Sounds like you have a great collection. Please check out Feel free to list your best items. It only takes a few minutes.
<< <i>Sounds like you have a great collection. Please check out Feel free to list your best items. It only takes a few minutes. >>
There's probably a better way to tell everyone about your site besides spamming the message board. I won't patronize your site simple because of the way you want about it. Moron.
<< <i>There's probably a better way to tell everyone about your site besides spamming the message board. I won't patronize your site simple because of the way you want about it. >>
I agree. Spamming all the forums is not the way to go about conducting business. If he had simply started his own thread and tossed a quick sales pitch on it I might have at least gone and taken a look at his site. Now forget about it.
I keep asking myself if it's worth buying $400 worth of 1992 Donruss cases just to TRY to get my hands on one of those cards... that's just awesome. Thanks for the scan!!
<< <i>I keep asking myself if it's worth buying $400 worth of 1992 Donruss cases just to TRY to get my hands on one of those cards... that's just awesome. Thanks for the scan!! >>
Having purchased cases of early 1990s product in the past trying to do exactly this -- I would say it's generally not worth it.
I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
Strange, I went to add my 2002 Fleer Tradition to my Basic Set, and it wouldn't take. I sent in a request. I think it's because it's the first card of it's kind that was graded. I had the same problem with my 1995 Select when that one was the first subbed.
I bought it raw on ebay for less than $5.00 shipped. It was the only one that was centered on ebay at the time. You don't see many of these on ebay, but oddly enough there are two out there right now. The one for $0.99 looks pretty good. I'd go after that one if I were you, it looks nicer that the one for $5.99.
Just threw a bid on it. Kinda weary of the black spec on the right side border though. Hopefully it's just the scan or the Top Loader.
I'm submitting a whole bunch of oddball stuff. I'll post the pops. If I see anything that upgrades you or if you'd like any of the others I'd be happy to work a trade. A lot of the stuff I'm about to submit has the pic that was on the 92 Topps card where he is next to Gehrigs plaque in Cooperstown. (ie Gold, Gold Winner, Gold Pre-Production, and Blank Back Errors!) Definitely one of my favorite pics of him. Once I get them all back I planned to submit a post with all the cards with the same pic together.
Yeah, that's also my favorite pic. Unfortunately that's not Gehrig's plaque in Cooperstown (I thought the same thing), that Gehrig's plaque in Yankee Stadium! Several years back I bought a lot of 100 '92 Topps Ripkens, just because! lol
I'd love to see all four of the ones you have though!
I think that black spec you're talking about is just from his scanner. It may help you win that card for cheap though! Good luck!
I guess I don't like the pic anymore now that I know it's from Yankee Stadium... No I'm J/K Even though Gehrig is one of the main reasons for the failure of my Red Sox in the early part of last century I have a lot of respect for him (one of the only Yankees I do) for what he accomplished.
So far I have the Basic Topps and OPC versions in PSA 10. Also I have some 2007 Masterpiece card in PSA 10 that had the pic on it. I looked through my raw collection and found 2 Gold versions that looked pretty good, plus in the past week or so I've bought up all those other versions. Hopefully some of them grade out and I'll have every version of it. Oh and I'm going after that Micro Topps version thats up right now on the Bay. It closes tomorrow so hopefully I don't get trumped by some high roller...
I thought I was bidding enough at $56.78... I guess not!! It ended at $73.88!! There was no bids on it until a few hours before it ended. I'm glad I have one currently at PSA, or I would be more disappointed. I wonder who got it!
<< <i>I thought I was bidding enough at $56.78... I guess not!! It ended at $73.88!! There was no bids on it until a few hours before it ended. I'm glad I have one currently at PSA, or I would be more disappointed. I wonder who got it! >>
I had it on my watch list and was thinking of submitting a bid on it. However I was traveling at the time and never got a bid in on time. But yeah I was definitely shocked by the close price. I've noticed that about all the Ripkens I've been bidding on lately. There won't be any bids until the last couple minutes, then the cards will just sky rocket. I mean I am partially to blame for this since I have been pretty reckless and relentless with my bidding, but now I'm at the point where most of the cards that pop up on Ebay I don't need, so I just sit back and watch the chaos unfold before me.
