1980-2002
    Cal Ripken, Sr.
    Hall of Fame Rookies
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Hey Kevin, it took less than 12 hours for mine to be fixed. Did you go through that process where you enter the cert number, select the set, and the slot it belongs in? I did that in the Master Set for a 1998 SPx Spectrum, and they never put it in. Still curious about that one.

    EDIT: I would try it again, maybe they don't treat the Master Set with the same priority. *shrugs*
  • what set would more likely be consider for an award? the basic ripken or the basic & collector issue set?
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Basic and Collector Issue Set. I would LOVE it if the Basic Set would be able to earn an award, but I highly doubt it.
  • Hello, just wanted to inquire about some Ripken Cards. I recently joined the Ripken Basic Topps set registry and I'm looking for only 10's(Aren't we all!) Still, it seems like you all are well on your way and maybe have some extra's for sale that I still need. Below is the list of needs for my set. Any help would be great! I'm willing to pay good money for these as I know the pop on most of these is low. Send me a message if you have anything available. Thanks!

    1983 Topps
    1985 Topps
    1987 Topps
    1988 Topps
    1989 Topps
    1990 Topps
    1995 Topps
    1997 Topps
    1998 Topps
    2001 Topps
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Hello, just wanted to inquire about some Ripken Cards. I recently joined the Ripken Basic Topps set registry and I'm looking for only 10's(Aren't we all!) Still, it seems like you all are well on your way and maybe have some extra's for sale that I still need. Below is the list of needs for my set. Any help would be great! I'm willing to pay good money for these as I know the pop on most of these is low. Send me a message if you have anything available. Thanks!

    1983 Topps
    1985 Topps
    1987 Topps
    1988 Topps
    1989 Topps
    1990 Topps
    1995 Topps
    1997 Topps
    1998 Topps
    2001 Topps >>

    I don't have any extras for you but I can give you the figures that you can expect to pay.

    The 83 will cost you around $75-$100. The 87 is about $15-$20. The 97 is about $30-$40. The 98 is about $10-$15. The 2001 goes for around $20.

    Good Luck with the 85, 88, 89, 90, and 95. They don't come up often, and when they do they go for big money. Especially the 85. You'll definitely find yourself in a bidding war til the end. Expect to pay at least $250...

    I think Michael Wynne's 88 is still up on Ebay right now for like $75. I bought mine for like $140, so that might be something you should look into.
  • Thanks for the info. I missed out on one 88 the other day, but there is another up now I believe so I'll consider that one a little bit harder.
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • backbidderbackbidder Posts: 237 ✭✭✭
    I have a 1990 Topps 570 Ripken in PSA 10 available. My preference is to trade for something else I may be looking for. If anyone is interested, send me a PM.
  • SheamasterSheamaster Posts: 542 ✭✭✭
    The 98 is about $10-$15. The 2001 goes for around $20.

    K, I think these prices are low. These are both low population 10s ('98-8, '01-4). The '01 is fairly tough - I would guess that a 2001 would approach or exceed $100 with the number of people collecting Ripkens. Just my 2 cents.
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I have a 1990 Topps 570 Ripken in PSA 10 available. My preference is to trade for something else I may be looking for. If anyone is interested, send me a PM. >>

    PM Sent
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭

    << <i>These are both low population 10s ('98-8, '01-4). The '01 is fairly tough - I would guess that a 2001 would approach or exceed $100 with the number of people collecting Ripkens. >>

    I agree on the '01. I think the last one I saw went for $115 back when it was a POP 2. I just figured it would have dipped a bit by now since the POP has risen a bit.. Although a TON of people just collect the Topps cards which I guess would keep the price high. The 98 on the other hand I'll have to disagree. I bought mine from The PSG for a $15 Buy It Now a while ago. I'm sure if it was up for an open bid that the price would raise to like $40 or so, but that seems to be a trend with all PSA 10's these days anyway.
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