Since I started my collection almost a year ago I've seen 6 or 7 new sets pop up, and the average PSA 10 price jump about $20 or $30. So hopefully I'll be able to weather the storm and finish things up before the economy gets any worse. I swear, building this set has seriously cleaned me out. I'm glad I have the majority of high priced cards are out of the way though. The biggest financial hurdles I can forsee in the future are the 85 Topps, and the 87 and 88 Leaf cards. Other then that I just have to be patient and put my set together piece by piece. My goal of 60% completion in the first year was attained so I am fairly happy. Plus I've met a lot of other collectors and such which make this equally fun for me.
Crap!! That sucks man... I'm sure you'll find more out there eventually. Just keep an eye on the centering, the '02 Fleer seems to have issues.
Last week I tried for a raw 2001 Topps Heritage, that thing went for $28.99! There's another one out there right now that had a $25.00 BIN, but I put the low bid on it so I can take my chances on the auction part. I always wanted that card in a slab. I need a better scan of it though, it's cropped funny. 2001 Topps Heritage
I just picked this up on the bay for $11.99 shipped. It's PSA/DNA certified. I bought this because I'm putting together a frame for my Dad using either a different Ripken Sr. photo, or one of each of Ripken Sr.'s cards. I'll post a pic the finished product when It's done. I'm excited!
<< <i>Well K, I hope you've been saving your money! There are two sellers that will be keeping us busy this week! >>
Of course this would happen the week that I was planning my ski trip!!!
Oh well I suppose I can dig $100 or $200 from somewhere...
I'm currently watching at about 15 right now. Whether or not I win them all, only time will tell, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed! It would seriously buff up my set. Especially with the Work Clothing Set rapidly climbing the chart!
Just so I don't cost you any money with some unnecessary bidding wars, I cross referenced your set with my watch list, and I noted which cards you need for your set, so I won't be bidding on those cards. Here's what I'll be making an attempt on:
I appreciate it Jeff. I'm going after the: 93 Fleer 94 SP 96 Donruss 96 Finest 96 Studio 98 Upper Deck 00 Stadium Club 01 Upper Deck Hopefully with the addition of those and a few others I have on the way already I'll be able to bridge the gap between me and the O'Connor collection. Also I'd like to put a buffer between me and the Workclothing set because he's putting his collection together rather hastily. I just feel like I've come too far to start heading in the wrong direction now.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
That Hobby Masters is SWEET!! How much would you want for it (PM me)? I can't use any of the cards you posted, but I wish you the best of luck on the bay! Thanks for the offer!
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
I just listed about 15 PSA Cal Ripken Jr. Cards on ebay, including the two that I posted above.
My ebay name is Dboneesq
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Anyone know how they calculate the Current Finest Possible Set Rating of 9.838 for the Ripken Basic Set?
Why is it not 1.00 >>
Welcome to the Boards!
I think you mean 10.0, not 1.00. But you can't have a set with a 10.0 rating if not all cards in the set exist in psa 10. If you look at the Cal basic set, highest possible is 10.0 because all of the cards in the set can exist in one set. If all cards in the set are 10.0, the set average is 10.0.
In the Master set, not all cards exist in psa 10. If a card is only available in 9, you can't possibly have all 10s. That means even if you have 100% of the cards, in the highest available grade, you can't average 10.
I put bids in on a ton of cards recently but only won a couple. Funny thing was that my bids were of $30 on a few of them thinking nobody in their right mind would bid over $20. Fooled me. Oh well whoever it was that spent $90 on 3 late 90's Ripkens can have'em. I have plenty of time and patience.
I really wish that instead of battling it out with bidding wars we could communicate with each other and keep costs down for everyone in these hard economic times... I hope I'm not coming off as an @$$hole here because I am very sincere with what I'm saying. I think all of us Ripken collectors are decent people and could reason with one another better then we are.
<< <i>I put bids in on a ton of cards recently but only won a couple. Funny thing was that my bids were of $30 on a few of them thinking nobody in their right mind would bid over $20. Fooled me. Oh well whoever it was that spent $90 on 3 late 90's Ripkens can have'em. I have plenty of time and patience.
I really wish that instead of battling it out with bidding wars we could communicate with each other and keep costs down for everyone in these hard economic times... I hope I'm not coming off as an @$$hole here because I am very sincere with what I'm saying. I think all of us Ripken collectors are decent people and could reason with one another better then we are. >>
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
<< <i>I put bids in on a ton of cards recently but only won a couple. Funny thing was that my bids were of $30 on a few of them thinking nobody in their right mind would bid over $20. Fooled me. Oh well whoever it was that spent $90 on 3 late 90's Ripkens can have'em. I have plenty of time and patience.
I really wish that instead of battling it out with bidding wars we could communicate with each other and keep costs down for everyone in these hard economic times... I hope I'm not coming off as an @$$hole here because I am very sincere with what I'm saying. I think all of us Ripken collectors are decent people and could reason with one another better then we are. >>
I think this is a fair point, although it's been argued that this strategy is ethically comparable to shilling amongst sellers. In one case you're trying to keep prices artificially low, in the other artifically high. I'm not trying to start an argument, because I don't know where I stand on this (or, for that matter, on the shilling issue), but it is food for thought.
Yeah, the most expensive one I ended up with was $15.50.
Here's what I got (all PSA 10s):
1991 Stadium Club 1993 Studio 1994 Score 1995 Fleer 1997 Donruss 1997 Flair 2000 Upper Deck
The Flair was one I needed, the rest were upgrades. There's a 1996 Finest out there by holdyoudada (Michael Wynne), and that's one that I need, but it has the cover on it, and I want one without it. I have one subbed right now (in the group sub), so I'll let that one ride.
I do wish more Ripken Set Reg people would communicate in here, that would save a bunch of cash!
<< <i>I think this is a fair point, although it's been argued that this strategy is ethically comparable to shilling amongst sellers. In one case you're trying to keep prices artificially low, in the other artificially high. I'm not trying to start an argument, because I don't know where I stand on this (or, for that matter, on the shilling issue), but it is food for thought. >>
I can see that argument, but my response would be, us Ripken guys seem to already spend WAYYYY too much as it is, so we deserve to catch a break now and then. lol
<< <i>I think this is a fair point, although it's been argued that this strategy is ethically comparable to shilling amongst sellers. In one case you're trying to keep prices artificially low, in the other artificially high. I'm not trying to start an argument, because I don't know where I stand on this (or, for that matter, on the shilling issue), but it is food for thought. >>
I can see that argument, but my response would be, us Ripken guys seem to already spend WAYYYY too much as it is, so we deserve to catch a break now and then. lol >>
I can understand where you're coming from, although (speaking here as someone who sells far more graded cards than he buys) I think most set-registry enthusiasts greatly overestimate the profit margin on the sales of modern PSA 10's. When you figure in the time and capital it takes to rip product/buy out collections, sell off the remainders, sleeve and submit cards, scan them, package them and mail them you're easily into a card for $10. In fact, I would defy anyone to try and make over 30K a year selling PSA 10's for $10 each+shipping.
Again- I see both sides of it, and I wouldn't blame anyone for 'making deals' to avoid bidding each other up. I'm just trying to paint the other side of the picture, because believe me when I say that there's no abundance of riches in selling graded cards on Ebay for $10-$15 a pop. Speaking for myself, I just flat out won't submit anything anymore if I don't feel pretty sure I can either a) work a bulk deal for $10-$12 per card, or b) sell it for a minimum of $15. Picking up cards for your set at $10 a whack is great, but don't be surprised if those prices dry up before long, because it's nearly impossible to make any money selling at that price.
I wish I had the money to make a play at it right now but I'm trying to save for a trip to the Cayman Islands in a few months. Spending $20 on a random Ripken from the late 90's is one thing, but dropping a grand on the 82Traded is another...
I'm starting to wonder how long SMR will go before they start asking all of us for inputs on a Ripken article. Compared to other players from roughly the same time frame, Ripken collectors are hands down more active then most others. So I think credit should be given, where credit is due.
They did an article before, I think it was about two years ago. They asked input from the likes of O'Connor and Wynne. I was about 6th on the list at the time, so I was a non-factor. I'm not sure what ever happened to that article, it used to be linked on the registry page.
Just picked up a couple more 10's. I'm slacking on scanning them in though. I guess I'll stop being so lazy and scan'em in this weekend. Hope I remember.
Always looking to buy or trade for Andre the Giant autographs
<< <i>Sounds like you have a great collection. Please check out Feel free to list your best items. It only takes a few minutes. >>
There's probably a better way to tell everyone about your site besides spamming the message board. I won't patronize your site simple because of the way you want about it. Moron.
<< <i>There's probably a better way to tell everyone about your site besides spamming the message board. I won't patronize your site simple because of the way you want about it. >>
I agree. Spamming all the forums is not the way to go about conducting business. If he had simply started his own thread and tossed a quick sales pitch on it I might have at least gone and taken a look at his site. Now forget about it.
<< <i>I know most of you saw this card on ebay but i think a scan belongs in this thread... >>
Easily one of the top Ripken cards in the world... I'm very jealous!
15055674 - MINT 9 - 1998 SPx FINITE 145 CAL RIPKEN JR. RADIANCE (Pop 1 - NONE Higher)
15055675 - NEAR MINT-MINT 8 - 1998 SPx FINITE 145 CAL RIPKEN JR. SPECTRUM (Pop 1 - NONE Higher) 1st Graded
15055676 - MINT 9 - 1998 UD3 65 CAL RIPKEN JR. DIE-CUT (Pop 3 - 1 Higher)
15055677 - GEM MINT 10 - 2002 FLEER TRADITION 2 CAL RIPKEN JR. (Pop 1 - NONE Higher) 1st Graded
<< <i>I keep asking myself if it's worth buying $400 worth of 1992 Donruss cases just to TRY to get my hands on one of those cards... that's just awesome. Thanks for the scan!! >>
Having purchased cases of early 1990s product in the past trying to do exactly this -- I would say it's generally not worth it.
Was wondering. Did you buy it RAW from EBAY or did you buy a BOX and pull it? and how much did it cost?
I Was looking to pick one up so I could submit it with the rest of my cards for the Jan special.
I'm submitting a whole bunch of oddball stuff. I'll post the pops. If I see anything that upgrades you or if you'd like any of the others I'd be happy to work a trade. A lot of the stuff I'm about to submit has the pic that was on the 92 Topps card where he is next to Gehrigs plaque in Cooperstown. (ie Gold, Gold Winner, Gold Pre-Production, and Blank Back Errors!) Definitely one of my favorite pics of him. Once I get them all back I planned to submit a post with all the cards with the same pic together.
I'd love to see all four of the ones you have though!
I think that black spec you're talking about is just from his scanner. It may help you win that card for cheap though! Good luck!
So far I have the Basic Topps and OPC versions in PSA 10. Also I have some 2007 Masterpiece card in PSA 10 that had the pic on it. I looked through my raw collection and found 2 Gold versions that looked pretty good, plus in the past week or so I've bought up all those other versions. Hopefully some of them grade out and I'll have every version of it. Oh and I'm going after that Micro Topps version thats up right now on the Bay. It closes tomorrow so hopefully I don't get trumped by some high roller...
I have some of those Masterpieces too. That was a pleasant surprise when I pulled those!
That's a cool Micro! I won't be trying for it, so good luck to you!
15055674 - MINT 9 - 1998 SPx FINITE 145 CAL RIPKEN JR. RADIANCE (Pop 1 - NONE Higher)
15055675 - NEAR MINT-MINT 8 - 1998 SPx FINITE 145 CAL RIPKEN JR. SPECTRUM (Pop 1 - NONE Higher) 1st Graded
15055676 - MINT 9 - 1998 UD3 65 CAL RIPKEN JR. DIE-CUT (Pop 3 - 1 Higher)
15055677 - GEM MINT 10 - 2002 FLEER TRADITION 2 CAL RIPKEN JR. (Pop 1 - NONE Higher) 1st Graded >>
Here are the scans (disregard the top two):
1996 Finest PSA 10
I thought I was bidding enough at $56.78... I guess not!! It ended at $73.88!! There was no bids on it until a few hours before it ended. I'm glad I have one currently at PSA, or I would be more disappointed. I wonder who got it!
<< <i>I thought I was bidding enough at $56.78... I guess not!! It ended at $73.88!! There was no bids on it until a few hours before it ended. I'm glad I have one currently at PSA, or I would be more disappointed. I wonder who got it! >>
I had it on my watch list and was thinking of submitting a bid on it. However I was traveling at the time and never got a bid in on time. But yeah I was definitely shocked by the close price. I've noticed that about all the Ripkens I've been bidding on lately. There won't be any bids until the last couple minutes, then the cards will just sky rocket. I mean I am partially to blame for this since I have been pretty reckless and relentless with my bidding, but now I'm at the point where most of the cards that pop up on Ebay I don't need, so I just sit back and watch the chaos unfold before me.
Since I started my collection almost a year ago I've seen 6 or 7 new sets pop up, and the average PSA 10 price jump about $20 or $30. So hopefully I'll be able to weather the storm and finish things up before the economy gets any worse. I swear, building this set has seriously cleaned me out. I'm glad I have the majority of high priced cards are out of the way though. The biggest financial hurdles I can forsee in the future are the 85 Topps, and the 87 and 88 Leaf cards. Other then that I just have to be patient and put my set together piece by piece. My goal of 60% completion in the first year was attained so I am fairly happy. Plus I've met a lot of other collectors and such which make this equally fun for me.
<< <i>I think that black spec you're talking about is just from his scanner. >>
The spec was definitely on the card
Last week I tried for a raw 2001 Topps Heritage, that thing went for $28.99! There's another one out there right now that had a $25.00 BIN, but I put the low bid on it so I can take my chances on the auction part. I always wanted that card in a slab. I need a better scan of it though, it's cropped funny. 2001 Topps Heritage
EDIT: I received a scan from the seller:
1991 Topps Desert Shield PSA 10
<< <i>Well K, I hope you've been saving your money! There are two sellers that will be keeping us busy this week! >>
Of course this would happen the week that I was planning my ski trip!!!
Oh well I suppose I can dig $100 or $200 from somewhere...
I'm currently watching at about 15 right now. Whether or not I win them all, only time will tell, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed! It would seriously buff up my set. Especially with the Work Clothing Set rapidly climbing the chart!
1986 Leaf
1991 Stadium Club
1993 Studio
1995 Fleer
1997 Donruss
1997 Flair
1997 Upper Deck
2000 Upper Deck
2001 Ultra
Good luck!!
93 Fleer
94 SP
96 Donruss
96 Finest
96 Studio
98 Upper Deck
00 Stadium Club
01 Upper Deck
Hopefully with the addition of those and a few others I have on the way already I'll be able to bridge the gap between me and the O'Connor collection. Also I'd like to put a buffer between me and the Workclothing set because he's putting his collection together rather hastily. I just feel like I've come too far to start heading in the wrong direction now.
In addition to these two, I have the following:
1984 Topps #490 PSA 10
1986 Donruss #210 PSA 10
1989 Bowman #9 PSA 10
1983 Topps #163 PSA 9
1984 Topps #400 PSA 9
1984 Topps #490 PSA 9
1985 Topps #704 PSA 9
1986 Topps #340 PSA 9
1986 Topps #715 PSA 9
1987 Fleer Glossy #478 PSA 9
1988 Fleer #635 PSA 9
1989 Bowman #9 PSA 9
1992 Topps #40 PSA 9
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
My ebay name is Dboneesq
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Current Finest Possible Set Rating : 09.838
Anyone know how they calculate the Current Finest Possible Set Rating of 9.838
Current Finest Possible Set Rating : 09.838
Anyone know how they calculate the Current Finest Possible Set Rating of 9.838 for the Ripken Basic Set?
Why is it not 1.00
<< <i>Number of Required Items : 176
Current Finest Possible Set Rating : 09.838
Anyone know how they calculate the Current Finest Possible Set Rating of 9.838 for the Ripken Basic Set?
Why is it not 1.00 >>
Welcome to the Boards!
I think you mean 10.0, not 1.00. But you can't have a set with a 10.0 rating if not all cards in the set exist in psa 10. If you look at the Cal basic set, highest possible is 10.0 because all of the cards in the set can exist in one set. If all cards in the set are 10.0, the set average is 10.0.
In the Master set, not all cards exist in psa 10. If a card is only available in 9, you can't possibly have all 10s. That means even if you have 100% of the cards, in the highest available grade, you can't average 10.
One of these days, I WILL be #1... the only question is, how long will it last? My guess... one week. Michael Wynne is the man.
I really wish that instead of battling it out with bidding wars we could communicate with each other and keep costs down for everyone in these hard economic times... I hope I'm not coming off as an @$$hole here because I am very sincere with what I'm saying. I think all of us Ripken collectors are decent people and could reason with one another better then we are.
<< <i>I put bids in on a ton of cards recently but only won a couple. Funny thing was that my bids were of $30 on a few of them thinking nobody in their right mind would bid over $20. Fooled me. Oh well whoever it was that spent $90 on 3 late 90's Ripkens can have'em. I have plenty of time and patience.
I really wish that instead of battling it out with bidding wars we could communicate with each other and keep costs down for everyone in these hard economic times... I hope I'm not coming off as an @$$hole here because I am very sincere with what I'm saying. I think all of us Ripken collectors are decent people and could reason with one another better then we are. >>
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
<< <i>I put bids in on a ton of cards recently but only won a couple. Funny thing was that my bids were of $30 on a few of them thinking nobody in their right mind would bid over $20. Fooled me. Oh well whoever it was that spent $90 on 3 late 90's Ripkens can have'em. I have plenty of time and patience.
I really wish that instead of battling it out with bidding wars we could communicate with each other and keep costs down for everyone in these hard economic times... I hope I'm not coming off as an @$$hole here because I am very sincere with what I'm saying. I think all of us Ripken collectors are decent people and could reason with one another better then we are. >>
I think this is a fair point, although it's been argued that this strategy is ethically comparable to shilling amongst sellers. In one case you're trying to keep prices artificially low, in the other artifically high. I'm not trying to start an argument, because I don't know where I stand on this (or, for that matter, on the shilling issue), but it is food for thought.
Here's what I got (all PSA 10s):
1991 Stadium Club
1993 Studio
1994 Score
1995 Fleer
1997 Donruss
1997 Flair
2000 Upper Deck
The Flair was one I needed, the rest were upgrades. There's a 1996 Finest out there by holdyoudada (Michael Wynne), and that's one that I need, but it has the cover on it, and I want one without it. I have one subbed right now (in the group sub), so I'll let that one ride.
I do wish more Ripken Set Reg people would communicate in here, that would save a bunch of cash!
<< <i>I think this is a fair point, although it's been argued that this strategy is ethically comparable to shilling amongst sellers. In one case you're trying to keep prices artificially low, in the other artificially high. I'm not trying to start an argument, because I don't know where I stand on this (or, for that matter, on the shilling issue), but it is food for thought. >>
I can see that argument, but my response would be, us Ripken guys seem to already spend WAYYYY too much as it is, so we deserve to catch a break now and then. lol
<< <i>
<< <i>I think this is a fair point, although it's been argued that this strategy is ethically comparable to shilling amongst sellers. In one case you're trying to keep prices artificially low, in the other artificially high. I'm not trying to start an argument, because I don't know where I stand on this (or, for that matter, on the shilling issue), but it is food for thought. >>
I can see that argument, but my response would be, us Ripken guys seem to already spend WAYYYY too much as it is, so we deserve to catch a break now and then. lol >>
I can understand where you're coming from, although (speaking here as someone who sells far more graded cards than he buys) I think most set-registry enthusiasts greatly overestimate the profit margin on the sales of modern PSA 10's. When you figure in the time and capital it takes to rip product/buy out collections, sell off the remainders, sleeve and submit cards, scan them, package them and mail them you're easily into a card for $10. In fact, I would defy anyone to try and make over 30K a year selling PSA 10's for $10 each+shipping.
Again- I see both sides of it, and I wouldn't blame anyone for 'making deals' to avoid bidding each other up. I'm just trying to paint the other side of the picture, because believe me when I say that there's no abundance of riches in selling graded cards on Ebay for $10-$15 a pop. Speaking for myself, I just flat out won't submit anything anymore if I don't feel pretty sure I can either a) work a bulk deal for $10-$12 per card, or b) sell it for a minimum of $15. Picking up cards for your set at $10 a whack is great, but don't be surprised if those prices dry up before long, because it's nearly impossible to make any money selling at that price.
1982 Topps Traded PSA 10
Just picked up a couple more 10's. I'm slacking on scanning them in though. I guess I'll stop being so lazy and scan'em in this weekend. Hope I remember.